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  • beth1225
    beth1225 Member Posts: 402
    edited June 2007
    Morning still isn't it? Waiting for the visiting rn to come and check my vitals, etc. Have a couple of phone calls I do not want to make so am procrastinating.

    Sherloc, my oldest ss is the service manager for one of the larger dealerships in the area. I know when I first started taking my car in for service, they had no reason to believe I was related in any way since my last name was different (before his dad and I got married). So I got to report back how it really is for service. He has made many improvements and I still report back at times when they don;t know they are working on his stepmother's car! Good thing i get the family discount though! That is one of the calls....the a/c isn't working in the car either.

    Marsha, what I didn't do when I was younger and bar hopping!

    On that topic, this is for the Philly gals....rememer going across the Tacony to go to bars at 18 and then giving the guy at the toll booth a dollar to pay for a line of cars behind you? OK, maybe it was just me. Please tell me you remember it being called the "double nickel" bridge at one time? Please...I don't want to feel like an old lady today!

    Vickie, so sorry you are sore and hurt. Take care of yourself. Maybe you need to take some of that yarn and wrap up in it! Thanks for puttign JoJo on the list.

    Thank you to everyone for putting JoJo in the middle fo the circle. She really needs us right now.

    Can't say I remember JFK, I was 4, but i do remember RFK.

    I can't rememer any of the other posts!
    I love you guys to pieces and pray for a good day for all of us!
  • marshakb
    marshakb Member Posts: 796
    edited June 2007
    Just got home from the BS, he said everything looks good. I said that is debatable considering I'm now a one eye. I have to tell you tho, he is a HOTTY. I call him Dr. D or Dr. Tony to his face and Dr. Dreamy behind his back. Did you know removing the Port is considered cosmetic surgery???? Dr. Dreamy's nurse is saying to me "doesn't it hurt when you sleep or wear your seat belt" *wink, wink* I'm looking at her like she's got something in her eye and then my chemo brain gets it, so I told Dr. Dreamy how painful it is HAHA gotta love those nurses.

    Shokk, Vickie, Shirley and all the CG girls, if you are coming to FL for vacation please let me know!!!! If you go way south you can visit Tricia and Odalys but if it is central Fl let me know!! I'm about an hour & 1/2 from Orlando, Daytona, Tampa area. I-75 interstate runs right thru Ocala.

    WOW that is some JFK memory. I was born in 1961 so I don't remember it.

    Amy, 200 different beers. I would guess that was a GREAT day for you!

    Lisa, I love the attitude about tennis. Who cares who wins? As long as you and your pals are laughing and having a good time. I bet you are so excited about your trip coming up.

    Laura, praying for your DH to get that job.

    NIce, nice Jankay on the lessons of life.

    Denise, I have a car magnet I'm not using that says "I'm only speeding cause I really have to POOP" with a picture of a stinky looking turd on it. Do you want me to send it to you?

    Madison, I loved your cheerleader analogy. The cirlce is a beautiful thing. We are all very blessed to have each other!

    I'm just gonna say "ditto" to what Z said. Thinking of everyone who has any kind of icky appointment or bc related thingy going on this week.

    Beth, you are very welcome, and I hope you are healing right up.

    Hugs all around and Hi to everyone! Marsha
  • AlaskaDeb
    AlaskaDeb Member Posts: 1,159
    edited June 2007
    OK Ladies…I am finally poking my nose up out of my fox-hole to see how everyone is doing. This is the first day I have gotten up clear-headed and AWAKE in about 2 weeks. We have been burning the candle at both ends AND in the middle LOL! I still have a bad cough from the yucka-pucka I got in Michigan, but that seems to be the last hold-out of the nasty crud.

    I lived through the trip to MI, Relay was a screaming success, and best news of the week…Jeannie is visiting today!!! Her cruise is done and she rented a car and will be here at my house some time today!! I am soooooo excited I finally get to meet a fellow circle girl in person! She said she was coming to see me not my house, and I hope she really meant it, because my house is totally trashed!! Yes dear friends…the truth comes out…I am a lousy housekeeper….BUT I’m a good cook, so maybe that will make up for it . Either way I am really REALLY geeked to meet Jeannie.

