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  • AlaskaDeb
    AlaskaDeb Member Posts: 1,159
    edited June 2007
    Hey Pam-

    My Great Aunt Leah's favorite verse was the one about putting on the armor of God...thanks for reminding me of her, and of that...big hugs
    Deb C
  • bearlysane111
    bearlysane111 Member Posts: 592
    edited June 2007
    Hello to everyone!
    So sorry to hear your news,Puppy! Thinking of
    you and wishing that you the best.
    Gina--so sorry that you have had a rough day.Hoping
    that tomorrow goes much better for you.

    Z--what beautiful pics and lovely thoughts,as always.
    Enjoyed reading abt your family. I know
    that you are proud of them. Hope work goes better.

    Shirley--hope the allergies are improving;sorry abt
    your husb’s six more wks. He
    must have hated to hear that.

    Vickie--cute pic of the dog! Glad you are feeling
    better than Sat and still achy,
    I bet. Take care!

    Jankay--hoping that you are having a good day in TN.
    Liked #3 esp.

    Nicki--thanks for the Paul Mc pic. Does it seem
    like he could be anywhere near 64? When that song
    was new,
    it does not seem that long ago. I could hold
    his hann-d any old time! LOL!Have a good day!

    Shokk--what a thoughtless thing to say to a child
    abt a Presidential
    assassination. The nation was so lost and
    mourning;eighth grade for
    me and I still rememb Mr.Fisher(principal)telling us.
    Funny how we don’tever forget some memories.
    Thanks for sharing the thoughts.

    Betty--how are you? You live near your job;how
    wonderful. I once lived.5 mi from my elem
    schl job. It was nice to sleep later and no traffic.
    The Vista is coming slowly--complex,isn’t
    it;nice software,though.

    Margaret--you were up really early Mon morning.
    Did you stay up or go back
    to bed after your husb left?

    Colleen--went through similar flying
    experience around DFW that shook
    me up. Still rememb being frightened (as a child);
    hit thunderstorms around the
    Dallas area. Could see the lightning out
    the plane windows! Sounds like you had a busy
    day w/the relay.

    Beth--hope that you are feeling better and
    better each day. Are you still
    going the Netflix? I tried B’buster,too.

    Laura--thinking good thoughts for your husb/job
    near home.

    Amy--hoping that your dad is home.Do you ever
    feel like you’re the parent? I do. You are
    one talented person
    --repairing a shower! WOW!
    What is the other Beatle name that is so cute
    besides Hey Jude. Great you got
    rain! I hope we get more tomorr!

    Great pics, Marsha!

    Jan--what nice pics you and your husb take;
    lovely family.

    Deb--have fun with Jeannie and the pool sure
    sounds good. Relay sounds awesome!

    Denise--how you doing and is it raining there?

    Hi to you Jasmine! Didn’t I read that you write
    computer programs?That is so great and just

    Sue--so sorry abt your loss; thinking of you.

    Sue(suzfive)--hope that your flowers are
    not having the dryness like around here. I know you
    are so proud of all of your children. Great
    meeting you!!

    Pam--hi to you! Hope that you and Miles
    had a great weekend. Thinking of you
    with the cardio visit tomorr.

    Joyce--hi to you! Hope your wk goes well.

    Lisa--great on your tennis match! I wish I
    still played;loved doubles.

    Liz--glad your trip to Minneapolis was good.

    Madison--hope the dentist visit goes OK;hate
    that one,too. I still cringe at the way
    novcaine used to be administered. Awful taste
    in the 50's! Dentists are better today!

    Cheri--how are you,friend? Loved the pics
    of Ethan;
    what a wonderful boy! Hope you like the surprise!

    Cy--take care and good that your dad and mom
    are better.

    Karen--hope that things go well for you in Denver.
    Is your schl out yet?

    Just went back as far as yesterday to read.

