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  • shokk
    shokk Member Posts: 790
    edited May 2007

    I think I would get Ty Pennington over to help you.......oh yea.........

  • newvickie
    newvickie Member Posts: 2,941
    edited May 2007
  • lv2cmp
    lv2cmp Member Posts: 899
    edited May 2007
    I got out the binoculars and I saw a backhoe getting close to Nicki's house. We could go put him in the pond and adrionnas house cause she didnt get thrown in it when the hubby got the credit card bill so might as well make good use out of it.

  • shokk
    shokk Member Posts: 790
    edited May 2007

    #10 is my favorite.......

  • shokk
    shokk Member Posts: 790
    edited May 2007

    Wow Amy has got a plan........(guys we're just kidding).....(where are the keys to the backhoe?)

  • sherloc
    sherloc Member Posts: 893
    edited May 2007
    Good Morning Lovely Ladies. Can we say ITCHY!!! I hate poison oak.

    Yippee for Miriams last day of school. That was always my favorite day of the year.

    Jas, a cruise it was. Maybe they are importing the nasty stuff onto the boats these days? Honestly I haven't a clue where I picked it up. Haven't been rolling in any shrubbery or anything. I'm baffled.

    Z, lovely words as usual.

    Vicki, it mostly turns into a bad case whenever I get it. Usually end up on prednisone. No new spots this morning tho so maybe I'm good to go. Won't take a shower today, hopefully it won't spread any further. From the first spot on my arm yesterday afternoon it has spread to both arms, both legs, face and neck.

    Theresa, I was 98% er+ and my onc approved the estring for me. Haven't tried it tho so can't tell you if it works or not. Thinking about asking for it at appt next week.

    Nicki, I am glad you have spoken to your doctor and have antibiotics. Sinus and ear infections are for the birds. You have my sympathy whether your looking for it or not. I'll even come whip your hubby with a wet noodle if you want me to. Hint hint, lock the bedroom door and don't let him in for the rest of the day.

    Sheri, hope your feeling better soon too.

    Marsha, hugs to you. You'll get "it" back. Pouting is allowed for a time.

    Jas, hahahhahahaha

    Madison, whats wrong?

    Tracey, Huh?

    Socal, hope the Lyrica works for you. I'll keep all appendages crossed.
    My son deployed last week. When I spoke with him before we left he said they were just going on a two week jaunt. But watching the news I'm fearing he is headed for the Persian Gulf. Hopefully he will be able to call and check in soon.

    MB, desitin? hmmmm haven't heard that one. Thanks for the tip.

    Amy, I promise I won't even glance your way with both eyes closed. I see Khakis and Polo shirts in Tuckers future.
    Kinda funny story. Hubby dear is a wanna be biker dude. Earrings, tattoos, cut off tshirts, the works. When we went on our first cruise a couple of years ago I told him he was not allowed to wear anything black, made of leather or containing chains. I packed all his clothes and dressed him like I thought a tourist should dress. Poor boy was miserable but played along anyway. O hell, can't remember what the punch line was??? hmmm Anywhos, now I just let him be him. He looks like crap but o well.

    Vicki, excellent plan. I live in flat rock central (for lack of the correct rock name). You can come dig up as many as you need. They make for great flooring.
    My tip, stretch BEFORE you start digging, aspirin after.

    Nicki, the shotgun would be easier.

    Gotta go water my wanna be flowers and start on the massive pile of laundry. Aaaaa its good to be home.
  • jankay
    jankay Member Posts: 789
    edited May 2007


  • sherloc
    sherloc Member Posts: 893
    edited May 2007
    Well shoot howdy. A whole new page. Geez I didn't think I took that long.

    that is just to pickin funny.

    OK Nicki, Jas is on look out duty, Vicki has a plan and and shells, Shokk has the shotgun, Amys got the binoculars and is sitting in the tree opposite Jas, I'll help you dig.

    PS, send Ty to my house when your done with him.
  • susanmcm
    susanmcm Member Posts: 699
    edited May 2007

    Vicki yes dogs are better than men. My husband has accused me of liking the dog better than him and in the next breath said "yea, she's nicer to you than i am, huh!". So they even know it. Girls if your husband doesn't want you to get a dog that's why.

  • ArmyNavyMom
    ArmyNavyMom Member Posts: 134
    edited May 2007
    Here she is, back at work and not doing anything that resembles what she’s supposed to be doing. I am SO bad.

    Marsha – When I read your post I knew what you meant, and I bet everyone else did too. It’s easy not to take it wrong when you know we don’t talk to each other like that on this thread. IMHO – Try out for Golden Pond, and do your best. This may be the performance where your fellow actors help you with a line here or there!

