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  • Odalys
    Odalys Member Posts: 929
    edited June 2007

    CG's are the greatest!! Thank you for your kind words and prayers.

    Marsha - you look great...such a beautiful smile. Also, I admire a lady who can go topless!

    Robin - glad to see you posting and doing so much better.

    NS- sending you lots of healing light your way.

    Beth - my goodness you guys are due a break soon. Hope hubby is better soon.

    Glad to see husbands and dads are doing better. I guess they are now feeling all the stress after everything they've gone through with us.

    Okay, I know there are many CG's that I am not mentioning. Sorry, but my new job keeps me busy and unable to catch up with everyone on a daily basis. Please know that I think about you all daily and pray for you all often.

    I'm off to do yard work and then splash in the pool. It's a beautiful sunny day outside so I'm off to catch some rays with DH and son.

  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Member Posts: 1,233
    edited June 2007
    Good afternoon ladies. It was pouring rain all morning but it's stopped now and the sun is out. Amber is going to a concert this evening and it's outdoors so I hope it stays nice. She deserves some fun.

    Jazz, well, well, well. You are an Arkansas girl. Imagine that. That makes us neighbors since I'm in MO. All this time I pictured you as a big city girl and you're from Ark. Hey, did you know the tooth brush was invented in the state of Arkansas? If it'd been invented somewhere else they would've called it a TEETH Brush. hahahahaha

    Nicki, it's not a physical attraction to Tony it's the Power that makes him so sexy. If he wasn't head of the Mafia he'd just be some fat guy with an attitude that nobody would want.

    Betty, sounds like you had a great time yesterday.

    Marsha, nice picture. Great dress. You look Mah-vel-ous. my dear.

    Jankay, I'd read that cookie recipe before but lost it. I'll have Amber bake some up since it's such an expensive recipe. lol

    Shirley, you know that if I can quit smoking after 30 yrs. and 3 packs a day---you could quit. When you're ready, of course.

    We're sitting here waiting for Ethan to get home. Dh has to leave in just a few hours. Ethans daddy is late again bringing him home as usual.

  • RobinTN
    RobinTN Member Posts: 466
    edited June 2007
    Madison:thank you,I do feel better than I have in years.

    Vickie:You can do to Evil whatever you want.Just get rid of him..I love you to..

    Cheri:I agree with you,I feel like I am so being used,anytime I say anything about going somewhere alone,there is the devil to pay.Jasmine hates to watch both kids while I go to the onc which I have to do tomorrow.the first thing she ask if I was going anywhere afterwards.I told her that if she wanted anything to eat I had to go grocery shopping.Karen when she is home I still have to take care of Noelle.I am like you I love them with all my heart but I have just about had it.I finally got a lymphadema pump and couldnt use it the other night because I had to hold the baby while jasmine took a shower.THere is no one here to watch them while I take a shower.I have them both clean showered and ready for bed when my kids get home and it still is not enough.I feel guilty for even writing my thoughts down but the crack jasmine made about going somewhere else after I left the onc just did it.Then she said she would go and take the babies with me.I told her no.I have to get my herceptin tomorrow and that is just about all the peace and quiet I get now and on wednesdays when they are both off work.

    Iris:Thank you so much.You sisters are a big help in me gaining my sanity and strenght back.

    Thanks Odalys.I feel much better.

    JanKay:I knew if anyone liked my joke it would be you..
  • RobinTN
    RobinTN Member Posts: 466
    edited June 2007
    I forgot s omething

  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Member Posts: 1,233
    edited June 2007
    Here's a pic of little puppy, Mindy, at 9 weeks. She is the smaller of the 2. Mork is bigger but I couldn't get him up on my lap. lol Other pics on the pic thread of them.

  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Member Posts: 1,233
    edited June 2007
    Robin, you just have to sit both those girls down and very simply tell them how things are. That you love your grandkids but you need a break. You've raised your kids and you don't intend to raise grandkids. Be nice but firm. Don't ask them to get a sitter a couple days a week, simply tell them to because you are not a built in babysitter. I had to take some action with Amber, too. Most times I don't mind watching them, but she understands that I can't watch the baby from a wheelchair. We have Ethan today but that's alright cos my dh is home and wanted to spend some time with him and he isn't any trouble. But she Asked if we wanted to keep him. You have to watch your dd's because they're taking adventage of you. You need some time to yourself like everyone else does. Don't back down on this issue. I'm there too and I don't intend to back down. (Like I did in the beginning) I wisened up. Good luck. I'd talk to them both at once.

  • jasmine
    jasmine Member Posts: 773
    edited May 2008
    Howdy campers.

