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  • Biker54
    Biker54 Member Posts: 1,042
    edited June 2007

    I was glad that Barney came after my kids were past the age to watch. They grew up on Sesame Street. I would have put a gun to my head if I had to listen to that all day.

  • Sandra1957
    Sandra1957 Member Posts: 1,064
    edited June 2007
    Jan-My older two, now 24 and 22, did Sesame Street; but then I had one when I was 36, he's now 13. Came just in time for Barney. We have all of the Barney VHS tapes. I can hear still hear his "sweet" voice in my head.

    And as a grand finale:

    I love you,
    You love me,
    We're best friends like friends should be,
    With a great big hug,
    And a kiss from me to you,
    Won't you say you love me too

  • purplemb
    purplemb Member Posts: 593
    edited June 2007
    Lini...ok..DH is a bus drive and he would just about strangle anyone who sang that song...the kids would sing it for his whole bus trip in the morning and and night...made him crazy...hehehhe

    picturing the bikini clad Nicki...playing the CG Cd and swimming laps...then jumping out and lounging on the deck while cute pool boy serves a nice glass of wine...hmmm...hugs...enjoy

    Joyce...keeping you both in my thoughts and prayers...

    Jaz, as always good to see you...

    hmm back to picnic today and lots to do before I get the evening hoo we get to leave work 30 minutes early...(someone else's party we just got for my boss)

    hugs and prayers to all...and I need some rain...anyone got extra?...

    Kristin ...sending positvie chi your way for the new job...GO FOR IT...
  • tflowers
    tflowers Member Posts: 232
    edited June 2007
    Oh no not Barney.....and how about that sponge bob song...even worse.

    Jan....I cheat and take one of my painkillers at bedtime and it works. 2 nights now haven't even go to the bathroom in the middle of night, but look out in the am. Get out of my way!!!!

    Big bosses leaving today for a snow seminar in Wissconsin, and so happy not invited to go. I'm a little fish in the snow department. My next show is next month in Atlantic City and one night on a vendors boat for happy hour. Yeah baby...they can have their snow sh*t and I'll take the boat and blue drinks....
  • tflowers
    tflowers Member Posts: 232
    edited June 2007 dh is driving us to the falls on the little yellow schoolbus??

  • jankay
    jankay Member Posts: 789
    edited June 2007

    both of my kids did barney. I had all the tapes, books, stuffed animals and t shirts amd bookbags. My daughter would always cry after the i love u song and it turns out that she expected him to appear. she was and is a clever child she wanted to know in preschool why there wasn't ham on a hamburger. who'd figure?
  • beth1225
    beth1225 Member Posts: 402
    edited June 2007
    OOOH, Kristin, you go for it girl! Sending lots of positives your way.

    Deb, how cool is all of this? I bet you win hands down! I would be walking on cloud 9 if I got to meet any of the authors I really enjoy reading.

    Nicki, I would love to be able to get into a pool. I don't think it is a possibility for a while.

    I called Mena and left a message so I will try again today and report back as soon as I know something.

    Vickie, how nice of your neighbors to do all of that for you. I still haev a few here that are really wonderful.

    Iris, need to send stuff back to Netflix and get more! I was thinking about BB too but can only afford one.

    Cheri, hope every day finds you more and more healed and feeling better. Gosh, those are still puppies? They are really gorgeous.

    Joyce, did you hear the final score of the Phils game last night? When we tuned in they were winning! BTW, did you know they are on the way to losing their 10,000th game? So OK, they are the losingest team in history but so what? Philadelphia fans are special that way.

    Liz, Amy and Karen, how are the parental units today? Cyber hugs to all of them.

    Margaret, you out there?

    Z, glad the reveal went well. You come and let us knw whatever is on your mind and know we are here for you.

    Jankay, gas up the scooter for today...I see the ps at 1 PM and dh goes to the gp at 4.

    Speaking of which, the infusion nurse came and took out the PICC line. I had myself so worked up over it. The worst part was taking off the dressing. DH was there and i just hid my head next to him because I am such a wuss. Didn't hurt a bit. I am now on 750 mg of Levaquin once a day for 2 weeks I guess because of the results of the path report. Our prescription plan sucks for brand name drugs. It would have cost $175 for just 14 pills and the ps didn't have samples left. So I called the gp and they had enough. I asked if they needed something in writing from the ps but she said who would call out of the blue asking for an antibiotic? Besides, the ps copies the gp on everything. I still feel tired and the temp is hovering around 99 still. Ringo still draining but mainly becasue of the infection (I guess). Rehab for this guy soon! The bubble wrap won't last long as ds loves to pop those things!

