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  • newvickie
    newvickie Member Posts: 2,941
    edited June 2007
    Good evening sisters,
    Gonna walk the perimeter before bed...pretty tired and still stinkin sore! Did the church breakfast this morning and was soooo ready to leave at 9 but everyone else had left so I was stuck till 10:30. Came home to a truckload of mulch that I've been waiting for for three weeks...great timing huh! It's gonna have to sit there for a bit.
    Hmmm...looks like Nicki is heading for bed so I'll wish her a good night and sweet dreams. I will write a letter for you if you want...just let me know. I loved your story about the makes it even more special. I looked just about like the lady you posted! I still can't look at it without feeling teary...but it's a good teary and I love you all for doing such a sweet wonderful thing. I've showed everyone heehee. Can't wait to take it to work and say "look what they did for ME!".

    Margarets wagon is still need to start playing with that camera...they are great and I love photography. You almost can't go wrong...

    Odalys is feeling sad and blue so I'm gonna stop in and give her a hug. I'm so sorry. Nothing more I can heart aches for you and your dear friend. Sleep well and have sweet dreams.

    Beth's wagon is quiet and everyone seems to be on the mend (I hope)...saying a prayer as I check on them all for a much better week starting right now.

    Liz...oh my...come run away with me. I so want to go to Florida and you need a break too!

    Robin...You had better come with me and Liz and I promise to bring along extra Xanex and blue drinks. I'll tuck the babies in and you go take a nice long bubble bath. After I get the babies taken care of I'll take care of Evil...he won't be buggin you for the rest of the night...heehee. gee...I just love ya to pieces you sneaky thing! I can't wait for your foot to be healed. Tucking you in early so you can wake me in the morning. Sweet dreams to you, Amber and those sweet GS's (oops...DH too).

    Shirley...I have two weddings to photograph. I have never done weddings other than my daughters so I am really nervous about it. I have only done portraits up until now. My daughters wedding photos came out really well and everyone was so impressed. I uploaded them to the Kodak site and they copywrited them...I was so mad, no one could order prints without my permission. I called them and they thought they were professional photos and I guess they always copywrite them. I informed them that they weren't but they said it was safer to copywrite them anyway so that they don't show up on someones webpage with um....modifications...something I had never thought of!!!

    Shokk...I am so glad you're back and ok! Geez we were worried about you...tucking you in and will see ya later alligator.

    Suz's wagon is busy and I'm gonna see if I can climb throught the window and surprise them. Lots of children graduating...congratulations to all and to mom for a job well done! Sounds like you have much to be proud of. Have a safe trip to Chicago!

    Madison got her post eaten...think I'll stop in and see her with my new afghan and we'll just sit together and feel all the love...better take the tissues along I'm afraid. What a wonderful surprise. So totally unexpected. What a sneaky bunch of special, sweet, grand women!

    Marsha's wagon is quiet as she is off to her awards. We need to see some pictures of you hot lady! Hope you're having a grand time and no staying out past curfew!!

    Shel's wagon is mighty quiet...miss her.

    Susan's wagon is wayyyy over on the other side and I don't see her she sleeping?

    Christine has become our newest MIA...gonna have to go round her up with Cheri and Jankay!

    Gotta stop and see Jankay for a chuckle. I love her emails and posts that make me laugh. Gonna tuck her in with her new afghan cuz I know she'll be up early with me.

    Stopping in to see Jasmine with some gingerale as I think she ate Madisons post and isn't feelin so hot LOL. Sweet dreams Jasmine!

    Denise is waiting to sneak on the computer...sneaky girl you are too! Love ya and sweet dreams tonight.

    Have to pop into Karen's wagon and give her a hug and a smooch for the wonderful postcard she sent me...what a sweet surprise. I don't know how many more surprises I can take as another wonderful sister sent me some grand notecards and some fairy dust to take a bubble bath with...which I plan on using tonight...really need a good hot soaking so I can move better tomorrow. Many thanks to you both.

    Lini Lini Lini...thank you sweet ya! Tucking you in ('s early there so I guess you can stay up a bit later). Praying you get your surgery this next week and get rid of the hard boobs!

    Got a great card from my secret pal today too!

    Gina's wagon is quiet so I'll pet Mr. Fluffy, tuck G in and sneak back out so she gets her rest.