    Cheri -- yup, I'm from Podunk, Arkansas. I thought most people here already knew that though. At least the ladies from chat. And we're very proud of our tooth! We use it to count when we have shoes on. We're not really allowed to marry our cousins anymore after the incident with the McDonald's twins.

    I always figured Missouri was called the 'show me' state cause yu's guys couldn't read so you needed the picture books.

    Just kidding!

    Marsha -- you looked glamorous! Hope the party was good.

    Robin -- best of luck in getting control of your life back. I don't think there is anything wrong with wanting some 'me' time. Goodness knows you've been through heck the last year and deserve a day at the spa or whatever helps you relax. The daughters need to start owning their responsibility with their children so they can teach their daughters how its done. Just remind them that whatever Tesla and Noelle grow up seeing them do is what they will learn so one day they may find themselves as grandmothers with their daughters expecting them to watch the grandchildren 24/7.

    Shirley -- those peaches sure sound good.

    Iris -- thanks! I'm not sure everyone really gets my humor, its nice to know that I haven't offended everyone with it.

    Vickie -- how are you feeling today? Still sore? What kind of a camera do you use to take your wedding photos and portraits? Are you still using a film camera for those or have you gone digital?

    Well, I just woke up from a nap and there's a thunderstorm moving in so I need to go get the dog and check on things. Be back later.
  • RobinTN
    RobinTN Member Posts: 466
    edited June 2007
    Thanks Jasmine and Cheri
    You are both right.I am just seeing things as they are now that I dont have ca to think about constantly.They dont realize or dont care that I still get tired.I didnt raise my dd's to be selfish,I raised them alone mostly as my mother died when jasmine was 9 months old and they/I never had the luxury of a grandma for a sitter.I already told them both that when I recon they are going to have to do something else for 6-8 weeks.The only peace I get is when everyone is in bed for the night.and it is really starting to get to me.After all they are getting free sitter service.That I never had the luxury of either.Karen gets mad at me if I let noelle take a nap in the afternoon because she wont go to sleep when karen wants her to.But I put her down for naps anyway that is the only rest I get.
    Oh well enough griping.I feel bad for even talking about my kids.But it has been building up in me for awhile and I am afriad I will wait until I am mad when I talk to them and I dont want to do that.
    I try to treat them like adults and most of the time they act like they are.But somewhere I have been forgotten.

    Jasmine is right I have been thru heck this past year and enough is enough.

    Well I will shut up for now.
  • jankay
    jankay Member Posts: 789
    edited June 2007
    this may sound mean but when i went to work after having my first child, iasked mom to watch him and she agreed but she said i will not raise him. I have raised my kids and i dont intend to raise yours./. I will babysit when i wan t to but i willnot raise him.
    sounds like your daughers need the same talk
  • neesie
    neesie Member Posts: 1,110
    edited April 2008
    Howdy to all!

    Boy, this day slipped right by! I've got alot of reading to do to catch up with you ladies..Off tomorrow, so that will be my CG day!
    Hope all is well with my friends, and hope there is good news for all the parents and DH's having so many health issues.

    Love to all, and I'll be back tomorrow in full throttle!

  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Member Posts: 1,233
    edited June 2007
    Jazz, from what I've been told Missouri is called the 'Show Me' State because the real motto was too long. It was originally " I'll show you mine if you'll show me yours". hahahhaha

  • RobinTN
    RobinTN Member Posts: 466
    edited June 2007

    Cheri:I have been meaning to ask you this from the beginning .what kind of puppies are those? The almost look like great pyrenese.I had one of those and he was the sweetest dog.Someone shot him in our yard one day I was gone to chemo.I still miss him.

  • RobinTN
    RobinTN Member Posts: 466
    edited June 2007
    Jankay.Your mother was right in a way,but I believe I could have phrased it a little kinder.Dont you? But it is the truth I raised my kids with zero help and did it.
    I have a plan in mind if I can find an attorney to sue over my broken shoulder which still is not healed.
  • RobinTN
    RobinTN Member Posts: 466
    edited June 2007
    I really dont know what i would do without you girls,and I sure dont want to find out.
    I have got to go to the grocery store in the morning,I sure hope I dont get into another fight.But then again that kinda made me feel good that day I stood up to that man.
  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Member Posts: 1,233
    edited June 2007

    Robin, You are right. Our mama dog is Great Pyrenese/Border Collie mix. I have no idea what their father was but they both look just like the mama. And Mindy has White eyelashes. I've never seeen that before. Pyrenese are wonderful dogs. Very good with children and so loving. Mindy would sit on my lap all day but she's getting a little big for that. lol They do get really big. I can't beleive someone shot yours! They are gentle but protective dogs. My dh said we had to get rid of them...but you notice they're still here. hahahahaha

