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  • Gus
    Gus Member Posts: 177
    edited June 2007
    Thanks everyone for your kind words. I think I just need to get some of my "fight" back. If anyone can help me do that, you ladies can!

    Much love to all of you!!!
  • cmb35
    cmb35 Member Posts: 554
    edited June 2007
    Nicki - 6/2/05 is when I got the results of my first surgery, how on earth did you remember that?

    Cracking up at:
    socallisa - "everything crossed, can I go potty"
    shokk - "breast challenged friends" (I'm breast challenged in that I don't have any AND I had bc!!!)
    puppy - that picture, oh my goodness!!
    denise - "that's the only thing that would start a fire in my bed"

    We are a really, really funny group!

    Hey suzfive, good to see you!

    OK, really going to the store now, looks like I waited for the lightning and thunder - great!
  • karen1956
    karen1956 Member Posts: 4,604
    edited June 2007
    Good afternoon CG's,

    Beautiful day here in the Rockies. Just wish my mood matched it. Wonderful blue sky. Oh wait they do match - my mood is also blue. Just been in a funk the past few days. I am so tired of trying to figure out what I want to do - stay on Tamox or go back to AI's (and maybe try Aromasin). But why do I want to go back on the AI's when I had such horrid joint pain and CTS. The joints are better on the Tamox, but the heartburn is worse, mood is worse, insomnia is worse. I'm just so tired of it all. DH keeps bugging me to call the onc, but how can I call him if I don't know what I want. I don't see him again till the middle of next month. My upper BC arm is feeling weird - not sure what it is - and hard to explin how it feels - kind of full and jsut weird. Hands turn blue at times - what is that? Hand doc doesn't know what it is and when I saw her last suggested I see a vascular doc - but since it doesn't happen all the time and doesn' last long, how can I go to the doc. What if I go and I can't make it happen? How can you made recommendations for something you can't see? Insomnia - don't like how I feel on sleeping pills and don't sleep without them. And I don't like how whiny I have become!!! I know I should be greatful to be where I am at - done active treatments and NED, but right now I can't get there. Its pity party - I'm angry!!! Then I feel so bad because of what so many of our CG sisters are having to endure - way more than I am going through. Thanks for listening. You are wonderful.
    Liz - so glad to hear that it is just scar tissue.
    NS - your gala sounded beautiful just like you. You are truly gorgeous.
    Vickie - I would love to make a tile for your backyard.
    Cy - cute family pics - cut "do"
    Cheri- hooray to get your stitches out and new cast
    Nicki - happy 2 years
    Tracey -good luck with new job
    lynne48 - sending hugs to you with your upcoming surgery. wishing you and easy recovery
    sherloc - great news - BRCA neg.
    Shirley - hugs to you and your sister, hope her journey will be an easy one. Darn this "C"
    Robin - happy b'day to DD
    Beth - how are you feeling
    Tricia - Beth said your surgery went well - be srue to take care of yourself and allow your body time to heal - hugs
    Cy - so sorry to hear about your dad and mom. I hope they are better soon. You sure have a full plate. And you are one heck of a lady!!! I need to take lessons from you.
    Deb - congrats on the relay - wow - 10K raised. you go girl.
    Vickie - how is that elbow of yours
    Gus - hugs - hope you feel better soon. I understand exactly how you feel.
    MB, Nicki, Sue, Margaret, MArsha, Amy, Denise, Madison, Z, Jankay, Anne, Lini, Christine, PAm, Jan, Jule - thinking of you all.
    Well, I guess I should go get busy and do a few things around the house. Have something to get into the mail for my secret pal. also want to up date my journal - I try to write weekly, but don't quite make it. Wishing everyone a feel good day. I know I left lots of people out, but you are always in my thoughts. Hugs from Denver Karen
  • newvickie
    newvickie Member Posts: 2,941
    edited June 2007
    good afternoon ladies
    well I've managed to sleep away a good share of the day! Yikes...I hate to nap on the weekends...they go by so fast as it is but I guess I needed it. Gray and rainy here so can't do much outside, still terrible muggy. I've been snoozing on the couch as Nate has been having a movie maraton LOL. Just a relaxing day over all.
    I'm doin a nicely bruised elbow, wrist a little swollen, colorful tailbone bruise, stiff neck and shoulder...geez. I must say I am the biggest klutz around. Everything moves ok (although a bit slowly) so all will be well in a few days.
    Gus...missed you and so happy to see you back. Come sit in the center and lets tell funny stories while we get you chocolate and blue drinks (you'll have to check out the cyber party thread). Hugs to you! thinking about what you would tell me...Get off the couch and staighten up missy or I'll grab Jankay with her scooter and we'll be heading down the interstate to bring you a smile or a kick in the behind...whichever you need when we get there LOL. Seriously though...sending you a hug. No blue drinks were involved either and I did have my clothes on for a change...well...most of them LOL.
    Karen...what in the world are we gonna do with you. You are suffering so much. Don't feel bad about complaining...we all have our complaints and sometimes it's better to get it out to all of us who totally understand. Wish I could make it all better for you...I would if I could.
    Robin...ROFLMBO...picturing you at 90 with perky boobs being shot by a jealous girlfriend. I hope we all can do the same.
    Sarah is having a wonderful birthday so far. Her friends got together and took her to Disney so she is thrilled. They bought her Lilo and Stitch stuff (she loves Lilo and Stitch)...she should be leaving Disney about now and they are going to take her out to dinner and I guess the celebration is continuing tomorrow. Her best friend Melissa set it all up...what a doll she is! I'm just glad to have my happier girl back. Me and Nate are having a boston creme pie cake to celebrate her birthday later.