    CY's wagon is quiet too so I'm gonna cover her with her afghan, say a prayer for an angel for her (and for all of us) and tiptoe onward.

    Iris has those alarms set so I'll blow her a kiss and a wish for a peaceful ya lady...have a great Sunday.

    Gazing at all the lovely flowers around Betty's wagon. What a beautiful sight.

    Z needs some care in the center so I'm gonna sit with her a bit, say some prayers, give some hugs, pass her a blue drink or chocolate (both if she likes)and let her know that she is in our care and we love taking care of everyone.

    Now I must say...I have never in my live felt the kind of love that I feel right here. That is the God's honest truth. Yes my sisters (well two of them)love me. My children love me more than anything (as much as I love them) but my life has been filled with no love. Terrible, horrible childhood...which I closed the door on but still has the ability to haunt me...twenty years with a very abusive (physically, mentally, emotionally)man (Sarah's father), loss of mother, father, grandmother, grandfather, get the picture. I never in a million years would have expected bc to actually enrich my life the way that it has. I would have never expected to find a site such as this, so filled with love and caring and wonderful women. You make me smile, you make me happy, you bring me hope and love. You are the best of the best. I think of you and consider you my family as much as my "true" family. Whatever you need...I will always be here...all you have to do is ask. Truly.


    Love and hugs
  • jankay
    jankay Member Posts: 789
    edited June 2007


  • jankay
    jankay Member Posts: 789
    edited June 2007


  • Boo46
    Boo46 Member Posts: 261
    edited June 2007
    Oh Vickie - Your post made me cry too! You are one special lady.
    Actually got some work done around the house today. Too tired to post to all. Sweet dreams everyone.
  • Madison
    Madison Member Posts: 859
    edited June 2007
    Only have time to send out hugs for everyone....I need to go meet Shokk and hid out in the closet with her 'cause we have some bad thunderstorms right on top of us.....
    Vickie, come to my wagon with your afghan....we'll have a good happy cry eyes were swollen from the happy tears when I went to work Friday.. oh my goodness, what a wonderful surprise....

    Okay, windows just shook with the thunder...bbl
  • CherrylH
    CherrylH Member Posts: 189
    edited June 2007
    Vicki, you are one wonderful person. Glad to call you "sister."
    Madison - enjoy that afghan, you also so deserve it.

    Shokk -- heading your way early Monday morning. Going to Galveston for a week. We've rented a beach house and the plan is to eat, sleep, drink, knit and read -- not in any particular order!!!!!

    Wishing a good night to all the FAMILY!!!!!

  • sherloc
    sherloc Member Posts: 893
    edited June 2007
    Evening ladies. Another week comes to a close.

    Shokk, yikes. Don't do that anymore.

    Nicki, love that picture. I am not a beer drinker either. And good gracious me I would never touch a fish on a hook. Ewwwwww. So we can sit in the canoe and read poetry to each other or play scrabble to wile away the hours.

    Odalys, I am so sorry about your friend. I will be praying for her.

    Marsha, have a great party tomorrow.

    Beth, glad hubby is home and doing better.

    Suz, I am right there with you with the 3pound weights. Any heavier than that and my arms fall off. congrats to all the graduates.

    Awww Vicki, such sweet tender words. Thank you.
    You should always copywrite your work. But boohiss on Kodak for doing it for you.

    Madison, jasmine ate your post? Hmmmmmmm

    Cherryl, have a grand time.

    Off to play in chat. See you all tomorrow. Sweet dreams to all.
  • CherrylH
    CherrylH Member Posts: 189
    edited June 2007

    Thanks Shirley, I'm looking forward to getting away for a week with no responsibilities to anyone!!! Yeah for vacations!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  • karen1956
    karen1956 Member Posts: 4,604
    edited June 2007

    Just wante to drop in and tell you that my dad's surgery went well. The doc said there was lots of scar tissue. No cancer. He is going to be in the hospital for about one week. No solids for a few days, but he can get up and walk (he needs to practice his walking because of the back sugery in January). Will know more when I talked to my mom tomorrow - she called last night after he was out of surgery, but not a whole lot of details. Thanks everyone for keeping my dad in your prayers. I so appreciate it. Will be back tomorrow. Hugs, Karen

  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Member Posts: 1,233
    edited June 2007
    Good evening ladies. I wanted to say good night to all of you.

