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  • AlaskaDeb
    AlaskaDeb Member Posts: 1,159
    edited June 2007
    WooHoo! Shell is home Hope Dad's b-day and your draggin' ass have a great day tomorrow

    Deb C
  • bearlysane111
    bearlysane111 Member Posts: 592
    edited June 2007
    Hi to everyone!
    If you see me on TV(attacking a poor laptop)please smile and say that it had it coming! Yuck on Office 2007 and all those people
    who say how easy it is to install! Betty,tell me that Vista will get easier!!! Please! After I had a chocolate fix and a nap,we(laptop and I )
    had a chat and I told it one more time,you are a machine and I am the human and don't even think abt winning this round!!! LOL sorry abt all this worrying and the response from the dr's off just annoys me to no end. We are all with you! are you today? I have thought of you and your Mini Cooper(Rod) as I know how it drives me nuts to have my Jeep in shop and
    scratches and damage...gets me going. Thinking of you and hoping your day was better. the bear! Saw where your car was in shop,too. Hope that your work situation improves and know all abt stress at workplaces.
    Thinking of you! Funny abt the jacuzzi/EMS as that would be me these days!

    Nicki...thinking of you and understand abt time away just remembering how you always say the nicest things to everyone and offer good med advice. Will miss you while you're away;take care ofyourself and come back as your friends are here for you! You have sure brightened many a day for me--all those pics; thank you!!!

    Sue/Boo...thinking of you and your family this week.

    Shirley...I know it is not funny abt your husband staying home 6 more wks;but,I had to laugh the way you described it. So like a man the way you
    were describing some of the ones that I have waited on during recuperation;would have had a hard time w/the pregnancy stuff.

    Lini...disappointed for you on your surgery and hoping your surgeon reschedules soon. Who thinks abt the drs getting sick--I never thought abt
    that issue. Sorry for the postponement as the waiting gets old.

    Joyce...thinking of you and Kevin.

    Lisa...funny you said that abt the Vista stuff;got that sucker to download,finally! The whole prog downloaded then poof--laptop lost batt power last wk!
    Your pics are beautiful! Could you tell me what part of NC that is on the Wilmington 2007 thread? Have a great trip!! Will look for pics!!

    Gus/Sue...Kindergarten grad ceremonies are too cute! They wear those little caps and gowns and think that they are so grown! One even asked one day
    why did he need to come back the next year since he had graduated? That was too funny...12 more yrs and we all just laughed! sad abt the little one's funeral..great of you to go and support your friends. That is a difficult loss as all losses are;babies are just so tiny.
    The closet comments make me smile as in AL we spent many a time in storm cellars(almost felt like Dorothy many a day)esp in tornado season.
    Amy knows all abt that and taking shelter during the spring time storms. sorry to read abt your dad and hope that he has some good meds. Is he seeing local drs or going to B'ham or Gadsden? I am glad that they went
    on the cruise and all enjoyed it. Did Hunter say what he wore--khakis and Quicksilver stuff? Great that they brought you a shirt. Thnx for telling the names,again,as I knew it was one of the song titles. Hope all of the animals are well.

    Deb...hope you will post pics of your visit. That is so neat to actually meet someone that you have been writing to;looking forward to that soon on the
    NC beach trip here. Are your kids out for summer vacation yet? Bet they are counting down the hrs!

    Kristin...good to see you and I know what you mean abt old friends. I am glad to see you back as we have missed you. Hope your beautiful family is well.
    I rememb them from the lovely Christmas card you sent.Did you get together with friends as I think I read that,too ? Sounds like fun.

    Susan...hi to you! Hope the week is going well and I want a Pinkstock shirt. Can you put that site on one more time,pls? I had it and lost it when all my craziness was going down in Mar/Apr. That way we can all be together in spirit if not in real life.

    Vickie...hope you are fine and that things go well there(hoping you are sleeping)! I am awake after the nap;that is good abt vacations/retirement.

    Beth...thank you for the Netflix info and I will look forward to doing that! Also,thanks for thinking of me as I know your day was busy. Hope that you will soon have less pain and no more setbacks. You are so right abt chivalry and it is a shame! I did my best to put those manners in place at schl. I think that so many times we hurry so fast and forget the small things,I do. Anyway,take care of yourself and hope today is a good day. the crowns and had three root canals;so with you abt dentists! What is the Mill Dollar Diet...not familiar w.that one.

