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  • newvickie
    newvickie Member Posts: 2,941
    edited June 2007
    Good evening ladies,
    Well it looks like its been a busy day here so I'll make my rounds and see how everyone is doing. A little story to tell first though. I hung my hammock swing (it's like a chair) from the front porch rafter today, was swingin away, crocheting and minding my business when the hook came out and all came crashing down. The bar across the top of the swing hit me in the head (no damage done there LOL), I landed on my left elbow and neck of all elbow is literally killing me!!! My neck is really stiff and sore and I hate to think how this is gonna feel in the morning. I walk the perimeter ot tuck everyone in I expect to hear no snickering!

    Oh...DD called, her DH made her a very fancy dinner the night before last. She came home from work to candles, dinner, a necklace that she's been wanting, a movie and flowers. He is asking if they can give it one more try. (begging actually)so she is going to give it a go. I pity him if he screws up again as I know just about how far her patience will go.

    Gotta stop by Shirleys wagon daughter is trying and planning to come to Pinkstock and it looks like she may be able to. I plan on going down there in late September or mid October...Not sure where to get the tiles...a home improvement store most likely...I will seal them ladies so don't worry about that part. I have some great sealant that lasts for years!
    Nicki out walked all of us today and is sound asleep...turning of the television for her again...dirty looks from DH...heehee.
    Madison is crocheting away...getting way ahead of me although I did get almost half an afghan done today...night night sweet lady.
    Lynns wagon is back! Hello Lynn and here's a hug before your surgery. Will say special prayers that all goes well and you heal quickly. Find some relaxing things to do during your six weeks off. Bless you too!
    Puppy's wagon is quiet except for the puppy who is growling away. All will be well. Wrap yourself in that afghan and feel all the love and prayers.
    Stopping by Marsha's wagon for a guick blue drink or whatever else she may have...we have to get together when I come to Florida again. We will most likely be staying at Cocoa Beach although Clearwater has been mentioned. Oh what a time we could have LOL.
    Cheri's wagon is hoppin, kids are giggling and I do believe there are some blue drinks I can sneak from there after I jump on Cheri's bed and wake her butt up for a while.
    Shirley's wagon is looking a little sad so we need some cheering up here. All will be well...we are still here and your sister will be be just fine. Tucking you in and wishing you a peaceful night.
    Tricia's wagon is empty at the moment but we are with her in spirit. Glad she is resting well and hope she stays till Monday. Gentle hugs to you Tricia.
    Odalys...its probably as hot on this side of the wagon circle as your side...whew...the thunderstorms went right around us and we didn't get cooled down nearly enough. Will have to see what I can do to meet up with you when I come to visit my DD!
    CY is sleeping soundly, what a darling haircut. Isn't she a beauty. So lucky to have her in our circle.
    Jasmine's wagon has been pretty quiet lately...whats up buttercup...everything ok with you?
    Pam...hope the graduation went well and you enjoyed your day. Tucking you in with your afghan and wishing you joyful dreams.
    Lisa's wagon is empty and I hear she was sneaking in last night. Gonna lay in wait tonight and see what she's up too.
    Shokk is mighty quiet...wonder if she's in the closet or if it really did rain men and she's hiding out with them. later alligator.
    Jankay is up with her wonderful new monitor...aren't they the greatest! Enjoy your music...tucking you in too, with a hug.
    Z's wagon is wayyyyy over on the other side...wonder what she's up to? Haven't seen her today but I'll bet she's having a good time.
    Karen's wagon is pretty quiet...are we sleeping...gonna sneak in, cover her up and say a prayer for a restful night and a calm and happy Sunday.
    Beth is trying to sleep with the stupid PICC line...poor girl...things will be better soon...sending you a hug.
    Suz is grilling and it smells pretty good, I think I'll snag her and see if we can find a pool somewhere. Our new one hasn't come in yet and I fear by the time it does the weather will get back to normal and we won't need it LOL.
    Sheri is still sniffling and has a headache...sending her some tissues and excederin. Hugs to you.
    Susan is sleeping soundly after her walk on her new knee today. What a wonder she is!
    Denise is still up so I'm gonna offer her a blue drink...heehee...don't anyone tell her what's in it. Cheri...What is in it? It's pretty potent stuff that's for sure.
    Betty has a you all there in the morning!! Shhh..don't want to wake her too early.
    Suz is off to bed too by the looks of things...good night and sweet dreams to you too.
    Shel is missing...has anyone seen her wagon.
    Robin's wagon is quiet and peaceful tonight...NED is a great guy to hang out with.
    Amy's wagon has quite a pile of clothes outside...wonder what that's all about. Slipping Mazer a cinnamon bun as I surely don't need it. I've gain back all my weight and then some! Yikes. Jelly belly and all...this is sooo weird.
    Debs wagon is quiet too and I don't know where she is...dang its a long walk to that end of the circle and not sure I can walk much further tonight.
    Did I see Gus's wagon...nope...wonder where it is?
    Betty's wagon sounds like the place to be...sangria and televison...I can handle that so this is where I will have to stop for the evening...if you need me you know where I am.
    Sorry to all the wagons I missed...I will visit tomorrow.
    Know that I love ya are my strength.
  • socallisa
    socallisa Member Posts: 10,184
    edited June 2007

