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  • neesie
    neesie Member Posts: 1,110
    edited April 2008

    I am totally swept away! I must be living under a rock, I had no idea that you were a professional Singer!!!! I just listened to all 4 of your songs............Please, Please, Please let me know when the debut CD comes out.....I definitely want to be one of the first to have one.

  • beth1225
    beth1225 Member Posts: 402
    edited June 2007
    Kristen, I got the open mic nite confused with tgirl's post. Sorry 'bout that. I will have to look up that myspace addy. I just love listening to great vocals.

    Gina, I think Cheri posted it for me. I got tested for C-diff at the hospital the 2nd admittance and it was negative. I have been on the Vancomycin for 2 weeks now. Which leads me to.....

    Nicki, the ps has not given the infection a specific name but my cousin who is also an RN said it sounds like MRSA. I just assumed a staph infection. I did get a culture done on Tuesday and it still has not gotten back from path. The temp was down to 99.3 this morning and I still need to take it tonight. Is it a myth that temps go up at night? The infusion nurse is who took the blood samples and they came back fine on trough levels and kidney function.

    Cheri, thanks for the info. I did google it and got a lot of the same facts and then some! The ps said they use this to fight a lot of extemely resistant strains of infections. It is not just for irritable bowel problems. And it is OK to be on as long as you wtch your bowels and not actively in the midst of a Crohn's attack. Mine is under control at least for now. Just getting over a yeast infection though from the antibiotics.

    Z, you are right there in the middle with a box of super soft kleenex.

    Puppy, go get a big one, hehehe!

    Amy, my dad was busy giving me all kinds of directions for things before his bc surgery. Made me nuts. He cares about you and we all know you love him too. Saying prayers for you all.

    Vickie and Madison, enjoy the afghans. I wish I had contibuted more but I do have a good size pile waiting to go to the P.O. sometime this coming week.

    Colleen, Yeah Relay!

    Deb, have a great time. Can you take a copy of Ms. Tan's books and have her sign them? What a thrill!

    Robin, I knew U of Phoenix had a good online program and Nicki confirmed it!

    Karen, hope you are feeling better soon. Seems liek Tamoxifen is giving a run for the money. School isn;t out here until Tuesday. Prayers for your Dad too.

    Sue, I love it, you are a vet and a nurse! How cool is that? Do you get to work on exotics being in Florida?

    Iris good checkups are always welcome news.

    Missing a few ladies today I think. I know I missed saying hi to a lot of people. Keeping you all close to my heart.
  • Boo46
    Boo46 Member Posts: 261
    edited June 2007
    Denise - I'm fuzzy too but I passed 30 awhile back! UMMM 30??? Don't I remember posts about your grand kids??? Had to laugh about the image I must have given you about my job this am. Have scapel, will travel..heheheheheh

    Marsha - oh yeah I can just see it LOL too funny
  • Tricia
    Tricia Member Posts: 103
    edited June 2007
    Hi Everyone,

    Amy, I am saying a prayer for your Dad and all your family. I hope the procedure goes well

    Cheri, I am so sorry you are frustrated and in pain, but I gotta say, I LOVED your message to the nasty a$$. I want you on my team, girl!!!

    Shirley, I hope your appointments went well today.

    Nicki, I loved the friendship prayer, and I am glad you had a lovely day today.

    Marsha, good to see you. Wish I could come to your party, I bet it will be a blast!

    Beth, I am so glad you are feeling better today. I hope DH gets over his stuff soon.

    Puppy, loved your "get a life" post! Catch a big one.

    Iris, congrats on the good news.

    Sheri, so glad you are feeling a bit better today. I was a middle school teacher before I switched to counseling. I still miss it, the energy and humor of the kids, the wonderful friends I had on the staff. I was a teacher, then counselor, at the same school for 23 years. That was in my former life in Denver. Teachers hold a special place in my heart.

    Deb C, a writer's conference! That is so cool! I hope it is wonderful.

    Gus/Sue, multiple congrats are in order for your sweet son. How fun for you.

    Colleen, I hope all went well today.

    Madison, come on down and I will give you a Pina Colada, too!

    Boo/Sue, I had the best vet in the world back in Denver. He is Kevin Fitzgerald who became kind of famous on Emergency Vets on Animal Planet. He is also a stand up comic. He saved my kitty's life. When he needed a second emergency surgery days before a family reunion type vacation in Hawaii, he kept him in the hospital til I got back and didn't charge me. I would have cancelled the vacation, but he said, "You go. I will take care of Skipper." God bless that man, and all vets.

    LisaE, so good to see you!

