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  • jankay
    jankay Member Posts: 789
    edited June 2007

    hehe puppy

  • lv2cmp
    lv2cmp Member Posts: 899
    edited June 2007
    puppy as others have said they are yours. Lots depends on if they will release it to you without dr being there but dr on call could be paged.

  • SheriH
    SheriH Member Posts: 472
    edited June 2007
    Wow, Puppy, what an ordeal! I sure hope you get those results soon. We circle girls like to take action.

    Just a quick report. I called the onc office and they had the results of my bone scan--clear! No changes from last year. The girl who puts the PET scans together was out of the office, but the nurse promised to call me tomorrow with the results. I am very lucky, my onc is on vacation, but they still try to get the results back as quickly as they can. I am so sorry when I hear about you who have to wait!

    Had my eyes checked today and they are pretty good considering my bp issues. However, I didn't have such a great experience getting my glasses ordered. I was so upset with Walmart's vision center I even emailed them to compain. I was there over 2 hours and still didn't get what I really wanted. Very frustrating to say the least.

    Stormy here, which I love!
  • sherloc
    sherloc Member Posts: 893
    edited June 2007
    They can fit you in. My oncs office just called me to try and reschedule me with another doctor next week. Uh no thanks but thanks for asking. You can reschedule my appt tho if you need to. DUH!!
    Puppy, don't back down on this one. Even if you don't get seen till thursday make sure that man gets an earful about her. Not only unprofessional but just plain ass rude.
    As for getting results over the phone. My doctors always call me with results. They don't let their office staff do it. They know what a freaked out life we live and waiting for test results is not an option.

    Shokk, if I had a Costco/Sams around I would take your advice. Here in twobitsville the best I can do is the bar at applebees. Today he's talking about going to an SSR rally in Springfield MO. Dang I would love to go to (could meet Cheri and Susan) but have all this crap going on the next couple of weeks. But if it gets him out of my hair for a week I'm all for him going alone.

    Beth, Ringo always was a hanger on. I'm sorry he won't leave you be. Praying for you. The Lord indeed has His angels all around us. Sent as ministering spirits to help those in need. Bad paraphrase but you get the idea. Praise the Lord for that young man.

    Awww Cheri, a lovely present. How very nice.

    Suz, I don't know about that. I heard Bill Ingval (however his name is spelled) say just last night was the best time he ever had was a time spent in mexico after half a vicodin and a bahama mama.

    O my gosh Liz, your merry-go-round never stops. Prayers for MIL

    Sheri, YEHAW on the bone scan. Hate getting new glasses. It's such a pain.
  • socallisa
    socallisa Member Posts: 10,184
    edited June 2007
    When I tried to get copies of one of my scans, I couldn't as the doctor put a hold on it and they wouldn't release it til he said it was ok...
    Guess what it was also a brain MRI
    Mine was OK...
  • Boo46
    Boo46 Member Posts: 261
    edited June 2007
    ((((Puppy))))) Saying prayers for you. So sorry you are going through this. Making you wait for results like this is just wrong.
    Lots of hugs,
  • sherloc
    sherloc Member Posts: 893
    edited June 2007

    dear ladies I need your assistance. I want to send my sister the Cancer Survivor Kit that Odalys sent us. Have the little bag with all the goodies but can't find the list for what everything is for. Can someone post it for me pretty please.

  • joy1122
    joy1122 Member Posts: 189
    edited June 2007
    Puppy-I am so sorry you have to go through this. I can't believe they have such cold hearted people working for a oncologist office. I would make sure I spoke to her before I left that office!
    Cy-Thanks for asking about Kevin. You are so sweet to think of him. He is getting nervous but is doing ok. The surgery is 6/18 and we will be in the hospital for 7 to 10 days.Just keep him in your prayers.
    Boo- sorry for your loss.
    Beth-Thinking about you and hope you are doing better.

    Take Care,
  • sherloc
    sherloc Member Posts: 893
    edited June 2007

    Dang I didn't make that clear. I'm putting together a duplicate. I would never send away my gift. Anywhos still can't find the pickin list. Why it's not in the bag I haven't a clue.