    WOW CY..your plate is overflowing..

  • shokk
    shokk Member Posts: 790
    edited June 2007

    Good evening breast challenged what a chatting group we are......first up geez Sherloc I am so sorry about your sister.....did ya'll know "I HATE FREAKING CANCER" need to give us a little back story about she older or younger than you, married, kids, grandkids, how did she find out....routine screening or was she having syptoms....if you don't mind sharing.......that's another medical test I really need to have but afraid I will fail.......great pics on the thread tonight.....I promise when my oldest child gets home a week from tomorrow I am going to have her take a pic of us and post it here so that ya'll can see that I am real....ha.......I know I will have her take the picture of us in the closet with the animals so ya'll can see where I have spent most of the spring.....we did have another storm roll through early this morning at about 2 am but was in no mood to get up and get in the wasn't that bad but was youngest is at a band pool party tonight and I am actually drinking a glass of red wine which has been in the refreg for over a yr......sorry oldest child is calling brb.......

  • shokk
    shokk Member Posts: 790
    edited June 2007

    Ok we are trying to figure out her passage home.......Nicki I don't know if you remember but her sister and I were going to drive up and retrive her from WI but with the price of gasoline she is catching a ride home with a girl from FT. Worth......they will share expenses.......anyway even though she is almost 20 I am nervous about her driving down from WI and then I think will Sheri's son is in Equdor (I think)I can handle this........Getting ready to walk the dogs around the block....oh I almost forgot to tell ya'll a very funny conversation I had with my brother that is five yrs older than me.......he doesn't have a computer and I have been whinning at him about it saying we can communicate through email and all the stuff he could found on ebay and crap and he said that he is afraid that prono will just pop up and he will be forced to look at it.......what the ......I looked at him and said you have got to be kidding and then I realized he was being serious......I said will I think your talking about pop-ups and you can block those and usually unless you go to those kind of websites you really don't have to much to worry about......geez......he's 55 yrs just got to love them......anyway guys going to walk the dogs be back in about 30 minutes.....if daughter isn't home will check back in to say goodnight......

  • socallisa
    socallisa Member Posts: 10,184
    edited June 2007
    I am sending my sentry back to help Vickie...

  • shokk
    shokk Member Posts: 790
    edited June 2007

    Where the heck is everybody.......oh Cheri back.......think I will cruise over to the cyber party thread..........

  • newvickie
    newvickie Member Posts: 2,941
    edited June 2007

    thanks Lisa...need all the help I can get and a Vicodin would be really nice right about now.