    Shokk – While you have the 6 shooter out, would you get the gnat that’s been in my office for the past couple days? I’d get out my favorite weapon (an M16) but I’d blow big holes in the walls with it.

    Denise – I appreciate all the wonderful clinical info you share. I must be odd, but I never look at it that hard to see if all the corn’s digested! I loved the story about your client so much, I shared it with my DB and DH.

    Jankay – I love the list of things to say at work. So many would definitely not be PC for me, but I can think them really loud.

    Shirley – So sorry to hear about your sister. Hoping and praying for her and her docs and you. Praying for your son and all aboard his ship. Keep telling yourself, they have all those other ships out there to protect the carriers. Re: poison Oak – my DB can get Poison Ivy just from walking near it. I am not allergic to it at all. Go figure.

    Beth – I’m so glad you’re okay. Please try to sit down before you fall down from here on out. Sorry you have to keep Ringo. Take a marker and draw hair and a nose on the little bulb part. Then it’ll at least look the part. I was stationed on a Naval base for a while that had a SEAL team. I LOVED to watch them running by… <Wiping off the drool>

    Sue – Stay safe coming and going from Houston (and while you are there, too). So sorry about your DHs cousin. Strokes stink as much as cancer.

    AlwaysHope – I think they are passing out those “drive like an idiot” pills here in Detroit too. Or, as my DHs drill sergeant used to put it, they are putting PDA in the water. (PDA is Powdered Dumb A--)

    Nicki – I’m glad you called your doctor, and a day off resting sounds good, too. I have a new hair stylist – my adoptee cat, Buster. I’m still not quite used to them so when he came walking up the bed about 3 AM it woke me up a little. The next thing I knew he was laying on the pillow, sort of wrapped around my head, licking my hair. I had a great cow lick, or maybe that’s cat lick in the morning. But he was purring like a buzz saw, so I guess he likes me.

    Denise – I’m not positive what that phrase means, but yes, I think you made a pass at your gyn.

    Madison – I got your back. I learned that in basic – one must always have a buddy in a foxhole.

    Tracey – You mean Yooper (as in Upper Michigan) and Southern aren’t languages? Drat, now I’ve got to revise my resume…

    Lisa – Oohhh. I think I have a new favorite quote.

    Okay, I have puddled away enough time. Time to start behaving like a (semi) valuable employee.

    Hugs to all,
  • Madison
    Madison Member Posts: 859
    edited May 2007

    Sue, I sent you a PM...if you come through my area on your way from Fla to Houston on the me...I'll treat you to lunch (or dinner)....Madison

  • Madison
    Madison Member Posts: 859
    edited May 2007
    Anne, thanks for being my foxhole buddy...
    I normally take a lickin and keep on tickin...or just keep on truckin.....this is a little harder.
  • shokk
    shokk Member Posts: 790
    edited May 2007

    ((((((Madison))))) I would climb into my foxhole with you but mine is full of water.......Guys I just got the cutest little gift from has to do with tornadoes....Denise you are the best......I'm going to "hang" it from my rearview mirror.....I'm so glad ya'll are my friends.........bbl.......daughter gets out of school today at 1:30......running home for lunch and then will pick her up......can't wait to show her what Denise sent me.....she doesn't think ya'll are real....ha......

  • lv2cmp
    lv2cmp Member Posts: 899
    edited May 2007
    Madison, thats a timex watch thing isnt it? I sure hate to see you having a rough time. Want me to send hey jude out to keep you busy?

    We had a new baby yesterday. SO got home and Jackson the jack russell was proud of his catch. He had a baby bird not completely feathered. Well out with the rehab books we go and boiling an egg and mixing it up with milk. We took a shoe box and made it a nest and fed away with a syringe. SO took it with her this morning cause she is in a teaching meeting thing and could take care of it. She walked in and said ok where are the science teachers? One spoke up and asked if she could have it cause her daughter is a zoology major and they have several they are rehabing and she loves doing it. She said they had egg and goat milk soap all mixed up already and she would run it home to her daughter to get to work on the poor thing. Phewwwww,,what a relief. Hopefully the little wren will make it and at least we know its in great hands.

    Aww never a dull moment on the farm.

  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Member Posts: 2,728
    edited May 2007

    Oh my you all are just too funny. I pulled weeds around my above ground pool which hasnt been opened yet! Yes I could easily dig a hole, plant new flowers and no one would know - well except for all of you.

    I was sitting outside crossed legged, Indian style - which isnt easy at my age, but for some crazy reason is my most comfortable position. Im sitting there sweating and huffing and puffing - gonna blow the house down. Anyways, I thought to myself how silly I am. I should be in the house and just relaxing. Seems like I dont know how to do that - relax I mean.