  • Biker54
    Biker54 Member Posts: 1,042
    edited June 2007

    Sheri, yay for the good results! I'll bet you are feeling pretty fine tonight! Except for the glasses, darn it!

  • Sandra1957
    Sandra1957 Member Posts: 1,064
    edited June 2007
    Thanks ladies for understanding. You're the best!! My PS is ill and will likely be out the rest of the week. I feel bad for feeling bad. His health comes first, of course, before my need for softer boobs. It'll all work out, I know.

    Has anyone heard from shel lately. I've been thinking about her lots and hope she's okay.

    Prayers to all, especially those in the center of the circle.
  • lizws
    lizws Member Posts: 789
    edited June 2007
    Waaaaaaa - I didn't get a Cancer Survivor Kit.

    MIL is stable. Her potassium was very low and her ammonia level was high again. Due to the low potassium, she was in irregular heart rhythm. Her doc is on vacation so I guess the one covering said to admit her to ICU. Best place for her in my opinion.

    Now I'm really going to try to go back and read.

    Hugs to each of you.
  • newvickie
    newvickie Member Posts: 2,941
    edited June 2007
    Good evening ladies...I'm walking the perimeter early tired to stay up as late as last night. The sun is shining but almost ready to go down and it's supposed to be in the 40's tonight. Geez.
    Gotta stop by Puppy's wagon as I see some steam rolling out of the top! DH really knows how to talk to the docs doesn't he LOL! Good for him.
    Cheri's wagon is still mighty quiet...hope you get rested up soon drinking bud. I miss our blew rinks parties.
    Lini has moved her wagon back and we are putting her in the middle whether she likes it or not (so there!!). Giving her love and attention till she can get her surgery done and over with.
    Good thing there are no doctors lurking around as I just might have to use Gina's Red Rider on them tonight.
    Sheri has a storm over her wagon that she's watching. Congratulations on your good news. Sorry about the glasses though. I have always had really good luck at Walmart.
    Marsha's wagon is a bit quiet tonight...where are you hiding girlie! Dancing on bar stools without us?
    Madison is crocheting and still way ahead of me. I'm getting there though. It's been such a tiring couple of weeks.
    Liz is back and MIL sounds like she gonna be ok...hugs to you Liz...get some rest.
    I see a couple pretty silly looking hot dogs running around...guess I'll take them back to Puppy's tent LOL.
    Joyces wagon is quiet, Kevin is either playing video games or resting. Saying a prayer as I pass by.
    Beth is not having any fun with Ringo and LaVerne (or was it Shirley?)...gonna gently tuck her in and hope she sleeps well.
    Nicki's wagon is MIA...oh my what will we do?
    Stopping by Jankays wagon to see if she'll be up with me in the morning...need all the sunshine sisters I can get!!
    Sneaking by Amy's wagon with the last two kittens...shhh...don't tell her...she's a sucker for a lost animal and they'll get lotsa love from her...heehee. Besides...they are to adorable to pass up!
    Iris is quiet tonight but made our Cheri pretty happy today...isn't she an angel! Iris...not Cheri...Cheri is a little devil! I'm serious...she gets me in more trouble than I can tell you!
    Shirleys wagon has bra's hanging everywhere...good night Shirley. Do we have pics yet?
    Jan...hmmm...whats up buttercup. Must have missed some of your posts and have no idea what you've been up to. Wanna go have some blue drinks LOL.
    Shokk is hiding out in the closet as a while crocodile.
    Robin seems to be missing again...did she slip her handcuffs and duct tape? I'll be she's out celebrating with NED.
    somebody wanna come carry me back to my wagon, achey, tired and grumpy. pms'ing for sure. Darn...
    Good night sweet sisters
    love and hugs all around
  • Madison
    Madison Member Posts: 859
    edited June 2007
    Lin, Shel's computer crashed (I think that is what I remember)....

