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  • lisaelder1972
    lisaelder1972 Member Posts: 69
    edited June 2007
    Oh,forgot this in previous post.I'm gonna need lots of help.I am startiing Chantix Friday.I'm ready to quit,tired of being a slave to cigs.Dh is gonna do it also.I also know that it is very important that I quit for my health and my pocketbook lol.Oh and I was pleasantly suprised when my insurance covered the Chantix.

  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Member Posts: 2,728
    edited June 2007

    Puppy: there is no way I would miss the magic carpet ride. Wanted you to know we will all be with you today.

    Mazer is definitely a female. The joke all along was that Distorted Humor (male) is in love with her and waiting patiently for her to grow up - we plan on having the fastest mule around.

    Staying away from these boards is not emotionally healthy! Got up early to spend some quiet time here and gosh darn if my husnbad didnt get up too. Grrrrr! he better go back to sleep if he wants to live.

    Well the good news is - despite much protest by my DH, the pool full, the water is clear and I should be swimming in it by this coming Monday. Right now its too cold and we need the "Sunshine" to warm it up a bit. Now this makes me happy. Its sort of funny because 2 years ago when I first came on thes boards the joke was to sit around with blue drinks and being served by pool boys.

    Vickie: I do think missing your Lexapro for one day can make a diference. I cut my Celexa in half and only took half the dosage for a couple of nights. Well yesterday at work I was a wild woman. Losing my temper and acting just plan silly. The assistant administrator had to sit down and talk to me cause other employees complained about my attitude. She asked me if everything was ok and my eyes filled with tears and I couldnt talk. So I took my regualr strength of Celexa last night - and i feel calmer today. When will I learn not to play with my medications. So Im hoping you too will have a better day today.

    Oh and she reminded me that I havent taken any vacation for over a year. So Im taking off the week of July 4th - have never taken time off around a Holiday so this should be fun and relaxing.

    Sherloc: Process of elimination. So its not the Ambien. Take a look at all your medications. Anything with Aspirin or Ibuprofen? Any arthritic meds like celebrex? Any diuretics like dyazide? Hoping you find out the cause soon.

    Tracey: I had a grey tuxedo cat named "Diddo." From the time she was brought home, she wanted to be an outside cat. But I never let her roam around. Back then I lived in a farm house and main road was right from the book "Pet Semetary." She was the funniest thing. Figured out how to get in between the walls and would roam all over the place. Found a way to get into the garage. When it was time to eat, you could hear her running through the rafters to get back into the house. Anyways on 9-9-99 the door was accidently left open and she took advantage of her opportunity. One day I saw her hanging out in a deserted barn about 1/2 mile from the house. I tried calling her and she did the same thing oreo did. She never did come home. At first I was heartbroken, but then went to our local save a pet and got a new kitten. Her name is Leslie and its funny. She wants nothing to do with the outside. I could leave the door open and she will peak her head out, but thats it. She likes the safety of her home. Some cats - just want the total freedom of the outdoors.

    Tricia: You sound so good for just having surgery. Arnt you glad its over? I never named my drains, but I think thats cause I didnt have them anywhere near as long as some of you. I did feel like a Christmas tree with ornaments hanging down from me though. I was lucky, both drains came out within a week of the surgery.

    Lini: Glad your gonna stay around for a while cause we sure did miss you around here.


    NS: Gald the Adriamycin is finially over. And great Muga scan. I hated my last Adria - almost quit chemo because of it. So you are officially 1/3 done with chemo. That calls for a celebration.


    Karen: When I was first told that I was the 1 out 4 who is er/pr negative I was devastated. The more I read about the side effects you all are having with Tamoxifen and the aromatase inhibitors, Im greatful that I dont have to be on them. Have you tried changing the times you take the medication? Sending lots of love your way and hoping you will start to feel better really soon.

    Iris: Right after I had my little crying spell with my assistant administrator, I got your card. It came just at the right time. I went from tears to a big smile. Thank you for cheering up my day.

    Laura: Hope that baby decides to move into normal position. When is your daughter due date?

