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  • CherrylH
    CherrylH Member Posts: 189
    edited June 2007
    Goodnight dear sisters,
    I'm all packed and ready to have a fun filled week of no responsibilities. I'll be back late Friday afternoon. I wil not try to catch up on all the posts, instead I'll just drop into the party forum with a blue drink and pick up where everyone else left off. Have a wonderful week. See you Friday!
  • zazette15
    zazette15 Member Posts: 223
    edited June 2007
    Hello sister CG's: I'm checking in with not a whole lot to say, I have not read and caught up. My reveal evening was terrifying, but it turned out great. My DH just loves me and I know he was a little startled at first, then he said you can hardly tell the difference and it doesn't matter anyway. During our time alone, my mother called 50 times, for no reason, for stupid reasons, for valid reasons, I finally screamed and cried that I am going to die way before her or any of you all because stress causes cancer to come back and now she is mad at me for saying this, but I think it's true, I can guarantee a recurrence if people don't stop thinking I can do it all and let up off me for a bit. Everyone wants to know why I'm not on my board or seeking out my support, and I have to tell them because they will not let me, they give me no time to myself. I'm depressed and pissed off with everything right now and I'm sorry that I've been absent, I need you all and miss you all very much, I'm trying to make my way back. Take care. Please do not forget about me out here, please.

    Good night, beauties.
  • bearlysane111
    bearlysane111 Member Posts: 592
    edited June 2007
    Happy early Monday,

    Amy…hoping to hear news of your dad;thinking of you and your family. Will be watching for your news today;you have been on my mind all weekend.
    Vickie…great that you got the photographs downloaded;hate that,too,when I forget to put sheets on. Have done a night on couch before myself! LOL
    Nicki…hope the day went well for you and I know you will enjoy the 4th vacation. Rememb last yr when fireworks came and you were celebrating for a yr? Gee, this yr went by so fast;we can toast another yr real soon!
    Suz… hope the h schl grad ceremony went well and that the family had a good visit.I know what you mean abt remembering when the seniors were in Kindergarten--time flies.

    Betty…been to Valle Cruces and seen Mast Gen Store. Sounds like you had a great time on Sat.
    Tricia…your Sunday sounds good and I know it felt good to be outside. I love magnolias and my parents have some nearly as old as I(almost!) Glad that you are feeling better each day. Hope that your visit to your office will go well if you go in tomorrow.
    Shirley…peaches on Lucky Charms would be interesting! Hope that your Sun was good. Don't do artichokes;tried and for me like okra--either like it or not like it.

    Laura…will be thinking of your daughter later on this morning. Know that everything will be fine.
    Beth…thinking of you and your husb and hope that both of you feel better this week.
    Marsha…lovely pic of you and hope that you had a great time! That is a neat dress!
    Cheri…gee those puppies have grown! I was looking at pics of them when they were just born(CG pics) this aft. Nice pic of you,Cheri! What a pleasant smile and the love for your puppy is so apparent. I can’t imagine a new home, at this pt, for that lovely little one!

    Odalys…hope the Sun went well and swimming in the pool surely sounded good.
    Robin….the CGs have meant so much to me as well. Hope the visit will go well w/dr when you go.
    Madison…hope the wedding went well and that it was cool inside! Lived in AL and I can picture what you are talking abt w/heat plus humidity. That 105 heat index is something else! It must have been beautiful this time-of-yr!
    Jasmine…I enjoy reading your jokes and writings. I thought sure you lived near Vickie. All this time,I have been thinking you were doing computer programming not far from her--my mind!!! What happened w/the McDonald's twins(or is that a joke?)
    Sue(ishop1)…great to see you! Glad your patient navigator program goes well at the hospital.
    Z…so sorry abt all the added stressors. I am glad that your dh and you had a nice time. Come here as there are friends who do understand when the going gets hard. No one could ever forget you…you always have a kind word for all of us.

