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  • newvickie
    newvickie Member Posts: 2,941
    edited June 2007

    so a horse and a donkey make a sterile mule...I'm so confused.

  • CherrylH
    CherrylH Member Posts: 189
    edited June 2007
    Hi Vicki,
    I'll be happy to join you with a blue drink. Hope y ou feel better.

  • susanmcm
    susanmcm Member Posts: 699
    edited June 2007

    And all this time I thought Mazer was a "him". I bet she will never speak to me again. ...hmmmm about what i just said... I guess she was never going to speak to me anyway. LOL

  • suzfive
    suzfive Member Posts: 126
    edited June 2007
    Nicki - we miss you too - don't change - you're perfect as is.

    Susan - I think Mazer is a girl donkey (don't know the word for it if there is one). She is so cute isn't she. Makes me want one but don't think my yard is big enough.

    Liz - I'm with you - I hate this frickin disease. How is your MIL doing?

    Amy - how is your dad? He sounds so much like mine - keeping things to himself so no one else would worry. Sure hope his CT is clear.

    Puppy - hugs to you. That nurse better call in sick tomorrow if she knows what's good for her! We will all be there to hold your hand. Lots of prayers going out for you.

    Gotta go and finish dinner. It got so cool and now rainy, just feel like going to sleep but have to stay up to pick up my dd from her class at 9. Wish I could bottle the cool air - tomorrow it is supposed to get up to 92. May have to get in the closet with Shokk as they are predicting some nasty storms for tomorrow night.

    Where is Z hiding? and LisaE? Good night and sweet dreams to Cheri, Sheri, Marsha, Iris, Jan, CY, Jule, MB, Cherryl, NS, Mena, Christine (did we ever hear how the date went?), Shel (welcome back), Colleen, Betty, Shirley, Ishop, Boo, Gus, Deb, Tricia, Margaret, Joyce, Vickie, Pam, Denise and anyone else - the list is so long forgive my chemo challenged brain. I think I need a blue drink.

  • newvickie
    newvickie Member Posts: 2,941
    edited June 2007

    hey Suz...I'm having lotsa blue drinks tonight. Where is Cheri?

  • AlaskaDeb
    AlaskaDeb Member Posts: 1,159
    edited June 2007
    OK….let’s see if I remember right….

    If you have a female horse and a male donkey you get a mule. If you have a male horse and a female donkey the offspring is called a Hinny. In both cases the Hinny and Mule are sterile. I think it is because that horses and donkeys have different numbers of chromosomes. Even though the Hinny and Mule are sterile, they still are male and female.

    My neighbor growing up had a huge herd of mules and they were really cool. His were huge draft animals, but actually very gentle.

    Another useless mule fact…a group of mules is called a barren of mules….

    The real question is why my brain retains all this useless info but I can’t find my car keys or my fingernail clippers….
  • jankay
    jankay Member Posts: 789
    edited June 2007
    Now i am confused. Is this bco discussion boards or a class in animal behavior?hmmmmmmm hmmmmmmmmmmm interesting!
    I am passing out velcro and duct tape for those that want to ride on the back of my scooter to help distressed sisters and for a round up of awol sisters.You have to provide your own h elmet! Seriously there are so many of us that are feeling bad that i cant remember everybody but u have my love and prayers anyway. I am getting worried about z and mArsha. Check in girls~!
    Nicki dont change a thing girlfriend
  • newvickie
    newvickie Member Posts: 2,941
    edited June 2007
    We used to have draft horses...I loved them so much. Such big babies. So gentle and sweet. Really miss them.
    Doing my little walk around the perimeter but not feeling so hot so forgive me if I miss your wagon.
    Deb's wagon is surrounded by mules and it looks like I'd better stop in and see if I can help her find her car keys and fingernail clippers.
    Puppy is crying so I'm gonna sit a spell and give her a hug just because she's so darn sweet. Bringing some tissues and a blue drink for her. The magic carpet is ready for tomorrow. We love ya and all will be well...take DH with you to give the nasty nurse h*ll!! If he doesn't then post the phone number so we can!!
    Z's wagon appears to be empty...where have you gone...not still at work I hope!
    Christines wagon is quiet...wonder if her date is still in there. We never did get an update.
    Shel is back with her new computer...yeah.
    Susan is making me laugh and that hurts so I'm making a beeline away from her wagon for tonight.
    Cheri is sleeping away...tucking her in and givin her a smooch on the forehead. Miss you dear lady...heal quickly cuz we need you here.
    Nicki is looking for the new Nicki but I like the Nicki we have right here and now. Miss ya.
    Stopping by Cherryls wagon for a big blue drink before I carry on with my rounds.
  • jankay
    jankay Member Posts: 789
    edited June 2007

