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  • tflowers
    tflowers Member Posts: 232
    edited June 2007
    Cheri...I would sooo hate to be on your bad side!!!!

    Denise...I would love to have Pinky visit but Ted does not share well.

    Going to be really hot here. Wanted to run to the shore tomorrow but my good friends son has made eagle scout and there is an ceremony on the battleship "USS New Jersey". I've never been on it so am excited.
    I've been so lazy and need to lose weight before my surgery in August. Can someone come to my house and kick me in the butt please??? I promise I won't get mad. xoxo
  • jankay
    jankay Member Posts: 789
    edited June 2007
    i wouldnt want to get on cheris bad side either but i would back her up for vicki
    not brave enough to lead
  • Boo46
    Boo46 Member Posts: 261
    edited June 2007
    Morning CG's,
    Cheri - I'm sorry your not feeling well. Hugs to you. Oh and by the way can I call you when someone is nasty to me? Ha Ha Ha lilly livered ass!!! Ha Ha Ha Ha.
    Shirley - Good luck with your appts today. The majic carpet will pick you up when your ready.
    Vicki - Praying for a good Dr appt. for you. I finished rads in Jan and have developed all kinds of aches and pains in my rad side this past month. Docs say it is still post rads inflamation.

    Well my list of surgeries for today is rather short so unless things are added to the schedule this morning I may leave work around noon. Wow that would be nice. I have been working way too much but work makes me believe I am "normal" again. Also I am a whimp and it's hard for me to say no. Since I am an independent contractor I lost some of my regular clients during BC treatment. I think they were afraid to use me not knowing if I was too sick. This past 6 months have been spent rebuilding my clientele (sp?). Guess I'm trying to prove to everyone that I can do a great job again. Sigh
    Love you all,
  • jankay
    jankay Member Posts: 789
    edited June 2007


    In the middle of the table is a round food tray with five kinds of Fruits on it. They are:

    A. Apple
    B. Banana
    C. Strawberry
    D. Peach
    E. Orange

    Which fruit will you choose? Please think VERY carefully and don't rush into it. This is great, I was astounded! Your choice reveals a lot about you!

    Test results: Please SCROLL DOWN

    have chosen:

    A. Apple: That means you are a person who loves to eat apples
    B. Banana: That means you are a person who loves to eat bananas
    C. Strawberry: That means you are a person who loves to eat strawberries
    D. Peach: That means you are a person who loves to eat peaches
    E. Orange : That means you are a person who loves to eat oranges

    I hope you find fulfillment in this new insight about yourself. May it bring you peace and understanding, tranquility and all that other profound stuff.

    Also I bet that right now you would like to find me and kick my butt!

    Well, You won't find me....because I am still hunting down the Butt=head who sent this to me...

    Have a Purrrr-fect Day!

    Ha Ha Ha
  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Member Posts: 2,728
    edited June 2007
    Vickie: I think you should post the return email addy for all of us to see, then all of us could send a response.

  • jankay
    jankay Member Posts: 789
    edited June 2007
    Arnold Schwarzenegger has a big one.>>>> Michael J. Fox has a small one.>>>> Madonna doesn't have one.>>>> The Pope has one but doesn't use it.>>>> Clinton uses his all the time.>>>> Bush is one.>>>> Mickey Mouse has an unusual one.>>>> Liberace never used his on women.>>>> Jerry Seinfeld is very, very proud of his.>>>> Cher claims that she took on 3.>>>> We never saw Lucy use Desi's.>>>> What is it?

    (Scroll Down)>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> The answer is: "A Last Name.">>>> You didn't really think I'd send you a dirty joke, did you?>>>>>>
  • marshakb
    marshakb Member Posts: 796
    edited June 2007
    OMG 6 pages to read since I was on last! goodness, spent an hour this morn getting caught up.

