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  • marshakb
    marshakb Member Posts: 796
    edited June 2007
    Seems like alot of us spent a great deal of time in the chats at first dx. The first month or 2 I was probably there every morning with the coffee drinking crowd. Met a girl there CatfromFl who it turns out lives 15 miles from me and we have now become GREAT real time friends. I was feeling a little blue yesterday and went to the chats too to take my mind off myself and focus on the newbies who are always there.

    Speaking of bc friends, how wonderful Susan and Christine, walking together this weekend. Uummm, both from MO, verrrrrrry interesting, as I have received a couple of cards from there.

    Sheri, will be with you in spirit today as they check out that scar tissue. And as soon as I read your post about the memorizing thing my mind went "click". I have been asked by many newbies coming in the theatre how is the best way to memorize all those lines. I never give out technique (everyone is different) but I ALWAYS say, "just learn the story we are telling. The lines will come if you KNOW the story." I'll be fine. Thank you girlfriend.

    Tricia, 6 am does come early, same time when I had my surgery. I didn't sleep that well the night before anyway and couldn't wait to get the darn thing lobbed off. Piece of cake honey and I am not joking right now. It really is nothing much. They woke me up as they were taking me to recovery and I think they wish they hadn't. Didn't even go back to sleep. Recovery people are on the phone screaming we need a room ready, we need a room ready. LOL I woke up starving and would they give me a stinking cracker? Noooooooooooo. A tech sat there and ate boiled peanuts right in front of me.

    BBl, need to check the calender to see what else is going on today. Happy June 1st everyone and HI to all...Marsha
  • jankay
    jankay Member Posts: 789
    edited June 2007
    i thought this was comical enjoy

    A little boy walks into his parents' room to see his mom on top of is dad bouncing up and down. the mom sees her son and quickly dismounts, worried about what her son has seen. She dresses quickly and goes to find him.
    The son sees his mom and asks, "What were you and Dad doing?"
    The mother replies, "Well, you know your dad has a big tummy and sometimes I have to get on top of it and help flatten it."
    "Your wasting your time," said the boy.
    "Why is that?" the mom asked puzzled.
    "Well when you go shopping the lady next door comes over and gets on her knees and blows it right back up."

    If you don't forward this joke in 5 minutes you will have bad sex for fifteen years.
  • marshakb
    marshakb Member Posts: 796
    edited June 2007

    Oh Jankay LOLOLOLOLOLOLOL. I was laughing before I even got to the end at "quickly dismounted"!

  • PuppyFive
    PuppyFive Member Posts: 539
    edited June 2007

    Hey CGS, Just want to let ya know i have the dreaded dial up and have to wait for the call!! so thats why i have not been around too much!! I did post a goodnite but on the other thread(hehe) NS, what the heck do ya mean your lost,
    this is Your home, we can't let you get lost, then we would be a mess!! we love ya, check in and let us know how ya are, if the CIA will let ya!!!

    {{MY PAMMY}} You sound wonderful darlin!!!!!!!!!
    Jan, My Bud prayers for You, way to much for you to deal with right now!!!! You go party and have some Blue Winks with the girls!!!!!! To all my Sisters I love ya, and praying for you!!! xoxoxoxo Puppy
  • shokk
    shokk Member Posts: 790
    edited June 2007

    Good morning sweet chicas.........guess what????It didn't rain yesterday.......but this morning it is very overcast and they had taken rain out of the forecast yesterday but put it back in today.......I knew I should have mowed yesterday but was hoping to do that this evening so the yard would look well manicured for the wkend........oh well......maybe it won't start till later today.....looks like FL is going to get some much need rain......Tricia maybe you could share with Amy and someone we love is in GA just can't remember.....Well chicas I'm feeling alittle poorly today....just feel conjested......of course now I'm sure I have lung mets.........did I tell you guys "I HATE CANCER!!!!!!.......Sheri thinking about you today....good luck......I see Cheri posted on the afgan thread yesterday so she must be ok.......Hey Cheri at least to a fly by.....Vickie what a wonderful idea about the patio...I think I might be able to send you some stuff without screwing up the whole project.......did you have storms last can come and get in my closet there.....whatja think about that Amy????....Nicki I don't even know what to say to have got to be a hoot....I bet even in the middle of cancer tx you probably missed very few days of work......there are just some people that must work for their own sanity and that has got to be you......oh geez I'm not

  • lv2cmp
    lv2cmp Member Posts: 899
    edited June 2007
    Good Morning all,

    NS-you cant get lost around the circle there is always somebody around to help. Just jump in and hang on and post when you can. We love hearing updates and know that you are having it kinda rough here lately.

