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  • jankay
    jankay Member Posts: 789
    edited June 2007

    who and why

  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Member Posts: 2,728
    edited June 2007
    Well seems like Marshall tried to sabotage several different threads. With the same message - nothing!

    Cheri: thanks for the support on that other thread. Good thing I like cats. Guess that makes me a "catty" person.

    Sometimes its a crazy world that we live in.

  • marshakb
    marshakb Member Posts: 796
    edited June 2007

    When I first saw it here it had the cancer-et al thingy, whatever that is. Then it disapeared. Thanks to Melissa and Tami I guess. Marsha

  • Biker54
    Biker54 Member Posts: 1,042
    edited June 2007
    Good morning!

    Vickie, we put "found" crowns back in only after we have throughly sterililzed them, lol! Some people don't want to do that, so they can just pay for a new one. My boss usually gives them a break on the cost, though. I'm glad the money was found. Too many people have access!!!!

    Nicki, my brain does the same thing to me when I'm trying to sleep. I relive stuff and senerios keep replaying in my head. I know it is lots worse when I'm angry. Sometimes it's just stupid stuff that won't leave, like when you get a silly song stuck in your head and can't stop singing it, lol!
    I take care of the pool, for the most part. DH and I take off the cover, but I take care of all the chemical stuff. We put the solar cover on together. I usually put the vacuum thingy in myself. I hope your DH gets everything set by this weekend!

    Tricia, my taste has been altered since chemo. I always seem to have a bad taste on the very back of my tongue. I still eat and drink all the same things, it just seems like my sense of taste has been dulled. Nothing tastes quite as good as it used to. You'd think I'd be able to lose some weight .

    I hope everyone has a great day!! Love and hugs to Cheri, Susan, Kristin, Karen, Shokk, Gus/Sue, Boo/Sue, Deb, Robin, Amy, Z, NS, Laura, Marsha, Betty, Sherloc, Sheri, Denise, JanKay, Puppy, Colleen, CY, and Christine. Sorry if I missed anyone (I'm sure I have ). See you all later.
  • karen1956
    karen1956 Member Posts: 4,604
    edited June 2007

    Good morning CG's - actually getting on the computer before I leave for work. It is a rainy day here in Denver - only supposed to be in the 70;s as compared to high 80's or 90's yesterday. DD is supposed to go horse back riding with day camp. Wonder if they will cancel. Wishing everyone a good day. Will be back tonight. Hugs from Denver,Karen

  • jasmine
    jasmine Member Posts: 773
    edited May 2008
    Good morning happy campers. Another day another dime!

    Vickie -- the missing money would disturb me greatly and I would probably be addressing the issue with a higher up. When I worked as a cashier many moons ago, my drawer came up $15 short. At the time, they were very lax and didn't pull the drawers when your shift ended. I refused to work as a cashier again and made them put me on the floor. I would rather stock shelves than have my reputation ruined or even put in a questionable light.

    Maybe you can get them to pass the responsibility for keeping up with the cash to the person responsible for the missing money. I bet they will be more careful next time when its their reputation on the line.

    Nicki -- sorry you are having problems. What is causing the anger? Maybe that would be a good place to start.

    Cheri -- I read where Missouri will be getting flushable toilets next month! LOLOLOL

    Tracey -- be sure to remind your future employers that this supervisor who trashed you is the guy who was arrested for assaulting a customer. Enough said! What are they going to do to your kids?

    Well, gotta run! Be back later.
  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Member Posts: 1,233
    edited June 2007
    Good morning ladies. Not raining today but still a little dreary. Hasn't been any sunshine to speak of in a few days.

    CY, you are such a giving person don't forget to take time for yourself and get some rest.

    Liz, you don't have much to say in your posts lately. I miss you. I'm going to have to play your CD again to go over that turnaround stitch on the crocheting. I really enjoy doing it by hand but I'm still making triangles. lol

    Vickie, missed your regular morning post.

    Kristen, we're with you at your Muga. So it's time to make the donuts.

    Nicki, my pleasure. I'd never posted on that thread before but it just got a little extreme so I had to put in my thoughts on the silly subject. lol

    Jan, I call those goofy thoughts that hop around in my head at night, popcorn brain. It's just off the wall thoughts that pop around in my head that I haven't thought of in years. I really hate the nights when the "Green Acres" theme plays round and round. hahahaha (that does happen)

    Jazz, well dang gal, when we git are flushable toilets in Missouri then thats gonna put you folks what live in Arkansas way behind the times! hahahahha Ya'll still be usin' your Sears & Roebuck toilet paper outdoors. lol

    Hey to Iris, Gus, Boo, Lisa, Susan, Sheri, Gina, Mena, Karen, Colleen/Warren, Brenda, Carrie, Denise, Tracey, Shell, Shokk, and gee I just went brain dead, all the rest of you. Hoping you all have a better than average day, nah, go ahead and everybody have a wonderfully fantastic day.