    Hugs to all
  • neesie
    neesie Member Posts: 1,110
    edited April 2008
    Going to try and catch most of you, but it's been a very busy day on the Circle.

    Puppy: That Bit** is just plain rude. You can tell she has never been in your shoes. The Dr. could and should call with results...true, his staff can't and they can't leave it on answering machine. I am piping mad about this. Love ya Sweetie.

    Cheri: I can never make sense of my notes either! Makes good sense when I write them, and then I go back to post and don't have a clue to what my abbreviations mean! What a thoughtful and nice gift from Iris!

    Cy: Glad Mom is doing better and had to laugh when you said Dad was home and Fiesty as ever. Now, how about taking care of YOU!

    Madison: Anything I (we) can do to help you? I know you're down. Hope the Dentist went okay. I never minded the Dentist...a whole mouth full of root canals and crowns...then I had that problem in his chair last Oct., and now I'm scared to death.

    Betty: Your car is down, too? I hope this isn't a trend being set on us!

    Jan: Hey, will you work out for me too? God, I just can't motivate myself to do it. I've lost quite abit of weight on thes Million Dollar Diet, but can't get up and do what I know I should do!!

    Shhh....Don't tell MB..she'll be on my trail!

    Vickie: I haven't heard how your Sarah liked her Birthday Present.............Loved it, didn't she??!!

    JanKay: Good luck with Therapy!! How's it going with Caregiver?

    Shokk: You bet Pam is in the middle of the Circle. Unfortunately I know all to well what she is going through. How sad about your DD Friend (your neighbors) having the stillbirth..I can't imagine going through labor knowing that your baby is already passed. Blessings to them.

    Shirley: You crack me up with the replay of DH! Another 6 weeks, eh? Remind me to get the note sent with Odalys gift and I'll write it down for you. How is Sister doing...spirit wise?

    Okay, the Fossilmax thing.............what is it with this stupid little pill????? I took myself off of it last August. Real smart, right! I know that I have to start it back up, but I just can't bring myself to do it!

    Deb: How much fun that you got to spend time with Jeanne! We're waiting for the pics!

    Amy: At first I was laughing cuz I thought you were calling your Mom and Dad a Dachshound and Chihuahua!! Sorry to here about your Dads medical problems.......hope he's better soon. Give Hey Jude a Hug from Aunt Denise!

    Lini: How rough is that....I can't believe you got cancelled on Surgery Day. I know it couldn't be helped, but that doesn't help the nerves out any. You come here and vent all you of the reasons we are here.

    Lisa: Hope you have a great time on your trip. Be safe!
    I live about 40 mile from Detroit airport, so if you get stranded give me a call!!

    Gus: Oh how I remember Kindergarten Graduations!!!! Enjoy!

    Beth: Enough with the set backs already! Get those bloobs healed............percoset and crying............probably just what you need.

    Liz: So sorry about MIL. I agree with you that ICU or atleast Hospital is probably the best place for her right now. I don't know alot about low potassium, but I know it can cause all sorts of problems. Sending you and MIL hugs.

    Sheri: YIPPEE! Clear Bone Scan! A certain amount of relief I'm sure!!

    Shirley, Iris, Karen, Joyce, Suz and so many others....thinking of you!

  • jankay
    jankay Member Posts: 789
    edited June 2007
    i have the list will email it to u
  • jankay
    jankay Member Posts: 789
    edited June 2007


    A stick of gum to remind u to stick with it
    A candle to remind uto burn brightly
    A chocolate kiss to remind u that u are loved
    A match to light your fire when u feel burned out
    A tootsie roll to remind u not to bite off more than u can chew
    A pin to remind u to stay sharp
    Smarties to help u when u dont feel too smart
    A starburst to give u a burst of energy on those days u
    dont have any
    A lifesaver to help keep u a float when u feel u are sinking
    A snickers to remind u to take time to laugh
    A bag to help u keep it together and to give u food for thought
  • newvickie
    newvickie Member Posts: 2,941
    edited June 2007
    Hey Denise...tucking you in too!
    Just thought of something...maybe we need to all take our Fosamax on Fridays...we'll call it Fosamax Friday and we will only need one person to remember! Stupid pill anyway.
    Night again...sweet dreams!
  • jankay
    jankay Member Posts: 789
    edited June 2007


    Forward this to at least 7 people and see what happens on your screen . Y ou will laugh your head off!!!!!!!!!!!
  • jankay
    jankay Member Posts: 789
    edited June 2007
  • k4katz
    k4katz Member Posts: 158
    edited June 2007
    Hey CG sisters!

