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  • shokk
    shokk Member Posts: 790
    edited June 2007

    Geez Beth......sounds like Ringo needs to go to rehab......I used to be the mom where all the kids would hang out because I was never a freak about the house and messes and all that stuff......but I do remember them going through all our food and especially the drinks faster than I could restock them......geez........but your right Beth I always knew where my kids were.........oh Sherloc my daughter neverrrrrrrr said anything about a "wild" island......I was planing on staying only at brb....

  • marshakb
    marshakb Member Posts: 796
    edited June 2007
    Shokk, if your older one loves history and the youngest the beach you might consider St. Augustine, just a little south of Jacksonville. Oldest Florida city. Absolutely beautiful.

    Oh and Lol, I always wondered what that phone, brb meant. Your at an insurance office, I get it now.

    Nicki, man I am feeling the same way. Like Shokk said, just kinda a pi**ed off feeling.
  • shokk
    shokk Member Posts: 790
    edited June 2007

    There will be no would take me an hour to stand up from sitting on the ground much less laying on the ground.......think not.........anyway there are some other islands right there.......may just stay on the mainland and travel over during the is huricanne season looking.....Tricia have you heard anything......we went 28 straight days with rain it has been clear for 5 days and now it is suppose to start raining tonight thru Satuarday.....we will see.......ok have conference call will be back in a little while sweethearts..........

  • shokk
    shokk Member Posts: 790
    edited June 2007

    Marsha great idea....I saw a special on St. Augustine on the Travel Channel about a yr oldest is trying to get our schedule together......I didn't realize it was so close to Jacksonville.........not paying attention to conference call......bbl guys............

  • beth1225
    beth1225 Member Posts: 402
    edited June 2007
    Oh man, boys are something else! It is now raining out there with thunder, no lightning yet. I don't see sign of any of them. If it were girls, they would be shrieking inside to dry off. I don't think boys know when to come in!

    Marsha, when I was with my ex I went with him to Amelia Island, just off of Jacksonville, for a few days. Just beautiful, Jacksonville too! Then we took a vacation on our way to see my grandmother who lived in Hollywood at the time. I made him stop in St. Augustine because I wanted to see a piece of history. Glad we did. Stopped at the Central Florida Zoo too!

    Tricia, love the keys too! But did not like the "lovebugs" in central Florida as we drove through Fort Myers! I'll keep our funky bugs thank you very much (OK, ask Jeff, he'll know what I'm talking about, hehee)

    BBL all! If my house is still standing and I don't have to fumagate from "wet boy smell", YUCK!
  • marshakb
    marshakb Member Posts: 796
    edited June 2007

    "SO and myself were outside Sunday hoeing" Oh my goodness Amy that is soooo funny. Looks like Shirley was hoeing a little this afternoon too! LOL

  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Member Posts: 1,233
    edited June 2007
    Shirley, Tattle tale, tattle tale, hangin' on a bulls tail

    Tell me I'm not the only one that ever heard (and sang) that.

  • purplemb
    purplemb Member Posts: 593
    edited June 2007
    Green you guys have been at my house....

    cell phone signal...= ...climg on top of the huge load of logs in the side yard..or walk up to the top of the hill...

    mail service..=....doesn't even have to have your last name on will get

    oh yeah the new cafe in town is called that too and they use the song...

    hugs mb...had to put my 2 cents in ...
    prayers for all...
  • Boo46
    Boo46 Member Posts: 261
    edited June 2007
    Vickie, Amy, Madison, Shirley, Cheri - Thanks for the advice. Since you all agree I decided to call Alex (Wanda's son). Then the phone rang and it was Wanda!! Thank God she is OK. She has been out of town for some R+R and just got my messages.
    She was surprised to hear what Alex had said. Her scan last week showed lesions are stable and will continue with the same chemo. She said she was in bed with the flu for 2 days last week and every time she even sneezes Alex thinks it's BC related. LOL My DS does too. (They are only 14). Said she'd tell Alex to be more specific if talking to me or my DS.
    I am so relieved. I feel like such a fool for panicing. I got off the phone with her and just bawled my eyes out.