    Robin, I would make your girls get take their children to daycare 2-3 times per week so you can have a little break. My dd and grandsons live with me, too. I know how the built-in babysitter thing works. But dd took the baby to daycare 3 times a week and I just had him 2 days. It's not fair that we should have them more than their Mothers and I adore my grandsons but I gotta have a break once in awhile.

    Betsy, Welcome! Jump right in. I saw you posting on the Welcome thread and hope you made it on over here. This is a great group of ladies and will make you feel so welcome.

    Shirley, don't you just love the farmerss market? All we have around here is roadside stands but some of them are pretty good. I'm envious of your peaches you got today.

    Shokk, enjoy your dd being home.

    Nicki, I love the "Sopranos" but I never can find it so I sorta lost out, maybe I can catch up in reruns. I find Tony very sexy, I think it's the power he has.

    Odalys, I am so sorry about your friend. It's so hard to say good bye.

    Marsha, enjoy your banquet. Remember, You're beautiful dammit!

    Suz, sounds like you have alot going on with graduations. Congrats on your dd's.

    Vickie, the day just isn't the same when you're not posting.

    Karen, glad your daddys surgery went well.

    hey to Boo, Liz, Jazz, Madison, Denise,Jankay, Cherryl, Iris, Janny, Gus,and everyone else. Have a restful night.

  • bearlysane111
    bearlysane111 Member Posts: 592
    edited June 2007
    Happy Sun! Thinking of everyone and hoping the day goes well! Cooler here afer the thunderstorms earlier Sat evening.

    Amy…your dad and all of your family have been in my thoughts all wkend;will be waiting for your update on Mon. I'm hoping that he is much improved.
    Karen…great news abt your dad! Thanks for the update and hope you are feeling better,too.
    Vickie…You are one energetic and multi-talented lady! I bet your photography is beautiful! Glad your breakfast was good and that is so like you to stay and be sure everything is finished and right. What a great tribute to friendship you wrote! It just gave me huge smiles!

    Nicki…your description of the robins almost got me outside; so hot today. If you ever need my recommendation,you got it! How did you sneak up and get my pic in my sunglasses,yellow beads and my red shoes? LOL Day #3 of no junk…it is rough! Congrats on walking!!
    Suz…Hope your middle daughter’s grad ceremony goes well;another daughter moving up from eighth grade--your wkend sounds busy and fun. I have crawled in the window before;know exactly how you feel;hope the pt sessions help your hands.

    Betty…hope you had a fun trip to NC;where did you visit in the mtns area? There are some neat sites on the TN/NC border.
    Tricia…hope you are feeling better and having a good Sun.
    Shirley…white peaches at the Farmer’s Mkt sounds delish. We have a real poor crop in our area this yr;peach ice cr and fresh peaches on cereal;better stop before I eat,again!

    Beth…man, alive,you and your dh have had so much lately. Hope that this new wk will be one when both of you feel better.Glad that your temp had lowered Sat. You’re right abt the tiara…actually, my dentist is the one w/the gold(green $)!
    Marsha…pls post pics of you/your party! I know that you had a blast and lots of friends there. I love your humor!
    Cheri…hi~ and how are you feeling today? You are so right abt the good feelings of the group and having a support network is wonderful. It is like having a family right here! Take care of yourself and best to your family;post more pics of that handsome Ethan!
    Odalys…I know that your friend is so glad that you are there;thinking of you in this difficult time.

    Colleen…hope the Komen Walk was fun; and that you felt well. Is Warren getting real excited abt his fifth gr grad ceremony this wk?
    Robin….hope you are feeling better and have had those days when instead of Calgon…it was Xanax take me away!!! Thinking of you!
    Margaret…those pills sound better than liquid;I have never been able to drink ginger ale since that day of pre-op. Thinking abt yours, so I went to look up when my next one is and it is 2008. Those four yrs have zoomed by. It is not as bad as the thoughts of going.
    Madison…too funny that the website ate your post! I have almost attacked the computer when it did that and that message abt time running out! Yuck! Hope this Word is saving or I may attack the computer myself,just kidding!
    Jasmine…if Marsha does send you the beige lampshade,will you post a pic? You are so funny! Ben & J’s Chunky Monkey,now, that is what we call wwwwondderful!!! I love your sense-of-humor!