    Lisa: Good to see you back. We sure did miss you. I hate anniversaries. Just reminds me what I went through and how it changed me forever.

    The house is quiet now. DH went back to sleep. I can hear the filter on the pool running. There are baby robins singing for food. Heard a cardinal making its early morning call. If I look outside, I see our patio table and the umbrella is up. Sure feels good - the sounds of summer is very nice.

    I started looking at some jobs yesterday. There is an opening for a case manager at my hospital. The one where I know all the doctors and had all my treatment. Think Im gonna send a resume out. Getting tired of all this driving.

    Hope you all have a wonderful day.

    BRSTN Member Posts: 165
    edited June 2007
    Good morning CGs

    I'm up early, but the good news is i had a pretty good night's sleep.

    Puppy, the carpet is fired up and we're ready to take on that nasty nurse. Just let us at her. We love you and are here for you.

    We have a busy ride today. We're there with all the CG's needing a carpet ride visit.

    I see Nicki beat me posting. Morning. I love the pic. Yep, that's all of us on the carpet ride.

    Hugs to all

  • newvickie
    newvickie Member Posts: 2,941
    edited June 2007
    boy do I need a toaster! I just wanted to keep right on sleeping this morning.
    Good morning Nicki and both beat me this morning. Sunshine sisters through and through. Now where is Jankay?
    Puppy...sending prayers and love your way. All will be ok and we are right with you holding your hand. Let us know the minute you get home ok?
    Lisa...I quit using the Chantix and it really works! Make sure you take it with food though or you'll get an upset stomach...the first week is hard (actually the second week because you still smoke the first week). If you need help just give a yell at me or Cheri...she quit cold turkey! I don't even know how many days I've been without one now.

    Gina...oh my goodness. Great MUGA scan and we miss you too...a lot!

    Iris...what in the world...saying good morning at just a little after midnight! LOL. I'm pretty sure an earthquake wouldn't have woke me at that hour. Good morning to you.

    Busy day for the magic carpet today
    Gotta go with Puppy and give that nurse a peice of our minds! Jpann and Sheri both have appointments, CY has chemo and Robin is going to the dentist. I see Miss Robin has disappeared once again and that is NOT allowed so she'd better check in soon...I know that Jankay has the scooter fired up and ready to go! We will be with you all and all will be well. Don't think we'd better let Cheri drive...she just might fall asleep on us and who knows where we could end up.
    Hope you all have a wonderful day in one way or another.
    Love and hugs all around
    Jankay...blowing the trumpet your way...wake up sunshine.
  • k4katz
    k4katz Member Posts: 158
    edited June 2007
    Vickie, LOL, I'm gonna go out and get me a huge queen size toaster to sleep in!

    Nicki, good to see you! I am not sure where you went but gald you are back! We love you just as you are!

    I am ready to hop on the magic carpet to support Puppy today. Puppy, keeping all fingers and toes crossed for you! (Kinda makes my shoes uncomfortable but I am going to do it anyway for you!!)

    Quick fly-by this morning....I am swamped at work...but in a good way. I have been so disappointed that I missed out on the promotion, and I let me bosses know, and now they have given me all sorts of other responsibilities! So I am a bit happier!

    Last thing - in the shower today I felt a lump right below my lumpectomy scar. As soon as I felt it my stomach dropped and I could feel all the blood drain from my face. But then I thought maybe it was scar tissue that hardened as a result of rads? Could that be true or am I kidding myself?

    Gotta go put a dent in my inbox and try to stop thinking about the lump!

  • newvickie
    newvickie Member Posts: 2,941
    edited June 2007's just scar tissue!!!! Not a lump!!!
  • newvickie
    newvickie Member Posts: 2,941
    edited June 2007

    who the h*ll is this "treat cancer nl." that keeps screwing with our boards!!! Using a different name every time! I'm not in the best of moods and just may give this dear person a piece of my mind (as small as it may be).

  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Member Posts: 2,728
    edited June 2007
    Hee Hee Hee Vickie! I feel the same way.