    I'm so glad everyone wants to make a tile! This is so exciting. I don't have many details and will have to look into it. Beth was checking with Home Depot so maybe she can give us some pointers on where to find the tiles, which ones to get and how to decorate...sorry Beth for voluteering you...oops.
    Gotta run and fix dinner but I'll be baaackkk...
    love ya all
  • RobinTN
    RobinTN Member Posts: 466
    edited June 2007
    Karen:sorry to hear you are not feeling well.I dont think I have ever had my hands turn blue.I am having a major lymphedema attack in my bad arm.My onc ordered me a pump but havent gotten it yet.thats CIGNA for you takes a hundred steps to get DME.By the time I get it my arm will be well.
    Wish we had some of your nice weather it is hot as hades here and the humidity is not even that high.It needs to rain bad.

    Colleen:I always enjoy your posts,you are a very kind and considerate person and i am proud to call you friend.Know this you can call on me anytime you ever need to.

    Sue:This is the place to be to get your groove back.Believe me there have been several times I couldnt have made it emotionally without this group.
  • SheriH
    SheriH Member Posts: 472
    edited June 2007
    Sue/Gus, I was going to chime in and say everything everyone else already said. Sometimes it's easy to get lost in the circle. There are lots of conversations that I don't always "get", but I will agree that the more you post and make connections, it really helps! I've been on the boards a year now and I'm finally feeling like I truly belong. I am always interested when you talk about your son, even if I don't always say anything. You have some definite challenges.

    Shrek was fun. Had to take some of Joe's friends, too, so we had a busload.

    Weather cooled off, but we still didn't get any rain. Serious drought conditions soon, they may not even let us water our grass and it's turning brown. Never been this bad since I've lived here.

    Still not feeling up to par yet, hoping it gets better soon.
  • RobinTN
    RobinTN Member Posts: 466
    edited June 2007

    vickie:brings a smile to my face also,especially when I imagine being shot by a 40 something year old girlfriend when I am 90...

  • jankay
    jankay Member Posts: 789
    edited June 2007
    heres one for you
    gotta love this principal

    > According to a news report, a certain private school in Washington was
    > recently faced with a unique problem.
    > A number of 12-year-old girls were beginning to use lipstick and would
    > put it on in the bathroom. That was fine, but after they put on their
    > lipstick they would press their lips to the mirror leaving dozens of
    > little lip prints.
    > Every night the maintenance man would remove them and the next day the
    > girls would put them back. Finally the principal decided that
    > something had to be done. She called all the girls to the bathroom and

    > met them there with the maintenance man.
    > She explained that all these lip prints were causing a major problem
    > for the custodian who had to clean the mirrors every night. To
    > demonstra te how difficult it had been to clean the mirrors, she asked
    > the maintenance man to show the girls how much effort was required.
    > He took out a long-handled squeegee, dipped it in the toilet, and
    > cleaned the mirror with it.
    > Since then, there have been no lip prints on the mirror. There are
    > teachers.... and then there are educators.
  • nosurrender
    nosurrender Member Posts: 737
    edited June 2007
    Another lost girl here....!