    All the best,
  • newvickie
    newvickie Member Posts: 2,941
    edited June 2007

    Good morning all,
    I missed ya all last night and didn't get to make my rounds. I had company until really late and crashed after they left. A great friend that I haven't seen in a very long time came with her daughter and granddaughter. Did lots of giggling and "remember whens". the doctor today and demand to know what is going on. That is simply cruel.
    Gina...that stinky lousy lump is nothing at all. You have had enough! Sending you a hug and a prayer.
    Pam...putting on the full armour of God this morning. I really think that we all need to!
    Gotta get ready for work...geez...missed ya all but I'll catch up later.
    Love and hugs
    Nicki and Jankay...tweaking your toes.
    BRSTN Member Posts: 165
    edited June 2007

    Oh Puppy and NS, wish I could give you a big hug. Puppy, call them and tell them you want answers now. Gina, it's so good to see your fighting spirit back. And way to go girl for giving it to that jerk in the post office.

    Deb, if I had a jacuzzi< I'd figure out a way to get in and out, too. I'd even install a lift. But I just has a old tub. DH said to call him when I need help. Yeah, right, him and his bad back is gonna haul my ^&% pounds out of a slippery tub. We'd both be in traction, but wouldn't the EMS folks have a good laugh.

    Tell us all about your visit with Jeannie. It would be so great to meet other CGs. Jaykey and I are going to get together one of these days. We only live about 25 miles from each other.

    Have to get to work early. My car is in the shop, so DH is taking me and today is Kiwanis (breakfast meeting). Today was also fossilmax day, but the coffee got me first. Hehe. Guess it will be Wed. this week.

    Bugs and fishes to everyone.

  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Member Posts: 2,728
    edited June 2007

    Good Morning: Lots of early morning sunshine sisters today. Im waiting for my first cup of coffee since right now my eyes are still half closed.

    Had a wonderful (not) good morning from my DH when I woke up. Remember me telling you how my friend sends me $500.00/month? It was supposed to be for me to buy nice things for myself. Manicures and stuff, but somehow ended up just being part of the income I bring home. Well I wasnt up for 15 seconds before my husband tells me the check didnt come. There is no doubt about it. I need to get a second job. Yeah I know - he should get a real job. But after 28 years, dont think that will happen anytime soon. Of course he wants me to call and find out if the check has been mailed. Darn! He at least could have waited until I was more awake. Despite that I work so hard, Im gonna have to wait till the mail comes and if there is no check, Im gonna have to call like a beggar. The sad thing is, I dont really earn the $500.00 dollars. As you can tell, Im a little upset today.

    Sue/Boo: Sorry you and your husband had to go through all of this. Glad to see you back.

    Liz: Glad your back home. Now get some well deserved rest.

    CY: Always good to hear from you. Take care of yourself and dont overdo it.

    Well, Im not much in the mood for talking. Think Im gonna have a heart to heart with my husband! See ya all later.

    BRSTN Member Posts: 165
    edited June 2007
    Oh beat me up. Double toe tweaking for Jaykey. Looks like Nicki beat me too. She's got her place held. Can't wait to read her post. I just love her posts.


    PS I love everyone's post!!!!
  • newvickie
    newvickie Member Posts: 2,941
    edited June 2007
    Good morning Betty and Nicki...have a grand and glorious day!
    love and hugs
  • Boo46
    Boo46 Member Posts: 261
    edited June 2007
    Good morning,
    Thank you all for the kind thoughts and words. It's so hard to lose someone you care about and Bill was such a joyfull person. He will be missed by many. This was the first time my DS was old enough to really understand what was going on when someone he loved died. He saw Bill comatose and again after he passed. He did better then I expected. At least I hope so. Boys can be so hard to read their emotions.
    Lots to do. I'll check back later.
  • Madison
    Madison Member Posts: 859
    edited June 2007
    Good Morning Sunshine Sisters,

    No sunshine here....I think Shokk is tired of living in her closet and sent some of her weather my way....

    bbl....if the magic carpet is out this morning....TAKE ME WITH YOU.....sending up thoughts and prayers for all of you..
    Hugs, Madison
  • Boo46
    Boo46 Member Posts: 261
    edited June 2007
    Good luck at the dentist today. I'm sure the magic carpet will be there shortly. I hate going to the dentist too.
  • Biker54
    Biker54 Member Posts: 1,042
    edited June 2007
    I swear, I just got booted off the site for no reason, and now I have to try and recap!! Darn it all!!!