    Sherndon-Mazer was excited this morning to be heading your way. She's hoping alaskadeb pops up with some cinnamon rolls.

    suz-yep hes 12 and nobody ever believes me when I tell him. He turns 13 in July so it wont be long. awwww, a teenage boy,,I cant wait?

    Nicki-dont overdo it today. I say taking off early is a great idea and it will give you time to make sure the big hole is still covered. Remember, no cheap wine,,lol.

    Puppy-hope you get good results on your phone call today.

    Bikerjan-sorry you are having family issues. Sorry to hear about the oldest grandson.

    Pam if you have any luck with the rain dance,,dance on over my way please.

    Shirley-cant say that I blame you for "forgetting" to take the meds. I hate that stuff. Hopefully you are slowly clearing up.

    jankay-loved the joke. You always have a funny to post.

    Susan-when does Cheri get back? We sure miss her around here. Have you heard from her to make sure the stitches got out ok with no problems? Have fun on the walk.

    Christine-dating? you go girl. Just be you and thats all that matters.

    Vickie-please send me some of that rain. Been so long I forgot what it was like. I sprayed the hose pipe yesterday for a while on the ducks so they could splash about and pretend like they were getting rain.

    Adrionna-you crack me up girl.

    Marsha-wow thats great that you met somebody that close to you on chat. Always nice to make new friends.

    Shokk-where are you? are you in the closet again? We really need to talk!

    Tricia-Saturday morning bright and early huh? Mazer promises to behave. She does behave as long as things go as planned but if anybody does something wrong its a swift kick.

    Robin-where are you?

    Mena-I thought you were coming back to play with us but I guess you were just teasing us again. You big tease you.

    Lisa-my son would love to tour the guitar place. I bet it was fun.

    ok gotta get some work done. Its finally friday. This was a short week but I swear it seems like it has taken forever for Friday to get here.

    One more thing that I have on my mind and I know you all will understand. ok dr said chemo break and dont take xeloda right? Well Saturday would be the day I would start my week on with it and as much as I hate taking it I am afraid not to take it,,does that make sense? SO says do what the dr says but I knew you all would get "it".

  • marshakb
    marshakb Member Posts: 796
    edited June 2007

    Shokk, girl you need to get on the Do Not Call List!

  • shokk
    shokk Member Posts: 790
    edited June 2007

    Amy what great pics.......I loved the way you discribed the conversation between your Dad and I am getting older I really am beginning to uderstand more and more of not understanding young people......their music...don't even get that but I remember my grandmother being appuald (sp) at the Beatles music and now when ever I get in an elavator listening to Beatles musicac (sp) it reminds me of her........sometimes my youngest daughter will say something to me and talks so fast I have absolutely no idea of what she said........anyway Gina, Gina, Gina.....suv.....a few yrs ago I got called to jury duty and got as far as some attorneys assisstant interviewing me and he asked me to tell him something about myself and I said well I am a proud memeber of the GOP, NRA, the PTA and I drive a SUV.....he looked at me and said was too my guestion to you Gina your Mini coop is a guy??????Does he talk with a british accent????Does he always try and drive the on left side of the street????? are tooo funny.....miss need to check in alittle more often if you ya........ok guys need to get some work done.....daughters last day of school and then we go to the high school to pick up her new oboe...she is so excited.....the oboes at high school are alot better then middle everyone.......ya'll know who ya'll are.....has anyone seen Nicki's husband today????? Just checking........Hey Vickie see ya later alligator......