    FIRST of all to the a-hole who sent our dear sweet Vickie a nasty e-mail. I saw this on a t-shirt in NYC: F*** you, you f***ing F***. Girls say that out loud and tell me that doesn't just roll off the tongue nicely. Cheri, you and I are very much a like. I never start a fight but can definately finish one up verbally. Would love to hear from the a-hole: oops LOL, had to take this out, started getting My Space 18 year olds wanting to be my new friend. LOL

    Puppy, girlfriend, that is fabulous news if you ask me. Funny how anything that is not cancer seems like just a bad cold. LOL I know it is more than that but let's just all rejoice for a bit in NO CANCER

    Jankay, ROTFLMAO at the fruit. Apparently I am a person who likes strawberries. And just so you know, I have a big one too! 12 letters long. Would that be considered a foot long?

    Denise, send Pinky my way. Might be a little scary for you not knowing what she will come home with from my house. LOL

    Nicki, hahahaha on the Italian curse. Do you do the "evil" eye thingy too? I've had people tell me to join a support group and in the same breath say stay off the computer. Geez......

    Sue....what is it you do for a living in Tampa?

    Sheri, Yippee for you. Take a break, eat some chocolate, shotgun a beer, whatever you need to do, but I better see your happy smiling face at the end of the month when you vacation here!

    Shirley, I sent your sis a card and encouragement earlier in the week. How is she doing??

    Tricia, you sound great. Loved the virus.

    Amy hope your stubborn dad is doing OK. Praying the CT shows no cancer.

    Karen, hoping your dad is doing ok too. eewwww blocked bowel. CRAP

    Tracy, what is a ca 125? I haven't had any kind of scan or special blood work done. Haven't actually seen my onc for six weeks and the office left a message on my machine saying my next appt with the him is July 3 (?????) That will make it a totally of 10 weeks and I just finished chemo. Is this right? What do I know?

    Cheri, yes me a commando barbie. Not in size mind you, but I can cuss as well as you girlfriend.

    Iris, Barbie is cobalt blue with a black convertible top. I look really good in it. teehee.

    Robin, LOL LOL LOL I seem to have lost the filter on my mouth when they took the boob off also. Oops. Sure does feel good tho to say whatever you want and just not care what anyone thinks. Ha

    Ok I have missed tons of people because 6 pages and chemo brain don't mix well. Love you all and will be back later gators. Marsha
  • jasmine
    jasmine Member Posts: 773
    edited May 2008

    Marsha, when do you start your radiation?

  • MargaretB
    MargaretB Member Posts: 771
    edited June 2007
    Iris, glad you beat the glaucoma yesterday. Breathe easier today.

    Cheri, you go girl. I hope that person who sent Vickie the nasty gram gets an earfull from you. I still have a hard time believing someone would do that. I hope you start feeling better soon.

    Aw Shirley, hugs to you. I did the ob/gyn a few weeks ago. Monday is the doctor who does the colonoscopy - can I say I don't want to go, and that's just for the consultation.

    Ladies, did I read here that a side effect of tamoxifen is sneezing and watery eyes or is my chemo brain kicking in again?

    Hope you all have a wonderful day.

  • beth1225
    beth1225 Member Posts: 402
    edited June 2007
    Puppy I am so very glad to hear no cancer! So we now must gird ourselves to help you through the next hurdle. It will be fine! Love ya!

    Nicki, the elevated temp had the ps concerned too. He said if it went up to 101 to call him ASAP. It never hit more than 100.8 and now this morning it is down to 99.3! I feel better too, not as listless. Now as for dh, he is still down for the count. Three other guys are out at work too adn they pass germs back and forth like crazy. He is a little run down too since he has been wearing both hats around here. He will try to go in tomorrow since nobody else can cover his Saturday. He is going to try some compazine suppositories, yuck!

    Marsha, good to see you posting. How is the new production going? There are a lot of regional theaters here with community actors. I ahve always said I want to go but never get to it. Definitely this year! We always have season tix to the Walnut Street Theater in the city and the five shows are always wonderful. My mom buys us the season every year as birthday, holiday and whatever reason rolled into one. Now a whole group of us go and descend upon Center City each time.