  • newvickie
    newvickie Member Posts: 2,941
    edited June 2007
    hmmm...Cheri is making donuts! I'm there!! I am soo hungry (as usual).
    Kristin...we are right there with you.
    I should be working LOL.
    Where is our Puppy, Deb and Christine? Seem to be MIA!!
    Back to work...I'll be back
  • tflowers
    tflowers Member Posts: 232
    edited June 2007
    Morning sisters. was always missing from my safe(which more than one person had access) and I asked for a camera on it and the response was that the camera was too expensive...but always losing money must not have been.
    Just a quick check in today, way too busy but much love to everyone and their immediate probems. xoxo
  • sherloc
    sherloc Member Posts: 893
    edited June 2007
    Good morning dear sisters. Must have worked out a little more than I thought yesterday. I am one achey mama this morning. Had to limp to the coffee pot this morning.

    Kristin, lumpy ribs? That was good news to hear. With you for all your appts this week. Thanks for the dermatologist reminder. Need to do that myself one of these days.

    Jan, haahahah uh no thanks. I'll buy a new one if it comes to that.

    Madison, keeping my fingers crossed for yours and mine.

    Cheri, ppppttttttttttttttttt hahahahahhahahhah. Jas says you are getting flush toilets. O my what a treat. Will they be in the house now?

    Karen, 9pm, wow you are a party animal.

    Nicki, the bacon and eggs? hmmmm could be when the thing cracked I guess. Came off when I was eating cereal tho.

    Hope everyone has a splendid day today. Just have one thought for you to ponder today.........


  • Boo46
    Boo46 Member Posts: 261
    edited June 2007
    Good morning, I'll have to come back later to catch up. Not working today YIPPEEE but have tons of chores to do that I have been trying to get done while DH and DS are out of the house.
    I've been walking around really upset for days and mabey you ladies can give me some advise. My friend Wanda has been fighting BC bone mets for 4 years. For the last 14 months she has been back on chemo for a recure in her liver. She is very quiet about her condition, never offers info, will only answer direct questions. Has told me most of her family doesn't even know she has mets!! She was there for me immediately when I was diagnosed and has helped me in many ways. We'e been having lunch every couple of weeks and disscusing treatment, side effects, life in general etc. Anyway her son who is best friends with my son told my son the other day that she is not doing well. I have been trying daily to contact her by e-mail and phone. I would drive to her home but it is a gated community that won't allow anyone in without owner approval. I am getting more worried as each day passes. I have almost been to the point of calling her son's cell phone but he is a teen and don't think I should. DS isn't home for another week so can't get him to do it. So what do you think. Should I leave her be for now because she obviosly doesn't want to communicate at this point or should I keep pushing because she may need help and has gone into ostrich mode again?
  • newvickie
    newvickie Member Posts: 2,941
    edited June 2007

  • newvickie
    newvickie Member Posts: 2,941
    edited June 2007

    oh my Sue...thats a tough one. I would call her son as it looks like he already knows that she isn't doing well and you can then find out what's going on and if there is anything you can do. Hugs to you.

  • lv2cmp
    lv2cmp Member Posts: 899
    edited June 2007
    New York
    is where I'd rather stay
    I get allergic smelling hay
    I just adore a penthouse view
    Darling, I love you,
    but give me Park Avenue.

    Oh couldnt resist,,,Good morning CG's!!!
  • PuppyFive
    PuppyFive Member Posts: 539
    edited June 2007
    Hey CGS,
    BBL,Love Puppy
  • sherloc
    sherloc Member Posts: 893
    edited June 2007

    Sue, call her son.

  • Madison
    Madison Member Posts: 859
    edited June 2007

    Sue, call her son...sometimes people need help..but don't know how to ask for help....

  • RobinTN
    RobinTN Member Posts: 466
    edited June 2007
    Thanks Jan,Madison,and Karen.

    Vickie:You are right there are big changes come in my tent and soon.I got to get this recon over with and be able to find a job so I can get rid of EVIL.I already told the kids they are going to have to make other arrangements while I recover.One of the is going to have to take FMLA or find another sitter which they dont want to do.We dont know anyone around here as long as I have live here my friends have always been work related.And one by one the fizzled out on me when I got sick.Oh well such is life.
    What happened with the 800.00 that went missing? Surely they wont blame you for it with so many keys running around.