    Liz - Good decision.
    Shokk - St Augustine is great - definately worth the visit.
    Beth - ewwwww wet boy smell!!!! Plenty down here when DS is around - I can relate.
    Cheri - Bull tails? Nope never heard that one!
    Still have tons to do. I'll try to get back on later.
    Thank you again to all who answered me so quickly.
  • newvickie
    newvickie Member Posts: 2,941
    edited June 2007
    I'm soooo lost.
    Gonna spend my afternoon on the confused couch listenin to the Green Acres theme song circling in my head.
    Hey MB...we sound like we live in the same town.
    Beth...sounds like you are feeling better...gonna go check the weather was really sunny and hot but who knows.
  • beth1225
    beth1225 Member Posts: 402
    edited June 2007
    Sue, glad you got it all cleared up with Wanda. I am never sure to call or not.

    Vickie, serious thunder boomers here. Boys came in soaking wet. They are toweling off as we speak and I need to shut down the 'puter.

    later gals!
  • sherloc
    sherloc Member Posts: 893
    edited June 2007
    Beth, boys do not know to come in out of the rain. Glad hubby is back at work. Mine just walked thru the door again. Got sent home again. Geez Louise he is never going to leave.

    shokk, I could be wrong about the name of the island. The one I'm talking about was owned by the Flagler family. Has an old falling down mansion on it and a herd of wild horses. Plus other sundry critters. Only way on or off is a ferry. No hotels, no anything actually. Even have to haul in your own water. So not my idea of vacation. Gotta agree about St Augustine. If you are flying into Jacksonville you have to go to St Augustine. It is my all time favorite place.

    Cheri, Me? I would never tattle. hahahahhahahha
    never heard that song.

    Marsha, hoe hoe hoe, and a bit of chop chop chop too.

    Sue, I am so glad you talked to your friend. Sounds to me like her son might need a bit of counseling to deal with his worries.

    MB, my kind of town.

    Vicki, the confused couch has great snacks.

    Lunch done, back to work.
  • lv2cmp
    lv2cmp Member Posts: 899
    edited June 2007
    Waaaaaaaaaaaaa send the rain down south. We are dying down here!

    Funny story about hoeing, lol. 2 of my sisters and me went in to see daddy on Sunday and he was telling us that the garden needed plowing but not to plow the beans cause they needed hoeing. We all started laughing and said oh the other sister can do that, shes good at hoeing. Nothing like picking on the one thats not there ya know?!?

    Beth-ewwwwwwwww yucky wet boy smell!

    1:00 visit dad seemed discouraged but in a way that might be a good thing because before he didnt feel well enough to be discouraged. He is just tired of being in the bed and said he believed he could walk home if given the chance. I said Daddy its 98 degrees outside so I dont think you would walk and he said well this bed and me have about been together long enough. Kidney doctor said the kidneys are holding their own today so thats a good thing. Thursday is mother and daddys 57th wedding anniversary!

    Sue-so glad she was just off for some R & R. I'm sure she needed it and she knows that you care.

    Ok I will confess, my phones ring tone is green acres and has been for some time now.

  • lizws
    lizws Member Posts: 789
    edited June 2007
    Alright you guys, I've been walking around humming Green Acres! I went to look at a car today. It's a 2004 Mazda 3. Pretty nice. I have a 2000 Dodge Stratus that my mom gave me when she bought her new one. This thing is loaded with everything - leather - CD - power everything. Has 50,000 miles. They offered me 3,000 for it. I laughed at them and left. Oh well - spit happens.

    Amy - glad your dad is feeling better.

    Beth - bless your heart. hang in there

    Vickie - I stay lost and yes there are good snacks on the confused couch. I have a permanent reservation there.

