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  • sherloc
    sherloc Member Posts: 893
    edited June 2007
    hehehehe guilty as charged Vicki. I'll not make that mistake again. Actually not to itcy anymore. The drugs are working but it's 11pm and I'm wide awake. I HATE PREDNISONE! The perk for the day is my house is clean and laundry almost done. Tonight was not only dinner but a movie as well. Saw the new Pirates movie. Excellent but a bit darker than the first two. See it first before taking the youngins.
    Hubby wants to go on a motorcycle run tomorrow. Neither one of us can ride but the guy at the Harley shop said "bring the hot rod, you'll fit right in" We'll see. Not sure I want to be stuck in a car for hours doped up on prednisone and claritin.
    Anywhos gonna go see if anyone is still in chat at this hour. If not I'll go count sheep till I drop.
    Love you all to bits.
  • sherloc
    sherloc Member Posts: 893
    edited June 2007

    cy, you can send the pic to me and I can post it for you.

  • Tricia
    Tricia Member Posts: 103
    edited June 2007
    Glad you liked your coconut, CY.

  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Member Posts: 1,233
    edited June 2007
    Good evening ladies. I got back from my trip on wed. It was 15 hrs in the car because we had to go straight up and back so my dh could leave on time for work. I had to keep my foot propped up so it wasn't very comfortable but it worked. They took my cast off and then removed my stitches, checked it out, said it looked good with no infection and the lack of alot of swelling was good. So then they re-casted for another 4 weeks then I go back and if everything looks good then they'll put me in a camboot. God knows I've learned to walk a few times in those silly things. This ain't my first rodeo. But I sure hope it's my last! lol I've had alot of pain with my foot this time and have slept alot due to meds. Mena probably saved my life in the middle of the night last night when she called. I had dozed off in my wheelchair and was fixing to nose dive right off the front when the phone rang! We chatted for quite awhile and she sounded good. Of course I was talking out of my head half the time, lol I had to go to bed after I talked to her. But I was sitting here trying to read all these posts and catch up. I decided sometimes we just get too far behind to worry about it.But I didn't decide that until a few min. ago. lol

    Nicki, I actually didn't think anyone would be worried about me. I had talked to several of the girls & had even posted on a couple of the smaller threads in the Circle that were easy to catch up on. I'm sorry if I worried you and will let you know how I'm doing in the future. I do appreciate your concern, though.

    Mazy, hey I've talked to you in chat. You're sure welcome to stick around and get acquainted here at the Circle. It's a great bunch of women and all will make you feel so welcome.This is truly a wonderful place for support, love and understanding. You don't have to learn everybodys name at first or what's going on with who, just jump in and tell us a little about yourself.

    Boo, I'm with Iris, do some "me things" while your dh & ds are gone. Enjoy your time and spend it on yourself. Read that book you've been meaning to and didn't have the time, or the movie you wanted to see, get your hair done, paint your nails and just nap or whatever YOU want to. And remember what good friends you have here.

    Iris, wow, you saw David Cassidy back in the day?? Be still my heart. I love him. I saw him on some show not too long ago and he doesn't look much different, I think he's still a hotty. teehee

    Shirley, glad to have you home. I'm sorry about your sister. Also, thank you for the nice card that was really sweet of you.

    Odalys, thank you for the nice gift. That was very nice of you and much appreciated. What a nice idea.

    Denise, thank you for the nice card in the mail. How thoughtful.

    Laura, thanks for the words of encouragement about my smoking. Dang, that is one hard habit to break. I ought to know I've done it a million times.` But this time has, so far, stuck. Today is my 50th day of no smoking! Not so much as a cheater-puff, nada, zilch, zero, nil, nothin, no nicotene gum, patch or anything else. Yes, I am quite proud of me and I have no idea how I've managed but it does go to show that stress is no excuse for smoking! For the last few days I've found myself reaching for one to light, don't know why. Sposed to be gettting easier but I still want one. But not bad enough to throw away 50 days for. I hope I'm finally finished with them in my life. Have to keep on my toes though.

    Tricia, good luck tomorrow. We'll all be there.

    Margaret, well I had some scribbles for you but can't read them so I'll just say "hey". Ask Denise (Adrionna) about how to wrap your yarn.

