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  • zazette15
    zazette15 Member Posts: 223
    edited May 2007
    Here's a funny sent to me by my DH, because he knows we like our blew rinks:

    A woman was trying hard to get the catsup to come out of the bottle. During her struggle the phone rang so she asked her four-year-old daughter to answer the phone. "It's the minister, Mommy," the child said to her mother. Then she added, "Mommy can't come to the phone right now. She's hitting the bottle."
  • zazette15
    zazette15 Member Posts: 223
    edited May 2007
    Here's another funny (I hope it's not too risque) this made me ROTFLMAO!

    For his birthday, little Patrick asked for a 10-speed bicycle. His father said, "Son, we'd give you one, but the mortgage on this house is $280,000 & your mother just lost her job. There's no way we can afford it. " The next day the father saw little Patrick heading out the front door with a suitcase. So he asked, "Son, where are you going?" Little Patrick told him, "I was walking past your room last night heard you telling Mom you were pulling out. Then I heard her tell you to wait because she was coming too. And I'll be damned if I'm staying here by myself with a $280,000 mortgage & no bike!"
  • lv2cmp
    lv2cmp Member Posts: 899
    edited May 2007
    Good One Z--I laughed my butt off at the 10 speed bike one.

  • sherloc
    sherloc Member Posts: 893
    edited May 2007
    Whelp the advent of blisters in my throat sent me to the doctors. I do not have poison oak, or chicken pox, or shingles, or measles, or any other pickin disease that causes bumps. I have apparently randomly rolled in or ingested something that I am allergic too. Whatever!!, prednisone in hand. Yehaw!!!

    Susan, so thats why I can't have a dog. The bumm!

    Anne, thank you for your prayers. Just talked to her a bit ago. She is in good spirits and in a morphine pain free fog. Her mother in law lives just down the street from her so will be there to help out when she gets out of the hospital. She has 3 children, the youngest is only 10.
    Thanks also for the reminder. I know he will be ok. But mommy worry is never easily vanquished.
    Any news on your father in law?

    Amy, glad the new baby has a good home. I'll say a prayer he/she thrives.
    Well there you go. Tucker is just a hop skip and a jump away from polo shirts with little alligators on them. Which I have to add my dear 6yo grandson learned to spell today. Found it in the dictionary all by himself.
    Update on hubby. As of ten minutes ago he has decided to go back to work on monday. This news however could change at any time. The man is so fickle.

    Nicki, stay home and get better. Send the man to Home Depot, or in his case he might enjoy a day at Guitar Center even more.
    As for my son. I knew he would be heading there eventually. Just the not knowing that is stressing me out. He will call when he gets aroundtoit.

    Jan, hubby sold one of his bikes yesterday. It was a very sad moment for him as the young man who bought it rode away. Doc is telling him it will be months before he will be able to ride again and possibly might never be able.

    I wanna know how you working girls play on the puter while your at work. That was never one of my perks while I was in the working world.

    Jankay, hugs to you. Always takes me a few days to come back to reality after spending time with my sisters.

    Anne, I love MythBusters.

    Off to scratch my skin away. See you all later.
  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Member Posts: 2,728
    edited May 2007

    Good Evening Everyone: Well this is about the time I usually get home from work. I have had one very boring, bug restful day. I must be better tomorrow - I will go insane if I stay home another day.

    Vickie: That patio sounds interesting, but also sounds like alot of work. Me - I just want to go swimming all summer. That is if we ever open up our pool.

    CY: Despite everything you are going through, it sounds like you are enjoying life too. Thats really what its all about.

    Sheri: I sure didnt like it when I had my bone scan. In a way I wanted it to be relieved, but there were a whole lot of tears before I finially got the all clear. You will do fine tomorrow. Sometimes it just all to scary.

    Amy: I just love the pictures - especially of Mazer. She is so darn cute.

    Z: Thanks for the afternoon laugh.

    Sherloc: Oh my! You are having a big time allergic reaction to something. I hope you can figure out what it is. You dont want to be exposed to that again.

    Jankay: So what did you make for dinner.

    OK - Im so bored that Im looking at the clock and thinking 2 more hours and I can go to sleep. Dang I hate being sick and having to stay at home. I want some coloring books, colorforms, and some hot Liptains Chicken Noodle soup. See ya all later. Gotta find something on the TV that will keep my interest.

