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    BRSTN Member Posts: 165
    edited June 2007
    Here's Cure


    Here's Cure with Susan behind her and Miami beside Susan.

    Yes, all my animals have names.

    So Pinky can come visit and play with them. they would love it.

  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Member Posts: 1,233
    edited June 2007
    Generic Name: vancomycin (van koe MYE sin)
    Brand Names: Lyphocin, Vancocin HCl, Vancocin HCl Pulvules
    What is the most important information I should know about vancomycin?

    Before taking vancomycin, tell your doctor if you are allergic to any drugs, or if you have kidney disease, problems with your hearing, or a chronic intestinal condition such as inflammatory bowel disease, Crohn's disease, or ulcerative colitis.
    Vancomycin can cause temporary or permanent hearing loss. Stop taking this medication and call your doctor at once if you have any hearing problems or ringing in your ears.

    To be sure this medication is not causing harmful effects, your hearing will need to be tested on a regular basis. Do not miss any scheduled visits to your doctor.
    Take this medication for the entire length of time prescribed by your doctor. Your symptoms may get better before the infection is completely treated. Vancomycin will not treat a viral infection such as the common cold or flu.

    What is vancomycin?

    Vancomycin is an antibiotic. It fights bacteria in the body.

    Vancomycin is used to treat infections of the intestines that cause colitis (inflammation of the large intestine).

    Vancomycin may also be used for purposes other than those listed in this medication guide.

    What should I discuss with my healthcare provider before taking vancomycin?
    Do not use this medication if you are allergic to vancomycin.

    Before taking vancomycin, tell your doctor if you are allergic to any drugs, or if you have:

    * kidney disease,

    hearing problems; or

    a chronic intestinal condition such as inflammatory bowel disease, Crohn's disease, or ulcerative colitis.

    If you have any of these conditions, you may not be able to use vancomycin, or you may need a dosage adjustment or special tests during treatment.
  • Gus
    Gus Member Posts: 177
    edited June 2007
    Hi girls,

    I only have time for a quick post. My son is now officially a kindergarten grad, and he did great at his little ceremony. For the first time in his life, I watched him sing along with the other children with a big smile on his face. Usually, he is the one with his hands over his ears while everyone else is singing. We also found out this week that he has been selected as Student of the Month at his karate studio. I can't even express how amazing it is to see good things happening for him!

    Amy, I'm saying a prayer for your dad.

    Vickie, I guess things like the email should no longer shock me, but they still do. I consider all of the daily circle updates like a lunch date with friends -- sometimes we talk about the serious stuff and sometimes we don't. We all know that you are wonderful ...keep talking about whatever you want to talk about! And to the lurker...I think it was Fitztwins who once had the tag line "Be kind for we are all fighting a hard battle." Think about it!

    Cheri, I just love you and I hope that I never piss you off!

    Deb, have a great time at the conference. It sounds like something that I would love!

    Marsha, enjoy your party! I think it is a good idea to not think about the rads until you are done celebrating. For what it is worth, I found rads to be a little inconvenient but a heck of alot easier than chemo. And, the rads side effects did not impair my pole dancing at all!

    Denise, you can send Pinky my way as well. My daughter has an extensive beanie baby collection that I've been wanting to sell on ebay. I'll make sure Pinky doesn't end up in the For Sale box!

    Gotta run, but I wanted to send love and hugs to all!

  • cmb35
    cmb35 Member Posts: 554
    edited June 2007
    Hey all, well I'm off to pick up Warren from school and then we are off to the Relay. We're both really excited about it, and I'm hoping and praying that my upset tummy, which has been getting progressively worse all day, resolves quickly! I am not looking forward to a port-a-potty to begin with, but a port-a-potty and a stomach bug are a recipe for disaster!!