    CY, I miss our IM's at night. Seems like we're never on at the same time. Hope you're doing well and I think of you often.

    Janny, so sorry you're having problems with family.

    Gina, there's no way you could lose your Circle girls. You might get a little behind like we all do, but that doesn't mean anything. You started this group and we are all aware of that. The Circle girls are very loyal, if not, they should be.

    Gee, here it is in the middle of the night, or early morning. I slept most of the day so the night's just gotten away from me. Leg hurts. But it'll be worth it to have it fixed so I can walk on it so I'm not complaining.

    Lisa, where are you? Iris, nice to see you posting. Gus, we haven't forgot about you. Meaner than me, good talkin to ya. Hey to Vickie, Tracey, Brenda, `Suzola, and all the rest of you.

    It has really stormed here last night. Big lightening and thunder and it has poured the rain. It just seemed to come down in sheets.But it's letting up now. I thought a few times we were going to lose elec. but we necer did.

    I guess counting the time difference, I should say, "Good Morning". You all have a great day.

  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Member Posts: 2,728
    edited June 2007

    Godd Morning Everyone: I overslept today, but I think I needed it. Its over cast and cloudy this end of the circle, but Im not gonna complain - we need the rain.

    Tricia: I remember my surgery day very well. I had never had surgery before. I was excited and scared. Excited that the surgery date finially came. I wanted that cancer out of me so bad. Scared cause I didnt know what to expect. I actually brought some of my favorite CD's and they played them in the surgery suite while I was under anesthesia. I sort of laugh at it now. They had to listen to ZZ Top, Paul McCartney, Supertramp, The Eurythmics, and the Pointer Sisters. And they had to listen to my husbands version of "Take Good Care Of My Baby." Just know that we are all there with you. Distorted Humor promised to behave but who knows what he will do once he sees Mazer. He is in love with her ya know. Me, I will be standing in the background with my nursing cap on - just making sure everything is going well. Good luck today.


    Lisa: Despite it being early morning, that glass of wine sure looks good. And thanks for reposting the pics. Such a great photo. My DH would have been in heaven.

    Puppy: OMG! You got an afghan. Cant think of anyone that deserves one more than you. I loved the picture of the guitar player. Then I laughed out loud - ya see the problem is - he already does that for a living. Tip jar and all.

    Sheri: Glad that ordeal is over with. Dont think I have had a test yet that didnt scare me cause it showed something. Thats why I hate having tests done. I had a lump in the same spot where my cancer was. Showed up on ultrasound. My PS kept saying it was nothing and I thought well to you its nothing. To me - Im tired of feeling a lump in this same spot. Anyways it ended up being fat necrosis and did finially go away. Hoping for only good test results.

    Denise: For the life of me I cant find that post, but I do remember reading it. Not sure why I forgot to respond. I remember all the results were low normal. The TSH is a funny one. When it goes up, that means you are hypothyroid. When it goes down, that means you are hyperthyroid. If I remember right, your TSH was low normal.

    Hypothyroidism Symptoms: Fatigue, weakness, weight gain and difficulty losing weight, coarse dry hair, dry pale skin, hair loss, cold intolerance, muscle cramps and muscle weakness, constipation, depression, and memory loss.

    Hyperthyroidism Symptoms: Palpitations, heat intolerance, nervousness, insomnia, fast heart rate, trembling hands, wt. loss and hair loss.

    If you are thinking about a second opinion, I think I would go to an Endocrinologist. They arnt just for people with diabetes. Many of them specialize in thyroid problems.

    Sherloc: Im glad some of the hives are turning into scabs. I didnt realize Claritan was an antihistamine! Learn something new everyday. Im glad you are getting it narrowed down to what the cause was. Generic ambien - now that would be a kick in the butt.

    Madison: Oh my this must be serious. The last time I had one Marguerita I wasnt able to function. 2 would have put me over the top. Anyways, hoping things continue to get better.

    Jan: Your life sounds like mine. Busy, busy, busy.

    Liz: So glad its scar tissue. Sure do miss you around here.