    Joyce…the trip to the shore sounds fun;Kevin did great catching four fish.
    Cherryl…Wow--7AM flight! You must have to be up at crack-of-dawn! Enjoy the fun! Check w/you later on in the wk.
    Karen…thinking of you and hoping that your visit w/the dr will be helpful. It is a hard decision as there are probs w/my AI and chol meds and I have side effects,too.
    Denise….thinking of you! Good for me not eating the junk…had to hide the car keys as Breyer’s was really calling out my name.I just ate a big apple and stopped up my ears! LOL~ I will feel like a mill$ if the lbs go MIA!Day #5--who counts? Ha! Ha! Tell me how you did it.

    Thinking of all the CGs and hoping the wk will go well for each of you!
  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Member Posts: 2,728
    edited June 2007

    Good Morning Everyone: Sometimes it seems like the week-end just flies by. I cant believe, here it is Monday morning already.

    Tricia: Your sounding good. Its good that you can work from home, but dont push yourself too hard. Right now you need time to relax and heal. I do understand the antsy part though. I have mixed feelings about the last Sopranos. It turned out the way I had hoped, but the last episode could have been written so much better. I still cant believe that was the last one! The cat! OMG - that was the funniest part of the show.

    Laura: I know it is scary, but your DD is gonna be just fine. 6am is sure an early wake up call. I will be thinking about both of you this morning.

    Sue/Ishop: Good to see you post. Hoping life is treating you kind.

    Karen: I think one of the biggest mistakes people make is to compare ourselves with others. When you do this, it invalidates your feelings. Your friends are lucky, sounds like their side effects are minor. You have had 2 surgeries in the last 6 months! Your body has not yet recovered. I had asthma all through chemo, my onc said it wasnt related, but it went away once the chemo stopped. My point is that just because we are not in "that group" doesnt mean our symptoms are not real. I think in general people take a blah attitude towards breast cancer. Like its a right of passage!! Which is crapola. Forget about comparing yourself to others. Think about what is going on with YOU. Thousands of people take the cholesterol medication called Lescol. I couldnt take it - had a severe muscle reaction to it. Did that make me a whiney person? Absoultely not.

    Z: I do believe that stress plays a roll in many health issues including cancer. You need to set up boundries. I would be honest with your mom and tell her to back off a little and give you some time to breath. Set aside some "me" time everyday. My husband saw me from the beginning, cause he had to help me take a shower that first week after surgery. At that point in our lives we were just happy that we caught the cancer in time and after surgery the cancer was gone.

    Iris: You have a good memory! Its hard to believe we have known each other for such a long time. I love fireworks and they have always played a part in my recovery. After my lymph dissection, I was watching the fireworks in my yard and just as the grand finale came, I got a call from my surgeon telling me they came back negative. My sentinel node came back positive so that was the best news and the fireworks said it all for me.

    Sherloc: Your descripton of Artichokes made me laugh. I think the same thing. They look so weird, yet taste so darn good. We have a new store around here that is setting up franchises. Called the Fresh Garden Market, so we canget lots of fresh fruit. But my favorite is to take a little ride - lots of farmers selling produce!

    Robin: It sounds to me like you need to have a sit down talk with your daughters. They need to be reminded you are still getting treatment, you need less stress in your life, and you need time for rest.

    Cheri: I agree with you on the Sopranos ending. I thought what the heck? I thought for sure meadow was gonna walk in that restaurant see see her whole family get blasted with bullets - then darkness. That cat was Christopher incarnated and was my favorite part of the show.

    Karen: Glad your dad is going ok. That tube in his nose is pretty much normal after colon surgery. Its also not unusual for older people to pull it out. Glad they left it out instead of tying his hands down. That would have only made him more confused.

    Madison: Hope you had fun at the wedding reception. Thes days, I cant tolerate high heat index. It makes my physically ill. So Im feeling for you. 105 heat index and I would have been standing in a swimming pool all day long.

    Betty: Sounds like you had a fun day. I used to love to feed the birds, but we have a big problem here with West Nile Virus - so my bird feeding days are over.

    Vickie, just wondering how you are feeling. Still sore from the fall?

    So yesterday I went to Walmart and got a list of the medications that they sell for $4.00 - I was shocked. 5 of my presciptions were on the list. My copay is $10.00 so I figured it out. My medications will cost me $20.00 a month versus 50.00 - thats a huge savings, so Im getting my prescriptions transferred.

