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  • jankay
    jankay Member Posts: 789
    edited June 2007
    Jankay here
    by all means karen do not cancel your trip. You have to take care of yourself in order to help others.
    krsitin i am alwyays ready for a doughnut party. glad u have lumpy ribs.
    boo i am glad you talked to your friend, she is lucky to have you.
    Green Acres get real next you will be singing I Love Lucy
  • purplemb
    purplemb Member Posts: 593
    edited June 2007
    kristin...tell the boys"renshu"
    ok its Tuesday nightand his is fn...hehehe..boys are in the garage..must have all cars out before August...Pinkstock may need more room...

    Wow so many family member needing i send them all a nice warm one..
    Robin..have Jasmine check out the UVA/UVB clothing at the sporting good stores..I bought some last year and love the stuff...
    ok before i get caught, must be off to dish land and laundry land...hugs to all of you..
  • newvickie
    newvickie Member Posts: 2,941
    edited June 2007
    hmmm...looks like the storm is going aroud us...yippee. Lots of thunder and lightning in the distance and really pretty but nothin major. Fizzled out.
    Gina...where are you? How are you...haven't seen you in a bit and have been thinking of you. have every right in the world to be angry! I would be angry...any one of us would be angry. It's the mama bear coming out in us and it isn't fair for our children to suffer. Hugs to you. Praying this will be his last surgery and very successful.
    Robin...the same thing just happened to two women I work with...had moles removed that were pre-cancerous...they just took more of the area around where the moles were they are fine.
    Karen...sending you a hug and you take that need it and do not feel guilty at all. It's been a rough time for you!
    Kristin...yippee on the MUGA scan. I hate going to the doctors any more! How old are the boys and how are they doing in karate?
    Christine is on another thread...oh that two timer LOL. Guess I'll have to look her up. I'm guessing she's with the drinking thread. Not fair...she didn't come back and fill us in.
    Amy...sounds like DD is getting some spunk back! Hope that all is well and very soon.
    Lini is bored so I'm gonna bring her to my house to clean LOL. My wonderful neighbors moved all the mulch for me today! It looks so wonderful outside. All the yardwork is done!
    Jan...where are you? Still at work? can come on vacation with those of us that really need to get away. I forget who is coming but we'd better plan it soon. Sending you a warm hug. acres is the place to don't have my phone number so there! Glad you've never had to fish in the tank for your crowns too...ewwww. dealers are such rip off artists. It's sickening. I always go with the blue book price so I know just what they should offer me. You always get more if you sell your car yourself. I think I'll hang out on the confused couch with you all week.
    Marsha is grumpy? Hmm...must have missed something somewhere along the way. Darn I hate that. Is it the rads? Don't be grumpy about it extra insurance.
    Puppy...did you catch any fish? Where did you go camping...where are you?
    Shirley girl...sounds like you need a hubby break...are we running away on vacation together LOL.
    Whoa...big lightning that time...gettin brave in my old age...holy $hit...BIG THUNDER TOO!!!...ok...Nates back up now.
    Sue...I'm glad you called about your friend and got everything staightened out. Sending you a hug.
    ok...hmmm...guess I gotta shut down again...the lightning is pretty close and we've been hit's not fun! It happened at the end of Sarah's bridal shower that we had in the back yard...very scary experience!!!!
    Love ya all and I'll see ya in the morning. Sorry to all I missed again...I'm so far behind.
    Jasmine...where are you? Don't think I saw you post today but I could be wrong LOL.
  • tflowers
    tflowers Member Posts: 232
    edited June 2007
    Evening ladies.

    NS...nice to see you and how are you feeling these day?

    Z....I'm with you on the work thing. It never goes away, which is good or we'd be out of work.

    Lin...good luck with your surgery.

    On the music thing. At my old job when the owners were away, we'd get on the walkies and play mindless games. One day I suggested we come up with the worst song ever. I think at the end of the day we all agreed on "Seasons in the Sun" but there were many more. xoxo
  • newvickie
    newvickie Member Posts: 2,941
    edited June 2007
    Hey you guys...this is like the twilight zone...wondering where Gina was...Jankay...trying to think of a new song to go through my head and I see we were all posting at the same time LOL.
    hugs all
    Goodnight and sweet happy dreams
  • newvickie
    newvickie Member Posts: 2,941
    edited June 2007
    oh Tgirl...I have to agree with Seasons in the Sun! What a horrible song that was!!! brain was rattled long before the hammock incident LOL.
  • jasmine
    jasmine Member Posts: 773
    edited July 2008
    Oh no! I loved Seasons in the Sun...we had joy we had fun we had seasons in the sun but the wine and the song like the seasons have all gone!

