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  • neesie
    neesie Member Posts: 1,110
    edited April 2008
    Good Late Morning!

    I'm taking off with my DD for a little bit of "retail therapy", but had to stop in here first!!

    First, Blessings, Prayers and Hugs to all our girls that have Ill parents. Hope the surgeries and tests go well today. Keep us posted and I'll check later.

    Shirley: Wax on Wax off!!!! You are to funny! I love my vanity. Actually, my dh built it...I'll take a picture and post it! (watch out, big screen here we come.) Not as in big screen..Movie..Big screen as in I'm having trouble downsizing pics!! I came home one day and the bedroom wall was missing............Viola!! Bay window and Vanity replaced it!!

    Sue/Boo: Strange how we feel guilty about computer time..I do the same thing. Not that I would be doing anything else, but oh well. Anyhow, glad you've got the play time..enjoy!

    I wasn't going to mention it, but I just can't resist! You take care of a 'few pocket pets'? I'll leave it at that!!

    Love to all, and I'll be back this evening!!

  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Member Posts: 2,728
    edited June 2007

    Odalys: Good to hear from you.

    Margaret: The resume is good - no typos! Have all my references in place. Just looking for some notes that will tell the hospital I have a passion for helping those who have been diagnosed with cancer.

    Beth: Oh my. Sounds to me like they might admit your husband at least for 24 hour observation. This just has been so hard on both of you. When it rains it pours - and I am hoping this is the last thunderstorm that hits your household. Regarding your friend, if the infection is in the bone (osteomylitis) 6 weeks of antibiotics normal. Sending you a big hug.


    Sherloc: Thats exactly what Im talking about. Doing chemo increased my chances by 15% so I knew I had no choice. But 5% - I think I would have said no. If my doctor tries to take my xanax away, we would put the boxing gloves on.

    Hello to MargaretB, Jankay, and Denise.

    Check back with ya all later.

  • lizws
    lizws Member Posts: 789
    edited June 2007

    Hi girls, will my life ever calm down?

    Okay, so my MIL was released from the hospital yesterday. Both the in-laws have lots of appointments next week. My SIL is now in the ER in a different town with abdominal pains. My son is in Minneapolis and either wants to stay longer (if I'll send money - NOT) or is now petrified to fly home and will I come get him? Nope - that's an 18 hour trip. I have all kinds of bug bites on me because I had to go clean out some crap behind my mother's 20 foot evergreen trees yesterday that are dying. I can't find anyone who will cut them down because the lady behind her has so much crap in the alley way that I had to call the city property inspector to see if he can get it all cleaned up. I want to run away.

    Thinking of you all daily. Sorry this is all about me. I'll be back later maybe.

  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Member Posts: 1,233
    edited June 2007
    Good morning ladies, still is morning here. A beautiful day in the Ozarks! Not that I'll be out in it but it's pretty to look at. lol I'm feeling better today, foot still hurts but then it hurt before surgery and for years so if the pain stays at this level it's tolerable. I was just thinking of some of the things we've all been through and we've stuck together. That's a good feeling.

    Tricia, I AM on your team, silly.

    Karen, I hope your daddy is alright.

    Sheri, sounds like you had a great time shopping.

    Margaret, wow, they make pills now? Cool. My best friend has to have one of those done yearly and she always used to drink the gunk. Nasty stuff.

    Iris, my goodness. You are thorough. I could just wait for you to post, read it and be caught up on everyone. You do well. Hope you have a nice day.

    Nicki, thank you, I am feeling better. Won't be long til I'm back to my old self. Or new self. Or the self I was before except better.

    Vickie, sneaky? Not me. lol

    Amy, hoping your daddy is alright. Prayers for your worried family.

    Gina, come out and play.

    Meaner than me, guess I'm going to have to call you.

    Hey to Jankay, Janny, Betty, Odalys, Kristen, Madison, MB, Denise, Brenda, Carrie, Denise, Boo, Gus. Karen, CY, CherylG, Z, Jazz, and anyone I might've missed. Wishing you all a great afternoon.