  • Boo46
    Boo46 Member Posts: 261
    edited June 2007
    Well got DH and DS off to the airport and have just a few mins to say hi. I will miss them for the next 2 weeks but it will be kind of nice to have some alone time.
    Thinking and praying for everyone who has tests and appts. today. Puppy we will all be with you to kick some butt!
    Well yesterday was my 1 year anniversary of my diagnosis. Was so busy helping the boys get ready for their trip that I didn't have much time to dwell on it. Had 3 people tell me congratulations. I wasn't sure how to respond. Said thank you but just couldn't act happy about it. Don't really know how I feel but sure didn't feel like a happy day to me. Scared, sad, confused is more like it. Keep telling myself it will get better with time but right now fear and grief sre constant companions. Oh well enough of that!
    Have a long day of work ahead.
    Love to all,
  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Member Posts: 2,728
    edited June 2007
    Sue/Boo: I hate anniversaries! They play tricks with my mind. Sending you lots of love.

  • jankay
    jankay Member Posts: 789
    edited June 2007
    I slept again
    I am just ow getting up believe it or not..
    Trisha would love to give ua ride, helmeet requjired.
    z's mom is sick
  • jankay
    jankay Member Posts: 789
    edited June 2007
    Nicki glsd to see u
    vicki you are going to have to blow trumpet louder
    today is therapy
    i dont know how to put that on calendar Every tues and thursday from 11 to 12 is therapy.
    I would also like to know who the ficrionL Person is
  • cmb35
    cmb35 Member Posts: 554
    edited June 2007
    Morning Girls!

    I've been reading, but haven't had time to take notes or post. I'm going to try to catch up a bit this morning...

    Warren's orchestra recital was adorable. About 10 violins and 1 cello (Warren), which is why he always has a "solo"! LOL Monday night all the elementary schools play together (for the first time), almost 200 kids! We know there is at least one other cello player in another school, so that will be exciting.

    Puppy - Still mad about your doctor's office, but hope you are able to let it go a bit. It's not fair that she/they can be such jerks and go on their merry way leaving you sitting there and stewing about it! Keep us posted.

    Betty - the sleeping thing is just infuriating isn't it? I find myself nodding off at 6 or 7pm, and then wide awake at 11pm when I should be thinking about going to sleep! Hope you had a better night last night...

    Vicki - how's the neck/shoulder/tailbone? Starting to feel better? Love the pop out of the toaster picture!

    Nicki - Sounds like you have been having a tough time, glad you are going to take some vacation time - hopefully you will spend it relaxing in the pool!

    Kristin - my nephews do karate, I've always been fascinated by it! Did a tai chi class once, which is like slow motion karate. I really liked it! Glad your boss is giving you more responsibility, and yes, try not to worry about the lump, I know scar tissue is very common, but get it checked out OK?

    Cheri - whoa nelly! That's one big fish! Great picture!

    Susan - you said something really funny, and now I forget what it was? A play on words... HHmmm... went right out of my brain, but it made me laugh!

    Amy - been loving all the pictures you've been posting lately, there is something so cute and "old fashioned" about the animal pics!

    Madison - nice to see you, I've been in and out a lot this week, but it seems like I haven't seen much of you lately. Good luck with the dental stuff.

    Cheryl - my sister got a box of "Candy you ate as a kid" as a birthday present once - it was so funny to see the kids eat candy they had never seen before!

    Iris - how are you this week? Warren has 6 days left of elementary school! We had our last PTO meeting last night, and everyone is getting a little giddy at the thought of school being over!!

    Sue - anniversaries freak me out most of the time too, and I hate it when people ask me if I'm "all clear" or congratulate me (I mean, not really hate it, but it makes me uncomfortable I guess) Hugs to you

    Sorry, running out of time now, I have a meeting at 8:30 (and have been reading since about 7:45!!) Traccey, Shirley, Marsha, Robin, Sheri, Lisa, Liz, Teresa, Lini, DebC, Laura, Denise, Karen, Z, shokk, jankay, jasmine, sue, lisa, sheri, betty, NS, vickie, every one of you reading this, good morning to you all!
  • Madison
    Madison Member Posts: 859
    edited June 2007
    Good Morning,

    Cheri, I just sent you a PM. I did not log on until a few minutes ago....