    I'm also a ragin Fanilow.
  • jasmine
    jasmine Member Posts: 773
    edited July 2008

    Her name was Lola...she was a showgirl...with yellow feathers in her hair...and a dress cut down to there...

  • jankay
    jankay Member Posts: 789
    edited June 2007

    I think i could go with Seasons in the sun

  • beth1225
    beth1225 Member Posts: 402
    edited June 2007
    Ok, ds moved the cord for me to make it easier to type, I can put the keyboard in my lap.

    Joyce, I still have an extra one here who left and came back again! Its ok, like I said before, at least I know where mine is. This kid's anme is also Kevin and so far I have never met a Kevin I didn't like. Send my best wishes to Kevin for Monday. Call me to grab a cup of coffee sometime. Maybe you could use a moment to yourself a little.

    Karen, for many years I have regretted cancelling a trip when my grandmother had gone in for surgery and she was at our house for hospice. Years later, my dad went in the hospital for bc surgery adn we all talked my brother into not cancelling his vacation to Europe when he was in high school. After five years, of no vacations, you need one. Celebrate your life! If family or friends don't like it or understand then oh well. Regret is the hardest pill to swallow.

    Vickie, sorry to have sent the thunder to your neck of the woods. But remember, Joyce, Jan, Theresa, Kristin, Ishop/Sue all had the storm too! So ti was sent up from a freat group of sisters! The Greater Philadelphia Area Wagon Circle Sisters! When you tuck me in, look for th ewagon with the bubble wrap around it.

    Gotta go, dh just scooped out ice cream and it is melting!

    BTW, "Just sit right back and you'll hear a tale, A tale of a fateful trip..." (Maybe that will replace the other!)

  • jasmine
    jasmine Member Posts: 773
    edited July 2008
    How bout...

    Love Boat soon will be making another run
    The Love Boat promises something for everyone
    Set a course for adventure,
    Your mind on a new romance.
  • AlaskaDeb
    AlaskaDeb Member Posts: 1,159
    edited June 2007

    I am drowning in posts LOL!!!! Can anyone give me a recap? There is no earthly way I can catch up. I will just jump back in and wing it.

    My writer’s conference was beyond wonderful…I got to meet Amy Tan; I got some awesome feedback on my writing. I read a poem that I wrote that centered around chemo-brain and loosing my sense of language and got literally dozens of people coming up to me afterwards to talk and tell me they liked it…I felt like a rock star. I know it sounds like I am bragging, but I am on such a natural high I almost can’t think straight. I was eating, sleeping, breathing my writing for 5 days and my head is spinning. I have been invited to submit a full manuscript of poems for a publication contest. The winning book will be published, there is a $3,000.00 prize…I am so excited about the opportunity. Now I have to go through my work and pick 25 poems!

    I feel like I am slowly but surely getting my “writing chops” back…and it feels GOOD!

    I love you all and I will try and catch up tomorrow. I need a shower, some food and 12 hours of sleep.

    Bugs and Fishes….
    Deb C
  • bearlysane111
    bearlysane111 Member Posts: 592
    edited June 2007
    Happy late Wed to everyone! Wed when I begin….gonna call it Wed.

    Amy….Glad to read that your dad was feeling stronger today. I am glad that you have your sisters so to share visiting times with your dad. Oakleys sound real cool and look cool,too!
    Vickie…that is so annoying with all those thunderstorms. I was visiting the CG thread today and saw the link (pic)abt Ithaca. That is a lovely area. Now, I see why you have all those storms and snow;beautiful!
    Suz… thinking of you and hope your trip with your son was very enjoyable.
    Jasmine…now,that was TV w/Doc,Issac Julie,Gopher and Capt Steuben! That was one of my fave shows and Love, American Style. Glad you mentioned that show; you triggered some good memories. How abt z plane, zplane, Mr, Roarke?

