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  • Lynn48
    Lynn48 Member Posts: 69
    edited June 2007
    Good Morning Girls,
    Just getting ready to go to work. Gonna miss another gorgeous day! It has been a tough week at work. I work Delivery Suite and we have had 3 stillbirths this week and I have been on for all of them. Couldn't take another one, so I hope today is a good day.
    Shirley, is it possible you're allergic to Latex?? Maybe it's the gloves.
    Vicki, hope it's just bruises, but you're going to be some wonderful colours this week.
    Nicki, I forgot how much I love your little cartoons. They pick me up.
    Everyone else, thinking of you. Prayers for Donna and all who need them.
  • jankay
    jankay Member Posts: 789
    edited June 2007

    positive thinking for lynn to have a good day

  • newvickie
    newvickie Member Posts: 2,941
    edited June 2007
    oh Lynn...sending prayers for a good day.
    Good morning sunshine sisters all...Nicki, your breakfast sounds good too!
    Come on over Jankay...all the french toast and sausage you can eat. (Grab some food from Nicki's on your way).
    It's gonna be an excedrin day LOL!
  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Member Posts: 2,728
    edited June 2007

    Breakfast - the most important meal. Just returned from my morning walk. Wasnt sure if it was gonna rain or not. The sky is doing all sorts of different things. A little cooler this morning than yesterday, but Im still sweating. Taking a rest before I walk up to the Dollar Store and CVS to pick up a prescription. Will just get the Sunday paper there too.

    Vickie: I say lets just have a big breakfast buffet!

    Jankay: Bring a big plate.

    Lynn: I always thought working in the delivery room would be fun, but I forget about the sad things. Im hoping you have a great day. Well - weather permitting, Im off again. Catch up with ya all later.

  • jankay
    jankay Member Posts: 789
    edited June 2007
    A MEAT PLAnTTER!!!!!
  • jankay
    jankay Member Posts: 789
    edited June 2007
    tink, mags, sue,gary, skybaby have been coming u need to join us it is in the staying connected room in bc chat
  • PuppyFive
    PuppyFive Member Posts: 539
    edited June 2007

    My Prayer in the church wagon this morning!! Nicki, I just love your posts, and pictures they make me laugh!!
    Good Morning Jankay, You have the funiest jokes!! Vicki
    REST Today Your too busy Young Lady!!! xoxoxo BBL,Puppy
  • shokk
    shokk Member Posts: 790
    edited June 2007

    Good morning sweet sisters.......ya'll aren't going to believe this but its getting ready to storm again.........dark as night, thunder and lightning.......Nicki, Jankay, Vickie, Lynn and Puppy I cannot believe how early ya'll get up......Of course Lynn is going to work, Vickie to church.....Jankay's family won't let her sleep and Nickie probably doesn't require as much sleep as normal people.....ha......Martha Stewart says she can't sleep any longer than about 4.5 hrs a it is pouring is finished brewing....going to grab a cup and watch some cooking all of ya'll......will come back in a little while.......

    BRSTN Member Posts: 165
    edited June 2007

    Good morning everyone,

    Vickie, sure glad you didn't break anything. That sounded like a nasty fall.

    I think we all have the same weatherman. They have been predicting rain here for all weekend, but not a drop. We need it bad, too.

    Nicki, I think I'll walk to the store for s paper, also. We let our subscription end to the local paper. It's a pretty bad paper, but I do like the Sunday ads.

    Mmmm, breakfast sounds good. I had my cheerios and then read what everyone else is having. I just might need to check out the good smells from everyone's wagons.

    Lynn, I sure hope you have a good day.

    Puppy, I love your prayer.

    DH told me yesterday about running into a lady at the Kiwanis training he's at who had bc. She was telling him about the se's she had...weight gain, joint pains, you know the list. I know he believes me, but it's sure nice when a complete stranger says the same thing. I feel so bad about the weight gain. I feel like I'm just this big, fat slob. I know he doesn't think that, at least I don't think he does.

    Shokk, send some of that rain east, please. I can't get to church today cause my car is in the shop and DH is off in the wilds of KY. Actually, he's at the Cumberland Falls State Park when the rooms are $150 a night. Guess it's pretty tame wilds. LOL So I think after my paper walk I'll get on my knees and plant my tomatoes plants and while I'm there I'll be praying for all of us.