    I am swamped at work (gee the real swamp is 20 minutes from here)....anyway, I will sneak away for the magic carpet to be with all today...Puppy - hugs dear and all who have appointments....

    Yikes.....later alligator (yep the real ones are in the swamp)- got to get back to work
  • marshakb
    marshakb Member Posts: 796
    edited June 2007
    GM everyone.......Amy praying for your dad. My dad will tell you every symptom he has, it's my mom who is closed mouthed.

    Puppy, you are so on everyones minds and we are all with you in spirit today. If you see the b**** make sure and ask her about that hair she has up her butt.

    Nicki, thanks and you know why. New Normal? I guess I was never normal to begin with so I'd just like to get back to my abby normal self. LOL You sound better today and we do love you just the way you are.

    Vickie, it so comforting to know you are checking on everyones wagon before beddy bye. If my gypsy flag is flapping in the breeze you know I am doing good. I put it back out last night, went to the weekly BNO cause we have a party to plan!!

    Kristin, just scar tissue sweetie I'm sure.

    Lisa, good for you on the smoking! As soon as I stop getting bomb shelled I need to join the ranks of the non-smokers.

    Sheri....I didn't get a call about my PET from the onc either. The reason? It was normal. What an A-hole. Looking forward to meeting you this month and having that margarita by the pool.

    Iris, good luck at the eye doctor. At least you aren't having to worry about eye cancer! LOL

    Z,Z,Z where are you sweetpie? Thinking about you.

    Laura, praying for your DD. If the little one doesn't turn will they do a c-section?

    Karen, thank you, you are right. TWO parties, God knows I like to party!!

    Gina, yipee the Adria is done. GREAT news on the Muga, I know you are concerned about the heart.

    Tricia, you sound great after surgery! I didn't name my drains either, didn't want to get attached to them in any way. They came out 5 days after surgery.

    Shirley I am sure the Beep Beep will be find. Sounds like a routine checkup. I have a PT Cruiser Convertible everyone calls the Barbie Car. When I got her last year I had long blonde hair. Now she is called the Commando Barbie car what with my bald head and all.

    Deb, LOL on the donkey/mule education. Now I can impress all my friends with that info. Just like the Duck Fart you told me about.

    Jankay, make sure Z knows we are all thinking about her. You are such a good friend.

    Madison gald to see you out of your foxhole. Are you in Florida? I have some swamp land for sale.

    Betty, I see you on here at all times of the day and night. Hope you can get your sleep pattern under control.

    Susan you just flat out crack me up. Did you get the funky chain?

    Colleen, so funny your Warren picked out an instrument no one else plays. Good way to get that solo LOL

    Sending out big hugs to all in the circle. You gals are a sanity saver that's for sure. SO glad to have you all. Love, Marsha
  • PuppyFive
    PuppyFive Member Posts: 539
    edited June 2007
    Happy Puppy, knowing she is not alone on this ride!!!! xoxo I Love You Too!!!!


  • purplemb
    purplemb Member Posts: 593
    edited June 2007
    Ok work is bugging me

    So Kristen good to see you...hope the boys are practicing...belt tests soon right?...

    Lini..and what kind of flip flops you wearing...
    Puppy...hugs missed you ...
    Nicki...gald you can't saty away from us...we are addictive..and there is no
    Denise, glad you keep me just don't do notes very well
    Vicki...hugs...sounds like you need a day trip...come on over...I'm a good cook and Nathaniel can run the back
    Marsha, trisha...and all those in need...
    and Liz ...hugs...DH says no way the house will get new paint in and out,(at all he said) but if I put fresh flowers in the rooms do you think anyone will care? many days til pinkstock...