  • marshakb
    marshakb Member Posts: 796
    edited June 2007
    Amy, we were posting at the same time. I hate big ole medical decissions don't you? I would probably do what the onc said too but I would want a thorough explanation as to why/how he decided on the specific course of action.

    On another note Amy, I'm worried about you. I'm afraid Mazur is going to pick Tricia up down there in the Flordia Keys, go catch some rays on the beach while she's in surgery and decide to stay. Sure hope he doesn't like the sun and sand too much. Hugs, Marsha
  • shokk
    shokk Member Posts: 790
    edited June 2007

    ((((Amy)))) I told my onc when I finished tx and got nothing because being triple neg that I wanted a chemo patch........just a slow drip for 5 yrs.....screw never really mined me very much anyway.......but yea your right.....we do "get it"...........

  • shokk
    shokk Member Posts: 790
    edited June 2007

    Is DebC home???????She needs to sober up and check in......ha........

  • RobinTN
    RobinTN Member Posts: 466
    edited June 2007
    Hi all
    Something has been wrong with my ISP for the past 2 days could not get to even load.
    Hope everyone is doing well.
    I already have an appoint with the dr who will do the RFA for Tuesday.I am so excited to get this over with.
    Next thursday I have to get my 4 front teeth pulled on top.I have fought with these 4 teeth all my life and the dentist said it would cost like 6,000 to fix them so I am getting a partial made as we speak.I just dread it.I have never had good experience with extractions the few I have had.
    SO i was thinking in a few months i will have new hair,teeth,boobs,and a new life...WHOPEEEEE.I still cant believe I am free of ca it is a miracle from God is what it is.

    NS:it has been almost a year since you started this thread for me and others,at that time I was given 2 months to live and now I am NED..I am sorry I just cant stop talking and thinking about it.
    and I have lost around 30 lbs..Got a lot more to go but thats a start!!!!..
    Now if i could just figure out how to buy a tanning bed
    I am a big dreamer...
  • sherloc
    sherloc Member Posts: 893
    edited June 2007
    Good Morning Ladies.

    Hugs to you Gina. It is not necessary to "keep up" with everyone and everything.
    And hugs for your Mini too. Poor baby I'm sure feels like you've abandoned him. I have to take my Beep Beep in for service one of these days. My problem is the Mini Dealer is two hours away. And because they are the only dealer around for miles and miles it takes forever to get an appt. Geez kinda like a specialist doctor. I'm sorry you are stuck in Monster Truck World. Gotta admit it's nice to be able to see over the crowd tho.

    Tricia, I'll be ready for the carpet bright and early tomorrow.

    Lini, before I got my Mini I had a GIGANTIC GMC Truck. I loved that truck. I miss that truck. But I love my Mini just as much.

    Christine, just relax and have a grand time. Says the woman who hasn't been on a date in 27 years.

    Pam, yehaw and yippee for you. I think I'm graduating to 6 month checkups in a couple of weeks. Looking forward to it.

    Jankay, yep. DRINK AND PEE!! The chatroom mantra.

    Nicki, I hope you are feeling better today. I was a good girl and popped the nasty little pills this morning. Just knew that if I took them yesterday afternoon I would be bouncing off the walls all night long. All is well. Only a few new bumpys this morning and not so itchy due to the Claritin. Doc also gave me rx for benadryl but that stuff does nasty things to me too so didn't fill it.
    Now just have to figure out what caused the problem. Hmmmm didn't even think about the not breathing thing. Wonder if they are connected. I'm sure the breathing issue is allergy related. I did just fine on my trip but as soon as we hit my hills it started again. Very odd. Holy Crap what if I'm allergic to my town. That would put a serious crimp in my life.
    One of these days I'll post some pics of my sons guitars. He has them all named. He is an odd child.

    Vicki, give the kitties a scratch from me before they go off with their new mommies and daddys.

    Marsha, I love the chat room. After 3 years I'm still there most nights. It beats watching the Speed Channel. How is Cat, haven't seen her in ages.