    NS: Glad you got to go to the party honoring your PS. I would love to do something like that. So were there alot of his patients there? Sorta of nice you got to me BethNY. I have had many opportunities, but I have not met any sisters in person myself. Sure sounds like fun. I give you lots of credit just for getting dressed and showing up at the event. Geez, when I was getting chemo I went to work and went to bed. Hmmmmm seems like Im still doing that! Have you started the Taxol yet? I have to tell you that I have missed you so much. Each day I think about you and how things have changed since you were diagnosed with bc a second time. Sometimes I feel like I lost a very good friend.


    Vickie: Oh my goodness you were up late. I was nicely tucked away and dreaming when you came to post last night. I promise not to tweak your toes this morning.

    Pam: Enjoy the graduation and the time visiting with your family.

    CY: Once again, despite everything you are going through, you sound so positive. I was also a long hair person. I did the samething. Got a pixie hair cut, and got nothing but compliments. Everyone said I looked so cute. It felt good too, cause it was in the middle of summer. You are an inspiration to so many of us.

    Cheri: The trip to the doctor sounded gruelsome. Glad that you are ok. It wasnt just me. Lots of people were looking for you and worried. Since I dont do phone calls or instant messaging - this is the only way I can stay in the loop of things. Guess I just need to stop worrying about people.

    My onc counts my survivorship from the date of my surgery. So I get I am now a 2 year survivor. Its still hard to remember how awful my life was 2 years ago. Im not celebrating, just contemplating on everything that has gone on and everything that I have accomplished this past 2 years.

    Jankay: Im tweaking your toes. Where are you sunshine sister.

    OK - time to go. Its not raining at the moment and Im thinking I will take my dog out for a walk. See ya all later.

  • newvickie
    newvickie Member Posts: 2,941
    edited June 2007
    Happy Saturday and good morning,
    Nicki overslept too and beat me again. Good morning sunshine sister.
    Tricia...we are all with you today...I know that by now you are already at the hospital but we are standing guard to make sure all goes well.
    Cheri...oh...a new sunshine sister! You gotta get your days and nights figured out deary. I am so glad to see you post. Forget all about trying to catch up, just jump right back in again. How are Amber and the kids doing? Glad that you got to talk to Mena...send her our love when you hear from her again. Let me know when you're up for some more blew rinks!
    Jankay...wake up...blowing the trumpet and tweaking your toes this morning. Were the songs ok or did you want different ones? I was a bit lost LOL.
    CY...I do believe you need a new name. Let's sound more like Wonder Woman to me. My goodness between work, MIL, moving, chemo etc you are gonna wear yourself right out. Hope you have a relaxing weekend. I can't wait to see you new sounds cute.
    Pam...good morning to you. Sending you a hug. Your post sounded a little down which is understandable but we are here to carry you through. Pink huh...hmmmm...gonna have to think about that one.
    Gina...out partying and driving large vehicles...laughing about the "cheating on your Cooper post". Glad you are sounding well and upbeat. How are you feeling? Truly. will have to let us know how the date went. Hope you had fun.
    Gotta run...bbl
    love ya all
  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Member Posts: 1,233
    edited June 2007

    Vickie, I'm up for some blue drinks, just letting you know.

  • newvickie
    newvickie Member Posts: 2,941
    edited June 2007
    Marsha sent me a pm about the patio so instead of trying to explain it here I'm going to post it so you can see...
    I like your idea for your patio. You could have everyone "decorate" a 4X4 tile and rim your area with those. Wouldn't even matter if it was a bathroom tile or outdoor, the area, rim, would only be 4" like in a horseshoe (if your patio is oval) or rim a rectangle with the 4"s. I think the "delicate" tiles would even be symbolic.

    I am not crafty or artistic so mine might be very simple like a favorite saying: I'm Not Dead Yet! Love, Marsha or "When life hands you lemons, get out the tequila & salt! Love, Marsha Others more talented could paint or shalac or whatever. A 4x4 wouldn't be that much in shipping costs. Any time you had company they would go out and "read/view" your circle patio. Just an idea. Don't know how big it will be or shape so this might not work. Marsha
    I love the idea. I am going to do some measurements today and figure out how big I am going to make it. Haven't decided yet what I'm going to do...concrete or brick. Depends on what is cheaper. I mixed all the concrete for our sidewalk myself when we did that and there is no way I could do that again so I'd have to have it delivered. Anyhooo...if anyone is interested I'd love to include everyone.
    Hugs all
  • newvickie
    newvickie Member Posts: 2,941
    edited June 2007
    Popping in again...really need a shower LOL. Hungry too so I think it will be blueberry pancakes this morning.