    Nicki - I change planes in Chicago. Can we meet? Please - pretty please???? I'll get you the details later.

    I haven't read much except the current page. I'll be back later.

    Hugs and Prayers
  • zazette15
    zazette15 Member Posts: 223
    edited June 2007
    Hey there to all my CG sisters!

    There Are Chances You Have to Take...

    Today I am taking the chance of coming here at work while I have a stack of crap to do and something may not get done. But I need to feel in touch with you all.

    And guess what, there is always tomorrow. I am taking the chance of tuning out some of the babble from folks around me to come here and hear the peace, support, care and concern that I need from you, my sisters, to keep me from screaming at these other folks, they should appreciate you all as much as I do.

    I am taking the chance of coming to you all after not being here regularly and asking that you all please keep supporting me, keep me in thought and spirit and please know, from the depth of my heart that I think of you all as my guides and I would be so lost without you. I pray to the goddess for each and everyone of you daily and I send out wishes for peace too.

  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Member Posts: 1,233
    edited June 2007
    I confess. I have even tried to force other songs in my head just to get rid of 'Green Acres'. Desperate people do desperate things...themes from the 'Brady Bunch', 'Beverly Hillbillys', and various others. Although, 'The Beverly Hillbillys" did stick for a few circles it was right back to "Green Acres". See how television can warp young childrens minds?? I've even tried the whistling tune where Andy & Opie are goin' fishin' but there's nothing that will wipe out Green Acres! Maybe it has something to do with winding up living in the middle of a 12 acre hayfield outside a very small town. Where we had to plant trees when we moved here. It is literallly a hayfield.
    Shirley is to blame for putting in your head, Liz.

    Insane Pals
  • Sandra1957
    Sandra1957 Member Posts: 1,064
    edited June 2007
    Z-One thing about coming to the circle is that it is never by chance that you'll find a supporting and loving sister to be here for you. Someone is always around to lend an ear, a shoulder, a laugh. Hope that you find some of the peace that you're looking for today.

    I'm so freakin' bored. I basically lost two weeks worth of work due to my surgery postponement. Maybe I'll go for another walk. Can't go do some "retail therapy" as there won't be anything to pay for it next month when the bills come in. LOL!!

  • lizws
    lizws Member Posts: 789
    edited June 2007
    Z -


  • RobinTN
    RobinTN Member Posts: 466
    edited June 2007
    Amy:I know they are my grown children,I guess I have just always wanted to give them what I was never given,,does that make sense? I had no one to help me with anything.And if I can get enough money to pay off my house and buy them a modest house and have some left to live on I will be happy.I already told them I pick the price and that is final.
    Now i got a phone call from jasmine,she had 3 moles taken off at her post partum visit and one has come back pre-melanoma.She has an appointment with a sugeron tomorrow afternoon.I will go there right after my bone scan.If it is positive I dont think I can take anymore stress.I take two steps forward and one step back.

    Beth:I am glad you are doing better and glad your dh is back to work.You should not have to care for 4 boys right now that is the last thing you should be doing.Give me a call when you feel like talking.I dont want to call and interrupt your nap or nurse visit.Know I am constantly thinking about you and praying for you.

    Talk to you'all later my friends.
  • Biker54
    Biker54 Member Posts: 1,042
    edited June 2007
    Good Lord Robin, does it ever end??????

    Oh, now I've got that stinking Green Acres song in my head.

    Lini, have they rescheduled your surgery yet?

    I'm at work, so gonna go for now!
  • Sandra1957
    Sandra1957 Member Posts: 1,064
    edited June 2007
    My exchange surg. has finally been rescheduled for 6/21.