    Jankay, hahahahhahahah uhoh

    Shokk, all I can say is YOU CRACK ME UP. I love reading your posts.

    Amy, thank you. I didn't forget. Didn't take the nasty stuff on purpose. Good gracious I do hate it. Only took it an hour ago and my brain is going PING!!

    OK Cheri, I saw you popping into another thread yesterday too. I know your lurking. Come out come out where ever you are. I miss you. I'll be back to check up on you.

    Off to accomplish something. Decided it's time to come home from vacation. No more sitting on my butt.
  • sherloc
    sherloc Member Posts: 893
    edited June 2007
    I'm sorry about the teeth pulling but just think how pretty the new ones will be.
  • marshakb
    marshakb Member Posts: 796
    edited June 2007

    Shirley, Cat is doing very well. I invited her to come to a Broads Night Out once, months ago, and she is now a regular! My friends love her and of course it is nice to have a RN in the crowd LOL I'll tell her hello for you, she is coming to my party next weekend. I found it hard to keep up with the conversation at night, course chemo brain might have been why. Glad to hear your cruise went well!! So jealous.

  • AlaskaDeb
    AlaskaDeb Member Posts: 1,159
    edited June 2007
    OK girls…I’M HOME!!!!

    I am so freaking glad to be back I can not begin to tell you….

    I promise, promise PROMISE I will get caught up with everyone on Sunday or Monday, but for now…..

    The bad news….

    It was Hot as h-e-double-toothpicks in Michigan. I had forgotten what 88 degrees and humid felt like…I hope to forget it again

    I had all the “typical” in-law and outlaw stress in Michigan. I guess some things never change….

    I didn’t have a spare second to call any of the Michigan circle girls while I was there…sigh

    I caught some kind of cold-flu-yuckapucka while I was in Michigan…coughed all the way home on the plane. I thought about that guy with mutant TB that got on a plane….wondered if they would kick me off

    Speaking of the plane…I sat next to a freak that would NOT shut up for 5.5 hours. He had to ask about my LE sleeve and then tell me, in GREAT length how I could heal cancer and all my ills with meditation. I was ready to clock the jerk.

    Now the GOOD news…

    I got to spend a day and a half with my bestist friend while I was in MI…I miss her SO much.

    I got to see one of my favorite aunt and uncles for an afternoon…kids got to go horseback riding and swimming in the pond….a really good day.

    I didn’t have to shoot my MIL…earplugs work.

    My kids had a grand time in MI…it is cool that we are able to keep them out of all the “family crap”.

    We got to go see a tiger game…my hubby was in 7th heaven even though they lost.

    Our Relay for Life team has raised 9,500 bucks. We are just 500 dollars short of reaching our goal…WooHoo

    Our walk starts tonight, and I am so excited to see my friends and fellow survivors…

    OK…I babbled on and on here instead of doing my laundry! I have to go pack up some snacks to take with us to the relay and get going.

    I love you guys and I WILL get caught up with all your news soon

    Bugs and Fishes…
    Off to the Relay
    Deb C
  • lv2cmp
    lv2cmp Member Posts: 899
    edited June 2007
    Wooohoo Deb is home. We missed you and glad you made it without killing anybody, including the freak on the plane.

    marsha-Mazer will never stay in florida that long. Donkeys love dusty dirt to roll in and get "clean" and sand just wouldnt cut it. Plus she would miss her mommie's.

    As far as the onc he explained in great detail about a chemo break and how everything is in remission but I still feel lost not taking anything and I am just waiting for it to rear its ugly head. I mean with METS it never goes away, it will be back. Bone is the hardest to get rid of and my lung and liver are all clean. Yes I said my liver and you all know I enjoy my beer so I cant help but laugh when the onc tells me its clear. There has been no progression at all in the bone. Basically a chemo breaks lets your body build up from the chemo breaking it down. Proven studies yada yada yada and showed me all kinds of mumbo jumbo research on the topic. Yes indeed I question everything. Dont get me wrong, I am excited as heck to not be taking anything yet scared as I sat back and do the wait game. I keep telling myself to enjoy and not dwell but I can talk it up nicely I just have trouble doing it. Geesh, life before cancer was so darn easy.