    Have a wonderful day, everyone.


  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Member Posts: 2,728
    edited June 2007

    Well just finished my second walk. Sun is totally out and the sky is clear. Such a weird day.

    Janky: Thats for reminding me about the chat. Maybe I will sneak in there today at 5pm.

    Shokk: OK lets see. Its 9am here in Chicago. I have already walked over 5,000 steps. Made breakfast, finished my pot of coffee. And Im already getting bored. Think I will take the Sunday papers, get a nice glass of ice tea and go sit out on the patio. Dollar store wasnt open so I have to wait til 10am and then I walk back there. Need to burn these calories I consumed this week-end. Had a big Italian Beef and ate the bread. Drank wine. Lots of calories there. Cant believe you are getting all that rain.

    Puppy: Good morning to you.

    Betty: One of my favorite things now is to walk up to the 7-11 and get the Sunday paper.

    So this is what I mean about head sweating. My hair is drenched. The sweat is dripping on my T-shirt. But no perspiration anywhere else. So very strange.

    OK - time to read the paper.

  • sherloc
    sherloc Member Posts: 893
    edited June 2007
    Good Morning dear friends. Hubby woke me up with breakfast in bed. Yehaw for me. Very salty bacon and fried taters. Not good for the stomach first thing in the morning. But of course I had to eat some of it or his feelings would be hurt. At least he didn't put eggs on the plate. Maybe after 27 years he's finally figured out I don't like them.

    Nicki, holy moly!! So what does it average out to be if I was taking 60mg of prednisone. Today is only 40mg. I didn't do chemo, but have heard about the steriod buzz. I've had prednisone several times due to poison oak exposure. I'm keeping track. Writing everything down. So far no connection. I believe the latest info on VitD and the sun is 15 minutes a day unprotected gives you all that you need. I put sunscreen on my face but rarely on the rest of me unless were going somewhere in hubbys car with the top down. 60 miles an hour with the sun and wind beating on you makes for nasty burns.
    Wish I had somewhere nice to walk. Only place I can go is my lonely country road. Which is actually quite pretty but does get boring after about the 10th trip down.

    good morning Jankay. Hope your day is splendid.

    Vicki, you need to keep both feet firmly planted on the earth. I vote for a babysitter. They are far more fun.

    Lynn, how very very sad. My prayers for you and the mommies and families who lost their babies. The gloves aren't the issue. Had the hives before yesterday.

    Excellent prayer Puppy.

    Shokk, I think you should seriously consider a change in location. You spend way to much time in the closet.

    Betty, it is nice for our loved ones to get those little reminders from others. You are NOT a fat slob....YOU ARE BEAUTIFUL DAMMIT!!!!
    Hope your car is fixed soon.

    Not sure what I'll get into today. Only on my first cup of coffee. Think I'll just sit here for a bit and play with my trip pictures. See you all later.
  • lv2cmp
    lv2cmp Member Posts: 899
    edited June 2007
    morning CG's!

    OK nobody get their days mixed up,,I am posting on a Sunday. I signed on this morning to register a website so that we can get started on our farm webpage. We also have to register the farm name. I need to set up the wireless network today as I have been promising to do that for a while but we shall see. Sweet Pea the lil baby goat has the sniffles again so we were off to the vet with her for an antibiotic yesterday. Everybody else seems to be doing well. We also went to a beer festival yesterday which was alot of fun. Over 200 beers there and of course I had to taste my share. Not sure which one was my favorite cause there were alot that was good. My favorite is Magic Hat but you cant buy that in Alabama.

    Vickie-a broken tail bone hurts like he!! and there is nothing you can do about it. I did the exact same thing once before on a swing one time. Leave it to me!

    Susan-its not that NEDs a guy its just that I am afraid to dance. I've told ya'll before I am not a good dancer at all. I didnt take the xeloda yesterday so I am following dr's orders believe it or not.

    Nicki-add me to the sweating pigs. I sweat on my head so bad. My entire head gets wet. Embarrassing when you are out doing something and your head is all wet. Good job on the walking,,you go girl!

    Shokk-your daughter will be fine but we all understand your worry. Aww shes 20, she knows it all or at least she thinks she does.