    Well its going to be another beautiful day here in the Chicago area, time for me to shower and get ready for work. Hope you all have a wonderful day.

  • newvickie
    newvickie Member Posts: 2,941
    edited June 2007
    Good morning...ewww, it's Monday! Woke up with a sinus headache, great way to start the week huh.
    Jankay and Nicki...tweakin your toes. Good morning Iris LOL.
    Z...we certainly haven't forgotten about you. It looks like we have lots of ladies here that are doing way to much and need a vacation. Sending you a hug.
    Karen...hmmm...I don't think your whiney. I think you are having some pretty nasty side effects and the insommnia on top of it would make anyone miserable! I hate not getting enough sleep. Everyone is different and everyone has ups and downs too. Are you taking an antidepressant. I couldn't be without my Lexapro.
    Ishop...sending prayers for your daughter and baby. All will be ok.
    Ok...really gotta run...payroll day and a big project to finish and then I have to figure out a major problem in my office. It's been stressing me out for long enough and I'm sick of worrying about it. I may be taking the new job as I got a call on Friday and should be hearing from them this week. All I can say is that there is 800.00 missing from my office that I searched for all last week. I am not the only one with keys and it balanced one day and not the next...I hate dealing with cash money all the time when there are more keys floating around than mine. If I am the only one with a key then I don't have to worry. No such luck. My job has become far to stressful and stress is something I simply don't need anymore.
    Love ya all and I'll be back later
  • newvickie
    newvickie Member Posts: 2,941
    edited June 2007
    Good morning sunshine sister Nicki...have a wonderful day. It was a chilly night here and that wonderful afghan kept me so warm.
  • newvickie
    newvickie Member Posts: 2,941
    edited June 2007

    Magic carpet for Gus and Robin today...both have appointments ladies. Cheri...are you driving?

    BRSTN Member Posts: 165
    edited June 2007

    That's me today. Morning everyone. I'm a little late posting.


  • jankay
    jankay Member Posts: 789
    edited June 2007
    i am here
    rough starting this am - had to wake son to help me this morning.
    i think i am coming down with a cold so i may be back and maybe not
  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Member Posts: 2,728
    edited June 2007
    Good Morning Vickie, Betty, and Jankay. Sending some sunshine your way.

  • purplemb
    purplemb Member Posts: 593
    edited June 2007
    quick fly by for me....lots of work and even better pinkstock will spend my working hours arranging stuff...shhhh don't tell my

    hugs and prayers to all on the magic carpet today...and kno wI am thinking about you...
    hoping Nicki and shokk will have updates so I can catch up..
    take care ladies...
  • shokk
    shokk Member Posts: 790
    edited June 2007

    Good morning chicas........I'm back..........I have been trying to keep up but haven't done a very good job of it.....let's see.....Puppy got really good news.....yipee yayea............someone was really mean to Vickie......we all know that for some reason there are some people who seem to have an issue with this thread.......don't really understand it but I have a feeling that someone was trying to hurt someone thru Vickie.....its just plain stupid.....then something wonderful happen and it looks like there was an underground movement to get an afgan to Vickie and literally brought tears to my about two cg's that so deserved that......then lets see looks like Marsha needs a good talking to......first of all Marsha which one was you in the pic......ha.......second of all if your doc thinks you need radition then get your ass to radition......its easier than chemo and if it keeps the cancer from returning or mets what difference does it make?????hmmmmm???? Just because it wasn't in the orginal game plan cancer is nothing to mess there any guarentee of course not but at least you will know that you did everything you could the first are the star of your own one woman play........learn your lines......follow the directors brb......

  • tflowers
    tflowers Member Posts: 232
    edited June 2007
    Just took 1 hour to read all of the past posts from Friday. Wow so much going on and not happy our sisters are in such bad shape with their family issues.

    Robin & Z....It's incredible that the healthier you get, the more the family wants from you. Maybe just sit on the couch and play sick so they leave you alone. xoxo

    Amy...Sorry about your dad and the new problems. I lost my father instantly with a heart attack and will keep praying for yours.