    Just talked to z we need to take her to the inner circle

  • newvickie
    newvickie Member Posts: 2,941
    edited June 2007
    ok...Nate is tucked in and I got my nightly fudgesickle.
    Swinging by Iris's wagon to give her a hug for being such a sweetheart. You're so good at bringing smiles.
    Kristin is off to Karate. Something I always thought about doing (along with being a ballerina which was my childhood dream...I ate, drank, slept ballerina's)but this klutzy body of mine just won't cooperate.
    Amy is worrying about her DD so I'm gonna stop and give her a hug. Hope that all turns out well and I'll say a special prayer tonight.
    Peeking in Denise's wagon to see what she's up too...hmmm...plotting to spice up my reputation...heehee...have fun dear girl.
    Well I have come to Marsha's wagon that has been so very quiet all day. Gotta stop and give her a hug and some much needed encouragement. Think of it this way dear girl...lets say they don't do the rads and a few years down the road (God forbid)you get a would then second guess whether or not having the rads where a good thing or not. This way you know that you have taken every single step to kill the beast. Have your party anyway...rads are truly easy. You deserve your party. I know how very disappointed you are...I know that I cried for days but it was ok and I was glad in the end. I know I'm repeating myself a bit but really want to cheer you up and help you see the good side of this. Six weeks will fly by and we'll hold your hand all the way.
    Gotta head to bed...crocheting to do and television to watch (if there is anything on)before I pass out for the night.
    I'll remember my Lexapro tonight and hopefully (please God) be myself again tomorrow!
    I love ya are so very special to me...each and every one of you.
    Good night and wishing you all the sweetest dreams.
  • newvickie
    newvickie Member Posts: 2,941
    edited June 2007 sunshine sister...I missed your wagon and I'm sorry. We will put Z in the middle right away. Can you tell us anything or will she post what she needs?
    Oh my...
  • neesie
    neesie Member Posts: 1,110
    edited April 2008
    Just stopping in to say good night..........and getting quite a chuckle on the way! Deb, always the educator!! I'll have to get that and mule make sterile donkeys. horse and donkeys make sterile mules!!!!
    Blessings to all and special blessings to those in need of it and a special hug!

  • tflowers
    tflowers Member Posts: 232
    edited June 2007

    On my knees with my hands crossed just like when I was young and blessing everyone here tonight. Keep safe and sweet dreams. Tomorrow we all get our guns on and loads up the wagons to travel into town to old doc's and straighten out what's wrong with our puppy.xoxo

  • newvickie
    newvickie Member Posts: 2,941
    edited June 2007
    Theresa...thanks for the yourself are a blessing.
    Hugs and love
  • AlaskaDeb
    AlaskaDeb Member Posts: 1,159
    edited June 2007
    I know, I know...all this useless knowledge keeps my head so full of nonsense it is lucky I know enough to come in out of the rain....

    Now, if I could just find those keys.....
  • newvickie
    newvickie Member Posts: 2,941
    edited June 2007
    deb...I'm looking, I'm looking LOL.
    Nate is in bed hidin under the covers with one of your books right now...he doesn't think I can see his flashlight LOL. Thank you again.
  • lizws
    lizws Member Posts: 789
    edited June 2007
    Deb - I bet they're with my sunglasses. LOL

    Too tired to post but will check in tomorrow. I'll be up and ready for the magic carpet.


  • sherloc
    sherloc Member Posts: 893
    edited June 2007

    Saying lots of prayers tonight for everyone in need. The jury is in. Ambien is not the culprit. Haven't taken it for days and have new bumpies today. So back to clueless I go. Think I'm gonna turn in early tonight again. Might actually make it to the bed this time. See you all tomorrow.