    I just wanted to say that I missed a bunch of you and I never want anyone to feel left out. I swear I need to do a roll call and write down everyones name! You are ALL in my thoughts and my heart.
    Have a great day
    Yeah...a committed CG that should be committed.
  • jasmine
    jasmine Member Posts: 773
    edited May 2008

    Vickie I would love to do a tile for your pattio.

  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Member Posts: 2,728
    edited June 2007
    Vickie: Good Morning Sunshine Sister. Marsha's idea sounds grand. Blueberry pancakes sounds so good. Im gonna make omelets. First will saute some green onions in butter and then make the omelets with cheese. My mouth is watering already.


  • marshakb
    marshakb Member Posts: 796
    edited June 2007
    Vickie....make sure you have everyone sign their tile!

    I was telling Vick we did this as a fund raiser at the theatre. We sold bricks, they were engraved with the donors name and they rim the area out front. Seen them 100 times but still read the rim when I go the theatre. Marsha
  • newvickie
    newvickie Member Posts: 2,941
    edited June 2007
    Thanks Jasmine...I would love to have a tile from you.
    Thanks Marsha for such a great idea.
    Nickster...wuv you too! Big hugs.

    Tomorrow is DD birthday and I don't know why but I feel so sad. Partly because I miss her and she's going through a rough time, partly because I miss my little girl. I so love my women who will be 26 tomorrow and I am so very proud of her...she's such a great person all the way around but I guess in my heart she will always and forever be my "little girl". Big sigh...I think we'll send her a video and sing Happy Birthday and You Are My Sunshine since that was a song I always sang to her when she was little.

    Off to eat...again...
    Love and hugs
  • joy1122
    joy1122 Member Posts: 189
    edited June 2007
    Vicky..they grow up so Kevin turned 15 on 5/31 and my Michael will be 27 on 6/17. It feels like yesterday when they were little.
    I hope everyone is having a great weekend. I am waiting for my son's fiance to go shopping this morning. I have two parties to go to this afternoon and one tonight. I get tired just thinking about it.
    Does anyone know about the shirts surfer's wear? Do they keep there bodies from getting wet? Here's my thought. They say not to get Kevin's incision wet for 3 months. That would be his whole summer! I said after the drains heal...blasted drains...he could wear one of them to go in the neighbor's pool. What do you think?
    We went to the Phillies game last night. 13 to 0 they were crusified!!! Being Philly fans we all started singing Fly Eagles Fly. Had alot of fun though and Kevin enjoyed it.
    Gotta run you all...hugs....

  • snowmen_n_thongs
    snowmen_n_thongs Member Posts: 367
    edited June 2007
    good morning ladies!!!!!!!!!!!!!
    holy cow its going to be a hot day here today!!!
    gonna be 31 degees celsious which in fahenheit is 87.8
    i am so not used to the heat yet.... i prefer a little cooler.........
    so i get up this morning and i just got out of the shower and hubby asks me what i am doing!!!!!! i am think duh!! going to work and he says oh its only 4:30....... well crap sakes that sucked!!!!!!!!!
    nikki omg that omlet sounds so yummy!!!!!!!!! oh and i am stuck at work... well hubby made me lunch.... its a wrap but not sure whats in it..... hahahaha hmmmmm
    well i am going to type up my resignation today ... I guess its appropriate to give two weeks notice... I am afraid of change here but its only going to better myself... I am taking the job to manage a retail store here!!!!!!!!!
    well its my friday today and i am already pooped out!!! at least with this new job i dont even have to get up till 7:30 ish.... thats a whole extra hour and half to sleep in ... that works for me
    well going to go back to read the posts this board does move very fast!!!!
    oh and good to see you cheri havent seen you on for some time!!!!
    see ya soon ladies....
  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Member Posts: 2,728
    edited June 2007

    Wow! The clouds went away, the sun is out and its already hot and humid. Only 8:30am. Went for a 1.5 mile wak with my dog. It felt good to start walking again - although Im sweating like all get out right now.

