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  • cmb35
    cmb35 Member Posts: 554
    edited June 2007
    Vickie - Huh? I can't even imagine. And no, not a Circle Girl for sure. What happens in the Circle, is that you get love or support or a laugh or a hug or whatever it is you happen to need at that moment.

    tgirl - good to seeyou!

    Lini - hugs to you sister

    Nicki - what did I miss? Are you OK? I worried when I saw your post that you would be busy for a while - didn't sound like you.

    Karen - what a time you've been having, saying a prayer for your dad

    Amy - yikes! your Dad too! No one likes to get the "we just took your PERSON to the hospital" call - hope he's on the mend

    Sheri - sorry you're having a rough time... do whatever you need to do, but don't beat yourself up about feeling low... I spent the second half of the day on the couch today! Tons of work to do for work, around my house, and to prepare for Relay tomorrow and I just kept lying there watching bad TV and telling myself, "just 15 more minutes and then I'll get up and take a shower" Sometimes you just have to check out for a while!!!

    Christine! Where have you been? How was your date?

    shokk - hi sister

    Denise - saying hi to you too

    Madison - good to see you!

    OK missed way too many as usual, off to bed for real now...
    OK, missed way too many again...
  • neesie
    neesie Member Posts: 1,110
    edited April 2008
    I hate to believe that there are such low lives lurking on the boards, that to build their own ego they have to rip some un-deserving person apart. Your ass (as in donkey) is to good for them to kiss, Vickie. If you get anymore, I agree, we'll send Robin after them.
  • neesie
    neesie Member Posts: 1,110
    edited April 2008

    Post deleted by adrionna

  • neesie
    neesie Member Posts: 1,110
    edited April 2008
    First, Pinky wants to say she is sorry for making the page so big.. She is rather new at this!

    Pinky (named by my GD!) is getting bored. Day after Day she sits here staring at me. Anyhow, she thinks she would like to go on a vacation. She is kinda picky though..she wants to see how many places she can visit this summer! Like a cross country field trip!
    Does anyone want to take Pinky for a week? She doesn't want much. She just wants to visit as many of you as she can. She would like her picture taken with you and a little sentence about where she is. Then if you would be so kind to put her in an envelope and send her on to her next spot with the picture.......that would be great!
    She is still working on getting her passport and has to pack, so think about it and If anyone is interested, she can leave the first of the week!

  • CherrylH
    CherrylH Member Posts: 189
    edited June 2007
    Sounds ilke you're bouncing back nicely!!!
    I sent your virus warning off to several friends -- more than five -- so it has not taken overmy life, yet!!!!!

  • neesie
    neesie Member Posts: 1,110
    edited April 2008
    We're trying to correct the big page...This is Pinky that goes with my post above!image
  • CherrylH
    CherrylH Member Posts: 189
    edited June 2007
    Pinky could come to Oak Park and help me pack. I'm moving at the end of the month. I could really use the help of an extra pair of hands.

  • neesie
    neesie Member Posts: 1,110
    edited April 2008
    Good Deal Cherryl!

    We'll get addresses and details down tomorrow!!!

  • Boo46
    Boo46 Member Posts: 261
    edited June 2007
    Pinky's twin sister lives with me! Pinky 2 would love a visit with Pinky 1. Pinky 2 is my cars mascot and can show Pinky 1 all the sites in Tampa.
  • jankay
    jankay Member Posts: 789
    edited June 2007

    I think tgirl is right it was puppys nurse who emailed you, i cant think of anyone else who would do it.

  • jasmine
    jasmine Member Posts: 773
    edited May 2008
    Vickie -- obviously it was a troll who sent that email. I can't imagine anyone doing this. And to not even use a name you would recognize is just cowardly. Whoever it was -- if you have something to say -- why don't you use your board screen name or real name to say it. Coward! Its probably the same person who keeps downgrading our thread ratings.

    Tricia -- I love that WORK virus thing. Think I will cut and paste it to a few coworkers and tell them I've had enough of them sending me viruses.

    Robin -- so good to see you back. How long do you plan to borrow my shovel?

    Z -- what's up, sweetie? Can we loan you a few shovels? Its not just for family members. We can help bury nasty coworkers too.