    Vickie, hope you get some relief at the doctor's today. Post that mean person's email addy...maybe one of us might recognize it. I don;t think inundating them with emails would be right...just sinking to their mean-spirited level.

    Robin, what can I say? You go girlfriend! I think University of Pheonix has an online program. Google online degree programs. Didn't Tracey/Snowman 'n Thongs take an online course this past year?

    Tgirl, where do you do open mic night? I live just outside of Philly and not too far from South Jersey. Maybe we can come and be your cheering section! My middle stepson is in a band and we go hear him play when he is at a place locally. He was just at a place in New Hope last week but I was too sick to go.

    OMG, I forget who else I wanted to say hi to this morning. I just finished my vacnomycin infusion and it tends to make me a little tired.

    Z, please come and let off a little steam. You never know who here may have been or is currently going through something similar and can help you ease through it.

    Have a good day cg's. To all going for appt's. or waiting for results, good thoughts and cyberhugs to all.
  • jasmine
    jasmine Member Posts: 773
    edited May 2008
    Yes, Vickie. You know if you can remember the email addy at least, some of us just might recognize it. I can't believe they used profanity. There's just no need to use that kind of language. It seems they have found a way around the bco censors by starting to use email instead of pm's but the principle is still the same. Its called being a BULLY. Trying to intimidate others by threats or trying to EXCLUDE them from the conversation. My guess is that the ip address will map back to Texas.
  • jasmine
    jasmine Member Posts: 773
    edited May 2008

    Okay, it looks like Marsha is trying to ignore the Rads question. Come one everyone, let's encourage her into finishing her treatment. Gotta do the radiation, Marsha. Give it all you can the first time.

  • beth1225
    beth1225 Member Posts: 402
    edited June 2007

    Tgirl, I almost forgot...if you get the chance, take the tour of the USS New Jersey. The self-guided is good and the ones with docents are better. They are led by gentlemen who were on the ship during its tours of duty. You may want to do it on a day lower than the 90's! We took the boys 2 summers ago. The Camden waterfront has come a long way!

  • marshakb
    marshakb Member Posts: 796
    edited June 2007

    Always, I'm not avoiding the rads question, I just don't know! Surgeon said no rads, first onc said no rads, 2nd onc changed his mind at the last minute and said yes need rads. Last I heard from any medical professional was to get 2nd (or really 4th) opinion from rads onc. My nurse wrote the referrel for rad onc and I haven't heard anything from them yet. In other words, I'm in the dang dark!!! BUT I have a party to host this Sunday so just not gonna think about till after then. Not starting the tamoxifen till Monday either!! So there. Marsha

  • jasmine
    jasmine Member Posts: 773
    edited May 2008

    LOL @ Marsha! Okay but you really need to call the rad onc and get a consult scheduled.

  • beth1225
    beth1225 Member Posts: 402
    edited June 2007
    Nobody take this cartoon the wrong way. It has nothing to do with gaining unwanted weight...just our resolve to do what we want and deal with life as it deals with us! Especially for Robin who really would have given that guy a lesson, for Puppy and the mean nurse and those of us dealing with ex-spouses!
  • PuppyFive
    PuppyFive Member Posts: 539
    edited June 2007
    To ALL The Lurkers out and about Trying to hurt one of my sisters this is for you!!!!

  • lv2cmp
    lv2cmp Member Posts: 899
    edited June 2007
    Good Morning CG'S

    Cheri-I knew I liked you! Please dont hold back though because its not good for your blood pressure.

    Marsha-If anybody pisses me off I am calling you and Cheri to the rescue thats for sure but then again I can be quiet the smart butt also and I lost the filter to my mouth also. Enjoy your party and drink one for me!

    Robin-glad to see you posting and online schools sounds wonderful.

    vickie-I sure hope you saved that email. There are a few computer geeks on here and we can figure this out.

    Iris-woohoo on the escape from the glaucoma. Sounds like wonderful news.

    Shirley-glad your beep beep survived its trip to the dr. Sounds like you are getting both ends checked out today,,sounds like so much fun.