    hugs to you all I wish work didn't interrrupt my friend time
    hugs and know you are all in my prayers
  • beth1225
    beth1225 Member Posts: 402
    edited June 2007
    Morning cg's. i am not in a good mood thi smorning. my temp spiked to 101 again all niight long and I got very little sleep. I spoke to the ps and he said to just take it easy today and if th eleft breast feels warnmer than the right come in to the office and they will do the betadyne treatmetn again. This morning the temp is down to 99.5 so I am a little more relieved. I put ice packs on Laverne and Ringo is still draining away. They should have the results back from the culure they took from the drain on Tuesday. I am calling later thi safternoon. Can't type well today either. DH is sick too this AM...had to come home after being the car for 10 minutes and he threw up and has thr runs. If he is sick too we will never make our bills this month id he can't go into work. I paid the home equity and the mortgage so the rest will have to just get in line. Sorry for this long sob story post but I just am not happy after all of this. I ahve done all they (the docs and informed medicos) said to do so I wouldn't get cancer. Now all I feel is sick every day. It has got to get better some time doesn't it? Please give me any useful hints. I really don't want to have to go back in the hospital again and have more surgery to remove the left implant. It is scaring me that something more could be wrong that they don't know about. maaybe I am just being paranoid now.

    Well, good news is that they fixed the a/c in the house yesterday just in time for Friday's record breaker headed our way. not too long now until the 3 h's of philly summers: hazy, hot and humid. Or were they the three nephews of Donald Duck?

    I have not lost my sense of humor through all of this though. Maybe watching comedies for 4 weeks straight did that.

    {{{MARSHA}}}} You are much stronger than I am and can still dance on tables (ok, i never did that). But please come out and play with us and we will hold your hand through all of this. See, i may be fat but i can be a cheerleader in cyberspace, YEAH!

    {{{PUPPY}}} Please know that I have been in such a funk otherwise i would have called before today. Hope I get a chance later before you leave for the doctor's.

    One of the girls from chat, marlegal, lost her fil yesterday. Please say some prayers for her and her family.

    OK, cg's, time for me to get some fluids in and check on dh. he said he is laying down for a while, whatever that translates to. Will try to check in later. If I didn;t mention anyone personally it doesn;t mean I don't think of you just have so much going on i only remembered a few people to say hi to. I have never compiled a list of everyone because I don;t want to miss a name and have someone feel left out. I am holding on to all of you as I know you are holding on to me. Saying prayers and sending good wishes to all in need today.
  • purplemb
    purplemb Member Posts: 593
    edited June 2007
    Collen for got to say...I love the cello...used to play also...traded mine in for a string bass in high school...I always say bigger is better...hugs to warren...and still hoping you can make it in Aug...
  • suzfive
    suzfive Member Posts: 126
    edited June 2007
    Good morning ladies,

    Up and ready for the carpet ride. Who is driving today - having a very blustery day here in Wisconsin - hang onto your hats, the loop-d-loops will be something.

    Puppy - have everything crossed for you.

    LisaE - so good to see you again. Good luck with the no smoking. Hope they can do something for your poor hand.

    Gina - those are great MUGA results and you are 1/3 done. Hope the rest are not as hard on you.

    Nicki - So happy to see you back and glad you got your pool open. Didn't realize how many calories you can burn swimming - even just jogging in the water - it is close to 500 an hour. The best part is you stay cool and no sweaty head. Pool boys? My yard is too small for a pool so I signed up at a gym. Now that is a suggestion I am going to have to make - they need some pool boys.LOL Good luck on the job hunting.

    Sheri - glad you had a nice anniversary. I second the no news is good news. Whenever I have had bad results I usually get a call right away otherwise they just wait until my regular appointment. Hope that is the same for you. I have found since chemo that if I drink wine in the evening - I can't sleep. Used to be give me a glass of wine and I would be out cold. Real bummer since dh likes wine and now he has to drink it all himself. Just wine, can drink beer or liquor (which I never drank before)with no problem.

    Jankay - would love a ride on your scooter - got my helmet ready. Have a good therapy session today.

    Marsha - glad to see you are feeling a little better. I like the two party idea too.

    Deb - you are too funny. Thanks for the education on the mule/donkey thing. Now if I can just remember it.

    MB - fresh flowers sound lovely. You are being very generous opening your home - I hope no one would care.

    Colleen - glad the concert went well. I have two big kids who played in orchestra - one violin and one cello. The cello player picked it because she wanted to be different and thought it sounded so much cooler than the violin.

