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  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Member Posts: 1,233
    edited June 2007
    Good morning ladies.Hope everyone is having a good day. If you're not then think of a really lousy day and that should cheer you somewhat. lol

    Welcome back Kristen and Shel.

    I heard from LisaElder and she's alrigh but did hurt her hand.

    Marsha, sorry about the rads. They did me the opposite. Before sugery he said it'd be just surgery and rads and it turned out to be chemo, too. Dirty trick.

    tricia, glad surgery is over and you're at home now.

    Colleen, enjoy Warrens recital this afternoon.

    Sheri, Congrats on the wedding anniversary. You didn't say how many years.

    The house is s0 quiet today. Amber went with Ethans summer school class on their field and took the baby to daycare. I talked with a friend yesterday that didn't have summer school in their area. She didn't really know what it was. It's not like in the old days where if you had to go to summer school it was because you were behind in something. This is fun stuff. They have all kinds of classed to pick from and almost everyone goes. They go to the pool and do fun stuff. He picked the Safari Class where they learn about safari animals etc. So today they're gong to Bass Pro Shops Museum in Springfield. Then later on they go somewhere in Branson. It's good for them. I really want to enjoy this day but my eyese just keep falling shut. I am soo tired. If I go to bed then everyone will be home when I wake up. On the other hand, im not having a real bang-up time right now. So maybe I should lie down awhile.

    Hello to Gina, Mena, LisaElder, Gus, Vickie, Janny, Susan, Iris, Neesie, Amy, and that better be the end of my list cos i don't have a seatbelt for my wheelchair.

  • susanmcm
    susanmcm Member Posts: 699
    edited June 2007

    amy will you remind mazer how much i love him

  • neesie
    neesie Member Posts: 1,110
    edited April 2008
    Good afternoon!

    Popped on this morning to get my dose of CG's and then went to work for a whopping 3 hours!

    It seems like not to many have posted yet today.....not even Shokk.
    Shokk: Are you in that closet again?

    Vickie: Good morning to you...........and just what did you do the night before with your company that stayed so late???Could be the reason you are so sore! Hey, I'm trying to spice up the story a little bit!

    Madison: Miss your posts. I'm glad you are stopping in to let us know you are okay. I think your wagon has been pulled a bit closer to the center........we're all here.

    Karen: Sorry for your Friend and her family. Blessings to you.

    Iris: Root Canals and Crowns.........I think I've had enough experience that I could do my own!! The Million Dollar Diet? You missed the Story of my 'new' diet?!?! I'll fill you in later!

    Betty: Wow! Good night and Good Morning at the same time!
    I hope your job situation improves. Tension at work is not a good thing.

    Marsha: I can understand your frustration and I think most of us would react the same way. I'm sure that the Onc. just wants to give you a few doses of radiation to make absolute, 100% sure they got any sleepers. My surgeon told me that it was to make sure "nothing escaped" when he took the cancer out. The shock of hearing the news just when you thought treatment was over is hard. Put on that smile and see what the Onc has in mind.
    I have to say that even though you are having a bad day (understandably) you still had a good remark for the bit** that Puppy's been dealing with!

    Tricia: Glad you are back!!!! Love your description.....Reduced, lifted boob and one with potential!! Yes, pain meds and rest can be a good thing!!

    Colleen: Enjoy Warrens Concert! The Cello, eh? And how did he pick an instrument bigger than him????

    Tracey: Of course you are living a hectic life. New Kid, run away Cat and a new job. No advice on leaving your old one. Any chance you may have to look back to your present boss for anything in the future?

    Sheri: Happy Anniversary!!

    Boo: I think it's your Anniversary too, isn't it? If so, Happy Anniversary to you.....and if not, I'm way ahead of the game for next year!

    Shirley: Glad all is well with you! Hubbys home, probably whining about something, your space is crowded.......hey lives good!! JK! Really enjoyed your pics!

    JanKay: Caregiver? Therapy? How's things going?

    Lisa: Off on Vacation!! Have a safe and fun trip!

    Liz: I'm glad to hear your MIL is doing well this morning.
    Was it just the Potassium thing?

    Amy: The Hospital is probably a good thing. They can do all the tests and have the pulmonary DR. take a look at the same time. I know he will be okay........

    Guess I'll go and try to be a bit productive for awhile!