    Sheri, Nicki, everyone who sometimes wonders whether a "break" is a good thing or not. I struggle with that too, but it's not that I think that the boards "remind me" of cancer. Unfortunately, I need no reminding on that score! For me, it's that I start to feel bad/guilty when I'm not keeping up. I know how good it makes me feel when someone responds specifically to me (and Lordy! if you respond to something about Warren is brings tears to my eyes every time! I don't really have any "family" to share his accomplishments with besides my sister who lives in VA and has 2 kids of her own - my mom died when he was just 2, I'm single, and my Dad is basically out of it and has started drinking significantly since my mom died, anyway, to have someone say, "wow, congrats!" about something Warren did really means a lot to me)

    OK, dagnab Quick Reply box! What am I saying, hold on, need to scroll... Oh yeah! So I put pressure on myself to respond to every single person. So crazy I know, as this very topic has come up more than once, and if someone else said that I would immediately respond, "don't be silly, do what you can do, etc."

    Anyway, for me, it's not that I ever need a break from this place or from you ladies, but sometimes, I can't keep up, and in those times I just read and don't post much. And that's OK!!

    Amy - hugs to you, and prayers for Dad

    DebC - wow, I love Amy Tan! Have a great conference. I've always wanted to do a writing class and never had the guts! (Afraid I'll just draw a big old blank!)

    Sue - So glad to hear about your sweet boy singing and smiling. You must have just been ready to burst!

    Marsha - celebrate the end of chemo for sure, deal with rads (or not) when the time comes, but don't let that make you feel like you haven't just finished a HUGE part of your treatment!

    Iris - love your picture btw, I don't know how to post pictures (though I did do it once, I can't remember what I did), there is a picture of me somewhere here on the moving on picture thread though...

    Vicki - how's the neck? enjoy your weekend with Nathaniel, and please, take it easy!!

    tracey - good to see you!!

    OK, I'm off and won't be back until Sunday at least! Hugs to you all and have a great, relaxing, peaceful, weekend!
  • AlaskaDeb
    AlaskaDeb Member Posts: 1,159
    edited June 2007
    ok...self centered gripe warning....feel free to skip this, I just need to vent.

    After being gone for a fricking year-and-a-half my PERIOD decided to make a massive return engagement just in time for my first me-me-me get-away since cancer!!!! WTF! today of all days...grrrrrrrr

    Last night I had some cramps and actually thought..."Hmmmm, if my periods had not stopped, I would actually think I had cramps."

    HA! I guess the joke is on ME! I am ER negative, so this isn't a medical problem....just poor timing!

    OK...griping done. I am packing up my advil and hitting the road. Thanks for letting me bitch.

    Deb C
  • newvickie
    newvickie Member Posts: 2,941
    edited June 2007
    I'M HOME!!!!
    I'M OK...well sorta.
    Two swollen cervical (?)disks that they are having someone else look at...a torn ligament between my shoulder blade and collar bone and the dread conc....can't spell it...swelling between the ribs from rads. Taking motrin and waiting to see what else they want to do.