    I wanted to let you know that I got my car back!!

    Shokk his name is Rod. I named him after Rod Stewart.

    Lisa, no city driving with him! But I do like to drive like a cabby when I am in the city

    When they gave him back to me there was a scratch on the mirror and the bumper. I was furious! I went to the service manager and reported it immediately. He said, "How do you know it was there before??" I told him "I know every inch of that car!! I hand wash him and have never brought him to a car wash. THOSE SCRATCHES WERE NOT THERE!"

    So he came out and used something on them and eventually got them out. Then when I opened the drivers door the inside panel was cracked. I was now very very pissed. I said JUST WHAT IN HELL DID YOU DO TO HIM??

    SO now they have to order a new door panel. I told him they are not going to keep my car for two days again and I am not driving that SUV again. He made a note in the computer and promised it would be a one-day thing.

    I never had a car go in for its first service and need to stay overnight two nights and then when I got him back he was in worse shape than I brought him!
  • jasmine
    jasmine Member Posts: 773
    edited July 2008

    Are you sure they gave you the right car back instead of one that looks like yours? I would check the VIN.

  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Member Posts: 1,233
    edited June 2007
    Good evening ladies. I just want to say this is the most supportive, understanding and truly caring group of people I've ever known. I am so proud of all of you. When one of us has a broked wing the others all gather round & put them in the middle of the Circle and fuss over them til they're healed.I am so proud of that. Ok. now, that being said, I'll go on with my post.

    Puppy, how sweet of you to put me and my wheelchair in the middle of the Circle so I don't fall out of it. lol You and I have never really had much to say to each other before, we've just never been acquainted but I thought that was real sweet of you.

    CY, please don't over-do Cheryl. You have so much going on and you need to rest. I worry about you.

    I bet you all cheered my friend, Gus/Sue, right up. Just as I knew you would.

    Sue/Gus, told ya you were missed. So glad to see you out here posting. You keep posting these 'connections' are so important.

    Madison, sweetie, why don't you & Vickster take a break from these afghans. You've been working on them in almost all your spare time and that's not fair. 'Just step away from the crochet hook.' Even just a couple of days. Both of you. Read a book, do something for you. I'm stepping away from my Knitter. Only because I've cranked out so many rectangles on it that I feel like I can catch my breath a little and take the time to hand crochet them. Don't laugh, this first ones coming along pretty well and I've only ripped it out 3 or 4 times. If I start feeling like I'm getting behind then I'll go back to the knitter but I'm learning this right now.

    Janny, nice to see you posting. I know this is a busy time of year fot you all. Enjoy.

    Colleen, I agree. We are all a funny group. Maybe that's what keeps us going is a sense of humor.

    Suz, it's too late. I needed a seatbelt before alot of things on me fell. lol

    Karen, I feel your pain.

    Robin, took a few notes, lol, but I can't read what I wrote on yours. I bet I was cheering you on.

    Sheri, it's past time for your sniffles to have cleared up.

    Vickster, glad you're in better spirits. Dont make me come all the way up there just to cheer you up. You only use me to laugh at, I feel like some cheap, tawdry court jester! HAHAHAHA

    I am not going to bi--h about how uncomfortable I really am because that would be wrong. I've wanted and needed this surgery for 2 years. So I'm not going to say I have to eat pain pills to just tolerate the pain, or that I feel really lousy...because that would be wrong. Instead I'll say everything is going as well as expected and I'm recovering nicely.

    I just got a phone call from my dh and Ethan, who are fishing in a friends pond. Ethan said, "Grandma, we haven't even seen a fish today, not even a nibble out of Mr. Fishers pond. Can you believe that?" He's planning to surprise me, they've actually caught 5 good sized catfish. He was so excited. His pretty blue eyes will just shine when he shows me their fish from today. I could hear the excitement in his little voice. These are 'Kodak Moments".