    Okay, here's my thoughts about what people post in the circle. I don't care if you have a hang nail or a stubbed toe that is bothering you. If its enough to bother you then its enough to share with the circle. That's what sisters do -- we share the good and the bad no matter how big or small. No matter how significant or insignificant. We share the small things in our days that bring us smiles and joy and we share the big heartaches that bring us sadness. That's what sisters do. We don't measure who has the biggest boo boo to determine who gets circle time or who is most important. I know I don't share alot in the circle because I really don't have that much going on. Mainly, my days are just working (and hoping I have a job come next Christmas), eating, and falling asleep on the sofa. Hardly the stuff novels are made of. But, I love reading all the posts and keeping in contact with everyone else.
  • jankay
    jankay Member Posts: 789
    edited June 2007

    A M E N S I S T E R
  • nosurrender
    nosurrender Member Posts: 737
    edited June 2007

    Lini, you are my sister and dear friend... sending you a big hug.

    Tricia, you are awesome at how well you are doing! Atta girl!

    Karen, you and your dad are in my prayers.

    Sheri, I hope things get better.

    Robin, you are this thread's inspiration! YOU GO GIRL!

    Amy I am praying for you and your dad too!

    I am missing many because I am anxious to post to Vickie...

    First let me say that you Jaz wrote a beautiful post!

    Vickie, I am SO SORRY you got that email! Unfortunately it sounds very familiar and I can tell you it is NOT a circle girl. We have been down this road before with a few special people who read everything we write but never post here, instead they judge us and try to tear us apart. They have been unsuccessful in the past and will be again in the future.
    It isn't personal. It is just someone taking the opportunity to try and hurt a beloved Circle Girl. Hey, it has been six weeks- they were due for another hit on us.

    Save the email and IP address. I can send you info about how to look it up and it will tell you what state and city it came from.

    Love you and all my circle sisters.
  • b445
    b445 Member Posts: 980
    edited June 2007
    Puupy just wanted to say Yeah! but I know the anyerism is important to take care of too! Prayers are with you!

    Really much to tired tonight.
    Anyone have to do the nuepogen shots? or know how much they cost? looks like I will have to start them soon!

    Hugs to all
  • AlaskaDeb
    AlaskaDeb Member Posts: 1,159
    edited June 2007
    Neupogen is spendy. Does your insurance pay? My insurance paid for nuepogen, neulasta or procrit only if the doc's office gave them. I had a friend that her insurance only paid if she got each shot as a prescription and paid the 30 dollar deductible under her prescription plan. My Neulasta cost $3,800 a shot, all covered by insurance but I only needed it once every 2 weeks. Neulasta is the long-acting form of the same drug as Neupogen.

    Good luck
    Deb C
  • Tricia
    Tricia Member Posts: 103
    edited June 2007
    Denise, I would love for Pinky to visit me. He will have a lot of playmates. I'm almost embarrassed to say how many of his cousins I still have from when I went nuts buying them for my nieces and then decided to buy for me, too. I still love them, though. I just give them away now, so if you know a child (or adult) who would like any, just let me know.
    Pimky could collect shells, go sailing, snorkling. Can he have a Pina Colada?
  • MargaretB
    MargaretB Member Posts: 771
    edited June 2007
    So much catching up to do. I've been reading when I can but not able to post much.

    Lini, welcome back; you were missed. As far as cancelling your surgery, they cancelled my bilateral less than 24 hours before it was scheduled. Want me to do some yelling at them for you?

    Gina, congratulations on finishing your last adriamycin. Just keep thinking that you're kicking some cancer butt. Great MUGA scan results. I must have missed the pic of you and Beth.

    Lisa, welcome back, you were missed too.

    Shirley, what car show is hubby going to? Mine was supposed to fly to TN tomorrow for a car show but since we fly standby, all the flights through a hub were oversold so he won't be able to get a flight out (I was looking forward to some me time too). Maybe I can send him your way.

    Beth, hope you are feeling better. Love the names - Ringo and LaVerne.

    Amy and Karen, saying a prayer for your dads.

    Puppy, congrats on the NO CANCER!!!

    Sheri, congrats due to you too on your results.

    Z, you need to come here and let us help you when you need it.

    Vickie, I cannot believe someone would send you that email. Actually, I can believe they would.

    Jasmine, you said it so perfectly.

    Ok, this took me 2 hours.......missed many but I'm thinking of you.

