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  • neesie
    neesie Member Posts: 1,110
    edited April 2008
    Let's see if "I'm Valid" now!

    Anyhow, a shorter version of the last post that is in CyberCermetary.

    Iris: I told you all about my $$Diet....guess it was to much for the Site.........that's when they told me I was no longer Valid! Here is a quick version..........on the spur of the moment (extreme impulse!) I went to Medical Weight Loss. They are only in Michigan but they do have some sort of thingy on line. It's very good and very pricey.......After I weighed in, talked to the staff and etc., I whipped out the Visa and went for it! Then I hid from my DH and Avoided the Murky Pond when the Visa Bill came in! The girls here were real good at keeping me hidden and alive!!!! The program is a good one..I think. Lab Work and EKG and a brief visit with the Doc before you start. One on One Counseling, weigh ins, KeLites (sp) and BP checks every visit. The Nutrients (not pills) are also kinda pricey, so I've pulled out the Visa a couple more times! Hey, I don't learn easy!! Anyhow, It'll be 8 weeks soon and I have lost 25 pounds as of last week! They say I'll have it all off by July 12th! It really has been easy to stay with.............or I'm scared to go off.....the pond is still Murky and waiting!! I had to laugh at your Godiva Chocolates.............You bet I will have some on July 12th!!!! Yes, My DH builds alot..........he has basically furnished my GD bedroom..the cutest Doll House HeadBoard and so much more. I'll take and post my vanity and my outdoor sitting area with swing.

    Amy; I am so sorry to hear your Dad is so weak. It is hard to know what the ailment is, and to know that they can't fix it. You did say that he is slowly getting better.....I think that is because he knows that he has a very loving family with him. Thinking of you and your whole family.

    Colleen: Unreal! $100,000!! What a goal to reach....and I'm glad you and Warren had a good time! We are family..and we all care. I know what you mean when you made the remark about being the only one there at all of Warrens activities. I've been there too. I was a Single Parent of 3 and the man we so fondly call "Idiot" never showed up for anything. But, today as Adults..............the kids know and Appreciate the fact that I was always with them and very nicely handled the job of being both Mother and Father!!
    Can't wait to see the Luninaria Bag you made for us. If no one else speaks up, I'll post it for you. Vickie, Nicki and Betty are pros.........we all want to see it!

    Cheri and Jazz: So much in common! From Teeth to Tooth and from the 'Show me State' to the real phrase!! Love it!

    I truly have to get off of'd think I live in a mansion for as long as it takes me to clean this place!!!!

  • neesie
    neesie Member Posts: 1,110
    edited April 2008


  • Biker54
    Biker54 Member Posts: 1,042
    edited June 2007
    Tracey, Aaaaaaaaarrrrrggggghhhhh!!!!! What are your kids doing to you???????
    Good luck with the new job. Your old boss is a D*#k-head!

    Secret Pal....

  • Tricia
    Tricia Member Posts: 103
    edited June 2007
    Good afternoon my friends,

    Laura, I pray all goes well with your daughter.

    Karen, you have had a rough time. Don't be hard on yourself for not being more positive. I know when I am sleep deprived, I am definitely more down and frustrated by my problems, physical or emotional. I have always had a pretty positive outlook, and sometimes I work at it. I have not been dealing with this very long, nor have I had to battle anything close to what you have had to endure, so I hardly feel qualified to even respond to your question. But I do spend time every morning and evening focusing on the things I have to be grateful for. I also visualize myself well, fit and healthy, doing specific things and with specific people. I did that last night before falling asleep thinking about a trip next month with family. I hope you find relief from the horrible side effects. And I certainly don't think you are whiney!

    Z, I hope you are able to be here more. But whether you are here or not, we would not forget you. Hugs to you.

    Nicki, the whole cat thing cracked me up, too. I guess the way the show ended just frustrated me all the more that it is over! If he had been killed, it would have felt more done. I guess that is how they keep us wanting more.

    Vickie, that must be so frustrating about the money. Are you expected to try to figure out where it went? Too stressful!

    Gus and Robin, I hope all goes well with your appointments.

    Hey Betty, how are you doing today?

    Jankay, I am sorry you had a rough start this morning.

    Shokk, that is heartbreaking that you felt you were letting people down by getting sick. I hope you don't feel that way any more.