    Betty…hope your day went better so that you and Vickie are not doing W-Mt carts. I think that handing-out carts looked good many days when stressed. Hope the rest of wk goes better.
    Tricia…your office is really fortunate! Hope that you will have a good mtg and take care of yourself. I know you were laughing when the vacuuming and cleaning was going on(smiling,anyway).
    Nicki…hope that your Wed went well and that you got the pool ready. Sounds good on these hot days! Know abt those 3AM wake-ups and the next day’s schedule being draggy(or at least for me it was). Thinking of you and hope you’re sleeping better tonight.
    Colleen…hope you and Warren are well;I am sure you are busy with his concert and last wk of schl/grad ceremony. Thinking of both of you.
    Shirley…almost swallowed my temp;couldn’t find it and my dentist said I had smashed it and it was in there(can you tell that I was stressed!) Hope your med appts go/went well;love Green Acres wherever we find it. That is one tune that stays w/us. Good luck w/your appts. Thinking of you! Enjoy the trip!

    Jankay…hope your day went well;I started watching I Love Lucy in the 50’s when we got our first b/w TV! Those were the comedies!
    Tracey…Wow! There is sure lots going on at your house;hope the teenagers are not as adventurous this wk. Take care of you.
    Laura…good news on your daughter’s new baby. Have they picked names yet?
    Marsha…bet the neighbors loved all the music and good things to eat. Your dress was lovely! Sorry abt the blues;get them,too,at times.
    Liz…good plan that your son found money that was saved. I forget where I put my stuff;what a treat to find money saved!
    Gina...thinking of you and hope you have had good news on sono.

    Cheri…good luck to anyone that messes w/those lovely dogs! I would think that Orson would be called and it would prob be nano nano to the one who wanted them gone. Like that abt when momma’s not happy…Mork to Ork…calling Orson….nano nano
    Shokk…trip sounds wonderful! Love the St Augustine area;very historic and pretty city.
    Jan…a new biker belt buckle sounds spiffy! I was looking at the CG pics and you have lovely children and gr children.
    Theresa..hi to you! Sounds like you are having a busy week. Hated that Seasons in Sun,too. What was the meaning…who ever knew what they were talking abt? Reminded me of Ode to Billie Joe singing and not knowing what I was really singing…oh,the 60’s and 70’s.
    Robin….thinking of you and your daughters. Sounds like the surgeon was acting proactively;bn through lots of mole removals.

    Madison…your place sounds like it has a high heat index;do they still have those big fans that circulate overhead? How did the wedding go? Hope it was enjoyable…tough going in the heat here;I wait until nearly dark to do anything in stores.
    Deb…Whoah! You,go,girl…fantastic on reading your poem and being published!!! Welcome back! Awesome news!!!
    Karen…thinking of you and your parents;you are right abt choices being difficult.Sometimes there are really tough choices to make. Enjoy the vacation!
    Denise... Congrats on all that you have lost;it is a real accomplishment. You deserve chocs on July12th and if you insist,I will be glad to do my share w/the chocolates! LOL Thanks for sharing the info and it is hard work!!(at least it is for me;I love food!!!)
    Beth…good news that your temp dropped;hope you are soon free of the med visits at home;hope your husb’s med appt will go well tomorr. Then, nothing medical for a few days would be nice for the two of you. I know you are tired of drs.
    Z…thinking of you and glad you wrote today;your words are very comforting;take care.
    Purplemb…funny abt the cars being moved from the garage.
    Cy…good to see your post;hope your wk goes well. Too funny abt rope read that one,again,for fun!
    Kristin…good news abt your ribs! Hope the infusion goes well Thur!

    Thinking of all the CGs and wishing a great middle-of-wk mark! Will be checking in to see how you all are!
    Take care and I will be thinking of you while away for a bit!
  • newvickie
    newvickie Member Posts: 2,941
    edited June 2007

    Ahhh...another day, another fifty cents. Work work work LOL.
    Nickster...tweaking your toes...time to make the donuts. Are things going any better? I heard you were angry but chemo brained me can't remember why.
    Jankay...yoohoo...checking to see if you are feeling better today. Hope you aren't catching a cold.
    Deb...welcome home! Oh my we missed you. You will have to be our campfire story teller from now on. Brag all you have every right to. I remember reading your moose story and loved it. is really beautiful here. Lots of hills and falls. Ithaca is gorges. Ithaca is also 10 square miles surrounded by reality and thats really true LOL.
    Sheri...don't think I've seen you for a couple of days...are you ok? seem to remember that you got a new computer so it would be really nice to pop in and say hello.
    Has anyone heard how Mena is feeling?
    Happy that Gina popped in last night...did you hear from your doctors?
    Couldn't drag my lazy butt outa bed again this morning so I have to run or I'll be late...
    Love and hugs to all
  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Member Posts: 1,233
    edited June 2007
    Good morning ladies. Hope you all are tucked in and sleeping soundly, seems I'm awake at the 3:00 hr. That time really doesn't mean anything considering I've been awake most of the night. I finally just decided to get up awhile. Leg's bothering me a bit tonight and I just feel tense for some reason. But nothing major. When i look down my knee and on down my shin I see a foot that's straighter than it's been in years instead of the gnarled one at the end of my leg. So hopefully he got it straightened out where I can walk on it.