  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Member Posts: 1,233
    edited June 2007
    Awww Liz, you sure do derserve a break. You need a whole day to yourself to just relax and do whatever you want. Hope all your in-laws and relatives are doing better.

  • RobinTN
    RobinTN Member Posts: 466
    edited June 2007
    z:glad to see you posted,I am sorry for whatever is going on with your mom.I will remember you and her in my prayers.

    Nicki:I agree with you,dont mess with my xanax.

    Denise:yes they all 3 work in the same place it is a huge resort.the EVIL works in maintaince,karen works in guest services and Jasmine is a coordinator.I dont know what either of the do but they do something.

    This has been one heck of a day,The EVIL is here and all he can do is bitch and gripe about everything.I just walk away and wont even speak to him.The kids are driving me nuts.the baby has a tummie ache,noelle is sleepy but wont take a nap,and she wont let tesla take one either.
    I think I will go have a xanax myself now.
  • sherloc
    sherloc Member Posts: 893
    edited June 2007
    back from Farmers Market. Got some yummy looking white peaches and some artichokes. It is a beautiful spring day. Not hot, not cold. Navy boy called this morning. They just got back from their little outing. They are officially deploying next week. He will be gone for 7 months. Yikes.

    Margaret, lets here it for pills. Glad you don't have to drink the yucky stuff.

    Iris, glad your eye visit went well. I love my eye doc. He is a hoot. Always has a "safety tip of the day" This year it was "wear safety glasses while weed wacking"
    I'm thinking I should be feeling very greatful I only need two crowns.

    Nicki, I cracked up at your idea of fishing. I knew you were my kind of girl. Lets go fishing sometimes. I'll even supply the canoe. I should just sell the darn thing. Haven't taken it out in 3 years. I miss it but its hard work paddling a canoe.
    I'm not very good at letter writing. Unless its nasty ones to crappy companies. But I will give it some thought and see what I can come up with.

    Vicki, I would love to see some of your pics. Do you just do weddings and events? or portraits as well. I have a friend who makes bucu bucks doing pet portraits. she impresses me to know end. Cause in my book anyone who wants a professional portrait of fluffy has got to be just a few furballs short of a pelt. hahahahhah just kidding to anyone who has done it. I do maternity portraits and babies. Would never even consider doing a wedding. Way to much pressure. Anywhos, as I said, haven't made any money at it in a couple of years. Time to get back to it.

    Betty, have a grand day in NC. I'm guessing thats North Carolina?

    Kristin, happy birthday to your MIL. Have a great time at the party.

    Happy day to you to Odalys.

    Beth, holy smokes girlfriend. You need to put you and hubby in a bubble for a couple of weeks. Praying for you both.

    Jankay, that was lovely. Thanks for sharing it.

    Nicki, I would have done it for 15% as well. Heck I probably would have done it for 10%. I know very little about chemo but I think a person has a lifetime limit? Am I right or wrong? Whatever I'm glad I have that option available to me if I ever need it.

    Liz, glad MIL is home from hospital. But holy schmoley you need to seriously consider going into the bubble with Beth.

    Cheri, the pain can only get better from here. I am sooo impressed that you all pulled off such a sneaky surprise. Kudos to everyone involved. It was a wonderful plan.

    I'm thinking we won't here from Amy or Karen till monday. Today is Sabbath for Karen and don't think Amy has puter access at home. Praying hard for your daddies girls. My heart goes out to you. Don't know how I'll handle it when my daddys health starts to fail.
    Love you all to bits. Back to playing with bras.
  • RobinTN
    RobinTN Member Posts: 466
    edited June 2007

    Liz:I agree with cheri,enough is enough already..You need a break and someone to take care of you.Wish I were nearby to give you a hand.