    Someone started a thread somewhere on these boards about head sweating. Well ever since chemo, thats the only place that I sweat from. My hair is dripping wet and underarms as dry as can be.

    Joyce: Ive never heard about that swim wear. I do remember after I had surgery it made me crazy that I couldnt go swimming. But I did get on a float and dangled my feet. 3 months is an awful long time. Hope the doctrs change their minds for Kevins sake.

    Tracey: I was wondering if this was your Friday. Cheers to the week-end. Man I hate when I misread the time and get up early. I did that about 2 weeks ago. Once your showered who can go back to bed? The new job sounds good. Change is good. See ya later in the party thread. I have an unopened bottle of red wine I plan on enjoying later today.

    Well dog walk is done, now its time to walk to the 7-11 and get a newspaper to read. Better do it now, as its only gonna get hotter. I was thinking what great exercise, to go swimming after my walk. But still no pool opened. DH plans on opening it Monday - well we shall see - he has been such a procrastinator this year. Ok see ya all later.

    Good morning Jasmine.

  • jasmine
    jasmine Member Posts: 773
    edited May 2008

    Wow Thongs! That is fantastic news. My best wishes on the new job!

  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Member Posts: 2,728
    edited June 2007

    Well I have already walked 2 1/2 miles today. Think I need to slow down a bit here. It just feels so good to be walking again.

  • Odalys
    Odalys Member Posts: 929
    edited June 2007

    Hey, Nicki - I know what you mean about the heat. That is one of the reasons I have stopped taking morning walks. It's usually very hot and humid by 8:30 AM here. Lately, I've switched to evening walks but they are not the same. I love those morning walks....fresh morning air is great.

  • Lynn48
    Lynn48 Member Posts: 69
    edited June 2007
    Good Morning

    Just popped in for a quick read at work. It is so good to see everyone doing well. So glad to see NS and CY sounding strong during chemo.
    Cheri, glad you finally got your leg done and no interference from anything else. Praying for good healing. Then you can join Nicki on her early morning walks.
    Nicki, have been off for a while, did you get your 'mipples'done??
    Vicki, your daughter and my oldest are close in age. It is great to see them growing into such wonderful adults isn't it! And it sucks when they have hard times and you aren't close enough to lend a physical shoulder. Funny about the 'you are my sunshine' song. My husband always sang that to our son. Now he does it to irritate him (he's almost 15 now), though secretly I think he likes it.
    Thongs, good luck on your new job. I bet it will feel good sleeping in for the first while.
    New position at work has been going well, very busy though. Next week I will have more time to be on the board though as I am having surgery on Thursday. Nothing serious, just a hysterectomy, but it gives me 6 weeks off. Got tired of the low iron from such heavy menses since the Tamoxifen, and the cramps!! So will get that looked after. Onc says he won't change me off Tamoxifen even with a hyster as he says it is better documented then the AI's and a longer history so he'll stick with it. That's good for me because other then the above, my side effects have been few.
    Break's over gotta go. Think of all you ladies every day.
    God Bless
  • sherloc
    sherloc Member Posts: 893
    edited June 2007
    Good Morning ladies. It's 8am so I guess were not going on the Bike Run today. Shhhh nobody remind him. In lue (sp? questionable) of that on the agenda today is yard work before it gets to hot. Gotta keep the weeds down to non rattler hiding height. Then more laundry and working on the bra quilt. Which is coming along nicely if I do say so myself.

    Marsha, next time I come to Florida can I come to Broads Night Out? Pretty Please.

    Welcome Home Deb. Have a grand Relay.

    Iris, thanks for the sympathy. I'm sorry about your headache and nasty sinus issues. You could do what my hubby does. Stuff tissue up there and be done with it. No more pesky drip drip drip. Yeah the man is weird. And I wonder where my children get it from?

    Ok you dear girls who are still washing your kids clothes.......They are quite capable of learning to use the washer. I promise. Mine were all doing their own laundry by age 10. Eliminated the "Mom I don't have anything to wear issues". Mom would just say, "well last time I checked you new where the washer was." On the down side I'm sure that stance led to the stinky boy room syndrome. So it's catch 22. But at least it's less work for you.