    I have a part of an email I got from JoJo today and please let us pray for her and send cyberhugs. She needs to go in the middle and be watched over.

    "It's kind of funny, I was an "original circle girl" when the wagon circle thread was started, but as my pain continued to increase to the point that I could not read and write on the thread every day, or even every week, I started just trying to keep up with everybody as much as I could just by reading, and by the time I would read some, I would be in increasingly terrible pain, so I haven't been able to completely keep up either, but I try to read at least once a week, but you know if you miss a week of reading in the cg thread you miss so much. There are so many new girls in the circle thread, and although I feel like I know them, I'm sure most of them don't know me at all, and the ones that were there in the beginning probably don't remember me. There have been so many times that I felt like I was going to just explode with fear and pain, I wanted to pour my heart out to the cg's and ask for their understanding and prayers, but I really felt like no one would remember me so I haven't had the nerve to post on the thread."

    I know she still reads when she can. Please pm her if you can or if you want to send anything snail mail, pm me. She really needs us guys. Only a handful of us still hear from her and I hope she gets a little relief soon.

    Thanks for doing this. Love you all.
  • jankay
    jankay Member Posts: 789
    edited June 2007
    scooter is ready and raring to go.

    I got the catalog and made an order and had it sent toa friend.
  • Sandra1957
    Sandra1957 Member Posts: 1,064
    edited June 2007
    We're all "original circle girls".

    JoJo-come tell us how you are. We'd love to hear from you. We're here to put you in the center of the circle for as long as need be.

    By the way, has anybody heard from Peggy(Sige), Shel, what about Fancy2(does anybody have a way to check on her? she's has had a huge loss)? Hope they're okay.

    Also missing Ronda(rondab) and Vera(evilelf)...

    Check in and let us know how you are doing.
  • lizws
    lizws Member Posts: 789
    edited June 2007


    First and foremost: whoever started the Green Acres thing I’m after you. I was awake half the night with that stupid song in my head. LOL

    We’ve had storms here all night and more headed this way. Fortunately for Cheri and Susan, they’re all headed north. Look out girls in Kansas.

    Robin – focus on the PRE-melanoma. She may need additional surgery to remove a little more but I’m praying all works out. You guys don’t need anymore crap. Hugs.

    Deb – how cool for you. You are an amazing writer and you have every reason to be pumped up. Are you bringing some of your things to Pinkstock? Would love to read them.

    Iris – I would love to find money. LOL I remember finding money in a coat once. It was like Christmas.

    Cheri – you amaze me. You can remember so much. I have a hard time going to the grocery store. Thank you for being you. You are a real sweetie.

    Marsha – Great picture of you. Hope your anger improves soon. Hugs

    Beth – glad your picc line came out. Now to just get Ringo to settle down. Hopefully the Levaquin will get this infection and you won’t lose the implant.

    Amy – go for the Oakley’s you deserve them.

    Nicki – I fly into O’Hare on August 1st and arrive at 9:15 AM. I don’t board again until 11:19. It would be so cool for us to meet. I’ll remind you when it’s closer to that time.
    Glad the pool is opened. Men are really clueless when it comes to things we have to get done.

    Sher – I printed the Kelly bluebook price and took it with me. It’s their loss. I know they didn’t care as that car won’t stay on the lot long. I really looked good in it. LOL

    Lini – glad you got your surgery rescheduled.

    Joyce – your family and Kevin are in my prayers. I understand about being mad.

    Gina – let us know what the doc said please. Wish I were closer to help you out. Rest!

    Denise – congrats on the continuing weight loss.

    Boo – I’m so sorry about your friend. It’s very hard to say good-bye under those circumstances.

    MB – I can’t wait to meet you.
    Karen – Sorry you’re having all this added stress. Yes, it’s hard when our parents are ill. Go on your vacation. Rest and relax.

    Kristin – hope you get the job you want.

    Madison – When are you visiting your daughter?

    Betty – LOL I remember that song also.