  • shokk
    shokk Member Posts: 790
    edited June 2007

    Good afternoon ladies......or should I say girls......girlie girls.....chicas.......sorry guys.......had a little heart issue.......not a heart attack but about 2 wks ago stopped taking the statins for cholest. because it was messing with my spleen......causing a lot of pain and I course I'm freaking out thinking I have mets........ya'll know the drill.......well wasn't it Amy that decided to self dx like when I decided to stop the h.b. pressure meds because they were causing my liver markers to increase.......had the anyway Tuesday my chest start feeling heavy and had difficulting breathing so I figure I have lung mets.........but thinking about the 2 wk rule let it go until Thursday by then I can hardley walk two steps and finally go to the hospital where my onc is and they check my heart and chlost. and it has sky rocketed......didn't admitt me but kept me there all day and gave me some IVs not really sure what it all was but anyway started feeling alot better and then they let me go and had to go back yesterday for follow up but am on the road to recovering .......won't be stopping any meds without first checking with doc know what chicas.....I get so tired of all the meds causing so many se's and everything is suspect of cancer......hate freaking quess who's home......oldest child came in late Thursday night.....think that is one reason feeling so much her......she yelled at me for a good two ya'll don't need to.......I promise I will not be deciding what is good for to mind the to get to everyone ya'll.........

  • sherloc
    sherloc Member Posts: 893
    edited June 2007

    rereading my post. I am such a crappy speller.

  • Boo46
    Boo46 Member Posts: 261
    edited June 2007
    Denise - Yes pocket pets! hahahahahahaha
    Shokk - OMG don't do that to yourself!!!!
    Liz - Hugs. Hope life calms down a bit for you.
    It's beautiful today here but rain is expected later. Got some outside stuff to work on so BBL.
    Hugs to all of you,
  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Member Posts: 2,728
    edited June 2007

    Well it has turned out to be a beautiful but quiet day. Cant clean the debris in the pool cause the water is only 66 degrees and I need to get in it to vacuum it. So guess I will try tomorrow. Pulled some weeds and thought to myself - geez - I never just relax. So I came inside, got a glass of wine, and Im relaxing the rest of the afternoon.

    Vickie and Madison: Yes we are a sneaky bunch. This was well thought out and well planned. I was so glad I volunteered to help sew squares together. I had so much fun. First of all I seemed to be getting a surprize in the mail almost everyday for 2 weeks. And just loke you got cards, everyone sent me a little note too. It was a special time. As I was putting borders on the squares I thought of each person. I did CY's while she was waiting for biopsy results, I did Cheri's in the midst of her ankle surgery, I snickered as I did Denise - just cause she makes me smile. Everyone that contributed had a story in my mind and I could feel the love from so many. It was indeed a fun project and I got to feel like both of you feel sending out the afghans. But I gotta tell ya, its alot of work and I say thank goodness we have both of you.

    Every single one of us had love in our hearts and we anxiously awaited to see this post.


    Vickie and Madison - you both are very special people.

    Liz: You must come to the spa tent. We havent used it in a while. We are gonna lock the door and not let you out. Life is way too stressful - you need to do something for yourself. Problem is you and I are so much alike. We dont know how to slow down. If we try to just sit still for a moment, we are already thinking about whats not done.

    Cheri: Doing better is good news. Getting back to normal? What is that. The last weeks my normal has been grumpy. My Italian has taken over my body lol.

    Beth: Now Im worried. Hoping everything is ok with your DH. In this case no news isnt good news. So when you can, let us know how you both are doing.

    Robin: Thats a xanax and glass of wine kind of day.


    Sherloc: Im not much of a beer drinker but one of my favorite things is to be out in the middle of the lake, anchor down. cooler stocked with ice cold beer. Why does a cold beer always taste good on a hot day. As far as real fishing, I would just die if I had to take a fish off a hook and forget about eating it. Would want to put it in a tank and keep it as a pet.

    Shokk: Oh my goodness, that was a scary experience. Self diagnosing? Being a nurse Im good at that. Problem is with alot of medications, you need to be weened off them and not just abruptly stop. We sure were worried about you. Glad you are ok now. So are they gonna run a bunch of cardiac tests now? Girlie Girls? Hoochie Mamas?


    Im surprized the subject of The Soprano's has never come up. Guess Im the only one who is addicted to the show. Cant miss an episode. Saddens me to know tomorrow is the last one. I have been going on the Sopranos website and reading what others think is gonna happen in the end. It is definitely my favorite TV show. But then I like unusual things. Love Deadwood and Carnivale.