    Lova ya guys.

  • susanmcm
    susanmcm Member Posts: 699
    edited June 2007
    i would love for pinky to visit here. I could take her over to meet cheri. What a wonderful idea. By the time Pinky gets back to you she will need a really big envelope.

    ok, before i embarass myself again, is Pinky a female or a male????

    Tricia I love your viruses. I used to have them. I don't have them anymore. either it's too hot here (SW MO) or I'm too old.
  • bearlysane111
    bearlysane111 Member Posts: 592
    edited June 2007
    Hi,everyone! Writing before 1AM…I can’t believe it! Got the eye dr’s visit over for 3 months--no glaucoma today…escaped it one more time..big tests coming in Oct. I am breathing a little easier tonight than last night. I will try to forget it until the fall.

    Puppy…such good news and I checked in sev times this aft! Yeah!!!! We are all glad to hear no cancer.
    Betty …glad you were able to not be up all night long;I gave up abt 2 and took my Ambien.

    Vickie…ticks me off that someone would write that to you. Like someone judging another person’s concerns. After cancer,life is never the same for anyone. Everything is diff and to be so callous and such a coward. I am so sorry--you know how good you are to care abt everyone. There are rotten apples in every barrel and they love to spoil the rest! Good luck tomorrow!
    Nicki…great to see you back! That pool sounds might fine with this 90 plus stuff;sorry abt the week as I know the feeling. I just feel better after reading what everyone is doing and feeling;like a big chain. (Christmas time...we made paper chains so many yrs ago,they connected…like we do now.) We never lost the chain links;just added more and more to them.

    LisaE…so glad to see you back as I was reading some of the posts on another thread. I admire you and your spirit. I am glad you are here and sorry abt the hands. Hope that you get some relief;your picture is so attractive been meaning to say that to you.
    Cheri…how are you feeling today? I think I read that your posts were disappearing. I am lucky that Colleen and Nicki rescued me. Take care and thinking of you!
    Jasmine…what a nice thing to write abt the Circle Girls! You really just said what I was thinking and expressed it better,too. It is nice to have a place to feel accepted.

    Amy…how is your dad tonight? Been thinking abt him all day and hope that you had a good rept. That little Sweet Pea,I couldn’t give a shot either--makes me cringe to get my own. Good for SO as she is a good dr.
    Sue…know how you feel abt the anniversary date;don’t like to rememb that one. Hope that your day went well and that your family is having a fun trip. Alone time is good sometimes.

    Susan...laughed abt the lawnmower. We have a John Deere that barely will make it these days! Should be fun on that one!
    Cherryl…where are you moving closer to NC,I hope,I hope!
    Tricia…good to see you and glad you are posting. Hope the ps visit goes well on Fri.

    Shirley…good luck at dentist tomorr;enjoy your lunch,too. Glad you had a good day and good for husb;hate that car stuff.
    Marsha…I can see you in your PT Cruiser. What color is it? Laughing abt the normal part--that is what I told my dr when he said the eye stuff was not normal. I told him my family is not normal and why should my eyes be?

    Suz..,so sorry abt your husband’s sister. I rememb reading abt your trip and thought what a wonderful person she must have been. You were talking about Notre Dame and mentioned some of your husband’s relatives,too. So sorry…you are in my thoughts.
    Colleen…glad that Warren’s concert went well;I know it is a happy and sort of sad time--at least it was for me when the fifth graders left.Hope he is having lots of fun this wkend.
    Robin…sounds like me at PO after eye dr,clerk was so rude and asked me what postage I needed on the letter…duh? How abt weighing it and then we would know.His attitude!:(

    Sheri…glad that you had good results from all the testing.
    purplemb…you are one hard working lady! I am bowled over how much you do while I sit here on my lazy backside. I am glad you are exercising for me,too. Thanks! LOL
    Madison…sorry that the work is swamping you;hope it eases up some;ready for Fri here.

    Beth…those infections need to be gone and let you get back to feeling well,again. So sorry to read abt them and we are
    Thinking of you;husband,too. Maybe he is a just a short viral thing and he is feeling better,I hope.
    Teresa…have a nice weekend! Sorry to read abt your left hand.
    Liz…good news abt your MIL. I know you and your husb were so relieved when she was moved out from ICU.