    Ok...I don't even care at this point how I feel!!! I FEEL SO HAPPY AND LOVED YOU CAN'T EVEN IMAGINE!!! I now know how it feels to get an afghan because I got home and guess what was on my front porch!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! AAAUUUGGGHHH....I NEVER IN A MILLION YEARS WOULD HAVE GUESSED SUCH A WONDERFUL THING. Yes...I sat right down and bawled my eyes out right in front of my sister! She left and I read the cards and notes and bawled some more!!! HAPPY HAPPY TEARS!
    I love ya all my sweet wonderful circle sisters and if this is how it feels to receive an afghan then this will be my lifetime send as many as I can because it made my day!
  • Madison
    Madison Member Posts: 859
    edited June 2007
    Vickie, OUCH!! take care…you really injured yourself when you fell. You received your afghan...aren't these sisters the absolute BEST!! My eyes were swollen this morning ‘cause I cried such happy tears last night.
    Amy, prayers for your Dad.
    Deb, enjoy your writing weekend..(who knows - Pinkstock may turn into a novel of epic proportions should you decide to write about the weekend – I saw something about some mowers on another thread).
    Colleen, you SHOULD be PROUD of Warren…hug him tight, tight..they grow up so fast. Hope the stomach is okay.
    Marsha, enjoy your party….any dancing on the bar scheduled?
    NS, hope you are better. I, like you, cannot understand someone being mean to anyone in the circle.
    Nicki, that Italian curse should give the e-mailer something to ponder
    Denise, do you think Pinky would like to visit down South….I would love to show Pinky some live oak trees, spanish moss, the Evangeline Oak Tree (based on the poem by Longfellow; we would have lots to do…
    Gus, thinking about your son graduating from Kindergarten brought tears to my eyes…so sweet and to be selected as Student of the Month is AWESOME.
    Cheri, glad to see you are ready to do battle again…..
    Betty, shhhhh….don’t tell, but I actually hand delivered my military daughter’s teddy bear to her at her base a few months ago….his name is Fuzzy….and I cried when I saw the absolute joy at Fuzzy and my daughter’s reunion. They missed each other so much.
    Jan, I am sorry you have been down lately…..what can we do to help?
    Sheri, I received you wonderful squares…and they have already been incorporated in a new afghan….It sounds like you are looking forward to next school year.
    Puppy, enjoy your fishing trip.
    Beth, praying that your fever goes away and you start feeling so very much better (and that DH gets better)….TIME FOR GOOD THINGS TO HAPPEN FOR YOU.
    Karen, how is your Dad?
    Z, COME BACK!!!!! We miss you dear…..this is the place to be when you are feeling down, feeling tired..
    Morning, Afternoon Jankay.
    Teresa, the eagle scout ceremony is so touching, so wonderful…and to think you have a battleship that can host the ceremony…enjoy…the scout and his family should be so very proud of this accomplishment.
    Sue, did you get off of work at noon today? Are you able to get some rest?…my daughter just finished a 2 week emergency room night rotation-she was exhausted.
    Tracey, hello – you sound very busy-your doctor is even noticing how stressful your life is right now...sure hope you can find some peace and quiet time very soon.
    Robin, Robin, we worry when you don’t post….but it does look like you are moving onward-forward-gaining strength
    Shirley, sending positive thoughts your sisters way. How did your appointments go today?
    Hi Margaret….there are many side effects of Tamox-I think the hormone thread has some information for you.
    Alwayshope, I love what you said about being in the circle…how true those words are…
    CY, thinking about you….hope you are doing okay today.
    Tricia, your house sounds like fun…you are offering Pinky a pina coloda-YES!! That is the way to start a good visit!!!
    Suz..,so sorry about your husband’s sister. So very sad.
    Iris, Great news….no glaucoma!! We will all be with you for the tests in October.
    Oh my goodness, I hope I didn’t forget anyone…thinking of all of you –
    Hugs, Madison
  • nosurrender
    nosurrender Member Posts: 737
    edited June 2007
    UGH Cheri! That is the drug I have to take for my C-diff! It is only for that and I hope NO ONE EVER has to take it or has the need for it.

    Cheri? Is your ankle infected?? That drug is not for infections except those in the intestine. You would need a real med. Please call your doc if that is what they prescribed. I read that more pharmacies make more mistakes these days.

    Deb, your post reminds me of "Sometimes your the windshield, sometimes your the bug",,,ugh!

    Prayers for all our girls with dads in need. Amy and Karen, my dad is my best friend, i can't imagine what you are going through.

    Guz- I am so proud of your graduate!

    Colleen, I LOVE to hear about Warren. I don't have any kids so I will celebrate yours with you!

    I just have to say, Jaz you crack me up!!

    Love to all- will try a longer post later.
    Cheri, call your doc! You should not be on that drug for any other infection other than in your intestines!

    Vickie, please take it easy and rest!!!
  • RobinTN
    RobinTN Member Posts: 466
    edited June 2007
    Vickie:I am glad you got some good news.Now about the A&)hole who wrote you the nasty email send me their addy and I will take care of them,I have alot more to get off my chest.I am like you I dont start trouble and I dont run from it when it is in my face either.Once when I was younger it took 3 grown men to get me off of my x's gf at the time.That was a happy time.

    Thanks :Lini,I am just now starting to feel more like my old self.

    Jan:thank you also.I hate EVIL also,I just cant wait to let the good times roll here,when I am done I will be the only one left standing.Between me and him of course.

    Theresa:Thank you so much.

    Lisa:Where r you??