  • newvickie
    newvickie Member Posts: 2,941
    edited June 2007
    Oh no a cloned Rod!!! I loved Rod Stewart...haven't heard a song from him in years. I would check the VIN number though. Geez...if it weren't for bad luck you'd have no luck at all some days. Here's hoping the rest of the week is wonderful. about a 20 year old...that was what I was thinking LOL.
    Jassy...whatcha been doing today?
  • newvickie
    newvickie Member Posts: 2,941
    edited June 2007

    Cheri berry!!! Well it's good to see you up and were just afraid that me and Jankay were on our way to jump on your bed and kick your butt LOL!!! wuv ya.

  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Member Posts: 1,233
    edited June 2007

    Gina, now there's the spark in the girl we all know and love! Give em hell!
  • jankay
    jankay Member Posts: 789
    edited June 2007
    and we would've done it wouldnt we
    BRSTN Member Posts: 165
    edited June 2007
    Evening all,

    Never did get the promised rain. but the tomato plants are in the ground along with some sunflower seed and poppy seeds. I had the seed for a while and just decided to thrown them in and see what happens. Now I have to get some cages for the tomatoes.

    Have to tell you...I don't think I'll ever take a bath again. Yep, I'm just going to be smelly Betty. No really, I don't think I CAN ever take a bath again. Showers yes, but last night I decided that since I hurt so bad a nice warm bath would be good. Well, I managed to get into the tub, but wasn't sure I was going to make it out. I had to twist around onto my knees and even then and with the help of my DH's handicap tub thingy, it was hard. So I've sworn off baths.

    We are starting summer hours tomorrow. That means in at 8, out at 5 Mon. - Thurs. and 4 hours on Friday. Now, I'm really looking forward to Friday.

    Have a good evening everyone.

  • socallisa
    socallisa Member Posts: 10,184
    edited June 2007

    I am with you Betty..showers are the way to go!!

  • beth1225
    beth1225 Member Posts: 402
    edited June 2007
    I just wanted to pop in and say hi to you all. I was in a great mood this morning, talked to two of my favorite cg's and had lunch with dh and ss. Then I went to take a nap and was all mopey again.

    DH went out to get Saturday's mail...well, he does try. Thank you to a very special sister. {{{MARSHA}}}I got your package and beautiful note. I cried for an hour with a mix of happy and sad tears. I will wear it all the time. You are so wonderful and fate made dh forget to bring it in yesterday and I got it today.

    I apologize for part of this post being all about me.

    Now, I have a special request to put a fellow sister in the middle. I received an email from JoJo. She is having an awful time. In the past 3 months, she gained 52 pounds of water weight. She is confined to a wheelchair when she goes out. Her stomach is so swollen she can't eat sometimes at all or just a small bite or two. The Taxotere caused permanent damage to her joints and muscles and cells and is in constant pain. Please say some specail prayers for her. She said she reads posts when she can but it is very hard to type. I will try to keep you all posted how she is doing. It isn't that she has forgotten us but just too sick to keep in touch.