    There is no way I can go back and read everything to catch up…so I think I will just jump back into the pool…

    Vickie – OUCH! I am glad the damage was not as bad as it could have been…but be CAREFUL girl! I loved the cowboy joke!!!

    Karen – next time your hands turn blue take good, close-up photos for your doc. My daughter has Raynauds and her fingers do turn blue…almost gray…but only when she gets them too cold. It is very painful for her.

    Sue/Gus – You’re never lost here in the circle…we all understand. Hugs too you

    Sheri – hope you get some rain

    Robin – good to see you posting. Hang in there girlfriend

    Jankay – I always love the jokes

    Gina – 40 lashes with a wet noodle for the bad bad mechanic that hurt Rod! Glad he is home safe. Keep on keeping’ on….

    Cheri – Just sending you healing hugs. Get lots of rest and give yourself time to heal.

    Betty – I have done the same maneuver of rolling over on my hands and knees to get out of my Jacuzzi tub!! I will get a crane to haul my bent and broken a$$ out of the tub before I will give up my tub. A bubble bath is my refuge. Hang in there girlfriend and if you want a bath just call someone to help you get out!

    Beth – hope things are going better for you. Hang in there

    Shok – you paint such a vivid word-picture about your JFK experience. How surreal that the news stand person did that years later! Tooooo weird!

    Denise – hope the family is feeling better and Mom is no longer “running”

    Hi Colleen and Iris!

    Margaret – The Datsun story cracked me up even though I’m sure you were not laughing at the time.

    Z- sending you a big hug! I hope you are feeling a bit brighter now.

    Madison – sending you hugs too. How are you doing??

    Marsha - next time you are up an a bar stool give a big old woohoo for me too! You go girl

    OK…I know I have not caught up with everyone, but if I don’t go vacuum my living room Jeannie is going to take one look at the filthy floor and turn around and leave! I will try and take some pictures to post later along with photos from relay. Love ya all too itty-bitty bits!!

    Bugs and fishes
    Deb C
  • neesie
    neesie Member Posts: 1,110
    edited April 2008
    Hi to all!

    Hope everyone is having a 'good' day! Funny how quickly you feel out of the loop when you miss a day. See what you girls have done to me??!!

    First: Have you all noticed the flag at the beginning of this site about taking the Survey for BC.ORG? I also received it in my regular email. If you take it $10.00 will be donated to research!!!! It is a bit lengthy and I got a bit confused (surprised, eh!) with the difference between Breast Cancer and Breast Health. All in all, go take it..just fill in the dots!

    Marsha: For both of you, I wrote on the afghan thread that I found the directions I used for KK. Jump over and take a peek..the directions aren't there but the message is!!

    Vickie: Back door trots!! Funny and easier to spell too! I didn't think there was anyone as Klutzie as me!! Used to bother me, now I'll be the first to admit it!! You take it easy and I'm sure glad you didn't break anything.

    Gus: Hugs to you my Dear. Come and let us take care of you. The second thing we all have in common is giving TLC.

    Shokk: First thing I thought of when you were re-living the JFK story was this: Who did you say the man in your office that sent you 'dripping' looked like???? Hey, I'm just saying...........!!
    That was a terrible day...4th grade for me. DD is off to Band Camp! Hope she keeps her devotion to music when she hits high school! Love music...I don't do music, just love it!

    Iris: YIPPEE! You got rain! And got your computer/router hooked up....only thing I know about computers is typing, next button and shopping!!

    Z: I will use your post (if you don't mind) and also wish all the girls with tests and appts the best! You are never alone ladies!
    Your Mom is 58!!!!!!!!!!!!Can I say YIKES! You must be a youngster! And for inquiring minds........NO I am not 58, but um....let's just say, Over 50!
    Reveal Day next Saturday. I hope you don't mind that I told my DH about this. Never mind....deja vu.....I think I already told you this conversation!

    Madison: Hope things are going better for you. Miss not having you aboard much. Anything I (we) can do to help? That is Awesome about the Afghans!!!