    I must apologize for staying away for so long. I think about you guys all the time, but I have just felt so lost and unfocused the last few weeks. I have visited occasionally and lurked around a bit, but never long enough to get caught up and post in the Circle. I find myself feeling angry and resentful at nothing and everything - does that make any sense? For example, some old friends have called and left messages that they want to get together soon, and I just can't bring myself to call them back. I don't want to see how happy and healthy they look, I guess. It is crazy to feel this way! I hope I start to feel more balanced soon! I guess I am working on finding that new is harder to find than I expected!

    Anyway, I finished rads a couple of weeks ago, so maybe this is all related to finishing up the bulk of my treatment, although I am still getting herceptin until December.

    Well, enough about me.....I just want to send you all a big hug, especially anyone going through a tough time or waiting for test results! And a big hello to all the new Circle Girls I have not yet met! I am so looking forward to getting to know you.

    I am going to go back and get caught up. In the meantime, you are all in my prayers!

    BRSTN Member Posts: 165
    edited June 2007
    Ok everyone who's on fossilmax and forgot today or like me, decided coffee was more important...go right now and put that packet in front of the coffee pot and don't fix the coffee for tomorrow. That's what I did. Should I make a CGF (Circle Girl Fossilmax)day on the calendar?

    There's crap happening at work right now. I sure wish I could tell you all about it, but it's a very delicate situation. There will be a time next month when I'll be asking all you for prayers and good thoughts. I sure will appreciate them. It's not with me persoanlly. I just am the one who will have to be on guard and clean up the mess if there is one. I hate to sound cryptic, but i sure need all the support.

    Puppy, tell your go, guy. Sure hope you get some answers.

    Everyone, hope you have a good night. It's thundering here, so I better get off.


  • tflowers
    tflowers Member Posts: 232
    edited June 2007
    Hi girls, really busy at work and just stopping by to give a kiss to puppy.(((((smack))))) ok maybe another (((smack))) As we've always told the newbies, the waiting is the worst, but in your case unacceptable!!! Sometimes I think they see this day to day and are desensetized (sp) to the emotions anymore. opps here comes another one. ((((smack)))) xoxoxo
    Kristen...Sue (Ishop1) and I had lunch yesterday (playing hooky from work) and talked about missing you. Glad you're back.

    It's sad to see the pain from our sisters tents lately, but I think I see a beautiful sunrise coming our way soon girls. Keep strong and heads up high!!! Love to all.xoxo
  • sherloc
    sherloc Member Posts: 893
    edited June 2007
    weary to my very core and have a splitting sinus headache, I'll catch up tomorrow.

    Vicki, pics are on the picture thread.

    Denise, Donna sounds to be in good spirits on the phone.

    See you all in the am. Sure gonna miss coffee with Nicki, the Sunshine Sisters won't be the same.

    Jankay, thanks for the list.
  • jankay
    jankay Member Posts: 789
    edited June 2007

    good night cgs

  • susanmcm
    susanmcm Member Posts: 699
    edited June 2007
    Ok, I take actonel but can I join the fosamax girls. We would have to remind each other on thursday if friday is going to be the day. I'm in. who else?

    Liz, sorry to hear about your MIL. Good luck sweetie.

    Iris, you are a sweetie. In fact all of you are sweeties. I read through all of my christmas cards today. I don't know why. I guess I was too hot. Anyway it was a great experience. Thank you.

    Puppy, still praying for you!

    Lini, nice to see you here again.

    Theresa I like all your smacks. You can smack me anytime.