    Karen...glad your dad's doing better. Hopefully he'll be able to eat soon and move around. fellow Italian sister. My grandparents came over from Naples and I loved spending Sunday's with them having "Rigitonis" for Sunday dinner at 1:00 with a jelly glass of my pa's homemade wine. Liquid gold they called it. Yuck...I know now why I hate wine....
  • shokk
    shokk Member Posts: 790
    edited June 2007

    Ok guys I've got to make a comment about all the family stuff that is going on with all of us........when I was first dx I never really thought why very first thought was that I had let my family down......had let my girls down, had let my parents down, the few friends that I had let them down, let my co-worker down......I had unbelievable guilt.........but this last heart issue thing I am soooooooo tired of trying to make it up to everyone....of course my girls are the only ones that really matter and my parents but still the stress and guilt of being sick is taking its not really posting but again just lurking and reading its such an eye opener to what is happening to all of us........having breast cancer, being moms, sisters, spouses, friends, and all the other rolls we play in our lives is taking energy and strength from all of must be different if your male and have cancer......but of course bc being part of our reproductive system and messing with our hormones sometimes it all just seems to be to much......Z and Karen I wish that we all could tell ya'll it will get better and it probably will but this is a very long jurnery.....everything takes time..........ok guys I have alot more to say but am very busy.....will try and get back later......I love you all........Hey Vickie see ya later alligator...........

  • lizws
    lizws Member Posts: 789
    edited June 2007

    Hope everyone has a wonderful day.

    I'll be checking in and out today. Thinking of everyone.

  • jankay
    jankay Member Posts: 789
    edited June 2007
    idont feel good so i wontbe posting
    too hard too type
  • lv2cmp
    lv2cmp Member Posts: 899
    edited June 2007
    Good Morning everyone,

    Wow what a long weekend. Thats one way to get a weekend to creep by,,spend it going back and forth to the hospital. Dad is a bit better this morning but its been negative news continiously all weekend. They went in Saturday morn for the heart cath and he only has one artery working and its at 70% blockage. All the others are blocked and he is too weak to do anything about it. After heart surgeon looked at everything Saturday they now say it is not pneumonia and that he has congestive heart failure along with the COPD from smoking forever and his asbestosis. He also has enlarged lymph nodes in his chest area that they do not think is from the lung infection but from a type of cancer but he is too weak to go through a biopsy. Short term is to get him off the cpap machine which he came off of this morning and is on regular oxgygen then eventually get him in a room. He wants up so bad he cant stand it. He did laugh yesterday when he made a joke which was great to see and I have not been there this morning but he is much stronger today than yesterday which is great. He has been so weak he couldnt feed himself but didnt matter cause he wasnt eating anyway. He started eating on Sunday a bit and wanting ice cream. His breathing is improving at each visiting time. I will be there for the 1:00 visit and see for my own self. I have one sister and my mom there now. Thank goodness there is 4 of us girls so we all swap up which helps but there is only 1 of mom and she is exhausted. It was awful to find out there was that much blockage in his heart. All I could keep telling my SO was that I wish it was me in that bed cause I am strong and I could fight. I hate seeing him lay there and feeling so helpless that I cant fix it. His liver enzymes are good which is a good thing and his kidneys are working better than they were. He does not have high cholesterol but they have him on lipitor cause new studies shows it helps with the kidneys which I looked up and verified. Lymphoma has been mentioned because of the lymph nodes but we dont know anything yet and honestly it wouldnt do any good to know cause he is too weak to undergo anything. Its just and hour by hour process to see how things change and so far they continue to slowly get better.

    Sorry this is all about me or dad right now but it helps to come here and type is all out.

    Vickie-glad you enjoyed the pancake breakfast.

    Nicki-thanks for the nursing advice and giving me questions to ask.

    Cheri-love those pups and glad to see you still have them. Which man was it that wanted to get rid of them? Oh geesh, did I say that outloud?

    Shirley-yeah i have internet connection at home, I have hughes satellite cause thats all I can have but backwood dial up but the weekends are so busy on the farm that it seldom gets turned on. I even have the wireless network set up at home so I am doing well. All I need now is the time to get on it.