    Sherndon-can understand the break but I do much better on here than when I am away. Its my online support group and I cant stay away.

    tgirl-the uss new jersey trip sounds like fun. enjoy!

    Margaret-sorry DH didnt get to go out of town but more sorry that you didnt get your alone time.

    Sue-I am sure you are proving everyone that you are great at what you do.

    Adrionna-pinky can come visit mazer if she would like. We can take a picture of her riding her.

    Lini-good luck with the rescheduling.

    bikerjan-glad your visit went well. i do lexapro and love it. I did effexor at first but it just didnt do the job. I hate taking it but hate more how I feel if I dont take it and so does everybody else around me. Doing anythng exciting this weekend?

    Deb-loved the story about your mom,,I was laughing out loud.

    Dad update-they moved him to ICU. Yesterday afternoon he had a bad breathing time or maybe I should say not breathing and had 8 people working on him then off to ICU he went. I have a copy of the CT scan and no cancer is listed which is great but there is alot of other stuff on there. He did have a good night last night and 1st visitation is at 9 so hoping to get an update soon. I will be there for the next visitation cause I will just take my lunch at that time. Forgot my cell phone today so I am totally out of the loop. Had to call my sister and give my work # so she could call me on it. I hate when I forget my cell phone,,I feel lost!

  • sherloc
    sherloc Member Posts: 893
    edited June 2007
    Good Morning dear ladies. Fosomax down the hatch, now having my coffee. Thanks for the reminder. Betty just clicked in my brain what you said the other day. "thought about taking it but coffee won" ahhahahah have to admit I have done that myself. Hubby just talked to his boss. Boss said if doc will lift the no squatting restriction he can go back to work on Monday. Everyone keep your fingers crossed pretty please. The man actually had the nerve to mention the J word this morning before he left for PT. He said "Did you see that the bank is hiring? Are you thinking about applying"...I said "Uh No" Really now, you invaded my space, messed with my IT and now you want me to get a job? Dear me I almost smacked him.
    So moving on from there.

    Vicki, the three week rule does not apply when you fall out of a hammock.

    Cheri, I am so glad you are my friend.

    Nicki, silly family. They just don't get it.

    Puppy, I was just thinking after reading what Nicki wrote. An aneurysm is indeed a serious issue and were all happy dancing cause it's not cancer. How weird is that.

    Jankay, it is a machine. You are bigger than a machine. And if all else fails use a hammer.

    Theresa, very cool. Congrats to your young friend. That is quite an accomplishment. My baby is on the USS Enterprise.

    Marsha, thank you for thinking about my sister. She is faking it really good. no more info till she sees onc next week.

    Margaret I have a feeling I'm gonna be visiting the colon doctor (is there such a thing) one of these days myself. You have my utmost sympathy.
    Been on tamox for over two years no. I have really dry eyes from it.

    Good Morning Beth. You are sounding better this morning. Lets here it for antibiotics.

    Jas, that just blows me away. If they can be tracked, why can't they be banned?

    Puppy, hahahahahhahahh

    Amy hugs for you and your mom and dad. Still praying.

    I think I missed a page somewhere. Lots of tidbits I don't remember reading. I'll be back
  • PuppyFive
    PuppyFive Member Posts: 539
    edited June 2007

    Going fishing, in 10 min. come back sunday, go to cardiologist monday, then back home "THE WAGON" Praying for all of you and your family!! Puppy
  • sherloc
    sherloc Member Posts: 893
    edited June 2007

    have a great time puppy

  • SheriH
    SheriH Member Posts: 472
    edited June 2007
    You're right, I may not be able to stay away, but may try to limit my time. I was just hanging on to the board for dear life the last couple of weeks. I am feeling much better today. I recovered from meltdown, called my principal and asked if he needed any help this summer. I guess I just have to keep busy. I will start tutoring a few hours next week. That should help, too. It just seemed like the week was full of waiting, stress and lack of sleep. Seriously, my dh, Sean, really knew the right things to say. Like I said before, he is not demonstrative, but he comes through when I need him most.