    FYI: I found this interesting tidbit while surfing the net all day long. Rosie O'Donnells mother died from breast cancer at the age of 38 when Rosie was only 11 years old. Just thought it was sad.

    See ya in the morning.

  • sherloc
    sherloc Member Posts: 893
    edited May 2007
    Vicki, sounds like a grand plan. You could use one of those fancy cement forms and embed little bits of this and that in it. hmmmmmm now your making me think.

    Cy, good to see your name on my screen. Remember.....DRINK AND PEE!!!

    Sheri, I'll never tell. hahahahha
    I'll be on the carpet tomorrow.

    Amy, awwwwwww

    Z, hahahhahahahhaahhahaahhhaha

    Nicki, I'm racking my brain and can't come up with anything new I've been exposed to. Who the heck knows.
    I'm in line for a bone scan in the next few weeks. Endo says broken rib has to be documented. But I didn't want to do it in Sacramento so told her I would just have onc order it here at my next check up. The perfect opportunity for a nice little nap.

    Hubby making lunch, back later.
  • socallisa
    socallisa Member Posts: 10,184
    edited May 2007
    Guitar Center Sherloc????..I just went to one here..
    Taylor Made Guitars Factory


  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Member Posts: 2,728
    edited May 2007

    Sherloc: I used to take a baby aspirin everyday for years. Never had problems. The poof one day - broke out in hives, lips and throat swelled. Now Im allergic to aspirin. So it doesnt necessarily have to be something new that you were exposed too.

  • newvickie
    newvickie Member Posts: 2,941
    edited May 2007
    evening ladies...only got a minute...still have to water plants as it doesn't look like we are going to get any rain tonight and it is hot hot hot!!
    Checking in a work is a definite perk. We are fairly lax on the internet usage as long as it isn't overused. I rarely ever leave my desk...not even for lunch so I do post here and there when I'm waiting for a program to load or for my computer to quit "thinking". I get so sick of looking at that little hour glass! It's my break time so it's ok. We have only had a few people abuse the privilage so it works out ok. Same goes for long as it isn't offensive, derogatory, etc it's ok. I've sent some pretty risky funnies to our executive director...he loves it. the picture! That was me during chemo all the way! I did order another pool but have to wait 7 to 10 days for it to be delivered to Walmart so I can pick it up. Credit card pool but oh well. Nothing else to do this summer and Nathaniel loves to swim. the pictures.
    Jankay is lookin for a job. Hey can have and MB are gonna give panhandling a try I think.
    CY...Hello and yes...drink and pee LOL. Sending you a hug.
    Z...oh I love the bike funny!
    Shirley girl...sending prayers still for your dear sister. How was your you have pictures? We sure missed you. where could she be? Still cruising maybe? this is getting out of hand...where are you and why aren't you posting. What's it gonna take to bring you out of hiding? You name it and you got it.
    Gina...hope your doing ok...sending you a hug. was your day? I see that Denver got some pretty big hail yesterday! Wow...grape sized hail that accumulated 3 to 4 inches is a lot of hail...did you see any of it?
    Ok...gotta go water the plants but I'll be back...
    Love and hugs to all
  • neesie
    neesie Member Posts: 1,110
    edited April 2008
    My plants are hollering for water too, so I'll type as fast as I can!

    Nicki: Not ready for retirement I see!

    You girls crack me up...........While I was out trying to make a living and getting new stories to all were playing with backhoes, steamrollers, guns and burying men!!
    Nicki: You're so right about working with Oldies......gotta laugh.......with them not at them!

    Pam and Sue: I know you had Onc. appts. today. All okay?

    Marsha: Like AlwaysHope said, Golden Pond should be a good play to test your memory! I think you will do just fine...seriously.

    Sheri: Your Allergies have turned into a nasty cold. We will be with you during your tests tomorrow.....want to see first hand all that SCAR TISSUE that has caused you so much grief.Just remember that I now make passes at Doctor' you have been warned!

    Theresa: Hey, my surgeon isn't to hard on the eyes either! And with his wit I'm sure he would have had a good answer for me!! Kept woman isn't so bad, is it?

    Puppy: You are so welcome....we all love you!

    JanKay: Looking for something to do and sister is getting on your nerves....I say it's time to rearrange some more of your house and give the caregiver some problems!