    Shirley: 6/ the calendar. I have a date that I would like taken off also. Just weird.
    Yesterday DH made you Breakfast in bed and today you're taking him food! Didn't kill each other the first 2 weeks of 'togetherness!' Hey, lifes good........or life is bit**. Take your pick!
    I used to go to curves. Back when I had curves to work with! Good luck!

    JanKay: Don't know what happened with Caregiver, but if it was any form of 'verbal abuse' that is an absolute NO NO. The States Carry BIG penalties for that. If you are uneasy with her, get one that YOU are comfortable with. This shouldn't be just a Job for the Caregiver, it should be about helping you in your activities of Daily Living....okay, off my soapbox.

    Be Back.......Dryer just beeped.

  • Biker54
    Biker54 Member Posts: 1,042
    edited June 2007
    Hello everyone!

    My goodness! So much to catch up on.

    SoCal, I know what you mean about the home projects. I kind of lay low and when DH needs me to help, he calls. Then I go back to hiding out .

    CY, I really like the new "do". It is very becoming. I kept my hair very short since tx, because it is so much easier.

    Karen, geez, you are really going through a lot!! Those SE from the AIs can be awful. I take Arimidex and I hate every minute. My whole body is stiff and achy. I hope you feel better soon.

    Vickie, Boston creme pie cake???? Yummmmmm! One of my favs! Hope it was good. Are you feeling better today?

    JanKay, ROFLMAOPIMP!! That lipstick on the mirror story was too funny! I loved your important lessons also. How very true.

    NS, poor Rod!!!! How could they give him back damaged??

    Cheri, are you feeling better today? At least you are keeping your hands busy. Did the dr say when you can start to put weight on the foot?

    Betty, I'm a shower girl too! Since my surgery, I can't lean that hard on my hands to get out of the tub!

    Shirley, hope you are feeling better too! YeeHaw, glad to see you will be at Pinkstock!

    Colleen, I live fairly close to Philly, and people are cranky here too. I think it is the whole Northeast area. We found that when you get west of Pittsburgh, everyone gets really friendly. I don't think I'm cranky. I try not to be anyway......

    Z, sorry your mom is not doing well. Thanks for remembering my appt. I'll get into that later!

    Nicki, I can't get up off the ground either. It's worth the price of admission to watch !

    Marsha, WooHoo, girl!!! Dancin' on the bar? Give me enough blue drinks and I'll join you!

    Shokk, huh??? That reaction you had in NYC was BIZARRE!!! I have never heard of something so stupid said to a young child!

    I saw my onc today. A couple of weeks ago he told me that my DEXA scan was ok. Today he tells me that I have lost 14% bone mass and need to take "Fossilmax" (as Betty would say). WTH!!! This guy has a history of not being upfront with me. Okay, I can deal with taking it, but why couldn't he just tell me that from the beginning? I also asked him for Effexor. I have been getting more and more depressed. I'll try it for a little while and see what happens. They also have a psychologist with the practice (she has had bc twice) and I have an appt. with her on Wed.
    I also asked him how I would know if I had mets or a new cancer. He said he goes by how you feel. Well crap, I felt fine before my bc dx! He does do bloodwork routinely, so I guess I shouldn't get my panties in a knot.

    And Gus/Sue, please drop in whenever you are feeling down. You know that is exactly why we are here. To SUPPORT one another!

    Deb, bugs and fishes! Congrats on the relay!

    Robin, a big hug and hello to you too!

    Sorry if I missed any. It took so long to catch up on the posts, my brain is fried!

  • neesie
    neesie Member Posts: 1,110
    edited April 2008
    Well that sucks! I had a rug in the washer and it totally disinagrated. What a mess I have to clean up, all this rubber crap and thread in the washer.

    Betty: 2/10's of a mile to work! Where do you work anyhow? I'm one of these people who want a new job, but don't like changes. Only want to work certain days and certain hours, and don't want to be confined to an office all day! Gee, wonder why I don't have a line of Employers at my door!

    Marsha: You absolutely crack me up! The wording is hysterical and the visual is even better!!!! I was known to do some 'unusual' moves back in the day.........wouldn't know a bar from the bathroom these days!