    Kristen - voting for scar tissue but get it checked out to be sure.

    Tricia - animals are funny - I have a little dog who never bothered with me much before I got sick but after I came home he has been my constant companion - even now when I am better he wants to be by my side. Follows me everywhere.

    Madison - hope things at work settle down.

    Betty - you are really up early and you sound so good. I need a toaster to get me up that early.

    Amy - how is your dad doing today?

    Liz - how is your MIL?

    Karen - hugs to you. Maybe things will get better when school is out.

    ((((((((Beth))))))))) I don't know what to say. You have been through the wringer. Can you ask the ps if they have had this happen to anyone else and what they did for it? I know you don't want to but can they remove the implant - clear up the infection and then put another one back in? The thought just came to me - maybe you are having an allergic reaction to the implant??? My thoughts and prayers are with you that you get this straightened out. I agree - you were being proactive and you shouldn't have to be suffering like this. Prays for your dh too.

    Just got a phone call from a sister (nun) in Chicago. My dh aunt (who is also a nun) passed away this morning in Bangladesh. She had been sick for the past two weeks. We called on Sunday and they said she was doing better. First they thought she had typhoid. Now they are saying they think she either had abscesses in her liver or metastatic cancer. Because she had multiple organ failure they were not able to do CT/MRI. My dh is in class right now so I will have to call him later with the news. We were in Bangladesh this past January and saw her - she looked so well. I am just in shock. Her brother and sister are here in the States so I probably should call them and see if they got the news.

    Good day everyone,
  • lizws
    lizws Member Posts: 789
    edited June 2007

    No news on MIL. I'll check in later. Puppy let us know when you hear something. I missed the magic carpet!

  • tflowers
    tflowers Member Posts: 232
    edited June 2007
    Puppy...I sent Teddy ahead so he can stare and growl at the evil nurse.

    Tricia..I had a free tram and he will do liposuction to make it more natural and then a lift on the other side to try and match. I said no artificial if I can help it.

    Marsha...same here and it was really tough when you're not mentally prepared for it like chemo. My rad onc and my bs argued about me and rad onc won.

    Lisa...all of a sudden my left hand is hard to work with. I think mines a nerve problem, maybe slept wrong. Good luck with yours. xoxo

    NS...I agree the last one is brutal. I held a banana up to my nose and looked away so I wouldn't see or smell it.

    Yeah Betty slept

    Colleen...the cello is my favorite instrument. Very sexy and warm

    Suz...sorry about your aunt. I have a priest and nun for cousins in the same family and a lawyer....hehe can't catch a break. I know my drain thing will be coming up in August and so not looking foward to it.

    love to all.xoxo
  • jasmine
    jasmine Member Posts: 773
    edited May 2008
    Good morning Happy Campers. Well, I did it! I got my lazy fanny out of bed this morning and made it to the community center and walked for 45 minutes. Of course, it took me 15 minutes to re-learn how to set up the treadmill program. Its amazing that there were plenty of machines available at 7:30 am in the morning.

    Marsha, when do you start your 'glow in the dark' sessions? Check with Thongs about the 'glimmer' factor.

    Suze, I'm so sorry to hear about your aunt. I will keep your family in my prayers.

    Gina, I saw the pics of you and Beth! Too kewl! I guess your 'real' after all. <inside joke> Boy, your muga scan was better than mine.

    Beth, boy you sure are having some hard times. I hope things turn around for you soon.

    Well, off to work. I'll be back to chat later.
  • sherloc
    sherloc Member Posts: 893
    edited June 2007
    Happy thursday ladies. Yippee, Yahew, and Hip Hip Hurrah!!!! Hubby took the Beep Beep to Sacramento all by himself. Which translates to I get alone time ALL FREAKIN DAY! How cool is that? This must be the week for dentists and crowns. Have my appt tomorrow for the molds? Since I've never had crowns before I have no idea what that means. Is it going to hurt?

    Puppy, all appendages crossed. Give that one an earful about his crappy staff. Better yet let hubby do it.

