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  • sherloc
    sherloc Member Posts: 893
    edited June 2007
  • nosurrender
    nosurrender Member Posts: 737
    edited June 2007
    Hi girls,
    today was not a good day.
    I found a lump under my arm on the new BC side. I called my BS and he said come in right away.
    We were having torrential rains here today and while I was driving the "new" windshield wipers that were put on Rod started to make a banging noise. I was on a busy two lane road and it was pouring.
    Next thing I know the metal thing from the passenger side wiper gets stuck in the crack where the windshield meets my roof. I just kept on driving but it was making the worst noise and I NEEDED to use my wipers!

    I get to the BS office and he said he wants me to get an ultrasound of it. He said there "shouldn't" be any lymph nodes left there...but.... I HATE when they say "that shouldn't happen"

    He also told me that under no circumstances am I to get the injection for the MUGA tomorrow in my arm. They must use my port. I told him they already said they won't. He said I need to go to my onc's office first, have them access it with a line then drive to the MUGA and have them do the stupid test then go back to my oncs to get it flushed.

    Well NO ONE will do that. They place told me that they cannot use a chemo port because the red blood cells that they are "tagging" get stuck in it. They have to use my arm even though it is in really bad shape with the blood clots.

    ANYWAY- In the parking lot, in the pouring rain, I had to remove the passenger side wiper and get it unstuck from the roof.

    When I got home I called them and they told me to come in... only I couldn't do it today because I am not driving in the rain with that frigging thing.

    I have just finished my letter to Mini Cooper, the dealership and the head of the service department. I don't think I am done yet. THIS IS ABSURD.

    Then I had to go to the post office. This stupid, senile, butthead of an old man started telling a racial "joke" to the butthead in front of him on line. There was an African American woman in front of me and she heard the whole thing...well ALMOST the whole thing- I ripped him a new one. I don't care what anyone thought about my language or about me confronting this old SOB or how long the line was... he was a DISGRACE.

    When I left the post office the woman was outside and she thanked me... and then she said if I heard the shit she 'overhears' on a daily basis I would be screaming all the time. I felt really bad for her. This man by the way is a member of the local Rotary and he works at the bank. I have also just completed my letters to THEM as well about him.

    I think I need to switch to de-caff or the Adriamycin is turning ME into a red devil.

  • sherloc
    sherloc Member Posts: 893
    edited June 2007
    O my gosh Puppy. They called you and said that and are still making you wait. What bull!!!
    I am praying hon. Breath Deep
  • PuppyFive
    PuppyFive Member Posts: 539
    edited June 2007

    Its on thursday i know why would they do that i am going crazy shaking in side and sick at my stomack! what if, how will they handle it with me haveing a viral infection and scar tissue in my heart!??? i puppy

  • nosurrender
    nosurrender Member Posts: 737
    edited June 2007
    Let Him take the wheel!
    Let us hold your hand!
    We won't let go!!!!

    Love you,
  • PuppyFive
    PuppyFive Member Posts: 539
    edited June 2007

    Thank You {{{NS}}} Now I can turn my pc off i knew you would save me "again" xoxoxoxoxoxoxo Puppy

  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Member Posts: 2,728
    edited June 2007
    WTF is going on here! Im fighting mad.

    Puppy: I would not wait until Thursday. Remember me? I paged my PCP while he was making rounds at the hospital after my bone scan. Stop thinking about what if. There are so many new treatments out there despite the viral infection and despite the enlarged heart. Our imaginations go wild.

    NS: Im bringing my car to the dealer. Now Im really scared. Lots of rain here too and without my windshield washers I would be in big trouble.

    Whatever this lump is, it better be nothing. Thats all I have to say. Enough is enough and Im stomping my foot and holding up my fist. "I know I am strong."

    OK - now I really gotta go.