    Madison: I hope you aren't letting yesterdays post get you down. I refused to even read it. Let it are a proud Military Mom..{{{{Dee}}}}

    Tracey: Hickbonics! Love it!

    Anne: Yoopers! What is it? 'Say yeh to the U.P, eh?' Glad you are doing okay. You've had a hard month. Are you still walking with us? You better!! So glad you like my 'professional' clinical info! Believe it or not, when someone asked about the corn.....I had to research my answer! Oh yes, My clients (some of them) are a hoot! I'm sure I could write a best seller!

    Lisa: You do visit some neat places! I so hope the new med helps you out. I can only imagine how the disabled Marines affected you..How sad.

    MB: Why am I not surprised that you have an Exercise Thread??!! And, did I miss it?!?!

    Amy: Tucker and Grandparents for a week? Boy, will they get an education! Loved the pic's...he'll have a great time, I'm sure.
    Hey, you're right, my pond is still available...bring em over!

    Odalys: How's the long days going? Sounds like your sweet surprise is still bringing smiles to sisters!

    Shokk: You got your little something, huh! Couldn't help it, just jumped out and reminded me of you!!
    You know, you always seem to be able to make logic out of our rambles....Thanks!

    Vickie: Gonna tear off your deck and build a patio! If you can't get Ty to come over and help, I'll mail you my DH for a couple of weeks. He loves to build things and is good to!
    Let me know if you go with the 'tidbits' theme!

    Shirley: Glad your sister is in good spirits and will have help near by when she goes home. Praying for good results for her.
    How hard that has to be, your Son being Deployed and not knowing where he's going. But, be proud!!
    Loving the description of your DH! Wanna be biker dude with tattoo's and ear piercing! And you don't dress him anymore!!

    Jan: You've had a busy week! Glad you were able to somewhat enjoy the camping...better Bike riding in July!

    Z: Your jokes were to cute! Notice the one that you thought might be a little racy was everyones favorite!!

    Cy: Glad you are doing well! Thanks for letting us know you are having Computer Problems...........our posse is getting pretty tired of tracking down all the MIA!

    Gotta go, DH is installing new Handles and drawer thingys in are waiting!

    Night to all!
  • suzfive
    suzfive Member Posts: 126
    edited May 2007
    Good evening ladies,

    It is really hot here. Rained a little bit this afternoon but not nearly enough - didn't see any men - darn.

    Nicki - I know what you mean - next week is my dh last week at work for the summer (he is a prof) - not looking forward to having him around the house all summer. I work out of my house so he thinks I don't work and can do stuff for him. Drives me nuts! I hope the antibiotics are working for you and you feel better. I hate when I get the sinus infection and dizzy feeling - not fun. I also find pulling weeds relaxing -good thing because every time I go outside I find more of them!

    Shirley - that is some kind of allergic reaction - wow - wonder what you are allergic to. Hope the prednisone works quickly. Prayers for your sister too.

    Amy - great pictures. Are you sure your son is only 12 - he looks very grown up. My dd is 14 and is so happy when people think that she is her older sister who is in college. Well if Mazer doesn't like the blew drinks that means more for us doesn't it. After chemo and drinking so much water - just doesn't taste too good anymore. Wow - Hey Jude has really grown.

    Z- too funny. Loved the one about the bike. ROFLMAO!

    Vickie - your patio idea sounds great but lots of work.

    Sheri - we will be right there with you tomorrow holding your hand. Try not to worry (easier said than done, I know). Praying for all to be clear.

    CY - you amaze me with your spirit. Take it easy though and of course drink and pee.

    Cheri - hope you are home and resting so that ankle will heal up quickly.

    Jule - thanks for the smile. You asked about radiation brain - I believe it is more Arimidex brain - I can't remember anything, have trouble with word finding - it is awful - I am constantly asking my 10 year old ds to remind me of things. I take him to the store with me otherwise I would come home without half the things I went for. Sometimes my mind just goes blank and I mean blank nada nada nothing!

    Denise - making passes at the doc are ya. Got a good laugh about the lube job. Your old people stories are great.

    Odalys - glad the job is going well and did you say no chemo brain - I am anxiously awaiting that day.