    Iris: Where the heck are you?

    Hmmmm! See I cant relax, I think Im gonna check out the chat for a bit. See ya all later.


  • Odalys
    Odalys Member Posts: 929
    edited June 2007

    Such a sad day today...spoke with my friend Liz and we said our goodbyes for now...doctors gave her a month and she wants to spend it with her family in Panama. I'm trying to stay positive for her and not loose hope, after all docs are just human, they could be wrong... So sad...I'm holding back the tears and don't know what else to say CG's...........

  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Member Posts: 2,728
    edited June 2007
    Odalys: My heart is heavy for you. Very hard to say good bye. Its a numbing feeling. Im gonna light a candle for you and your friend.


  • Odalys
    Odalys Member Posts: 929
    edited June 2007

    Thanks Nicki - such heavyness in my heart for her and all the bc sisters who have lost the battle.

  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Member Posts: 2,728
    edited June 2007

  • marshakb
    marshakb Member Posts: 796
    edited June 2007
    Just popping in real quick, waiting for friends to pick me up for the theatre awards banquet. My dress is awesome, I must say, bald and all I look HOT (IMHO) LOL. Spent all day getting ready for the party tomorrow. Keg is on ice, daquaris are slushing as we speak, DH cleaned the house (HAHAHA) and ready to go! I've read all the posts and will bbl to talk to you guys! Have a great evening.


    Love, Marsha
  • beth1225
    beth1225 Member Posts: 402
    edited June 2007
    Hi you guys! Sorry for not posting sooner.

    {{{{ODALYS}}}} sending cyberhugs to you and your friend. I'm sure it has to be hard to lose a close friend like that and know we are all here for you whenever you need us.

    Shokk, I will not yell. I am still dealing with my mom self-medicating with her diuretics. Please promise you won;t do that again..please!

    OK, brought dh home around 11 AM. I was going to get him sooner but I had to wait for my ex to pick up Eric. Poor kid was miserable because deep down he said he feels like his dad takes him on weekends like this just to take time away from me. I told him he can stay here any weekend he wants and that the court orders don't cover whathe wants. Besides, there is also this cutie he is interested in. Next weekend he already arranged to take her to see the new Fantastic 4 movie. But he is still seeing his "birth father" (his words not mine) and then see his stapdad later that night.

    DH had the chest pains as a result of the stomach upset he had for 2 days. The report talks about gastritis. He also has put weight on again from the weeks he was home and not eating right while taking care of me. If he is at work, he doesn't have a chance to snack. ER doc ordered him to see the gp ASAP. Bloodwork turned up a possible clot somewhere but the CT scan didn;t turn anything up. We both ate a little something and laid down for naps and that was it for a solid 2 hours! Then I sat online paying bills and reading a lot emails that built up.

    Liz, I will be glad to share a bubble with you! It has to be better than dealing with all of this crap lately!

    Marsha, post pics of the party and you too! I bet you are the prettiest there. Your face on your avatar just beams right off of the screen.

    REady for dinner and my evenign dose of vanco. I am getting good at loading up the IV. Did it all on my own this morning. See you guys tomorrow because I am taking a xanax and getting an good night's sleep.
  • suzfive
    suzfive Member Posts: 126
    edited June 2007
    I have been trying to post all day and just as I start someone needs the computer. The older two dd have gone out so I think I can post now with no interuptions.

    Amy and Karen - my thoughts and prayers are with you and your Dads.

    Liz - glad MIL is out of the hospital. Looks like you have a lot on your plate right now. Your ds sounds a lot like my kids. Didn't he just go to Minneapolis recently?

    Margaret - good news on the pills. I was supposed to make an appointment for that test too - like last year - had just finished treatment and did not want to go through more tests. Time to see PCP again and she is not going to be happy that I have not had it done yet. Guess I may call on Monday to have one scheduled.

    Cheri - don't want to get on your bad side. Loved the lilly liver a$$es - just what they are picking on Vickie.