    Cheri: I loved IT!! thanks for sending i needed a good laugh.
  • b445
    b445 Member Posts: 980
    edited June 2007
    11 PEOPLE

    Eleven people were hanging on a rope,
    under a helicopter.
    10 men and 1 woman.
    The rope was not strong enough to carry them
    all, so they decided that 1 had to leave,
    because otherwise they were all going to fall.
    They weren't able to choose that person,
    until the woman gave a very touching speech.
    She said that she would voluntarily let go of the rope, because,
    as a woman, she was used to giving up everything for her
    husband and kids or for men in general, and was
    used to always making sacrifices with little in return.

    As soon as she finished her speech,

    all the men started clapping ........



    NEVER GIVE UP!!!!!!
  • jasmine
    jasmine Member Posts: 773
    edited May 2008


  • lizws
    lizws Member Posts: 789
    edited June 2007

    Don't have much to contribute lately. I'm just trying to stay busy so I don't have to deal with the in-laws appointments etc. I've decided I need to take care of me. LOL Like that's going to happen. I need to get busy and make my plans for Pinkstock.

    Hugs to you all. Love ya!
  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Member Posts: 1,233
    edited June 2007
    Good morning Cheryl, Madison, Liz,and Theresa.

    Shirley, now you've gone and done it. That song is evil! You get it started and it won't stop!! What's really bad is that after it circles in your head a few comes with visuals. hahaha

    Boo, call the son.

    Vickie, ROTFLMAO, I just wrote and told Shirley there'd be visuals and got down to your post and there they were. lol I'm not changing my post either it's just too coincidental. (But it's actually quite eerie in the dark, at night, in bed, all alone.)

    Amy, The chores/The Stores
    Fresh Air/Times Square
    You are my wife
    Good-bye City Life....

    I have entirely too much time on my hands. hahahaha

  • shokk
    shokk Member Posts: 790
    edited June 2007

    Good morning sweet chicas.........things are pretty quiet today at work.....finally caught up.......have been lurking and reading and laughing just not out green of the things we do here in the ins. office is insure small farms......whenever a woman calls in and is getting price quotes because her husband has got the bright idea that they are buying 10 acres and moving to the "country" I will remind her of the show "green acres"......of course the longer I do this and the younger these couples are getting many don't know what I'm talking about.......then of course I say well I have a good friend that lives on a small farm in Alabama and loves it.......(((((Amy)))).....anyway speaking of Amy sweetheart I have been praying for your dad......hope he is doing better today........was it Sherloc that started this whole green acres thing or Cheri..........of course Vickie provides the viusual..........I have been following everyone posts....looks like Denise has lost 25 pounds.....probably still on the run from dh and the visa bill.......Cheri great pics.......I really can't decide who is cuter Mork or Ethan.........also loved the pics of Ethan fishing......catfish is one of my great all time loves......of course I bake it now instead of frying it because I'm not suppose to eat any fried foods....ha.......stupid chemo and gallbladder.......oh geez

  • shokk
    shokk Member Posts: 790
    edited June 2007

    Ok I'm back.......I think Nicki and I are feeling the same way......I'm not really angry but just slightly pissed off alot lately.......anyway I don't know if Nicki remembers but earlier in the year I had plans on driving up to WI to retrieve daughter from school until gas got so high....I had saved a little money.......will my daughters and I are thinking about taking a short trip to Savannah in the middle of July......we would fly into jacksonville,Fl and rent a car and drive up into oldest child loves history and my youngest wanted to go to the beach......we all have been to the Texas coast so much so if that materializes does anyone have any suggestions on what we might oldest wants to go to Cumberland Island and maybe spend a night........what do you guys think......I haven't been anywhere since November'05 and that was to Seattle on a band trip with 75 13 and 14 year olds.....had a great time but this would be different.....oh brb........

  • newvickie
    newvickie Member Posts: 2,941
    edited June 2007
    ...The chores.
    ...The stores.
    ...Fresh air.
    ...Times Square
  • lv2cmp
    lv2cmp Member Posts: 899
    edited June 2007
    Lets see I think we can blame Cheri for bringing up Green acres but I do believe it was Shirley that got us on the song and it just progressed from there.

    Shokk-thanks for the thoughts and prayers for my dad.

    Shirley-yep want the Oakleys but jeez louise I am not careful with things like that. It would be just like me to fork out the money and then see little peanut the rat terrier running through the house with them on her head. Still considering though cause I do want them and well, dammit I deserve them! I am excited about the new glasses though. Square is in so by all means I need to be in since I am so fashion conscious,,lmao. I went with rimless this time also which I had the time before and really liked so we shall see. I actually think I need those big black military looking frames so maybe I could keep them in 1 piece but I doubt it.

    Alwayshope-One things for sure mississippi will always be behind Arkansas and even Alabama.

    marsha-loved your Alabama joke a few days ago but just now getting around to telling you.