    Lini..hi to you! Sorry that flu-like stuff is around. Hate that feeling!
    Jan…loved what you said abt Vickie…I am with you;hate when people write neg stuff on a support network like this!
    Denise…send Pinky this way…will try not to “forget and adopt another one”. Have lots of special ones and they always
    are looking for new friends!We have neat sailboats and fishing,lovely magnolia and pine trees.
    Deb…what are you up to this wkend? Read that funny stuff abt your mom. Grew up on a farm;ya gotta do what works.LOL
    Karen…glad you had a day off and so sorry abt your father.
    Gina…you are so right abt the support and the e-mail. I hope you trace it,Vickie! That makes me mad! Hope you are having a good day,Gina. Thinking of you!
    Jankay…hope the therapy session went well.

    Cy...good to see you and I hope Fri goes well;how are the grandkids?
    Kristin…Wow a coffee house performance! Do you sing and play an instrument? What talent!
    Tricia…that WORK stuff is dangerous and addictive! I have learned to just say”NO!” Good luck w/PS tomorr.

    Have a great weekend! My apologies if I left anyone out as I think all of us are so lucky to have each other.
  • karen1956
    karen1956 Member Posts: 4,604
    edited June 2007
    Just stopping by to say goodnight. Denise, Pinky is more than welcome to visit me in Denver. Like Tricia, I have lots of Pinky's cousins. Many of them sit on my nightstand right next to my bed. I love bears. I have them in all sizes. Several large ones are on top of my headboard, and more of Pinky's cousins on my dresser. Its a good think my DH loves me!!!
    Puppy - so glad its not cancer - keep us posted.
    Tricia - loved the virus - I cut and pasted it to DH and some friends and saved it on word.
    Not much new on my dad. They put a tube down his nose to unblock the blocked bowel. More tests tomorrow. If it was successful - then good. If not, then surgery. My mother is a basket case. I wish I could go down and visit (they are in Boynton Beach), but DH has a busy travel schedule the next two weeks, then we leave on a two week vacation. I just hope I feel good on vacation, but I told DH I could feel lousy at home or on vacation and that I will push myself. Still waiting for call back from onc. Talk to PS late this afternoon and he wants to do the surgery to fix the implant the middle of July.
    Too tired to name everyone by name, but you know I love you all and how much you all mean to me. I will try to check in tomorrow. Meetings/staff development all day at work, so won't have time to sneak on. also didn't do any cooking tonight for shabbat, so will have to do it all when I get home from work tomorrow afternoon. Hugs from Denver. Karen
  • bearlysane111
    bearlysane111 Member Posts: 592
    edited June 2007
    Hey to you,Margaret! My post was so long that your name was cut off. Sorry abt your husband's trip to TN. Have a good weekend!

  • snowmen_n_thongs
    snowmen_n_thongs Member Posts: 367
    edited June 2007
    good evening ladies....

    been very stressed out lately went to see the doctor today.... things are ok.... but doc thinks i need to slow down a bit... thinks i should take up yoga! ha!!!! well i guess i should take his advice!
    oh yeah i got my results from my ca 125 and the number was a 7.1 as far as i understand thats really freakin low!!!!!!
    well i am going to have one more adult beverage and head to bed!!!!!
    nite ladies
  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Member Posts: 1,233
    edited June 2007
    Good evening ladies. I think I know which button I hit that deletes my posts. When I handle this keyboard I do it by the corner and that button is the Ctrl button and I think that's what's doing it. I dunno, but when it happens it ruins my day. I didn't even take notes I was so far behind. And I've felt like crap since this surgery. I've had about 5 or 6 of these same type foot surgeries but it's been 2 yrs since the last, due to the surgery & crap for bc. I hate being so handicapped. Everything I do is a pain in the butt. I dropped my cell phone off my night stand earlier and I think it went somewhere under the edge of the bed but I can't see it. I heard it ringing earlier. But I couldn't get to it. Damn! I can't exactly get down on the floor and look for it but I did think of using a broom handle if I knew the vicinity of it. We don't use our home phone so its not even plugged in. We have dial-up and on the net all the time so we don't use anything but our cells. Yes, I'm griping and whining over my leg being in a cast and being unable to weight bear. It hurts. I'm grumpy all the time and don't even feel like posting and then when I do try I lose the damned things! And another thing, whoever the nasty email came from....I'm not sweet Vickie so c'mon you coward & pick on me. My email address is as follows: but don't be anonymous, play fair and believe me I'll make a worthy opponent. I suggest you leave Vickie and everyone else here alone, want to pick on somebody, here I am. Hit me with your best shot!! You lily livered ass!