    Shokk-its outright funny to listen to a conversation between my parents and my son. Daddy is half deaf but would never admit it so you get alot of huhs anyway. My mom was at the beach a few weeks ago and my dad was left alone which is scary,,,lol. Anyway tucker spent the night with him one night cause my dad takes him out to eat before school and thats just cool. Anyway, Tucker has clothes galore but what he wants to wear is dirty. Needless to say 2 men or boys (however you want to look at it) alone in the house. Daddy ask Tuck if he knows how to wash clothes tucker of course has no clue and daddy doesnt either so daddy tells tucker to pick out the cleanest dirty shirt and he will be fine. There were no less than 15 t shirts folded up clean but he wanted a specific blue one. The sad thing is it doesnt surprise me with what my dad said. Typical dad statement and Tucker was in hog heaven.

    Family,,gotta love them.

  • bearlysane111
    bearlysane111 Member Posts: 592
    edited June 2007
    Happy Friday afteroon!

    Amy,I got to tell you that I laughed right outloud abt your dad and Tucker.Do you think my relatives and yours think alike? HA! I never learned to wash clothes until I got to JSU! Now,that is sad,right for an eighteen yr old person to be lost w/an automatic washing machine,right? Those quarters and I became friends real fast! Cannot tell you how many times I have washed/not washed the "one"shirt for something or other. Too funny...made my day! Guess we all have special clothes that feel right on special days,etc. I know I gave away clothes that I connected w/events that annoyed me.

    Good weekend and I know there must be anxiety;however,you have done so well and sounds like great med teams/drs,etc.
    Thinking of you and it must be hot as all get out as it here in Ral...gonna sit inside and think rain thoughts! Know all abt using the hose to water the gardents,etc. Loved pics and still wish I was there on the cruise!

    Jasmine...thanks for the funny comment as you must have bn driving down here when you saw unique drivers. The lady doing mascara and cell phone on I-40 was pretty unique! I hope she has good ins/accident coverage.

    Sue...hope that it is cooler in Wisconsin.With school soon out,I bet your summer is busy. Glad your check-up went well. are you? I sent you a message abt the pic that you asked abt. Hope you are cool there! Have a great weekend!

    Hi to you,Robin! Great to see you,as always! Love hearing abt the grandchildren and TN. Reminds me of my childhd days.

    Denise...too funny on your stories! Bet you have seen/heard some funnies and couldn't we just write a bk? That is what I have always joked that I would do and be on Oprah's show. LOL! Of course,I would change the names to protect the Dragnet always said! Telling my age...

    Hi to you,Nicki! Too funny on the day hm from work. I know it is harder to take sick days(was in teaching)than drag in sometimes. Glad you are feeling better! I am doing horrible on the dieting and know what you mean abt exercise. You have done South Beach and done well and it will fall back into place,I know. New month,right...June is busting out....
    That bulldozer stuff...made my day.

    Jankay...hope you are having a good Fri. See you were up early like I was(I call early after midnight).I am a night owl and love that time;hard to sleep some nights for me.
    Love your funny jokes!

    Deb...glad your trip was enjoyable. That guy was prob lonely and your kindness was much appreciated. I am a talker and try to watch for signs that the person is still breathing and alive! HA! I am a little better--not much! It is annoying on a plane or some dr's offices...Good luck on the relay!!!

    Tricia...will be thinking of you tomorr and all the best on your surgery.

    shokk...that rain sounds mighty good for the plains(that would be here as it is plain dry and hot!) I am still in shock abt the hunting laws. Are those people serious? There are some things that just blow my mind! are you and hope today is better. Miss hearing from you.

    Marsha...Elks clubs are big here and lots of people go for the dances,etc. Bet you will be great in the parts that you choose. Enjoy your party!!! are you? Love those pics that you are posting!

    Vickie...enjoy the weekend! Patio sounds creative and nice.