    Puppy, you have got to make that call to your Dr. TODAY!!! They have no right to treat you that way.

    Nicki, come on. Why do you need to get the second job? You work hard and long enough already. You need your "me time". I know DH is a musician, but he is home all day. There is no reason why he can't pick up a part time job somewhere.

    Vickie, how's your aching body today I hope you are feeling better.

    Betty, I am joining you with the "Fossilmax". I was hoping I wouldn't have to take it, but no such luck.

    Well, it's time to go down to the dungeon and work out. Have I told you how much I HATE to work out? I do feel better when I'm done, though .
  • newvickie
    newvickie Member Posts: 2,941
    edited June 2007
    aww geez...forgot my "fossilmax" again!!!! Crap! We all need to take it on the same day so we can remind each other LOL.
    Feeling ok...stiff and achey but I can deal with it!
  • newvickie
    newvickie Member Posts: 2,941
    edited June 2007

    Sue (Boo)...sending you a hug. I'll ride the magic carpet with you to the dentist and hold your hand. As long as I'm not in the chair I'm fine LOL!

  • jankay
    jankay Member Posts: 789
    edited June 2007
    H old onto your hat
    i actually got to sleep last night nd overslept. Nicki i am with eone else u work hard enough. Send your dh the employment section of the pAPER OR put it beside his plate at the table. thAt would be a suttle hint dont u think.
    gm to madison and aLl of the others that beat me up.
    Liz i hope u feel bettter soon. He will be fine.
    sorry for your loss boo - at least he is at peace.
    wish me well at therapy. chow
  • shokk
    shokk Member Posts: 790
    edited June 2007

    Good morning chicas........Boy did we have a storming night last night on the cg's thread.......which had nothing to do with the weather......Puppy so so I maybe mistaken....Gina can remember stuff by other posters that I read but don't retain the info but if we are talking about brain mets didn't Shellik have a port put in the back of her neck so that the chemo went right into her head.......don't we have some sort of protective shield that protects our brain so that you could receive chemo without it affecting your heart????? Am I misinformed about this??????Gina do you remember?????Didn't she post recently that this treatment has been successful?????? Gina so sorry about the lump.....couldn't it very well be a cyst or can't remember what's it called when your blood will pool in a spot???? I know everything has to be checked but you are in the process of receiving chemo it probably is not cancer right????? Geez girls I so hate cancer and what it does and is doing to us............can anyone question Beth's disission to take a proactive approach to this brb........

  • shokk
    shokk Member Posts: 790
    edited June 2007

    Ok gals I think besides Puppy and Gina we need to pull Pam into the inner circle......sweetheart I know that the next couple of wks is going to be extremely tuff.....I think everyone here has alot of respect for you......if there is anything you need to talk about please come and share with us or if you need some quiet time and reflection please come and sit down.....we have some many girls here that are so good at hand holding and hugs.........Nicki maybe your husband could teach quitar lessons or work parttime in a music retail store.....alot of people that have a passion for music and try and live on gigs will supplament their income still being around music and sharing their knowledge......ok chicas going to go do a quick report and will be back in a little while.......Hey Vickie see ya later alligator.........

  • sherloc
    sherloc Member Posts: 893
    edited June 2007
    Good Morning ladies. Hubby forgot to shut off the alarm for this morning so I was rudely awakened. Chaulk up another one who forgot her fossilmax. OOPS!! I hate the stuff. Geez and how pathetic is it that the drug I hate the most is the one with no side effects. But golly, first thing in the morning before coffee. Who are they kidding.