    Z, I am so sorry about your Mother. I hope the getaway is wonderful. Forget about you? Now that is just crazy talk. Hugs to you.

    Kristin, I am definitely going to check out your music.

    Marsha, that was a good one!

    Everything went fine at the ps today (except for a scheduling/financial issue I may whine about later).
    Drain stays, and that came as now surprise. I am one luscious, juicy broad! LOL Maybe next week.

  • karen1956
    karen1956 Member Posts: 4,604
    edited June 2007
    Good evening CG's - just a quick update . No time to really read the posts.

    My dad is in surgery right now. They are doing a procedure laprascopically to "release the obstruction in the small bowel". Mom called about 75 minutes ago saying they took him to the OR, but she didn't know what time the surgery was. I wasn't worried about him with the back, but this worries me. Mom was a wreck yesterday but seemed to be holding her own today. I hope she will call me tonight, otherwise it will be tomorrow night till I hear anything.
    I finally heard back from my onc. He wants me to stop the Tamox and make an one hour appt to see him next week to discuss my options. I see him on the 15th at 4pm. Not sure what I want to do, but scared. Maybe a break from the meds will help. Will keep you posted.
    HAve a date for the "fix the recon" surgery - July 23rd - exactly 4 months after the exchange surgery. The surgery is at 7:30am!!! We check it at 6:00am.
    Also have an appt with a vascular doctor on the 18th of this month regarding my hands turning blue. DH wants me to talk to his pcp who is a good friend and see if he thinks I need to go. It could be nothing, but then again. The hands don't turn blue all the time, but geez!. My pcp is out of town - talked to her partner yesterday but he didn't think it was a big deal, said to just keep the hands warm. Okay - they are warm when they turn blue and thats when they get cold!! Will let you know if I keep the appt. So, the calendar is filling up with appt again. But atleast I won't break last years record of medical appt!!!!
    Wishing everyone a good weekend. Thanks for listening and sorry for being all about me. Thanks for all your well wishes for my dad and please continue to keep him in your thoughts and prayers. I love you all. Hugs from denver KAren
  • Boo46
    Boo46 Member Posts: 261
    edited June 2007
    Kristen - I tried to listen to your songs but my computer won't play them.
    Beth - I take care of mostly dogs and cats. Do a few pocket pets occasionally.
    You guys are going to be sick of me by the time the next 2 weeks are over. Feel too guilty when DH and DS are around to spend a lot of time on the computer. They are off having fun so you are stuck with me!!!!
  • Boo46
    Boo46 Member Posts: 261
    edited June 2007
    Tricia and Karen missed you while I was typing.
    Trica - Kevin Fitgerald is histerical. I met him in person last year when he came to Tampa to speak to the county Vet society. OMG the man did a tap dance in tights!!!!! I laughed till I cried.
    Karen - Much hugs to you. Saying extra prayers for your dad.
  • Biker54
    Biker54 Member Posts: 1,042
    edited June 2007
    Hey Boo! I used to train show horses and I had a lot of experience with the vets!! You guys have quite a hard job. Your patients can never tell you where it hurts! You are the best!
    Gus/Sue, I am so happy for your son. That is quite an accomplishment!
    Colleen, I hope your bad tummy gets better soon. The porta-potties suck! Oh, we can be your family, no problem!
    Amy, I'm so sorry that Dad is not doing well. That is really hard.
    Nicki, we had those cicadas about 2 years ago. The noise was deafening!!!! They will be gone soon.
    Z, welcome back! I know your mom is ill, but this is when you need us most!
    Denise, I have peach fuzz all over my cheeks! Yuck!
    Marsha, ROTFLMAO!
    Karen, I can't read my notes about your dad. I hope all is going well.

    Good night CGs! Sleep tight, don't let the bed bugs bite!
  • sherloc
    sherloc Member Posts: 893
    edited June 2007
    Kristin, wow. I sent you a friends request.

    Back to catch up in a bit. Who who all checked out, temp crown in place. feels very weird.
  • newvickie
    newvickie Member Posts: 2,941
    edited June 2007
    Hey ladies...I'm home...tired but happy. Just looking at my afghan is such a joy...we are under severe thunderstorm warnings so I have to shut down for a bit but I will try to come back.
    I love ya made my make all my days!
    Amy...saying prayers for your DD
    Karen...saying prayers for your DD too...
    uh oh...major house shakin thunder...bbl
    love ya all
  • SheriH
    SheriH Member Posts: 472
    edited June 2007
    Hi, I'm still here! Wouldn't you know, the computer is more available now than it ever is. Teen son has been over at various friends homes all week and little son is grounded for looking at naked women pictures. That was definitely a shocker! I think he got there accidentally, but then out of curiosity stayed. As soon as I walked into the room he clicked it off. I found out what it was by looking at the history. The sad part is he is on a limited account! He knew it was wrong, for which I am glad. Not a fun parenting moment, that's for sure.