    Amy, I will keep praying that your Dad gets stronger. It is the toughest thing to see either a parent or a child who is sick and we can't make it better. Thank goodness your Mom has all of you there to support her.

    CY, so good to see you! Hope you liked your coc nut.

    Iris, Breyers has my number, too.

    Denise, you crack me up!

    Colleen, it sounds like you and Warren had a great experience at Relay. I am also amazed at how loving this board is.

    My sweet husband made an error in judgment yesterday. He got a call from an out of town friend who is here for a meeting. HE INVITED HIM OVER FOR THIS AFTERNOON! When hw saw the look on my face, he realized he screwed up. I told him this means he must clean the house. It is pretty ratty since I haven't been doing much. So today we are cleaning. This translates to me following him around, not only telling him what to do, but how to do it. He is not having fun. LOL But you know how superficially most men clean? I feel I have the right to make him move the furniture to vacuum the room and so on. My poor love slave.
    I didn't bother to go by the office since the compters are all down.
    I have an important monthly meeting tomorrow and I am really looking forward to it. It is about a 90 minute meeting that I chair, and it is with a great group of people who work with kids from various agencies in the county. And it is a very supportive, fun group. There will be good eats, because I bring them. It is a 9:30 meeting, so I make good coffee and get bagels and some pastry. But I always make a beautiful fruit salad, so there is healthy food, too.
    Tomorrow I will indulge in pastry as well as the fruit.
    Be back later...
  • Tricia
    Tricia Member Posts: 103
    edited June 2007

    Oh my goodness, Tracy. What a jerk your ex-boss is. And the golf cart thing. What were they thinking. You sure don't need the stress of that and a new job. At least I hope the new job is a good move for you. Hugs

  • Madison
    Madison Member Posts: 859
    edited June 2007
    Good afternoon,

    Doing a quick is a tad overwhelming...

    Anyway, I see some hugs are needed......for Tracy, Amy and her Dad, Karen and her Dad....

    Oh no, phone call...bbl
  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Member Posts: 1,233
    edited June 2007
    Tracey, they stole a golf cart, had it driven home, only to push it off a cliff? Teen-agers, we will never understand them and I imagine a golf cart is costly. I'm sorry you're going through the added stress of it.

    Jan, would that beautiful horse picture be for me?? Hmmm? Or not? lol

    Tricia, glad you have a fun meeting to go to tomorrow. Enjoy that company and your clean house this afternoon. lol

  • lv2cmp
    lv2cmp Member Posts: 899
    edited June 2007
    Not much of an update on the 1:00 visit. He was sitting up and still off the bi-pap machine. Ok my dad is a numbers kinda man so now that he is just on oxygen he can see the monitors behind him. Well you guessed it, he cant keep his eyes off of them. He moves his oxygen to the left and then to the right to see if that effects his numbers. He did tell me that my mom told him probably about 2 days or so in CCU but he said when the lung doctor came by this afternoon he would convince him to get him to a room. We shall see, but dad thinks he has pull or something. Its great to see that he even cares about getting to a room I must say. His first goal is to sit on side of the bed and then he wants to stand up. He says he has never been so tired of being in the bed in his life.

    Marsha-how was the party? It must have been great since you have not checked in yet.

    BikerJan-wow a new belt buckle!!! Thats great!

    Tricia-I bet your husband is regretting the invite now,,lol.

    Tracey-I would say what were they thinking but obviously they were not thinking! Geesh, teenagers! I do remember you telling some of the stuff you did as a teenager and there is such a thing as "paying for your raising". Just kidding!

    Madison-dont work too hard. Vickie, MB and myself will share our corner and tin cup with you.

    Adrionna-wow the diet is going well. I'm wondering if its the diet or if you are scared the hubby will kill you after spending money and not losing weight.

    Cy-wow you are busy with alot going on. dont overdo it.

    Cheri-glad to see you still have the pups. I love the white eyelashes.

    Colleen-congrats to you and Warren on the relay for life. Thats excellent. Enjoy your you time.

    ok guess I better get some work done here.