    Amy, Mazer with her goat friends is just to pickin cute. Learned lots of interesting tidbits about donkeys and mules today.
    Praying for your dad.

    Yippee Gina. Rest, drink, and pee.

    Karen, indeed. I'm beginning to fuss over this nonsense. Not to mention itch. Thanks for the link. Gonna order a couple of her books for my sister.

    Laura, praying for daughter and babe.

    Iris, I did the sinus headache sleep all day thing on tuesday. Hubby took Beep Beep to the doctor so all should be well. He looks mean and no one knows he's gimpy so they won't mess with him.

    LisaE, hugs for you. Congrats on the decision to quit smoking. I'm gonna ask my doc for chantix on friday. Hmmm wonder if my insurance will cover it? Wouldn't that be a nice surprise.

    Nicki, Yehaw for open pools. Glad you are back and didn't stay gone to long. Only drug I take on a daily basis is tamoxifen. And wouldn't that just be crappy if I've become allergic to it. Can't take the AI's cause of my crappy bones.

    Good Morning Betty and Vicki
    Vicki, that treat-cancer person is definately annoying. Been popping up all over the boards for a couple of days now.

    Kristin I had a lumpy/bumpy develop next to my scar during rads. It was scar tissue. Eventually smoothed out. BUT call your doc and get it checked anyway.

    Boo/Sue, lets here it for alone time!!!

    Colleen, glad the recital went well. My big sis played the cello. I played the violin. Quit when I started high school. Not the smartest thing I've ever done but being in the orchestra was so not cool. Have seriously considered taking it up again.

    Have you talked to your onc yet?

    Beth, gentle hugs. I do hope you are feeling better very soon.

    Suz, I am so sorry for your loss. My prayers for your family.

    Liz, praying for MIL.

    On phone with daughter. Her hubby parents just announced they are divorcing after 30+ years. O my!!! Can you all say a prayer for my son in law Richard. He is not taking it well.

    I'll see you all later.
  • lv2cmp
    lv2cmp Member Posts: 899
    edited June 2007
    Morning CG's!

    Dad had a rough night or I guess I should say morning from about 2:30 on and then another bad time around 4. Dr came in and CT results arent back yet. Daddy told dr he was hoping to not be there long and dr informed him he was a very sick man and to just relax and let them figure it all out. I am scared to death lung cancer will show up. Hopefully CT results will be in soon.

    Puppy-thinking of you today.

    Susan-yep Mazer is a girl. Hey Jude is a boy. Hes the only boy donkey we have and we have 3 girls. Molly, Mazer, and Lucy. Mazer will forgive you,,nooooo problem.

    Deb-lmao at the donkey/mule education we had. You did a great job I might add.

    Adrionna-might want to go back and read Debs educational info again. Quote "horse and mule make sterile donkeys. horse and donkeys make sterile mules!!!!" If thats the case and everybody ends up sterile how do you get baby donkeys? Inquiring minds want to know!! LOL Oh MY!

    Sue-thats just awful news about DH's aunt. My thoughts are with you and your family.

    Kristen-sounds like it could be scar tissue but checking it out would give you a peace.

    Nicki-glad you got your pool opened. The week of the 4th off will be wonderful. I will be in Maine that week,, wanna go? Just cause you are a nurse doesnt mean you get to change your med dosage,,I swear nurses are the worse.

    Liz-hoping your mil has improvement.

    Jankay-thanks for the update on Z.

    Boo-enjoy your alone time.

    Sherndon-glad you had a nice anniversary.

    Marsha-glad you had a great time out last night and you can still celebrate no mo chemo and then have another party when you finish rads. Just another reason for a party!

    Madison-hope work eases up for you. You have been swamped for a while now. It must be going around cause I cant seem to finish what I need to in a day.

    Cheri-hoping you got some rest last night and no falling out of wheelchairs.

    Iris-good luck with the opthamologist tomorrow. I hate dialated eyes. Its that time for me also so I suppose I should call. Really would like to do lasiks but dont want to have any more surgery.

    Betty-glad you got some much needed rest last night and made up for the night before. I didnt sleep the greatest last night and I can usually always sleep.