    Vickie - Take it easy this weekend and let your body heal. Good thing nothing was broken. So glad you got an afghan - no one deserves one more.

    Madison - You got an afghan too. Can't think of two more deserving people than you and Vickie.

    Jankay - loved your post about women.

    Karen - I would keep the appointment with the vascular doc. Sounds vascular to me and would be good to get this ruled out by a specialist. I hate doctors appointments too. Need to make one with my PCP but keep putting it off. I hope that a break from the AI/Tamox will do the trick for you.

    Kristen - loved your music. Congrats to your dh on the all clear. Have a good time celebrating MIL birthday.

    Shirley - I love farmers markets - ours won't open for another few weeks. I do have a small garden though and have been picking lettuce and spinach for the past week. Its really good but a pain to wash off all the sand/dirt.

    Sheri - Isn't retail therapy the greatest -especially when you aren't spending your own money and you get a bargain. Dressy is good - I usually don't buy dressy things and then don't have them when I need it.

    Tricia - glad your ps appointment went well. The drains are a pain but better to keep them in then get em out too soon. Mine came out too soon and I ended up with a large hematoma that took months to resolve.

    Shokk - wow, so glad you are okay - that must have been quite scary. Leave the doctoring to the doctors. Glad your dd made it home from Wisconsin safely.

    Nicki - 66 is pretty chilly. Sounds like me - all the fish would be pets. Like your idea of fishing better - anchor down in the middle of the lake with a cooler full of cold beer.

    Denise - my little guy thought for the longest time that I was only 26 - where he got that from who knows. Anyways - he cried when he found out how old I really am. Then he said - "that's only your calendar age - you are really 26". So you can be 30.

    Deb - the writing conference sounds great - love Amy Tan. Glad you're not ER positive but a real pain all the same.

    Odalys - that is so sad about your friend Liz. My prayers are with both of you - it is so hard to say goodbye.

    Beth - we need to wrap you and dh in bubble wrap and put both of you in the middle of the circle. Your luck has to turn around soon. Need an update on dh - I'm with Nicki don't think no news is good news - hope I am wrong.

    Iris - I nominate you to be the official CG Cliff Notes taker. Your posts are so informative. It takes me so long to read and catch up with everyone and then can't remember half of what I read. Glad your eye appointment went well.

    Z- Big hugs to you. You come here and get in the middle of the circle and we will take care of you. It is so hard when someone we love is sick. We would never forget you. Have a great weekend with your dh.

    Gus/Sue - how proud you must be of your little guy.

    Boo/Sue - sounds like a great job - was wondering about the independent contractor - surgery thing too - glad you explained that one. I will leave the pocket pets alone. LOL.

    Marsha - have fun at the banquet and your party - I am sure it will be a blast.

    Well, I went and worked with the physical trainer on Thursday. It was so embarassing - my arms are so weak even 5 pound weights were too heavy - had to use 3 pound weights. The physical trainer was this very muscular guy - he is showing me the exercises with the 3 pound weights and it looks like he is lifting toothpicks. Now the really sad part is - my arms are killing me -especially the left one which is the cancer side. It is not swollen - just really sore - wearing my sleeve just to be on the safe side. My mother had a terrible case of lymphedema so want to avoid it if that is possible.

    My youngest dd had her promotion ceremony from eighth grade last night. It went really well once I got there. Had to pick up oldest dd from work - when I came home dh and youngest ds had left for the promotion and locked the house. I didn't have a key so had to go through a window. My dd was dressed up having just come from work so I got to go through the window - what a sight LOL. Anyways, I changed quickly and made it there on time. Not too happy with dh though.

    Oldest ds came home today from Chicago - always nice when he comes home. Needs groceries so we will go shopping tonight and then I will drive him back to Chicago tomorrow evening.

    Middle dd graduates from high school tomorrow. We will go out afterwards and have a party for her in July when the relatives are able to come.

    Just got called outside to see a family of baby bunnies. Next door neighbor was out mowing the lawn and apparently disturbed their nest (not the right word). Anyways, their dog was trying to get them so they hid under my van. My youngest dd is out there protecting them. They are so cute, would fit in the palm of your hand. Just don't like them when they grow up and eat up my garden.