  • marshakb
    marshakb Member Posts: 796
    edited June 2007
    Whew, what a weekend! I didn't take any pix of the party with my camera. Friends did tho, (I guess so I would be in most of them LOL). We had a huge crowd, I don't think my neighbors are speaking to me any more. The band set up in the front room, hubby playing rhythem (sp?) guitar, one friend on bass and another on lead, a drummer. DH has a great voice and most of my friends took a turn at the mike . One friend sings professionally, and another shouldn't sing at all but is so funny you have to let her. Anyway good time had by all. I'll post pix when I get them. Oh yeah, those two girls had both written songs about end of chemo. Tooooo funnny. One to the tune of Hit the Road Jack and the other Phil Collins' I Don't Care Anymore.

    I've kept up but do you know how long it took me to read all those pages??????

    Denise the word you were looking for is "nuked" LOL Congrats on the 25 lbs regardless if you go in debt to get it!

    Jan, ahhhhhh not surprised to hear you went topless also. Been doing it so long, I keep forgetting until someone looks at me odd. LOL

    Amy, still praying for your dad. Your mom must be absolutely exhausted.

    Tracey, OMG they stole a golf cart? I don't really know what to say. Other than thank god I never had kids.

    Tricia, sounds like you are doing great after surgery! Your DH is like all DH's, seems like they just don't think like us gals. What's wrong with taking his friend to a bar or something????

    Laura, great news about DD, I know you can't wait to see the little one, congrats!

    Cheri, you are verrrry funny.

    Sorry everyone, I am hitting a wall and need to get some rest. HAHAHA Will see the rad onc tomorrow at 9 for a CONSULTATION. He has already spoke to my surgeon and a friend of 17 years works for him and gave him the whole scoop. They called today to confirm my appt and the girl said "See ya tomorrow sweety". I couldn't take another rude office.

    Hugs, bugs, fishes and all that! Marsha

    PS Thanks for all the compliments on my dress.
  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Member Posts: 2,728
    edited June 2007

    Good Evening Everyone: It was just a fantastic, beautiful day. The sun was shining all day long. It wasnt too hot so I got to park in the farthest places when I went from hospital to hospital. Ended up with 2 miles walking - so thats pretty good. Im getting back to my bad habits. Used to have a glass of wine when I came home and I stopped that. But tonight, Im enjoying a nice glass of red chianti.

    Tgirl: I laughed so hard when I read your post. It sure brought back some very distant memories. Every Sunday 1:00 rigatoni and "gravy" - my mother called spaghetti sauce gravy.

    Shokk: You said it perfectly. "The stress of guilt and being sick is taking it's toll." Because each day its something new. I was having a really hard time with pulling the right words today. Went to the store with my DH and I kept going ya know the watcha macallit! He says oh "a little bit of Alzheimers." I get tears in my eyes, he gets mad at me cause he was just joking. Little does he know or understand chemo brain.

    Amy: I just knew it was gonna be a tough week-end. Its not uncommon to develope congestive heart failure after a heart attack. It does indicate a larger portion of the heart muscle was effected. With CHF sometimes your lungs fill with fluids - called Pulmonary Edema. Sounds like he is recovering at a quick pace though. The kidneys are starting to work again and he is feeling better. Hope he gets off that C-PAP soon. Its a monster to have to wear. Lymphoma is way down on the list. They have to take care of those arteries that are 100% blocked first. My father in law had such a bad heart attack, they told us he wouldnt make it through the night. 3/4's of his heart were affected. He fooled them all. Lived for 25 years and passed from Alzheimers.

    Oh i have so many notes and so much I want to say, but my DH and I are gonna go sit out on the patio for a bit. Pool is still not open. Water is warm enough, he has until tomorrow or I do it all myself.

    See ya all later.

  • sherloc
    sherloc Member Posts: 893
    edited June 2007
    Good afternoon ladies. Been an exciting day so far. Went to work out this morning. Came home and slopped on the sunscreen so I could go work in my yard a bit. Decided to have a bite to eat, and the stupid temp crown broke....AND I SWALLOWED IT!!! ewwww hope I don't see it come out the other end. Anywhos so much for working in the yard. Off to the dentist I went. Have a nice new one on now. Did get back into the yard cause I had to get the flowers planted before the died of heat exhaustion. Now I'm pooped. So lets see what everyone has been up to today.