    Beth - Your poor dh - gave him quite a scare didn't you. Slip him a Xanax poor guy. Hope you don't have Ringo around much longer. Better to keep them in if you have to though. I had mine out after about seven days and then ended up with a doozy of a hematoma that took about four months to get rid of and that was only after PT.

    Tricia - will be right there with you on Saturday. Seems like you waited a long time to get things going and now it is coming up fast. Wishing you fast healing and little pain.

    Well I gotta go and fix something for dinner - not really in the mood to cook though.

    Have a great evening everyone and sweet dreams.
  • newvickie
    newvickie Member Posts: 2,941
    edited May 2007
    an image of what it's doing here now so I have to sign off! Have lost power once and it's just starting to get going!
    darn...just after I waste all that time watering plants too!
    Had a wonderful idea for the patio that I will share with everyone tomorrow...gotta go...yikes.
    love ya all
    Vickie your closet empty
  • Biker54
    Biker54 Member Posts: 1,042
    edited May 2007
    I can't freakin' believe this!!! I just lost a long post! We have been having thunder storms here and I've been having a hard time logging on.

    Lets just say that I am having major family problems and I a very depressed. DS is moving to Florida and his oldest son has big problems. We are thinking Aspergers Syndrome. They are in total denial. And she is a teacher. Go figure! There is much more to the story. Gotta go now, before the storm eats my post again!

    Good night friends!

    Bugs and fishes!
  • neesie
    neesie Member Posts: 1,110
    edited April 2008
    All of you getting storms....careful....

    Nicki/nurses: Help me out if you can, please. Do you have any idea how low a TSH or T4 reading should be before the Dr's decide to do something about it? I've thought for years that I have Thyroid problems, but even though I test on the low side of the range they say it's okay. Example: T4 at 0.80 with a range of 0.50 to 1.64. TSH at 1.64 with the range being 0.34 to 5.60. Thanks!
  • karen1956
    karen1956 Member Posts: 4,604
    edited May 2007
    Good evening CG's - sounds like today has been a hard day for many of the sisters. Sending big hugs from Denver and hoping that tomorrow will be better. I am soooo tired!!!!
    Shirley - hope you figure out what you are allergic to - how scary. Feel good soon.
    Nicki - get well soon. No fun staying home sick.
    Vickie - no hail in my neighborhood, but other parts of town. Loved the dogs better than men - but to be honest, I have a pretty good guy - two of them, as my son is turning into a real mensch at 18.
    Sherndon - feel good and good luck with the tests.
    Jan - sorry you are so down - hugs!!!! Family problems are the pitts -
    Z- you have a beautiful way with words.
    Tracey - I love the "vocab list!!!
    To all the other sisters, too tired tonight to come up with all your names. Please forgive me. Need to go do some cooking for tomorrow night. Hope to check in tomorrow. Hugs to everyone having tests tomorrow. Karen in denver
  • Tricia
    Tricia Member Posts: 103
    edited June 2007
    Good evening,
    Another long day. We drove up to Miami to get preregistered at the hospital. It took 2 1/2 hours! So repetitive! I guess they are just trying to be thorough.
    I am never going to get everything done at work, and so I am just having to let go of wanting everything to be tied up and in perfect order.
    I am too tired to post much tonight, but I want to thank you all for your encouragement.
    I am looking forward to the magic carpet ride. Mazer is the driver? I love it. I hope you don't mind getting up early, we have to be there at 6am Saturday morning!
    I adore you all!
  • sherloc
    sherloc Member Posts: 893
    edited June 2007
    A last check in for the evening. Gonna go play in the chat room for a bit.

    Socal, your pics didn't show up for me, boo hoo. Guitar Center is a chain musical instrument store. Nicki's hubby is a musician so I figured he'd rather spend the day there then home depot. I know there is one in the Chicago area cause we took the kidlet there when he graduated from boot camp.

    Nicki, crap I knew that. hmmmmmmm Only thing I can think of is I forgot to bring my ambien with me on my trip. So I went almost two weeks without it. Crap that will totally suck if I've become allergic to it. Guess I'll wait for the hives to clear up then experiment. Hubby had the same thing happen to him with aspirin a few years ago. Very scary.

    Vicki, the cruise was grand. Had a marvelous time. I have hundreds of pics. Have to sort thru them and will post some on the pic thread soon.