  • sherloc
    sherloc Member Posts: 893
    edited June 2007
    oops forgot to say, can you all say a prayer for my Beep Beep. Taking him to the dealer tomorrow for a checkup and oil change. Having nightmares about Ginas poor Rod.
    Thanks girls. See ya
  • Tricia
    Tricia Member Posts: 103
    edited June 2007
    Good Evening, CG's,

    Lini, so sorry you had to postpone. I guess we learn on this strange journey that our plans get all messed along the way.

    Shel, sooooo good to see you! I hope your ass quits dragging soon.

    Amy, I sure enjoy your pics. Who cares if some are fuzzy, just makes them look more like furry critter pics. Are the goats using Mazur to get up to the leaves? Mazur is one in a million. I am so pleased to know her.

    Beth, how is it going today?

    Colleen, so cute that Warren always gets a solo. Is that why he chose the cello? LOL

    Tracey, what a dream job for a 13 y o boy. Weird about Oreo. I did have a gorgeous tabby I rescued form a deserted campground in Colo in the middle of winter, all skinny and matted all over. Jeff decided (when he realized I wasn't really going to find her a new home) to call her Matty. Well, I said, hands on hips, what will you call her when I finally get all these mats combed out? Baldy, he said, without skipping a beat. Anyway, she managed to convince half the people in our neighborhood she didn't have a home. She loved going off and mooching for days, finally coming home with a big grin on her face.

    Sheri, Happy Anniversary!!!

    Shirley, glad you are feeling better today.

    Cheri, good to see you. Ethan caught a whopper!

    Hey, Denise, I think being productive is over-rated.

    Theresa, I may want to know about this contouring of which you speak.

    Thanks, Madison.

    Suz, I am NOT naming my drain (no offense, Beth).

    Liz, I hope MIL pulls through again. Hugs for you all.

    Iris, I hope you got all the computer stuff straightened out.

    Pam, it is crazy to keep up sometimes. I'm learning to just do the best I can. Congrats on the 4 pound loss, I think.

    Vickie, I hope all the aches and pains are much improved by morning and the doom feelings vanish. Hugs

    (((Puppy))), so good to see you. I will be there.

    Kristen, my Skipper has been great company this week.

    Nicki, I love what you wrote. Hugs to you.

    Deb, loved the fun facts.

    Jankay, I would love a scooter ride!

    Hugs to Mena, Karen, and Gina.

  • Sandra1957
    Sandra1957 Member Posts: 1,064
    edited June 2007

    You girls are the best!! I'm so happy to be back in the circle. I think that I'll stay for awhile. This "moving on" business is alot harder than I thought.

  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Member Posts: 1,233
    edited June 2007
    Madison, if you come on will you get in touch with me please?

    Does anyone know Madisons phone#?

  • nosurrender
    nosurrender Member Posts: 737
    edited June 2007
    Lini, I can't believe they canceled your surgery!!! OMG- come sit by me and let's cuss them out together! SO HAPPY TO SEE YOU BACK I MISSED YOU LIKE HELL!

    I am too pooped to catch up but I thought I would tell you that I had the last ADRIAMYCIN today. Thank God. I am really sick from this one so I will keep it short.

    I got my score on my MUGA- 74%. The onc said that is good and it was ok to get the last Adria.

  • karen1956
    karen1956 Member Posts: 4,604
    edited June 2007
    Hello CG's