    Z…thinking of you this weekend and hoping that you will be posting soon. We miss your writings.
    Boo/Sue…hope you got your jobs outside/inside completed before the storms;pocket pets is a neat name.
    Cherryl…enjoy Galveston…never been there but bet it is pretty. Will look for you after the vacation;love the jokes!

    Liz…Wow that is so much happening and I am so sorry as you must feel like you need eight arms and legs.Take care of yourself.Your family is so lucky to have you;hope the bites are better.
    Denise…loved the story abt your vanity and the bay window! Your husb must have really surprised you;does he build other things,too? I am trying to cut back on the junk fds; not as fun as the Godivas…were they in the $1 mil diet,I hope??? LOL
    Jankay…hope that you were able to get your mother’s things ready for auction;hope it will go well;fishing story was so funny!
    shokk…that isscary stuff! Hope that you are much better;hate taking cholesterol meds,too.You take care of yourself as we all worried when you weren’t posting.
    Kristin…have fun at the MIL’s party and that is so great abt your husb’s test results;many celebrations going on this weekend.

    Best to everyone! Brain drain today(early today) and anyone I skipped…thinking of you!
  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Member Posts: 1,233
    edited June 2007
    You know, it's been 2 months since I've had a cigarette and I'd love to have one right now. But I won't. I don't want to throw away all my quit days. This is really hard. Especially when there's some lying right there on my table. But I won't do it. I am a non-smoker. I intend to stay that way, but my oh my, what temptations I have. I'm gonna just be strong and go to bed. This was supposed to get easier.

    Just thought I'd share that. lol

  • jankay
    jankay Member Posts: 789
    edited June 2007

    gm tweaking vickies toes

  • jankay
    jankay Member Posts: 789
    edited June 2007
    i am stuck to the leather seat of my scooter
  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Member Posts: 2,728
    edited June 2007

    Good Morning Everyone: Its gonna be another beautiful day. I just love watching the early morning sunrise and yes, the robins are singing again this morning. In my younger days when I would go out and party, I would hear the robins and think oh no, it is that late already. Meaning it was time for me to go to bed. It definitely is a better sound when you wake up.

    Vickie: So your computer was down? I was looking for you all day yesterday and thought maybe you were consumed by a giant pancake. Your post was lovely. Sometimes we have to stop and think about why we come here. For me, the most important thing is the friendship. There is so much love in the wagon circle.

    Cheryl: Oh going on vacation sounds like so much fun. I finially put my request in for time off. A couple of long week-ends and Im taking off the week of July 4th. SIL is having a big party, but Im still angry with her for telling my husband things I said in confidence. So Im gonna be pretty quiet around her. I feel like she is playing games with me. She starts the conversation, and then goes back and tells my husband what I say. She was with me all through my tratment, but the trust is gone and will never come back. Gosh I got off the subject for a bit. You have a wonderful time in Galveston.

    Sherloc: Yes indeed the two of us are alike in many ways. Now here is my theory for camping. Dont do it! I love the outdoors and love to picnic all day long at a campsite, but when the sun goes down and its time for sleep, give me a hotel room with a bed and shower!

    Karen: I feel so bad for your dad. He has been through so much in the last 6 months. Im glad the surgery went well and that all they found was scar tissue.

    Iris: Dieting is hard. I really blew it last night. I raided the refrigerator and had 2 ice cream sandwiches. Then there is the calories from 3 glasses of wine. So Im gonna pay for it. I see my PCP on Wednesday for a routine check up - I so wanted to weigh 10 pounds less than my last visit.

    Cheri: Its a funny thing about Tony Soprano. He is one fat guy, but yet many including myself are attracted to him. I am so anxious to see how it ends tonight, then Im gonna miss it terribly.

    Good Morning Jankay. Hoping you get yourself unstuck.

    Amy: I too have been thinking about you all week-end and hoping things are going well with your dad.

    I will check back later. Hoping you all have a wonderful morning.

    BRSTN Member Posts: 165
    edited June 2007

    Had my first cup of coffee. I had a wonderful day yesterday, DH and two good frinds and I drove done to Hendersonville, NC. It's about an hour and a half away. We stopped at Wild Birds Unlimited and picked up seed and a few other things. They had a weather stick somilar to to one we had from ME that didn't survive our escape from MA. SO we will hand that today. The thing really works. Our frinds bought one two, but I think it was just the humor of the thing. They will be surprised when it works.