    Shokk-I didnt remember seeing Dr before your name before and sure dont see it now. Sometimes we just think we know everything.

    Jankay-hope you keep the nasty cold away.

    Betty-it sounds like you had a wonderful weekend. Going to have to check out that link you posted.

    Deb-hope you enjoyed your writers weekend. I am sure you did even though you had the visit from aunt flo.

    Karen-I dont think you are whiney at all,,so there!

    Madison-boy it was hot yesterday wasnt it? In between visiting times yesterday SO and myself came home and built a place for the 29 new guinea hens and we were dying. I think yesterday was one of our hottest days. The new little boston terrier just got in the puppy pool and layed down. It sure made me want to get in.

    Z-glad the revealing went well. SO saw me from day one but it never bothered me in the least.

    Iris-hope you enjoyed your weekend. There was something else I was going to say but totally went blank. I'm sure it will come back to me later.

    Marsha-excellent pic and nice dress! You look mahhh vaaa lus!

    Robin-I agree with everyone else. You need you time. Its ok to help out but you have them all the time. You need a break.

    Tricia-I got bored at home also so I know how you feel but take it easy.

    I did go Friday and order my new glasses so I am excited about that. Even with insurance glasses are expensive! Cant wait till they come in though. I want prescription oakleys but man oh man I dont know if I can justify that cost especially since I am not the most careful person out there.

    Ok got to get some work done here and would love to curl up and go to sleep but guess I better not. Bye for now!

  • lizws
    lizws Member Posts: 789
    edited June 2007


    Thanks for letting us know how your dad is.

  • b445
    b445 Member Posts: 980
    edited June 2007
    I'm still alive! very tired and still have a lot more packing up of MIL old apartment to do. We spent the weekend there and got a lot done but there are a few more weekend trips planned to get it pack and moved out then we have to clean it.

    My parent will be here till the 18th and then I should be able to get on more after that. Sorry to worry you it's just been crazy.

    Thank you all for the wonderful cards they make me smile when ever I get one!

    Vickie and Madison I'm so glad you got the afgans. Now you know how we feel when we get one. All the love, hugs and prayers that go into them.

    I say if you have squares left by the time we go to Pinkstock you should bring them and we can help put them together and give you two a nice little break.

    I am dealing with some kidney issues so hope that clears up soon.
    I will try to get on in the next couple of days!

    Love hugs and prayers to all.
  • neesie
    neesie Member Posts: 1,110
    edited April 2008
    Good Monday all!

    I took notes the past couple of days.....ever tried to go back and figure out what you meant.

    Example: Dir. Soon??????????????? Margaret's name is next to it, but I'm not sure if it's directions, directive, director, or dirarrea!! Anyhow Margaret, either congrats or I'm sorry on the Dir. Soon!
    I am so dreading the day they corner me and drag me in for a colonoscopy! I know I should.....but it is the WHAT IF that is keeping me away. Dumb, huh?

    Beth: Glad DH is okay. Geez, did someone do a fly by in PA and drop all this crap on your house? Hope you start feeling better!

    Sue/Boo: Yep, I'm a young one...Grandkids? Oh yeah! A 3 year old and one on the way!! Did I mention that I had my DD one year before I was born!!!! Hope you are enjoying your 'free' time!

    Tricia: So nice to hear from you and to hear that you are feeling better each day!!!!!!! The new 'girls' aren't giving you any trouble?? Don't get to attached to the 'drain' cuz it will be leaving you...but you are right, the more stuff that comes out means the less that can build up inside!!

    Karen: So much for you....I'm glad your Dad's surgery went well and that there is no cancer! Big relief I'm sure. Not sure whoever came up with the Gastric Tube down the works wonders IF you can get people to leave it in!! Nothing by mouth, poor guy. He'll be up and causing ruckus in no time.......hang tough Dear.
    Now, whine is not all you do. If so, then we are all big whiners.(is that a word?) It's hard to maintain a positive attitude when you don't feel good. And I think that everyone on this site will attest to that. Wonderful that the two survivors you met have such a positive attitude....we all get there at a different pace. I'm 3 1/2 years out.......I am just now getting to where I can handle the SE's of the AI'S.........there are a bitch(sorry moderators), and NO ONE that hasn't experienced them can know what they do to our bodies. We get it.........I know my family and DH probably are tired of hearing about aches and pains too. But they are a part of my life now. Talk to your Onc. and if you are not already on a anti-depressant..maybe it will help you.