    Boo/Sue, I am glad you ade it to your cousins side before he passed. My prayers and condolences for your family.

    Marsha, beautiful indeed. I was mezmorized....however that is spelled.

    Liz, glad your home and the kid is safely landed. How are you?

    Socal, yikes is right. Can we move Pinkstock up to this week and make it last for two months? Please?

    Cheriberrie, sleep when you need to. Don't fuss about the time frame. I would love to see Ethans face when he watches his fish catching video. I can just see his pretty sparkly eyes lighting up.

    CY, to funny, she can't go without her beer. Well darn it if thats the motivation she needs to get out and about then so be it.

    Pam, AMEN

    Deb, I think I keep forgetting to say to you........
    Congrats to you all.

    Iris, so far so good. No new bumpy things the last few days.

    Vicki, glad you had a good visit with your friend.

    Have a good day at work Betty.

    Nicki, I'm sitting on my fingers, figuratively of course. All I'm gonna say is great big squishy hugs to you.

    Madison, breath thru your nose. At least thats what the dentist tells me.

    Jan, hope you had a good workout. I went back to Curves yesterday for the first time in a while. Felt good but I'm aching today.

    Good morning Jankay. Loved the email this morning.

    7am and first cup of coffee down the hatch. Very grey and gloomy out there right now. Think we might be getting some rain. Which would explain the nasty sinus headache yesterday. See you all later.
  • sherloc
    sherloc Member Posts: 893
    edited June 2007

    Good morning Shokk, good to see you out of the closet.

  • lv2cmp
    lv2cmp Member Posts: 899
    edited June 2007
    Good Morning all,

    Puppy have you called them yet? Do you need one of us to? We can be your sister cause well, we are. Dr's have no sympathy at all. Hoping you call today and pitch a royal fit.

    NS-glad to see you out with the poison pen and firing off letters. You go girl and good for you for giving that old man heck. The nerve of some people. Hoping you got it all worked out for your muga scan.

    Madison-magic carpet will be by to get you for the magic carpet ride. Mazer has her hat on and ready. I hate dentist also but as long as the dentist doesnt come at me I will be there with you.

    Nicki-I sound like a broken record I'm sure but you work enough hours. Yes DH is a musician but what about giving lessons? Heck anything to pick up a little bit of money. I think he would have a much better outlook on what you do if he got up and went to work like you. Also, why is he worried about your 500.00 that was meant for just you? ok I will shut up now,,lol...maybe. I only say these things cause I care though and I hate to see you working anymore than you already do.

    Iris-We have "Lucy" in the sky with diamonds which is the mom to "hey Jude". Lil jude is starting to play more and loves playing with Mazer. Oh and its not like I am that handy but I am cheap and if I can fix it myself rather than pay a plumber then I am all over it. I really like fixing things like that though cause thats just how my mind works. The stem actually ended up not having to be replaced like I thought it was going to be. Once I was in there it was a worn out bevel washer so it was nice and easy and cost an entire 38 cents. I can only imagine what a plumber would have charged. YIKES!

    Jankay-glad you got some much needed rest.

    boo-sorry for your loss and you are right, it is so hard to understand boys.

    Shirley-6 more weeks. It was great that you made it the other weeks and both of you still alive but 6 more weeks could do you in,,lol. Oh my, maybe another cruise would help.

    Shokk-out of the closet yet? Maybe since ya'll are getting all of this rain they will bring in hay from texas because Alabama is sure not going to have any. If you want to buy a horse this would be the year to do it if you can find some hay.

    Jan-arent you the motivated one working out? Thanks for making me feel like the lazy bum that I am.

    Cheri-ok you say your sleeping is messed up but I got one question,,how would you know? Its not like you have ever had a sleep pattern is it? Cant wait to click over there and see the picture.

