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  • Sandra1957
    Sandra1957 Member Posts: 1,064
    edited June 2007
    Don't forget
  • purplemb
    purplemb Member Posts: 593
    edited June 2007
    Vickie...heheheh I actually touched to weiner it was playing that stupid tune....never touched a weiner that size before...lololol
    Sorry...but not everyday you can relay that story...
    now really must go back to work...
  • PuppyFive
    PuppyFive Member Posts: 539
    edited June 2007

    You Girls crack me up!!!
    gonna go get my zanax and join ya for the party!!
    JoJo, we could never forget You, come in and have a seat in the center of the Circle, let us take care of You Sweetie!! Love, Puppy (Debbyfive)
  • silvergirl9114
    silvergirl9114 Member Posts: 310
    edited June 2007
    I'm baaaaack.

    Alaska was absolutely the best vacation of my life! Of course, after a month gone I don't have a prayer of catching up on anything but you guys all know I was thinking about you. I got to meet Deb and her wonderful family. Unfortunately, Dummybread forgot her camera but Deb's hubby took a few pics that she will have to post. They were magnificent hosts and it was so interesting to talk to folks who actually live there.

    I loved Alaska and would go back in a New York minute. Gorgeous scenery everywhere and the people are so nice----you can't be grumpy and be allowed to live in Alaska.

    Deb, that is so exciting about possible publication! When will they select material for the book? Amy Tan is one of my favorite authors---what a treat to meet her.

    One exciting milestone during the cruise for me. Last year another member of the Board of Directors wanted to do the relay for life in my honor but I just wasn't ready emotionally. We cruised on Holland America and guess what they do every cruise?---On Deck For the Cure! So I just about froze my not so little tushy off walking laps out on deck in the rain but I did it---just 2 days before my second anniversary of my mast. Felt REALLY good---a two way milestone for me.

    Gotta run---I am facing Mount Laundry---the aftermath of a really long vacation. Can somebody at least sorta catch me up? Where's Gina?

  • Madison
    Madison Member Posts: 859
    edited June 2007
    WARNING: Typed, not proofread
    May be missing some CG’s-not intentional I promise
    Been having a few panic attacks…so
    Hugs to all
    And here goes the hellos…………………..

    Oh my, I still have my original slinky...and I am 51.....

    Betty, did you start the slinky – or the barney – or the Green Acres….are is everyone going to blame you for all of the “jingles”

    I should be working.....nope....anyway………

    Lini……Barney…..oh no……I have to say my kids grew up with Big Bird…..

    Jankay, isn’t it funny how little ones think….Barney should appear every time they sing the song…oh no….don’t sing it….he might appear…..

    Amy, Karen, prayers for your Dads……

    Has Amy checked in today? I'm going to read back a few pages....

    Karen, go on your vacation.. you deserve the time away. It is so hard when our parents are ill. My elderly parents live 2 hours away…I should go every weekend…but sometime I get selfish and want to stay home….then I feel guilty…

    Nicki, glad you enjoyed a swim…being on, near, or in the water is so very relaxing

    Marsha, your friend sound like a wonderful person and it is WONDERFUL that all of you are treating her to a special night. Rads are doable….remember, we are here for you

    Vickie, watch out for those thunderstorms….I think the heat of the day makes the storms build and build (or is there a cool front headed your way?)

    Joyce, I don’t believe you are being tested…..God is love….our bodies betray us…never God.

    Cheri, I just loved your early morning post…you are someone special….

    Sheri….enjoy your trip to Orlando. Are you going to see Mickey and Minnie?

    MB, thanks for the info on the weather up in your area…..I’ll bring a sweater to Pinkstock

    Shokk, I was always the tallest in class (even taller than the boys) and wondered why I was always the last in line….now I know….. Number 13) "Remember in elementary school, you were told that in case of fire you have to line up quietly in a single file line from smallest to tallest. What is the logic in that? What, do tall people burn slower?" --Warren Hutcherson…………….

    Deb, sound like you enjoyed your trip…you deserve to have your works “published”….just remember your CG’s when you are famous!!!

    Jan, how is the mowing coming….are you naked practicing for pinkstock?

    Theresa, sounds like Atlantic City will be fun…enjoy

    Beth, good news that the PICC line is out…thank you for the update of Jo Jo…

    JOJO – stop in to say Hi….you don’t have to post anything long….we are definitely keeping you in our thoughts and prayers

    Lizws, no one has heard from Shel, I think because her computer is down. I sent an afghan to her, priority mail last week…..I am thinking it may be a MIA afghan….. Glad everyone had good check-ups….
    Daughter moves to Oklahoma in mid July-will know more details later this month.