    Tgirl – OMG! I can’t tell you what I was doing the first time I heard that song. LOL I didn’t do herceptin but I still have minor chemo brain. I finished chemo in Jan. 2006. It’s slowly getting better – I think.

    Jankay – I actually visited with mags, tink and gail yesterday for a short time. They’re all doing well.

    Jan – now there’s an idea. I could park my car where a tree might fall on it. Of course my luck, the insurance would make me fix it. It’s a nice car just not what I want.

    NO Barney. That purple thing drives me nuts. Fortunately my son grew up on Sesame Street also.

    Everyone here is doing well. All the in-laws are home and have had good check-ups. I’m trying to take time out each day for myself. I had a manicure yesterday. Not sure what I’m doing today. Maybe sit and crochet and watch the rain.

    Thank you guys for being here. I know I don’t always post but I can come here and read and know that I’m thought of and feel loved.

    If I’ve missed you, it’s not intentional. I have limited memory nowadays.

    Hugs and Prayers
  • sherloc
    sherloc Member Posts: 893
    edited June 2007
    off and running this morning. Have vag u/s at 9, have to get bloodwork for onc before that, come home clean house so hubby can trash it while I'm gone, onc at 3, then I'm headed to Sacramento for the night. Daughter and I will hit the road about 5am tomorrow, which will hopefully put us in Portland early evening. We'll see traveling with 4 kids. Anywhos, have a great week ladies. See you next thursday.
    Love you all to bits.
  • shokk
    shokk Member Posts: 790
    edited June 2007

    Good morning chicas........well,well,well looks like we have had a few mia's check in.......(((((Gina))))) you are in my prayers always.......please let us know the outcome of the sonogram.......its good to see everyone......looks like our bookworm is back......DebC you need to share some of your writings with us......I would love to read some....are there any on your blog? All the traveling you have been doing there must be some pics........Vickie got closet......brb......

  • ArmyNavyMom
    ArmyNavyMom Member Posts: 134
    edited June 2007
    Good morning CGs! Bet you all thought (hoped) I was gone for good! <VBG>

    It has been a crazy couple of weeks, but I feel like things are finally getting back to normal. I’m getting my energy back now that I’m two weeks out from rads. I still look a little snake-like with the peeling skin but it’s improving.

    I’ve been a little blue with anniversary feelings (last Friday was 1 year from diagnosis), but am pushing that down. I’ve had lots of doctors’ appointments, etc this past week. I get to have a colonoscopy (oh goody, goody, goody) and there is a place on my liver that they are watching and will re-scan in August. It seems like there is always something to wonder about.

    My brother and I have been cleaning out my dad’s house and it has had its interesting moments. We found a pistol that Dad picked up as a war souvenir off of a German, which reminded us that there used to be another souvenir, too – a live grenade! Neither of us is especially excited to start cleaning the closet where that used to be. “You clean that one!” “No, you do it!!” We remember Dad saying he was going to get rid of it, but don’t know if he ever did. Anybody have a friend in bomb disposal???

    Amy, Liz and Karen - I’m so sorry to hear about your parents. I’m praying for them and for you. Please take care of yourselves, and update us.

    Laura – Is the baby here yet? I have to disagree with Amy, noses are cute, but I love little fingers. That’s where my kiss goes, please.

    Shirley – Good for you on the weeding. I hate weeding. Flowering bushes and lots of mulch for me.

    Beth – I know what you mean about feeding all those boys. But I figured having my sons and their friends around was worth it because I didn’t get ulcers wondering where they were and what they were doing. Boys can be so creative, and I mean that in the worst way!

    Amy – I’m glad to know I’m not the only one who has fun ring tones. My new phone was chosen specifically so I could have the Army Song and Anchors Aweigh for you know who and you know who!

    Z – Hugs to you, girl. How’s your mom? Remember the Circle supports each other – you give and sometimes you take. Trust me on that one; I’ve been on the taking end for a bit, and think I’m ready to start giving again.

    Robin – Jazmine will be fine!! “Pre” means before – remember!?!

    Kristin – Don’t ya just love the doctor free days!! My fingers are crossed about this promotion. (Which makes me type funny)

    Gina – What did you find out about the lump???

    AlwaysHope – Hey! I like Barry Manilow. <VBG> Okay, I’ll confess – I like fruitcake, too. “Mandy, and you came and you gave without takin’”

    Deb – You’re writer’s conference sounds like it was fun. Are we going to get a copy of your book when it’s published?