    Then we went to the Visitors Center and picked up all the B&B stuff. Frinds picked up the fun brochures. They own a B&B here in Jonesborough, so they are always looking for info of the area and beyond to show their guests.

    We had lunch at this converted old time drug store. Tony had a chocolate malt and Chuck had an egg cream, but he said it wasn't like his NY days. I guess it 's a southern egg cream recipe. LOL

    Then onto Mast General store If you are ever in the NC/SC upstate area, go there. CG's would love this place. I bought a tee that says "After viewing her calendar for the week, she went ahead and pre-medicated." Isn't that great. I knew I had to have it.

    After that it was the Fresh market and some bleu cheese burgers for the grill today.image

    Then we stopped at this great place that I call the dish barn. They have all kinds of dishes and kitchen stuff and gardening, etc.

    I guess you could say it was a retail therapy day for me, but it was more just a fun day with friends and DH.

    Beth, I hope your DH is better. You guys have really been through it. You desserve a break.

    Karen, it was good to read a good report about your dad. Prayers continue.

    Vicki, how about sharing some of your pics. I love my digital, but I'm not very good at taking pictures.

    Shirley, we wanted to get peaches yesterday, but the ones the guy had were so small and hard. He said 95% of the NC/SC crop was lost to the April freeze we had. Enjoy!!

    BBL, have to get some more coffee.

    Hugs and happy Sunday,

  • jankay
    jankay Member Posts: 789
    edited June 2007
    vicki are u ok

    u have got to be up by now
  • newvickie
    newvickie Member Posts: 2,941
    edited June 2007
    each and every one!
    Oh...I've been awake for a little bit just couldn't drag myself out of bed. Good morning Nicki, Jankay, Betty and Cheri who was up at 4:30 but probably back to bed by now! internet yesterday! Talk about serious board withdrawls...yikes. I can't imagine how hard it was for the women before the internet!
    Cheri...I haven't had so much as a puff so don't you dare touch those cigarettes. I know how hard it is sometimes though. I have substituted cigs with sugar free fudgesickles and then chew the daylights out of the stick LOL.
    Cherryl...well I was gonna tuck you in last night and couldn't find you anywhere! What's this about a vacation? You know that when you girls go on vacation you're supposed to take me along...look what happened to Shirley for leaving me behind LOL! Hope you have a wonderful time.
    Shirley...speaking of...why are you still breaking out in hives and they haven't figured out why (or have they and I missed it?). Hope you are feeling better. I can't find the bra quilt picture...could you bump it or someone post a link...curiousity killed the cat but satisfaction brought him back!
    Jankay is stuck to her scooter...I think that's ok since it looks like we are missing Jeannie (and I know she isn't still cruising!)and Christine who is out way past curfew! I think we need to do a check on Shel too. I'm ready and waiting beside the road.
    Betty...your flower pictures are beautiful! I love them. I will post some of my pictures as soon as I finish editing the bridal shower ones (which I have to get to sometime today...oh my list is growing!).
    Amy...what is happening with DD? Sending more prayers your way. glad you got some good news on your DD. Hugs to you.
    I'm missing many but gotta shower and Nate wants french toast for breakfast. I think we are skipping church today as I really need to get things done here but don't know yet for sure.
    love and hugs all around!
  • newvickie
    newvickie Member Posts: 2,941
    edited June 2007
    two pics to share for now...
    Cocoa beach sunrise...oh I wish I were there with Nate and DD right now!

    Cocoa beach and Nate picking shells at 6am!
  • jankay
    jankay Member Posts: 789
    edited June 2007
    i lost my post

    walhhhhh wajjjjjjj wahhhhhhhhhh
  • marshakb
    marshakb Member Posts: 796
    edited June 2007
    Morning girls, man am I having a busy weekend. I love it! Had to clear my camera for tonights big bash so here is my fabulous dress from last nights banquet.