    This is to everyone missing Deb-She was going on that writers conference thing and going to be gone several days so you all can put your duct tape back up for the time being.

    Robin-glad to see you with dreams of new boobs. I understand that you want to buy them a house but these are your grown children and they have to learn to stand on their own feet.

    Boo-I would call the son.

    Odalys-sorry for what you are going through with your previous boss. Cancer sucks, no other way to put it.

    Adrionna-was it you that was going shopping today? If so I hope you had fun.

    Sherndon-have you heard from the son in equador lately? Hope he is doing ok.

    Puppy-glad to see you popping in.

    Madison-Did you feed the daughter last night? Isnt it nice to be wanted?

    Liz-loved the picture.

    Nicki-thanks again for the advice. It helps to get inside info from the nurses thats for sure.

    CY-good one,,made me laugh.

    Jan-Cant imagine swallowing a crown but geesh those things arent cheap either. I have one and that booger better stay in where its supposed to be. I laughed at your swimming naked story. SO and myself were outside Sunday hoeing (in the garden, lol) and we could hear a 4 wheeler getting closer and closer. Sure enough the neighbor pulled up and asked if we had saw a little white kitten. We hadnt and what was he thinking with all of our dogs but anyway,,as he pulled off SO said, sure glad we werent shirt naked,,lol. Now that would have been quiet a sight!

    Kristin-congrats on the lumpy ribs. I wonder if I can even feel my ribs,,hmmmmm.

    Cheri-I died laughing at your shaving legs comment!!! Thats a good one.

    Theresa-dont work too hard.

    Laura-glad the baby got turned and I bet you cant wait. Be sure and give it a kiss on the head for me and touch its nose. Baby noses are so cute.

    Dad update now-had a good night and still on just the nose oxygen. Dr said wanted him to do that another 24 hours and make sure it doesnt strain his heart. They mentioned running a light down to check out his lungs but I got that info from mother so not sure where that stands now. So many things being tossed about. The dr did say that he mentioned open heart to daddy and daddy told him he was thinking about it. I will be at the 1:00 visit and can see him for myself.

  • bearlysane111
    bearlysane111 Member Posts: 592
    edited June 2007
    de de de de de dum dum da da da da da dum dum....

    Green Acres we are here....(cuts to pic of tel up the pole)

    Loved Arnold and Eb!!! Now,those were real characters!!


    Cy...too funny...what is that abt give them enough rope????
  • sherloc
    sherloc Member Posts: 893
    edited June 2007
    Cheri started it!!!!

    Shokk, sounds like a grand plan. My big sis has camped on Cumberland Island a few times. She says it's awesome. Personally the idea of being stranded on a wild island over night doesn't appeal to me.

    Amy get the Oakleys. Glad daddy is doing better today. Give him a hug from me.

    Spent two hours in the yard today. Weeds, weeds, and more weeds. But it did stretch out my o so sore muscles so all is good. Off to work on the quilt. See you all later.
  • bearlysane111
    bearlysane111 Member Posts: 592
    edited June 2007
    So glad to hear abt your dad and I will write a longer post.
    Meant to get my stuff right after Vickie's verse...Again,good news...

  • beth1225
    beth1225 Member Posts: 402
    edited June 2007
    Oh my, don't think i can catch up!

    Just want to say i am still keeping amy, karen and liz's parents on my prayers list. they are included every friday night when I say Shabbat prayers. i have not been up to going to Temple but use a prayer book here at home. God still hears us no matter where we are.

    Ok, update time. DH is back to work and still a little weak with his tummy. He is trying to watch what he eats and not overdue it. His BP was up last week when the visiting nurse was here, 140/92. It was even higher at the ER. So he is goign tomorrow at 4 to the doc to see what is going on.

    As for me, Ringo is still busy draining. he is down to about 40 cc a day. Mostly that straw color. Path report came back on the culture they took. I am going off of the Vancomycin, PICC line comes out tomorrow here at home and I am startign Levaquin for 2 weeks. Hopefully, it will kick the ifection down. Worst case scenario is a visit to the Surgi-center (same day procedures) to remove the implant to be put in at a later date. I am hoping for a better turn of events. My tmep is hovering around 99.

    Lat day of school. Had 4 teenage boys here who wolfed down 2 pizzas, a bottle of Pepsi, half gallon of milk, package of Oreos, some M&M's, candy corn (had to be stale but they are boys) and are now outside (thank the Lord) kicking a ball around. Their moms were ok with them coming over since they all had a half day and all the moms work full-time. Maybe they would like to kick in somethng for this repast? Well, one of the moms sent over the cookies and Pepsi. I feel a little bit used but at least I know where my kid is. I stayed in the kitchen and they watched "Predator" in the family room.

    Going for a nap while all is quiet. Hope everyone is having a good Tuesday!