    Teresa...I like the idea abt beautiful sunrises...always have thought better while outside viewing nature's beauty.
    Cheri...glad to see you posting! I know abt the lost posts and hitting the space bar and zapping the whole shebang! Thankfully,this word pad is working and it is so much easier. Take care and great job on not smoking! Thinking of

    Madison...hope that you have a great day and miss seeing/reading abt there. Saw one of the afghans and it was beautiful! What talent! are so good to do all that exercise. I will get back--just hate this heat and not a gym person(excuses). Good for you as I know it makes me feel so much more energetic. Can you do it for me,too? LOL

    Suz...hi to you! Hope that your day goes well and that your middle daughter's grad ceremony goes well. I know what you mean abt time going fast! It sure seems like it does to me(my mother always said that to me when I told her the days were dragging);she is right! LOL Take care!

    Jankay...hi to you! Hope that your caregiver is working out better this week.

    shel...good to see you and glad you got the mac,back. I loved the response abt your daughter(thread abt comments/mouths-of-babes); so true,so true!

    Cy...thinking of you and hoping your day goes well. The grandchild story was friend's two-yr-old asked me if I were her mommy(while I was t
    talking to her grandmother). Not at 56...too old for me;cute little girl;could not keep up with her activity level now.

    Sheri...congrats on the test results!

    Karen...sorry to read abt your friend's husband will be thinking of him. Do you start later since you get out 6/22? We have tracks here at some schls--certiaischls and big counties like this one(traditional,yr-round,and alternatives); 93 elem schls just in this system where I retired;it is a big county.

    Liz...sorry to read abt your MIL's illness. I know it is a stressful time for your family;thinking of you;hoping she is improving.

    Colleen...I saved this on Word and will see if it goes through! Hope that you are having a good wk!

    Time to see if the Microsoft loaded or if I have to use a sledgehammer!!! Kidding...yes.third(or millionth)was a charm! All the best to you!
    Have a great Wed!

    BRSTN Member Posts: 165
    edited June 2007
    I added a fossilmax reminder to the calendar, but Susan is right. We still need to remind each other on Thursday. LOL

    Can't sleep tonight. Maybe it was the MSG from the chinese we had tonight that's keeping me up. I even tried chat, but they are too fast for me. Wish I had a glass of wine. I hate these nights.

    Iris, i'm still trying to figure out Office 2007 and Vista. I got frustrated at work today because I couldn't find how to change a pasted phrase in all caps to lowercase. There used to be a way on word 2003 and earlier. Can't find it now even after searching.

    I'm going to try again to get some sleep. I'll be up in three hours for work.

    BRSTN Member Posts: 165
    edited June 2007

    Good morning,

    Guess I'm the last to say good night and the first to say good morning. That's a little scary for me.

    I managed some sleep, but I'm back up early. Glad it's Wednesday.

    I hope everyone has a good day. Tgirl and Boo are having anniversaryies today. I'll be thinking of you today.

    Deb, looking forward to seeing those pictures.

    Vickie, how's the bumps and bruises?

    Coffee's done, so I'll sign off now. Might be back later.

  • newvickie
    newvickie Member Posts: 2,941
    edited June 2007

    Good morning all!
    Jankay...blowing the trumpet...needing a sunshine sister to start my day!
    Kristin...we missed you! Glad you checked in.
    Have we heard any word on our Tristin and her surgery?
    Nicki...If you're lurking...sending you a hug.
    Theresa...congratulations on finishing rads! We have missed you too.
    Betty...sending prayers.
    Shel...welcome home! Gee you were missed around here. Hope you and DD have a great day today...wish him a happy birthday from us. can join the Fosamax girls.
    Are we having Fosamax Fridays? If so I will try to do a reminder on my Friday morning posts starting this week.
    Ok...missing a bunch of you and I'm sorry...really stiff and sore this morning and don't know why. Gonna do a hot shower and excedrin and fly off to work.
    Hey one more thing...
    Happy Anniversary to Tgirl and Boo today!!! No appointments on the calendar so I guess the magic carpet gets a rest today.
    Hugs and love to you all
  • newvickie
    newvickie Member Posts: 2,941
    edited June 2007
    Yeah beat me and I'm not all alone. Glad we have the Fosamax on the calendar...thanks!
    Good morning and have a great day sunshine sister.
  • jankay
    jankay Member Posts: 789
    edited June 2007