    Denise, wow-congratulations on the weight loss….that is definitely an accomplishment!!!
    Gina, do you have any results yet? Sending prayers your way.

    Kristin – any word on the job?

    Boo, so glad you were able to speak with your friend…and that she is doing okay….

    Shirley, you have a full schedule today….Have fun on your trip…...check in when you return.

    Anne, it usually takes a good 2-3 weeks to get your energy back after you had some rough times last month and this month….it is great to see you again. Thank you for the up-date on Fancy2. On the doctor scales and weight loss…..yep it is a conspiracy…the same thing happens when I go see the docs….my scales say one thing..their scales another….

    Robin – saying prayers for Jazmine-but I think she will be okay…it is pre (before)….keep us posted

    Z---------‘bout time you came home….don’t stay away from your wagon…..we miss you. CONGRATULATIONS on your son’s accomplishments.

    Laura, do we have a baby yet?

    Alwayshope, going to the cyper party….I’ll bring an extra JCPenny catalog (just for insurance)

    Welcome back Jeannie…sounds like you had a wonderful time

    Hi there Puppy…….how are you doing?
  • suzfive
    suzfive Member Posts: 126
    edited June 2007
    Good afternoon CGs,

    Well, I have had a busy few days. Stomach has been acting up last couple of days so I have read a little but did not post.

    Amy - glad that your Dad seems to be doing better. Sounds like he is getting feisty - that is good.

    Karen - glad that your Dad's surgery went well. Sounds like he has had a rough year. I would go on the vacation - you need to take care of you.

    Deb - how exciting is that - wow. I would love to read your poems. Must have been great meeting Amy Tan.

    Nicki - glad you were able to get into your pool. We are having really great weather for a change.

    Beth - happy that you and dh are on the mend. You must be so happy to be rid of that PICC.

    Gina - wishing you good results on the u/s.

    Jeannie - sounds like a great vacation - can't imagine laundry after a one month vacation.

    Shirley - hope your tests went well and have a great trip.

    Cheri - Mork and Mindy are so cute - and big! Your post was great, not rambling and you are special too! Sounds like the healing is going well.

    Z - Congratulations on your son's graduation.

    MB - I sent you an e-mail - I am coming to Pinkstock! I am so excited. I will be driving from Wisconsin (10-1/2 hours according to Googlemaps). Thank you so much for doing this. I am so looking forward to meeting everyone.

    Joyce - I will be praying for Kevin's successful surgery on Monday.

    Robin - Jasmine will be fine - they might remove a little more to be sure it is all gone. My sis had it done a few years ago - now just goes once a year to get checked.

    Vickie - such nice neighbors you have - must have felt so good to see it all done. Ithaca is a gorgeous area.

    Marsha - you looked fantastic in the picture - great dress. Wish the docs could get things straight or at least tell us they don't know and we have to see the specialist to find out. I guess they don't realize that we have to get psyched up for this stuff. Glad you are feeling better about it - rads are really a piece of cake compared to chemo. Such a nice thing you are doing for your friend - really does make you feel good.

    Alwayshope - you are funny.

    Laura - when is that baby due?

    Anne - good to see you.

    Madison - I am supposed to be working too. Shhh...

    Okay - my chemo brain is frazzled - can't remember any more. Left a pan on the stove while I went to Sara's graduation this weekend - one of her classmates houses burned down this past week so when I saw her I remembered that I had left the pan on the stove and didn't remember turning it off. Lucky for me dh went home and sure enough the stove was still on but had not burned yet. If I had not seen that girl - I would have come home to a smoke-filled kitchen or a burning house. Yikes!

    Got to get back to work. Dh is home for the summer so I have to make it look like I work LOL.

    Will try to bbl.
  • Biker54
    Biker54 Member Posts: 1,042
    edited June 2007
    Hi guys!
    All done mowing the lawn!!! Yay!!!! I did something to my back the other day, and it's killing me . It feels like a nerve pinch or something.
    I just got an EOB from Highmark Blue Shield about my DEXA scan. They didn't pay for it. I called them and they said that dr's office put in wrong code and to get the right code, I had to go on the web site and get it myself. WTF!!! After about an hour screwing around on their immpossible site, I got the info, called the dr's office and all is straightened out. Did I tell you how much I Hate insurance companies? That's what I do for a living. I file dental insurance claims (amongst 100 other things). Every time I have to call one of them, I just cringe.

