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  • socallisa
    socallisa Member Posts: 10,184
    edited June 2007
    Susan ....last...absolutely last?? Sounds like me!!

    Great that you did do it!!!!!!!!!!!
  • RobinTN
    RobinTN Member Posts: 466
    edited June 2007
    I am still trying to catch,boy there has been alot going on.

    AmY:I am so happy you are NED we can dance together.

    Mazy:thank you sweetie for your post I sent you a pm.

    NS:Can you believe it? Remember when were doing the happy dance for me last year??This thread you started for me and some others has been a lifeline for me and at times the only place I had to come to.

    Laura:You are not being petty at all.I had a meltdown this morning because i couldnt find my shoes.Cry when you need to.

    Nicki:thank you for always being here for me and the same to Susan.

    Shokk:yes we have been married for 19 years in october,but we wont make it to that anniversary.that is what is so sad,how long we have been together and to t hrow it all away for nothing.oh well,not my problem,he did it and i refuse to worry or cry or grieve anymore over him.

    Susan:I would love to come to pinstock.What are the dates again? and where is it going to be? Are you going? the problem is money.But that will be over as soon as I go back to work.Althought that might be awhile.I would love to meet everyone.

    Thanks to you Iris it has been a good week.

    I definetly will need your help moving my luggage when we go on vacation to texas and especially the trunk!

    JanKay:How are you feeling?I love your posts,I especially liked the one about the husband farting every morning,that sounds just like a man.

    Beth:Where R u?

    Cheri: How r u?

    has anyone heard from Mena?how is she?
  • sherloc
    sherloc Member Posts: 893
    edited June 2007
    Thanks girls. I knew I could count on you. I'm sure she is going to have to go thru a gazillion scans before they give her the final staging. So keeping all appendages crossed for a while.
    Nicki, I did read that about your co-worker. That makes me feel better.

    Socal, laundry always counts. My sis lives in Portland OR. I have a bunch of doc appts in the next few weeks but plan on going up there when this round is done.
    didn't get into the Red Dog. Would you believe there was a line. Said putz on that and went shopping instead. Pictures are on my to-do list today. Just got inside from spraying another round of round up. Found an old lavender bush and a poor struggling clematis that I planted 5 years ago in the backyard. How cool is that. I can't believe they have survived out there with no water for 5 years. Dug em up and put em in the front yard where they will now probably die from my care.

    Susan, absolutely last is farther than I would have gone. Good for you.

    Back to work for me. See ya later.
  • neesie
    neesie Member Posts: 1,110
    edited April 2008
    Hi Girls,

    Just logged on and haven't read a it is thundering and lightening so I'll be back in a bit!

  • socallisa
    socallisa Member Posts: 10,184
    edited June 2007

    Take cover Denise..

  • RobinTN
    RobinTN Member Posts: 466
    edited June 2007

    it is dreary gloomy day here,wish it would rain.Not had rain in almost a month.yard is starting to look dead.

  • cmb35
    cmb35 Member Posts: 554
    edited June 2007
    Susan - my hat's off to you for doing the walk at all, especially in this heat!!

    Lisa - my "something useful" ended up being buying Life is Good t-shirts for my nephew's birthdays, but at least I got something done!

    Denise - be careful of the lighting, crazy story on the news here about lighting going through someone's window and setting their bed on fire! Can you imagine?

    Shirley - yes, keeping everything crossed!

    Hey to Nicki, Vicki, shokk and everyone else!
  • socallisa
    socallisa Member Posts: 10,184
    edited June 2007
    Shirley..everything still crossed...can I go potty???

    Colleen..that is a good useful something...
  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Member Posts: 2,728
    edited June 2007

    Its 3:30 here in Chicago, and it's the week-end. Just popped the cork on a nice bottle of dago red and just gonna sit back and enjoy the rest of this day.

    Lisa: Walking down memory lane, I too remember being jealous of how far and how fast people could walk, when I was getting chemo. Gosh that seems so long ago now. Hope you have a fun time on your vacation.

    Susan: Dont you know they always save the best for last. You should be so proud and feel so good about yourself. Especially after just having Total knee replacement surgery. Its good to see your smiling face.

    Robin: The truth is we just love you to bits. Cant believe its almost one year since this thread was started. And now your dancing with NED! I am just so happy for you.

    Denise: Hope its just a thunderstorm and nothing more. Today has been a weird day. Cloudy then sunny then overcast. The only thing that has stayed the same it the heat and the humidity.

    Sherloc: Oh what fun. A Lavender bush and Clematis. I am a true believer that flowers represent life. Glad you replanted them in your front yard and hoping they are beautiful. My snapdragons are getting so big and they are doing weird things. My once white snapdragon now has white and red flowers blooming from the same plant. Now whats up with that? Was your sister having symptoms or did they find this with routine screening?