    BRSTN Member Posts: 165
    edited June 2007
    Sunshine sisters!! jaykay and Vickie ar up with me. Whew I'm not alone. :-)

    Uh Vickie, didn't you take as nasty fall? And you wonder why you are stiff and sore?

  • jankay
    jankay Member Posts: 789
    edited June 2007
    vickie and betty
    i think we need to have a round up
    Robin is missing, Z is awfully guiet and Cheri is being silent for a change
    Power scooter ready are you?
  • k4katz
    k4katz Member Posts: 158
    edited June 2007
    Betty, I have gone through some delicate times at work too. You have my support and I hope things turn out better than you even expect!

    Tgirl, I know we tried to get a lunch together and it didn’t work out, but keep me in the loop next time you and Ishop get together and maybe one of these days I can join you!

    Shirley, I hope your headache is better!

    Susan, good to see you again!

    Cy, thanks for the welcome back, and I hope you are well!

    Someone fill me in – where is Nicki?

    Karen, so sorry about your friend’s DH. It must be so hard to watch what they are both going through. Hugs to you and to her.

    Shel, I know what you mean about “coming home”. I feel the same way! Even though I wasn’t visiting here I was thinking about it every day! Once a CG, always a CG!

    Deb, it is so good to see you too! I missed ya!

    Iris, nice to see you! I have been spending some time with some of my friends that really helped me through chemo and rads. The rest of them – the ones that pulled away during treatment – I guess I may be a little mad a them. Hopefully in time it won’t bother me so much and I can be friends with them again!

    Vickie! Big hugs to you!

    I have not visited the calendar yet but I think I will check it out later today. I have tons of appointments coming up. June 26th is my DX anniversary. Not sure why but it is looming large on the calendar coming up. I am dreading it. Hopefully when it gets here it will turn out to be a day just like any other day, though!

    I had better get to work now!

    Have a great day!
  • newvickie
    newvickie Member Posts: 2,941
    edited June 2007
    OH look at all the sunshine sisters! Good morning all. I don't know why I hurt so bad this morning...I should be better, not worse and its the opposite side! I can barely move my neck and shoulder. Only me!!! LOL.
    love to all
  • tflowers
    tflowers Member Posts: 232
    edited June 2007
    Morning girls. Running late as usual so just checking in.

    Puppy. Still sending kisses (((((smack)))))
  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Member Posts: 2,728
    edited June 2007
  • marshakb
    marshakb Member Posts: 796
    edited June 2007
    GM gals, not in a very good frame of mind. Saw the onc nurse yesterday for routine end of chemo visit and she very casually dropped the news that the onc had looked at my chart that morning and thinks we need to add Rads. WTF? My treatment plan has NEVER included rads. My surgeon said I didn't need it, the original onc visit mapped out my tx as chemo X8 and tamoxifen for 5 years. That is it! Had mast with nice 1 cm clear margin. The original tx plan was no rads. Here I have a date on my calender that says I AM DONE ON MAY 23 and I have no new testing or scans or anything done. How can they do this to me? I went in there handing out fake million dollar bills saying I feel like a million and want you to also and them BAM I don't get it.NO where in my chart is rads mentioned/. I was TOLD no rads. Somebody please explain to me............. I absolutely fell apart. Haven't actually seen my onc in 6 weeks. I cried all day, hyperventilated alnd the whole nine yards. SHOCKED is too mild a word. I have a effing party planned for Gods sake. I don't know if I can mentally gear myself back up.

    Puppy, you need to ask that girl on the phone "Isn't it awfully uncomfortable to go around with that hair up your ass all the time?"