  • newvickie
    newvickie Member Posts: 2,941
    edited June 2007
    Very funny Denise...LOL. Cheri and her blue drinks ruined my reputation long ago but you can spice it up some more if you like. I live in a make believe world most of the time anyways.
    Hmmm...I see someone found my "wandering" kittens...thanks for returning them LOL! can't blame me for trying. a 13 year old that gets up and goes to work! That's daughter was working at 13 too and I really think it's why she is where she's at today. Very successful. As for your job...who knows...will you need his reference or help in the future? We've missed you here you know.
    Cheri this time you are probably napping but wanted to send you a hug. What are we gonna do with this sleepy thing you've got going on! I'll bet your body is healing faster with all the resting.
    Amy...oh I so love your pictures! Did you say something about kittens LOL.
    Sheri...happy anniversary!!!
    Lisa...where are you going?
    Liz...hope that things are ok...let us know when you return...sending prayers.
    Shokk...get outta the closet!!
    Marsha dear...dry your tears and come talk to us again. Holding your hand.
    gotta get back to work since MB hasn't found a good street corner that isn't already taken yet!
    love and hugs to all
  • tflowers
    tflowers Member Posts: 232
    edited June 2007
    Hi girls...

    So much bad karma going on this week. Tomorrow will be the day that Puppy's nurse get hers, and she only gets good news like THEY screwed up!!!

    Liza...thinking of your mil. xoxo

    Amy...sounds like your daddy is one tough ol' cookie!!

    Today is my 2yr anniversary of my surgery & recon. 10 hours on the table and I'm not any prettier!!! I go back in August for my 2nd round. Maybe now I'll look like Christy Brinkley!!

    Tricia...I'm having the new boob contoured and the other is getting a lift...The nurse asked my if I was silcoln and I said no just fat....

    Opps meeting time and not prepared bye...xoxoxo
  • lv2cmp
    lv2cmp Member Posts: 899
    edited June 2007
    Theresa I think the world for my dad is stubborn but tough ol cookie does sound better.

  • Madison
    Madison Member Posts: 859
    edited June 2007
    DISCLAIMER - TYPED but not Proofread
    Read at your own risk.....(ran out of lunch time)

    Oh my, Amy and Liz - saying prayers for your love ones...

    Amy, Mazer is so cute....
    Cheri, I've caught some catfish in my time...but that is one BIG catfish Ethan much did that fish weigh?
    Vickie, how is your neck? You may need a muscle relaxer or anti-inflammatory prescription.
    Happy 2nd yr anniversary Theresa....

    Gus, how absolutely wonderful for your son to graduate from kindergarten….enjoy these times with your son (did you take pictures?)
    Kristine, hi, good to see you, congrats on finishing rads
    Betty, do you have trouble sleeping all the time…or only sometimes? It is so difficult to get through the day at work when you are tired.
    Sheri, Happy Anniversary to you and your hubby
    Marsha, I hope you are feeling better this afternoon.
    Tricia, yep-take the pain meds so you will heal faster….glad you are back home.
    Lini, what date is the exchange surgery rescheduled for?..sending hugs, how you are better today.
    Iris, did you have root canal and crown this week….I had a crown done yesterday (yes, I HATE dentist)
    Deb , did you get take pictures with Jeannie? I’m sure you had sooo much fun.
    Beth, haven’t seen you post today. Hope today finds you in less pain.
    Karen, your girlfriend is in the inner circle, how very said to see her DH suffer…
    Jankay, saw that you were up bright and early this morning.
    Shel – YOU’ RE BACK!!! We missed you!!!
    Shokk, so sad to hear about your friend’s loss…..I don’t think we ever understand the WHY of live and of death
    Jan, how are ya? I know, you are having a hard time going on the boards at work (so am I)…
    CY, your granddaughter sounds like an absolute darling.
    MB, I am thinking of what I can mail to you that is “cajun” for pinkstock…
    Hello Alwayshope…..
    Colleen, are you back from the recital? The Cello – I am impressed!! A solo!!! WOW.
    Tracey, glad you checked in…..almost sent the posse out looking for you. Looks like you have an awful lot on your plate right now
    Shirley, 6 more weeks of DH……we’re here when you need us…
    Iris, tell that laptop that it can NOT come between you and these boards.
    Denise, I saw where you were going to try to be productive at work…..yea, I guess I better clock back in- lunch time over!!
    Didn’t mean to leave anyone out….BUT lunch time is Over and I have a deadline to meet
  • suzfive
    suzfive Member Posts: 126
    edited June 2007
    Good afternoon all,

    Not feeling like working much today so thought I would pop in here and see how everyone is doing.

    Marsha - hugs to you. See the rad onc and find out what they recommend. My surgeon said he didn't think I would need rads, onc said probably would but check with rad onc and rad onc said no escaping them for you (had 5+ nodes). Like others have said they are not hard to do - just crappy when you think you are done.