    A lot going on in the circle these days.
    Gina - 1/3 done chemo!!! glad you are done the red devil!!
    Tricia - how are your feeling?
    Shirley - still having allergic reactions - sure hope you find out soon what is causing this grief.
    Nocki - LOVE what you wrote
    Amy - sorry your dad is sick
    Theresa - happy 2 years
    Amy - your animals are wonderful (but you already know that)
    Cheri - how was the quiet house today
    Lisa - sorry that your cancerversary was so hard for you. I read what you wrote and it is just beautiful. YOu put in words what many of us feel. HUGS. I hope it gets easier - for all of us.
    Robin and Z oh where oh where are you?
    Bearlysane - my school is on an "alternative' calendar. We start mid august like the other schools here, but have more time off during the year. We have been on this type calendar for ten years, but the calendar changes ever year.
    Vickie - how is the neck - you do need to get checked out.
    Lini - do you have a date yet?
    Kristin - hooray - done rads
    MArsha - sorry that the doc zinged you with rads - rads are a walk in the park compared to chemo. I know its not what you want to hear, but you can do it - go ahead and have your celebration - you finished chemo and heck you are beautiful and you are a survivor. So have two parties - one now and one later.
    Beth how are you feeling - how is the infection
    Gus - how was the graduation
    Puppy - I will be with you tomorrow when you get your results. B9, B9, B9. Be sure to tell the doc about the B receptionist!!!
    Sherndon - nice news - clean bone scan
    Joy - keeping you and Kevin in my thoughts. He is one strong young man.
    Liz - how is MIL
    Tracey - whats up with the cat?
    Cheri - Ethan is too cute - what a guy!!!
    Well after two days of feeling pretty good, today was not as good of a day. The district nurse was in my bldg this afternoon and said hi and asked how I was. I responded my typical "okay" and she said "really". She said I looked beat. Didn't sleep well last night even with the Ativan and stomach not right again today. It really is one day at a time!!! I went to a program on Survivorship at the cancer clinic where my onc is. The speaker is a many time survivor of lymphoma and retired MD from Dallas. She was really quite good. I am going to check out her web site - She has written a couple books and several articles. The clinic ordered her latest book, but it did not arrive in time - the book is called " Happiness in the Storm: Embracing Life as a Healthy Survivor". I have it on order through the onc's office so I can get an autographed copy (she is mailing "book plates" with her signature). I am also going to email her for a couple of her articles.
    Betty, JAnkay, Shokk, Denise, Theresa, MB, Brenda, Christine, Cy, Boo, Suz, Pam, Iris, Colleen and all the wonderful sisters, wishing you feel good days, and sweet dreams tonight. You are the best. Hugs from Denver
  • PeanutsGirl
    PeanutsGirl Member Posts: 115
    edited June 2007
    I'll be up and ready tomorrow for the magic carpet ride. Keeping everyone in my prayers tonight.

    Haven't heard yet on DH's application for the new job.

    Need prayers for DD#2. Baby is in breach position. Sure would be good if the little one would turn. She might be going in on Monday to have gyn attempt to turn the little one. Pray that all goes well with this procedure. There can be complications with it.

    Hugs, prayers, and healing for all.

  • bearlysane111
    bearlysane111 Member Posts: 592
    edited June 2007
    Good Morning(early morning)!

    Puppy…thinking of you and your dr’s appt. Sorry the week has been so hard.
    Gina…lovely pics of you and Beth! Thanks for sharing as the evening looked fun.

    Betty…sorry that sleeping is difficult as I fight that myself;doing the Ambien soon. Hope it’s a better night for you.

    Vickie…you bring smiles…so funny all those strange morning people pics;hope that you feel better like now. Tell Nate hi for me;goodvacation is soon,know he is thrilled abt that.

    Nicki…lovely thoughts;miss your posts;most of all miss you!!! Come back real soon.

    Kristin…I had same feeling abt some of the friends from before. I try to remember that I would never have met so many new people if I hadn’t come here;not Pollyanna;although I loved that old movie. Wow--karate sounds fun!

    Cheri…that was one big catfish! Did you fry it? Ethan has such an adorable face. Hope you are feeling better tonight. Know the healing is the slow part;you are doing a great job!! Nearly two wks,right?

    Susan…your posts made me laugh this aft on the cyber girls,too funny!

    Jasmine…wanted to say hi to you! is your dad? Thinking of you and your family. All those pics of the animals are so neat that I can just picture the roads and hills/mtns near you! Coming back one of these days and see it(12 yrs seems a long time!)

    Madison…good to see you! I did not have the dental junk this wk but have had lots in my life. Hope that you are feeling OK;got abt 8 crowns or so;been there so many times. Take care!

    Cherryl…wasn’t that 50’s quiz funny? Hope your wk goes well. Reading the list of candy that we had sure brought back memories. I sure felt “older than dirt” today w/sinus headache.

    Tricia…good to see you and glad you are posting. Hope the ps visit goes well on Fri.

    Tracey…funny abt Oreo and I had a job where I left early as it was time ;so you know if it feels right to go early. Is that the same place where the police was involved abt assault? My brain may be muddled tonight(today)!