    Tricia, talked to dentist again today. We are gonna do some kind of mock up to see how I will look with the veneers. Figure I already look goofy with the gaps, don't wanna spend mega bucks to look silly with horse teeth.
    I love gardenias. Don't think they will grow here. Today I planted three kinds of daisys (my favorite flower) and a bunch of dahlias.

    Laura have been praying for your daughter. Hope to see an update on the next page.

    Hi Sue

    Karen, the only way to not be a whiner is to not whine....that said I don't think your whining. You have some serious issues with these drugs. Just cause other ladies don't have the same problems does not mean they are not real. My guess is when you see onc he is going to suggest drug vacations before he suggests going off of them completely. I'm with you. To scared not to take them.
    Glad your dad is doing better. Also glad they took that nasty tube out. My hubby had to have one of those in for 4 months after a botched hernia operation. It was nasty to look at. Can't imagine how it felt. The perk tho was his doc let him have all the popsicles he wanted cause the tube would just suck the juice right back out. EEEEEEEEEEEWWWWW I know TMI!!

    Z, glad your night with hubby went well. Wish I had some words of wisdom for you.

    Iris, eeeewwwwwww Okra!!!! tried it once, never again.

    Nicki, your probably home from work. Hope you had a good day. I love roadside vegi stands too.

    Vicki, yikes $800 is a lot of money to walk away. Way back when I was an employed indvidual I was an auditor for a dept store. I didn't leave for the day till the safe balanced. I agree way to much stress.

    Amy I am so sorry your daddy is having so much trouble. I'm praying it only gets better from here.
    I forgot you had hughes. Crappy hughes with their "O you use the internet to much policy" Probably better that you are not online on weekends.
    Oakleys huh? I say go ahead and get them if you want. Me, I have to buy cheapy frames and take them to the glasses place cause I will undoubtably have to replace them after a month.

    Cy, kidney issues?

    Denise, good advice. I'll ask for the video. But if the man finds a shriveled ovary I'm getting my money back. Not sure what is going on. Doc said friday come back in 3 months for u/s. They called this morning while I was at the dentist and told hubby my appt is for wednesday morning? Not sure if I should be freaking out or not. So wednesday is gonna be another doctor day. Have to get bloodwork in morning, then go get prodded (I'll keep the lube job request to myself), then have follow up with onc in the afternoon. Then I'm heading to Oregon to spend a few days with my sister. Me thinks it's gonna be a long day.

    Colleen, $100,000 yowsers!! Tell everyone thank you from me. That is amazing.
    I know how you feel about not having family around. My kids had no one but their dad and I. Hubbys family barely speaks to each other and my family was all in Florida. Mine have only seen their grandparents a few times in their lives. Very sad. So I am happy to be a surrogate auntie for Warren.

    Jan, how very strange. I bet her house was not a happy place yesterday. WooHoo on the buckle.

    Vicki, cart retrievers work way to hard. I say flip burgers at mc donalds.

    Laura, yippee for your new grandbaby. I was 94 pounds before each of my pregnancies. All 5'1" of me had 3 kids with no drugs. She can do it. My largest was 7.7lbs Give your new baby a big sloppy smooch from me. And sniff her head.

    Cheri, do you shave your doggies in the summer?

    yowsers tracey, Your a walking talking soap opera. You need a vacation.
    So I guess your nephew is no longer employed at the golf course.

    Amy I would love to meet your daddy. He sounds so much like mine.

    Marsha, I do hope there is video of the party. Sounds like a grand time. Is it good or bad if the neighbors don't speak to you anymore?

    Tricia, Love Slave? hahahahhahahhahahhah good for you for making him clean.

    Guess I'll go conquer laundry. News of the day...Hubby is going back to work tomorrow!!! I think. hahahhahahah
  • k4katz
    k4katz Member Posts: 158
    edited June 2007
    Hiya CGs!

    This is the first chance I have had to sit down at the computer since Saturday morning! My MIL's 80th birthday party was very nice. I felt bad for my kids as they were a bit bored but that is what Gameboy is for, right?

    Had an appointment with my surgeon this morning. I told her about the lump right below my scar. She felt it for a minute, with a strange look on her face. Finally she said, 'Well, that would be your rib.' LOLOLOLOLOLOL!!!! I cracked up. All that anxiety, and all I was feeling was my rib! Although she did say that she could see how it felt a little weird since there was a 'gully' there from my lumpectomy. So I am so happy!