    Liz: I don't remember where your Son is going. Refresh my memory please. And blessings to you and to him.

    Lisa: Love ya girl! Playing tennis today and getting ready for another trip!

    Laura: You bet we'll all be pulling for your DH and his quest for another teaching job. Isn't MI the pits for job hunting?! See ya the 16th.!

    Amy: You even do plumbing!!!! And you finally got rain! We've been pelted with hit and miss for the past several days. And as luck would have it, I just opened all the windows in the house and the sun went down and I hear Thunder in the distance!
    Hope your Dad is okay..and I'm glad they already talked to his Dr. I hope they still had a good time on the Cruise. I'm sure Tucker did!

    Well, I guess I will go close all the windows I just opened and clean up the mess in the washer.........GRRRRRRRR.

  • marshakb
    marshakb Member Posts: 796
    edited June 2007
    OK Shokk here you go just in case you didn't believe me!!! The song was Back in Black by AC/DC. Who can resist dancing on the bar to that???

    Laura and me (I'm the one in black)

    Even got my friend Tom and the rest of the room up on the bar!
  • neesie
    neesie Member Posts: 1,110
    edited April 2008
    Forgot to wish Karen luck in feeling better. The side effects with AI'S are miserable. You know, last week at the Gyn Dr. I mentioned something about them to him..........he didn't even know about most of them. I told him that if he wanted to REALLY know what they do to Ladies, to skip the Insert on SE's and come here! (no I didn't give him this site!)

    Jan: We were posting together..Hope all is well with you! Did you and Hubby get out on the bikes this weekend?

    Holy Cow, it's pouring outside!

  • Gus
    Gus Member Posts: 177
    edited June 2007

    Next time I'm at Disney, I'm heading over to visit you! My most memorable performance at a bar was doing some kind of twisted pole dance to "Pour Some Sugar on Me". Of course, if I tried that today, my arthritic hip would probably give out! At least it keeps me off the pole...

  • Gus
    Gus Member Posts: 177
    edited June 2007
    See, I'm starting to feel a little better. I'll be back to my old sarcastic self soon, I'm sure!

    Thanks again for all of your kind messages! The mean so much to me!

    Bugs and fishes,
  • Biker54
    Biker54 Member Posts: 1,042
    edited June 2007
    Nah, Denise. We didn't get a chance to get out on the bikes. Too much house crap to do .

    Here are some pics from camping. Here's DH and I with our blue rinks!


    Josh & AJ with a caterpillar buddy


    Stuck in the RV when it started to pour


    Enough for now! BBL!
  • marshakb
    marshakb Member Posts: 796
    edited June 2007

    Sue LOL That IS a great pole song. Oh no, I've never pole danced! It's dangerous to put ideas in my head. Just let me know when you're coming girl.

    Jan, I've started making a list of things I want to do in my lifetime and partying with "Biker54" and friends is near the top of the list. Surely YOU come to Daytona, right? Your hubby is Hot!

  • Biker54
    Biker54 Member Posts: 1,042
    edited June 2007
    Marsha, you know, we have not made it to Daytona yet. We may try to come down for Biketober Fest, but the big police presence at Daytona kind of puts a damper on it. Not that we are out breaking the law all over the place, but they crack down on a lot of harmless fun stuff. We would love to party with you too someday!!! Thanks! I think hubby is hot too !
  • shokk
    shokk Member Posts: 790
    edited June 2007

    Good afternoon dear chicas......Jan you and your husband look like a prefect long have ya'll been married???? Anyway guys just so ya'll know......that one story sounded a little dark.......even as a kid I really did understand that woman's pain I just really thought she thought I had actually killed JFK.....let me say this I have been back to NYC twice as an adult and it has got to be one of the greatest city in the entire world......all kinds of people.....had some wonderful experiences there as well.....9/ll was one of the darkest days our country has every faced and it happening to NYC was heartbreaking but if anyone had the illusion that they could destory the spirit of such a city they were so wrong.........ok guys love ya'll....will try and check back in later.....alligators....