    Shirley…good luck with Beep Beep;hate those car places and the waiting.

    Marsha…had the same experience with rads;told by two people that I would not need them. However, my rad onc recommended it;like Vickie said it goes really fast. Took me longer to change clothes.

    Colleen…hope that Warren’s concert went well;cello is a real accomplishment.

    Robin…how abt the dentist? Did you have the four teeth pulled?

    Sheri…hope the anniversary was great!

    Lisa…enjoy the trip and can’t wait to see the pics.

    Liz…what neat pics;that little mouse is precious.

    Teresa…hope your meeting went well.

    Lini..good to see you and hope that your Thur goes well.

    Deb…you are good with the farm stuff;grew up on one and did not know that info. Funny stuff!!

    Laura…thinking of your daughter and her little one.

    Denise…read where you were going to be productive during aft;man,I wish I had been like you. Slept the aft away;sinus hdache! L You make me smile…thanks! I do have brain drain!!! Stuff jumps around during the night as I know it can’t be me! LOL

    Karen…sorry that you are not feeling well;not sleeping is so annoying,to me. Hoping that today is much better for you.

    Jankay…best to you and Z,you are in our thoughts,too. Miss reading your posts,Z.

    Dreading the opthamologist visit tomorrow--remember me if you would. Thanks and have a good Thurs!
  • bearlysane111
    bearlysane111 Member Posts: 592
    edited June 2007
    My post did not take all the info...

    Sorry,Sue...did not mean to skip you. Glad it was cooler there and tomorr sounds hot in WI. How far away from Madison are you? My parents have friends who taught there(a univ is there,right?) My parents live abt 90 miles from Nags Head area more inland. Come back and visit this area! are you? Hope things go well w/you.

  • lisaelder1972
    lisaelder1972 Member Posts: 69
    edited June 2007
    Good morning all,
    I am back.I haven't been in a good place mentally or physically.Had my 1 year "anniversary" and kinda freaked out.Also,my left hand is numb and has no function but boy does it hurt!I was worried about stroke or TIA but saw Onc today and he referred me to a hand surgeon and said he was sure it is Carpal Tunnel.I am having a hard time with Femara and was hoping he would let me go back to Tamoxifen but no such luck.He said if no improvement in a few months we will switch to another AI.Cheri,sorry I had to hang up in such a hurry the other day but hospital was on other line to schedule MUGA.No possoble way can catch up so just know that I love all of you and now I can get back in the swing of things.I am gonna go back and read as much as I can.Gina,the pic of you and Beth was great.Even after all the hell you've been through you are still beautiful,inside and outside.Have a wonderful day girls.

  • SheriH
    SheriH Member Posts: 472
    edited June 2007
    This is not a normal time for me to be up. We had a very nice anniversary dinner, saw lots of people we knew at the restaurant and someone (mystery person) bought us a desert. We came home, shared a bottle of white merlot and watched the Anaheim Ducks win the Stanley cup on tv. We were huge Ducks fans in our CA days, so it was very exciting. Later when I should have fallen asleep I just tossed and turned, even after a sleeping pill and 2 rls pills. Pretty sad. I think I'm a little uptight since the nurse never did call me back today about the PET scan. I would have called her, but we were busy, so I decided to wait, big mistake! Since she didn't call my mind is full of terrible possibilities. I also see my surgeon tomorrow about the lump (hoping scar tissue). So, here I am!

    My brain is mush, but I was thinking about Beth's drain, Ringo. It made me think of how I nicknamed all my kids names from the Beatles. When I'm calling them altogether I would yell "John, Paul, George and Ringo, time for dinner!" Kind of corny, I know. Micah, the youngest is Ringo, not sure why, maybe because he always seemed to be the funny one to me, so I gave Micah the cute name.

    Like I said, I should be asleep, so I guess I'll try again. For some reason as I was tossing and turning my thoughts automatically turned to you and I literally felt "drawn" to my computer. Hopefully I'll check in tomorrow and hear some good news from my dear circle girls, but as always you are in my thoughts and prayers.
  • jasmine
    jasmine Member Posts: 773
    edited May 2008
    Hi Iris and everyone.

    Between the intricacies of corn digestion and the creation of the mule, this is a very entertaining thread. Gotta love it!

    Hope everyone is doing well.