    Tomorrow is my muga scan and Thursday is my herceptin. I also have to schedule an MRI, a routine dentist appointment, a routine GYN appointment, and an appointment with a dermatologist for a skin check. Ack! I am so sick of doctor appointments!

    Hugs to Karen, Odalys, Tracey, Z, Amy, Cheri, and anyone else going through a tough time. I've gotta get dinner going for my kids, but I didn't want another evening to go by without checking in and saying howdy!

  • RobinTN
    RobinTN Member Posts: 466
    edited June 2007
    Jan:I agree with you and all the others.And thank you for your imput all of you.SOmething has got to give here.

    Denise:yes it was me who said I was going to move out and give the kids the house.But like I said if i can manage to sue the folks who broke my shoulder I am going to buy them their own house.Then there will be no excuse.I dont mind watching them during the day but this 24/7 is a killer.

    Thanks Amy:How are the children doing (donkeys)?

    I am exausted tonite.Went to the onc today,now I have to go for a bone scan on wed.He said that PET scans usually show soft tissues and bones .My right knee has been hurting for about 3 months,he thinks its just arthritis.So I guess every pain I have for th e rest of my life there will be another test.His office was going to make me an appointment with a ps in knoxville i have heard alot about so when she called she found out he retired may 31.Just my look.So now I have to research and find another one.I have seen the name Dr.chun on one of the boards.Do any of you TN ladies know anything about him?
    Jasmine watched both kids this morning and I called her at noon and told her i just got my herceptin hooked up and she made a nasty comment that it is going to take all day.Mind you I was going to go grocery shopping.BUt I left the onc office and came straight home.when she asked why I didnt go shopping I told her because of her attitude.and that her and karen can leave the kids with me anytime they want and I dont say a word but let me ask to go anywhere and boy howdy you think i ask them to slap me.
    well gonna go take a nice long shower.Jasmine and Tesla are gone to tesla's dad,she goes there on her days off to keep his mouth shut about visitation.
    Talk to you later
  • lizws
    lizws Member Posts: 789
    edited June 2007
    I haven't read back but thanks for all the well wishes. I sure hate it that some of you are going through hard times. MIL is okay and SIL is too. She is leaving tomorrow to go to Arkansas to start moving her mom to Oklahoma. My son stayed in Minneapolis. He found money I had made him hide before he left. LOL He'll be home Monday. It's hot as you know what here and the humidity is horrid. Now I'm going to go back and read what I've missed. I may never get caught up.

    Hugs to you all. BBL
  • RobinTN
    RobinTN Member Posts: 466
    edited June 2007

    Z:there is no way we are going to forget you.I think about you often and wish you only the best.You are a great person.Dont you ever forget that!!

  • Biker54
    Biker54 Member Posts: 1,042
    edited June 2007
    Shirley, you swallowed the temporary crown?? No biggy. The permanent one is the biggy. We have patients swallow them and I tell them they have to look for them or pay for a new one, lol! And only one thing to say.....eeeeeeewwwwwww!!!!!! I had both my kids by natural childbirth also. Kids today are such whiners!!!

    Nicki, your poole STILL is not open???? I've been in mine 3 times already!!! Give DH a kick in the butt!!!

    Kristin, LOL, your rib!!! That is great news!!!

    Cheri, the biker pic was for both of my secret pals, the giver and the receiver!!!

    Robin, staying by your side, girlfriend! Be strong and talk to those girls. You have been through too much to make yourself a permanent baby sitter.

    Z!!!! Where ya at?????

    Vickie, what's going on????

    Madison, Hi y'all!!!

    Amy, I hope all is well with your daddy!

    Deb, where are you???? To busy for all of us?

    I know I missed a lot of you and I am sorry. Just know that I love all of you!
  • Biker54
    Biker54 Member Posts: 1,042
    edited June 2007

    Geez, I am sitting here sweating like a pig!!! Yuck! Sorry, just had to share, lol!

  • Madison
    Madison Member Posts: 859
    edited June 2007

    Jan, I'm melting also....106 degree heat index today!!!

    Shirley, I have a temp crown also.....yep, scared that it will come off when I eat!!!