    We haven't had a big sha-bang on the Cyber Par-Tay thread in quite awhile. Maybe we should do that this week or week-end. Just get down right silly and laugh our behinds off. I like to laugh. All my friends here like to laugh. We can either pick a Cyber vacation or stay right here with the Wagons, doesn't matter. Let the blue drinks flow. Tease our friends and then act mad when they tease back. lol C'mon Janny, Amy, Susan, Vickie, Nicki, Marsha, and all the rest of you stragglers that stumble in...lets drink and tell lies and better yet...the truth! hahahaha Truth is stranger than fiction...and alot more fun to find out. Don't make me have to Par-Tay alone. I've already heard my stories. teehee

    LisaE, what happened to you? Posted every day then 'poof'. Gus, you're still hangin with us, that's good. Boo, you do good too. If you went MIA and we forgot you we'd be saying Boo-Who? Don't make us cry over you. Gina, heard test results yet?? Meaner, tried to call you today and got the 'all circuits are busy' thing then I never got back around to it. Guess you wouldn't appreciate a call at 5:00 a.m. your time. Or would you? Nah. Did Betsy not make the trip over from the Welcome Wagon? I've noticed we haven't had the swingin doors of new comers as we had for awhile but the ones we have had are stickers. It's quality not quantity, I say. And Tricia seems to have made a nest with ua, and Z you stay connected with us don't you forget about us. Anytime you need a little extra support you come on over to the Wagons and if you don't want to talk to the whole bunch then PM me or somebody cos we luv ya toots. Jankay, you've made a home here and we're glad to have you. Nicki and Vickie, you all are staples here and been here from the start I believe, along with Susan, and I don't know who all because I didn't come into the Circle until Nov. I know CY has been a loyal Circle girl for prolly the whole time, Brenda, Amy, Carrie and Denise. Then there's the new Denise who fits right in. Never to forget Shirley and SocalLisa. Not sure how long Kristen and Karen have been around. MB and Madison I think have been around since the beginning of time, so to speak. I don't think Jazz started with the Circle from the beginning but I'm just glad she did cos she's my hillbilly neighbor. Don't have a clue when Biker (Janny) joined in but I like her style. I think Ishop and Puppy may have started out here with the Circle along with Jeannie. I believe Iris was under an alias,and I bet Tracey and Shell started the Wagons ho. lol Lini has probably been here all along, and dear Margaret doesn't post much but she's usually consistent.I'm guessing that Robin & Theresa threw in with the girls from the onset, and I don't really know about Christine (except she doesn't post enough) and Colleen/Warren. Just glad they're here. I'm gonna say Deb started out in one of the first wagons and lucky for us, stuck around. Not sure about Sheri, but I do know CherylG was here when I came in Nov. I don't think Meaner would let something as great as the Wagon Circle get started without her in it from the beginning but I don't know. I figure LIz is an old stand by here. Now. When I first started out jotting down names I had no intention of trying to name everyone in the Circle but it's just that when I'd think of one girl it would remind me of someone else and etc. and it snow balled into quite the ramblings. If I happened to have missed your name my sincere apologies, it's darned hard to name off everybody without some sort of reference especially at the tail end of a couple of sleepless nights. lol I've become very close to all of you and am very proud to call you my friends. I remember coming here that night in Nov.06. I was just playing around and stumbled onto this website. I was in the black hole emotionally at that point had just finished tx the month before and was lost. I poured over these pages and was drawn to the Circle and welcomed with open arms. Deb, Vickie, Gina and Mena stand out in my memory as the first ones that helped.

    Geez, I should've put a warning label as to lengthy ramblings when I started this out. Intended to write a paragraph. Sorry.

    BTW, I didn't hear any old theme songs when I went to bed. Maybe mentioning it got it out of my system. Ya think?

    Have a great day,
  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Member Posts: 2,728
    edited June 2007

    Hello to Everyone: I cant believe that in one day, I am drowning in new posts. Gonna try to catch up and hope I dont miss anyone.