  • newvickie
    newvickie Member Posts: 2,941
    edited June 2007
    well good evening sweet ladies friends of mine!
    I don't think I'll be walking the perimeter...gonna use my trusty binoculars from my wagon and see if I can see what everyone is up too.
    Not seeing many girls tonight...where did everyone go? Cheri you need to go to bed so you can get up and IM me at work tomorrow as I suspect it's gonna be a long day! Not happy with some things that are going on there and may not be there much longer. Sick of getting walked on and lied too. Way to much work...way to little everything else.
    Robin...good luck finding a new monitor.
    Jasmine...I use a digital. I have two...always have a backup. I have a 6.1 megapixel Kodak Easy Share but my main camera is a 10.2 megapixel Nikon with lots of cool features.
    Cheri...those puppies are enormous!!! NOT LAP DOGS! So cute though. My sister has two great pyrenese.
    Wonder where everyone is?
    Hey Jankay...sent you a pm...I'm gettin pretty mouthy in my hormone deprived old age LOL. are not a are a grandma...that's it. No taking advantage of a grandma...there is a law against that somewhere and I'm pretty sure I can find it LOL. Maybe a little humor will do the trick...I'll have to see if I can come up with a fake law about women over 55 babysitting heehee.
    Well...I took 82 pictures of the bridal shower that are uploading now so I gotta go back to that and then off to bed...oh bed isn't made. Shoot...I hate it when I wash all the bedding and forget to make my bed till late. Maybe I'll sleep on the couch LOL.
    Sending love and hugs to everyone and I will catch up are all in my heart.
  • sue4unj
    sue4unj Member Posts: 48
    edited June 2007

    I love my pin!!! Have been wearing it every day and getting lots of compliments.

    As usual,I've been very busy lately. I had my orientation for the patient navigator position at the hospital and I think I'm going to love it - I'm very excited!

    Someone asked me what mahjongg is. It's hard to explain. There are 4 racks, each with 13 tiles (one rack per person) and every year the Mahjongg League comes out with a new card with 52 different hands. The object of the game is to win a hand. We play for $10 a week and since I play in 2 games a week, it's $20.

    I'm at my dd's in CT and will be going home tomorrow. I can't stand this computer and will post again tomorrow.

    Love, Sue
  • CherrylH
    CherrylH Member Posts: 189
    edited June 2007
    Hey Vicki,
    Hard at work packing for the vacation. Question, since "inquiring minds want to now..." did Madison and your sister attend the same wedding celebration!!??!?!?!!!
    Hope you are feeling better and your aches and pains are subsiding.

    I'll be up for a while, but will give a good and proper good night when I turn in.

  • sherloc
    sherloc Member Posts: 893
    edited June 2007
    Good evening ladies. Waiting for dinner to finish, decided it was a good time to check in and say good night. Hope everyone had a restful day. I did some running around. Went to OSH for salt for the water softener, Wallyworld for TP and various sundry item, and the grocery store for ice cream. Then came home and loaded 4 50lb bags of salt into the darn machine. Dang those things are heavy. Hubby would usually do it but the man is a bit gimpy these days and no telling when the kidlet is going to pop in.

    Cheri, I know, when I'm ready. Getting there day by day. You reminded me I forgot to ask doc on friday about chantix. Hmmmm you think I forgot on purpose?


    Vicki, hate it when I do that too. Making the bed is definately not what I want to do when I'm ready to climb into it.

    sue, good luck with the new job. When does it start?

    Cherryl, once again, have a glorious time. Don't forget your sunscreen.

    Love you all to bits, see you tomorrow
  • newvickie
    newvickie Member Posts: 2,941
    edited June 2007
    Hi Cherryl...I don't know if they did or not! My sisters was in Binghamton NY so when Madison returns we will find out for sure...wouldn't that be just the strangest thing! Doubtful but quite a coincidence!
    I wanna be packing for vacation...pout pout...heehee. Have a wonderful time...take lots of pics for us to see.
    Hey...Hi Ishop!!! Good to see you.
  • CherrylH
    CherrylH Member Posts: 189
    edited June 2007
    I'll sneak you on the plane. Be at Chicago Midway at 7:00 tomorrow morning and off we go!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  • joy1122
    joy1122 Member Posts: 189
    edited June 2007
    Ouppy-No Cancer YEAH!!!!! I am so happy for you