    Robin, you need to take care of yourself….stress is not good for anyone…

    Rats, DD just came in the house….I’m sure she wants food….

  • neesie
    neesie Member Posts: 1,110
    edited April 2008
    Geez Jan................can you say Doctor overload!!!! Poor thing..when it rains it pours. I did get a chuckle about your "lump"....what this beast has turned us all into!

    Good night to all!
  • Biker54
    Biker54 Member Posts: 1,042
    edited June 2007
    Good night, my lovely Circle Girls!

  • Tricia
    Tricia Member Posts: 103
    edited June 2007
    Jan, speaking of sweating like a pig I am almost afraid to say this out loud cuz I don't want to jinx it. I have had a lot fewer hot flashes since my surgery. I am still on antibiotics, Percocet now and then, and Ambien at night. Wonder what the connection is but whatever the cause, I'll take it.
    Another weird thing. I had a little red wine the other night, and again tonight, and it doesn't taste good. I thought it was the wine, even though I have had it before. So tonight we opened one I know I like and it tastes bad to me.
    I would rather have a few hot flashes and like red wine again. Strange. *scratches head*
    BRSTN Member Posts: 165
    edited June 2007
    Tricia, I hated bleu cheese and red wine before chemo. Now I love them both and can't drink any white wine. Taste like vinager to me. It's a strange ride we are on.

    Vickie, I'm with you on the Wally world job. I was so stressed out by the time 5 pm came.

  • newvickie
    newvickie Member Posts: 2,941
    edited June 2007
    Good evening sweaty ladies all...same thing here...sweating up a storm. Ready to go lay in my chest freezer!
    Gonna walk the perimeter and bring nice cold drinks, cool washcloths, fans, and pics of hot lookin men...heehee. Gonna stop and give Karen and Amy hugs first as they've had some tough, anxious times lately...keeping the two of you and your families in my prayers.
    Stoppin in to see Betty...ewww on the bleu cheese and red wine...can't do either of them but we can fill out Walmart applications together.
    (by the was found...I just don't think my job is worth the stress any more. I love my job but hate dealing with cash all the time and having more than one key floating around...everyone can get into my office and there are two keys to the safe. Don't need or want stress and I'm still waiting to hear on the other job...should be this week).
    Stopping to tuck Nicki in since I'm pretty sure she's sleeping soundly by now...see you in the morning sunshine.
    Gotta stop and see Shokk and give her a hard time for not checking in sooner...had us worried girl! We have duct tape and handcuffs you know! I felt quilty all the time too...hated to ask anyone for anything. In a while crocodile. tastes have changed since chemo too. I used to drink Pepsi and can't stomach it now...tastes terrible to me. All I can drink is juice, water and milk. Strange is right...oh and white wine and blue drinks are ok too LOL. way would a crown that I swallowed be put back in my mouth! Weak stomach here...gross.
    Shirley...glad to hear you got a new one and didn't have to wait for the old one to reappear LOL.
    Peeking in on Colleen and Kevin...what a great pair they are. I know just how you feel when you're the only one there. Nathaniel feels it himself sometimes but I tell him we are the best two person team around and I can be mommy and daddy all rolled into one. Hugs to you both.
    Bringing along a paddle to Traceys wagon...geez...the kid was so proud of his new job gassing up golf carts...what the heck happened...I can't imagine what they were thinking...or not thinking actually. Sending you a hug and a Xanex...our circle girl fix it all!
    Denise has snuck off to bed so I'll tiptoe by and make sures she's tucked in.
    Hmmm...Madison did a fly by and I can't find her now...sweet dreams crochet pal.
    Robins wagon is a bit quiet tonight...she's plotting...I can tell that there are big changes coming in this wagon and pretty soon too. You go girl!
    heehee...gotta see Kristin...I had this weird swelling that I asked my oncologist about and he said..."Um...that's your breastbone."...uh...ok...felt a little dumb. It's always something!
    Cheri...are you serving any blue drinks tonight? It's been a loooooong day. Love the pictures you've been posting...of course I love all pictures...keep them coming! I still have to post a pic of me with the afghan...just haven't had a minute to do it. Just finished up the bridal shower pics tonight.
    Z is still being quiet...gonna stop and give her a hug and unplug her phone.
    ok...sleepy as all getout and about to fall out of the chair...this sucks because I'm missing soooo many and I hate that but I'm done with the bridal shower pics so I will have more time tomorrow night to catch up.
    I love ya all and you are all in my thoughts and prayers.
    Hugs all around
  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Member Posts: 1,233
    edited June 2007
    Good evening ladies. Hope all is well with you. Nothing going on here. Wow, it's like one day runs into the next. I feel like I'm living the movie "Groundhog Day", where I live the same day over and over. lol But I kick my attitude in the butt every day and fight off those blues...most of the time. Once in awhile i get in a funk and have trouble getting out. Luckily I'm easily amused. lol Plus there's my 2 yr old grandson that I can sit and count the times he says the word 'Mama' in a row. Gotta love him....he is related. But then I can sit here and look out in the front yard and see my daughter playing ball with her two little boys, laughing and clapping and running in to tell me how far Ethan hit the ball....yep, life is good. This old foot is healing because I'm willing it to and after all I did give up my beloved cigarettes so it would heal better. Things will just keep getting better.