    Thanks are all so wonderful.
  • newvickie
    newvickie Member Posts: 2,941
    edited June 2007
    Good evening ladies,
    Time for my short evening check in...well...been checking in and out all day between naps LOL. Watched to many kid flicks today but feel pretty relaxed. Sore as h#ll though!
    Using my binoculars to check around the circle tonight, I see Deb had a wonderful Relay day and is celebrating. What a wonderful day for you and a new picnic table!!! Wow...I seriously never win anything LOL!
    Betty and Lisa are off to the shower. I always take a shower...for some strange reason if I take a bath I end up feeling more aches and pains...and if I were to try it tonight I'd surely have to call 911 to come get me out!
    Hmmm...Gina is still fuming in her wagon about poor damaged Rod. Love ya sweetie and he'll be back soon, in the meantime you can have the magic carpet but you'll have to drive.
    Shel's wagon isn't anywhere in sight, has anyone seen her.
    Christine is out way past curfew...hmmm...wonder how the date went...???
    Robin is looking through the personals to see what's out there when she gets rid of Evil and starts her brand new live. Look for a guy named Ned...might bring you lots of good luck.
    Jankay has her scooter fired up and we are just waiting for any AWOL ladies that need rounding up and yes Jankay...we will do it!
    Madison is this won't do. Where are you sweet lady. Crocheting your fingers to the bone. I have crocheted a lot today and really making headway. Cheri thinks we should take a break (thanks Cheri) but so far I'm enjoying myself and taking time to read and work on the journals too.
    Puppy's wagon is quiet...wonder whats up there? Miss you today sweet lady.
    Gus is looking for some fighting material...we can give her some pretty good get up and go! So glad you're back...we missed you.
    Colleen and Kevin are off to bed...could someone go tuck them in. Sweet dreams. where are you....looking all over with my trusty binoculars and can't seem to spot you anywhere. Hope you had a great day. can check back in any time and let us know how you are doing.
    Z...where are you? My binoculars aren't strong enough to spot your wagon but we've missed your posts this weekend.
    CY...sending you a cyber hug. Cooler here tonight which made Nate happy as he can use his special blanket. It's been so hot that no blankets have been the rule for the past week or so. words of wisdom or funnies today...are you ok. I see we need the magic carpet for you tomorrow for your BS appointment...shall we bring along some blue drinks?
    Jankay gets to ride too...she has an onco appointment...we'll bring some really good breakfast along.
    Tgirl...where are you?
    Jpann...I see your wagon and was wondering how you were feeling...sending you a hug.
    ok...neck, shoulder, elbow and wrist are aching and my tailbone is some very pretty colors so I can't sit here any to bed with my ice packs and excedrin...
    see you all in the morning
    Is my wish for you all
    Love and hugs all around
  • newvickie
    newvickie Member Posts: 2,941
    edited June 2007
    beth...haven't had a chance to write back to you...JoJo can be on the list...I will let Madison know. She will also be in the center of the circle. Maybe you could invite her to join us.
    love and hugs
  • newvickie
    newvickie Member Posts: 2,941
    edited June 2007 final warning for the week!!
    Pretty important one too!!

  • shokk
    shokk Member Posts: 790
    edited June 2007

    Good evening circle chicas......I have been reading all day as I walk past the computer will stop and read......we did have a bad storm this morning but past thru quickley and should be close or already past by Madison.......we are such an emotional group aren't we??????I always thought it was hormones that made me crazy or at least that is what my ex would say but the lack thereof I think is worse.......ok going to try and touch base.....Karen and Beth sorry ya'll aren't up to snuff......Cheri you have had a major operation that didn't involve your breast......Nicki after surgery is always a time for depression is it not.......Cheri don't beat yourself up because your feeling're in a wheelchair and in a lot of pain......sometimes I think that we believe that when we have something we've wanted for a long time that we are going to be and feel great......that just is not the case.......Cheri you will probably have pt as well......Suz my daughter is going to school at Lawrence University in Appleton........she was determine not to go to college in TX.......she accused me of getting bc just to keep her from leaving home (she was just joking)........anyway her Dad and I really blew her whole savings for college and all that but she managed to get herself accepted, grants, scholorships and a small there she is in WI and loving it.........I miss her but she is getting herself a very good education and maybe I will live long enough for her to be able to take care of me guys....brb...not done....

  • shokk
    shokk Member Posts: 790
    edited June 2007

    Gina (((((Rod)))))geez I hate dealing with auto people.......I'm not sure but I somehow always feel like they are taking advantage of me (because I'm a single woman)...... probably not but sure does feel like it.........Gus/Sue I'm glad you checked is your son doing........I hope this school year was a good one for him......Vickie, Vickie, Vickie.........what in the heck were you I am going to assume that if we all send you tiles for your patio project you're not going to like cement your ass to the ground or something screwing like that.....right?........DebC have you recovered yet? I cannot understand how you can go on vacation and come back and the next day do the Relay for Life........where do you get your energy?????? Let us know when you post pics on your blog so we can check it out.........ok chicas I know there are many sweet sisters I have all of ya'll...will follow up more tomorrow when I should be working......ha........hey Vickie see ya later alligator...

  • neesie
    neesie Member Posts: 1,110
    edited April 2008
    Just popping in with a quick good night. I spent the day with DD and GD..her whole family have doozy colds or allergies. I'm hoping for the allergies, cuz I sure don't want another round of the Cold Crap. Spent Friday with Mom and she was up last Night with the runs.(gave up on spelling Diarrea!)

    I'm going back to read some posts..hoping everyone is doing good and I'll be back in the morning!

  • cmb35
    cmb35 Member Posts: 554
    edited June 2007
    Ok, a "catch-up" post before bed...