    Sheri: Where the heck are you? Hoping your not going too crazy after all those tests. Sending you some hugs to get you through the week-end.


    I have been thinking about Cari and Denise. Has anyone heard from them? Im hoping everything is ok.

    I know we have tried to do this before, but it sure would be fun for all of us to be on the chat at the same time. Just so hard to coordinate schedules.

    Colleen: At least you went out and did something. I felt good today because I got out early and did alot of working. I cant remember if it was you or Iris. But one of you had your surgery on 6-2-05. Chemo brain is interfering with my thinking.

    See ya all later.


  • newvickie
    newvickie Member Posts: 2,941
    edited June 2007
    It's been a weird day here too. 86 degrees but feels like a hundred. The humidity stinks! Calling for thunderstorms later so hopefully it will cool things down. I have the whole head sweating thing armpit...just my head...what a strange life we lead LOL. weren't last. You were so fast they didn't know you passed them and were first. You are always first in my book. Congratulations on a great walk...hugs.

    Hey to everyone...gotta go back outside were it's at least a wee bit cooler! Think I'm going to have to get an air conditioner. The whole summer is supposed to be hot and dry and Nate can't take the heat at all.
    I'll be back.
    Love ya all to pieces
  • socallisa
    socallisa Member Posts: 10,184
    edited June 2007
    Nicki..the sun came out and I took this pic thinking my toes were going to show...I am relaxing and wishing I could have a glass of wine for a will have to be iced tea...

  • RobinTN
    RobinTN Member Posts: 466
    edited June 2007
    thank you so much nicki.You always know what to say when I am feeling down.I love all of you to.
    I am going to stay NED this time.I want to start exercising to.But its gonna take a little while to get this chemo out of my system.
    My onc is going to do monthly herceptin for maintaince for the rest of my life and ct scans every 3 months and tumor markers.So if the beast does show its ugly head again we will get to it fast.

    Today is karens birthday she is 27 I cant believe it.She came in the room and jasmine and I were talking about what I am going to get her and she said that me being NED is the best b'day present she could ever get.
    I sure do feel better today than I did 27 years ago today.:)
  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Member Posts: 2,728
    edited June 2007
    Vickie: NO air conditioner? Oh my goodness, I would be absolutely dying of heat. I dont seem to tolerate the humidty anymore.

    Lisa: Lovely picture. I want to jump right into the pool. And of course I noticed the flowers. Ice tea is good too. I have a whole batch of sun tea in the refrigerator just waiting to be poured over ice.

    Robin: You just made me smile. My son will be 40 years old this coming October!! Now that really makes me feel old.

  • beth1225
    beth1225 Member Posts: 402
    edited June 2007
    Hi CG's. Just a qquick check in to let you know, I have NOT heard from Tricia's dh yet. Then again, after my surgery, dh got home so late, he didn't call anyone until the next day. As soon as I hear, I will let you know.

    Not as mopey today but it is so hot and humid. Yuck! We have no a/c here either and I am ticked off at the contractor who was doing th erepairs after the brush fire...2 months ago!

    I have been resting more and propping up my swollen ankles.

    Sending love and hugs to all. It is hard to type with the PICC line in.

    BTW, Puppy, glad you got an afghan! Love you!
  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Member Posts: 2,728
    edited June 2007
    Beth: Oh you posted right at the right time. I was just about to give a moment of silence for Tricia. Hoping by now the surgery is over and she is in recovery.

  • SheriH
    SheriH Member Posts: 472
    edited June 2007
    I'm here, would you believe still sniffling and coughing? This has been going on long enough! I also have a sinus headache, probably from the weather, it's so hot, humid and overcast. Robin, I agree with you, we sure need the rain!

    Marsha, is it your community theater that is giving out awards? That's really cool. Ours is pretty small, but I do believe we put out quality product. When are your auditions?

    Beth, glad you are better today. Recovery is such a pain. Hope it keeps getting better.
  • jankay
    jankay Member Posts: 789
    edited June 2007
    nicki and vicki - i guess you were not tweaking my toes hard enough, because i could not feel a thing. Our monitor died yesterday afternoon, so i have been without internet for abouta day. boy talk about withdrawals. the old monitor was 10 yeatds old, 17 in screen and big.
    this one is 19 inches and a flat screen- like night and day.
  • jankay
    jankay Member Posts: 789
    edited June 2007

    Vicki = i loved the cd you did just fine. I love them so u can do more anytime u want too. I love Marshas idea and i would love to conteribute a tile. wonder if a joke would fit on one. I have my granny squares boxed up somaybe one day they will walk to the post office

  • jankay
    jankay Member Posts: 789
    edited June 2007
    iget emails from my sisters and from ffriends i went to school with. I have quite a collection.
    hope all is well.
  • neesie
    neesie Member Posts: 1,110
    edited April 2008
    Okay, only in Michigan! It got pitch black here, wind picked up, a few loud cracks of Thunder and Lightening a couple of sprinkles and then the Sun came out!!