    Beth:I am glad you are doing some better.When I had both breast removed I had a terrible time also.I developed a huge seroma on the rt side the week after sugery,the dr.sliced it open in his office and junk went everywhere.Then I had a huge gaping,undermining hole that took about 3 months to heal.Well then around christmas that same year 6 months post of,i started running a temp and my left side where the ca was started turning red.So i went to the sugeron and I had another seroma,he had no answer as to why but once again I got scliced open and stuck in UT hospital for 2 days to keep my temp down.SO I went home with another hole to pack 2x day.It was not as large as the first and it healed fast.A little to fast as now the area where the scar is is stuck to the chest wall and my chest is so tight it hurts.

    I cant wait to find a ps to go to.It has been 2 years for me without boobs.I tried on a bathing suite the other day that had padded boobs and it looked so odd I started laughing.Glad no one was around to see my teeth...

    Will be back later.I have found a few online colleges and requested info.I just cant wait to get started.

    oh i almost forgot

    Jan: I love,love your posts.....
  • neesie
    neesie Member Posts: 1,110
    edited April 2008
    Vickie: Yeah!!!! You were giving us some 'nervous moments' last night! More later....just checking to see if you received your 'little surprise!"

  • lv2cmp
    lv2cmp Member Posts: 899
    edited June 2007
    ok got a dad update. I was at the 1:00 visiting and he continues to have mild consecutive heart attacks. He is scheduled for a heart cath at 6:00 tonight and if that doesnt work they will put in a stint. Its on the front of his heart. Daddy is worried of course and was telling me where the tractor keys were. I know he is thinking in case he doesnt make it but I just said I didnt need the tractor tonight or anything and before long he would be back on it. Nothing worse than seeing tears roll down your dads eyes. Gawd this sucks! I had rather it be me in that bed because I can handle it and I know I can. Mother looks like crap but thats not surprising because I know she isnt sleeping and the stress continues to build.

  • newvickie
    newvickie Member Posts: 2,941
    edited June 2007
    ok sweet ladies...I am off to photograph a bridal shower. Not use what time I will be back but hopefully not late and I will check in when I return.
    So much for relaxing LOL. Hope they have some blue drinks at this shower...the Motrin is worthless!
    love and hugs to all
  • lv2cmp
    lv2cmp Member Posts: 899
    edited June 2007
    Another dad update. Surgery is postponed due to kidney problems showing up through something and I dont know what. They have called in a specialist and he should be there at about 5 or 5:30. If doc checks him out and he is ok for surgery they will do it tomorrow morn at 9 am if not I guess we are on to Monday.

  • Boo46
    Boo46 Member Posts: 261
    edited June 2007
    Well I didn't get off at noon but 4 is better then 6:30
    Marsha - I am a Veterinarian. I do relief work for Hillsborough and Pinellas counties. In other words I work at multiple clinics and cover for other Vet's vacations, days off etc. This is actually a second career for me. I am also an RN but haven't worked in nursing since 1992. I love what I do!
    Amy - So sorry your Dad is so sick. I'm praying for him.
    Shirley - Hope DH gets good news.
    Puppy - Have fun fishing.
    Sheri - Glad your feeling better. I understand about the post treatment feelings. Hugs to you.
    Deb - Have fun at the conference.
    Gus - Yippee for your son.
    Colleen - Have a wonderful time at the relay. I did my first Relay for Life in March and it was incredible.
    Vickie - Hurrah you got your afghan. You so deserve it. Hope your pains go away soon. Hugs to you.
    Madison - Not at noon but early enough to put my feet up and relax awhile. No DH and DS to fuss over tonight either. Ahhhhh
    Robin - Good luck with your college search.
    Well it is starting to thunder here so should sign off soon. Tampa - the lightning capitol of the world.
  • lisaelder1972
    lisaelder1972 Member Posts: 69
    edited June 2007
    CRAP!!!Lost my post.I am here Robin and so happy to see you fighting back girlfriend.Cheri,you crack me up but
    I am right there with you when it comes to the "LILY LIVERED ASS".Lol,wonder how they like us saying bad stuff about them?Come on,defend yourself.I will buy your gas and buy your dinner if you wanna come on down to TN.Us rednecks just looove liver.Wait are chickenshit and we step in that alot.Robin and Jankay and me are all here and we don't like nobody messing with our sister.Be back later its storming,Robin we gotta git the worsh water for the week.Jankay,you bout got them vittles done?YEEEHAWWW.Love you all.
  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Member Posts: 2,728
    edited June 2007

    Good Evening Everyone: I couldnt wait to come home since I dont have computer access at work. Im so glad Madison and Vickie got their afghans.