    Me and my broad Mary


    Have a great day everyone! Marsha
  • jankay
    jankay Member Posts: 789
    edited June 2007

    >Subject: Cookie Recipe (You've got to read this!)
    Date: Tue, 15 May 2007 07:35:51 -0700 (PDT)

    I love it when the little guy strikes back!
    > >>> >
    > >>> > A little background: Neiman-Marcus, if you don't know already, is a
    > >>>very
    > >>> > expensive store; i.e., they sell your typical $8.00 T-shirt for
    > >>>$50.00.
    > >>> > Let's let them have it! THIS IS A TRUE STORY!
    > >>> >
    > >>> > My daughter and I had just finished a salad at a Neiman-Marcus Cafe
    > >>>in
    > >>> > Dallas, and we decided to have a small dessert. Because both of us
    > >>>are
    > >>>such
    > >>> > cookie lovers, we decided to try the"Neiman-Marcus cookie." It was
    > >>> > excellent that I asked if they would give me the recipe, and the
    > >>>waitress
    > >>> > said with a small frown, "I'm afraid not, but you can buy the
    > >>>recipe."
    > >>> >
    > >>> > Well, I asked how much, and she responded, "Only two fifty-it's a
    > >>>great
    > >>> > deal!" I agreed to that, and told her to just add it to my tab.
    > >>>Thirty
    > >>>days
    > >>> > later, I received my VISA statement, and the Neiman-Marcus charge
    > >>> > $285.00! I looked again, and I remembered I had only spent $9.95 for
    > >>>two
    > >>> > salads and about $20.00 for a scarf. As I glanced at the bottom of
    > >>>the
    > >>> > statement, it said, "Cookie Recipe-$250.00". That was outrageous!
    > >>> >
    > >>> > I called Neiman's Accounting Department and told them the waitress
    > >>>said
    > >>>it
    > >>> > was "two fifty", which clearly does not mean "two hundred and fifty
    > >>>dollars"
    > >>> > by any reasonable interpretation of the phrase. Neiman-Marcus
    > >>>to
    > >>> > budge.
    > >>> >
    > >>> > They would not refund my money because, according to them, "What the
    > >>> > waitress told you is not our problem. You have already seen the
    > >>>recipe.
    > >>>We
    > >>> > absolutely will not refund your money at this point." I explained to
    > >>>the
    > >>> > Accounting Department lady the criminal statutes which govern fraud
    > >>>in
    > >>>the
    > >>> > state of Texas. I threatened to report them to the Better Business
    > >>>Bureau
    > >>> > and the Texas Attorney General's office for engaging in fraud.
    > >>> >
    > >>> > I was basically told, "Do what you want. Don't bother thinking of
    > >>>you
    > >>> > can get even, and don't bother trying to get any of your money
    > >>>I
    > >>>just
    > >>> > said, Okay, you folks got my $250, and now I'm going to have $250
    > >>>worth
    > >>>of
    > >>> > fun." I told her that I was going to see to it that every cookie
    > >>>lover
    > >>>in
    > >>> > the United States with an e-mail account has a $250 cookie recipe
    > >>>from
    > >>> > Neiman-Marcus...for free. She replied, "I wish you wouldn't do
    > >>> > this."
    > >>> >
    > >>> > I said, "Well, perhaps you should have thought of that before you
    > >>>ripped
    > >>>me
    > >>> > off!" and slammed down the phone. So here it is!
    > >>> >
    > >>> > Please, please, please pass it on to everyone you can possibly think
    > >>>of.
    > >>>I
    > >>> > paid $250 for this, and I don't want Neiman-Marcus to EVER make
    > >>>another
    > >>> > penny off of this recipe!
    > >>> >
    > >>> > NEIMAN-MARCUS COOKIES (Recipe may be halved)
    > >>> > 2 cups butter
    > >>> > 24 oz. chocolate chips
    > >>> > 4 cups flour
    > >>> > 2 cups brown sugar
    > >>> > 2 tsp. soda
    > >>> > 1 tsp. salt
    > >>> > 2 cups sugar
    > >>> > 1 8 oz. Hershey Bar (grated)
    > >>> > 5 cups blended oatmeal
    > >>> > 4 eggs
    > >>> > 2 tsp. baking powder
    > >>> > 2 tsp. vanilla
    > >>> > 3 cups chopped nuts (your choice)
    > >>> >
    > >>> > Measure oatmeal, and blend in a blender to a fine
    > >>> > powder. Cream the butter and both sugars. Add eggs and vanilla, mix
    > >>>together
    > >>> > with flour, oatmeal, salt, baking powder, and soda. Add chocolate
    > >>>chips,
    > >>> > Hershey Bar, and nuts. Roll into balls, and place two inches apart
    > >>>a
    > >>> > cookie sheet.
    > >>> >
    > >>> > Bake for 10 minutes at 375 degrees. Makes 112 cookies.
    > >>> >
    > >>>AN
    > >>> >
    > >>> > Even if the people on your e-mail list don't eat sweets send it to
    > >>>them
    > >>>and
    > >>> > ask them to pass it on. Let's make sure we get these ladies $250.00
    > >>>worth.
    > >>> > Enjoy the cookies, they are good....