  • Boo46
    Boo46 Member Posts: 261
    edited June 2007
    Wow 385 posts since I was last here!!! I only read this page so will have to catch up another time.
    ((((Puppy))) Holding you close and saying calming and healing prayers for you. We are here for you.
    (((NS))) - Prayers for you too. Hang in there lady - things just have to start going right for you soon!!!!
    We made it to Houston in time to say goodbye to Bill. He had ruptured brain anurism on Wed. They removed the ventilator on Thurs. We were there by Fri. morning. Though he was comatose I was still greatfull to get a chance to see him. He died Sat. at 1pm. The services are on Tues. but we couldn't stay. DH and DS are leaving Thurs for New Mexico and are not done getting ready.
    Love and hugs to all. I'll catch up sometime this week!
  • TheShopMama
    TheShopMama Member Posts: 276
    edited June 2007
    Hold on to us. Please. Is it Tuesday or Thursday? Know you are so close in our hearts and prayers. I love you my sister. Miles loves his Aunt Puppy! You know our angel is with you. Don't know what to say but you can count on me. Pam
  • joy1122
    joy1122 Member Posts: 189
    edited June 2007
    I am sorry you are going through this. I am with Nicki,I would call them tomorrow and demand they fit you in. That is just too cruel to make you wait.
    Don't these doctor's think before they speak??
  • marshakb
    marshakb Member Posts: 796
    edited June 2007
    ((((((((((((PUPPY)))))))))))))) sweetie, call them tomorrow. Don't wait like this till Thursday afternoon. MRI's show all kinds of crap. Do you have a xanax? We are praying for you and holding your virtual hand, you know you are not alone here.

    Gina, dam dam dam. I am praying your U/S shows nothing cancer related. You do sound like you have your boxing gloves on and ready to fight. That rotary asshole gave you a good excuse to vent like crazy and it was well deserved on his part! And your poor poor Rod, it sounds like he is having sympathy pains. And then you come on here and calm Puppy down. You are amazing, and no way I believe cancer is gonna kick your butt. NO WAY!!!!! ((((((((((Gina)))))))))))))))

    Love, Marsha
  • neesie
    neesie Member Posts: 1,110
    edited April 2008
    Was just going to do some last minute catch way.

    Puppy: WTF is right. They call and say something like that to you and won't see you until Thursday. That is not right and shouldn't be tolerated. I agree with the girls..take a deep breath and hopefully you have Xanax. If you can't make the call tomorrow, I'd have a very close family member or friend do it for you..(I am more than willing to be that close friend.) They should realize what all have been through and watch how they say things.........bed side manner has been replaced with Pig side manners. Love ya!

    G: Catch a break, will ya. I'm sure the lump will be nothing more than that..A lump. You're the one with the problems and they want you to run all over heck and back to get your treatment and then back to have port flushed. Wow, I'm getting really frustrated here. I'm glad you've got your boxing gloves out and have no problem using them.
    Speaking of Pigs......the man at the Post Office......Blessings to you G for putting him in his place and speaking to the lady.
    Glad you've got the letters written..don't change your mind before you put them in the mail box.

    Boo/Sue: Glad that you are home safe and sound. I am so sorry to hear that your cousin has passed. Like you said, atleast you were able to see him before he passed. Thoughts go out to your family.

    Hugs to all,
  • Biker54
    Biker54 Member Posts: 1,042
    edited June 2007
    Puppy, my bud!!!! Get your butt on the phone tomorrow and call your dr.'s office!!!!! There is no excuse for making you wait like that! I feel like kickin' some onc ass right about now.

    Boo, so sorry to hear about Bill's passing. At least you were able to say goodbye.

    NS, what else could go wrong for you??? Now they can't find a suitable place to inject for your Muga? Cripes, what the hell else???? Putting you and Puppy in the middle of the circle. ((((Puppy)))) (((Gina)))))

    Love you!
  • jankay
    jankay Member Posts: 789
    edited June 2007
    my squares and yarn are on its way
  • socallisa
    socallisa Member Posts: 10,184
    edited June 2007


  • marshakb
    marshakb Member Posts: 796
    edited June 2007
    This is soooooooooo beautifully done.