  • b445
    b445 Member Posts: 980
    edited June 2007
    Lini you wouldn't want a sixk Doc so waiting just a wee bit longer will be worth it! Welcome back we missed you!

    Hope Shel gets her puter working again we miss her!

    Kristen, welcome back we were wondering how you were doing!

    Joyce, you and kevin will certainly be in our prayers!

    I spent some time with my granddaughter, Cloe today. She saw a man that looked similar to her daddy in the store Red shirt and all and started crying when he turned to walk away! I felt so bad! She is such a doll and I'm glad I get to spend a little time with her.

    Going to make the rounds and carry Vickie back and tuck her in poor gal feel alseep making the rounds!

    also through some logs on the fires to keep us warm tonight and light our way home!
  • lizws
    lizws Member Posts: 789
    edited June 2007
    Goodnight my friends.

  • karen1956
    karen1956 Member Posts: 4,604
    edited June 2007
    Good evening CG's
    WE have been a chatty group of gals.
    Puppy - sending you hugs and I hope you get your answers soon. TEll you onc about the "B" in the office - he needs to know. BTW - I got my BC dx over the phone and get my blood results over the phone. HUGS and more HUGS.
    Gina - how is Rod?
    Nicki- sure hope you are okay. will miss you while you are away - sending you hugs because I'm worried about you
    Lini - sorryt eh PS had to cancel the xchange surgery, hope it gets rescheduled soon. Good luck with your upcoming new job.
    Deb - what fun meeting Jeannie.
    Beth - hurry up and get well soon
    Liz - get well wishes to MIL
    Joy - best wishes on Kevin's upcoming surgery
    Kristine - hooray - done rads
    Gus - happy kdg grads to you DS
    Betty, Jankay, Shokk, Shirley, Amy,Sherndon, Denise, Theresa, MB hope you are all doing well.
    Please put my girlfriend in the inner circle. Her DH of almost 50 years in the end stages of colon cancer. She is just waiting for him to die. He was diagnosed in Oct 2005 and just has not had a break - but now the end is near. She is so sad - she so wanted to grow old with him. Thanks.
    Bearlysane asked if II'm done school yet - my school is on an "alternative" calendar, so I'm not done till 6/22. Miriam finished last week and is now in day camp.
    I saw the orthopedic today and she was thrilled to hear that the CTS in the left hand went away since I stopped the AI's. Right hand is doing well 4 months post surgery. She still wants me to see a vascular doc for the blue fingers. It happens mostly when arms are hanging down - like when we went for a walk tonight. HAnds turn blue then get cold. Doesn't last all the long each time, but happens throughout the day. She doesn't think its Reynauds, but doesn't know what it is. So I will call the vascular doc and see what they say, if I should be seen or not. Thought I may ask PS about this as it seems to have started post exchange- see what he has to say. Also upper arm still feels weird at times. Yesterday was the first day I felt half decent in I can't tell you how long - also felt pretty good today - till tonight when I think I ate too much, so drinking lots of mylanta. I sure hope this means I am turning a corner with the tamox. Took Ativan the past couple nights to sleep. Hot flashes are awful at night!!!! - but not so bad during the day. Has anyone heard that "fossilmax" is supposed to help prevent bone mets - someone told me this last week (a BC survivor) - if so, then I am going to ask PCP for Rx. I've only been on Calcium with D - didn't think I needed it since I went off AI's, but anything to be preventative!!.
    Sending hugs to all my sisters who are feeling blue, having tests, or just need a HUG. I love you all. Hugs from Denver, Karen
  • 2up
    2up Member Posts: 944
    edited June 2007

    got my macbook replaced FINALLY!!!!!!

    i sure have missed you all ......... i'll try to catch up on everything tomorrow ......... 1000 posts since my hard drive died yikes!!!!

    i hope everybody is doing great ........ i'm off tomorrow but its my dad's 65th birthday (plus i'm dragging my ass bigtime lately) ......... so i will need to find some downtime to catch up around here!

    oh girls .......... it felt so good to log on here tonight ...... just like "coming home"!