  • Madison
    Madison Member Posts: 859
    edited June 2007
    Morning Sunshine Sisters,
    Unfortunately today won't be restful...going out of town for a wedding reception (for a couple that have "secretly" been married for a year-but we must pretend they were married a month ago)-anyway, take care all, I'll be back late this evening.....(unless I melt in the 105 degree heat index predicted for today).
    I did read all the posts-I saw that Karen has good news on her DD
    we have not heard from Amy-thinking of you all weekend
    Nicki was listening to the Robins and wrote some beautiful words about the afghan project. I agree –when I work on a square from someone it becomes alive and I think of the person that made the square…it is such a warm feeling to be surrounded by the love and I will truly treasure my afghan.
    Vickie is way-way tooooo busy, you need to rest;
    we need to help un-stick jankay from her chair
    Betty is up bright and early (and living in a beautiful area of the country)
    Shel has not checked in with us (she should have her afghan by now-not a secret delivery)
    Cherryl is going on vacation (when did she leave? I wonder if she will go through my town’s interstate?) – have fun and relax
    sending hugs and encouragement to Cheri ‘cause I know what strength and determination is takes to NOT smoke-you can do it
    Shirley, wish we knew what was causing the hives-there has to be an explanation
    Beth, you and DH really do need to be put in bubble wrap for safe-keeping-hoping you have a restful, non-fever day
    NS, how are you?;
    Iris, dieting is hard….I get on the scale every morning, which is the only way I can monitor my weight (that plus the size of my tummy)
    Kristin, congrats on DH’s test and please enjoy the rest of this weekend
    Boo/Sue, true, true fact – one of my DD’s graduate classmates went to do a residency at the vet hospital that is always featured on Animal Planet…how cool is that? She had to sign a waiver stating that she know it was being taped for television
    Liz, sounds like you are on a merry-go-round that won’t stop-I received your squares and want to say thank you, everyone-she made so many squares-even with this busy schedule-I am amazed at all you have accomplished..I look forward to meeting you when DD moved to your area
    Colleen, how was the walk? What date is Warren’s graduation?
    Z, get yourself back in the circle….this is where you belong..we will help…just as you have helped us in the past;
    Shokk, are you doing better? ..what you went through is very scary;
    Oh my goodness, Suz, congratulations on the graduations? I had two DD that took the LSAT….one to get into veterinarian school-and the other to apply for law school-good luck on the testing
    Shirley –you can hit my fingers ‘cause I am asking this question –is the deadline past for sending the bras…I have mailed so many afghans and secret pals boxes that I forgot about the bras….see I told you can fuss ‘cause I didn’t pay attention to directions;
    Odalys, sending special prayers you way…for you and your friend and her family…such a hard time for you
    Marsha, how was the party? Pictures please, pretty please…
    Robin, you are sounded stronger and stronger each and every day… is definitely your time for good news, good days….and great things happening for you;
    Margaret, good luck with the scope…had it last year…yulky, but a necessary procedure (especially for peace of mind)
    Jasmine, you are sooo funny
    Denise, did you see the grands this weekend…I still am amaze at all you and every did to get Vickie and I an afghan….all of you were so sneaky…and now I feel bad because I was asking for more squares to make afghans…
    Iris, what do you have planned for today? Does it get very hot where you live? Outside activities are a no-no down South…..
    Gotta go because it takes longer now to put on a face and dress for a “special function”…I am hoping we can stay indoors for the is being held at a historic home that was moved, restored and is now a reception place in my hometown….One of the restorations better be air conditioning.
    Hi to all I missed…..
    I’ll be back tonight…take care all
  • newvickie
    newvickie Member Posts: 2,941
    edited June 2007
    Madison...don't know if you have left yet but this is really sister is going to a wedding reception today for a couple that has been married for a year! She was laughing about the secret and didn't know whether to get a happy anniversary or congratulations card. Are you two at the same reception!!...too strange!!