  • Biker54
    Biker54 Member Posts: 1,042
    edited June 2007
    Thanks Shokk. DH and I have been together since we were 14. We have been married for 36 yrs. and together for 41 yrs. It's scary, we really do finish one another's sentences

    I just couldn't believe that the woman said what she did to a child. I was in 7th grade when JFK was shot, and I never in a million years would have blamed that on anyone from Dallas! Big hugs to you! The world has endured far too many tragedies.
  • lv2cmp
    lv2cmp Member Posts: 899
    edited June 2007
    BikerJan you do have a cute hubby. Ya'll are just the cutest lil couple. I sure hate our dates didnt correspond better in Maine. We would have a blast meeting up.

    Sue-I must admit I have never pole danced. I have done some strange things that usually involved alcohol but pole dancing is not one of them.

    Marsha-Now that I know it was AC/DC I can see why you were up dancing. How could you not?

    Adrionna-yes they all had a great time. Daddy tells mother when they get on the ship that he isnt feeling well and didnt want to tell her before because he knew she wouldnt go on without him. They are about 3 hours from here so hopefully the dr will get him right in as promised. We shall see. I can hear my daddy now saying I never got pneumonia before in my life and now that I have quit smoking I've gotten it twice. I really hate seeing my parents get older.

    NS-sorry to hear about the baby car and they deserved everything you dished out to them and more,,how dare they!

  • newvickie
    newvickie Member Posts: 2,941
    edited June 2007
    Peeking in from work again...only got about two minutes!
    Jan...what great and DH make a beautiful couple!
    Marsha...I can't see your pictures? Is it just me? daughter lives in Mount Dora which I think is pretty close to you. She is a manager at the Summerfield Walmart.
    Hey to Amy, Denise, Gus, MB and all
    gotta go again!
    hugs and love all around
  • Biker54
    Biker54 Member Posts: 1,042
    edited June 2007
    Thanks everyone .

    Amy, have you heard from your parents yet? I'm trying to remember back.......does your dad have pneumonia? And he got sick on their cruise? That sucks!
    I'm with you! I'll be boogying to AC/DC all night long! Hey, we do have some metal heads here!! I sure do wish we could have gotten together in Maine. We would have had a good old time!

    Vickie, I can't see Marsha's pictures either . Maybe they're so racy, they got deleted !
  • marshakb
    marshakb Member Posts: 796
    edited June 2007

    I can see them on my puter, did it from photobucket........??????????????
  • jasmine
    jasmine Member Posts: 773
    edited May 2008

    Did you make your photo album public or private, Marsha?

  • marshakb
    marshakb Member Posts: 796
    edited June 2007
    OK fixed it, I think let's try again. AC/DC (LOL Amy) Back in Black

    Laura and me


    My friend Tom and me with the rest of the bar!


    Nice clean fun Jan
  • socallisa
    socallisa Member Posts: 10,184
    edited June 2007
    Back from Tennis...won one set and lost two..oh well, won't remember that in the morning..

    Shokk..that JFK story is something..but...Goldwater didn't run til the next year..I remember that election because it was the first one after I graduated from college and my first time to vote.
    Crummy year for the country..

    Amy..hope your Daddy is OK...

    Sherloc..enjoy the day

    Good to see you Z..and Deb..and Vickie that is what I need to on the bar..I love it!!

    Jan..18 months after I started the arimidex I had to start taking fosamax too..I love the pics..thanks

    Denise..good luck with the washer..bummer!

    Karen..hope you can find some hormone regimen that works for you..I did one year of tamoxifen and four of arimidex..the side effects did eventually get to being doable, not good but doable..

    Sue..what is the weather like there...what should I pack??
  • Biker54
    Biker54 Member Posts: 1,042
    edited June 2007
    Marsha, LOL! Great pictures! Maybe in your next life, you can be a pole dancer !

    Lisa, at least you won one!
  • lv2cmp
    lv2cmp Member Posts: 899
    edited June 2007
    Great pictures Marsha.