    PS I read everyones post and I know there is alot of prayers needed for folks.....I am doing that for everyone, just don't feel much like a cheerleader today. Sorry.
  • Madison
    Madison Member Posts: 859
    edited June 2007
    Good Morning Sunshine Sisters:

    Oh glad to see your post.....

    Running late, bbl

    Marsha, just saw your post....
    First, I can't believe you haven't seen your onc in 6 weeks....When do you see him/her again to ask questions about rads? Can you call today and ask for a phone conference? So sorry you are are so very tired right now that, I'm sure, all you want to say is ENOUGH ALREADY...
  • jasmine
    jasmine Member Posts: 773
    edited May 2008

    Marsha, I know you're disappointed to not be finished quite yet but rads aren't that bad. And you get to keep your hair. I did rads on my lunch hour from work and still had time to eat. Once they get you mapped it takes all of about 15 minutes and most of that time is spent getting undressed and dressed.

  • jankay
    jankay Member Posts: 789
    edited June 2007
    glad to see sunshine nicki

    big cyber hug for marsha
    do u want toadd your onc offc onto our route when we give puppys doctor the what for? Ok with you puppy?
  • Tricia
    Tricia Member Posts: 103
    edited June 2007
    Good Morning my friends,

    I came home from the hospital on Monday. What was I thinking? I had no desire to come home on Sunday. Everything went well. I have one reduced, lifted boob, and one with potential. I am starting to feel a little normal today. Thank goodness for pain and sleeping pills.
    I go back to the ps on Friday, and will probably get me drain out then. Back to the onc next week. My husband, Jeff, is an EMT and takes pride in taking very good care of me. My car, who ignores me most of the time, spends his days in bed with me. How do they know? I have no doubt then when I am all better, he will return to his mostly indifferent state. LOL

    I enjoyed the pics, especially our wild and crazy Marsha. Wish I had been with you in the bar with the sheep guy.

    Loved Jan's and CY's pics, too.

    Gina - car

    Vickie, I second the advice to stay on the ground. No bar top dancing for you!

    Nicki, I envy all your walking. Good for you!

    Puppy, I will be there, too, Thursday, and saying an extra prayer for you.

    Karen, I sure hope you can find a good solution to the problems. I can sure understand your frustration. Wish I could help.

    Beth, this must be the end of the problems, for goodness sake. Hugs to you.

    I am still getting caught up - got up to yesterday, so I will get caught up today.

    Marsha, I just saw your post. I am speechless.

    Thank you all again for going with me, and all your continued caring and support.

  • cmb35
    cmb35 Member Posts: 554
    edited June 2007
    Morning Girls - yikes, missed an afternoon and evening and there are 3 pages to catch up on!

    Some rotten doctors offices happenings in the circle - Lini, so sorry your surgery was cancelled, I would have been crying my eyes out too! There's nothing that can fix it I know, so I just hope it gets rescheduled ASAP! Puppy - I can't even imagine, what is wrong with that woman? Yes, your doctor NEEDS to be informed of her behavior! Still praying for good results for you.

    OK, I'm off to Warren's orchestra recital at his school. He's the only cello player (don't even ask how he ended up with the cello - I have no idea!) so he always has a "solo" LOL

    Be back later..
  • newvickie
    newvickie Member Posts: 2,941
    edited June 2007
    OH Marsha...they did the exact same thing to me. I had chemo first, then my bilateral and when I went to my follow up with my oncologist he mentioned rads. I was stunned. I reminded him that he had said "no rads" so he said he would call Sloan Kettering and get their recommendation. Well they recommended rads and I was so very devastated. I had a trip all planned to go see my DD in Florida and I cried for days over it. It wasn't bad at all...the six weeks truly flew by and it is only about 15 minutes out of your day (not counting your driving time of course). In hindsight I agree with what my oncologist said when he said I had to have the rads...he told me "better safe than sorry, we want to give you every treatment we possibly can to kill every cell that we possibly can." I'm happy now that I did the extra step and don't have to worry about the "what if I didn't". Sending you a big hug anyway as I know how crushing a feeling it is.
    Love ya
  • newvickie
    newvickie Member Posts: 2,941
    edited June 2007
    Tricia...glad to see you are home and feeling well. I'll stay off the barstools if you rest up! Very gentle hugs to you.
    Jankay...I'm ready for the scooter my helmet on and waitin by the side of the road. (shall we bring the duct tape and rope?)
    Colleen...wish I were there to see Warren's great!
    Good morning Nicki, Madison and Jasmine! Lots of sunshine girls this morning.
  • snowmen_n_thongs
    snowmen_n_thongs Member Posts: 367
    edited June 2007
    good day ladies...
    ahhhhhhhh nice rainy day here today... cool things down and water all the pretty flowers and trees!
    life has been so hectic for me with having another kid living with us.... i miss it here!!!
    got kid a job at a golf resort he gets to drive the golf carts to wash them and fill them with gas so for a 13 yr old kid its a great job...he even makes tip money... today he tried to tell me he wasnt feeling well i think cause he wanted to sleep in but i just called home and he did get up and go to work.!