    Shirley...sorry abt all those allergies. Yuck! I fought plenty and had a headache all of yesterday. I hate that the a/c throws my sinuses. Glad you are feeling better. Trip sounds fun! Husband on cruise story was humorous.

    Best of afternoons to everyone!
  • lv2cmp
    lv2cmp Member Posts: 899
    edited June 2007
    Iris you are correct I didnt wash clothes until then either. I do make the boy fold and put up but they get about as far as to his bed then on to the floor at night then back in the dirty clothes. Its a never ending cycle. Glad to see you popping in more often. I miss not seeing your post.

    Madison-did i see a post from you this morning? If so I sure dont remember it. Hope you are ok and feeling better than you were yesterday. Need me to head to LA and have a drink or two or three with ya?

  • beth1225
    beth1225 Member Posts: 402
    edited June 2007
    Hi guys. This morning I was feeling pretty good and upbeat. I got to talk to Mena for quite a bit yesterday and today Puppy and I had a good phone fest. Then I took a nap! According to the ps I am not resting enough. Well, since he has put me on Lasix, all I do is pee most of the day! Jnakay, I do so like your chant!

    But now for some reason, I am all mopey again. I have read all th eposts from yesterday and today and they are all so upbeat. I feel a little useless because I have all these restrictions. I am sorry to come here and whine (can't even have cheese with the whine sicne I am lactose intolerant). I am hoping I snap out of it (please do not send Cher to slap me...send Nick Cage instead).

    Love you all to pieces and I so loved the jokes. They did put a smile on my face!
  • beth1225
    beth1225 Member Posts: 402
    edited June 2007

    BTW, Amy, my ds is turning 14 on 7/16....I so relate to the clothes in piles. I no longer collect the dirty ones for fear of permanent damage to my ollfactory (sp?) senses!

  • zazette15
    zazette15 Member Posts: 223
    edited June 2007
    Sneaking in from work - can't stay long, will be back tonight, I just wanted to share this organization information with you all in California who may need assistance or know of someone who needs assistance.

  • lv2cmp
    lv2cmp Member Posts: 899
    edited June 2007
    Oh my goodness Beth, an armful of dirty boy laundry, ewwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww!

  • beth1225
    beth1225 Member Posts: 402
    edited June 2007
    Just got this in my email. Thought I would share:

    >Subject: Oil Shortage

    >A lot of folks can't understand how we came
    >to have an oil shortage here in our country.
    >Well, there's a very simple answer.
    >Nobody bothered to check the oil.
    >We just didn't know we were getting low.
    >The reason for that is purely geographical.
    >Our OIL is located in
    >Coastal Florida
    >Coastal Louisiana
    >are located in
    >Washington, DC !!!
    >Any Questions ???
    >NO? I didn't Think So.
  • socallisa
    socallisa Member Posts: 10,184
    edited June 2007
    Good afternoon everyone

    Vickie ..your patio sounds like a neat idea..

    Shirley,Cristine and glad you are back home..nice isn't it
    Sherloc..just to mention I found I break out in a rash if I
    have shrimp and strawberries together..I can eat all I want
    separately but not together..took a while to figure that one out!!!

    CY..glad to see you stopped by..hope you solve that power thing..
    Hope you are getting the rest you need...

    Marsha..I am sure you can get back to acting..with your motivation
    anything is possible...

    Sheri..glad to hear Sarah got a job so fast..doesn't always work that way!!

    Amy..when my three sons were teenagers, I had a course in
    "Bachelor Training.." here..The title was intreging for them so it took.

    Z...good jokes...

    Hubby at there is a problem...mine has been retired now for
    four years and gets under my feet constantly when he isn't on his
    seat in front of the computer, front of the TV or eating.. oh my....
    drives me crazy!!!

    Jan..hope the storms outside and inside are better...

    Tricia..holding your hand

    NS and sherloc..I envy you gals with minis...sounds like so much fun..