    Shirley: WOOHOO, a Vaginal US!!!! Just don't ask the Gyn for a 'lube job!' (I still haven't heard back from him!!) And be sure and act like you care when he/she starts showing you little spots and identifying things! Ooh, yup that is my shriveled up Ovary! Wow, that little line means Menopause! Fantastic mean that little tiny piece of white dust is actually a wanna be cyst!! CooL!!

    Madison: The secret marriage!! How......nice! Hope you didn't melt! I know I should head to AZ to see my son, but That is to HOT for me!

    Sheri: Isn't retail therapy the best? Did it with my DD on Saturday. I think it should be a required part of Treatment and that our Insurance Companies should pay for it!

    Betty: Gotta go find what everyone is talking about with you! Whatever it is, sure sounds like you had a great weekend! And, Pinky is still planning on her trip!! She has a couple siblings here also, but they can't go cuz of the people who gave them to me!

    Be back in a couple!
  • neesie
    neesie Member Posts: 1,110
    edited April 2008
    Okay, just the phone ringing.

    Jankay: Do hope you feel better soon! And it's nice that you have a son at home to help you out!

    Odalys: How sad for you. Saying goodbye to a good friend. My heart goes out to you and to your friend and her family.

    Liz: Things calming down any? MIL is home and now SIL is in with Abdominal pain? Did they find out what was wrong with her? So, the Son....he went to Minneapolis....wants to stay with your financial support or wants you to come get him cuz he is petrified to fly. old is he? Certainly sounds ALOT like my Son! Good luck!

    Dr. Shokk: Nice self-diagnoses! Don't do that again....What alot of people don't realize is that when we finished active treatment.....we automatically received our Degree in Self-Diagnoses! Glad you are alright...scare the pigeemies out of us. DD is home with you. Very nice and yes I'm sure that does make you feel better!

    Nanny, Nanny, Nanny, Shokk yelled at Marsha!!!!!!!

    Shokk: Do you realize how much sense you actually make when you write to us? You, my dear, have a nice way with words!

    Marsha: HA got yelled at!!!! I hope you had a great time at the Theatre Awards Banquet! You are sooooo beautiful.....the dress was Way Sexy......And Bald is beautiful!! I'll tell ya, that smile you have is very contagious!!!! Now, how did the Big Bash go Yesterday? Haven't seen a post or pics of that.........should I be whispering today?
    Now, get your butt up, call the onc and get nooked. Just one more little bit of insurance. (clarification....nooked means rads......just can't spell little words anymore!)

    Nicki: I really liked the recap you gave of all of us as you were putting borders on our squares! How sweet! Hope you're having a good Monday...sounds like you had a nice weekend! Did the pool warm up yet? Our California Babes will really wonder about having to let the water warm up!!!
    Sounds like maybe some of the stress is on the way out....hope so! I did miss why everyone is offering to write letters for you...........something with a job, maybe?

    Z: You have way to much on your plate.. I'm good at preaching, but not good at taking my own advice. I can only say that I also carry everyones stress and routinely take guilt trips that I didn't book myself! Don't be so rough on yourself.....Not one of us was designed to be Superwoman....and you can't do it all.
    I am so glad you went ahead with the 'reveal'....don't you feel better now?
    Come here when you feel like it....and in the mean time, we aren't about to forget about you!

    Theresa: I can't even begin to decipher what I wrote next to your name. Forgive me....For now it is just a warm hello and I'm thinking about you!

    Robin: I'm afraid I have to agree with the others. You do not and should not be taking care of the babies everyday. We all love our Children and our GrandChildren but there is a reason not to many ladies in their 50's have children! Even healthy ladies don't have the Stamina to chase, change, feed, and all the other 'things' children need done. I'm sure if you explain this to your Girls they will understand..I hope. Was it you awhile back that was going to move out and leave the house to the kids? I don't remember, but it was funny at the time.........pack them there suitcases!