  • newvickie
    newvickie Member Posts: 2,941
    edited June 2007
    Breast challenged sisters...ppphhhfffttt...oh I love that one!
    I did get my new bra's today along with wonderful squares from Binney and Liz!
  • socallisa
    socallisa Member Posts: 10,184
    edited June 2007

    Don't forget to ice down your sore spots Vickie..

  • newvickie
    newvickie Member Posts: 2,941
    edited June 2007

    not sure I can reach them all...I am one hurtin turkey tonight!

  • socallisa
    socallisa Member Posts: 10,184
    edited June 2007

    ice with velcro
  • AlaskaDeb
    AlaskaDeb Member Posts: 1,159
    edited June 2007
    OK...relay for life stats....

    29 team memebers
    20 hours
    1079 laps walked
    thats almost 270 MILES
    12,037 dollars raised by the team
    1st place in fund fact...bragging a bit, we raised over twices as much as the 2nd place team.
    Our team won a huge party set-up...coolers, camp chairs, food, pizzas, bbq tools, party name it.
    I won a huge hand made picnic table
    I am so tired I can not see straight....
    pictures later
    I love you all
    Going to take a Looooooong hot bath
    Deb C
  • jasmine
    jasmine Member Posts: 773
    edited May 2008

    Vickie maybe you should take a trip to the ER to get things checked out.

  • newvickie
    newvickie Member Posts: 2,941
    edited June 2007

    hmmm...wrist is swelling now, bruises coming up on my side and my friggin tailbone hurts! My elbow hurt so bad I don't know if I just didn't notice all the rest or if they are just popping in to join the fun! Geez. LOL.

  • CherrylH
    CherrylH Member Posts: 189
    edited June 2007
    If you have bags of frozen corn or peas, pull them out of the freezer. They are mushable (is that a word) and can be made to fit all sorts of hurting places. Feel better!!!!!
  • newvickie
    newvickie Member Posts: 2,941
    edited June 2007
    looks like I may be taking a trip to the ER in the't expecting to hurt this bad...didn't fall that far.
    Cherryl...forgot that tip...thank lots of frozen veggies and I'm heading that way now. Mushable is a word...we have all kinds of words here that nobody would understand but us LOL.
    Love ya
  • shokk
    shokk Member Posts: 790
    edited June 2007

    ((((Vickie)))))don't you wish you had a man around to do that kind of stuff around the house so that when the swing came tumbling down you could blame sorry sweetheart but what the heck do you think you were doing??????Alright I'll wait for you to get back from the er before I start lecturing you......I'll have Nicki wag that Italian finger at you.......get pain killers.......ok sweet sisters know I am going to go watch some tv and worry about to everyone.......Hey Vickie see ya later gator in the ER........geez........can't let any of ya'll out of my sight for one minute without someone getting into trouble........

  • lizws
    lizws Member Posts: 789
    edited June 2007
    Vickie - please have yourself checked out. You never know when you may have discolated or cracked something. Ice, ice, ice and more ice. Let us know how you are please.

  • jankay
    jankay Member Posts: 789
    edited June 2007
    wishing everyone a good night and hope the bed bugs dont bite!
    What would u do if one of your kids or one of us did that.
    u would be right beside nicki wagging your finger!
    Now pretend i am standing beside nicki wagging my finger!
    move it girlfriend!!!!!
  • socallisa
    socallisa Member Posts: 10,184
    edited June 2007
    Guess I have to be a supermom to our wagon group..
    and be a nag..get thee to be checked out, Vickie
  • sherloc
    sherloc Member Posts: 893
    edited June 2007
    Good Evening Ladies. Well this crappy week is just about over. Thank goodness for that. Spent an hour or so in my yard today and had several more bumpy/blister things pop up this afternoon. Hmmmmmm ya think I've become allergic to the sun? Didn't wear sunscreen (I know shame on me, but I need the vitD for my bones) and did latex gloves when I was spraying so no poison got on my skin. This is beginning to be a ponder.
    Thank you all so much for the prayers for my sister.
    Shokk asked for some background. So heres the short version.
    Donna is my half sister from my dads second marriage. She is 35. Ten years younger than me. She is married and has 2 children. Daughter 7, Son 10, and is custodial guardian of her 15 year old nephew. She lives in Portland OR. Her mother died of BC when Donna was 18 I think. Apparently she had some rectal bleeding going on for a couple of months that she chalked up to hemroids. Finally went to the doctor, cancer found with colonoscopy.
    Liz, I'm sure she would love to receive cards. It is a lovely thought. Thank you. If anyone would like to send her a card PM me and I'll pass on her address.