    Denise, I am a proud momma. I swear all I said about hubby is true. The man used to be quite stylish in his younger years. Now it's just sad.

    Suz, wondering myself. Haven't taken the prednisone yet. Hate the stuff. I'll start it tomorrow.

    Jan, hugs to you hon.

    Karen, thanks. I feel fine just itchy. I'll live.

    Cheri, yoo hoo Cheri, I need an update.

    Have a fabulous night ladies.
  • nosurrender
    nosurrender Member Posts: 737
    edited June 2007
    Tricia you can do this! It will be over before you know it. I was gardening, mowing my lawn and wearing a tank top two months to the DAY of my bilateral. Time flies and you will be fine!

    I fear I have lost the wagon train girls. Too much to catch up on and I can't seem to fit anything together.

    Today I had to bring my car in and they give you a loaner car for free. I drive a Mini Cooper. Guess what the loaner car is? A GIGANTIC SUV! I told the guy I was afraid to drive it!

    There were 70 other cars AHEAD of my Mini so they are keeping him overnight. I hate being away from him.

    Between the SUV and my wig, I feel like I joined the witness protection program.

    I hope all of you are well- I am so sorry I am so lost and cannot seem to keep up any longer.

  • CherrylH
    CherrylH Member Posts: 189
    edited June 2007
    Hi Z,
    Loved your jokes, keep them coming. Question: Where did you find the picture of the ballerina? I could swear I saw that illustation in a book I gave my god daughters a couple years ago. I can't for the life of me think of the title now. Have a great evenng.

  • Sandra1957
    Sandra1957 Member Posts: 1,064
    edited June 2007
    Drive by! Wagon circling 'round. Missin' my sisters. Hope you still remember me. Love you girls! All of you!

    GIGANTIC SUV is what I drive, much to Janis' dismay. Love it! No apologies from me. Waited years and years to get out of the mini-van and into the GIGANTIC SUV. Took a dx of BC before my DH would give in and buy me my big white, shiny rimmed GIGANTIC SUV!!! $75.00 to fill her up today. No regrets, no apologies!!

    Love and hard expander fake boob hugs to all!!
  • nosurrender
    nosurrender Member Posts: 737
    edited June 2007
    Hard expander hug back at you!!
    I have nothing against SUVs- but after a Mini Cooper I was afraid I didn't know how to drive it!

    I MISS YOU!!!!

  • Sandra1957
    Sandra1957 Member Posts: 1,064
    edited June 2007
    Hi g!!

    I read your blogs regularly. You are truly gifted, my sis. I miss you too. I have my exchange next week. I am so self-conscious now. Someone tried to hug me today and offer dinner for next week and all I could think of was my "hard" hug. Made me sad.
  • nosurrender
    nosurrender Member Posts: 737
    edited June 2007
    Oh Lini! GOOD LUCK NEXT WEEK!!!!!!

    I don't think the implants are hard are they? Remember these tissue expanders have metal on top of them!

    Please let me know how you are doing. You know I follow everything you do to a T.


  • christineK
    christineK Member Posts: 735
    edited June 2007
    Hi CG's Here I am, after a long weekend at The Lake and trying to get the laundry etc... done. Hey, just fyi, I have a date this weekend. First one since my bf who went thru tx and surgeries have broken up. A lil nervous, he knows nothing about the bc or my diabetes, but I want him to like me first and not feel sorry for me or scared of possible health complications, it's just a date right?

    Vickie- a CG patio? you must be the most committed sister or should be committed. I would love to see your ideas?

    Amy- Thanks for sharing pics, they always make me smile.

    Hey Jan- I am sorry about your family problems and your son. Is there still a chance for you to be at Pinkstock?
    I am hoping for sunny skies for you tomorrow.

    Nicki- Taking a day off work is kinda like a vaca day. You have to work twice as hard when you get back, so it makes no sense, unless it is truly needed. Just bear w/ dh, rest and make you, your priorty at least for a day.

    Z- I have told you before. You are an awesome writer, We would all love to meet you, Are you coming to Pinkstock? You could be the evening's entertainment!

    Tracey - I copied Hickbonics- what a riot, those are some of my friends you are bashing and I am gonna let 'em know.

    Marsha- Hope you had a good girls night. I bet you can remember the lines when needed. Give it a shot ot go improv.