    Sheri - Happy anniversary. Woohoo on the bone scan.

    Tricia - glad to see you back. Have you named your drain(s)? Not sure if that is a good idea - may want to hang around a while like Ringo.

    Beth - hope you are feeling better.

    Amy - Your dad sounds like mine - have to take him in kicking and screaming. He has fired so many doctors - finally found one he likes - thank goodness - she tells him how young he looks (he is 87) and gives him roses. The pics of Mazer are so cute - looks so patient with the goats.

    Puppy - hugs to you - hope you hear something soon.

    Lisa - have a great vacation.

    Liz: Hope your MIL is doing better.

    Colleen: Enjoy the recital.

    Cheri - hugs to you - hope you have a restful nap.

    Iris - I have a new computer with Vista and Office 2007. The first few weeks - my kids were afraid to come near me when I was on the computer - just wanted to kick the thing. Sort of got used to it now. Spent a lot of time googling things to figure it out.

    Tgirl and Boo/Sue - happy anniversary to you.

    Karen - good to see you are feeling a little better. Putting your friend in the middle of the circle.

    Nicki - hope you are okay.

    To everyone else - have a great afternoon.

    OMG - as I was sitting here I realized that I had forgotten that I had gone to the grocery store this morning after the gym and left the groceries in the trunk! Ran outside and brought them in. Thank heavens I didn't buy anthing perishable and it was today when it is cool outside and not tomorrow when it supposed to get up to 92. Geez - this memory thing is the pits. Someone told me the other day to get post-its and put them on the bathroom mirror - I think I need washable tattoos for my hands or something.

    Well I guess I should get back to work. Have a good afternoon everyone.

  • lizws
    lizws Member Posts: 789
    edited June 2007
    Back for a sec. MIL is very disoriented and confused. Her ammonia level is rising instead of lowering. A friend of mine is working and she and I are looking at possible hepatic encephalopathy. That's where the liver shuts down. If that's the case, she will go into a coma. However, she's pulled through some pretty rough times before, so she may again.

    Thanks for all the prayers. I'll check in later.

    Hugs and Prayers to you all
  • lv2cmp
    lv2cmp Member Posts: 899
    edited June 2007
    ok got my dad in the hospital and all settled. My older sister,,lmao cause they are all older since I'm the baby, anyway stayed with dad for mom to run home and get clothes. I took him some popeyes chicken which he requested. Guess you gotta suck up whenever you can. They had already done and EKG and got some blood to run studies on to see what infection he has in his body. We know emphysema (sp) and asbestosis. Daddy then announces that the last chest x ray he had they told him he had lung cancer but then the CT was clear. Daddy never bothered to tell us anything like that so we were standing there with our mouths open in shock. He said there wasnt any reason to say anything since the CT came back normal. Now they want to do another CT just in case it got missed,,(WTH?) Daddy of course is laying there and says this is just like when you go to the dentist with a tooth ache and it doesnt hurt when you get there cause I am breathing better than I have in 2 weeks. I of course told him it was probably from all that straight tequila he was drinking in Mexico that he got sick. He just laughed and said he didnt get any tequila nor did he even get any towels folded up like animals cause he never got out of the bed. Dad is 77 years old, this is tough.

    Madison-glad to see you checking in out of your foxhole.

    Suz-Mazer is a very patient donkey friend to the goats. She wasnt even eating the leaves she was just there to let them lean on her I suppose. I sure love that little donkey girl.

    Iris-forgot to mention this morning that I was laughing because you called my son Hunter. Its funny because whenever somebody cant think of his name they call him that,,wonder why? Anyway, hes Tucker but you gave me a good question to ponder.

  • bearlysane111
    bearlysane111 Member Posts: 592
    edited June 2007
    Hey Amy,
    Sorry to read abt your dad and hope that he is resting well. I know the feeling abt wanting to just bop them one when they know stuff and don't tell it. At least,that is the way I feel when they don't want to worry me and tell me that x has been going on. Anyway,thinking of him and just know we are all there with you.
    After I wrote Hunter,I meant to go back and doublecheck as it looked wrong;brain was on that dumb Vista. Still getting weird mess w.that junk! Anyway,I know a Hunter and a Tucker and get them confused! Rememb this is the one who uses the reg ph to locate the cell ph! I asked(at tel store)couldn't they get me on that lights up and beeps like those pagers at fast food places! They just shake their heads...Also,wanted that for eyeglasses and they don't have those either!
    So,Tucker,pls forgive Maxine's cousin! I swear she is in my family album! Take care,Amy...thinking of you/your family.