    Socal, you may go potty if I can come spend the summer in your pool.

    Nicki, isn't it weird when flowers change colors. I have a bunch of plain old fashioned purple iris. Alive only because I never touch them. This year two of the bloomed in a very pretty lavender color. Very odd indeed.

    Liz, remind me how old your son is. I sent my daughter to Australia when she was 17. She made it back in one piece with wonderful memories.

    Vicki, one word.....OUCH!!! Dont wait till the middle of the night to go to the ER. O wait it is the middle of the night. Darn. Praying nothing is broken.

    Puppy that pooch is to pickin cute.

    Cy, lovely lovely lovely. And WOW on that bush behind you.
    Praying for Dad and Mom and you of course. Did Mom just wear herself out?

    Vicki, my daughter will be soooo happy if your daughter comes to play as well. Someone her age who's been thru the same crap.
    I just love reading your nightly recap.

    Shokk, my son drove cross country from Conn to California by himself in an old beat up truck when he changed posts when he was in the Navy. He was 20 and tells me he didn't get lost at all. Stunk to high heaven when he finally got here and the truck made it all the way to the California border before it broke down.

    Cute monkey.

    Good Night to you as well Jankay.

    I'll see you all tomorrow. Sweet dreams one and all.

    Betty, reorganizing cabinets. Wanna come do mine?
  • sherloc
    sherloc Member Posts: 893
    edited June 2007
    oops forgot to say....
    even tho I hate prednisone with a passion I must say I haven't had this much energy in ages and ages. If it weren't for that pesky not sleeping bit, and the pounding headache bit, and the fact that it's probably zapping every bit of calcium left in my bones I could take it every day.
  • b445
    b445 Member Posts: 980
    edited June 2007
    Hey Shirley how's the Bra Quilt coming?

    Are you taking any meds that make you sensitive to the sun?

    Send me you sisters address!

    Ok all realtives are now aware of what is going on with Mom & Dad so I can go to bed, I'm exhausted!

    Hugs & Prayers to all!
  • sherloc
    sherloc Member Posts: 893
    edited June 2007
    the quilt is coming along nicely Cy. I'm taking pictures of the process.
    I'm taking prednisone which I think does that but wasn't taking it when I first broke out. Who the heck knows. We need a fairygodmother with a magic mirror to tell us all this stuff.
  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Member Posts: 2,728
    edited June 2007

    Good Morning Everyone: Just took my first sip of coffee and as always it tastes great. I woke up and thought to myself "hey, I feel pretty good." I think the battle of Nicki vs the cold has finially been won! I know there is a big time change between all of us, but man some of you stay up late. I was proud of myself cause I didnt go to bed until 8pm last night.

    They have been saying we would get rain everyday. Yesterday they said on the news that we wouldnt get away with it. It was gonna rain all day Sunday. So I just peaked my head outside. I know its early, but not a cloud in the sky.

    Sheri: Sounds like we had the same cold virus. Hoping you feel better really soon.

    Jankay: Oh my goodness, I would go absolutely crazy with no internet.

    Denise: Im thinking the storms that hit us on Friday, moved towards you yesterday. It was so bizzare. Got dark and ugly. Of course, Im afraid of tornados so I thought every cloud looked like one. 45 minutes later, the sun was out again. Its weird about walking. I dont get bored with it. Like looking at all the houses, seeing what flowers different people have, who cuts their lawn, who doesnt -that kind of stuff. Its a great time just for thinking.