    Puppy, Congrats on your good news.

    Tricia, you are doing marvelous after surgery!

    Gina, ain't it so.

    Mena, come out and play, been awhile.

    LisaE, so glad you're back, my friend.

    Lini, it's good to have you back.

    Laura, praying for your dd and family.

    Iris, hope your appt. with the opthamologist went well. I know you were dreading it. You are a sweetie.

    Suz, sorry about dh's aunt.

    Marsha, YOU are commandoBarbie??

    Shirley, hope you enjoyed your day alone.

    Amy, hoping your daddy get alright. Sometimes it's good to be the youngest, I'm the baby of 8.

    Pinky can come to my house, susan can bring HER.

    Hey to Madison, Janny, Vickie, Nicki, Susan, Carrie, Denise, Brenda, Z, Jazzmanian, Boo, Gus, Karen, Kristen, Socal, MB, Jankay, Colleen, Marsha, Theresa, Robin, Sheri, Liz, anyone else I missed. Notes were all gone and my memory is lousy. To all of you have a nice evening.

  • sherloc
    sherloc Member Posts: 893
    edited June 2007
    sweet dreams dear sisters. Hubby safely home with Beep Beep. He says they took good care of him. Now I can go to sleep.

    Vicki, I'm sorry you got nasty mail. There is just no accounting for some people. But bad karma always gets repaid I think.

    Jan, have dentist appt tomorrow, gonna have a nice long chat with him and see what can and can't be done. If nothing o well. I've had corn cob teeth all my life, I can deal with it.

    Think of me tomorrow dears. Have gyn appt in morning and dentist in afternoon. My two favorite things to do all in one day. Hurrah for me.
    See you tomorrow....putting fossilmax by coffee pot right now.
  • sherloc
    sherloc Member Posts: 893
    edited June 2007
    Pinky needs to come to my house too. I'll take him to visit a real gold mine and maybe even yosemite.

    Jas, amen and amen. Nasty people are a waste of good air.

    Off to bed. See ya
  • newvickie
    newvickie Member Posts: 2,941
    edited June 2007
    Posting angel sisters because that is what you all are to me!
    Good morning sisters all! are all simply the very best. You took every word of that nasty email and nearly erased it from my mind with your wonderful words. Thank you so much. I know it wasn't a CG...never never never. I actually wish I had saved it and posted it here for all to see but I was so shocked...I read it several times and then made myself delete it so I wouldn't keep going back to it.
    ROFLMBO at your dander up. I'd hate for you to get a nasty email though. (but I must admit I'd love to see your response.) I'm sorry to that your feeling so low...sending you a big hug!
    Gina...I deleted the email like a fool! If I get another one (which wouldn't surprise me) I will keep it...I will actually post it (deleting all the profanities).
    Karen...a tube down the nose to unblock his bowel! Yikes...I really hope he's feeling better. I hope to that you get to have a wonderful time when you go on vacation.
    Wake up Nicki and Jankay it's lonely this early in the morning.
    I have to get on the run. I have to go in to work before dr.'s (although I'm thinking I would rather go with the three week rule...if it still hurts after three weeks get it checked)...I soooo hate going. I have sooo much work to get done and I'm almost there! One more project to finish up and I can say that I am totally caught up.

    Oh one more thing!!!
    Sheri and Sean...HAPPY ANNIVERSARY!!
    Love and hugs to are so dear to me!
  • newvickie
    newvickie Member Posts: 2,941
    edited June 2007
    Gina...I may not have deleted my trash in my email. I will check on it and see. (hope hope).
    Denise...I would love to have Pinky come for a visit! (I wrote that I would love to show Pinky a good time and it just didn't sound right...LOL).
    I'm really getting ready for work now!!
  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Member Posts: 2,728
    edited June 2007

    Vickie: I am shocked about you getting a nasty email. It wasnt a circle girl thats for sure. Thats the one reason we stay here in the circle to avoid being around someone who could be so mean!! Now with regards to your rib and arm pain. I have been worried about that all night, just didnt have time to post. You took a pretty bad fall this past week-end. Sometimes pain and injury doesnt show up for a day or two until there is some swelling. Call me the odd ball, but when I heard about the arm and rib pain I immediately thought about you falling on your neck. Doesnt matter what side you fell on as the trauma of a hard thump could easily cause problems on the other side. I am glad you are finially going to the doctor and getting things checked out. Sort of like a car accident. Sometimes you dont feel pain until a day or two after the accident. I dont post my email addy to anyone just for this reason.