    Boo/Sue, Denise, everyone that contributed to the project, those of you who wanted to, and every single person that has sent squares for other sisters here with bc.


    Today was a wonderful day. Had to go to Evanston Hospital again, so of course I stopped by Lake Michigan and walked along the shore during my lunch hour. Nice breeze off the Lake and white caps were very pretty. Then I tried to stop at my favorite forest preserve. Ya know the one that I used to walk alone in? Anyways - Cicada's everywhere. Its so weird cause there have been none by my house. They actually are sort of pretty. they might be one of the ugliest bugs but to see then just hanging on a leaf with there see through wings that sort of have a rainbow. Astonishing that this only happens every 17 years. The next time I see them, I will be 74!! My life is just flying by me.

    Tgirl: Oh my goodness that sounds like so much fun. We dont have any battleships here in the Chicago area. We have Navy Pier, but now thats just a tourist attraction. I say you should start wlaking with me. I walked 2.4 miles today and its not over!!!

    Sue:Boo: Glad that you are building up your clientel again.

    Marsha: Oh I do have the Italian eyes, and I can stand just like my mother used to (she was born in Italy). But the Italian curse - its works. Am I superstitious? You bet I am.

    Someone asked about the Ca125 blood test. Its a tumor marker. I am more familiar with it being used to monitor for cancer of the ovary. But I know others here on get it drawn so it must be an indicator for bc also. I hate tumor markers. My onc believes in them so every 4 months I get a Ca15-3 and CEA.

    Beth: Slow down, take a deep breath, and dont let others scare you. You have a bad infection that I think is MRSA, (Methacillin Resistant Staph Aureous). That MRSA is nasty cause it is resistant to most antibiotics. That opens the door for Vancomycin. You have home health nurses coming in. They are running blood tests to make sure your kidneys and liver are functioning properly. They are doing peaks (highest vanco level) and troughs (lowest vanco level). As a nurse, I dont like the elevated temp. So you make sure to get yourself to the doctor. Get some cultures. Sometimes they have to combine Vancomycin with Flagyl. BTW - I just loved the cartoon. Sometimes I see some really funny cartoons and then think people might take them the wrong way so I dont post them. I laughed my arse off at your pic. Now that the angery has worn off, good advice to Vickie. We dont want to bombard this person with emails (even though the child in me says it would feel good). You and your husband need a time off week-end. Just relax and do nothing and give your bodies time to heal.

    Robin: You can get a BSN or MSN from the College of Phoenix online!

    Puppy: Good pic. I laughed at that one. How are you doing today?

    Amy: Now it all makes sense. Dad had a heart attack, the breathing is probably pulmonary edema - which is fluid in the lungs and frequently occurs after a heart attack. Ask the doctors what his cardiac enzymes are. Dont forget to ask whats normal. The higher the enzymes are above normal, is an indicator of how much damage to the heart. Also remember is takes 72 hours for a heart attack to evolve so your dad might look weaker before he looks strongre. He will be well taken care of in ICU - worked that most of my career. Next 72 hours will be critical so Im sending you a big hug.


    Sherloc: So what, did my husband call your husband? Get a job lolol. Im really laughing at that one. Guess hemight be thinking shoulder surgery is equal to bc - not.

    Jan: Lifting my glass of nice chianti and saying cheers girlfriend. I saw a mustang convertable driving in front of me today and it said bkr girl. I immediately thought of you.

    OK! dinner time. I will have to catch up with the rest of you later.

  • jankay
    jankay Member Posts: 789
    edited June 2007
    vicki you and madison deserve the afghans for all the work u do for us. now u know the joy they bring. Iwould love to see a picture with u and nate in your afghan

    take care
  • jankay
    jankay Member Posts: 789
    edited June 2007
    shirley i was still half asleep this morning and didnt get what u meant about it being a machine.

    when i said i was fighting the computer, i meant i was fighting jessica so i could use the computer. I lost
    jessica used the computer

  • zazette15
    zazette15 Member Posts: 223
    edited June 2007
    Hello Sisters, boy do I miss you all. I have about 8 pages to read to catch up. Things have not been going too well for me, even though work is better, I've been dealing with major depression behind my mother being ill and getting worse at a very rapid rate. I feel so helpless and I'm sad all the time and I cry all the time at the drop of a dime, sometimes I cannot look at her because I physically hurt in my heart for her and my stomach is messed up alot.