    Liz: So good to hear from you. Its one thing to think about your son moving on his own in the same town. Its a whole different story going to another city and State. Tell him how cold and snowy it is there

    Puppy: Well I say the time has come where you either call or show up at your doctors office and ask for the results. This sitting by the telephone stinks.

    CY: Oh what great pictures. I still need to get myself a camera. My goodness, so much going on in your life. You need to make sure to take care of yourself too. Please try and rest today.

    Betty: Head sweating is my middle name. All around the crown of my head and my neck. Hair gets totally saturated. And even though my hair has grown back, I see more and more little hairs coming in. So I figure, maybe head sweating is good for hair growth.

    Beth: Thank you for the update on Tricia. Im so glad she is in her room and hoping she stays in the hospital until Monday. 150 miles is sure a long ride after having surgery. And then what if there is a complication? Sometimes I feel like many of us are just too stubborn when it comes to taking care of ourselves.

    Talk about goofy weather. I went to fill up my cup and peaked outside again. The clear sky now has clouds. My husband promised me he would open up our pool today - so its makes sense it would rain!

    Vickie: that tumble you took sounds nasty. Hoping your elbow and neck dont hurt too much. Its like the nasty fall I had when I tripped over my dog. Relieved I didnt really hurt anything, but I sure did have some aches and pains the next moring. Never sounds good when someone falls on their neck. Well I just read your other posts and I agree with the others, time to go to ER and get x-rays. Yes indeed, Im waving my patriotic Italian finger and stomping my foot saying go the the ER! Dont make me come over there and drag you.


    Shokk: The trip from Wisconsin to Texas is gonna be beautiful and a learning experience in itself. When I was 20 y/o I thought I was so grown up. Normal to worry, but I think you daughter will be just fine and it will be an experience of a life time.

    Sherloc: Still sounds like you are being exposed to some allergen! Keep track of what you are doing or taking and relate it to any more hives popping up. The truth be said about the sun - it does provide a tremendous amount of Vitamin D. Just read an article about that last week in the newspaper. Take a look at all the medications you are taking. Some of them might say to stay out of the sun if you are taking them. So thats a thought too. Here is some interesting information on Prednisone. 20mg of Decadron = 1 mg of Prednisone. So if you have energy now, think of what it was like with chemo and taking that Decadron. Hoping you feel better today.

    Lisa: Loved the Monkey.

    WOW its still early and Ive read all of the posts. Maybe I can get outside for my walk before the rain or the heat arrive. See ya all later.

  • jankay
    jankay Member Posts: 789
    edited June 2007
    gm nicky
    tweaking vickkis toes

    bbk med time
  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Member Posts: 2,728
    edited June 2007

  • newvickie
    newvickie Member Posts: 2,941
    edited June 2007
    Good morning sisters,
    Jankay...thanks for tweaking my toes! Oh my am I stiff, bruised and sore laughing. I really think I'm fine and nothing is broken, just bruised. Everything is still working and I managed to crawl out of bed. I swear I do the dumbest things...first the ladder, now this. You would have thought the fall from the ladder would have been worse than this...oh well. I will be fine and dandy.
    Promised Nathaniel french toast this morning, overslept so I gotta jump in the shower, get dressed, fix breakfast and get to church on time...yikes.
    I promise if I notice anything weird I will go to the ER! Thank you all for wagging your fingers and giving me advice...guess I do need to hire a hubby or find myself a babysitter LOL.
    Love you all...a whole bunch
  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Member Posts: 2,728
    edited June 2007

    Good Morning Vickie: French toast sounds marvelous. Im making a frittata with Italian sausage.

  • jankay
    jankay Member Posts: 789
    edited June 2007
    is there enough french toast for everybody
    i am hungry