    Amy, I hope your daddy gets better and your mama gets some rest. Prayers for you and your family.

    Marsha, glad you had a good time. I learned many years ago back 'in the day' if I was going to throw a party ALWAYS invite the neighbors first. That way they'll usually stop and think before they call the 'too much fun cops'....and sometimes not. lol

    Nicki, sounds like you had a rewarding day.

    Shirley, shave my doggies? I don't even shave my legs! lol

    Kristin, a rib huh? Gosh I've gained so much weight I'd be in a blind panic if I felt a rib or a hip bone. Good news for you.

    Robin, I'm in the same living situation. The only difference is I just have one dd but she has 2 kids. But she does well now. They'll go for the guilt thing over your grands. They'll slur and pout but you still have to stand your ground. I told Amber these are her children and I paid my dues and she's raised. So we got that straight some time ago. But they will leave them 24/7 if you don't make a stand. That in no way means you don't adore your grandchildren, you just don't want to raise them.

    Liz, sounds like things are settling down some in your life. That's a good thing.

    There's probably been several posts since I started this one, I've sat and watched the kids playing with Amber, then I'll type some so it's taken awhile. But it always takes me forever to post. lol

    Hey Vickster, Janny, Iris, Lisa, Suzola, Gus, Boo, CY, Z, Jazz, Mena, Gina, Karen, Denise, Laura, and anyone else I've missed. Have a grand evening and enjoy.

  • b445
    b445 Member Posts: 980
    edited June 2007
    Oops thought I was going to have a minute to catch up but Dad needs to go to a store that he'll get lost if I don't go with so I'll try to check back in a day or so.Love to all throughing some special logs on the fire. They only produce heat if your cold and look pretty but no heat if your hot!
    Miss you all and love yo
  • lizws
    lizws Member Posts: 789
    edited June 2007

