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  • socallisa
    socallisa Member Posts: 10,184
    edited June 2007

    AWwww Sue...I just love graduation from Kindergarten..the kidlets are just sooooo sweet!!!

  • AlaskaDeb
    AlaskaDeb Member Posts: 1,159
    edited June 2007
    Oh Lini...You poor thing. It takes me a bit to get myself all mentally ready for something like a surgery and then to have it canceled at the last minute….that is just unfair! I would get on the phone and/or go into the office and have them get you back on the schedule NOW! I know some surgeons have really long waits, but my Uncles is a PS and when he has to miss a surgery, he will work evenings or a Saturday to work those folks back in. I know Docs are people too…and people get sick…but this is just not fair. Try not to sweat the time off and the new job. Things have a way of working out and maybe this will all fall in place too.

    I am sending you a huge huge hug. Hang in there and let us know how it all plays out…
    Deb C
  • AlaskaDeb
    AlaskaDeb Member Posts: 1,159
    edited June 2007
    I had such a blast meeting Jeannie last night! She is sweet and her DH is a doll…he obviously adores her We ate and chatted for hours. I got to see her grandma brag book photos…we just had a blast. I am going to go to their hotel in an hour or so and pick them up for the grand tour of the area…it is small so it won’t take long LOL! I was so busy chatting I forgot to take a picture. I’ll try and remember to do that today.

    Hugs to everyone
    Deb C
  • socallisa
    socallisa Member Posts: 10,184
    edited June 2007
    Wow Deb..that sounds like alot of fun!!
    Hope you remember to take pics!!
  • purplemb
    purplemb Member Posts: 593
    edited June 2007
    Good afternoon...wowo too much to catch up on...but just wanted to give some big hugs...NS, Lini...(good to see you) always...please know you are in my thoughts and prayers..
    Gus, I love kgarten grads...they are just too cute...

    Ok I believe in some crazy stuff but this must have been sometine to point me in the right direction...last night...early eve...i was preparing the new bonfire pit...for Pinkstock..(needed expanding)...but I look up just as i finish setting the last rock...and there is the most beautiful rainbow...maybe its just the weather but I like to think its something else...So if your on the fence...come on..this is meant to be ...
    Ok back to work..bummer...
    hugs MB
  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Member Posts: 2,728
    edited June 2007
    Hello to everyone. Just want you all to know that I am fine, doing well. I have some things to take care of so I wont be on the computer much for the next several days and I dont want anyone to worry.

  • newvickie
    newvickie Member Posts: 2,941
    edited June 2007
    Ummmm...Nicki will be off for the next several days and we aren't supposed to worry!!! You had better be fine or we will find out and you'll be in big trouble. I won't tweak your toes in the morning. If you need us we are here. Take ya!!!
  • beth1225
    beth1225 Member Posts: 402
    edited June 2007
    {{{{PUPPY}}}}} Why are they making you wait so long? I'll get on board with bugging the dr for the results sooner. I am so tired of being mad at stuff like that.

    {{{{GINA}}}} G, do hope they get it all striaghtened out for you. Good for you on the leter writing! I never follow through with it. I did however stand up for myself with the contractor today. He wanted to come this afternoon and I said no, tomorrow is better , dh is home all day. I stood my ground for once in my life and got my way.

    {{{{BOO}}}} Saying prayers for you too. We ahve a special prayer called Kaddish that always helps me through someone's passing. If you ever want the English translation, let me know.

    {{{{Lini}}}} I do so know how it feels to have surgery cancelled and rescheduled. It is so hard emotionally and then you have to get all psyched up again.

    Well, just go tback a little while ago from my weekly visit with the ps. He took a culture from my 4th drain, Ringo, that is still in. then they injected 60 cc's of betdyne in through the catheter of th edrain and let it sit for 30 minutes. He feels there may be some small infection on that side brewing. I don't know how you guys who have had expenders in do this! I sure hope these setbacks stop! I am goign to take a percoset and go lie down. I told Jule that in a pm about an hour ago but I was busy catching up on everyone. Sorry to be sounding down again but I am getting leery of goign to his office and having another problem to deal with. He does feel we are on the righ track and being pro-active. But man, my left bloob, Laverne, really hurts. Please note I have not lost my sense of humor through the whole thing!

    one last note, i found out chivalry is not dead. I stopped to fill the gas tank and because of the left side so sore again and the PICC line in the right, I couldn't get the cap off. A very nice young man waiting behind in his car, got out and helped me. Lots of other people seeing me struggle but thank you God for this young man.

    OK, now I am goign to have a good crying jag and take a nap. Love to all of you guys.

    (I am not overly fond of dentists either, hehe)
  • beth1225
    beth1225 Member Posts: 402
    edited June 2007

    Iris, I forgot...still on Netflix. We can exchange movie lists on there. My friend Terri and I do it all the time. I get to see her queue and vice versa. Just got it in Flightplan and Doom (for the boys, not me!) Will send a pm!