    So now Im inside, sitting Indian style on my bed with my laptop and you all just made me laugh so hard. My boss gave me permission to take off tomorrow and I thought heck no - this staying home stuff can be dangerous.

    Tracey: Somehow I missed you post this morning. Just too funny.

    #3 is my favorite today.

    Shokk: Just look real close. Im standing here with an evil look in my eyes dangling those keys to the back hoe.


    Sherloc: On a more serious note. Gosh I bet your worried about your son. And Im hoping it is just a 2 weeks tour.

    Madison: I dont know whats wrong, but I sure dont like to see you upset. Your one special person. If you need help crawling out of a black hole, I got ya.


    Anne: Try and stay busy at work.

    OK - maybe a nap or more weeds. Who the heck knows. Im just a crazy person today.


  • tflowers
    tflowers Member Posts: 232
    edited May 2007
    Amy where did your friends daughter go to graduate school for zoology? My younger son is very interested, graduates this fall and will start looking soon.

    Girls...I don't think we can use the backhoe...I left it at Robins last month. But I still have the steamroller and James Taylor will sing for us when we use it.xoxo

    Niki...time to send the dh out for a long errand maybe all day. dh keeps saying I love the dog more than him and hasn't caught on that I don't answer back!!
  • shokk
    shokk Member Posts: 790
    edited May 2007

    Don't know Theresa steamroller could get alittle messy.....the neighbors might wonder why Nicki's husband is looking like "flat Stanley"......ha.....of course he would be easier to bury......wouldn't have to dig so deep.....mmmmmm........

  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Member Posts: 2,728
    edited May 2007

    Look what I found. Going back in the yard and work on the hole.


    Armed and dangerous

  • Biker54
    Biker54 Member Posts: 1,042
    edited May 2007
    Good afternoon CGs!
    I'm at work (oh, big surprise) and I can't catch up on all that has been happening. Who was mean to Puppy?????? The nerve! Corn/poop??? Poison ivy????? Baby birds???? Too much going on!!

    Our camping trip was very enjoyable. The grandkids came up for the day (2 stayed overnight). They caught fish, played with caterpillars and swam. I was exhausted . We had taken our motorcycle there, but the guy behind us parked so close, that we couldn't get it out. oh well, the trip to Maine is coming up in July, so there will be lots of riding time.

    I had tons to do yesterday, but got a chance to get into the pool for the first time this summer. Aaaaaahhhhhhh!! It was 82 degrees, just how I like it!

    Boy, when I said I wouldn't have much time to post right now, I had no idea how limited my time would actually be. The only time I've had lately is from work.

    Nicki, I'm glad you stayed home from work today. Now missy, try to get some REST!

    Madison, step away from the cigarettes.

    Cheri, how did your dr appt. go?

    Vickie, sounds like you are really becoming an ex-smoker.

    Back to work. I'll try to check in later!

    Bugs and fishes!
  • zazette15
    zazette15 Member Posts: 223
    edited May 2007
    Hey All!! Sneaking in from work (bad girl) - Just want to say hi and have a great day, I soooo don't want to be here today - just not in the mood today to be at work - oh well friday is almost here, yippie!!

    Ok, gotta go before I spend the next hour here. BBL.
  • lv2cmp
    lv2cmp Member Posts: 899
    edited May 2007
    Tgirl-she is at Auburn university.

    Jan-glad you enjoyed your camping trip. I cant wait to get to Maine either. It will be here before we know it.

    Nicki-be careful with that heavy machinery I can see your wheels turning,,poor DH better find him something to do before he finds himself digging out of a hole.

    Man its hot here today and no rain in sight. Not sure if I have ever told you all but I hate the summer....grrrrrr!

    Son and parentals have arrived at the boat and were in the terminal the last time he called. Yep Shirley, he is already a khaki kinda boy and wears those more than he wears jeans.

    ok off to pretend to work a little more. This afternoon is dragging.

  • zazette15
    zazette15 Member Posts: 223
    edited May 2007
    Ok, one more thing, I just checked the calendar and there's some sisters needing support over the next few days so I am reaching out my arms and hugging gently and wishing for only good.

    TheShopMama (Pam)onc appt. All will be fine.

    Boo - onc. appt - Right there with you

    CY chemo - Stay tough!

    2 yr aniversary Susan's last chemo - Happy chemoversary!

    AlaskaDeb's Relay For Life starts. - Good luck, you can do it.

    Liz PS Appt. for mystery lump - Right there with you, holding your hand.