    Marsha, I wouldn't miss our meeting for the world.

    Jasmine, your words were so refreshing. I feel so bad when I post about being depressed when the news is good, but I'm glad to know there are people who understand.

    I really believe my biggest fight against cancer has been after treatment. I want to be healthy, but am always surprised to find out I am. I am going to try and focus on the positive, start planning for a great school year next year and rejoice that I am able to do those things. On a happy note, I am staying 8th grade home room, which means I get to move up with the new high school we are starting. One of my dreams has always been to teach high school. I truly have something to look forward to. This does mean, however, I will have my teenage son in one of my classes. Should be interesting. I said that would be ok, I just didn't want to be his homeroom teacher.
    Of course, I'll be back to get a kick in the butt from my favorite people every now and then.

    Blessings on all of you!
  • SheriH
    SheriH Member Posts: 472
    edited June 2007

    BTW, it's been 22 years that we've been married. And they said it wouldn't last! Actually, many of my friends did say that. I'm just too stubborn to quit. We had a lot of rough times, but all in all, we really do enjoy each other.

  • tflowers
    tflowers Member Posts: 232
    edited June 2007
    Sheri...I so agree with you. I went down for the count many times as proof here. It's not our body we fight with now, it's inside of our minds. Try to kickstart our old life, but it's not there anymore.
    Working really helps, go for it you are able to. xoxo

    Puppy...have a blast and relax. When Monday comes, we'll deal with the other problem. xoxo
  • Biker54
    Biker54 Member Posts: 1,042
    edited June 2007
    I just wanted to drop a quick note from work (again).

    Nicki, I so agree with you. Sometimes I think I should take a break from the boards. Is it holding me back from "Moving On"? Then I think about how wonderful and supportive all of you are and it keeps me coming back. Look how everyone came to Vickie's defense when she got the nasty email. And when Gina was dx again, we were all there for her. If one of us isn't around for a few days, the others worry.
    I just want to thank each and every one of you beautiful women!
  • lv2cmp
    lv2cmp Member Posts: 899
    edited June 2007
    Update-waiting on heart dr to come in cause EKG shows he had a heart attack yesterday. They say the stress on his heart from not being able to breath. Sister said he looked much weaker this morning than he did last night.

  • marshakb
    marshakb Member Posts: 796
    edited June 2007
    Hugs Amy, let us know as soon as you hear anything. Praying for your dear dad.

    Puppy, good for you, a fishing trip is just what you need! Hope you catch a big one that puts up a huge fight, help you get rid of some worry and frustration. Marsha
  • Biker54
    Biker54 Member Posts: 1,042
    edited June 2007
    Amy, I hope everything goes ok for your Dad. Your family is in my thoughts.

    Marsha, if it were me, I'd just do the rads anyway for insurance. It's a royal pain in the butt to go everyday, but I think it's worth it.

    Puppy, have fun fishing. You deserve a little relaxation time!

    Bugs and fishes, Deb!
  • AlaskaDeb
    AlaskaDeb Member Posts: 1,159
    edited June 2007
    Just time for a quick hello-goodbye-

    I am off to a writer's conference and won't be home until Tuesday night. I may have internet hook up at the conference, but it is really busy, so I won't have much time to check in. I didn't want a posse out after me, so I thought I better let you guys know

    I am SO excited about this conference. Amy Tan who wrote The Joy Luck Club and many other books is the key note speaker and I am taking a class from her. I will also have a chance to meet some editors and publishers....Very cool for a writer-nerd like me

    I am just now getting my “writer’s chops” back after treatment. It feels good to know the creative part of my brain was just in hibernation…not gone forever

    Hugs and prayers for everyone while I’m gone.

    Bugs and Fishes
    Deb C
  • AlaskaDeb
    AlaskaDeb Member Posts: 1,159
    edited June 2007

    Saying a special prayer for dad and keeping your whole family close to my heart.

    Deb c