    Women in Art

  • lizws
    lizws Member Posts: 789
    edited June 2007
    Hi girls, I'm home and kid is safely in Minneapolis. I'm tired and will try to read back later.

    Puppy - please call tomorrow. That's cruel and inhumane for them to say such a thing to you.

    Gina - gentle hugs. Sent you a PM.

    I'll bbl or tomorrow.

  • socallisa
    socallisa Member Posts: 10,184
    edited June 2007

    Marsha..that is really great..I didn't want it to end..somebody put alot of time and effort into that!!

  • Madison
    Madison Member Posts: 859
    edited June 2007
    Puppy and G, great big hugs.....storming heaven with prayers for you both....
    NS, we won't let you or Puppy go.......we are holding you tight, tight,tight

    Boo/Sue, so sorry for your loss...

    I am going to read to catch up with all the news....
    have dental appt in morning (can I say I HATE dentists)
  • PeanutsGirl
    PeanutsGirl Member Posts: 115
    edited June 2007
    Puppy & Gina--lots of prayers for both of you.

    Puppy--call them. This is just wrong. What on earth were they thinking?

  • Madison
    Madison Member Posts: 859
    edited June 2007

    I started a prayer topic for Puppy in the Inspiration/Prayer folder....She is always the first to offer prayers for all of is only right that we let her be the recipient of our prayers....

  • Madison
    Madison Member Posts: 859
    edited June 2007

    Shokk, we are going to have to petition the Smithsonian in Washington, D.C. to include your "closet" in their are spending soooo much time there (I know your weather just hit us a little while ago)....

  • sherloc
    sherloc Member Posts: 893
    edited June 2007
    Dang this seems to be the day for lousy stuff. Gina I am sorry you are having more crap to deal with. But I must say it's good to see you with your dander up. Good for you for telling that guy off. Now go kick some dealership butt. I don't get why the doc is just letting you handle the MUGA stuff. Why isn't he calling the place and fixing the problem?

    My news of the day. Hubby went to work this morning. Forgot to pick up his release from the doc on friday so I picked it up this morning and took it to him. Doc put a bunch of restrictions on him and his boss sent him home. He was spitting hornets when he got here. So looks like he's home for another 6 weeks. Yikes!!!
  • socallisa
    socallisa Member Posts: 10,184
    edited June 2007

    Oh, sherloc...yikes is right

  • cmb35
    cmb35 Member Posts: 554
    edited June 2007
    Puppy - What on earth? I'm so sorry they are putting you through this. Sending lots of prayers and good thoughts your way. And yes, call back, get someone OTHER than the fool who called you, and demand an appt tomorrow.

    NS - OK, as a good friend said to me recently, "OK Eeyore, enough is enough!" So sorry about this latest lump issue, and the car situation is just ridiculous - you REALLY don't need that kind of baloney right now. I know it's hard, you've already survived so much, but I also know you will keep on fighting. Know how much EVERYONE here loves, respects and admires you, and how much we are all thinking about you and praying for you. Hang in there.

    Nicki - I know, we do have a lot of similarities... well, except for the crafty part, I am NOT crafty!! LOL

    I feel like a broken record but I'm exhausted again and going to bed.

    Sorry to all I missed.

    shokk - I'm worried you're in the closet again! I hope it's a really nice closet for all the time you have spend in there. I do remember a really scary thing that happened when my plane was landing in Dallas. A wind shear? Or a wind shrift? Something like that! Anyway, it was something to do with the kind of storms you have there, and it was like something slammed the plane straight down. It was freaky!! I was thinking of you today as my son's orchestra concert is Wed morning and he's down to the wire with practicing. He's having a really hard time with the William Tell Overture - you know the, "da da da, da da da, da da da da da" thing? Anyway, I hope it goes as well as your daughter's band concert!