    Cheri-glad to see you popping in. Congrats on the no swelling! Great that you talked to Meaner also.

    oh nicki-good idea about the chat together thing. I would love to do that.

    Beth-thanks for the update on Tricia.

    Betty-enjoy your alone time. Thats the best time to get things done if you ask me.

    shirley-yep the boy should wash his own laundry but I can see him putting it all in there at one time. Disaster!

    Iris-have you gotten rain? We still have not and its so dry around here.

    Lynn-hope you have a good workday.

    Biker-mazer appreciated the big hug from her auntie biker. I told her I might get her some buttless chaps if she is good.

    ok guess I need to go start my day as I have had my coffee and lots to do around here.

  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Member Posts: 1,233
    edited June 2007
    Good morning ladies. The weather here today is beautiful. No longer stormy. My dh is going to try & get in off the truck in time to take Ethan fishing this afternoon. They both love that. I guess they saw several last time at this pond they were at and Ethan thought if he got down in the water with them he could catch them with his hands! So they're going to go back & try.

    I'm fighting off a pity party. I have so much to be thankful for! And I'm thinking about each one of them. lol I hate the blues so I fight them off and usually I win. Like today, they're not serious enough to get me down, I'll overcome these. I think it's more that I didn't sleep well and I really don't feel all that good. But I'll do better.

    Robin, I'm doing alright, thanks for asking. You should be doing super! If you have your health you can do Anything. That's anything you want, Robin. Just got to want it bad enough.

    Gina, your PM inbox is full, at least for 2 days.

    Sheri, sorry you still have the sniffles.

    Liz, I'm sorry your son is leaving I know he's been a big help to you. He sounds like a good boy.

    CY, beautiful pics. Your sista looks like you. Love your haircut. When I was about 6 yrs old my Mother kept my hair cut short in a 'Pixie'. I hated it at the time cos the kids in school teased me about cutting my hair like the Beatles. hahaha

    Lynn, hoping you're having a much better day at work.

    Vickie, there were drinks involved with either of your falls...right? I heard you were naked both times you fell. But then you know how rumors get started.

    Hey to Nicki, Socal, Betty, Jankay, and all the rest.

    You all know that we're missing LisaE, Gus, Brenda, and some of our key players. lol

    Gina, you don't pop in often and don't post much. I miss you. I have NO intention of letting you just slide away from us. Not happening. I will nag you til the end of time.You started this Circle and you, of all people, belong here. Empty out your inbox. Are you Skeered to?? lol

    Little Miss Mena, hope you're feeling better. Thanks for saving me from fallilng out of my wheelchair face first the other night. Dang it, I guess that means I owe you one. I did learn a lesson from that experience and that's never to take heavy pain meds while sitting in a chair without a seatbelt. Go to bed right after taking it. lol And be sure and don't do it with one leg stuck straight out in front of you, makes one lopsided. teehee

    I'm trying to hand crochet again. Yes, I made a triangle the first go at it, but I think I know what I did wrong. I like the knitter, but I actually enjoy doing it by hand. I WILL get this right. All I need to learn is the turn arounds. Practice, practice, and more practice.

    Wishing you all a good day. Susan, I just now got your message from last night. Sorry.

  • socallisa
    socallisa Member Posts: 10,184
    edited June 2007
    Good morning ladies...

    Nicki..that gorilla is at the San Diego Wild animal Park..
    I just love watching them..Here is the big daddy of the group...what is he thinking about??

    Save me some of the fritata Nickie..I just love it..
    I told you my mom is Italian

    Jankay you better be care if you tweek Vickies toes..she may have a kicking reflex!!!
    Well, maybe some French Toast too....

    Wow Lynn..that can be a most depressing job I think..I can see why you dread the day. Hope it goes well this Sunday. When my son was doing his Family Practice residency, one of the most difficult jobs for him were the crack babies and worse in LA..those were the live births..

    Shokk wish I could send some of our weather your way!! We have only had a couple inches of rain this year.
    Vickie..shake everything well and make sure nothing is broken..sometimes you cant really know without an Xray

    Cute prayer, Puppy

    Betty..the last time I saw my PCP and told him about the aches and pains of arimidex, he said," Beats getting cancer back, doesn't it!!" Hmmmm..but he did give me Vicodin for it..It is good he has resigned from the Navy and going into research!!