    SoCalLisa - where are you going in MA and NH? I live in Framingham, MA, about 20 miles west of Boston. Let me know if you'll be close by. As far as what to pack, the weather is crazy here - hot and humid one day, freezing the next! I'd pack clothes you can layer!!

    Susan - what have you been doing for work? Did you get a new job or change jobs? And again, congrats on the walk!

    Sheri - sorry you're still sniffling, we're in the midst of a major pollen storm now, so it seems like everyone is coughing and sneezing!

    jankay - congrats on the sleek new monitor!

    liz - sorry you've been feeling blue, that's a big deal for your son to move away! Hope you had a good time together before his flight!

    puppy - I've never seen an animals eyes turn that blue/green color in a photo!! That is just so funny!

    Suz - hope you grilled up a feast last night! Sounded a little weird, but my friend's husband made us grilled chicken sausages (chicken sausages? I thought!) and they were really good!

    CY - love the haircut and the photos, it was well worth the 6am appt! (that was you right?)

    Betty - don't you feel such a sense of accomplishment when you organize a closet? You'd think I'd do it more, since it feels so good once it's done, but I don't!! Hope you got your tomatoes planted. My friend did hers, but was bummed because they were out of cherry tomato plants.

    Beth - thanks for the update on Tricia, and glad to hear you're feeling a bit better (or you were last night anyway!) Keep it up!

    CY - Oh my gosh my golly what a day!! Sounds like you made the right call (cancelling dinner and relaxing in the circle.)

    Vicki - hoping your DD's DH follows through, doesn't sound like he has the best track record, but people can certainly change. (Right? LOL) I'm extremely craft-challenged, but would love to get in on the tile project. I'll look for more info, there's probably an updated post (I'm only on 6/2 posts!) Hey! I say, "what's up buttercup?" to Warren all the time!

    shokk - OK, exactly where in Texas do you live, it's storm central there! I can't believe how often you need to go in the closet! My ex-MIL lives in FL and has spent some time in the closet as well, but it doesn't seem quite as regular as you!! LOL at your brother worrying about the attack of the porno pop-up! Yeah, I think you pretty much have to seek the porno out, and even pay for it!!

    DebC - wow! A big congrats on a very successful Relay!! And great prizes! We're doing Relay this weekend - we've never been formally on the team or stayed overnight before. Warren is SO excited. I'm going to show him your stats!! Hope you took a nice, long, well-deserved rest today!!

    Cheryl - yes, the bag of frozen peas is our ice pack of choice, it so great how it molds to your body and stays put!

    Shirley - the first time I was on the prednisone I was up at approx 4am, so among other things I typed up a menu for various breakfast items for my son to choose from before school - and I am SO not like that! The poor kid is lucky if he gets a scrambled egg in the morning! But yes, the splitting headache is a bit off-putting...

    Nicki - glad you finally beat that cold into submission, lets hope you stay upper respitory infection free until next winter at least!!

    OK, I made it to page 502 (Nicki's Sunday AM wake-up post), but I'm nodding off so I'm going to stop here.

    Hello to everyone I missed, and wishing you a good start to the week.
  • shokk
    shokk Member Posts: 790
    edited June 2007

    Colleen I live in a suburb of Dallas.........

  • bearlysane111
    bearlysane111 Member Posts: 592
    edited June 2007
    Hi to everyone! Yes,it worked--thank you,JoDee Messina, as rain has come! Amy,playing it for you in AL!!! Hate that it hasn‘t gotten there yet--still working on it! LOL
    Where did you go for the Beerfest? Sounds like you are having fun! Stay cool..just got my computers linked with my router. I wish I could brag abt my great wireless technology(actually,I paid a friend to help me!) LOL

    Vickie,Vickie,Vickie…you better take care of yourself. I was saying that and tripped on the stairs w/a load of my own just washed laundry--only two steps. I hope you are not as sore today;take care.You amaze me with how many "hats" you wear and what great things you have done! You are so caring abt others!

    Lisa…lovely home and flowers;enjoy the pics from your trips.

    Puppy…you have the funniest pics that always bring smiles.

    Nicki…love Paul McCartney and all the pics you do. You know that Goofy and are tight! You are doing great w/the walking! Congrats! Frittata sounds good…

    Cheri…take care! Hope the meds are kicking in or you may feel like kicking some drs. Just kidding! Glad to see you.

    Susan…your walk sounds great! I admire you doing it and a great cause, as well.