    ok this is a animal question.... i am really stumped when the kid came to live with us our one cat oreo disappeared i was devestated i thought omg a cougar got him or something... he has been gone about a month now and yesterday we spotted him on the mountain side behind our house..... I am thinking someone is feeding him and he felt out cause we did get a new dog and then another kid moves in.... my oreo is about 5 or 6 yrs old....we tried to call him but he walked off and then we couldnt find him.... ok how strange is that!!!!!!!!! anyone with a cat know something i dont?????

    well anyways ladies trying to get today over with the count down is on.... i have 5 more days of work left here.... i tried to tell this boss that this thursday was going to be my last instead of next but he just about cried as he has nooooo staff here!!!!!! is it wrong for me to leave earlier then i stated??? should i stick the next few shifts out????

    ok blah blah blah.... hehehe you would think i been in the adult beverages already with my chattyness!!!

  • SheriH
    SheriH Member Posts: 472
    edited June 2007
    Marsha, I had rads added on extra, too. When I was deciding between mast or lumpectomy the plus on mast was chemo and no rads. After the surgery when I met with the onc the first time he included rads in the treatment plan. I was floored! Why in the heck did I get a mast then? But to echo the others, rads weren't too bad. I was still doing them when school started and was able to run over after school and still be home early. Just make sure you schedule them so you can make it to our day at the pool!

    Nicki, I miss you!

    Tricia, glad you are recovering well.

    Tracey, I'm all for sticking it out only because you don't want to burn your bridges, but that's just me. Having another child in the house can really change the dynamics.

    Vickie, you may still need to get yourself checked out. Maybe you damaged something that is just now showing up?

    Shirley, I love your descriptions of dh. Right now I enjoy it when he is home, but 6 weeks might just be too much.

    Beth and any other netflixers, I would be interested in joining your friends lists if you want. I think we could pm email addresses or something.

    Going to try to hit the pool early today. Micah has a dentist appt this afternoon. Dh and I are celebrating our wedding anniversary today since he has to work on Friday. Not sure where we are going. We had spent our wedding night at the Disneyland Hotel in Anaheim, so every year we would go back there and have a drink overlooking the little lake they have. That was our tradition. We moved 8 years ago and haven't come up with a good one since.

    Puppy, hope you get your results soon.
  • sherloc
    sherloc Member Posts: 893
    edited June 2007
    Good Morning Ladies. The sky is blue, the sun is shining. Head is not pounding. All is well with the world. Posted last night then went and layed on the couch and fell asleep. Me thinks the lack of sleep for the last several days just caught up with me. Didn't even wake up to pee.

    Suz, I have a neice who is a microbiologist. I think. She says she plays with germs and nasty things all day. Loves her job.

    Liz, hope you MIL is feeling better this morning.

    Kristin, good to see you. The "New Normal" has a way of sneaking up on us. Hugs to you.

    Betty, well shoot wish I'd read your reminder last night. OK so Fossilmax Friday it is. Prayers for your work situation.

    Susan, a trip down memory lane is always nice.

    CY, hugs for you and Cloe.

    Karen, praying for your friends. How very sad.
    Yehaw on the CTS. I've heard that some oncs give their patients the biophos drugs as preventative but personally I wouldn't take it if I didn't have osteo. To many possible nasty side effects.