    Vickie: Thanks for checking on us every night. It's nice to know all are tucked in!

    Pam: Thanks for letting us know you'll be gone a couple of days. We are a bunch of Mother Hens! Enjoy the time with your family.

    Cy: Glad you're feeling good, but......Holy Moly....will you slow down a bit and take care of yourself.

    Did you guys notice that Tricia posted a quick line at 4:56am....just before she left for the hospital!

    Nicki: Count me in with the SweatHogs! Never under the arms, but the back of my neck and hairline get drenched! Gotta love this crap! I admire your walking........I don't know why I don't "just do it." I've got plenty of time...I think I just get bored.
    Yea, for 2 years Survivorship!!!! I think that's neat that you took your own CD'S to Surgery with you!

    Gina: Good for you, going to your PS's Dinner! I'm just happy for you....

    Vickie: DD's Birthday..It's hard when you can't be with them, I know. I have the same thing with my Son in AZ. She knows you love her and she has a very pretty painting done by her Mom!! I like the idea Marsha sent you for the patio. I'll do a tile for you, but you'll have to tell me what I can paint, write with to make it waterproof!

    Joyce: Please refresh my memory on when Kevin's surgery is. I'm real sure it's very soon and I'm sending you all my good thoughts.

    Tracey: Congrats on taking the new job!! Sounds like some better hours for you!

    Odalys: Another walker!! We need to figure out a way that Nicki, you and I can talk while walking....maybe that would get me moving!

    Lynn: Don't think I've met you, but I'll be thinking of you during your Surgery. Hey, 6 weeks off in the summer is a good thing, right?!

    Shirley: So sorry to hear about your Sister. She is in the middle of the circle and will be well taken care of. And I'm glad you heard from your Son. A relief for you to know he isn't headed to Yuck Yuck land..for now.
    Good on the BRCA you said, it will be a relief for your DD.
    Praying for Donna........

    Puppy: Did you hear from your Dr. yet? Are you home all off Camping this weekend?

    Susan: Walked for the Childrens Miracle Network.....wonderful. With a brand new knee, I'd say last is an honor! Way to go!

    Colleen: Kinda scary...lightening setting a bed on fire. Then again, that's about the only thing that would start a fire in my bed!!!!

    Christine: The Date???? We're waiting!

    Lisa: I say we all head to your house for a Pool Party!! And Ice Tea is about all I drink..........I'm on my way!

    Robin: Of course you're gonna stay NED..........Nothing else will be acceptable. And your DD's Birthday....I'm absolutely sure your being NED is the best gift she could receive!

    Nicki: A 40 year old're not old, just must have started young!

    Beth: Thanks for letting us know you'll be in contact with Tricia's DH. Post as soon as you hear, please.

    Madison, Shokk, Marsha, Cheri, Liz, Amy and a bunch others..Where are you??

    Love to all,
  • lizws
    lizws Member Posts: 789
    edited June 2007
    Hi girls, can't begin to act like I've caught up. Been just a little down this week. Think part of it is that my son is leaving Monday morning for Minneapolis to visit some friends and possibly look for a job. He's been my true support and such a huge help to me. I know it's time for him to move on though. Just don't want it to happen. I'll be gone for a couple of days since I have to take him to the city to catch the plane. He's never flown! Think he's beginning to freak a bit. I do know people in Denver so if he has problems, I can call them.

    Hugs to Shir and her sister. Anything I can do? Send her cards? Just let me know.

    Congrats to Nicki on the 2 years.

    CY - slow down girl!

    Beth take it easy.

    Cheri glad to see you're home.

    Okay, that's all the mind can remember.

    Hugs and Prayers
  • PuppyFive
    PuppyFive Member Posts: 539
    edited June 2007

    Special Prayers for {{{DONNA}}} [[[Trisha]]]
    Love, Puppy
  • PuppyFive
    PuppyFive Member Posts: 539
    edited June 2007

    This is Puppy, Mad as H$ll at trying to get a report from Her doctors!!! NOTHING YET!! But I get over it when I come talk to My Buds!! Speaking of "Buds" where is Jan?
    Love Ya, Puppy
  • socallisa
    socallisa Member Posts: 10,184
    edited June 2007

    Denise...sounds good a pool party here tomorrow...

  • suzfive
    suzfive Member Posts: 126
    edited June 2007
    Good evening ladies,

    Looks like we are all having the same type of weather. Dark, little bit of rain and then bright sunshine again. Hot and humid as heck too. Another one without A/C - a pool party sounds great.