    Ann, welcome back, Miss MIA!!!

    Shokk, Amen, sister!!!! I couldn't have said it better myself.

    Madison, are you going to Pinkstock? Cool!

    Robin, don't worry too much about Jazmine. My DH had something cut off his back and he is fine.

    I took really lousy notes and now I can't remember what I was going to say about anyone .

  • Sige
    Sige Member Posts: 334
    edited June 2007

    I have been so flipping busy but I thought I would stop in to say hello...let’s see, I’ll keep things fairly short:

    Today is Helene’s birthday (45) and I ROCKED the birthday present this year...every year I flip out and try to get her the “gift to end all gifts” and I stress myself out so bad that I end up picking something up the day before her birthday! This year I hired my son’s ex-girlfriend who is a photographer and paid her to hang out in the park with me for a couple of hours and take pics...we had so much fun and we actually had a few pictures turn out...


    I reconnected with my 23 year old newphew whom I have only seen twice in his life, the last time was when he was 9 (my *brother’s* son...not going there)...he’s so AMAZING! I’ve never been called “Aunty” before! We promised to keep in touch, and I have pics but not uploaded to the computer yet.

    I have been working on a meditation/ritual room in my downstairs. It’s really cool because we put a trap door in the floor with a ladder going down to it (feels kind of like a kiva). I painted a giant tree of life on one wall and a sun/moon face on the other. It’s so powerful...very female-positive...good vibes, etc.

    When I was first dx’d I had an older acquaintance whom I had known for about 20 years (a 12 year survivor) contact me to offer support. She was amazing...her name is actually “Happy” and she lives it. She’s one of the most positive people I’ve ever known. She had a mastectomy on her left side 12 years ago and chemo. She was just recently dx’d with bc in her right breast (new primary, not reocurrance) and so she’s now had a right mastectomy and they’ve put her on tamox for 2 years and then AI for 3 years. I am so bummed...I would never tell her that thought because she is so positive it’s scary!! I love it! A year ago I was asking her advice, and now she’s calling me asking me questions about my experience with tamoxifen lol...tables do turn.

    I joined a gym, had TONS of knee problems...went and got x-rays and everything looks peachy. Dammit. I haven’t been to the gym since...I figure I am just going to have to get my head around “you’re going to work out even if it hurts”. Either that or we’re going to get a bow-flex! We’ll see how spoiled I really am!

    Helene, my sister have planned a kayaking trip on Quadra Island (near Vancouver)...we get to kayak with orca whales! I will most certainly post pics from that trip!

    I read about Roza...that makes me so sad. I feel so bad for her heart just goes out to them! Damn this disease!!!

    Another exciting thing...Helene and I are hosting (our wiccan priestess is running it) Women’s Mysteries at our house one night every month. I absolutely love it! For those of you who don’t know, it’s just basically when a bunch of women get together and celebrate the your inner goddess...celebrate being a WOMAN!! No men are fact we don’t really even talk about men. The energy is’s the only other place I’ve ever felt the “sisterhood” like I do here.

    I’ve gone on far too long....warm hugs to all of to my special friends Nicki and Shel...!


  • sherloc
    sherloc Member Posts: 893
    edited June 2007
    whelp the house is clean, errands done, one doc appt over (uterus normal), blood sucked with only one poke. Now I get to waste time till second doc appt. Decided to spend it with my buds instead of plopped on the couch watching tv.
    And to get our mind off mindless tv sitcoms.....
    Bend and stretch
    Reach for the Stars
    There goes Jupiter
    There goes Mars
    Bend and stretch
    Reach for the sky
    Theres a meteor
    Going by.......

    When I return recitations (is that a word?) from Dr Suess

    Hope your having a great time socal.

    Jan, 3 acres of lawn, holy smokes.

    MB, have a grand picnic, even if you are crashing it.

    Beth, $175 wowsers!!!! I had to take that when I had cellulitis in my ear. Didn't have to pay that tho. Thats ridiculous.
    HI JoJo, nice to meet you.

    Liz, Cheri started it. A manicure, lucky you.

    Anne, yikes, don't think I'd want to be cleaning out a closet that has a possible grenade in it. That is scary. Maybe you should call the police department and see what they have to say. Hugs on the anniversary.

    Shokk, AMEN AND AMEN!!!!
    Heres my theology on why bad things happen......
    It's Adams fault.

    Vicki, have a blue drink for me. I'm gonna miss the party again.

    Z, never could get the darn thing to go down stairs.