  • TheShopMama
    TheShopMama Member Posts: 276
    edited June 2007
    Afternoon, CG's... I am way behind but tried to read through last 24 hours. Cardiology visit went well yesterday. He said I was down 4 pounds from last visit and he was "very encouraged." I couldn't help but laugh. I told him I was 4 pounds up from the onc. visit last week.
    He told me just to weigh once a week on the same scales. My bp was excellent, which it wouldn't have been had I been thinking about Puppy's experience.
    Marsha.... I just love you. Your words are so..... perfect for the situation? I am so sorry about your rads and know how frustrating it is if for no other reason than to have to change plans. When I went to ps it was with full intentions and plans for bilateral mast with recon. He told me no and I cried. Literally. I had already gotten myself used to the idea and then I had to go and change plans. Camp Nukemboobies isn't so awful. It was the best part of the worst part of my life for me. I still
    call my camp counselors at least once every week or two and email them all the time.

    Puppy... I am with you. Don't know what else to say but I agree with everyone else. When we all load up on scooters and magic carpets and whatever else, they will be sorry they messed with our puppy! I haven't had that kind of problem before.

    Vickie... see.... we told you to go get checked. Hope you are feeling better.

    I know I missed a hundred of you, but am still at work and just had to check in. Will try to get back later. Love you all. Praying real hard that the dark cloud of misery breaks up and turns into rain for us! Pam
  • newvickie
    newvickie Member Posts: 2,941
    edited June 2007
    Going to give this shoulder, neck thing another day and see what happens. I can't take muscle relaxers so thats not an option for me and I hate to spend the money to have them just tell me it's pulled muscles, take aspirin etc. I must say though it seems to be getting worse instead of better. I am so filled with anxiety today that I feel like I'm ready for a total complete full blown meltdown!!! WTH...I don't get it. Xanex has had no effect whatsoever. My stomach is in knots and I just feel this impending doom thing...weird I know...gonna take half a Xanex and do some cleaning to see if it helps. Been chained to my desk for the past couple days so maybe I need some exercise.
    love ya all and I'll be back (hopefully as me again)
  • newvickie
    newvickie Member Posts: 2,941
    edited June 2007
    oh Puppy!!! I got your package...let Nathaniel open it and he is sooo thrilled. Said to tell you thank you and that you are beautiful and you look just like I did before I lost my hair and it came back brown! You truly are beautiful!!! Wow my dear lady you need to post some pics here. Thank you for the squares, they too are lovely!
    Love and hugs from me and Nathaniel
  • PuppyFive
    PuppyFive Member Posts: 539
    edited June 2007

    Love You, Puppy
    Mena called me today, her pc is getting fixed but she wanted all of you to know she Loves the gifts and thoughts and prayers from all of us!! she should get it back soon!
    My prayers are with each and every one of you, and I Thank You all so much!!!!!! I will post as soon as i can!!
    Gods Speed, ANGELS!!!!
  • PuppyFive
    PuppyFive Member Posts: 539
    edited June 2007
    YEAAAAAAAAAAA {{Vickie}} Was my little one tickeled??
    I Love that little guy so much!!! thought I would send some pictures so he knew i was real!!!! Hope Ypu get to feeling better sweetie!!! I promise I will read all the posts tomorrow!!! LOVE YOU ALL Puppy
  • PuppyFive
    PuppyFive Member Posts: 539
    edited June 2007
    {{{PAMMY}}} Did my {{{MILES}}} Get his package yet??
    tell Him I Love Him Too!!!!!!!!!! Aunt Puppy

    Goodnight Angels, Charlie
  • neesie
    neesie Member Posts: 1,110
    edited April 2008
    Good evening friends,

    Puppy, glad to see you posting! What time is your appt. tomorrow? All will be can it not be with all of us in the room with you!!

    Pam, Glad your appts went well! Always a relief to get them over with. Bless you.

    Liz: Hope Dad's CT comes back clear..........just like a man, not to tell anyone. Hang in there, I think your wagon has been moved to the center of the circle.

    Madison: You sound like you are about ready to climb out of the Fox Hole! Good for you!

    Vickie: How about a whole Xanax and NO housecleaning? Take it easy, Dear.

    Hey to Iris: Another brain fried sister!!!