    Marsha--your joke was great! I even caught the part about it being him and his cousin. We talk a lot about in-breeding here in Kentucky.

    I had a great afternoon of retail therapy. I am not a shopper, I avoid it at all costs. I was given a $50.00 JC Penney gift card from a student at the end of the year. I also got a discount coupon in the mail to be used today, so of course I had to go. I bought the cutest little sundress on sale, 50% off! It actually looked really good on me, the only thing is it is kind of dressy, so I almost didn't get it, but with the built in bra it even made it look like I had two boobs, so I had to buy it. With all the discounts I bought a total of 4 items for $49.77. That is a successful shopping trip, not only finding what I want, but feeling like I got a good bargain.
    It actually didn't even cost me anything, which was even better!

    Amy and Karen, I am keeping your dads in my thoughts and prayers. Dads can be so special--I can't imagine going through what you are. Know that you are being lifted up in your time of need.

    I love you all--Vickie and Madison, I am so glad you got afghans! I've loved being a part of this project
  • sherloc
    sherloc Member Posts: 893
    edited June 2007
    Ok back, had to listen to all of Kristins songs. Kristin please make sure you let us know when the CD is available. So gyn visit went well. Have to go back in 3 months for vag u/s. Yippee for me. Other than that he said I am not as atrophic as he thought I would be. O goody. Talked about something called bellasomethingorother for hot flashes. Non hormonal and not an antidepressant. But lo and behold my itty bitty pharmacy doesn't carry it. So doc is checking into where I can get it.
    Had a lovely lunch with a friend I haven't seen in months.
    Then off to the dentist. Which I must say I did without the aid of ativan. It wasn't bad at all. Temp crown in place. Had long discussion about biophos drugs and braces. He is going to check to see if there are any studies or trials going on. Aside from that braces are a no go. Boo Hoo. He says we might be able to close the gaps with veneers but might not. So at this point bones win over vanity and life goes on.

    Amy, I am so sorry about your daddy. All I can say is I am praying for him. As well as for you and your mom and sis.

    Karen, how is your daddy? Haven't seen an update yet.

    Jan, thank you too. I can't even imagine a day without my circle girls.

    Deb, bummer and bummer again. But have a grand time anyway. Of course you won't see this till you get home but it's the thought that counts.

    Cheri, wow thats a lot of info. Hope I never have to take that stuff. It sounds nasty.

    Gus/Sue, congrats to your baby. You have every right to be proud.

    Colleen, have a grand time at Relay. I love reading Warren stories too. He is a great kidlet.

    Vicki, ouch and ouch. I am glad nothing is broken. I recommend a hot tub, massage, and a blue drink. Have a grand time at the shower. I haven't made any money with my camera in a long time. Guess I should get back to it one of these days.
    You got an afghan. Yippee, yehaw, and hurrah. And Madison too. How very cool. Once I get this quilt done I will be back at the crochet hook. Might even try to figure out how to make a square with the knifty knitter.

    Ladies, I wanna know how you pulled this off. Haven't been following the afghan thread since I started working on the quilt. Somebody pm me the details.

    Gina, what is C-diff?

    OK Nicki, so your husband is at fault. Tell him he is no longer allowed to play with my husband. I'm just gonna ignore the request and pretend the words were never spoken. He is going back to work on tuesday IF the doctor will lift the squatting restriction. No reason he shouldn't. The man sits at a desk and types all day.

    Z, you are unforgettable my dear.

    Cheri, you are very welcome. You make me smile daily. Just returning the happys

    Kristin, happy dancing with you over hubbys test.

    Denise, set my sewing machine up in front of the tv and watched TLC. It was a grand day. Pssshhhhh on that indeed. The nerve that he said the word. If he does it again I'm calling Cheri
    You have a vanity. I am soooo jealous. Is it a frufru girly vanity. I have always wanted a frufru girly vanity with a fluffy red boa hanging from the mirror.
    4 words....wax on, wax off


    Tricia, lucious and juicy. O my!! Glad check up went well.

    Karen, when I was having so many issues with tamox my onc said I could take tamox vacations. 3 months on 1 month off. Hoping yours has some good answers for you.
    Praying right now for you dad.
    Keep the appt with the vascular guy. Our skin is not supposed to turn blue.