    Beth, hahahahhahha my fav is 18

    Marsha, I'm mad at the bumms too. Dumb doctors! Have a grand time at the shindig

    Sheri, sounds like things are good. That is good.

    Welcome home Jeannie

    Madison, your original slinky? wow are you a pac-rat?

    Suz, o my, that is scary. Been there done that, ruined many a pan.

    I'll check in again before I leave, think I'll go close my eyes for an hour or so.
  • Sige
    Sige Member Posts: 334
    edited June 2007 much for keeping things short LMAO

  • Sandra1957
    Sandra1957 Member Posts: 1,064
    edited June 2007

    Peggy~So glad that you left a "short" post. You look and sound so peaceful and happy. Try some different shoes, it may solve your knee problem. It did for me.

  • newvickie
    newvickie Member Posts: 2,941
    edited June 2007
    well it's been a busy afernoon and we had a visit from long lost Peggy with wonderful new pictures. You look fantastic. Lini is right about the shoes...they really make all the difference.
    Well...went to the closing, didn't get lost, got all the papers signed and they wouldn't give me the check. Apparently there is a gas lien on the property that has to be taken off before they will close. CRAP! I swear nothing comes easy!
    Got home to a letter from the Attorney Generals office demanding payment for my radiation treatments!!! I have insurance and just can't seem to get the hospital to submit it right! Now they have turned it over for collection so I am fighting again.
    Just feel like crying again...geez louise!
    Gonna have to go check and see if Cheri started the party as I could really use a laugh (not that you gals arent the funniest around with all your song jiggles LOL).
    Lini...have they rescheduled you yet? Do I need to borrow that gun from Anne after all?
    Suz...I do have good neighbors all the way around. I lvoe it here but miss my daughter so much that I just may end up moving. I actually don't know what I'm doing from one day to the next...get up, shower, get dressed and let the day take care of itself LOL. Floating along, singin a song LOL.
    Shirley...I'll have more than one blue drink for you...why are you missin our party...geez. I'll drink several and impersonate reputation is shot so we may as well work on someone elses heehee.
    ok...missin many but gotta make some calls about this gas lease and figure out what's going on. I hate this stuff!
    Love and hugs to all
  • marshakb
    marshakb Member Posts: 796
    edited June 2007

    Wow Peggy, Helene is lovely. She looks so peaceful with herself. Love the trap door in the floor! Way cool. Marsha

  • sherloc
    sherloc Member Posts: 893
    edited June 2007
    Hi Peggy, beautiful pics

    Vicki, I'm leaving this afternoon. Going to Oregon to spend some time with my sister. I'm sorry about your issues with the rads payment. Stupid billing dept!!!!
  • neesie
    neesie Member Posts: 1,110
    edited April 2008
    Hi All!

    Thought I'd try to post before the DH gets interuptions then! Unless the kids start calling......!

    Kristen: PLEASE hurry and get your CD out.......these girls are going crazy and making me crazy with all their lyrics!!LOL Good luck with the possible promotion! Sure hope it works for you.

    Karen: You deserve that vacation. Dealing with your folks and Dads illness is the car....go and enjoy. It's nice that Dad might get discharged, sorry he has to go to a Nursing Facility...I'm sure he's getting ansy. How bout a big Cyber Hug to your Folks from all your Friends!

    Joyce: Prayers to you and Kevin. I, too hope this is his last major surgery. You have quite the trooper there and with all of his "aunts" praying for him, he will be fine. Please make sure and let us know after the surgery, how he is doing.

    G: No news yet on the Lumpy thing under arm? Waiting is so unfair.

    Theresa: A snow Convention in June? A vendor show on a boat? Just what do you do? Sounds interesting to say the least!

    Deb: Welcome home! Glad you enjoyed yourself....and proud to say I know a "accomplished author"! That is awesome!

    Iris: Chocolate on July 12th!!!!!!

    Cheri: Loved your post.....Ladies, I think we have our Cheri Back!!!!

    Nicki: Boys are stupid!!!! Loved it! The pool is ready and by gosh you better cancel everything and use it!!!! That is so nice that you and Liz are going to meet!!!! I've never been to Chicago....DD goes about once a year....DH has no desire. I just might hop the train and show up at your door step one of these days!!
    If you really want info on my weight loss plan, pm me and I'll fill you in.

    Vickie: How nice to neighbors like that! When I was single and lived in Flushing, I had the best neighbors. Now out here, I don't know disadvantage to country living I guess.

    Betty: I loved the Brady Bunch........