    Jasmine…hate that I won’t see you;hope you are doing well this wkend.

    Cherryl…worked abt the rain…thanks for the good thoughts and the meal was great! Hope your wkend is good.

    Joyce…love the fly eagles fly….glad you had a good time at the game.

    Tracey…Congrats on the new job and mgr sounds great!

    Odalys….with you on the humidity..heat is bad;humidity gets to me.

    Lynn…good luck with your surgery;thinking of you.

    Shirley…thinking of you;your flowers must look lovely.Hope your allergies are much better. That prednisone is something else abt the energy levels,take care.

    Marsha…hope you’re doing well this wkend.

    Colleen…hoping for a miracle on this posting stuff. I wrote you a pm. Sev people have posted how to do it and I never ever printed it;type so slowly and so many errors--lose
    a mill replies. Hope you/Warren are having a good weekend.
    Thank you,to Nicki! You have given directions and I lost them,too! LOL

    Robin…thinking of you and hoping the children/g’children are well.

    Denise…it is thundering here today…been so long I couldn’t recognize the sound!
    Thought it was an airplane or cars revving engines outside my window! LOL! How is your wkend going there?

    Beth…read abt that shower fall;be careful. I passed out on Vicodin on one foot surgery and woke up in floor-OK; that stuff messes w/coordination. Take care;husb sounds like he is a wonderful person.

    Sheri…with you on the eyes.sinus allergies. For me it is a non-stop fight.

    Liz…read about your son and I am sure you hate to see him go. Hope he has a good visit with his friends. I can sure understand abt the feelings of seeing him go.

    Cy…your pics are beautiful and so sorry abt your mom and dad. It must have been a challenging weekend. Hope you are resting(sound like a mother,don’t I)? Take care and have a good Mon.

    Jankay…got a new laptop and I know what you mean abt the screen size. Trying to figure out Vistas stuff.

    Shokk…too funny abt your brother and the internet. Some people are a riot! Did he think stuff would pop up for free? That gave me such a laugh and he/I are abt the same age! Must have been something on tv in the 50's...just kidding!

    Deb…congrats on the race! You/team really did lots of laps! That is terrific!

    Sue/Gus…good to see you and sorry you have not felt that great. Glad you came by.

    Jan…hope the Harleyfest was fun! Your posts always bring smiles.

    Gina...good to read your posts as always. I agree abt the View thread. Who needs the negativity? It is enough anxiety(for me) to go to the drs. Got one Tues and already starting the anxious feelings.

    Anyone else that I skipped…a big hello! Celebrating one yr of being on the bds today! Would never have met so many caring and kind people as you.I really do thank you for allowing me to circle with the wagon friends! I read everyone's posts every time I get the chance and it is like a favorite book/movie where I come back to feel good.

    Have a terrific week!Keeping my fingers crossed that this is going through!

  • cmb35
    cmb35 Member Posts: 554
    edited June 2007
    shokk - I used to work for Fidelity full-time, and spent quite a bit of time in Dallas at one point. Of course, all we did was work, I never really got to see any of Dallas. I did LOVE eating in the cafeteria there though! They had the best food. And they did used to take us to a tex-mex restaurant that was really popular every so often that also had great food. I went to my very first Target in Dallas! There was one right across the street from the Fidelity Dallas site. It was love at first sight for me!! LOL

    For some crazy reason, the Fidelity hotel there was the Four Seasons. It's a way-swanky hotel! There was a really nice gym there, and the big rumor was that Martina Navritolova (sp?) worked out there (I never saw her though.)

    One trip, I was the one that was in charge of driving the rental car. I thought I would have a heart attack every single day. What in the name of tarnation is up with those crazy highway on-ramps? Getting on and off the highway there was the most death-defying driving I have ever done! I can't remember what it was exactly, but there was something way crazy and scary about it!

    Wow! I haven't thought about any of that for YEARS! It was a really long time ago (10+ years I'd say!) I loved all the Dallas people though. so nice and polite and friendly! They made you feel like you were a guest in their home when you worked in their site for the week. People in New England don't tend to make you feel like a guest in their home even when you ARE a guest in their home! LOL Seriously, a lot of people are very cranky here! I've been here for over 20 years, and I really don't think I've gotten cranky, but I've definitely gotten more used to the crankiness. It's even more obvious when I go visit my sister in Richmond (where they are also nice and friendly!)