    I finially got to go in my pool last night when I got hom from work. It need algaside and clarifier. Lots of little debris that wont come out with a net. But I didnt care. I got to swim my first 2 laps - and it felt wonderful. I was standing in the pool after having another just grumpy day. Its amazing how relaxing it can be. I forgot about everything - almost like having a glass of wine.

    Amy: I missed it somewhere, but sounds like your little dog got after your glasses. Ouch! I think if I wait long enough, the new styles will be back to what Im wearing right ow. Its good to hear your dad is progressing. Each day will give him more strength and more time to heal.

    Marsha: I hate when Im feeling angry. Usually Im the cheerful, talkative one - making others feel better. All the time I was driving around yesterday, I was trying to convince myself to calm down and not say anything. Sometimes I become a whipper snapper and then Im sorry for the things I say. So I had pretty good control. Actually surprized myself. When I came home, I did take a xanax, which I never do. That seemed to help also. I just hate wasting all my energy on negative feelings.

    Beth: Im so glad the culture allowed you to come off the Vancomycin and Im praying very hard you dont have to have the implant removed. With everything going on in your life, I cant believe you had all those children there, spending the afternoon. Sounds like you DH is feeling the effects of this whole journey. Hoping his BP stabilizes.

    Shokk: Your trip sounds wonderful. Just take time and enjoy it with your family.

    PurpleMB: You are way too busy nowadays. Miss hearing from ya.

    Boo: Touching story about your friend and Im glad you had a chance to talk to her.

    Sherloc: Cant read what I wrote next to your name, but I can see weeds was part of it.

    Liz: Ohare is about 15 minutes from my house. Is that where your layover is gonna be? Would love to meet up with you, let me know the date and time.

    Z: Glad you popped in to say hello. I go through big time withdrawal when I cant come to the computer and talk to my friends.

    Lini: I am so excited for you. The exchange surgery is scheduled for the 21st - thats just around the corner.

    Denise: Pray tell, what is the secret to your weight loss?

    Karen: Sounds like your dad is getting better. Im not surprized they did an incision instead of laparoscopy. Im sure your mom is feeling drained. Go on that vacation. You have earned it.

    Joyce: Gosh is seems like only yesterday you were talking about Kevin needing more surgery this summer and now its here. Im hoping this is the last one. Sending lots of hugs to both of you.

    NS: Im assuming that you never got the call about the results. Good to hear from you and hoping you get good results back from that test. Enough is enough already.

    Cheri: If I wake up at 3:00am now, I always think of the wagon circle. Wondering who else is up at this time of night. One thing that is a given, you usually are

    Vickie: Thanks for tweaking my toes. Another morning that I over slept. Hmmmm - maybe its because I went to bed a little later. Im trying to do that now a days.


    Now there is a reason for this pic. After all this fuss about opening our pool or shall I say lack of opening the pool! Well today I have an appt with my PCP at 3:30 and DH had the nerve to tell me to cancel it cause it would be ashame to waste such a beautiful day! They certainly are living in a different world.

    Iris: Waving hello to you.

    OK - gotta go. Time to take a shower and get ready for work. See ya all later.

  • k4katz
    k4katz Member Posts: 158
    edited June 2007
    Good morning girls!

    Thanks for the conversation on the most annoying songs ever. Now I get to walk around at work all day humming Seasons in the Sun or the song from Gilligan's Island in my head! ACK!

    I have a ton to do at work. Some of you may remember that I got passed up for a promotion a while back and I was crushed. Well, GUESS WHAT? One of the team managers just resigned so there is a position open. That is the position I want! So I am going to apply for it. I am so excited that I got to work at 5:30 this morning instead of 6:00!!!

    Have a great day!!
  • k4katz
    k4katz Member Posts: 158
    edited June 2007

    OMG, Nicki, ROFLMAO at that picture!!!!

  • Madison
    Madison Member Posts: 859
    edited June 2007
    Good Morning...peeping out the wagon
    hello to all
    will try to post more from work (shhhhh)
    Oh, I think it was Arnold, the pig, that stole everyone's heart.....Farm Living Is the Life For Me...
    Work seriously cuts into board time....

    Good luck with the job possibility Kristin
    BRSTN Member Posts: 165
    edited June 2007

    I'm so farr behind with posts and now all these silly songs in my head.

    I'm gonna try and post from work also, like Madison.


    BRSTN Member Posts: 165
    edited June 2007
    Here's the story of a lovely lady,
    Who was bringing up three very lovely girls.
    All of them had hair of gold, like their mother,
    The youngest one in curls.