    Boo/Sue, a tight wearing, tap dancing, comic vet. Interesting combo.

    Sheri, been there done that with the naked women pictures.
    Shopping and a bargain all in the same day. Can't get much better than that.

    Have a great night girls. See you tomorrow. Or later. Whichever comes first.
  • Madison
    Madison Member Posts: 859
    edited June 2007
    Shirley, it is bellamineS....I take it at night for hot flashes....I like the drug. I tried taking it twice a day, but it made me I only take it at night.

    Karen, oh my, keeping your dad in my prayers...
    Amy, your dad also.
    We need to put these two gentlemen in the center of the circle..

    Kristen - you are an AWESOME singer....
  • sherloc
    sherloc Member Posts: 893
    edited June 2007

    thanks for the info Madison, now to find it in my two bit town. Guess I could check wally world, but dear me I hate going to their pharmacy.

  • MargaretB
    MargaretB Member Posts: 771
    edited June 2007
    Just doing a quick flyby before I head for bed. Too many pages still to read and don't feel like reading. Just wanted to say

    Shirley, my sister went for a consultation to the colon doctor today and prepared him for me (yes, I'm a big wuss). I'm so excited because I don't have to drink all the gunk, I have to take pills every 15 minutes. Would much rather do that. He will also give us a prescription for Xanax or Ativan to take. She said I would like him when I go on Monday. Just had to share the pill thing instead of gunk.

  • bearlysane111
    bearlysane111 Member Posts: 592
    edited June 2007
    Happy Fri!…hoping it been a pretty day like in NC. I say that and realize I stayed inside just abt all day. Always tired after the emotional roller coaster of the eye dr. Putting it on the back burner for now.Hoping that each of you has a good weekend!

    Amy…thinking of you,your dad,mom,sisters. I have been checking on the updates and know we are all with you. Hoping Sat will be a better day for your dad.
    Puppy…enjoy your fishing trip and good luck at the cardiologist on Mon.
    Karen…sorry abt your dad and hope he will be feeling better soon;also thinking of you and hoping you feel better soon. Glad you have the med appts scheduled.
    Jan…I bet you loved working with horses;sounds like you like the outdoors,too. Have you got a trip planned for the wkend?
    Vickie…I am glad you had your injuries checked and terrific on the afghan! You have really worked hard and coordinated a great project. This must have been such a beautiful surprise esp after some yucky things this wk! Hope the shower was fun;do you do photography?
    Nicki…super on the walking!!! How wonderful and I know it is pretty by the lake. Hoping your wkend is relaxing.
    Suz…thoughts are with you and so sorry abt your husband’s aunt(I apologize for writing sister on last post);thinking of you as I know your daughter’s high schl graduation is this wkend too.

    Sue…Wow! That is so impressive to be a vet as well as a nurse! I,also,had pictured you making house calls with a dr’s bag,LOL.
    Madison…thanks for asking abt my eyes:I go every 6-8 months and have to keep close check as I have pre-glaucoma symptoms and have been doing this for yrs. That is so wonderful abt your afghan! You have to post a pic! I know it is beautiful!
    Betty…hope your wkend goes great;got into one prog in Vista;maybe one of these days…love your bears,I collect them,too.
    Tricia…I know what you mean abt the teaching;although I only did middle schl for two or three yrs and elem all the rest before retiring. I always thought counseling would be an awesome job touching so many lives. Glad your visit went well today.

    Tracey…sorry that you have been so tired;great that you had it checked out;yoga would be relaxing,I’m sure.
    Shirley…Talk abt drs from head to toe and you must have felt really checked from top to bottom! Crowns do feel weird when they put the temp cap on at first. I have so many I forget that they're there most of the time.Hope your dh gets to ret to work on Tues.
    Marsha…I bet that is a cool color for a PT Cruiser! That was a funny joke abt AL and we have some in NC who prob can relate to the math issue. I got it,too,abt the cousins.

    Colleen…hope the walk is going well this wkend and that your stomach is over the bug.Glad that Warren’s concert went well;have fun. Take lots of pics at his grad ceremony.
    Robin…classes on-line sound like the way to go;know sev people doing it and love the flexible schedule.
    Sheri…sounds like you hit some good sales.
    Margaret…good luck on the colonoscopy;hardest part was the pre-lim stuff;procedure itself was not that bad(I thought it would be much worse;been 5 yrs and time for me to go again.)
    Madison…congrats on the quilt!!! That is awesome as you are so thoughtful of others. What a great group of friends here? Why would anyone want to leave?
    Z…so sorry abt your mother and glad to see your post today;hope the time with your husb is fun.
    Beth…glad the meds seem to be working on the infect;hope your husb is feeling better tonight,too.