    Anyway, I don't know why I'm going on and on down memory lane when I'm totally exhausted and need to go to sleep!!!

  • MargaretB
    MargaretB Member Posts: 771
    edited June 2007
    Evening ladies, Sunday night, hope all is well. Too many posts to catch up on but I'll try.

    Tracey, congrats on the new job.

    Shirley, so sorry about your sister.

    Shokk, has it stopped raining at all this week?

    Vickie, that's something I would do. Glad you didn't break anything.

    CY, please take care of yourself. You have a lot on your plate. Oh, the haircut looks great.

    Gus/Sue, glad you posted. We're all entitled to our pity parties. And, when you are having one, we're all here with you.

    Karen, hugs to you.

    Robin and Jankay, my hubby will be in TN this coming weekend, going to a car show. If I had more advance notice, I would have flown out with him and meet you guys.

    G, that's outrageous about the mechanic keeping your car. Here's a funny story for you - many moons ago when I was married the first time, I had purchased a new Datsun (remember those cars?) and the transmission went out with less than 12,000 miles on it. It was under warrantly so I took it back to the dealer - they kept the car for 6 weeks!!! My husband had been in an accident and was in a body cast - he finally took his wheelchair, sat in front of the dealership which was on a major thoroughfare, with a sign saying "I purchased my car from .......Datsun." Needless to say, I got my car back very quickly.

    Cheri, I missed you.

    Beth, thanks for the update on Tricia. Hope you are feeling better.

    Oh my, almost three hours of reading! I didn't get to say hello to everyone but you are all in my thoughts.

  • zazette15
    zazette15 Member Posts: 223
    edited June 2007

    “Courage does not always roar. Sometimes, it is the quiet voice at the end of the day saying, ‘I will try again tomorrow."

    Hello Circle Girls!! I've been feeling a little down lately. Nothing is physically wrong, just a little out of sorts. I know that coming here should make me feel better, and most often reading all the posts and seeing how everyone is doing and hearing all the latest does bring a light to me, but lately I've been feeling funky and just not myself. I have some things going on at home and work and it just has me all twisted up about what to do. My mother is very ill and getting worse and we are not even sure what the heck is wrong with her, but she drinks too and that pisses me off because she's 58 and looks and acts 80 - this is the time when we are supposed to be doing things together and having a good time and no way is that ever gonna happen because all she talks about is how much time she has left and how much pain she's in and she's barely making it to the bathroom and I'm all she has and she calls me at work to talk about the same stuff and it depresses me.

    I work with one lady I cannot tolerate, I mean I cannot take here day in and day out, I try to not bi*** about anything or anybody, but this chick is just mean and under handed and she makes 3 times as much as I make and I do all the work and better work and she gets the praise just because of her title. I am never going to leave my job. She is just one person, but I will never be totally happy until she is gone. She has more than enough years to retire and money, she is only staying to make everyone miserable because she says we will run the company into the ground - which is so NOT true - she is the main reason we cannot stay progressive - we all do our jobs expertly, yet she likes to keep up conflict between all of us, I say just for her own kicks.

    So I am supposed to meet with my boss tomorrow to let her know how I feel, she asked - I really don't want to because I don't see what difference it will make. She isn't going anywhere any time soon.

    So this is what I've been thinking about for the past two days. Oh yea - The big reveal to DH is next Saturday, he has planned a one night getaway so we can have time to talk and mourn and get reaquainted. He says he cannot wait, but he'll have to, because I have to work up the nerve, I'm a tad anxious about it all. He sent me an email (he's traveling) saying "I would love to see your body, scars and all because at least you are still here". I thought that was way cool.

    I'm sorry if this has been an all about me. I know you all have stuff too and I've been reading (lurking) and I always pray and wish to the goddess for you all everyday, several times a day. You all mean the world to me, seriously, I cannot get through this all without you. So if you don't mind, I'm gonna sit in the middle for a bit, just until I can gather my bearings.

    And guess what? My wagon is clean, that's what I do when I'm down, so I'll be ready for visitors soon too. There will be hot cocoa and warm blankets and slickers for the sisters dealing with the rain and the other inclement weather.
    Gentle Hugs to you all, one love to ya, beauties.