  • PuppyFive
    PuppyFive Member Posts: 539
    edited June 2007

    I called the office and they said that nothing can be said over the phone!!!! I told them i dont want to be DX'ED
    I just want to know what the problem is, she got nasty, and when i asked to be seen earlier she said " and what do you want me to do cancel someone else that is scedulled!!!
    I just hung up(crying again) I wish i didnt cry so damn much!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
    Love You Puppy
  • newvickie
    newvickie Member Posts: 2,941
    edited June 2007 this a doctors office or a friggin torture school. That is utterly ridiculous. I think you need to give us the number and let us all start calling. We will surely get results that way!!! I do know that my doctors office won't give out any information over the phone due to the new HIPPA laws but I can go in and they will at least say what the results of the tests were. Can you go to the office and demand to know?
    hugs and love to you
  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Member Posts: 1,233
    edited June 2007
    Good afternoon ladies. I have tried to post now 3 times. I have to hold the keyboard in my lap and whenever i move I apparentlyl hit something that sends my post into cyberspace. Don't know what I'm doing but I'm frustrated now so a quick re=cap.

    Cy, don't worry about me Cheryl, you know I'll be alright. You need to take care of YOU. I realize you have responsibilities but if you don't care of you then you won't be able to take care of anyone else.

    Shirley. it always feels like your head cheerleader on my team. Thank you. Just...thanks.

    Lini, so sorry about your surgery reshedule. I know it's tough enough to get yourself psyched up for it and then to be soo let down.

    Puppy, hoping everything goes alright on thursday. We'll all be there with you.

    Wishing you all a pleasant evening. Hello to everyone.

  • jpann39
    jpann39 Member Posts: 92
    edited June 2007
    I agree Vickie....we should all drive them nuts with phone calls until the move Puppy's appt to ASAP....

    I soooooo want to go there and kick them in the shin's for this!!!!!!!!!! I can not believe how unbearbly cold that woman is to have said something like that!!!!!

    Puppy, we are here for ya so dont feel bad about are going through a really rough time and the tears are bound to happen....just know that we are all here and will help you pick yourself up when you need us.
  • sherloc
    sherloc Member Posts: 893
    edited June 2007
    Puppy you call them back and tell them you insist that the doctor return your call today. The nasty lady is right. She can't legally give you info over the phone but your doctor can. And when you talk to the doctor make sure you tell him what a B***H this woman is.

    Cheri, you are very welcome.
  • Madison
    Madison Member Posts: 859
    edited June 2007
    Puppy, can you drive to your doctor's office?

    If so, go and request a copy of the report. I don't know all legalities, but they should NOT be able to refuse a person a copy of their own report.....

    Cause a 'ruckus' if you have to....
  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Member Posts: 1,233
    edited June 2007
    Oh WOW! I just got the neatest gift from Iris! Thank You, Iris. It's from "Proflowers". A fluffy brown bear thats sooo soft, box of chocolates, a little balloon that says. 'Get Well', and some little yellow mini roses, live ones that can be transplanted. I'm just oerwhelmed. That was just sooo sweet. Thank you again, Iris.

  • lv2cmp
    lv2cmp Member Posts: 899
    edited June 2007

    Good advice Madison thats what I would request also and probably camp out there on the stools until somebody saw me.

  • lv2cmp
    lv2cmp Member Posts: 899
    edited June 2007
    awww Iris you are a softy arent you? Thats so sweet of you to send that to Cheri.

  • Biker54
    Biker54 Member Posts: 1,042
    edited June 2007
    Lini, I'm so sorry your surgery was cancelled. They better reschedule you FAST!!!

    Puppy, my surgeon called me and gave me my cancer dx over the phone. Your doc can tell you himself! That unfeeling person from his office should get to really know what it feels like to be sick and scared!

    Cheri, what a nice gift!

    Amy, I'm sure your dad is not happy with his dx. that's a shame. I don't mean to make you feel bad.....I work out 4 days a week, and HATE every minute of it!!!!!