    Biker-Parents arent here yet so dad not got to the dr. He was sick the night before they left but didnt tell mother until they got on the ship cause he didnt want her to not go. He has had pneumonia before about 1 month or month and a half ago but all was clear. Not sure if its pneumonia this time and all I got from Tuck (consider 12 year old boy) was that one of his lungs isnt working. Geesh! Mother and daddy have conflicting stories as to what the infirmary on the ship said but thats not surprising either. Parents,,,gotta love 'em! My sister is going to the dr with them so maybe a straight story will come out of it.

  • neesie
    neesie Member Posts: 1,110
    edited April 2008
    Well that's a new one! I posted after Vickies last internet provider popped up with..time long for BC.Org to connect!

    Shokk: That is a terrible thing to say to a youngster..under any circumstances. I'm still thinking about the JFK look alike that walked into your office! (JK)

    Jan: Nice pics and nice family!! Sounds like you better watch some of these 'hormone deprived' 'male deprived' ladies around your Hubby! He isn't to hard on the eyes though!

    Marsha: I see a new career for you!! Loved the pics, crazy lady!

    Amy: Glad Tucker and parents are back and that your Dad is getting attention. Gotta love it....didn't tell Mom he wasn't feeling good cuz of the trip! My FIL pulled the same stunt last year when a bunch of us were cruising...he had a lump on his neck and decided to keep it kinda hidden and not say anything.

    Margaret: To both of you. I posted again on Afghan Site..Copied the directions and will snail mail to you if you want. Just send addresses!

    Well, can't remember much of what I wrote before so this is all for now!

    Gus: I think I had said, 'Welcome back' we all have times like don't ever feel bad about coming here to let it out. There's another thing we all have in common and that is giving TLC!

  • shokk
    shokk Member Posts: 790
    edited June 2007

    ok guys it is black as night outside and we again are under a servere thunderstorm warning in Dallas County.....yesterday said no storms today but some storms in OK have moved south and have made there way here (thanks Liz) tornadoes but hail......ok going to unplug computer and tv's......will bbl................................

  • marshakb
    marshakb Member Posts: 796
    edited June 2007

    Shokk, grab a cowboy and run for the cellar! Yikes nothing like having ice cubes falling on you!

  • PuppyFive
    PuppyFive Member Posts: 539
    edited June 2007

    Soory CGS, I just am getting sick and tiered of all the sh$t in my life!!!! I need all of You with Me on tursday at 1:15 thats when they tell me what they found on my Brain Mri!!! was told to bring family, So i'm telling you!!
    WTF!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Puppy
    will come back tomorrow i am crying too much to type!
    You know I love you, and YES I do believe God will answer Our prayers!!! just need a little time off Lord!!!!
  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Member Posts: 2,728
    edited June 2007

    Puppy: Oh my! Take a deep breath and relax a minute here. First of all who told you this? The doctors nurse or did the doctor come to the telephone? I would rather someone tell me something right out instead of all of this scheduled stuff. Thats cruel in itself. No one, but no one understands how we feel when it comes to stuff like this. Now I know that I would be scared cause I didnt hear "normal." Just remember MRI's pick up alot of false negative stuff and because of our diagnosis they have to be concerned and address everything! So if you have a xanax take one. You can do 2 things. You can call the doctors office back and tell them you are an emotional wreck and want to know what this is all about. The other option is waiting but I know I would need something to relax me and help me sleep. So is the appointment tomorrow at 1:15 or Thursday? Distorted Humor just went to the blacksmith and got new shoes. Wants to shine while we are all standing in that office with you.

    Oh my lord. So many posts and so little time. Hoping I can catch up in the morning. At least I read everything!

    Laura: Sending you strong, positive vibes that your DH gets that job.

    DebC: Give Jeannie a great big hug from all of us. Tell her that we miss her.

    Still trying to recover from The Sopranos last night. And no more computer time. See ya all in the morning.

  • newvickie
    newvickie Member Posts: 2,941
    edited June 2007
    Oh Puppy...take a deep breathe...(geez we say that a lot). It doesn't matter what the MRI says you will be fine and dandy. Sending lots of prayers and we will be with you but one that Tuesday or Thursday?
    love and big hugs