    Jan: You mowed 3 acres!! You go girl! I used to mow my measly one acre when I was I have almost 3 acres, but half of it is woods.........and a new lawn's called Husband!! I hate insurance companies too. That sucks, you have to do all the work between Dr. office and Ins. office. And I admire your committment to working out!

    Lini: Did you have to do the Barney Song???????That dude will be floating in my mind all night!! Also, I do have contact info for Fancy2......I know her DH's Memorial Service is this Saturday.

    MB: Crashing the Companies Picnic!! Now that sounds like a fun time!

    Beth: Picc line is gone!! Yeah for you.

    JoJo: We don't need to know you personally.......we all are in this together! I have heard alot about you and am sending best wishes your way...hope you start feeling better soon. Just stop in and say Hi when you feel up to it...don't even try to catch up.

    Amy: Get the Oakleys!!!! Or I will send you a pair of the Military issued glasses! Hope your Dad is continuing to improve!

    Liz: Glad the in-laws are home and that the check ups all went well. Also glad that you are taking some me time!!!! Manicure yesterday.....what did you do today?

    Shirley: The ole Vag. US.........congrats! You enjoy your vacation! With 4 kids! are a brave woman!

    Anne: Rads Done! 1 year since DX.....mixed feelings I know. Things are behind you now.......keep it that way! You bet you will see me Saturday! Bright and early! I'm actually driving from my house to my DD's in Sterling Heights Sat. morn and going from there. Yup, call me crazy!
    Live Grenade in Dads you and brother get along! LOL Don't worry about the Doc's scale...they intentionally make them weigh heavy so they can give us that look and a lecture!

    Shokk: You said it all, and you said it very good. I did chuckle when you mentioned getting your six shooter out and telling them, things happen for a reason! No doubt, especially when people don't know what to say......they turn idiot and say anything.

    Vickie: No Guns or Grenades for you.............were keeping you stocked with water bottles!

    Jasmine: Party at your place, eh? I might put on my dancing shoes and join ya! You are quiet and funny.....a good combo!

    Z: Congrats on Son's graduation! The slinky girls are torturing me!

    Marsha: How sweet you are. That is so nice to take your friend to the Women of Worth Gala! Outfit and've got some great friends!
    Glad you're over the angry....mad is okay. I'm glad you are going with the new Onc's recomendation!

    Sheri: Have a great time in Florida! I know you're not leaving for awhile.(I think) Don't let Miss Marsha get you in trouble!

    Vickie: Oscar Bologna.......oh no!!!!

    Lini: You're all making my little head crazy!! It doesn't even know which song to hum! Maybe, I'll put all of the songs together and make a new one!!!!

    MB: These ladies have corrupted you! Touching large ones, eh????

    Puppy: How's it going? Hope you are doing okay. Any word yet about treatment? Thinking of you and saying prayers.

    Jeannie: WELCOME BACK! How nice that you and Deb got to spend some time together!! Rest up and fill us in on the trip!

    Madison: Panic attacks are no fun.............

    Be Back Soon..........
  • Sige
    Sige Member Posts: 334
    edited June 2007
    LOL Marsha...the pics are of ME....thank you, I feel peaceful!

  • sherloc
    sherloc Member Posts: 893
    edited June 2007

    I'm outa here, see you all in a week. Behave!!

  • jasmine
    jasmine Member Posts: 773
    edited May 2008

    Bye Shirley, drive safe!

  • lv2cmp
    lv2cmp Member Posts: 899
    edited June 2007
    Afternoon all, is is still Monday or what? Geesh!

    Daddy is slowly improving but still in CCU. He told me at lunch that he came within an inch of getting to a room and then they swiped it away from him. He is very discouraged about that but hopefully tomorrow. They did call PT and they were going to let him sat on side of the bed. I reminded him of baby steps but hes not liking it one bit. I love seeing him all ansy though cause thats a good sign. I mean Saturday we were not knowing if he was going to come home alive.

    JoJo-yep I remember you well. stop by and type if you can and it doesnt have to be long. Just tell us hello, we are easy.

    Armynavymom-yeahh I love my ringtones. Glad to know I am not the only one out there.

    Vickie-geesh insurance, need I say more? Hopefully it will get all worked out.

    Sherndon-I bet you are excited about your upcoming trip. Have a blue drink for me.

    Marsha-enjoy your visit with Sherndon. I got to meet her but it was near as great as meeting by the pool.

    Alwayshope-party at your place huh? Better warn the neighbors.