    Cheri – I like it when you ramble. Do you have any physical torture for your foot?

    Denise – That’s great about your weight loss. I want to know why my scale says I lost 17 pounds and the doctor’s scale only says ten? I’ll see you on Saturday!! Hooty-hoo!

    Betty – I used to love the Brady Bunch, I was Peter (always getting into trouble) and my brother was Jan (super brainy).

    Lisa – Hope you are enjoying your trip!

    Lini – Thank you. At least Barney got the Green Acres song out of my head. Kay (Fancy2) has a memorial service for her DH this weekend. I have her address – if anyone wants it, PM me.

    I really should get to work now. I hope not to be away quite so much again!

    Hugs to all,
  • shokk
    shokk Member Posts: 790
    edited June 2007

    Ok I just have one thing to say (well don't ya'll wish that were true) but this is to Joyce and the rest of us.....I get so freaking tired of people and I know they usually aren't being mean but Joyce for your MIL to tell you that God is testing you is just bullshit (sorry guys) but I get so tired of all this Dr.Phil advice from well meaning familly and friends like "there must be a reason you got cancer" or one of my favorites "everything happens for a reason".......I think if I hear that one more time I am going to have to get out my six shooter and say yea everything does happen for a this........sorry guys but I really don't think my God tests us and all this crap that is happening to us and our loved ones.......Joyce it might be the Devil that is testing you but it is not God......he made you and he made Kevin......don't know why each copy that he makes is not prefect but for whatever reason it is can tell your MIL you have a friend that has a personal relationship with God and that he is NOT testing you or Kevin or any of us......he loves neighbor down the street that had the stillbirth her grandmother told her that she was cruse because she was not married and God took her baby.........why in the hell would someone say that to someone else......all the babies being born into families where the parents aren't married which I think included Jesus himself I guess God missed them......oh geez brb..........

  • newvickie
    newvickie Member Posts: 2,941
    edited June 2007
    woohoo Shokk...way to go! You couldn't have said it better. I too get so sick of those comments. I really hate the "everything happens for a reason"...Anne...send that gun my way! Always wanted a pistol and now that I'm hormone deprived and miserable I want one even more LOL. Just kidding. My BIL is a cop...he collects guns but truthfully they scare the bejeezus outa me!
    Listen up ladies...cyber party in the party thread starting today. Now...we had a tough time figuring out where we were gonna party and finally decided on Jasmines house...shhh...don't tell her...we are gonna sneak in tonight. You simply have to come join us and have a few blue drinks and share a few giggles. I'll keep my clothes on!
    As for Barney...I'm not even going there!
    I'm singing "You are my sunshine" there.
    Love ya all..back to work!
  • jasmine
    jasmine Member Posts: 773
    edited July 2008

    Alrighty ....but just be sure to bring your'n own sears & roebuck catalog. We're low on toiletry supplies down here. Cheri, I'll run to the liberry and get you some good picture books.

  • ArmyNavyMom
    ArmyNavyMom Member Posts: 134
    edited June 2007
    Shokk - That's one of my hot buttons, too. I heard that a lot at Dad's funeral. Ticked me off big time.

    I just read a great thing on how God doesn't cause cancer; biology gone bad causes cancer. I think it's on my 'puter at home. I'll look later and try to post it. It was really good.


    P.S. I warned you all that I was back.
  • zazette15
    zazette15 Member Posts: 223
    edited June 2007
    Good morning all! About to run off to sons graduation, yea!! He made it through with a 3.000 gpa!!!

    So just a quick post, I'll be back later, but this is for for cheri and lini (yall are a hoot), here's my worst favorite:

    What walks down stairs, alone or in pairs
    and makes a slinkity sound?
    A spring, a spring, a marvelous thing!
    Everyone knows it's Slinky.
    It's Slinky, it's Slinky,
    it's fun, it's a wonderful toy.
    It's Slinky, it's Slinky, it's fun,
    It's a wonderful toy.
    It's fun for a girl or a boy.