    LINI..good to see you...don't be a stranger

    Jankay..what are we having for dinner tonight??
    I am thinking chicken

    Nickie..hope you are well and back at work..boy you keep busy

    Beth good to see you too..get that needed rest!!!! That is an order
    Shokk..como estas sure got out of that jury duty...que suerte

    Good to see you, new teeeth!!

    I have to get some garden work done this afternoon..
    Clip, clip

    I tried out the Lyrica last night..have to ease into it and out of neurontin..hope it helps!!

    Hugs. Lisa
  • Biker54
    Biker54 Member Posts: 1,042
    edited June 2007
    Beth, Bwwaaahhaaahhhaaaa!! Dip sticks indeed! Hope you are feeling better soon.

    Amy, my boys did the same thing. The clean clothes always ended up on the floor and then back in the hamper. I'd pull shirts out to wash and they would still be folded, lolol. Try to relax a little and savor NED! Enjoy this chemo break! I know it will always be in the back of your mind, as it is with all of us. Once you have that dx, it never really ever goes away. We just think about it a little less every day. Give those cute little donkeys hugs from their Auntie Biker .

    Tricia, good luck with your surgery tomorrow. Your doc operates on Saturday??? Wow!

    Christine, yes I am going to Pinkstock! I can't wait to meet everyone face to face!!

    Nicki, how are you feeling today? Hopefully, better! Have you been able to go out and walk again?

    Cheri, where are you????? How did the dr appt. go?

    I had a quick funny thing to tell you guys. One of our friends swears he gets more intelligent when he drinks tequila, so he always has "Smartaritas" . The funny thing is, he really does get smarter. Go figure!

    I hope our sisters who need some rain get it. We are supposed to have thunderstorms through next Tues. I HATE thunder and lightening. We live on the side of a small mountain, and the property is very open. I think our house is nothing but a big lightening rod. One of these days...........BOOM!

    I'll be back a little later.
  • shokk
    shokk Member Posts: 790
    edited June 2007

    So Gina what I want to know is does your Mini Coop (to whom I will refer to as Cooper)know that you are "driving" another vehicle while he is in the car hospital? Did Cooper have another "driver" while you were in the hospital? Does Cooper know that his "replacement" is larger than him? Does Cooper know that you get to ride "high" in the new auto? hmmmmmmmm Does Cooper know that the replacement auto is a newer model.......that the new auto is American? hmmmmmmm Sure to hope the Cooper will be speaking to you when you check him you sweetheart.......

  • cmb35
    cmb35 Member Posts: 554
    edited June 2007
    Hey Girls, Reading, but not posting...

    Just finished my Circle Girls luminaria for the Relay, I will take a picture of it and e-mail it to someone who knows how to post pictures!

    Glad for the good news in the Circle, welcome back to Deb, sorry for the troubles in the Circle (((Anne))) and all of you, cracked up at "smartaritas" Jan!!

    Article from Making Strides Pacesetter Newsletter - Boston Edition:

    Warren, at almost 11 years od, is the youngest Making Strides Against Breast Cancer Boston Pacesetter for the second year in a row. Warren has been a Pacesetter since the 2005 walk when he walked with Colleen's Dream Team in honor of his mom.

    You may have seen Warren and his mom, Colleen, speak at the 2006 Corporate Kickoff Breakfast at The State Room. His speaking success at the Kickoff led to the request for him to speak at an all lday assembly at Catholic Memorial High School last September to encourage The Knight students to participate in the October Walk. One of the highlights of the presentation was when a junior raised his hand at the end of Warren's presentation and said, "You are already more of a man than I will ever be."

    This quote from Warren's 2006 website sums up the reason for his participation: "The reason I walk is that I don't want anyone else to have to go through whant my mom went through, or what I went through, which might not have been as much as my mom but it felt like a lot at the time. Please donate to me, or join Colleen's Dream Team and walk with me, so that we can start beating this disease. Thank you for your support!"

    OK, not sure why I'm not keeping up with posting the "day to day" stuff, but please know that I am reading, and I am thinking of you all, and I love to hear what's happening in your lives - the good, the bad, and the ugly (but I like it when it's good!!)

    love ya,
  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Member Posts: 2,728
    edited June 2007

    Good Evening Everyone: Another hot humid day and its only June 1st. Really hoping for rain tonight. Everything is dry and thirsty. Im home, I had a great day, and Im enjoyig a nice glass of red wine. And its not the cheap stuff - tastes pretty darn good.