    BikerJan-3 acres is alot to mow for sure. Did you hoe any? lol!!!!

    Shokk-better watch it, vickie is getting in the closet with you!

    Cheri-excellent post missy and you cant use the chemo brain excuse ever again if you can remember all of those names.

    Madison-calm down, panic attacks suck! Whats got you so worked up?

    Iris-had a mental note of somthing to say,,hmmm, making another mental note that I should write things down.

    Just got a phone call that daddy is up and sitting in a recliner and boy is he happy! Wooohooo!!!

    Shirley-glad you survived the Vag ultra sound..i have to do that and so not looking forward to it. I do know from adrionna the things not to say though.

    Betty-I liked the brady bunch back then also but now if I see a rerun I wonder why I liked it.

    Karen-I say go for the vacation. You deserve it!

    Oh geesh, not through with everyone but gotta hit the door running and pick up Tucker and get to the 5:00 visit time. Its been one more busy day and it hasnt stopped yet.

    Nicki-gotta agree with the boys statement!

  • shokk
    shokk Member Posts: 790
    edited June 2007

    First of all how did Alwayshope get stuck with the party......did someone say whoever whats to have the party please step foreward and everyone else just took a step backwards......Amy sounds like papa is feeling better.....if he starts to make passes at the nurses you'll know he is on his way........Anne it was so good to hear from you......when I finished rads I was so lost.....I just don't know how you have done it losing your dad at the sametime......military people are just so darn tuff......our true heros.......hey Denise and Madison and Vickie and Nicki........when I was in 1st grade during the missle cuban thing we had these drills all the time when we would get under our desk and put our arms over our heads......yea that was going to save us from nuclear they still do that but call it tornado drills.......Sige you have got the most beautiful skin.....why do all of us bc survivors look so beatiful?.....hmmmmmmm........anyway gals I am heading home.....yougest child has drumline camp tonight until 9:00 pm so will try and check back in while she's everyone......hey Vickie see ya later alligator......oh yea its just a stormin outside......may end up in the closet later.........

  • tflowers
    tflowers Member Posts: 232
    edited June 2007
    Jan...mow and hoe. hehehe are one hot babe. Love the color of your hair. I love to kayak and live near the beach so I'm always in the bay, but Vancouver sounds cold....

    Puppy's back...yeah.. Stopping in for blue drinks and talk tonight with the girls

    Anne...good to see you again. Way to go on finishing rads. Great day for you.

    Jojo... I remember you and welcome back. Just post if you need to talk and don't worry about trying to keep up. We just want YOU here anyway you can.xoxo away, you need it. sounds alot better. Give him kisses from us on the top of his head. Tell him all of our names as you're kissing. xoxo

    Sheri...running to Florida and make Marsha stop by for drinks and take pictures

    Z....congradulations on your sons graduation. Maybe one more out of the house?? I have one out and the other is graduating in the fall.

    Vickie...letter from the state office??? Tell them to take it in blood...

    Did you read about the women who died in the LA hospital when no one would help her and bled to death? That's amazing in this country that a human would do that to another. I know I'm living in a dream world but WTF???

    Ted is driving me crazy, he needs to walk the perimater to make sure all evil is away from the camp for the evening.

    Sweet dreams and I'll be praying extra hard for my sisters tonight. xoxo love to all
  • jasmine
    jasmine Member Posts: 773
    edited May 2008

    Shokk...I think they're trying to find my moonshine still location. Cheri must be drinkin em low on the blue rink stock.

  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Member Posts: 2,728
    edited June 2007

    Hello everyone: Just a quick pop in. I got to go swimming in the pool after work and it felt great. Saw my PCP - and good reports from him also. Its official, I have lost 15 pounds since my last visit. So that made me smile. Cant stay long, cause now its time for dinner, but I will catch up with everyone in the morning.

  • k4katz
    k4katz Member Posts: 158
    edited June 2007
    Denise, I SO hear you. And I hate when people say that God wouldn’t have given me cancer if I couldn’t handle it. WTF? Guess what…I am only handling it because I have to. What other choice is there?

    Nicki, glad you are enjoying your pool!

    Tgirl, I am a morning person! Love to get stuff done early before everyone starts coming in and bugging me!

    Gina, how are you?

    Deb, welcome back! We missed you!

    Karen, hope your car gets fixed soon!

    Z, oh no! The slinky song is now in my head!

    Beth, love the jokes! Thanks for the laugh!

    Jojo, I don’t think we have ever met, but I would love to get to know you! Come on out! We will put you in the center of the circle and take good care of you!