    Teresa…have a nice weekend! Making Eagle Scout and the location of the ceremony both impressive!
    Denise…my brain drain is there today! Maybe the scarecrow and I are related as he had a light head,too! Ha! Loved your comments abt the CGs. Kind of like Musketeers…support is wonderful!

    Deb…Amy Tan…oh,you are lucky! Have always wanted to write a novel and can't wait to hear abt the conf. Enjoy!
    Karen…so sorry that you are not feeling well and hope the med visits will go well. Thinking of your dad as well.
    Jankay…sounds like my kind of cooking! Like the part esp abt no clean-up of dishes.
    LisaE…too funny abt the warsh;hope your hands are improving.

    Kristin…Wow I loved your songs! I laughed out loud abt eating ice cr in bed and not wanting to do housework;were you singing abt me? Can’t wait to find out how to purchase a CD. Beautiful voices and instrumentals!
    Gus/Sue…with you on the stuffed Ty and other collectibles…hard to let them go.
    Gina…hope your wkend goes well;lovely flowers in your yd.

    Best to everyone!
  • bearlysane111
    bearlysane111 Member Posts: 592
    edited June 2007
    PS Madison,just saw your afghan! Lovely and what a wonderful surprise! Thanks for posting it! That is too funny, Jasmine, with Ben&Jerry's on,I want something good to eat!

    Happy Sat,
  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Member Posts: 2,728
    edited June 2007

    Good Morning Everyone: Its a glorious day. The sun is just starting to peak over the horizon, the birds are singing (those baby birds are hungry), and there is a tropical feel in the air.

    I have a nice realxing day planned. Gonna go for my routine walk, then spend the rest of the day with a net to get all the debri out of the pool. The water is crystal clear, but lots of leaves and stuff. It will take a couple of days to get it all cleaned up - but hey, right now the water is too cold to swim in yet.

    Ok - Just bear with me for a moment. The nurse in me needs to help educate about Vancomycin. It is indicated for the treatment of serious or severe infections. It it the initial therapy used in treating MRSA. It is not just for bowel infections. It is used for septicemia (blood infections), Osteomylitis (bone infections), Lower respiratory infections, and infections of the skin (cellulitis). Half of the people I evaluate are on vanco and come to rehab for IV antibiotic therapy because believe it or not, medicare will not cover the cost of the medication at home. They will pay for the nurses and the blood work, but not the medication and it is extremely costly.

    Madison: I sure hope that nasty email writer ponders on the Italian curse cause I sent some bad Karma their way.

    DebC: So the red river returned? Dang, but in a way - its a good sign your body is returning back to normal (whatever that is). Im er/pr negative too. But Im also older than you - no more periods here.

    Vickie: See, you did have some injuries from that fall you had. Glad its only 2 swollen cervial discs and not a fracture. Motrin will help with the swelling, but might not get rid of the pain. Sending lots of hugs your way.

    Tracey: Where the heck are you? I get so overwhelmed during the week, sometimes I dont see everyones posts. The last I heard you were accepting a new job. Hope life is treating you good and just want you to know I miss you.

    Colleen: Oh the visual of a stomach bug and porta potties just made my skin crawl. I sure hope you are feeling better. I avoid porta potties at all cost.

    Gus/Sue: You must be so proud of your son. Sending big smiles your way.

    CY: Just wondering where you are and how you are doing. We miss you around here.

    NS: So is taxol the next chemo and when do you start? Its so good to hear from you. My heart lights up whenever I see you post.

    Robin: I have thought about on line classes but they are so darn expensive.

    Amy: I am praying for your dad. Things sound pretty critical right now. Not unusual for the kidneys to shut down after a heart attack. Called Acute renal insufficiency. Usually with the right combo of medications it resolves. I will be thinking about you and your dad at 9:00am.


    Sue?Boo: Oh my Im laughing with delight. I never knew you were a Veternarian and a Registered Nurse. It sounds like a fun job - as I love animals and people.

    Lisa: So glad your back. We missed you around here.


    Shokk: Where the heck are you?

    Cheri: I hope your feeling better today.

    Denise: Talking about hair growth. Oh yes, I have the peach fuzz and 2 little stringy hairs that have decided to grow under my chin! Makes me feel like a witch. When I was a young teenager I shaved my arms cause they were so darn hairy. Grew back even hairier. Now after chemo, I hardly have any hair on my arms - pubs arnt that great either.