    Sheri bone scan 10:30 am and PET scan 4:00 pm - You cannot see me, but I'm right there with ya sister. All will be well.

    Nicki's 2 yr anniversary from bil. mast. - 2 years WOW, I'm not even at one year, cannot imagine 2 years. I know it's been tough, but you are doing the damn thing, you go girl!

    Tricia - mast & recon - Peace to you and may everything be painless and easy breezy!

    Ok. now I really have to get back to work. BBL
  • purplemb
    purplemb Member Posts: 593
    edited May 2007
    wow, too many post and we are supposed to be working...hmmm...may need to find a second job to pay the bills...hehehehe....
    OK Vickie...i'll send you some cut glass, stained glass stuff...for your new patio...I'll never get time to do mine this special shapes you'd like?....don;t forget to get some of those bobble know flat marbles...
    Nicki...who took my back hoe...hmmm....and what kinda hole you digging...deep planting flowers?...hmmm sounds fishy...
    T-girl...wish I had the steam roller, DH made a disaster of the yard this year.......
    Cy thinking of you...hugs..
    Shirley...yup Desitin...worked like a charm...messy
    MAdison...big warm hugs to chase away the blues....its a shame we arent closer to each other so we can pop right over...BUT I hope this will do...hugs
    ok must go back to work....
    MB...the soon to be unemployed if I don't kick this
  • jankay
    jankay Member Posts: 789
    edited May 2007
    sis is home now and now i have to adapt to real life. meaning that we have to cook forourselves n ow. it sure was nice to have a cook. And i like to cook.
    hope everyo ne survives work today. believe u me i wish i could work so i could complain with everybody
  • ArmyNavyMom
    ArmyNavyMom Member Posts: 134
    edited May 2007
    MB - we can go to unemployment together. Hello, my name is Anne and I'm a boardaholic.

    Jankay - Don't think that you can't complain just because you don't work outside the home. We'll let you complain about other stuff or make up a job. That's it! We need to make up a fantasy job for you... I think you need t join the MythBusters on TV. Anybody else got suggestions???

  • jankay
    jankay Member Posts: 789
    edited May 2007
    you know anne

    i bet i could find something to complain about
  • newvickie
    newvickie Member Posts: 2,941
    edited May 2007
    oh my gave me an idea!!!
    I could make a BC circle girls patio!!! A concrete patio with lots of mosaic type details...IF you girls want to send me stuff to stick in the concrete! NOTHING EXPENSIVE...fossils, marbles, stars, just some little bobble that will fit in a regular envelope so postage isn't a problem. Is this crazy or are you interested...I will make a special circle with whatever I get and...hmmm...write "Circle Girls" in the center or something...have to think some more on that.
    hugs all
    Vickie...soon to be standing on street corner with MB and tin cups!
  • b445
    b445 Member Posts: 980
    edited May 2007
    Slipping in to let you know the power to my computer room is out so I can't get on. But I'm doing good and keeping really busy moving MIL, remodeling bathroom and playing with grandbabies!

    Love you all and will catch up when power is back on!
  • SheriH
    SheriH Member Posts: 472
    edited May 2007
    Marsha, Marsha, Marsha, I did not feel you were cursing me, just the after-effects of this horrible roller coaster we've been on. You were probably better at memorizing in the first place, so your "new normal" is most likely everyone else's regular normal. Are you trying for Chelsea? Our theater did "On Golden Pond" a few years ago. I didn't audition, it was during my brief retirement period. I'm still waiting to see what is next up. They haven't posted the new season yet which will be starting in August.

    Nicki, your day off doesn't sound relaxing to me, but if pulling weeds is relaxing for you, then go for it! My energy level is very low. I'm just glad I didn't have to work this week.

    Shirley, poison oak on a cruise ship? Hmmm...what were you up to?

    Vickie, what a neat idea for your patio.

    CY, glad you checked in. How are you feeling? Don't wear yourself out, please!

    Just took Sarah out job hunting. She snagged one on her second try. Not her first choice, but they hired her on the spot, so not bad for a summer thing. She just wants to make enough to buy some school clothes and things for her room.

    I will be looking for you all tomorrow. I have to go in to the hospital at 10:30, get injected, go back at 1:00, get scanned, go to the cancer center at 4:00, get injected, rest in a dark room for an hour and get scanned again. What a day! Then I have to wait!!!!!!!
  • lv2cmp
    lv2cmp Member Posts: 899
    edited May 2007
    Dropping in with a few small pics.

    Here is the boy on the ship before they head off.

    here is hey jude

    and last but certainly not least is Mazer having a drink of water after returning from a magic carpet ride.

    She said you all can have the blue stuff she prefers her water.