    Oh no Vickie, not the Oscar Mayer commercial song! Now THAT one is going through my head…..

    ….quickly to be replaced by The Clapper jingle and then the Chia commercial….thanks Lini!

    Peggy, great pics!

    I know I missed many, but I gotta run and get dinner for the kids. Quick update on the job front…I waited all day for the job posting to pop up on the intranet site, but nothing ever happened. The big boss has not had a chance to post the open position yet. Ugh! I will just have to keep checking until she does! My resume is finished and ready to go!

    See you guys tomorrow!
  • neesie
    neesie Member Posts: 1,110
    edited April 2008
    I'm back.......geesh, I was on a roll, now I have to 'try' to remember what I was talking about!

    Madison: Panic Attacks..........No reason, No rhyme, just happens. Wish I could do something for you.
    Tall people burn funny!! The stupid things they made us do in school!! Sit in the hallway with your head between your legs and hands on top of head for tornado drills.........lot's of luck if I had to do that now! DD moving to Oklahoma........job related? I be dumb in that far from you??

    Suz: Scary....leaving pan on stove. How sad for the girl who lost her house....and glad your DH was able to 'save' yours.

    Peggy: Beautiful pics! I'm getting a complex here with all the Lovelys pics I'm seeing lately! Your Meditation room sounds interesting! Have a wonderful trip.....Kayaking with whales?? Don't think you'd catch me in a little canoe with a hole cut in the middle of it and whales swimming around me!! Enjoy, but be careful!

    Amy: Your Dad is sitting up!!!! Good for him..he has come a long way since the weekend! The Vag US eh? Glad you learned from my mistake...........what not to say to a Gyn!!

    I'm closing now, I am having a real issue with my isn't all them, it's partly my head. It's a matter of what I'm trained for and what they have us doing now a days. I had a conversation with a client I see tomorrow....(on the phone today). She really didn't say anything to wrong........but it set me off. I only wish I had the stamina and guts to venture off into a new direction. There has to be a job out there where I can earn what I want, work when I want, and wear what I want!!!! Anyhow, I'm outta here before I spill my guts on something that will make no sense to anyone but me!!!!