    Deb-cant wait to hear how the visit was. If I was coming to see you I wouldnt care what your house was like either. House is minor, personality goes so much further. Who cares where you live or what you drive its you thats important! With this being said I am glad to find out I am not the only one that doesnt have a spotless house,,lol.

    Betty-I guess I never realized you were such an early riser. I dont see how ya'll do it?

    Cy-you are one busy woman. Dont forget to give your body time to heal and not overdo it. dont you just love my advice when I dont do it for myself?!?

    Karen-I think the same thing myself when I sign on and see so many pages. I hate not catching up though cause I am afraid I will miss something.

    Well parentals got home and they were at the drs office when I got off so I went there and got Tucker. I waited for them to come out and its official, Emphasema or however you spell it. Breathing treatments, steroids and other meds. Dad is not a happy camper. He had one bad spell during the night but mother said that was better than what he had been doing. One of my sisters had the dachshound and I had the chihuahua so we got them back home and they were happy to be there. The chihuahua didnt like being a farm pupster thats for sure. I think she thought she was just a bit too good to walk on dirt.

    ok gotta run, Amy
  • sherloc
    sherloc Member Posts: 893
    edited June 2007

    well so much for I think it's going to rain. Just looked out the window. It's coming down in buckets. UGH, the kid spent the night and I have to take him to work in a bit. I hate driving in the rain.

  • sherloc
    sherloc Member Posts: 893
    edited June 2007
    hahahahhahahaha Amy, hubby said exactly the same thing yesterday. Don't think the bank account could handle another cruise tho.
    I'm very sorry to hear about your dad.
  • Sandra1957
    Sandra1957 Member Posts: 1,064
    edited June 2007
    I know that in the big scheme of things and all that many of you are going through this isn't anything, but I truly am disappointed. I've been a total "B" all week due to the anxiety of my upcoming exchange surgery. I have exactly three and half weeks until I am to start my new job. My PS has told me already that he will put me on a three weeks off work order after the exchange and guess what?? He called in sick today. My surgery was scheduled for 10 am today. I am in tears. I am not a crybaby and I'm crying like a blubbering idiot. I didn't know where else to cry but here with you because I knew you'd understand. Sorry, just needed to vent. I am so sad and yet understand that things happen for a reason. Just disappointed. The rollercoaster ride continues.

  • sherloc
    sherloc Member Posts: 893
    edited June 2007

    awwww Lini, the grand scheme of things includes you and any difficulties you have as well. That just sucks beans. I am soooo sorry.

  • socallisa
    socallisa Member Posts: 10,184
    edited June 2007
    Good morning ladies..

    Iris..hope you figure the Vista out and can run a tutoring session here when we all get upgraded!! really need to take time for ...please...

    Seems like everyone has cars in the shop..we had both our cars taken care yesterday..

    Oh frustrating for you...hubby seems to really pull you youngest son is also a guitar player and tried to get work with it..he didn't...he switched careers and is now a high school teacher. He still gets some gigs on the side..

    Madison..good luck with the dreaded dentist is some velcro to hang on with>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>

    OK your fosamax takers..tomorrow is the day!!

    When I finished up with the arimidex my PCP took me off the fosamax to see what I an experiment for him??

    Liz..glad you are back home.. snuck out!! Hope those storms stay away

    Jankay..good to get some needed sleep..if only our bodies could remember that every night!!

    Amy, hope your Dad is doing better now that he is home.

    Lini..I am so sorry about your postponed will get done...I found out my doctor was sick when I was in pre-op. They wanted to use another surgeon but I got my clothes, put them on and left. Told them to call when my surgeon was better.Turned out she had strep..

    Well, I need to get cracking. We leave tomorrow and have to get myself and the house ready..Hope the weather cross country is better. The last time we flew we were stuck two days in Chicago due to thunderstorms..we are flying thru Detroit this time to Manchester, NH...