    Gina- Love and hugs to you, I have missed talking with you on line. Hope you are surviving this LAST go round w bc.

    Hey everyone susanmcm and I walking in the survivors procession together at the St Louis RFTC, wish her luck with her new knees.
  • TheShopMama
    TheShopMama Member Posts: 276
    edited June 2007
    Way too late for a long post.... but had a really good day. Guess what? I got PROMOTED!! I am advancing from the every 3 month class to the every 6 month class with my oncologist!! I couldn't believe when I went to set up my next appointment and it is in November!
    I just stepped out on the back deck with my dog Clyde. We listened to the earth crying out for rain. A look at the sky revealed none in sight. Still seriously considering that rain dance.
    I wish I had more time to sit here with you wonderful folks. You are so warm and welcoming. I have laughed and laughed this afternoon. Tomorrow my son and I are going to my brothers house a couple of hours away for nephews graduation on Saturday so I will be MIA for day or so (or a night or so). Keep the fires burning and know I am right there with you and so grateful to be here.
    I am going to hit the sack now. If I dream of front end loaders, shovels, shotguns and On Golden Pond, I will know I have spent too much time here.
    Marsha, when my oldest graduated from high school, he had been initiated into the "Thespians." Most of his work has been in set design and lighting, but he has talent as well. I am enjoying your plays on words and thoughts of you acting. You go.... wouldn't it be fun if we could all go watch Marsha?
    Nicki, thank you for taking off today. I didn't realize pulling weeds was good for a cold, but hey.... you are in a different part of the country from me! Seriously, I know you are drinking plenty of fluids. Just Knock dh out and get some rest.
    Denise, hugs to you. Hugs to all of you.
    Especially my (((((Aunt Puppy))))). Here for you my friend. Keep me posted on results... remember you promised!
    Vickie... did you actually start tearing down yet? I think at least a small circle for your patio would be awesome. Makes me want to have one too. It is a project that could keep growing and growing....kinda like the Energizer bunny going and going.....
    Night to all...... God bless... You are all in my prayers and have been prayed for this evening. Hoping for a good day tomorrow.
  • jankay
    jankay Member Posts: 789
    edited June 2007
    way to go theshopmama agraduation DAY worth celebrating big timw. sherloc and nicki do you remember the jingle i wrote in chatroom?? DRINK AND PEE DRINK AND PEE THAT IS ALL WE HAVE TIME TO DO IS DRINK AND PEE
    Z-LOved your funny. For supper i fixed what i call Yankee chicken pot roast which i changed the recipe for Yankee Pot Roast to Yankee chicken roAST. i didnt have a beef roast so i used chicken. It was good

    good night all
  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Member Posts: 2,728
    edited June 2007

    Good Morning Everyone: Well Im well rested thats for sure. Nothing is gonna keep me away from going to work today. This has been a goofy week. First off Monday, then off yesterday - Im all confused. You all would have been proud of me. Husband put the TV on last night again and I told him its too loud and if he cant sleep maybe he should go watch TV in another room. He didnt. He turned the darn thing off - thank goodness.

    Seems like it was a quiet night here. I think its so bizarre that some places are getting so much rain, and other places none at all. We had a brief shower yesterday, nothing to help my thirsty flowers.

    Denise: OMG even the thought of retirement gives me the heebee geebees.

    Vickie: Hell would have to turn to ice before I took another day off. There is no way I am staying home today. I have an important meeting I am going to with one of our patients. Then will probably take off early. And when I get home, drink some wine.

    Suz: Pulling weeds keep me sane. I just sit out there Indian style and think about so many things. Thats why I say its therapetic. I spent so much time on the computer yesterday, I feel like a day in my life just flew by me.

    Tricia: It still blows my mind that you are having your surgry done on a Saturday. Its scary, yet in other ways, you will feel so relieved. I remember waking up from my anesthesia and the first thing I thought was "the cancer is gone." That was such a relief. Hope there is lots of room in the waiting room to fit all of us. And remember there will be a donkey and racehorse there who seem to get themselves into trouble when they are together. Now of course Im talking about Distorted Humor and Mazer.