    Beth, hahahahahhhahah

    Socal, Get yourself a Mini. They are way to much fun.
    You go to the coolest places. We went to the Science Fiction Museum and something called The Music Project during our afternoon in Seattle. Both were very cool but no cameras allowed.

    momentary break...son just called. They did indeed go on a short jaunt. Back in port for a couple of days then off again. Not headed to Persian Gulf for a couple of months.

    Jan, can I have a smartarita. I could use one.

    Colleen, WOW! Very cool.

    Nicki, Learn something new every day is my motto. Keeps my brain from turning to mush and dripping out my ears.
    I didn't know that about the antihistamine. Just thought it was to help the itching.

    Sheri, you had a busy day. Glad it's over for you. Will be praying for the results.

    Denise, Calamine lotion never even occured to me. Geez louise. I swear I am just brain dead sometimes.

    Madison I hope your feeling better today with no ill effects from the Ritas. I'm with Nicki, two would have me dancing on tables naked. Ever hear that song "Tequila makes her clothes fall off"?

    Yippee for scar tissue Liz.

    Gina, good for you for going out.

    Vicki, I love reading your nightcaps.

    Cy, you need to take care of you too. Can't wait to see your new do.

    Cheri, 15 hours in a car. Holy Moly!! I didn't even dream about reading back when I got home. Way to much effort for my tired brain. Glad you had a good chat with Mena.

    Well shoot howdy. Nicki, you just reminded me that today is my cancerversary. 3 years ago today I got the fated phone call. Dang I can't believe I forgot.

    Vicki, that sounds like a grand plan for a patio. Where would I get the tile?
    Hey we were preggers at the same time. My daughter will be 26 next month. How cool is that. Is she coming to PinkStock?

    Joy I don't think the shirts keep them from getting wet. But don't quote me on that. Have you looked into the clothes that burn victims wear? I think they serve the purpose.

    Tracey, a new job will be scary and exciting all at the same time. You will do well. And no more night shifts. Yehaw!!

    Nicki, I used to be a nonsweater too. Sweating is just plain nasty. My worst is between my shoulder blades. Drip Drip Drip.

    Thats it for me I do believe. Time to start my day. OOOO I forgot another tidbit. Dang this is beginning to be a habit. Anywhos, got a call from Stanford yesterday. My BRCA test was negative. Girl said they did the extensive??? test instead of just the normal one. Have no clue what that means but who cares. I didn't expect it to be positive but it did make my daughter feel so much better hearing the news.
    Have a great day ladies.
  • PuppyFive
    PuppyFive Member Posts: 539
    edited June 2007

    I am Blessed!!! xoxoxo Puppy
  • marshakb
    marshakb Member Posts: 796
    edited June 2007
    Shirley, awesome about the BRCA, I'm sure your daughter is relieved. And of course you would be invited to BNO when you come to Fl. Every Wednesday night. Starts at 5 and guys aren't allowed to come till after 6.

    Tracey, great news on the new job.

    Cheri good to have you back. Pary thread is just not the same without you in there flowing..........

    CY, man you are impressive. Keeping so busy and staying so upbeat. You are a true inspiration and you are gonna kick some cancer a**!

    Gina, so good to hear you went to the Gala. I'm going to a Women of Worth shindig in two weeks. Black tie, $100 a ticket. Have no clue what I am going to wear with this "one eyed" body of mine. (not to mention the bald head) LOL Also have the Harvey Awards next weekend at the theatre. I didn't do a show this season so not up for an award but I am one of the presenters (last season winners are asked to present) That is cocktail dress. Don't have that either. EVERYTHING in my closet has spagetti straps! Any suggestions??

    Hugs all around, Marsha
  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Member Posts: 2,728
    edited June 2007
    Odalys: I agree morning walks are the best. If I wait until evening, after work - I will never do it.

    Lynn: It sure has been along time. Hope everything is going well. What is your new job? I forget. I never did get the mipples. I decided Im done with surgery and treatment. I just need a break from everything for a while.