    I am still having my overnight get away (the reveal) with the DH because I really need him right now and I really need to be close to him so he can hold me up.

    All of you have been asking what I need and what you can do. just please don't forget about me, I really mean please don't forget about me out here in the west corner of the circle, I need you all to keep me in the center and excuse me crying all the time right now, I'll feel better soon.

    I treasure you all, sincerely. BBL.
  • jankay
    jankay Member Posts: 789
    edited June 2007
    it is about time!!!!
    welove u and we are here to help!!!!!!!
    call anytime\
    good luck this weekend

  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Member Posts: 1,233
    edited June 2007
    Good afternoon ladies. I'm feeling better today, if I don't do something to delete this post. lol My cell rang this morning while I was still in bed so I was able to determine where the sound was coming from and practically stood on my head reaching under the bed to get it. But I got it. As my Mother would say, "There's more than one way to skin a cat." I know, it's a strange saying but I heard it all my life. I have my little pot of 2 roses that Iris sent me with my bear, sitting on my computer. I stopped to smell the roses, my they smell nice. Then Amber brought the mail in and I had a crossword book and funny card from my nssp (Janny) and a funny card from Shirley. Gosh, you guys are so great. I've felt so rotten since surgery and just couldn't muster the lighthearted funny posts and you love me anyway. That is so cool.So this is a lesson for alot of us, we don't always have to be in a good mood or feel like addressing each person in a post, we can just be ourselves and feel yucky and everyone cares about us anyway.

    Vickie, don't worry about me getting a nasty email, I can handle it.

    Theresa, I try to use my powers for good but when i'm pushed I must use them for evil hahahahaha

    Boo, hey you can call me anytime for any reason. lol

    Marsha, I was referring to you being CammandoBarbie in chat. There's one in there and I was wondering if it was you.

    Amy, I know I shouldn't keep my feelings so bottled up, be more open and speak my mind. I will work on that. hahahha

    Amy, hey so sorry your daddy is sick. He'll be alright. I don't know what that'd be like to have a daddy that actually gave a crap. I always thought it'd be wonderful. I send my Mother Fathers Day Cards every year.

    Shirley, thank you so much for thinking of me and sending the funny card. Hoping manperson goes back to work on Mon.

    Puppy, enjoy that fishing trip.

    Vickie, so glad you liked your afghan. I knew you'd just love it. Now you know how others feel when they get one.

    Madison, once again, glad you got your afghan.

    Colleen and Warren, enjoy your relay. Have a great time.

    Gina, simmer down, my friend. lol I don't have an ankle infection yet that i know of. I was looking through meds and I ran across that one and remembered somebody in the Circle was taking it so I just posted for their benefit. I noticed it said not to take it if you had Crohns Disease. I can't keep everything straight on everybody but I thought it applied.

    Robin, going back to school would be great for you.

    Hey to Betty, Nicki, Jankay, and Margaret. Also to those that I didn't include i'm thinking of all of you and wishing you a nice evening. Hey Susan, LisaElder, Janny, Carrie, Brenda, Mena. I say we all go to the party thread and have blue drinks til we're sillier than we already are.

  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Member Posts: 1,233
    edited June 2007
    Z, consider yourself in the inner Circle. We will look after you and comfort you.

  • k4katz
    k4katz Member Posts: 158
    edited June 2007
    Good evening guys!

    I was home today (I work four 11 hour days, Monday-Thursday), and wouldn't you know it, my internet connection went down this morning! So I am WAY behind on posts again. I can't believe how quickly they pile up! Over 100 posts and 4 pages!

    I skimmed through and didn't take notes because I have to run out real quick and buy an 80th birthday present for my MIL. I thought my DH took care of it, but he didn't! Tomorrow is the party so I don't have much time.

    Amy, BIG hugs to you. I am sure you are worried sick about your dad. He is at the top of my prayer list.