    Lisa-good luck with the chantix. its great that DH is doing it with you.

    Laura-hoping the baby turns on its own. When is she due?

    Karen-will have to click on that speaker and check her out.

    NS-congrats on the last ADRIAMYCIN! Woohoo!!

    Robin where are you hiding out now?

    Mena-had an update that your computer was being repaired so will be looking for you soon.

    Lini-have you been rescheduled? Dont you hate waiting?

    Shokk-come out come out wherever you are!!!

    Shirley-hope you enjoy your alone time. I had to reread that post 3 times about your daughters hubbys parents. All I could get out of it was talking to daughter and her parents are divorcing after 30 years. I kept thinking if its your daughter arent you the parents? Geesh I think I am missing my lack of sleep last night.

    Sweet pea got her last shot last night. I hold her while SO sticks her. I dont like doing the sticking. She is so much better and up and about swishing her tail and eating normal. Nice to see her feeling so much better.

    ok gotta go find my desk. I shall return.

  • karen1956
    karen1956 Member Posts: 4,604
    edited June 2007
    Good mornig CG's - I have the day off today, so thought I would check in early. Got lots of stuff to do in the house - like clean and organize and pay bills!! It is nice to have the extra day. Sure wish I could work 4 days/week all the time. But like everyone else here, just way too many bills. Convinced DH that we need to apply for financial aid for DD in college. He didn't realize what we were spending a month - yes, I have told him several times, but he just finally heard it and gave in to fill out the financial aid forms. Don't know if we'll get anything but its worth a try.
    Just got an email from my mother that my dad was rushed to the ER lst night - he has a blocked bowel. Don't know any other details. Dad has been only home for about 1 1/2 weeks from rehab after back surgery in January. Don't know any other details. My mom is annoyed with me as I didn't call this weekend (and she didn't call me!! - I guess I'm not a good daughter).It just never seems to end. I guess I don't call my mom much as I just can't deal with it - dealing with me is more than I can handle.

    Lise - why won't your onc let you go back to Tamox. My onc switched me to tamox from AI's due to side effects, but I don't like it. One day, I will get brave and call him back and ask to try AI's again - maybe Aromasin, or try the Femara or Arimidex again. My CTS did go away off the AI's.
    Sherndon - happy anniversary - how many yeasr.
    Nicki- glad you're back- you deserve a vaction - any special plans? good luck with applying for the new job - hope you get it if its what you want
    Sue - happy one year from Dx - hope it is a good day (or was)
    Colleen - wow - cello recital - congrats
    MArsha - ha ha - commando barbie car!! I love it.
    Beth - HUGS - really hope its nothing - you need a chance to feel good. hope DH is bettere quickly.
    Suz - sympathies on your aunt.
    Shirley and Amy - glad you liked the site. I also checked it out last night and it is great. I am also going to get a few of her books. She is a really neat lady.
    Well, its time to go get busy - told myself that I would be productive today - but I'm sure I will be back a few times through out the day. Hugs from denver
  • newvickie
    newvickie Member Posts: 2,941
    edited June 2007
    Ok...just getting a chance to pop in at work.
    Have a question...probably should post it elsewhere but what the heck.
    My ribs on my rad side are killing me today! Just all of a sudden they hurt like he!!. Finished rads way back in September and it feels like it was yesterday...excedrin isn't touching it and I know it's unrelated to my fall (wrong side). Bone mets don't show up overnight do they? Ok Ok...I know...being paranoid but what the heck! Should I wait a few days and see if it improves or what?
    I hate friggin cancer!
    I do love all of you though
  • jasmine
    jasmine Member Posts: 773
    edited May 2008

    Vickie -- could the soreness be related to your recent fall from the swing???

  • susanmcm
    susanmcm Member Posts: 699
    edited June 2007

    when my ribs started hurting, it wasn't actually the ribs but the tissue in between. it went away.

  • purplemb
    purplemb Member Posts: 593
    edited June 2007
    Vicki, just because you hit one side doesn't mean you didn't pull the muscles on the other side...take care..