    Vickie: Glad the Boo Boo's are healing....try to keep it that way! Sounds like you had another busy weekend! Your Church Friends certainly like Pancakes!!!! JK, I think it is great that you and Nate help out!
    The babysitting law.......if you're writing a new one.....please consider lowering the age from 55 to 50!!
    I say, now is the time to go for the new job! Less Stress and more money...........see that exit door? Run, you can do it!

    Laura: Praying for your DD and GrandChild. I'm sure they will be fine, but of course you will be worried until you hold the little one in your arms and kiss your DD.

    What is up with my phone today? I'll be back.

  • cmb35
    cmb35 Member Posts: 554
    edited June 2007
    Hi Girls

    Just a quick check in to let you know that Warren and I survived the Relay for Life! It was an amazing experience, and we were so happy that we could be a part of my friend Julie's team as it is her last year doing Relay. (She's done it for 5 years now, in her mom's memory, and as they have a HUGE family and have done the Relay in the town where both her parents grew up etc they have managed to meet their goal and raise $100,000 over the 5 years! It's really incredible when you think about it.) Anyway, between the Relay, the end of year school events for Warren, baseball and my work I am feeling totally overwhelmed! Anyone else find that chemo brain is WAY worse when you are overloaded/tired?!?!

    I have a picture of the luminaria bag I did for the Circle Girls, but I don't know how to post a picture. Anyone willing to let me e-mail it to them so they can post it let me know.

    Sounds like there are still way too many medical issues going on with us, and with our families. I'm thinking of you all and sorry that I don't have time for a better/longer post!

    Many thanks to everyone who responded so nicely about my comment about you guys being like my family, especially when it comes to talking about Warren. I do have a brother and a sister, but both live far from us, and I just feel like he's always the kid that has just me at these events you know? No grandparents or aunts or uncles or anything. Anyway, thanks again for being such great and loving friends. It never ceases to amaze me how much all the ladies here are able to give to others, despite the many trials and tribulations we all go through ourselves.

    Love to you all and I promise to get back on track this weekend! Schools out, Warren's at his Dad's, and I have no plans!!
  • cmb35
    cmb35 Member Posts: 554
    edited June 2007
    Re-read my post, and the tears started to flow (but in a good way...)

    I'm such a sap!!! LOL
  • neesie
    neesie Member Posts: 1,110
    edited April 2008
    Well, go is no longer valid! I'm with Madison.........hope it gets a tummy ache for eating my post!

    I had most of you covered....Ate Iris's, Colleens, Nicki's 2nd one, Sues, Cheri and Alwayshope.............I'll be back!

  • Biker54
    Biker54 Member Posts: 1,042
    edited June 2007
    Good afternoon all!

    Karen, I'm glad your dad did not have cancer. I have a lot of SEs from Arimidex. I am stiff and sore all over and when I get up in the morning, I can hardly bend my fingers. I used to get really upset, because my onc would never believe that I was having all the SEs. Eventually, I just came to the realization that "it is what it is" and I am still alive. My attitude got better after that. There's not much we can do about SEs, so we just have to deal with them and get on with the business of living. I find that I whine a lot less now (most of the time, lol!).

    Betty, loved the tee shirt!

    Marsha, you look great!!! I see you are going au natural, like I did. Good for you!!!

    Cherikins, that is one large size puppy. Our next door neighbors just got a Welsh Corgi puppy, 7 weeks old, and Mindy is 4 times his size!! At least!!

    Robin, you need time for yourself. Those DDs are taking advantage of your good nature! You can help out, but you can't be their full time babysitter! You have been going through enough on your own!

    Vickie, what's happening at work?? Are you having a tough time?

    Laura, I hope everything goes well for your DD and her baby. I'm hoping for no c-section, but if it happens, it happens. Both my DILs had them.

    Amy, your poor Dad. It sounds like he is really feeling bad. Wow, congestive heart failure and COPD. That is a whole lot to handle. I hope he doesn't have cancer oon top of everything else.