    Beth-You are really having a rough time. Hope your feeling better soon.
    I will try to catch up on everyone this week. I just got back from the shore with Kevin. DH had to work so the two of us went down to see the grandparents. It was nice,went to the beach,boardwalk and even did some fishing. Kevin caught four blue fish. I am just happy I didn't get sea sick this time.
    I am going to bed early. Take care girls and have a great week.
  • joy1122
    joy1122 Member Posts: 189
    edited June 2007
    Ouppy! I meant Puppy...Need to go to bed..LOL

  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Member Posts: 1,233
    edited June 2007
    Nicki, so what kind of season ender was that on the 'Sopranos'?? Just as the daughter bounced into the diner my screen went blank and I thought it was my satellite and then the credits came up! That was it? I kept waiting for someone to get popped. Oh well.

  • karen1956
    karen1956 Member Posts: 4,604
    edited June 2007
    Good evening CG's
    Marsha - your are beautiful!!!
    Beth - how are you and DH?
    Tricia - how are you feeling
    Z- hugs to you
    Odalys - hugs - so sorry about your friend. I hope you will be able to cherish you memories.
    Sherndon - glad you had fun with shopping - what a nice gift.
    Nicki - I'd be happy to write a letter for you - pleae let me know where to send it.
    Cheri - yeah - you go girl you non-smoker!. Mindy is soo cute. I love big dogs. Have 2 Bernese Mountain dogs - years ago had a Newfie. alo bulldog and german shepherd! I love my dogs. How's the foot doing?
    Vickie - did your daughter and Madison go to the same reception? What about the other job at your work - did you ever apply for it?
    ishop/sue - I also play maj -there are about 6 regulars - and 4 of us have been together since 1999. We play every Saturday afternoon - but no money. We all live kind of close to each other, so we walk to each other's houses on Saturday afternoon. This time of year we get about 4 hours of play time in.
    Talked to my mom today. My dad's surgery was successful, but he is in a lot of pain and kind of out of it. They had a tube in his nose to drain I guess the gastric juices and he just kept pulling it out, so they left it out. He is not allowed anything orally,but getting IV nutrition. He has not had anything to eat or dring since he was taken to the ER wednesday night. Mom said he will be in the hospital a week to 10 days - boy that seems long. Mom is a wreck.
    DH just came home and we need to walk the dogs, will try to be back later. Hugs, Karen
  • Tricia
    Tricia Member Posts: 103
    edited June 2007
    Good evening,

    Odalys, I am so sorry about your dear friend. This must be so difficult. Sending you hugs.

    Sheri, a great day of shopping is a great day indeed!

    Shirley, glad to hear your appointments went well. Both of those in one day is not my idea of a good time. They can do wonders now with veneers. And I really miss having a farmers market. We had a fabulous one in Denver. *sigh*

    Z, how are you doing? Thinking of you...

    Beth, I am so sorry you and DH have had such a rough time. I hope you both have turned a corner and have no more problems. Jeff also said he enjoyed talking to you. Hugs

    Jankay, so true about the wonderful women we have in our lives. I treasure them. I only had brothers growing up, but have collected many wonderful sisters over the years. I loved the silk pajamas joke.

    Liz, so glad MIL is better.

    Nicki, you are right, we are one team here, and we have a kick a$$ team here. That was so cool that a filly won the race! It was a thriller1

    Shokk, I am so glad you are ok. No lectures here.

    Suz, I'm glad you told me that. I am not all that bothered by the drain, so the longer the better if it helps me heal properly. My goodness, you have had a busy schedule lately. I hope the baby bunnies are ok.

    Vickie, I hope your soreness is better today. I know I have said it before, but your night time posts are so sweet and touching.

    Karen, what a relief about your Dad. Sounds like he is having a rough time, though. Hope his pain eases soon.

    Iris, thank you, I did have a good Sunday. Went grocery shopping and kept Jeff company while he planted some gardenias and Mandavilla vines/

    Cherie, that is fabulous that you have gone 2 months. It will get easier, slowly, but there are easier days ans harder says. Congrats to you.

    Betty, all the places you went sounded so fun. What a great day.

    Marsha, you are beautiful! What a great dress.

    Madison, did you melt? Hope you had a fun day. How funny that they were already secretly married.

    Robin, what shame that all you do is not more appreciated.

    Cherie, in my whole life I have never seen a nine week puppy that big! Holy cow! But she couldn't be cuter! LOL @ the "Show Me Staste."

    Cherryl. I hope you have a wonderful vacation.