    Now get that one out of your head. LOL

  • tflowers
    tflowers Member Posts: 232
    edited June 2007
    Ok here's a new one.
    "Gonna get my baby and some fun tonight" I can't remember the rest. "Afternoon Delight"

    Vickie...Do you get any sleep??? I now sleep like a log and can't wake up in the am.

    Cheri...I'm so impressed!!! I know that you don't have Chemo brain...

    Niki...(mom) I'm trying to wake up I doing good huh huh???

    Kristen...look at you kicking in the am. Wait until school is out back to bed...xoxoxo

    Iris...Don't leave us for too long.

    On the chemo brain...I finished my herceptin last October and still have a problem with remembering. I used to be so quick and now I'm like a 90yr old senile lady. Spelling, talking forget it. I'm lost. Anyone out longer and still having problems??? Off to work and faking that I'm with it. xoxo
  • jankay
    jankay Member Posts: 789
    edited June 2007
    now we have the brady bunch
    sorry i remember thesongs but not the lyrics.
    cheri i have ut o think for leading me to the best thread around. i dont check the others why when i have perfection here.
    Liz i hope u feel better i miss chatting, i dont see much of mags or tink either.
    Kristin good luck on the job
    ;i will finish later
  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Member Posts: 2,728
    edited June 2007

    Howdy to Kristen, Madison, Tgirl, Betty, and Jankay. Sending some sunshine your way.

    The worst non TV song I ever heard was "well everybodies heard about the bird. Bird bird bird, bird is a word." Cant believe that was the very first 45 record that I bought.

  • socallisa
    socallisa Member Posts: 10,184
    edited June 2007

    Just checking in as I actually got to a computer on this home next week..don't have time to read anything..hugs to everyone..Lisa

  • Biker54
    Biker54 Member Posts: 1,042
    edited June 2007
    Good Morning!!


    Nicki, I'm so glad you were able to get into your pool yesterday!!! It really is relaxing, isn't it?

    Vickie, OMG, those storms!! We lost power at work yesterday. I always worry coz we have big trees all around our building and one already fell on my old car several years ago. That thunder and lightening drive me nuts!

    Joyce, Kevin's surgery is set for Monday? Hopefully this will be it for the poor little guy! I don't believe that God tests us. Bad $hit just happens for no good reason. You and Kevin are strong and you will get through this. You have every right to be angry at the world. I'm giving you and Kevin a big hug right now (((Joyce))) (((Kevin)))

    Karen, take that vacation. You deserve it.

    Deb, sounds like you had a great time at the conference. How exciting to get up and read your poem!!! That would be fantastic if you got your poems published. You have a gift.

    Theresa, you sleep???? I am totally jealous!!! I haven't had a good night's sleep since I turned 50 .

    Cheri, what the heck are you doing up at 3:00am? You wrote a great post though! I can't remember when I came to the circle. I believe it was right about the same time as you. I had been over at the drinking thread for a while and ventured over here and liked what I found.

    Gina, any results yet?

    Beth, hope you get the last of those drains out. The longer they are in there, the higher your risk of infection. My doc wanted them out asap. I can't believe that you are still draining.

    Well, I have got to try to mow the lawn (if that's what you want to call it) today. If it dries out. I think we are supposed to get more thunderstorms all day. We have 3 acres of mowable grass. What a job!! Oh well, if it rains, I'll have to do it on Friday afternoon. There's really not much happening on my end of the circle lately. That's a good thing! I have to go down to the dungeon and work out before I mow. Also have the dreaded laundry thing going on. Bleah!!! BBL
  • Sandra1957
    Sandra1957 Member Posts: 1,064
    edited June 2007
    Remember this one? Think purple and green.

    I love you,
    You love me,
    We're a happy family,
    with a great big hug,
    and a kiss from me to you,
    Won't you say you love me TOO!

    Now get that tune out of your head...LOL!

    Hoping everyone has a good day!!
  • Biker54
    Biker54 Member Posts: 1,042
    edited June 2007


  • Sandra1957
    Sandra1957 Member Posts: 1,064
    edited June 2007

    Knew you'd love it.
  • jasmine
    jasmine Member Posts: 773
    edited July 2008
    I think its a unanimous thing that Barney is the most annoying thing to ever walk the planet or even exist in the galaxy...heck ...let's just use 'the universe' as a qualifier.

    Though I think he is great for small children.