    Sherloc..what a nice surprise!!

    Hey Amy...I want to see the webpage when it is done..

    Lots to do today to get ready for our trip...

  • socallisa
    socallisa Member Posts: 10,184
    edited June 2007

    Hi beat me in under the wire..

  • SheriH
    SheriH Member Posts: 472
    edited June 2007
    Yeah, Nicki, you are getting over your cold. I'm not sniffling as much, but still coughing up yucky goop. I just have zero energy, but I promised the kids I'd take them to see Shrek today. That doesn't take a whole lot of energy.

    Vickie, I've been reading about all your falls. They are all accidental, but you really need to be careful. I fell a lot last year and my dr was worried that my bones might be weak. How's your calcium intake? We don't want you to end up in the hospital.

    I'm sorry I don't have a lot of energy to write much right now. You are all in my thoughts and prayers. Have a blessed Sunday.
  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Member Posts: 2,728
    edited June 2007

    Boy I have been active today. It feels so good to have my strength back. Already at 7,000 steps. Goal for the day is 10,000.

    Sherloc: Yes multiply 60mg of Prednison by 20. Decadron is some nasty stuff.

    Amy: This time before my walk I put a little bit of gel in my hair. After getting back and sweating, I actually looked like I styled it.

    Cheri: Your body has not fully recovered from the trauma of surgery, but your mind wants you to be active again.

    LisaSoCal: Gorillas and Urangatans (spelling) are my favorites. Think I might just go to the zoo when I take time off this summer.

    Sheri: I was coughing up yucka pucka stuff for days. Tahnk goodness for Mucinex.

    OK - gotta go.

  • PuppyFive
    PuppyFive Member Posts: 539
    edited June 2007
    {{{Cheri}}} I went to the medic tent and got you a wheelchair to set in at the center of the circle so
    we can take ggod care of you!! wrap up in your afghan
    and let us do the rest!!! xoxoxoxoxoxoxoxx Love Ya, Sister
  • PuppyFive
    PuppyFive Member Posts: 539
    edited June 2007
    Sweet Nicki, look what I found you to work on! ROTFLMAO
    >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Puppy
  • b445
    b445 Member Posts: 980
    edited June 2007
    Morning ladies!
    So far it's quites here today. I slept in and only got up to see if Mom was up yet and check on you ladies.

    I'm still a little tired so may pop my butt back in bed for an hour then really need to get out to MIL's old place and get some packing done.

    HUgs and prayers to all
  • Gus
    Gus Member Posts: 177
    edited June 2007
    Hi girls,

    I want to jump back in and be a part of the circle again. I’ve been struggling with being able to handle my emotions lately, and I’ve been having a major pity party because I feel “picked on” by life. When I’m in a good frame of mind, I know that there are so many people who are worse off than I am, and I know that I have so many blessings to be thankful for. But when the sadness kicks in, I focus on the negative and isolate myself. I envy all of the close relationships that you have built in the circle, and a wise sister here (you know who you are! ? ) recently reminded me that by posting more I could have that too. So, here goes…

    Vickie, I hope you are OK! Just to show you the difference between men and women, my DH hurt his wrist yesterday shoveling rocks in our yard, and he’s practically ready to call 911. You smash your wrist and then type a long post to everyone in the circle. BTW, I’d love to make a tile for your patio.

    Shokk, it is raining here too today and we are supposed to get the remnants of Barry tomorrow. My dog is terrified of storms, and if this doesn’t let up, he’s gonna need counseling!

    Nicki, my husband has been promising for two weeks to open our pool, but it still hasn’t happened. I think I need to find myself a pool boy to do it for me.

    Shirley, so sorry to hear about your sister. I said a prayer for her this morning at church and I’ll continue to keep her in my prayers.

    Robin and Amy, our very own NED sisters. You are an inspiration to me, and I wish you many, many years of dancing with NED!

    Cheri, sorry that you are feeling down. You are loved here, and we can’t wait to hear what kind of mischief you’ll get yourself in when you are up and around!

    Lynn, hugs to you. You are doing such important work, but it must be so difficult to be surrounded by so much pain.