    Aww Puppy - that mad as hell puppy is so cute. Heres to hoping that no news is good news.

    Christine - come on how did the date go? Inquiring minds want to know! I can't remember if it was last night or tonight - anyways hope you had a good time.

    Shirley - have everything crossed for your sister Donna. She is in the center of the circle and will be doted upon by all. Good news on the BRCA testing - a sigh of relief I'm sure.

    Susan - congrats on the walk and with a new knee.

    Robin - so good to see you posting. You will stay NED and be like new again.

    Shokk - are you hiding in the closet again?

    Well I have been thinking about Tricia all day and was hoping that we would hear something by now. They did have to get to the hospital really early this morning so her poor dh is probably exhausted.

    Beth - take it easy and rest. Feel better soon. When will they take that annoying PICC line out? Can't have anything interfering with board time.

    Well I have dinner on the grill so better go and check on it. Hi to Vickie, CY, Sheri, Cheri, Marsha, Iris, Jan, Nicki, Madison, MB, Liz (yeah for scar tissue), Ishop1, Z, Deb (Hope relay for life went well), Joyce, Amy, Margaret, Cherryl, Jule, Gina, Mena, Holly, Newter, Colleen, Betty, Boo (Sue), Gus (Sue) and anyone else that I missed.

    Good night and sweet dreams,
  • b445
    b445 Member Posts: 980
    edited June 2007
    Me, Mom and Charlie ( my sister)

    Scott, Me, Charlie and RJ
    BRSTN Member Posts: 165
    edited June 2007
    Good evening everyone,

    Sounds like a lot of walking has been happening today. I need to get off my butt and join all you.

    I've been re-organizing some cabinets today. DH is away for the weekend, so I'm getting some stuff done. Tomorrow I'm going to get my tomatoe plants in the ground. They are out growing the pots.

    I sitting here drinking some sangria and going to watch the Cavs. Sure hope they win. I lived close to there when they were really bad, so I'm pulling for them and the city.

    I've noticed that I sweat from my head now also. Dry under my arms, but it just pours off my head. Never did that before chemo. This is such a strange journey.

    Shirley, make sure your sister is in the center of the circle where we can take care of her...and you.

    I was hoping to hear about Tricia.

    Sheri, sure hope you get to feeling better.

    Lisa, oh that pool looks wonderful. I still don't have a swim suit yet. I need to get one before summer is gone.

    Hugs to everyone.

  • lizws
    lizws Member Posts: 789
    edited June 2007
    CY - LOVE the hair! You look great.

  • beth1225
    beth1225 Member Posts: 402
    edited June 2007
    It is 8:45 PM here in Philly. Just heard from Tricia's dh. He said she is in her room, full of pain meds and resting. She wants to go home tomorrow (of course). One of the docs wants to see her Monday so Jeff wants her to stay in the hospital until then. He said it is 150 mile trip one way and he thinks it would be easier on her not taking that kind of ride. We all know she is pretty strong-willed but I hope she listens to reason. If not, we need to tie her down in the middle of the circle and convince her!! If I hear anything more, I will let you all know. So far, so good. The reduction on the one side and mast and recon on the cancer side.

    {{{{{TRICIA}}}}} Sending healing thoughts and prayers.

    I am feeling better this evening so thanks to all of you sending healing thoughts my way too..It worked!

    Liz, thanks for the card. It came at a great time yesterday. Came the same time as my NSSP package too! Hmmmmmm!

    Well, the right arm is hurting again so I will say night night for now unless I can't sleep again tonight!
  • b445
    b445 Member Posts: 980
    edited June 2007
    Well It's been another busy day!
    Mom took Dad to the hospital last night and they admitted him to ICU! And the almost admitted her! I got the call this morning to please come get her, that she was sick! She has what I have figured out are Migranes that don't have the headache first but after she gets sick. They stuck an IV in her and set her up in the waiting room in ICU. So Scott and I drive the hour out to the Base and the car overheats while waiting to get through security only to have them tell me we have to get back on the freeway and go to the next entrance and get a pass! (hightened securityon the base) Takes another hour waiting for the pass!
    Finally get in there to get Them and they tell me they are keeping Dad for at least one more night if not two! They need to get a hold of his DR's in San Diego before they can do some tests. He's got a problem with the kidney that they can't use the Contrast to check for blood clots. So they are keeping him!

    I didn't get out to MIL's to pack anything so will naow be at least one day behind on that!

    I finaly got my Mom back here and she is sleeping off the nausea!

    I cancelled our family dinner for tonight so hope my brother listened to his messages. I've called all the family and am relaxing here with you all!

    I thought I had a close up of me with the hair but that may be on Mom's camera.
    Sure has been nice with the herat wave we've had here!

    PinkStock is 9 weeks away!

    ok need to check out some of the happenings around here! be back!