    Sherloc: Im so glad your BRCA was negative and I bet your daughter is relieved. I dont know what extended means, but I know there are newer and newer tests becoming available. Heart they identified 4 more genes that will put someone in the high risk category. I really believe we are approaching a cure.
  • sherloc
    sherloc Member Posts: 893
    edited June 2007

    Just talked to my sister. She is stage 3. Meets with onc about chemo and rads next week. Please pray for her ladies. Her name is Donna.

  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Member Posts: 2,728
    edited June 2007
    Sherloc: Man, Im sorry to hear this about your sister. Has to be hard watching her now having to go through chemo. This stuff just never ends.

    I dont know if you remember me telling this story, but I work with someone who had stage 3 colon cancer 7 years ago. She is doing great and has NED.

    Sending a big hug to you and Donna.


  • cmb35
    cmb35 Member Posts: 554
    edited June 2007
    Sherloc - Donna in the middle of the circle

    Nicki - yikes it's hot and muggy!

    everyone else - off to do something useful with my afternoon before I take to the couch and a Lifetime movie!!! I'm in one of those moods and I know I'll be feeling bad later if I don't accomplish some stuff....
  • newvickie
    newvickie Member Posts: 2,941
    edited June 2007

    Oh Sherloc...I'm sorry the news wasn't better and she has to go through the chemo. We will put her in the center and keep track of her with you. Praying that all will turn out ok. Sending you a hug.

  • socallisa
    socallisa Member Posts: 10,184
    edited June 2007
    Good thing Vickie didn't see me sneaking in last night...

    Sherloc..good about the BRCA for your daughter and grands..
    So sorry to hear about your is a long road...
    Does she live anywhere near you??

    I am waiting for your pictures of your cruise...
    Did you stop in our Saloon in Juneau??

    Colleen is off doing something useful

    Does washing clothes count??

    NS..great you were able to get out, even if you weren't there for nice you could meet beth ny..did you know she was going to be there??Bet your mini is super with NYC streets...Not the SUV
    When I lived in Chappaqua, my Dad worked in Manhattan and if he drove, he took our old beat up car into the city...he says it took him half as long because he looked like he didn't care if someone hit him.. you get your is important..can't wait to see your pixie cut!!
    Glad your Mom is there to help

    Goodness Cheri..that is a long time to be in the car..15 hours that is a trek!! No wonder you nodded off later, bet it is good to be home

    To everyone trying to keep from smoking..hats off to you and keep it up..

    Nicki..sorry you didn't get your glass of wine last night..well, just save it for a little pick me up today..Glad you are walking, I remember when I was down and out during and after chemo I would see the walkers in the park and be so jealous they could do that..Congrats on the two years..

    Thongsie..good luck with the resignation will do a great job in your new place..

    Lynn,Odalys,Puppy,Marsha and Joyce good to see you...

    Have to get my act in gear ..we leave for MA and NH next week for ten is very cool here in San Diego..can't figure out what kind of clothes to pack..
  • susanmcm
    susanmcm Member Posts: 699
    edited June 2007
    Well, I have read through the last 4 pages and I remember so little of it. I've been working lately and that takes all my brain power.

    Went on a one mile fun walk at the local hospital for the Childrens Miracle Network. Finished absolute last. Oh well!!!

    Christine how was your date. That's something I remember. I cannot imagine going out on a date again. Too scary for me.

    Puppy what's your news? Any word yet?

    Amy so watzamatta? You not liking the NED guy. May be we should change him to a her. Don't want to make SO jealous, though. (Nedwina) Ok, forget this. bad idea.

    Nicki, I'm glad you are feeling better. It will be good to get back to work, huh.

    Tracey, good luck on the new job.

    Jankay, were do you come up with your funny posts??

    Shirley, I'm sorry to hear about your sister. You will be able to help her now. Cancer sucks. I hate it but it's an easier burden when someone else understands. I will certainly pray for her.

    Hi Lynn48. Good to see you here.

    Way to go Robin, new everything. Ok, now you got to find a way to Pinkstock.

    Vickie I didn't see your name on the Pinkstock list, or did I? You are coming, right??\

    Marsha, you are a woman of worth!! And it's a lot too. More than I can count.

    Joyce have fun shopping!!!

    Jan, can I have a smarterita too. I really need it.

    Deb C. glad you are home.