    I had a very nice day. We went to the grocery store. Who thought that would ever seem like a nice outing.
    Jeff planted two gardenias (love them, I already had 2 which are blooming away) and 2 mandavilla flowering vines, one pink, one yellow. At least I think that is the name. I watched. With my back problems, I do better when I get up and walk around some, so I will do that a little more each day. I wish we had an air conditioned mall nearby, as it has been very hot and humid down here.
    Neighbors (good friends, actually) came over and we sat out on the dock and watched the sunset. Lovely day. Then came in to eat pizza and watch the Sopranos. The pizza was leftover, but it was better than the Sopranos.
    My office is 2 blocks away, so I may get cleaned up tomorrow and make a brief appearance. I can access my computer desktop from home, so I can do some work without getting cleaned up if I want to. It feels good to get out, though. I'm getting a little antsy.
    I do feel better every day. Thank you again for all the well wishes and reassurance.
  • PeanutsGirl
    PeanutsGirl Member Posts: 115
    edited June 2007
    Karen, the news sounds good.

    Marsha, Vavavoom!!!

    Beth, hope things are better soon.

    Vicki, rest, rest and, oh yes, rest.

    Cheri, Nicki & Denise, great work on the afghans for Madison & Vicki.

    Amy, hoping for good news for your dad.

    Z, come let us cheer you and comfort you.

    Betsy, welcome.

    Jankay, loved the fishing story. Shared it with DH. He thought it was a hoot. Keep the great stories coming.

    Shokk, glad that you're okay now.

    Have a prayer requesst for DD#2. Tomorrow at 6am she'll be at the hospital. Her OB will be attempting a "version" to turn the little one. Please pray and send up good thoughts that all goes well. Sure would be good if she could avoid a C-section. i know that I can count on you. You are all the best.

    Hugs, prayers and healing for all,

  • sue4unj
    sue4unj Member Posts: 48
    edited June 2007
    Dear Laura,

    My daughter had a baby boy 6 weeks ago tomorrow. The baby was breach and she had the choice of attempting to turn him around or have a c-section. She chose a c-section on the advice of her ob/gyn and although she was very upset at the news, she is happy she had it and all is well. I'm sharing this with you to let you know that either way, your daughter will be fine and you'll have a beautiful and healthy grandchild.
    Please know that my thoughts and prayers are your daughter and your family.
    Love, Sue
  • karen1956
    karen1956 Member Posts: 4,604
    edited June 2007

    I'm back - just had some thoughts about me and this whole BC journey. I don't like who I have become. I feel so whiney. It seems like all I ever do is complain. I have talked to two gals over the past few days who are both survivors - one 3 years and one 5 or 6 years. They are both in their 60's and seem to have such a more positive attitude than I do. Both of them are on AI's and say that this is the way life is now and thats the way it is. I asked the one if she had side effects on Tamox and she said she didn't remember because she didn't pay attention. She says she feels great, works out any everything. She says she just does not pay attention to the side effects. The other gal has bad arthritis and is finishing up her 5 years on Arimidex and also has the attitude that this is just the way life is. So my question to all you dear CG's, how do you get to that point? How do you get to be as strong as these gals appear to be? I want to be strong - I was never such a whiner before BC. This has been really bothering me for the past couple months since I went off AI's and on Tamox and even more so since last week when I once again called my onc complaining about the side effects of the Tamox. I am now off of it and I see him on friday at 4pm to discuss my options. How do I get to the point to just say this is the way it is and "grin and bare (or is it bear) it". How do I get to the point to be abe to able to move on and not be such a "victim'? I should be greatful to be NED, but instead I whine about the side effects. I am scared to stay off hormone therapy, but yet, it is hard to stay on them. I love coming here, because you all "get it". When people ask how I am doing, I often just say "okay" - kind of a standard line like "I'm fine", but sometimes, I go "fair" or tell people I not doing the greatest. But do people really care and really want to hear it. If I said I was doing "good", would I begin to believe it myself? Can I be doing "good" if I have side effects? I really need an attitude adjustment. NS and CY- I need to take lessons from the two of you - you both are such positive people and going trhough so much. Any words of wisdoom would greatly be appreciated. I have much sole searching to do before I see the onc on Friday. Thank you all for listening. You are the best. Hugs from denver, Karen

  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Member Posts: 1,233
    edited June 2007
    Laura, prayers going up for your daughter and her baby. You and the rest of your family as well. I agree with Ishop about having a c-section and your daughter and baby being fine. I laid in the hospital 3 months because of Placent Previa years ago. I had a c-section and Amber and I were fine. So try not to worry.

    Karen, alot of what strength is made of is attitude and stubborness.

    CY, where are you? Don't make me worry.