    Have a great day beauties.
  • karen1956
    karen1956 Member Posts: 4,604
    edited June 2007
    Good morning CG's - I am off today and had plans to take care of several errands after I took Miriam to day camp. Well, I got in my car and it won't start - well it turns over then dies. DH is working with his bosses today so not available and DS did not come home last night. So, stuck in the house waiting for AAA. I have no idea what it could be. Just had an oil change and new brakes last week. Lets see where my money is going this week (won't say spare money as there is none). UGH!!!
    Heard from my mom. Dad may be released from the hospital on friday, but he will need to go to a skilled nursing facility. Doctor told my mother that this whole thing has been very traumatic and hard on my father. Since January, he has only been home for under two weeks!!!!
    Deb - welcome back - good luck with the writing contest. Will you share your peoms with us?
    Nicki - enjoy the pool - how big is it - I didn't realize that above ground pools were big enough to swim laps.
    To all the other sisters, hope you are having a good day. I'm going to try to start my car again. Otherwise, its sit and wait for AAA - which they said could be up to 90 minutes. Poor Miriam is bored waiting to see if she can go to camp. Hope to be back later. Hugs, Karen in Denver
  • newvickie
    newvickie Member Posts: 2,941
    edited June 2007
    Come on you guys...I'm goin crazy with songs circling in my head here. ROFLMBO. should let Miriam read our last couple of pages...she wouldn't be bored then! Hope the car gets started soon and you have a better day...hugs. have a library! LOL...just kidding but boy is this gonna be one wild party!
  • newvickie
    newvickie Member Posts: 2,941
    edited June 2007

    hey...we can send Cheri on a skeet hunt!

  • beth1225
    beth1225 Member Posts: 402
    edited June 2007
    Listen, my dh has a gun and he has even taught me how to use it. I see nothing wrong with wanting to shoot those nose-in-the-air holier-than-thou spouters. (PLEASE...I am really kidding) Life happens! It is how we deal with it is what matters. And on that note, as usual I feel the need to inject a little humor:

    Humorous Quotes:
    1) When I die, I want to die like my grandfather--who died peacefully in his sleep. Not screaming like all the passengers in his car." --Author

    2) Advice for the day: If you have a lot of tension and you get a headache, do what it says on the aspirin bottle: "Take two aspirin" and "Keep away from children." --Author Unknown

    3) "Oh, you hate your job? Why didn't you say so? There's a support group for that. It's called EVERYBODY, and they meet at the bar." --Drew Carey

    4) "The problem with the designated driver program, it's not a desirable job, but if you ever get sucked into doing it, have fun with it. At the end of the night, drop them off at the wrong house." --Jeff Foxworthy

    5) "Relationships are hard. It's like a full time job, and we should treat it like one. If your boyfriend or girlfriend wants to leave you, they should give you two weeks' notice. There should be severance pay, the day before they leave you, they should have to find you a temp." --Bob Ettinger

    6) "My Mom said she learned how to swim when someone took her out in the lake and threw her off the boat. I said, 'Mom, they weren't trying to teach you how to swim.'" --Paula Poundstone

    7) "A study in the Washington Post says that women have better verbal skills than men. I just want to say to the authors of that study: "Duh." --Conan O'Brien

    8) "Why does Sea World have a seafood restaurant?? I'm halfway through my fish burger and I realize, Oh my God.... I could be eating a slow learner."
    --Lynda Montgomery

    9) "I think that's how Chicago got started. Bunch of people in New York said, 'Gee, I'm enjoying the crime and the poverty, but it just isn't cold enough. Let's go west.'" --Richard Jeni

    10) "If life were fair, Elvis would be alive and all the impersonators would be dead." --Johnny Carson

    11) "Sometimes I think war is God's way of teaching us geography." --Paul Rodriguez

    12) "My parents didn't want to move to Florida, but they turned sixty and that's the law." --Jerry Seinfeld

    13) "Remember in elementary school, you were told that in case of fire you have to line up quietly in a single file line from smallest to tallest. What is the logic in that? What, do tall people burn slower?" --Warren Hutcherson

    14) "Bigamy is having one wife/husband too many. Monogamy is the same." --Oscar Wilde

    15) "Suppose you were an idiot. And suppose you were a member of Congress.. But I repeat myself." --Mark Twain

    16) "Our bombs are smarter than the average high school student. At least they can find Afghanistan." --A. Whitney Brown

    17) "You can say any foolish thing to a dog, and the dog will give you a look that says, 'My God, you're right! I never would've thought of that!'" --Dave Barry