    Okay oldest dd is back and waiting rather impatiently for me to be done so I will end here. She takes the LSAT on Monday so is trying to prepare for that (at least that is her excuse).Can't find my list so if I missed someone it was not intentional. You guys are the best.

    Might bbl.

    Hugs to all,
  • suzfive
    suzfive Member Posts: 126
    edited June 2007

    So glad to see your post - thanks for the update on dh. You two take care.

  • jankay
    jankay Member Posts: 789
    edited June 2007
    Two elderly women were fussing about their husbands over tea one day.

    "I do wish my Leroy would stop biting his nails. That makes me terribly nervous!" the first one said.

    "Oh, my Elmer used to do the same thing," the other woman commented. "But I broke him of that habit real quick."

    "What did you do?"

    "I hid his teeth!"
  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Member Posts: 2,728
    edited June 2007

    Suz: That baby bunny story is so darn cute.

    Beth: Relieved your DH is home. You both need to get lots of rest. See ya tomorrow.

    Jankay: Very funny

    Im so excited. You all know I love race horses. Well the last thread of the triple crown was today. The Belmont Stakes. Although not very exciting cause none of the horses were eligible for the triple crown

    BUT: For the first time since 1902 a filly won the race. How bout them girls? Her name is Rags to Riches and she is beautiful.

  • jankay
    jankay Member Posts: 789
    edited June 2007


    >>>>A man called home to his wife and said, "Honey I have been asked to go

    >>>>fishing up in Canada with my boss & several of his Friends.


    >>>>We'll be gone for a week. This is a good opportunity for me to get that

    >>>>Promotion I'v been wanting, so could you please pack enough Clothes for


    >>>>week and set out my rod and fishing box, we're Leaving From the office &


    >>>>will swing by the house to pick my things up" "Oh! Please pack my new


    >>>>silk pajamas."


    >>>>The wife thinks this sounds a bit fishy but being the good wife she is,


    >>>>exactly what her husband asked.


    >>>>The following Weekend he came home a little tired but otherwise looking



    >>>>The wife welcomed him home and asked if he caught many fish?


    >>>>He said, "Yes! Lots of Salmon, some Bluegill, and a few Swordfish. But


    >>>>didn't you pack my new blue silk pajamas like I asked you to Do?"


    >>>>You'll love the answer...








    >>>>The wife replied, "I did. They're in your fishing box.....



    >>>> vk

    Play Movie Mash-up and win BIG prizes! =
  • jasmine
    jasmine Member Posts: 773
    edited May 2008
    Odalys -- I'm so sorry. Its hard to say goodbye to someone you care about. {{{Odalys}}}

    Marsha -- have a great time at the party! And if you happen to snag a lampshade for a hat, I could use a nice beige one with gold trim.
  • Madison
    Madison Member Posts: 859
    edited June 2007
    Well shoot, the website ate my post...hope it gets a tummy ache....

    I'll be back

  • jasmine
    jasmine Member Posts: 773
    edited May 2008


  • RobinTN
    RobinTN Member Posts: 466
    edited June 2007

    Odalys:I am so sorry.I will remember you and your friend in my prayers.

  • neesie
    neesie Member Posts: 1,110
    edited April 2008
    Back from my shopping trip with DD. I'll wait until hubby gets involved with Sci-fi tonight, then I've got some serious catching up to do!

    Hope all the Dad's are doing better and MIL's also.

  • RobinTN
    RobinTN Member Posts: 466
    edited June 2007
    Ok I got one:

    Husban and wife lying in bed late one night and the phone rings.Husband answers it and says "what,I dont know what you are talking about,this aint no weather station."
    Wife asks who was that? Husband says "I dont know some guy wanting to know if the coast is clear"..
  • newvickie
    newvickie Member Posts: 2,941
    edited June 2007 internet is back!!!!
    I see Jasmine is burping so I'm gonna go see why...sounds interesting and boy have I missed you ladies today!!!