    Marsha...oh both look stunning!!! Thanks for posting the pic! I want to bake but I can't...its way too hot!
    love ya all
  • jankay
    jankay Member Posts: 789
    edited June 2007

    soundeds good didnt it vicki

  • newvickie
    newvickie Member Posts: 2,941
    edited June 2007

    it sure does...hmmm...maybe if I open all the windows and get the fans going. Naw...too lazy today too LOL.

  • newvickie
    newvickie Member Posts: 2,941
    edited June 2007

    It sure does Jankay...maybe if I open all the windows and get the fans going. Naw...too lazy today LOL!

  • newvickie
    newvickie Member Posts: 2,941
    edited June 2007
    what the heck...uh oh...I'm stuttering now...too many xanex LOL. Actually when I posted the first time it said my post wasn't valid so I posted again. Hmmmm...mysteries abound!
    Is Deb home yet? Miss reading her posts.
  • sherloc
    sherloc Member Posts: 893
    edited June 2007
    Happy Sunday ladies.

    Karen, I am so glad your dad is doing better and surgery went well.

    Cheri, good for you for going to bed. You and Vicki are my heros. I am so proud of you for quitting.
    I agree about taking the babies to daycare. Grandmas should be having fun with their grands. Not be a second mommy. White peaches are my favorite. Haven't had one yet but did have the artichokes for dinner last night. They were yummy. Ever wonder about the first person who ate an artichoke? He/she must have been might hungry to look at that plant and say "Hmmmm I bet those leaves are tasty."

    Iris, peaches on cereal. A lovely idea, thank you. Wonder how they will taste on Lucky Charms?

    Jankay, stuck?

    Nicki, NO CAMPING is my lifes moto. Have never figured out why anyone would choose to sleep on the ground with the bugs when there are perfectly good hotel beds everywhere you go.
    I'm sorry your favorite show is ending. Have never watched it.

    Betty, sounds like the perfect day. I want a tshirt like that. I see you we can buy that tshirt online. Think I might just do that.

    Vicki, glad you got your internet back. The only pics of the quilt are in my camera. Not gonna post any till after PinkStock. Want it to be a surprise. The pics I was talking about were from my trip.
    Can't wait to see yours from the shower.
    I think Jeannie said she was going to be traveling for a month. Christine I am beginning to get worried about. Do you think she and her date hit it off and ran away to Vegas to get married?
    You don't NEED to get anything done. You NEED to rest and let your body heal.
    Haven't had any new hives in days. Personally I think the doctor at prompt care was wrong. These bumpys don't seem hive like at all to me. More bug bite like. Who knows what caused it? I'm just happy it wasn't the ambien. Have appt with onc this week. Will discuss it with him then.

    Marsha, O LA LA!!! You look fabulous. Love the dress. Mary looks oddly familiar to me. Have a great party today. Wanna see pics from that too.

    7am and hubby is in there making bacon and eggs again. UGH!!! Just the smell of it is to much sometimes. Oops had to scroll real fast. He just walked in with a plate. Damn now I have to eat it. Indigestion here I come.

    Madison, 105? yikes. Dang since they've already been married for a while the least they could have done is planned the party for a cooler day.
    I'm sorry I am just about done with the quilt top. Tis quite alright tho. Your name is going to be on it. Did you add your name to the Roll Call list? I would never hit your fingers.They are much to busy being a secret afghan angel to so many.

    Now I have bacon and eggs stuck in this damn temp crown. Ewwww it feels weird. This is gonna be a long two weeks with this darn thing in my mouth. Have a great day everyone.
  • sherloc
    sherloc Member Posts: 893
    edited June 2007
    Madison I just checked. You are on the Roll Call list.

    ATTENTION LADIES....If you have not added your name to the Circle Girl Roll Call list please do so within the next few days. If your not on it your name won't be on the quilt. And I would have major guilt if any of you were left off.