    Nasty Email Sender: I know you are reading this and taking delight in the fact that you hurt someones feelings. You are a pathetic human being with no heart and this one is for you.


    The Italian curse has been put upon you, enjoy your run of bad luck.

    Z: I cant find your post, but from reading other posts Im getting the picture that you are feeling down. Happens to all of us. Not an easy journey to go through. The wonderful thing about the circle wagon is that we are here for ya no matter what the problem, what the issue it. So sending lots of love your way.


    Puppy: The inital response is happiness - no cancer. No you have a hwole different issue to deal with. I read the report - hate those darn reports, they manage to tell you enough to get you scared and then dont make much sense because the words are so technical. An aneurysm is a weakening of the wall of an artery. Sort of liek a balloon when you put air in it. Sounds like they caught this in its early stages - and thats good. I evaluate people who have had this and had surgery to repair it - and believe me they look great. So wishing you good luck with the neurosurgeon.

    Lini: Sounds like it was good the surgery was postponed because of being a little sick right now with flulike symptoms. Dont be too upset with our PS. In the realm of things - the exhcange surgery is so important to us. Its closure. But he could have been operating on someone who has bigger problems. I was bumped off the surgery schedule for someone that needed an emergency appendectomy. Didnt change the fact that I was disappointed, angry, upset - wow the words and tears were flying in this household. Your day will come and afterwards you will feel magnificent.

    Sheri: Im with Lini. I tried to take a break - lasted a whole 24 hours. My family and friends convinced me that coming here wasnt healthy for me. That all I think about is cancer and that I need to start enjoying life again. This is the same family that doesnt want to hear me talk about any pains or fears. The good news is that you are NED. The other day I just took a deep breath and said to hell with my family and friends. They are tired of listening to me and they dont understand. One of them actually said "you use the cancer card too much." WTF! Wonder how they would feel if they had bc, positive nodes, her2+ and unable to finish chemo cause of heart issues! I need to come here to stay sane. So just take all the time you need - we will be here when you come back.

    Wow! So many posts I will never catch up.

    Jan: Glad you talked to someone. Sometimes it just helps talking because I really do believe we internalize our feelings. Make everyone this we are ok. But when you internalize feelings - it catches up with you. For me, I became a wild woman at work this past week. Hanging my head in shame at all the people I yelled at.

    Beth: I supposed right about now you are questioning whether you made the right choice. The recovery has been very difficult for you. My one sister passed from cancer of the ovasry 11 years ago at the age of 46. Her gyne onc told me to have a prophylactic bil. mast! At the time genetic testing wasnt available. I remember thinking well thats a pretty severe recommendation. To this day I think about it. If I would have had the surgery, I would not be where I am today. Wouldnt have breast cancer with a positive node. Wouldnt have needed chemo. Once you get through the recovery and you look back, you will be relieved and know you made the right choice. The elevated temp worries me. Make sure you are drinking lots of water and get lots of rest.

    Jasmine: Great post

    NS: Yes indeed you and I know exactly who it was! The flying monkeys hit again - but thats just what they are. Flying monkeys.

    OK! My time is up. I have missed many of you. Hoping you have a wonderful day.

    BRSTN Member Posts: 165
    edited June 2007
    Good morning,

    Hey I have a Pinky also and mine would love a visit. Mine doesn't have the tag anymore so I won't get them mixed up. I'll post a picture this weekend.

    Vickie, big hugs to you girlfriend. Yep, we all got your back.

    I'll try to post more later. Just wanted to make sure I was there with the Sunshine Sisters.

    Yep, it's "Fossilmax Friday"

    <<<<<<<Puppy>>>>>> Great news. Now we know what's up and you'll be fine.



  • jankay
    jankay Member Posts: 789
    edited June 2007
    I am here vicki
    i was fighting for puter at 6 and i lost