    Robin-prayers going out for your daughter.
  • neesie
    neesie Member Posts: 1,110
    edited April 2008
    Okay, first....Cheri, Vicki, Shirley..I believe you started this "Green Acres" thing..Ummmm and I believe Amy was right in there with you. SO TO ALL THE REST OF YOU GIRLS....WHEN YOU CAN'T SLEEP TONIGHT BECUZ GREEN ACRES IS GOING THROUGH YOUR HEAD.....I'LL GIVE OUT PHONE NUMBERS SO WE CAN ALL CALL THESE 'FRIENDS'!!!!

    Jan: Must say, I have all crowns in my mouth and have lost a few.........thank god I never had to go fishing in the tank for one!!

    Amy, Karen and Liz: Hoping parents are doing better.

    Amy: Just read about your Dad. You mentioned that they are now talking about "maybe" open Heart surgery? Sounds like he is regaining some of his strength. Good! 57 years, can't even imagine it!! Congrats to them!

    Cheri: I love it........don't even shave your legs let alone the dogs!

    Sue: I'm glad you contacted Wanda. Of course you worry, and would have continued to worry until you found out all is well.

    Cy: So True...your little story!

    Liz: I agree, take care of YOU. I know, easy to say and not so easy to do! Try are so stressed right now.

    Amy and Shokk: Bingo!! You have both discovered the secret to my weight loss!!!!

    Beth: Do I dare say that things are sounding a bit better? Boys in the house! Actually, it drove me nuts at the time, but now I truly miss the action! Kids were always at my house, and that meant so were my Kids!!

    Shokk: LMAO...........Telling Beth that Ringo needs to go to rehab!!

    Z: No taking chances here. You have no choice but to let us support you!

    Robin: Remember the word........PRE...........sounds like it was caught in time and the surgeon will flick it away!

    Puppy: Welcome back and I sure hope you had a fun Fishing Trip! Thinking alot about you.

    Pam: Holding my arms out for you this week. Don't need to say anymore.

    Vicki: I think I saw Christine on another thread. Don't ask me which one cuz I usually don't stray away! Atleast we know that she didn't elope!

    Madison: Don't remember seeing a post from you...Hello!

    Alwayshope: The words between you and Cheri are to funny!
    You do have a good sense of humor!!

    Nicki, Marsha and Shokk: All slightly pis**d off. Kinda tough....3 of our 'funny and outspoken' (in a good way) girls in a funk at once. Feel better Girls!

    Kristen: Good luck with the MUGA Scan. I have never had one and don't really know what it is.........can someone enlighten me? I am so waiting for your CD to come out! Promise we will be the first to know!

    Hugs to all!
  • karen1956
    karen1956 Member Posts: 4,604
    edited June 2007
    Hi CG's - rainy day in the rocky mountains.
    Got an email from my mom and from my uncle. My mom is a wreck. The stress of my dad is more than she can bare (bear). She told my uncle that she can't stand that her life is not her own. Dad is having a hard time. The surgery was not laprascopic, but they opened him up. He has started on liquids today. Mom said he is really cranky and doesn't want to do anything the nurses/docs want. He doesn't want to wear the leg massagers and is pulling out tubes (not sure for what). Mom told my uncle (he cc the email he wrote to mom and it had her original email to him) that she does not like to talk to me or my brother because we have our own problems. I really feel bad for my mom. I am worried about my dad with this new illness. I was not worried when it was his back. Don't know what I can do for my mother or my dad. DH is travelling a lot this and next week and then we leave on a two week vacation. This is a dream trip and I will not cancel it - too important to me - hope that is not selfish. WE have not had a vacation in 5 years and this trip is to celebrate my survival. Not sure that I could do anything if I went to visit. My folks are in Boynton Beach. Thank you all for listening. Just needed to share this with all my "sisters". Will call my mother tonight. Be back tonight. Karen in Denver
  • newvickie
    newvickie Member Posts: 2,941
    edited June 2007
    well hell...Beth sent that thunder and lightning here...gotta shut down as it's gettin nasty but I will be can't last long!
    love ya all
    looks like I need to take notes...geez...don't know where my head is but it ain't screwed on too tight this week.
  • k4katz
    k4katz Member Posts: 158
    edited June 2007
    (((Karen)))), it is hard to be so far away when your folks are going through all this, I am sure.