    I'm at work, so gotta go for now!
  • suzfive
    suzfive Member Posts: 126
    edited June 2007
    ((((((Puppy)))))) I agree with Madison - if you can, go to the office before it closes today and get a copy of the report -if the doctor won't call you back and you can't be squeezed in earlier. If you can't do this - keep calling the office and asking to speak with the doctor. This happened to me a few years ago when I was told I had kidney cancer and had to have scans before they would do surgery. I had the scans just before Christmas and like you was a wreck and did not want to spend Christmas that way. I kept calling the office until the doctor finally called me back with the results. Fortunately for me, the scans were clear and when they finally did the surgery they found that what they were 99% sure was kidney cancer was actually a very rare benign tumor. If for some reason the doctor does not get back to you before Thursday - I would definitely give him a piece of my mind and the office manager and anyone and everyone else - they would definitely not do this ever again. Yes, they can make room for you - there are patients that they see for routine appointments that they could reschedule. I know because I have been rescheduled a couple of times for my onc followup appointments so that they can see someone ASAP. I am wondering if something like this happened at my oncs office. They have a policy that for bc patients you get your results right away. I had a chest x-ray last summer and my oncs office was upset because they sent me upstairs from radiology before telling me that my chest x-ray was clear. I have never had to wait more than 24 hours for results. Either someone gave them hell or they just realize how stressful it is to have to wait for results. Anyways, sending you a big cyber hug and lots of prayers. Send your mad puppy after them! If they have an answering service - I would be calling them tonight and get the doc at home - he is allowed to give you the results over the phone - true his staff cannot.

    Gina - sending prayers your way too. Hoping that the lump is nothing more than scar tissue. I developed a lump near my scar and it turned out to be fat necrosis. Poor Rod, I hope he gets fixed up good as new too and is not an imposter (sp?).

    Gus/Sue - just love kindergarten graduations. My middle dd is graduating from high school on Sunday - seems like yesterday she was graduating from kindergarten. They are so sweet at 5.

    Beth - so sorry to hear you still have Ringo hanging around. Poor Laverne. Kudos to your knight in shining armor at the gas station. Sending you hugs too. Did they ever tell you what was causing the infection that they started the Vanco for? Did they culture Ringo? I was a microbiologist in the past so just curious. Try to rest, take it easy, eat well and drink a lot of fluids - nonalcoholic of course - no blue drinks for you - don't mix well with the Percocet.

    Amy - how is your dad doing? Did they have fun on the cruise?

    Cheri - what a sweet gift.

    Well, we finally got some decent rain here. Rained pretty steady all day yesterday. Today it was chilly and gray but not much rain. Looks like the sun is trying to come out now. I know I have missed many - I have a list somewhere, just can't find it right now. Have to get back to work. Thinking of everyone.

    Hugs to all,
  • lv2cmp
    lv2cmp Member Posts: 899
    edited June 2007
    I was given my cancer diagnosis over the phone also because he didnt want me to have to wait to come in. In fact it was about 7 pm at night.

    Jan-you didnt make me feel bad enough to get off my lazy butt. Keep trying though and it might work. Dont work too hard. Still looking for those donkey buttless chaps.

  • PuppyFive
    PuppyFive Member Posts: 539
    edited June 2007
    Hey CGS, can i really go ask for my records?? will they give them to me or mail them?? I told my husband what she said and he was really peed off! called the office because he gets home before they close, and said we will be there tomorrow like it or not! she sais " your wifes doctor is not in on wed. SORRY" so he said he is going to tell the dr. how she was!
    OH Cheri, how wonderful to get your gift, and it makes us happy seeing you smile again!!
    Hi Beth, thanks for the phone call, you are a sweetie!
    what is wrong with Our Nicki, is her PC down??
    better stop while im ahead i cant remember much right now
    maybe thats it I'M growing a brain! Love Ya, Puppy
  • jankay
    jankay Member Posts: 789
    edited June 2007
    well i have a brain storm
    we all need to pile on the back of my scooter with puppy and go to the doctors office and give the doctor a what the heck do u think your doing to our sis
    everybody agree say aye we will scare the hibbie jibbies out of the "b"
    cheri a nice gift well deserved i would think
  • jankay
    jankay Member Posts: 789
    edited June 2007
    u have the legal right to ALL OF YOUR RECORDS
  • PuppyFive
    PuppyFive Member Posts: 539
    edited June 2007
    {{Jankay}} thank you so much!!!
    whats for dinner tonight??
    xoxoxoxo Puppy
  • lizws
    lizws Member Posts: 789
    edited June 2007
    Hi everyone, was going to try to catch up but just found out they admitted my MIL into ICU. Guess I'll be back later.

    Yes Puppy, you are allowed copies of your tests/records by law. Only catch is, sometimes they won't release them to the patient without the doctors okay. Therefore, go to the place where you had the procedure and ask for a copy of the report.

  • jankay
    jankay Member Posts: 789
    edited June 2007
  • PuppyFive
    PuppyFive Member Posts: 539
    edited June 2007
    I guess it depends on how ya look at them!! these are fancyimage

    HeHe Puppy
  • PuppyFive
    PuppyFive Member Posts: 539
    edited June 2007
    I think i'm going crazy!!! gonna go now and say a prayer for us, then go back to worryville!!!!
    love you sisters, and thank you for being there herer for me, puppy
  • Madison
    Madison Member Posts: 859
    edited June 2007
    Puppy, was the test done at a hospital....or another medical office other than your doctor....I have gotten medical reports from the various clinics/hospitals/etc. by showing proof of ID....

    Liz, let us know how your MIL is when you get back home from the hospital....