    Hugs again to NS and Puppy..
  • newvickie
    newvickie Member Posts: 2,941
    edited June 2007
    Oh sweet Lini...I am so sorry about the cancellation. That truly stinks BUT at the same time we can't have you getting sick from a sick surgeon either. Wish I were there to give you a hug. You can come cry here any time you want...we do understand. Enough is so want to get it over and done with so you can move on and then you get delayed and I'm sorry!
    Love and hugs
  • Gus
    Gus Member Posts: 177
    edited June 2007
    Hi girls,

    Just a quick fly-by...

    Lisa, the weather here has been nuts...yesterday was cold and rainy, today it is in the mid-80's, and tomorrow it will be back down to 70 again. It looks like the temps should be somewhere in the mid-70's to mid-80's while you are here. You may want to dress in layers... Have a wonderful trip!

    Puppy, I am so sorry about all that you have to deal with. I agree that you should demand to be seen earlier than Thursday. Try to hang in there--we are all with you.

    NS, holy crap! I used to believe that I had a target on my head, but I think that I have officially handed it over to you. Hugs to you -- I hope things get better soon.

    Boo, I'm so sorry for your loss.

    Lini, I'd be crying too. Reconstruction is such a long process, and it is emotionally grueling to deal with a delay when you are so close to being done. I hope that you can reschedule soon.

    Well, my son is graduating from kindergarten this week, so I'm off to some end-of-year activities at his school.

    I'm thinking of all of you CG's!!!
    Love and hugs,
  • shokk
    shokk Member Posts: 790
    edited June 2007

    Ditto Lini to what Sherloc just get yourself all pysc up for surgery and then it doesn't happen........handing you a tissue for your tears......ok blow your nose.......didn't know that surgeron's could call in sick......but you know what sweetie you don't want to have exchange surgery if your surgeron is not feeling well..........needs to be on top of his/her game........Hey Amy I am out of the closet this morning....the weather is suppose to stay clear today.....we will see.......Hey Sherloc husband home for 6 more weeks........if I were you I think I would go to Costco/Sam's and stock up in liquor in careful driving in the rain......if you haven't had rain in awhile the roads will be especially slick...........Amy did your Dad get on the cruise??????Is he seeing a doctor on board........hope Tucker is having he squiring around a bunch of old ladies????????He's a cutie......could maybe pick up a couple of tips (money)....ha......just kidding mom........about the tips not how cute he is...........well ladies I am suppose to go to a funeral today at 2:00 my co-worker is not here today so I may just work thru lunch and then take my lunch hr of my daughters best friends her parents are my neighbors...they have been the best neighbors and have help me so much thru treatment.......their daughter (my daughters friends) was pregnant and two days ago lost the baby.....he was born stillborn......she was in the middle of her second trimester......24wks I believe.....of course had to go thru labor for 25 hrs......they knew the baby had pass its just so sad.......these neighbors are the best people.....for some reason I feel like my faith is constantly being tested........I hate doubted God's plans......anyway I will check back in later.....I am so glad I have you gals......I know that ya'll "get it" ya'll.........

  • lv2cmp
    lv2cmp Member Posts: 899
    edited June 2007
    Hey Shokk, They got back from the cruise yesterday and had a great time. You know you really miss all the good stuff hiding out in your closet, lmao. Tucker had a great time. He brought me a t shirt so at least I was thought of.

  • shokk
    shokk Member Posts: 790
    edited June 2007

    Ahhhhhhh Gus/Sue.......quickly growing up........Amy parents and son went on cruise and all you got was a stinking t-shirt......ha...........I am sitting here eating cut of pieces of some of the best watermelon I have every had........cut it up last night and my daughter and I ate so much we nearly made ourselves sick.....I swear I peed all night long.......brought some to work to eat this afternoon......never going to make it that long......I love watermelon and peaches.....just so ya know.........

  • shokk
    shokk Member Posts: 790
    edited June 2007

    Hey Amy I ain't hiding in the closet.......I'm in the closet and I'm proud.........ha...........