    Z, I'm glad your reveal went well. We make those senarios worse in our minds than they actually turn out to be! Tell your family to take a chill pill and leave you alone!

    We went to DH's aunt's 80th birthday party on Sat. The strangest thing happened. My SIL hosted the party and did most of the cooking. After dinner, she disappeared for a while and then came downstairs dressed to the nines. She announced that she was going to Atlantic City to go clubbing with her girlfriends, and then spend the night. Huh???? We were stunned. Her DH was totally pissed!! Boy, I felt like it was a slap in the face for the whole family. I have never experienced anything like that in my life. It was just really uncomfortable and weird. I hope she had a good time in AC, cause I'll bet it was real bad at her house yesterday.

    We got out on the bike a little on Sunday. It looked like it was going to rain, but it turned out to be ok. We went to the Quakertown Farmers Market (locally known as the "Q Mart). The strangest people shop there, LOL! We just love to go there and people watch. My secret pal sent me a Harley Davidson belt buckle, and I got a new belt to put it on. Hey pal, IT RIDES!!!!!

    Gotta go right now. BBL
  • newvickie
    newvickie Member Posts: 2,941
    edited June 2007

    Work sucks...way to much stress...not worth the money. Think I'll go be a cart retriever at Walmart...seriously!

  • Biker54
    Biker54 Member Posts: 1,042
    edited June 2007
    LOL, Vickie!! Not much stress there!

    Colleen, I'm glad the Relay For Life went well. You are such a strong role model for Warren!
  • PeanutsGirl
    PeanutsGirl Member Posts: 115
    edited June 2007
    Thanks everyone for the prayers and good thoughts. Docs told my DD that it was the easiest version they ever performed. The little one is now head down, and ready to go. We are leaving early tomorrow to head down there. The baby's estimated weight is seven to seven and a half pounds. DD is only 112 when not pregnant. GS was over seven pounds at birth and he was 4 weeks early. DD is at 37 1/2 weeks right now. She's also only 5'3". so should be any time now. I'll be staying with them to help out. Also I'll be posting pics. Wonderful SIL is a computer expert. They have 2 desk tops and a laptop. I should have no problem keeping up. I am just so terribly excited. Didn't get to see first GS until he was 5 weeks old. Thanks again for all your prayers and concern.

    Hugs, prayers, and healing for all,

  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Member Posts: 1,233
    edited June 2007
    Good afternoon ladies. Not much going on around here.

    Colleen/Warren glad you both enjoyed the relay over the week-end. Sounds like the two of you have a good time together.

    Denise, dang, I do the same thing. I'll take notes and then either I can't read them or I have no idea what I meant. That's why I have so many people I say 'Hey' to is because if i can't figure out my notes i just say hi to them. lol

    Amy, so sorry you and your family are going through such a hard time with your dad right now. Praying he'll get better and life will get back to normal. BTW, the man that wanted to get rid of Mork & Mindy still bitches every time he feeds them but he hasn't said much more about getting rid of them....If Mama ain't happy, ain't nobody happy. hahahaha

    Hey Liz, Jankay, Theresa, Shokk, Cheryl and everyone else.

    Hoping everyone has a pleasant afternoon.

  • snowmen_n_thongs
    snowmen_n_thongs Member Posts: 367
    edited June 2007
    hi ladies...

    wow i am totally stressed out but better then i was the other day!!!!!
    so i gave my notice at work last week and my boss fired me on friday....I had to leave work on friday as my kid and hubbys kid stole a golf cart from a major golf resort here and i had to go deal with that... so they stoled this golf cart and my daughters boyfriend drove it home on the hwy then pushed it over a 40 foot embankment!!!!!!
    yep i am streeesssssssed out!!!
    well i start my new job tomorrow oh ya and after my boss fired me he called my new place of employment and tried to sabatoge my new job....i think thats a law suit waiting to happen!!
    i am so sorry ihavent been here much at all and i wont be able to get here much more either as new job has blocks on computer for internet
    just thought i would pop in and say i am still here well sort of..... well i am off to clean my house and keyboard i think someone had to much rum the other night and spilled on my space key cause its really driving me nuts!!!!!

    will come back in abit