    Welcome home Shel, good to see you.

    Iris, hubby got a new laptop with Vista on it. He says he wants to load it on my puter. I said No Thanks happy with what I have. My poor brain just can't handle anymore learning curves. Glad my manperson situation makes you smile. I love the man more than my life but well you know...................

    Betty, good night and good morning to you. Hope you have a good day at work.

    Good Morning to Vicki and Jankay as well. Have a great day girls.

    Kristin, headache much better this morning. Thanks for asking.

    And theres our Nicki. Hi Nicki.

    Marsha, hugs hugs hugs. What a crappy way to find something out. Do you have a call into your onc?

    Good Morning Madison and Jas. Happy day to you as well.

    Tricia, rest well.

    Colleen, Indeed. What is up with all this impersonal nonsense. Phone calls and slipped tongues. Geez. Perhaps because I am in a small town and go to a small town hospital I haven't had to deal with that. It just blows my mind to bits. But then again, I wonder why a small town with a small town hospital would have a dedicated cancer center? Hmmmmm wonder if it's in the water.

    Tracey, you should stick with your resignation schedule. Makes for happy old boss who will possibly give you a future referral. I had a cat that got mad and took off once. She came back three years later. Fat and sassy so someone was feeding her.

    Off to curves. See you all later.
  • sherloc
    sherloc Member Posts: 893
    edited June 2007

    Happy Anniversary Sheri.

  • lizws
    lizws Member Posts: 789
    edited June 2007
    Popping in to say hi and thinking of you all. MIL isn't doing well this morning. I'm headed to ICU. Will check in when I can.

  • purplemb
    purplemb Member Posts: 593
    edited June 2007
    wow, so much to keep up with..and now the phone...bbl.I hate that this is my busy season...hugs and prayers all around
  • socallisa
    socallisa Member Posts: 10,184
    edited June 2007

    Hasta la Vista..we are off..

  • lv2cmp
    lv2cmp Member Posts: 899
    edited June 2007
    Morning all or I guess I should say afternoon but just now getting a chance to post. Dang work sure interferes with personal stuff sometimes.

    Daddy had a bad night last night and mother tried to get him to go to ER but stubborn dad said no that he would go to dr this morning and probably see the dr faster than sitting in the ER which he is probably right. I say specialist time but so far they arent listening to us daughters. I am patiently (NOT) waiting for the phone call for when they leave the drs office.

    Adrionna-I laughed right out loud when you thought I was calling my parents a dog breed. Lets see now, what exactly would they be?!? Hmm, probably shouldnt even attempt that one. It might get me in trouble.

    Kristin-glad to see you popping in. What is normal anyway? I dont know if I was normal before diagnosis so not surprised I cant find the new normal now.

    Cheri-those are the cutest darn pics of Ethan. Thats a whopper of a catfish.

    Iris-I didnt see a laptop come sailing over last night so I am assuming it worked and played well with you. Gotta love new things dont you?

    Betty-I would be one crabby person if I only got 3 hours of sleep. I dont think anybody would want to be around me. I guess its safe to say I have to have my rest.

    Liz-sorry about the MIL. Hope the afternoon is better than the morning.

    Shirley-I can only imagine how the man feels not being able to go to work. I wouldnt be happy either and I bet you will be glad to get your space back.

    Puppy-hoping you are able to get answers today.

    Madison-hoping you are doing better.

    Vickie-There were 2 kittens by my wagon this morning but I figured they were yours since you had shown us pictures so I safely took them over to your wagon and they will be there for you. I didnt want you to worry about them missing! You can thank me later.

    Nicki-hope you have a good workday.

    Shokk-nice to see you out and proud.

    Susan-where are you lately? You must be busy.

    Just got a call from mother and its off to the hospital for daddy. They want to do a CT of lungs to be sure there is no cancer (WTF????) and of course that didnt set well with daddy. They are also calling a pulmunary specialist to come in.

    Gotta go make some phone calls to the sisters but I shall return.

  • lv2cmp
    lv2cmp Member Posts: 899
    edited June 2007
    Heres some quick pic of Mazer being a true friend. I took these last night with my cell phone.




    The second one is blurry but cute so I posted it anyway.