    18) Do you know why they call it "PMS"? Because "Mad Cow Disease" was taken. --Unknown, presumed deceased

    19) "Everybody's got to believe in something. I believe I'll have another beer." - W. C. Fields

    And lastly: Why in Hell should I have to "Press 1 for English"???
  • marshakb
    marshakb Member Posts: 796
    edited June 2007
    Hey gals, with all the posts I was behind on didn't have time to read and post! Love to hear how everyone is doing. I'm over the anger thing. After the whole let's change your tx thingy, and having to try and explain this to friends and family without scaring them to death. The rads onc said my other onc should have known back in Jan that I needed rads (5.2 cm tumor) and it was just cruel to let me think I didn't. So I'm still mad at them but not ANGRY. BUT I've promised myself to never allow them to make me cry ever again. A**holes! LOL

    Anyhoooooooo.............BETTY dang it, with a name like Marsha and long blonde/brown hair, you do not even whisper the Brady Bunch song in my presents. HAHAHAHA

    Beth, I don't know JoJo since I'm fairly new, but to be honest, I DO kinda know her since she is a BC sister. Come out JoJo, I sooooooooo want to get to know you!!

    Shokk, My favorite is for someone to say "It won't be that bad, you're strong" I always think to myself, how the h*** do you know?

    Why is you guys always want to Cyber Party on Wednesday night? Wednesday is BNO night! I know this young woman (25ish) who has had kinda a tough up bringing and she is just beautiful and so sweet. She works for a caterer and is use to going to big events, but always as a caterer. My girlfriend got 4 tickets to the Women of Worth Gala at the Hilton this Saturday ($100 each)and we decided to take my friend. We found her just the right cocktail dress (costume shop at the theatre) and gonna get her all dolled up. I feel so goooooood, she is soooooooooooooo excited. Will post pics. Still waiting for the pics from the NoMoCheMo party and will post those also.

    Gina, watch your mail, I sent you a little something to cheer you up!

    I'm thinkiing of all of you.......hugs, Marsha
  • SheriH
    SheriH Member Posts: 472
    edited June 2007
    I've been busy hanging at the pool. I am seriously trying not to obssess any more, that doesn't mean I don't think about all of you, I do! I swim laps every hour when the life guards go on break and the kids have to get out for 10 minutes. That's when I think and pray about all of you and all the different issues in your lives.

    We are planning our trip and trying to figure out which days we will be hanging around the condo. I'm thinking it will be Friday, June 29, Sunday the First and Monday the second. Marsha and anyone else in the Orlando area, you are invited to come down. We will sit by the pool, have some margaritas and maybe throw in a blue drink now and then. If you want to join us, pm me and I'll give you directions and my phone number.

    I love you!!!!! (now I'm thinking the Barney song, you love me...)
    BRSTN Member Posts: 165
    edited June 2007
    No please no...not the Slinky song. I had forgotten about that one.

    Sneaking in from work

  • purplemb
    purplemb Member Posts: 593
    edited June 2007
    ok I have all these songs rolling around in myhead..I was sitting at the table this AM singing (which is a bad thing) out loud the green acres song..poor DH & DS...was hoping the coffee would take it away...but nope...and now barney...hehehe...wait til I get home... just in case...everyone still come to pinkstock...just show up in purple barney suits in my

    Ok back to work...
  • newvickie
    newvickie Member Posts: 2,941
    edited June 2007
    ahhh Sheri...I wanna go to Florida...will I fit in your suitcase?
    Marsha...we are just starting the party will last all weekend. We can't help Wednesday we are ready for blue drinks!
    I'm off to the big town of Nichols to get paid for my other property (yippee)and I have no idea how to get there LOL. Everyone is giving me different directions!!! Sooo...if I don't return could you call the police and file a missing persons report, pretty please.
    love ya all
  • newvickie
    newvickie Member Posts: 2,941
    edited June 2007
    my bologna has a first name
    it's O S C A R
  • jasmine
    jasmine Member Posts: 773
    edited May 2008

    Vickie -- look it up on Yahoo Maps. I use that feature alot

  • Sandra1957
    Sandra1957 Member Posts: 1,064
    edited June 2007
    How about

    Clap on,
    Clap off,
    Clap on, clap off,
    The Clapper