    Hugs and Prayers
  • karen1956
    karen1956 Member Posts: 4,604
    edited June 2007
    Thank you CG's for all your kind thoughts. I have printed them out to save them. I so appreciate all your support. Lots for me to think about before the onc visit on Friday. I will be sure to let you know what he says and what I decide to do.
    No update today on my dad. I will call my mother tomorrow.
    Tonight I went out for dinner with my "maj" girls. Wasn't going to go - had to talk myself into it. Glad I did, but I ate too much - we went to a salad place - and now paying the price. Also stayed out too late - got home at 9:00pm!!!! geez, am I getting old or what!!!
    CherylHOlt - enjoy your trip.
    Z- glad things went well with your unveiling. Your DH sounds wonderful. It does make this journey easier when we know that we are loved. I too am lucky to have a great DH.
    Nicki- I should check out Wal-Mart to find out if any of the Rx that my family takes are on the $5 list. So glad that you can save some money.
    Vickie- keep us posted about the possible new job. You are so right, life is way too short to be so stressed at work.
    AMy - glad to hear that your dad is a little better. hugs
    Cy - you are incredible!!!! so very strong!!!
    Denise - I too need a colonoscopy, but not ready to schedule it.
    Colleen - congrats on the relay. wow - that is quite some amount of money that was raised.
    Peastnustgirl- let us know when the baby arrives. happy that the doc was able to turn the baby successfully.
    Tracey - Good luck with the new job. No polite words to describe your old boss. Go after him with all you can!!! He's a dirty scoundrel. Sorry that your kids are causing so many problems for you. What are their consequences for the golf cart incident. HUgs - Wish I could do something to help.
    Marsha - sounds like quite the party. Hope the neighbors get over it.
    Shirley - ooops - more dental visits - ugh!!
    Krisitn - so you have a lumpy rib!!!
    Robin - will be with you on Wednesday at the bone scan
    Tricia - my tastes have also changed since chemo. I now only dring water. Occasional glass of wine, but it interrupts my sleep more than it already is, so don't drink often. don't like spicey any more. Love good bread and butter, potatoes, some fruits. Sure don't eat like I used to now my diet is more bland. Chocolate is one thing that I can't eat like I used to - just don't enjoy the taste - I thought chocolate and female went together!!!!
    Cheri - I love it - living in Ground Hog Day!!. Showed my DH picture of Mindy and he couldn't believe how big she is. she is so cute!!! Glad that your foot is healing.
    Denise - congrats of loosing 25#.
    Jankay, Tgirl, Madison, Bearlysane, Kristin, Margaret, Beth (how are you feeling?), Sherndon, Boo/Sue, Liz, Odalys, Suz, ishop/Sue, Lisa, AMy, Theresa, Pam, Gina, Lini, Puppy, MB, Gus, Shokk, Joy, SOCalLisa,Deb - I love you all and so appreciate all your support. Thank you for being here. And to anyone I left out, it is not intentional, please know I am thinking of each and everyone of the CG's. Wishing everyone a feel good day tomorrow. Hugs from Denver, KAren
  • newvickie
    newvickie Member Posts: 2,941
    edited June 2007
    Where are my sunshine sisters!!
    I so want to go back to bed.
    I will catch up when I get a break at work...if I get a break at work.
    Love ya all!!!
  • k4katz
    k4katz Member Posts: 158
    edited June 2007
    OMG, Vickie, that dog has me cracking up! I am trying to be quiet because the kids are still sleeping but I think i am going to explode with laughter!

    I am working from home this morning because I have to take the kids to school (my DH usually does that but he has a wacky schedule this week) and then I have to go for my muga. I am not stressed about it but you guys can join me anyway! Jankay, you can fire up your scooter and pick up whoever is awake and come on by! I will get coffee and doughnuts and we can have a party in the waiting room while I am waiting the 20 minutes for the 'stuff' they inject to kick in!

    Have a great day girls!
  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Member Posts: 2,728
    edited June 2007

    Good Morning Everyone: Well I woke up a little late this morning. Found myself awake at that goofy 3:00am and for the life of me I couldnt go back to sleep. Seems like I have alot of anger built up inside and words just kept tossing and turning in my mind. So I took a xanax, fell right back to sleep then and now Im tired.

    I am so lost with everyones posts. Last night I took notes when I had to abruptly leave, now I cant read what I wrote. I dont even know where I left off.

    Tracey: You were not fired! You gave written notice. Many times a company will let someone go after they hand in their resignation, but here in Illinois - they pay you for that time. Sounds like you got yourself out of a nasty situation. And yes, it is illegal to try and sabotage your new job! Is there someone at a higher management level you can write a letter to? The situation with you children - gosh - what a stupid, costly prank. When they are in their 50's they will probably still be telling stories about this one. I dont have internet access at work cause Im out and about all day. A new job is always fun, so keep us informed on how its going.

    Vickie: $800 dollars being stolen is a big deal. Everyone who has a key, is at risk of being blamed. What an awful thing to happen.

    Denise: Congratulations on the 25 pound wt. loss - thats wonderful. Im still holding at my 12 pounds.

    Laura: Im so glad that the baby's head is now in the right place. This has got to be exciting for both of you.

    Sherlock: When I heard about your broken crown, all I could think about was the bacon and eggs!

    Kristin: Thank goodness it was just a rib!

    Jan: My husband is just acting so goofy lately. So the water is nice and clear. I want to clean the debris - but it has to be done "his way." which to me is no way.

    Well, my time is up. Grrrr have to go take a shower and get ready for work.

    Hoping everyone has a great day.