  • karen1956
    karen1956 Member Posts: 4,604
    edited June 2007
    Good afternoon - don't know what was wrong with my car, but it is fine now. AAA came and the guy said I was out of gas (no not really) so he went to get a couple gallons. game back and the car took a while to start. He thinks I had some bad gas in the car. So went an bought some gas cleaner outer. Been starting and stopping all day. Here's hoping it stays okay. What a waste of 2 hours on a day off. Did manage to get several errands done, but missed out on going to the tailor. The tailor is an older lady who only works till 4pm and is generally off on wednesdays - she was going to see me this morning as a favor. I guess I can have Craig take a few things that I don't need to try on.
    Oldest DD got her first summons for jury duty. Problem is, she is in Chicago and at school. Summons says you can ask for one postponement and need to say when you are available. Who the heck knows when she will be here next!!! She was not too happy. wonder if she should register to vote in Chicago, since she only comes home a couple weeks a time a couple times/year. When she graduates next year, I'm sure she will stay in Chicago. Can you register to vote where you go to college???
    Joyce - you know we will all be with you on Monday. I hope that Kevin has an easy recovery.
    Nicki and Liz are going to get to meet. I'm jealous.
    Jeannie - can't wait till you can post the pics of you and Deb. Glad you had a wonderful time on your trip. ONe month - wow - we are taking a two week trip and DH thinks that is a long time.
    Madison - you pack rat!! original sllinky at 51. I have a few of my original toys but not my slinky - I'm sure I got it all tangled. I'm 51 too.
    Biker/Jan - is your mower a riding mower? Year ago we had 4 acres, but only 1 acre (or less) needed to be mowed. The rest was woods.
    Sige - you are beautiful. Your meditation room sounds so nice. Sorry about your friend Happy. Let us know about the kayak trip.
    Shirley - glad to hear that your uterus is normal. Any other test results?
    Vickie - how awful about the AG office hounding you. Where were they when you were have fuel problems. I hope things get straightened out soon.
    Beth - hooray - picc line is out. I was on Levaquin twice during chemo. I have 7 pills from an Rx that I filled, but didn't need. Had to keep the RX filled and ready incase I ran a fever. Never ran a fever, but had an infected port twice.
    Z - congrats on your son's graduation - wow 3.0 way to go!!!
    Marsha - sorry that you ahve to endure rads, but as the other gals have said, rads are a walk in the park compared to chemo. Keep us posted on when you start. What a nice thing you are doing for your friend. I hope you all have a wonderful time.
    Amy - glad to hear that your dad is doing better.
    Nickie - 15# - you go girl. Sounds like you are getting to enjoy the pool.
    Gina - any news?
    Cy- how are you feeling
    Cheri - where are you today
    All you gals, you are quite talented with the songs/jingles. Brought back some memories. I've left off a lots of names, but you are in my thoughts. I love you all.
    No more updates on my dad - thank you all for all the well wishes.
    Hugs from Denver, Karen
  • newvickie
    newvickie Member Posts: 2,941
    edited June 2007
    Making some early rounds tonight as I need to get the house straightened up a bit. Try to have everything clean before the weekends so I don't have to clean on the weekends but it never seems to work out that way. I swear I have little gremlins that come out at night and make messes.
    Jeannie...your home..welcome back. Sounds like you had a wonderful time and we want to hear all about it! If you want to send me the pics I will post them for you...any time is fine.
    Shokk...well geez...we could have the party at your house if you like just say the word and we'll be there. We actually don't ask for volunteers, we just show up LOL. Had a party at Gina's one weekend and we never saw her all weekend long...finally found out we were at the wrong house!! Seriously!! We'll sneak into your house one of these days but we are waiting for the weather to calm down so we don't have to have a closet party. I so remember the under the desk drills! Never really thought to much about the fact that it probably wouldn't have done a bit of good though!
    Jasmine has a moonshine still...oh my this is going to be a wild party. Good thing you have understanding do don't you? I can pay 80 grand tomorrow. My insurance had better get straightened out is all I can say. Idiots...don't they know that stress causes they want to have to pay more!! Guess they didn't like me sending them copays instead of the full amount. I didn't hear about the women who bled to death...that is terrible. I know a friend of my friend went to the ER last night and they refused to treat her because she owed a bill. I didn't think they could refuse treatment...that's a scary thought. There are only two hospitals in that area without driving into PA.
    JoJo...just giving you a warm welcome...jump right in and'll catch up soon and somebody can probably provide cliff notes.
    Madison...panic attacks! Oh you know why (as if cancer isn't enough). I have to have the Xanex or I am in panic mode all the time. Sending you a hug. If it weren't so hot I'd tell you to wrap yourself in the afghan and feel all that love but then you'd have heat stroke on top of the panic attacks. I have my afghan draped over my couch for now for all the world to see.
    Amy...I'm glad your dad is doing better. Thought of him and you all weekend and this week. Sounds like he's pretty tough. Hugs to you. I know how much I miss both my mother and father.
    Z...are you feeling any better and getting any breaks. I sure hope so. Congratulations to your son!
    Susan...are you hiding on us?
    Newter has disappeared again too...hmmm...hope we didn't scare her. Come sit a spell and tell us whats up.
    Cheri...what can I say...I loved your post. Your a doll even though you won't admit it. Time to party.
    Gonna check the party thread quick and I'll probably be back if I get everything done. I need a maid, butler, chauffer, cook, gardener and a pool boy (make that a man).
    Love ya all
  • newvickie
    newvickie Member Posts: 2,941
    edited June 2007

    Hey to Denise and Karen...hugs to you both!

  • Biker54
    Biker54 Member Posts: 1,042
    edited June 2007
    Hi ladies!

    Peggy, what beautiful pics! Your meditation room sounds so peaceful. It was good to hear from you. It sounds like you are doing a good job of moving on.

    Amy, ppppffffffttttt!!! Hoeing?? Nah, just mowing, no hoeing. I'm glad that Daddy is finally able to sit up. I'll bet he is happy about that!

    Nicki, that's great that you've lost 15lbs. I wish I could stick to a diet .

    JoJo, I know it's difficult for you to type, just know we are all putting you in the middle of the circle. If you can, stop by for a short hello.

    Kristin, grab that job as soon as it comes up!

    Madison, I used to have panic attacks. They suck BIG time! It took a long time to get over them. ((Madison))

    Karen, huuuuummmmmm........Bad gas??? Oh my, excuse you!

    Z, congrats to your son on the 3.0 GPA! That's great news.

    Jeannie, welcome home. It sounds like you had a great trip!

    Back is still hurting. I have nothing stronger than Advil in the house. Maybe DH can give me a massage. BBL
  • silvergirl9114
    silvergirl9114 Member Posts: 310
    edited June 2007

    Completely OT but----who won Dancing With The Stars?