    OK nighty night
  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Member Posts: 1,233
    edited June 2007
    Good evening ladies. I took several notes earlier today. Then I felt like I needed a nap. So I took one. A long one. When I read back through my notes it was easy to see why I needed a nap, can't even make any sense out of the part that I can read. I've been a little under the weather ever since surgery. It's thrown my sleep pattern off. lol

    Puppy, we'll all be there with you on thursday. Don't jump to conclusions. No matter what he says, you are not alone. There'll be lots of prayers going up before then.

    Deb, glad to see you surfaced and posting.

    Amy, Ethan caught 5 keeper catfish. Dh got him on video catching the biggest, it was sooo cool. That little boy fought that fish but got it. Yes, I will be posting pics. lol

    Boo, sorry for your loss but awfully glad you're back.

    For all those I missed tonight my thoughts are with you. I just really haven't felt myself yet. Wishing everyone a good nights rest and will talk tomorrow.

    Hey Suzola. Vickie. Where is LisaE?? Anyone have her home#, I left a message on her cell. I'm worried about her. She posted everyday and then just stopped.

    Hey Meaner than me. Brenda & Carrie.
    Just everyone.

  • MargaretB
    MargaretB Member Posts: 771
    edited June 2007
    Puppy, G, and Boo/Sue, here is a hug for you:


  • b445
    b445 Member Posts: 980
    edited June 2007
    Puppy you are in my prayers. Keep your chin up and of course we will all be there with you Thursday!

    Gina good to see you're not taking anything lying down! I pray they figure out what is going on and get it all starightened out lickity split!

    Mom is doing much better after a lot of sleep. Dad is back home too and fiesty as ever! although we keep yelling at him if he looks like he's going to try to do something! We told him all he gets to do is direct traffic!

    MIL seems to be adjusting to the new place pretty well! Even made a trip to the store to get beer! Lord knows she can't be without Beer!

    We got 95% of her clothes and the bathroom packed out this weekend. there's still tons to be done and so little time to do it in!

    I won't be on here much until my parents leave (June 18th)and I get MIL's old placed packed out and cleaned (by June 30th), but I will try to check in.

    Hugs and prayers to all.

    Cheri you take care of yourself I worry about youand I'm to far away to come down and keep you in line right now!

    Vickie how are you feeling?

    How's Kevin doing? I think I missed an update on him?

    Know I'm missing many but have only had a few moments to scan the posts!

    Love you all
  • karen1956
    karen1956 Member Posts: 4,604
    edited June 2007

    5 pages of posts since yesterday took me an hour to read, but so glad I did. Just want to send BIG CYBER HUGS AND MORE HUGS to Puppy and Gina. I wish I could give you a hug in person. Karen in Denver

  • TheShopMama
    TheShopMama Member Posts: 276
    edited June 2007
    Wow.... eventful few days in the circle. Just taking an evening stroll through camp and trying to relax after reading all these posts. I can't believe I was ever hesitant to come here. There is so much support and love.
    Marsha...the youtube clip was awesome! I found the music relaxing and was mesmerized byt the movie. A little nostalgic for me for some reason.
    Vickie....hope you are feeling better. I know you must be so sore! Being flipped by your own hammock.... what treachery.
    Incredible RELAY FOR LIFE!!! Congratulations! I know you must be so tired.
    (((((Puppy))))) sick em girl.... don't take it lying down and let it punch your spirit. Give Jesus the wheel and you can be free to kick butt! I love you and hope you feel big hugs from all of us here (and at least one above)
    Thinking tonight of Fighter Lu (God rest her soul) and how strong and encouraging she always was. I pray I can be more like her. I am not stong at all it seems.

    Good night, sweet sisters. Sleep well. When you arise in the morning, put on the full armor of God for the evil one lurks and wants us to give in. We will not!! Praying for all of you. Will try to pop in after my cardio visit.