  • PuppyFive
    PuppyFive Member Posts: 539
    edited June 2007
    {{Denise}} I go at 1:15 , will let them know if they feel
    a kick in their a$$ his name is MAZER!!!! Thanks Sweetie,
    My prayers are with You too!!
    Vickie, that is such a compelment that Nathan said I look like You!! SHHHHH Don't tell him, but my real hair color is velvet BLACK!!!!! Love, Puppy
  • newvickie
    newvickie Member Posts: 2,941
    edited June 2007
    Well Puppy you took a place of honor on his bedroom wall right next to Iris! He wants a pic of CY too so I have to print one for him...he's so funny.
    Took half a Xanex, two excederin and Nate is cleaning. Tryin to banish this black cloud!!!
    Cheri...could you pass me a blue drink...pretty please? oops...wrong thread
  • k4katz
    k4katz Member Posts: 158
    edited June 2007
    (((Vickie))) Hope you are feeling better!

    Oh Marsha, I am sorry that you have had a nasty surprise in your treatment plan. That is so not right that they did not tell you that from the beginning. Did they say why? At least if there was a valid explanation it might make it easier to bear.

    Tricia, I am glad you are doing well! It is nice that your cat is hanging out with you! My cat LOVED when I was home, sick from the chemo and on the couch all day. She still hasn’t adjusted to the fact that I don’t lie around much now that I am done!

    Tracey, sorry about your cat! I never had a cat that did that. Mine follows me around all the time so I doubt she will ever go anywhere!

    Happy anniversary Sheri!

    Shirley, glad you are feeling better! You must have really needed that sleep!

    Liz, prayers going out for your MIL.

    Hi MB! Long time no see!

    Lisa, you are off? Off to where? I hope it is somewhere fun!

    Amy, LOL about not being normal before so how do you find it now? Maybe that is why I am having such a hard time! How would I even know if I did find normal?!?! Thanks for the laugh! And love the pics! Keeping your dad in my prayers.

    Cheri, sounds like a nap is just what you need….hope it is a good one!

    Running out of time….gotta get the boys to karate….hi to Madison, Theresa, Denise, Gina, Nicki, Betty, Gus, Lini, Deb, Jankay, Colleen, Shel, Shokk, Iris, Suz, Pam, Puppy, Ishop, and everyone! (sorry if I missed you but I can hardly keep my own kids straight! LOL)

  • PuppyFive
    PuppyFive Member Posts: 539
    edited June 2007

    SHHHHHHHHHH Just tell em it's medicine!!!! can't leave with my dear Sister with a need!!!!! Love Ya Guys, I am going a little crazy with worry, glad i came to talk to ya tonight!!!! guess tomorrow is the day, and of course im crying my damn eyes out!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Goodnight Sisters,I Love You ALL!!! Puppy
  • PuppyFive
    PuppyFive Member Posts: 539
    edited June 2007
    {{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{ TRISHA}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}
    xoxoxoxoxoxoxoxo Puppy
  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Member Posts: 2,728
    edited June 2007

    I have come to realize, that given a choice: either I can be bad at trying to be the person I was before breast cancer, or I can figure out who I am and learn to be good at that.

  • newvickie
    newvickie Member Posts: 2,941
    edited June 2007

    hmmm Nicki...I think you are perfect just the way you are.

  • lizws
    lizws Member Posts: 789
    edited June 2007

    for everyone having a rough time today or waiting or worrying or stressing. Oh wait, that's all of us isn't it? I hate this frickin disease.

  • susanmcm
    susanmcm Member Posts: 699
    edited June 2007
    well said nicki, i think that's the tricki!

    amy, i'm so embarrased. Is mazer a girl or boy?
  • Madison
    Madison Member Posts: 859
    edited June 2007
    Puppy, that nurse is gonna feel a kickin' from Mazer and all of us.....we will be with you in FULL FORCE....hugs

    Nicki, we love ya JUST the way you are...

    Vickie, I am gonna have a few blue 'rinks with ya...

    Susan, I don't know if all donkeys are male/female...good question...

    bbl, gotta feed the dh dinner
  • AlaskaDeb
    AlaskaDeb Member Posts: 1,159
    edited June 2007
    Mazer is a girl...I you have me doubting myself!

    Donkeys are male and do you think we get new donkeys LOLOL....sorry...made me laugh. Maybe you are thinking of mules. They are still male and female, just a sterile combo of a female horse and a male donkey.

    Deb C
  • newvickie
    newvickie Member Posts: 2,941
    edited June 2007

    Hey Madison (and anyone else so inclined) come on over for blue drinks. I need a bunch of em. I just found that I didn't take my Lexapro last night...could missing ONE little pill make me feel this bad? I mean seriously, I am about totally whacked tonight!!!