    Z: When depression hits and your in a black hole - thats when you need us the most. We have all been there and many of us are ready to pull you out of that hole. Sending lots of love your way.

    Beth: Im so glad they did another culture. It usually take 48 to 72 hours for the results to come back. Then they will know what what antibiotics this bugger is resistant too. It just sounds like MRSA - which is becoming an epidemic in our country. They are trying to pass a law that will allow hospitals to screen everyone with a nasal swab. When the results come in ask what the bacteria is. You have been receiving good treatment from your home health nurses. Like I said in an earlier post, nothing is easy with this journey. We make plans and something happens to push us down and fall on our butts. But we are strong and we just get right back up.

    Tricia: Sounds like you are recovering well. One week post op today. Hoping that drain comes out soon.

    Karen: Sorry to hear about your dads surgery. Bowel obstructions can be pretty serious and I hope everything turns out ok. Im glad you have a one hour appt with your onc. Thats what you need. A sit down. Carry a little pad with you and start writing down your questions and feelings.

    Jan: Love ya and hoping all is well.

    Jankay: Howdy

    Puppy: Enjoy your fishing. Our version of fishing (my DH and I), it to get in a row boat, go out to the middle of the lake, put down the anchor and play scrabble lol.

    Sherloc: Where the heck are you and how are your hives? Oops, somehow I missed some posts. Sounds like DH is getting to like staying at home.

    Sheri: The dress sounds pretty. Dress up is good, it will make you feel good about yourself.

    Iris: Good to hear from you my friend.

    OK! 2 off the topic things.

    If you were told that your chances of a reoccurance would 5% - would you still have done chemo or rads? Im a rebel. I would have said heck no. In the realm of things, 5% sounds so little. Just food for thought.

    Second - I am looking for a new job. So I need some help from anyone that can. There is an opening at the cancer clinic for a nurse. The specialty is Prostate cancer. Now I would prefer breast cancer - but if some of you remember that job was available about 6 months ago and I never did apply. This time I have my resume ready. So I sure would appreciate some letters from some of you. Want them to know I have a passion for helping people with cancer.

    Well, my coffee is gone, time to get dressed and start my early morning walk. Hope everyone has a grand day.

  • newvickie
    newvickie Member Posts: 2,941
    edited June 2007
    Good morning sunshine sisters all!
    Hey sneaky little thing you! Sending you love and hugs sunshine sister.
    Don't have a lot of time at the moment. I am supposed to work the church pancake breakfast from 7 till 10:30 and I have milk and applesause that I have to take there. I will not be working in though...there is no way I can stand there and flip pancakes this morning. I'll let Nate take some orders for a bit and then we are coming back home!!
    I so wanted to come back on last night but the thunder and lightning were still going strong at 11pm. I finally quit crocheting and slept some. Considered sleeping in my papasan chair as I can't get comfortable...maybe tonight.
    Z...I was thinking of you off and on all night. I am so very sorry about your mom...I've been there (as many of us have)so I know how it feels. Cry if you need to. Sit your hinney right smack in the middle and we'll give you all the hugs, help and comfort you need. Sending lots of prayers your way. are you feeling? You were on my mind too. Sent an angel to watch over you.
    Karen...any news on your DD? Hoping and praying all is well.
    Amy...Praying that your DD is doing better and getting on the road to recovery and soon! Any news?
    Gina...just gotta say love ya...I just saw your pictures and you look wonderful!
    Jasmine...I'm looking forward to the Ben and Jerry's. I'll post a pic later...promise!
    Iris...yes...I just started doing the photography "professionally". It's always been a hobby...I am rarely without a camera. Hugs to you...have a great day.
    Kristin...beautiful songs...only got to listen for a few minutes as it was storming but I am going back there today and listen some more!
    Sheri...uh oh..youngest son got an unexpected education. I'm sorry that happened. Doesn't that just break your heart...they lose there innocense so early as it is and then to have them hit with it when they are on the computer by someone being sneaky is really hard. I hate all the porn that is out here in cyberspace. There really is no way to block or get rid of it. Sadly.
    Ok...never gonna be on time and I am missing so many and have so much more to say but it will have to wait a bit...darn!
    Madison, Margaret, Cheri (you sneaky thing you!), Denise, Lisa, Tgirl, Laura, Robin, Shel, Mena, Tracey, Colleen, Shirley, Deb, Beth, Sue, Suz, Betty, I'm stuck...EVERY SINGLE ONE OF YOU.
    Sending love and hugs
    I'll be back.
  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Member Posts: 2,728
    edited June 2007

    Vickie: Good morning sunshine sister. Have fun at the breakfast and bring some back for all of us.