    Vickie, try not to give that person who sent you the nasty email another thought. When people do that kind of thing, they are just delighted to know when they get under your skin. The best thing to do to those people is to completely ignore them. That drives them completely nuts! :-)

    Cheri, BIG hugs to you too. You are going through a really rough time, that is for sure. I wish I could help, but at least know that I am thinking about you and hoping it gets better real soon.

    The open mic went well last night! For those in the South Jersey area, my friend and I go to the Barrington Coffeehouse from time to time. They have an open mic every Thursday night. But you don't have to go to the coffeehouse to hear our music! You can go to to listen to some of our songs. We just got the web page up and running so there aren't many pictures on there, but we do have 4 songs. One of the songs I wrote is called No Surrender and it is about BC. It was such a weird coincidence when I started coming to the Circle and met NS! Anyway, if you listen to it, I hope you enjoy it!

    MY DH had his 1 year colonoscopy today. Some of you may remember that he was diagnosed with colon cancer 3 weeks before I was diagnosed with BC last June. His colonoscopy was completely clear! We are doing the happy dance tonight!

    Have a great evening everyone! I will try to check in tomorrow morning before we are off to my MIL's house in White Plains, NY. We won't be back until Sunday so if I don't get a chance to check in, I hope everyone has a great weekend!

  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Member Posts: 1,233
    edited June 2007
    Kristen, I couldn't listen to all of the songs or even a whole one, something with my computer, but I heard enough of it to know you have a beautiful soprano voice. Just lovely.

  • neesie
    neesie Member Posts: 1,110
    edited April 2008
    Hi to all!!

    I am so far behind...but my thoughts are with all of you!

    Where is Shokk???? Not like her to go MIA.

    Z: No longer MIA..Come here when you can. I'm sorry to hear of your Mom's health. I have the same thing here..and it is hard knowing you can't help them.
    The "reveal" have a great time, you deserve it and need it. Your DH is only going to feel closer to you..guaranteed!

    Cheri: The quiet one! Geesh, I would have thought you might have stuck up for Vickie! Glad that you are feeling better, how long did you say you have to stay off of your foot? And to make a good day even better, You stopped to smell the roses!! AND you found and rescued your phone!!

    Lisa: I was worried that the new "fingers" did some walking! Like in the yellow pages! Glad you are back and sorry to hear you've been having a rough time. Femara is not a 'user-friendly' drug. I've been on it for a bit over a year, it would be a whole post to tell you all the SE's I've had........but I will tell you, that the past couple of months..things have gotten better!! I think you will's just miserable in the mean time!

    Iris: Me Productive....NOT. It was just an idea that I had! I'm glad the Opthamologist Appt. went well. Was it Glaucoma they were checking for? Go drain your brain and have a nice weekend!

    Gina: Great news on the Muga Scan...I love the way you keep your sense of humor up, even when you're having problems!

    Boo/Sue: The guys are off, eh? Hope you enjoy your alone time and find something fun to do! Now that you don't have afghan squares lurking all around you.....thanks so much. I didn't know that you were a Veterinarian! Kinda had me wondering what kind of Surgery you were Independently Contracting on! I had this picture in my head.........!

    Colleen: We love Warren! Have fun at the Relay tonight!!

    Marsha: No lectures!! You plan your party and you have a great time at it. You deserve it, you earned it and you've been looking forward to it! The majority of your treatment is over....celebrate with your friends! But come Monday...appt. with the Onc., Rads is just a nice finishing touch..DO IT!!

    Shirley: Glad that the Beep Beep made it back okay! Kinda concerned when you said DH took it in! And you had a day to yourself....whatever did you find to do?! Hope DH gets the Dr's release and goes back to work. Surely he can work without squatting!!!! You getting a job?????? Psshhhh on that!

    Suz: Sorry to hear of your Aunts passing. How nice that you were able to visit her in January.

    Alwayshope: You went to the Community Center and Walked!! Good for you! I'm terrible at getting motivated to exercise. I've lost quite a bit of weight by dieting...but gotta start walking.

    Amy: Prayers for your Dad. All set for Heart Cath and then they find Kidney problems. Hopefully after the kidney guy comes in they can procede and get Daddy well! Take care of yourself along with everyone else.