    Lisa, I hope that your husband has a wonderful reunion in NH. I wish that I could meet up with you while you are here, but we’ll be out of town for my niece’s graduation. I wish I could do something about the black flies and mosquitos for you!

    Sheri, I hope you feel better soon! We saw Shrek last night, and the kids really liked it. Donkey was great as usual!

    CY, you look great! Sorry that your plate is so full right now!

    Puppy, so glad you got an afghan! One of my favorite things about being part of the afghan project is hearing how much they mean to the people who receive them.

    Jankay, thanks for all your jokes! They have made me laugh when I was really feeling low.

    Deb, great job with the Relay! You are truly amazing!

    I know that I have left many out, but it is not intentional! I didn’t take notes, and this brain of mine can only hold so much. You are all in my thoughts every day!!

    Hugs and love,
  • lizws
    lizws Member Posts: 789
    edited June 2007
    Popping in to say hi. I'm getting ready to head to the city to do a little shopping, get a room and then be up early. My son has to be at the airport at 4 am! People just aren't up at that time of day are they? LOL Actually that's the time I went to sleep last night.

    Hugs and Prayers to you all. I'll see you tomorrow afternoon sometime.

  • Madison
    Madison Member Posts: 859
    edited June 2007
    Hi All CG's,
    Thinking of all of you
    Working on another afghan
    bbl, hugs, Madison
  • Biker54
    Biker54 Member Posts: 1,042
    edited June 2007
    Good afternoon girls!

    Just doing a fly by today. DH is hanging new light fixtures this weekend. What a freaking nightmare! It is taking way longer than we thought. When he is done with that, we are going to friends, who we camp with, to have dinner and discuss our annual "Harley Fest". That is always fun. We play goofy bike games, eat and drink lots of beer .
    Speaking of beer, Amy, I love Magic Hat also. We can buy it here. If I had been drinking a beer, I would have spit out onto my computer when you said you wanted to buy Mazer some buttless chaps!!! .

    Hi Puppy! I'm here, but really busy this weekend. Did you get an afgan?? I loved the pic of your angry puppy. I had a dog named Puppy, when I was a kid.

    Gotta go for now. One more light to put up and we're outta here!

    Oh, Vickie, I hope you are feeling better today. Sounds like quite a nasty fall you took!
  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Member Posts: 2,728
    edited June 2007

    Gus/Sue: Its so good to see you post. I dont think a day goes by that I dont think of you. I think we all go through those little pity parties - helps to come here to pull you out from its grip. And whats up with these men and opening our pools? I sure could have gone swimming earlier today. Now its pouring rain - so the pool opening will be postponed once again!

    Liz: Oh my goodness, thats early, but then just remember I get up at 5am everyday. Think I mught just tweak your toes tomorrow morning and hand you a cupful of coffee. Be safe.

    Jan: Busy week-end for you, but then busy is good. Enjoy dinner with your friends.

    Well Im done for the day. All I have to do now is relax and watch a little television. Made some Macaroni salad and talk about chemo brain. Put the whole bowl in my dish watch instead of the refrigerator. Thank goodness it was in tupperware and the lid was on.

    Madison: I think your hiding and if you dont come out soon Im gonna tell Vickie to send the toilet police after you.


    Have a nice afternoon.

  • socallisa
    socallisa Member Posts: 10,184
    edited June 2007
    Nicki and Sue..I guess one of the perks of living here is that the pool is open all year..of course, then you have to keep it up!!!I just went out and bought a bunch of chlorine..

    Sue..good to see you..
    Liz..4 AM??? that is crazy.
    Madison WB

    Jan good luck with the lights..when my husband has chores like that I leave..he is a slow worker and I am a fast worker. The two don't mix...

    Hugs, SoCal
  • cmb35
    cmb35 Member Posts: 554
    edited June 2007
    Nicki - you are a special part of my day, you are so kind and considerate, and you find the best pictures too. I don't know how you manage to stay so on top of things here in the circle, but you do. I always look forward to reading your posts.