    BRSTN Member Posts: 165
    edited June 2007
    Good Morning eveyone,

    We had storms last night and it took me a while to catch up on post. Can't be here long either. DH and 2 good friend and I are off to NC for some fun.

    Hope eveyoen has a great day. I'll be back tonight and really catch up.

    Hugs and prayers to all.

  • jankay
    jankay Member Posts: 789
    edited June 2007
    good morning sunshine sisters
    i am late again
    only this time chester slept so my medicine was late
    he is usually off on weekends so that usually interferes with the schedule.
    vicki i love pancakes how a bout sneaking some back with u.
    nicki i will help in any way i can. do u want a reference letter? and should we email it to u or send it via pm
    betty stormed here too scary i dont like bad storms but we are safe.
    today will be spent getting mothers things ready for auction wish me well
    love to all
  • k4katz
    k4katz Member Posts: 158
    edited June 2007
    Good morning CG's!

    Another quick post as I am busy getting the family ready to go my my MIL's birthday party, which involves spending the night at my SIL's house in New York.

    Karen, I am praying for your father. It is hard to be a patient, but I think sometimes even harder to watch a loved one be a patient. My thoughts are with you all.

    Thanks everyone for all your encouraging comments regarding our songs! One of the reasons that it took us so long to create the web page is because we were very insecure about our music. But now I am so glad that we finally put it out there! I will let you know when the CD is available. We are not trying to make any money....we are going to donate the proceeds to support BC research!

    Hope everyone made it through the storms OK. I will stop by tomorrow evening when we get back from NY!

  • jankay
    jankay Member Posts: 789
    edited June 2007
    i was not able to listen to your music
    dont have speakers or headphones
    so i definitely want a cd
  • Odalys
    Odalys Member Posts: 929
    edited June 2007

    I'll be back later.....
  • MargaretB
    MargaretB Member Posts: 771
    edited June 2007
    Morning all, it's a little after 6 my time - hubby went to play golf this morning since he didn't go away this weekend so I've been up since 5. It's going to be a beautiful day here.

    Nickie, I'll write you a letter - and if you want, email me your resume and I'll look at it to make sure everything looks good on it.....nothing worse than a typo on a resume.

    Amy, saying extra prayers for your dad. Hoping today finds him taking a turn for the better.

    Z, I know what it is like for an ill parent. I went through it several times last year with my mother, and although we are not close, she is still my mother. She seems to have stabilized somewhat now.

    Jan and Z, this is for you.

    Gus/Sue, it sounds like your little boy is making some major strides. That's great.

    Colleen, it's hard to keep up isn't it? Sometimes days go by before I can post and I do try to at least read in case there is something I should know about. I just do what I can when I can. How did you and Warren do with the Relay? Did you say you didn't have family? You have more sisters than I can count.

    Vickie, wow, you really did a number on yourself. I didn't know you did professional photography. I carry my little digital camera in my purse. One of these days I will actually take a class. At least I'm learning to color correct with software.

    Lisa, you made me laugh this morning.

    Cheri, we do love you. I hope you are feeling better each day.

    Kristin, congrats on the all clear for your hubby.

    Marsha, that was pretty funny.

    Hi Jankay.

    Deb, I remember seeing the Joy Luck Club and thinking that that was my life growing up - for those that don't know, I'm half Japanese although you would never know it, and my mom's culture was very strong in my family. She was always concerned about what the neighbors would think.

    Karen, hope your dad is doing ok.

    Sheri, retail therapy is always good.

    Beth, Madison, Denise, Jasmine, and there are a bunch of others I missed. Hope you all have a great day.

  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Member Posts: 2,728
    edited June 2007

    Be back later.

  • beth1225
    beth1225 Member Posts: 402
    edited June 2007
    Morning all! Thought today would be uneventful but no....

    Woke up with a temp of 98.9 and for me lately that is so good. Felt tired but OK. Got dh up and going to take him to work for his 7-4 shift. We got downstairs, he started sweting profusely and I thnk his blood sugar had dropped a lot. He tends to hypoglycemic and with all of the stomach upset for 2 days I am not surprised. He ate a banana, had OJ and still felt lousy. His sweating was worse so I gave him a glucose tab. The sweating subsided and we tried for work. 5 minutes in the car and he started grabbign his chest.
    so I took him to the ER. The took blood, blood sugar was 149 (also good) and the EKG looked good. The ER doc thinks it is either gall bladder or gastritis from his stomach stuff of 2 days. I had to leave him so I could go back home for my vancomycin infusion. As a matter of fact he practically kicked me out.
    I go out to get my car and here someone had jumped the curb outside on the street by the hospital (York Road for the locals) and crashed into 3 cars in the ER lot. Of course, one of the cop's cars was parked behind mine and I had to get them to move it. He started to give me an argument but another officer stepped in to quiet us both down.