    Karen: Same for your Dad...Prayers being sent your way. Did they have success in the procedure to alleviate the blocked bowel?

    Liz: Any news on your MIL? Hope she is on the mend, also. Prayers.

    Gus: I loved your statement: PTO meeting tonight....I used to be cool!

    Nicki: Bet you are enjoying a Big Sigh of Relief now that the Afghans have found their way!! Thank you so much! Everytime I read about you walking the shore of Lake Michigan, I want to come there and walk to! Not that MI is short on Great Lakes, I just don't live all that close to them!

    Robin: A new woman indeed! So glad to see you are regaining your self-esteem! And becoming a bit fiesty too!! I did have to laugh at the descriptions you are giving of yourself.....One was looking like a Meth addict and I can't remember the other! Soon you will have teeth and boobs!! Okay, both Karen and Jasmine work with Evil? Can't they plant something on him?? I mean, of course it would be work related.........and think of all the Insurance Money!!!! Oh yea, didn't send address or phone #..need it just in case you go MIA again!

    Love it..Lisa, JanKay and Robin are gonna round up some tubs, collect some rain water and do the "worsh" this weekend! Do you save the "worsh" water for the weekly bath too?? LOL!

    For who ever said (sheri?) that they think if they pull away from the boards they will "move on." Know that we want you to do what is best for you...we'll still be here when you come back! My take is this: I was 2 1/2 years out before I even found these boards! Don't even remember how I found the CG'S, didn't know who the heck they were or how to post on here. I guess what I'm saying is I come here because I have found a large group of people that have become great friends. When I log on...I'm checking, hugging and talking to friends.....I'm not thinking of BC. Yes, it (bc) will always be there and one or another of us will be having a difficult time........but I truly think our main goal is support in all aspects of life and friendship. (sorry, don't know where all of that came from!.)

    I'll be back later to tell you Pinky's plans!!!! She will be busy!!

  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Member Posts: 2,728
    edited June 2007

    Kristen: I have to laugh because my husband and I have known each other for 33 years. I think I met him at an open mike! Its always so much fun. I played your tapes, they are great. Husband even came in and said what is that you are listening to! You just keep it up.
  • neesie
    neesie Member Posts: 1,110
    edited April 2008
    Kristen: No, I did not know that about your DH. Congrats and Yes, you better be doing the Happy Dance!!!!

  • neesie
    neesie Member Posts: 1,110
    edited April 2008
    Forgot to mention.........HOLY HAIR! This morning I was sitting at my Vanity putting my makeup on. Such a pretty morning....the sun was shining in..................AND THEN, I flipped the mirror to MAGNIFYING side to put my Eye Liner and Mascara on...............all I could think of was that I looked like a Baby Duck. Where the heck did all this peach fuzz come from???? No joke, My DH only wishes he had as much fuzz! Gotta love Femara!!
    And, if that isn't bad enough. Yesterday I went to renew my Driver License and for the first time ever........couldn't pass the eye test WITHOUT my glasses on! What the this what turning 30 feels like??!!

  • marshakb
    marshakb Member Posts: 796
    edited June 2007
    After their 11th child, an Alabama couple decided that was enough, as they could not afford a larger bed.

    So the husband went to his veterinarian and told him that he and his cousin didn't want to have any more children.

    The doctor told him that there was a procedure called a vasectomy that could fix the problem but that it was expensive. "A less costly alternative," said the doctor, "is to go home, get a cherry bomb, (fireworks are legal in Alabama) light it, put it in a beer can, then hold the can up to your ear and count to 10."

    The Alabamian said to the doctor, "I may not be the smartest tool in the shed, but I don't see how putting a cherry bomb in a beer can next to my ear is going to help me."

    "Trust me," said the doctor.

    So the man went home, lit a cherry bomb and put it in a beer can. He held the can up to his ear and began to count!






    ( you'll love this...)

    At which point he paused, placed the beer can between his legs and continued counting on his other hand.

    This procedure also works in Tennessee , Kentucky , Louisiana , Arkansas , Mississippi , Missouri , Florida , West Virginia and Washington DC .
  • jankay
    jankay Member Posts: 789
    edited June 2007
    marsha rofl

    lisa burger king did the cooking