    Sue/Gus - I know what you mean about the circle. As much as I'm here and try to keep up, I usually can't manage it. I think the thing to remember is that there are so, so many of us that are drawn to this thread - for the safety, security and support we receive here - that it's hard to keep up with everyone. One thing I've learned is that if you ask for help here, you get it, regardless of how often you post and how well you keep up. It's a very special place! So... how's your son doing? Is he looking forward to the end of kindergarten, or would he prefer school to keep right on going? My son is leaving elementary school this year, it's hard for me to believe that he if off to middle school! They grow up so fast! (All you ladies with kids that actually drive cars and have jobs and whatnot feel free to giggle at my "they grow up so fast" in reference to my 11 year old!!)

    OK, well, I need to go the grocery store before it closes or that 11 year old will have no milk for his breakfast tomorrow.

    Vicki - yikes! are you OK? ouch!!!

    Everyone else - much love to you all
  • RobinTN
    RobinTN Member Posts: 466
    edited June 2007
    Liz:thank you,it is good to be back and I sure as heck am gonna stay NED.

    Nicki:You have a 40 year old son? I cant believe it for some reason I have spent all this time thinking you were my age or younger.

    Vicki:I have spent a lot of time in my tent plotting and celebrating..I just want everything to happen at once and it wont.So I have to have patience.

    I have an appointment tuesday with the radiologist to schedule the rfa of my liver,I hope it will be soon.I am checking out ps.I so want to have implants.I just dont know if I can handle the tram flap or not.I know it is doabele but I have been thru so much pain I dont know how much more my ole body can take.
    And I want to have perky boobs when I am in my 90's and get shot by a jelous wife...What a way to go...
    Will let you'all know when my surgery will be.
  • suzfive
    suzfive Member Posts: 126
    edited June 2007
    Good afternoon circle girls,

    Just a quick flyby to say hi to everyone. My 10 yo ds is waiting to get on the computer to play games.

    We are having very tropical weather here today - sunshine, storm, sunshine, storm, sunshine again. Very strange. DH likes to hang clothes to dry outside so today he has been running in and out hanging and taking down - kind of comical - I would have just brought them in and put em in the dryer.

    Vickie - it gave me the chills reading the post about your fall. All I can say is ouch and I hope you are taking it easy today. I also would be happy to make you a tile - just need instructions.

    Amy - the beer fest sounds like fun. I was a wine drinker before chemo but now finding I like beer much better.

    Cheri - must be hard not being able to get around like you would like. Get a seatbelt for that chair - can't have anyone else falling.

    Nicki - you are doing great on the walking. You can add me to the list of head sweaters - strange isn't it.

    Where is LisaE - haven't seen her around lately. I hope she is okay.

    CY - you look really cute with your new short haircut. I am waiting for mine to get long enough to cut short if that makes any sense. I had it cut for the first time a couple of months ago but the hairdresser told me to wait a few months and let it get longer before getting it cut again.

    Shokk - where is your daughter in Wisconsin? I am in the Milwaukee area. My daughter is 20 also and goes to school in Michigan - she has a friend from here come and drive back with her - I have her call me every couple of hours to update me on where she is. I can understand your worry. I don't relax until she pulls up in the driveway.

    Shirley - breakfast in bed - how sweet. My dh will cook breakfast but I have to get up and go to the kitchen to eat it. Last few days we have been eating on the patio which is nice. Keeping your sis in my prayers.

    Lynn - hope your Sunday is a better one.

    Well I have to go now ds is patiently or not so patiently waiting for me to be done. I am off to the gym - found I really like the rowing machine and will take a dip in the pool before I have to pick up my dd at the bus station. My dh went to the bakery this morning for doughnuts after church and they were selling brat buns for 25 cents a package. He thought that was a deal he couldn't pass up so if the weather cooperates I guess I am grilling brats for dinner. Pair them with a cold beer and you have the official food of summer here in Wisconsin. All are welcome to my wagon for dinner.

    Hope everyone else (too numerous to list) is having a good Sunday.

  • RobinTN
    RobinTN Member Posts: 466
    edited June 2007
    Gus:Sometimes I share your feeling about life picking on us.Life is just not fair sometimes.But I have decided for myself I have 2 choices I can get a grip and keep going or I can give up and die.And I sure aint gonna die yet.
    Please talk to us all you want.There are several in the circle who have gotten me thru some terrible times recently and we are here to help you.
    Feel free to pm me any time you ever wanna talk ok?