    I still have a cough but its better. And believe me, another day home with my DH - they would have declared me insane. We have been married for 28 years. Im trying to remember when all I wanted to do was to be around him. Wow - silly young thing I was.

    Marsha: I remember Cat, I was on the chat when she first came to Thats great that the 2 of you have become good friends. I was a chatter long before I came to the discussion boards. Work just interfered with my chat time. But it is good to go there once in a while. Sometimes ya see old friends and then there are the new people who really do need some support. If it wasnt for the chat I dont think I would have gotten through my surgery and chemo. I always said, I wanted to be able to help others like so many helped me. I dont usually have the time - but yesterday I did so it was fun talking to old and new people. We probably talked to each other and didnt even know it.

    Jankay: The story about the mom talking to the son. And blowing dads belly right up again? OMG.


    Puppy: I had the dreadful dial up for most of my time on these boards. It was only recently we switched to comcast. So I do understand. Especially the phone call thingy. Have you called and asked for the results again? You know if it were me, I would. Anyways, I saw your good night post. Sometimes a picture is better than words. Love ya dearest friend.


    Shokk: I have worked full time as a nurse since I was 19. Right out of high school got my LPN (one year course) then worked full time and went to school to further my education. My sign in the chat used to be Nicki.nnn - thats because there were so many Nicki's on the chat at the time. My nickname has always been Nutty Nicki Nurse. I dont know how to relaz - really!! Well except when I have a glass of wine like tonight and now I feel mellow.

    Amy: Of course we understand. If it aint broke why fix it. The xeloda has been working and there will always be a fear the beast is gonna come back if your off it. But really, your body, your mind, and your heart needs a break. Time to heal and recover. If ya gotta pick it up again down the road, so be it. At least you know its working. Take this time - over the summer - and just enjoy life. Tell your SO I so agree with her. Oh BTW - even though we are not close, 4 grandchildren here, and the youngest is 12.

    Robin! Robin! Robin! Thank goodness you checked in. Ya know we love you and we worry about you. Man - I would be miserable if I had to have my 4 front teeth pulled. Ok, Im an idiot - or call it chemo brain - but what is RFA? Anyways its good to hear you are dealing with day to day life issues that dont include cancer.



    Ya see the problem with health care is that the doctors order lots of stuff but there is no education about why they are ordering it. You are having an allergic reaction. The prednisone with decrease the swelling. But you need an antihistamine to fight the allergy. Thats what Benadryl is for. You need to take both. Breathing problems sure could be related - hoping that is Springtime allergies and as summer quickly approaches it will go away.

    DebC: Im so glad your back. We sure did miss you around here. Yuckapucka? Yes Im laughing my arse off. Thats what I have too and it stinks. Good luck with the relay. We will be thinking about you.

    Iris: The bulldozer stuff and digging the hole was pretty funny. You all would have laughed if you would have seen me yesterday.

    Beth: After everything you have been through, mopey is allowed. Ya see with this whole bc issue - we make plans. We do what we think needs to be done to fix it. And then stuff happens to interfere with our plans. Thats what the journey is all about. You definitely need a glass of wine and give one to your husband too. It can only get better from this point on.

    Lisa: Oh my, I cant even think about retirement. Having to spend everyday like yesterday is not allowed. I think once I retire, I will volunteer full time.

    Colleen: You should be so proud of Warren. It just brings tears to my eyes.

    Shokk: LUng congestion? Sounds like you might have the yuckapucka too. This week I was convinced I had lung, bone, and brain mets - thanks to this nasty cold.

    Where is Denise, Vickie, and Madison?

    Liz - where the heck are you? I hope everything is ok.

    OK, gotta go, Im hungry and dinner is ready.

  • sahalie
    sahalie Member Posts: 1,145
    edited September 2008