    Sherloc: Well I have decided you are just as bad as me when it comes to taking care of ourselves. I cant believe you didnt start taking the prednisone yet. You need to stop the allergic reaction now! Also, just remember - it might not be something new you ingested. Remember when you were short of breath. Im wondering if that is somehow connected to this. You need to treat the problem, but you also need to find out what caused it. Hives are no fun. When I had my allergic reaction to aspirin the hives were so big they just meshed into each other. The itching drove me crazy. Finially had to go to a dermatologist - so I know I wont be taking any aspririn ever again.

    NS: You of all people know the circle can get overwhelming. So many people, so many posts. We dont care if you cant keep up. We just want to hear from you and hear about how you are doing. What chemo are you on. How are you tolerating it. We just miss hearing from you. I think that part of the problem here is you are used to reaching out and helping others. But now its your turn to get some help and support. So dont you ever say you dont belong in the circle! Its your spirit that keeps us all together.

    Lini: Its so good to hear from you. Sure do miss ya around here. You are gonna be so happy when you get your exchange. I have silicone implants. My exchange was exactly one year ago. They are so soft - feel real. When Im in bed and I turn I can feel them move with me just like before bc. I also found the exchange surgery alot easier. My recovery time was unbelievable fast. Went back to work after 4 days. Good luck to you. When you wake up I hope you give your new boobs a good squeeze and have a big smile on your face.

    Lisa: This is so bizarre. Your pictures showed up on my laptop last night, but now Im in my computer room and the pics dont show up here. Anyways - the pictures of the guitar were really cool. My husband would have loved it. But hey, I was in the middle of digging a hole yesterday so I didnt show the pics to him.

    Christine: Oh my, I dont know what I would do if I had to start dating again. I bet your nervous. No reason to tell anything about your health. Just enjoy being out and having fun.

    Pam: Like I said earlier. Pulling weeds is good therapy for me. Love the fact that you dont have to see your onc for 6 months. Thats great.

    Jankay: Drink and Pee! When I first started chemo I was on the chat line all the time and thats probably the best advice I ever got. I spent a little time on the chat yesterday. Forgot about how much fun it can be. Just dont have the time anymore.

    Cheri and Robin: I dont know what is going on with both of you, but being missing in action without at least letting us know you are ok - its wrong. Alot of people here care about you and miss you. To just disappear gives alot of anxiety to many good hearted sisters. Thats all Im gonna say. You are missed - and we are worried - you could let someone let us know that you are at least ok.

    Jan: Alot of emotions going on in your household. Me thinks we both should have some wine tonight. Sorry about all your worries. Your family moving to Florida is stinky. Hoping you grandson is ok.

    Sue/Gus: When Jan mentioned Aspergers I immediately thought of you. Hope you are doing good. Miss seeing you around here.

    Sheri; Hoping your tests go good today. Even though I asked for my bone scan cause of leg pain, I was so scared it would show something. And then we they took extra views I freaked out. Hoping this day goes by fast, the tests get over with, they find everything is all well, and you can move on with your life.

    Well - looks like Im gonna have time to make breakfast before I hit the showers. I ironed my lab coat yesterday and it still looks yucky. Me thinks I will only wear it while Im in the building. When Im out and about Im taking it off.

    Have a wonderful day.

  • newvickie
    newvickie Member Posts: 2,941
    edited June 2007
    Good morning ladies,
    Yeah it's Friday...Nicki...tweakin your toes. Oh NO get to sleep in and take another day off! We will plot and conspire again today LOL.
    Gina...hugs to you. We miss you too and it's ok if you feel a little lost. We don't care if you read and try to keep up or not, just as long as you are here.
    Lini...sure missed you! Thanks for popping in...wanna pull up a chair and vacation for a bit with us. We will do our best to keep you laughing.
    Pam...congratulations and good for you! We've been needing rain too and it looks like thunderstorms for the next three days.
    Christine...I guess I probably should be committed. I just liked the idea of all the girls that are here that I care very much about being part of my crazy project. I love the sidewalk that I built with Nathaniel and the colorful rocks he found to put in it. It brings back great memories.
    Three kittens goin to work with me today and off to new homes so I gotta run and get ready.
    Have a wonderful day all and pick me up for the magic carpet ride.
    Love and hugs
  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Member Posts: 2,728
    edited June 2007
    Vickie: Beat ya by a tweak

  • jankay
    jankay Member Posts: 789
    edited June 2007
    did you forget about me
    i am here i didnt feel any tweaking on my t oes!!!!!!!!!!!!!