    I had my muga today....all went well. It is a test to measure my heart function since I am on herceptin and it can cause heart damage. The muga is a piece-of-cake test. The worst part are the two injections. First they inject some stuff and i have to wait 20 minutes while it circulates in my system. Then they inject the radioactive stuff which binds with the first injection stuff. After 5 minutes, I lie on a machine and they start taking the scans. They are noiseless and painless. They take scans in 3 positions, about 10 minutes each, I am guessing. And then I am outta there!

    Tomorrow is doctor- and test-free! Then on Thursday I get my herceptin infusion.

    Karate night for the boys so I gotta run...have a great night everyone!

  • joy1122
    joy1122 Member Posts: 189
    edited June 2007
    Karen-I am so sorry to hear your dad is sick. It so hard when parents are far away and sick. You feel so helpless. Hope he is better soon.
    Beth- with four sons in the house I know what you are going through today. Kevin gets out of school tomorrow.
    Z- You have such away with are so sweet
    Vicki-Goodby City life...I can't that out of my head now!
    Robin-You really have your hands full. I am hoping things start looking up for you.
    As for me...I am with the angry girls tent. Kevin's surgery is Monday and I am falling apart inside.This is his 3rd major surgery in five years.I think we have had enough! My MIL says God is testing us. That just makes me mad at the world. I just want this to be over and behind us. Thanks for listening. I'll be back before Monday.
    Take Care,
  • RobinTN
    RobinTN Member Posts: 466
    edited June 2007
    Joyce:I am sorry you are going thru all this also.Somedays I just dont think I can take another step then I realize I have to.We cant give up now we are to far ahead.I will be praying for you and Kevin.

    Jan:its gotta get better.It has been worse..Jasmine called my onc this afternoon and he dosent think it is anything.He said they might not even have to cut anymore of the mole out.He also told her she would be stupid to get into a tanning bed or out in the sun ever again.
    The baby had her 2 month checkup today and she weighs almost 13lbs and is 23 inches long.She is a little butterball.

    Amy:I am praying for you and your dad also.Hang in there.Remember we love you.

    Is susan MIA? Havent seen her post in a few days.Gonna have to ring her bell.
  • newvickie
    newvickie Member Posts: 2,941
    edited June 2007
    ok...tornado watch now...shokk...empty the closet, I'm on my way.
    brb...gotta shut down again...geez!!! how am I supposed to tuck everyone in like this...I'll get blown away.
  • sherloc
    sherloc Member Posts: 893
    edited June 2007
    Cheri started it.

    New song......
    Sing along ladies

    Amy, 57 years. Holy Smokes. I do hope the doctors will let him have a nice anniversary dinner on thursday.

    Liz, go to and look up your car. Print out the value page and take it to the dealer. Didn't have all the correct info but I looked up 2000 Dodge Stratus SE was worth 4300.00 in excellent condition, 3900.00 in good condition.

    Lini, your surgery day is same day as I get my permanent crown. Bet you get better drugs.

    Robin, praying for Jasmin.

    Denise, always happy to gab with my sisters. But call Cheri, she's up anyway.

    Vicki, the hammock incident probably rattled your brain a little.

    Kristin, glad all went well today.

    Joyce, I will be praying for Kevin on Monday. Well everyday but you know. My old Pastor used to say....God does not do tests!!!

    Well wonders will never cease. Manperson is doing the dishes. I think the world might be ending.
    See you all tomorrow.
  • nosurrender
    nosurrender Member Posts: 737
    edited June 2007

    I want you to know that all of you are in my prayers- even your parents and kids!

    I had my sono today of the lump under my arm and am waiting for the doc to call with the results. He is the one that sometimes calls late in the evening, I hope this is the case and he calls tonight.

    Sending love to all,