    Whew! So now I am home, infused, breakfasted and waiting on my ex to pick up ds. Ex apparetnly overslept. DS not happy camper because even at almost 14 he still fears his dad forgets about him. No win situation there.

    Hope everyone's day goes well.

    Z-let it all out here when you want to. Just glad to see your post to know you are OK.

    Nicki, where do you want the letter to go to? You have been so good about advice on more than being sick but also emotional support too. BTW, as an aside, I found out one of my high school classmates who had her ankle and foot operated on developed an infection and had surgery and is now also on the vacnomycin but for 6 weeks she said. Isn;t that a long time?

    Vickie, is there any way we can tie you down on the couch and force you to take it easy this weekend? Please try to heal up before your next project.

    Karen and Amy, keeping your Dad's in our thoughts.

    Kristin, what can i say but OMG!!!! How beautiful! I want to buy a cd too!

    Shirley, temps are annoying sometimes but fortuntely I only have 2.

    Iris are you holding the record here for crowns? I think I would opt for a tiara next myself. LOL

    Betty, we had thunder boomers last night but no rain. Very weird. Thoguht it was more of the local fair's foreworks but it was way too late for that.

    Sheri, even though I have our youngest on restricted internet use with parental controls, he still manages to get to bad stuff, especially at his mother's house. So now, we only have one computer and it is in the kitchen. I can see what is going on when they are on.

    Lisa, so good to see you back. I miss your posts so much.

    Jankay, you can wear a new can be Kristin's promoter when the cd comes out!

    Tricia, good to see things moving along. Got your package BTW. It was nice talkign to your dh. he sounds like a real gem!

    Denise, I always wanted a vanity too. There was cute one with Barbie on the top and a real pretty pink skirt. Oh well, too big now! Probably would break the chair if I sat on it!

    Joyce, have I missed you posting? Sending hugs and kisses!

    See you all later. Have to check in at the ER and see what is going on with dh. Good thing I have that Xanax at home. If he is OK I will take one and nap for the afternoon!
  • jankay
    jankay Member Posts: 789
    edited June 2007
    >> THIS SAYS IT ALL:>>

    Time passes.>
    Life happens.>>
    Distance separates.>>
    Children grow up.>>
    Jobs come and go.>>
    Love waxes and wanes.>
    > Men don't do what they're supposed to do.>>
    Hearts break.>>
    Parents die.>>
    Colleagues forget favors.>>
    Careers end.>> BUT.........>>
    Sisters are there,>>
    no matter how much time and how>>
    many miles are between you.>>
    A girl friend is never farther away>>
    than needing her can reach.
    When you have to walk that lonesome valley and
    you>> have to walk it by yourself, the women in your life>> will be on the valley's rim, cheering you
    on,>> praying for you, pulling for you, intervening on>> your behalf, and waiting with open arms at the>> valley's end.>> Sometimes, they will even break the rules and walk>> beside you...Or come in and carry you out.>> Girlfriends, daughters, granddaughters,>> daughters-in-law, sisters, sisters-in-law, Mothers,>> Grandmothers, aunts, nieces, cousins, and extended>> family, all bless our life!>> The world wouldn't be the same without women, and>> neither would I. When we began this adventure called>> womanhood, we had no idea of the incredible joys or>> sorrows that lay ahead. Nor did we know how much we>> would need each other.>> Every day, we need each other still.>> Pass this on>> to all the women who help make your life meaningful.>> I just did.
  • sherloc
    sherloc Member Posts: 893
    edited June 2007
    Off to Farmers Market. Popping in to say good morning. I'll be back in a couple of hours.

    Nicki, I was given a 7% recurrence risk with rads and tamox. 6% with chemo added. I chose not to do chemo. 1% for adding poison just didn't seem worth the effort.
    Hives are no better no worse. Still there but nothing new last few days. I am just happy it's not the ambien. Doc renewed my rx for another year yesterday. I was a bit worried about that cause I've talked to a few ladies whose docs wouldn't let them go past two years on it. Me thinks he and I would have come to blows if he did that. But the kind man sympathizes with my need for sleep over dependence.
    Hubby is going back to work Tuesday I think. He sees his doctor on monday.

    Off to buy vegies. Yummmmmmm See you all in a couple of hours.