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  • lizws
    lizws Member Posts: 789
    edited June 2007


  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Member Posts: 1,233
    edited June 2007
    Good evening ladies. I took notes here first then ran over to the Party thread so I hope I can read these and sorry if the last few that posted might be left out. Not on purpose.

    Liz, Okay. It was me and I've already confessed once. But all I did was mention that the theme song went around inside my head sometimes while lying in bed unable to sleep. The other girls took the ball and ran with it. hahah

    Jazz, just between us, I've always been a Fanilowe, too. I am sooo ashamed and I even tried the 12 step program but I just can't cure it. Hey, hear there's a BIG partay at your house this whole week. WooHoo!!

    Anne, thanks for asking but I don't have to have physical torture on my foot yet, it's casted and fused so they don't want it to move. Thanks for the compliment, but i just ramble on especially in the middle of the night. There's never any telling what subject I'll end up on. lol

    Vickie, heck of an idea you had to party at Jazz's this week. teehee Hope Socal brought her reefer. Remember that??

    Jazz, don't worry bout gittin me no pitcher books, i gonna have enuf blew rinks that the books wood haf to bee in braile fer me to c em. hhahahahaha

    Z, no, no, no. Not the Slinky Song!

    Marsha, don't worry the partys not just tonight so you didn't miss it, you got plenty of time. lol

    Sheri, good for you for trying to move on. Good luck and glad you checked in.

    MB, hey I heard the Oscar Meyer WeinerMobile was going to be at Pinkstock. But then.... you know how people like to start rumors. lol

    Shokk, I'm 5'10", so I was one of those tall kids standing in the back. No telling how long we'd burn, might still be on fire today.

    Suz, I just cannot imaging anyone would read a post the size mine was. I'd have taken one look at it and checked the time on it and maybe skimmed it. lol But thanks.

    Janny, you sound like you could use a blue drink, and I know where we can find one.

    Neesie, yes. I think I may be baaaack.

    Amy, thanks for taking the time to read my ramblings. Also to everyone else who did. I almost deleted. When its that late I have a tendency to just get started and type my heart out. Hey, we miss ya at the party tonight. I guess Jazz and I chased off those yankees. hahahahahaha Hillbillys Rock.

    well ladies, wishing you all a nice evening. I may be back. If I write any more mini-novels I really don't expect anyone to read them. lol Just ponderings of a mad housewife.

  • lizws
    lizws Member Posts: 789
    edited June 2007
    Cheri - you always make me smile...........

  • Boo46
    Boo46 Member Posts: 261
    edited June 2007
    Hi all,
    So many posts since I was here!!
    Went to see rad onc. today for 6 mo. post rad check up. He told me last time it would be my last visit with him. After exam he says to me that he wants to see me in 4 months and will probably do some scans at that time. I was in a hurry to get back to work so just said ok and left. Got in my car and thought HUH!!!!!!! Now I understand docs wanting to keep you coming back but have any of you had your rad oncs planning scans for you. In that case do any of you have scans unless ther is a concern? My understanding was I would only have scans if sympts. So I walked around all day wondering what he felt at exam to make him want scans. I know that is silly. If something was wrong on exam they would want scans now not in 4 months, right? Oh the games this disease plays with our mental health. I see med onc in 2 weeks and he is the team leader so I'll get it straitened out with him. Geeeeesh I need a xanax. LOL
    Cheri - Loved your post. Boo-Who hahahahahahaha
    Beth - hurrah for being dePICC'd.
    Z - The slinky song OMG now it's stuck in my head!!!!
    JoJo - We're here for you. Don't try to keep up. I seldom can
    Madison - Hugs to you. Panic attacks stink
    Peggy - Beautiful pictures
    Shirley - Have fun.
    Amy - Glad dads improving.
    Nickie - Great work on the weight loss. I'm trying. So far 6 pounds for me.
    Love and hugs to all.
  • PeanutsGirl
    PeanutsGirl Member Posts: 115
    edited June 2007
    Here's an update. Am writing from DD#2's home. She had an OB appt today, and baby is still head down. Due date is June 29, but her 1st was four weeks early. He weighed in at 7+ pounds. So, this one could come at any time. We're here to help however we can. I read the Backyardigans Mission to Mars four times today to DG. He'll be three in October.

    MIL returned home yesterday from nursing home rehab. She and FIL will celebrate 69th anniversary (not a typo) next month. BIL took charge of the move as we were on the road yesterday.

    Need to get back to the family. I'll check in later with any new developments. They have lists of names, and will make a final decision when they see the baby.

    I read all five pages of posts. Hugs, prayers, and healing to all.

  • joy1122
    joy1122 Member Posts: 189
    edited June 2007
    Hi Girls,
    Just a quick check in. Thank you all for keeping Kevin in your prayers. I can't check in until I get home unless they have internet at the hospital. I know CHOP did but not sure about HUP.
    I was trying to read and catch many of us.
    Amy-I am glad your dad is a little better
    Vicki- Did you ever find out who sent the e-mail?
    Z- Wow! 3.0 that is great!
    Beth- How are you doing?
    Madison- I have panic attacks,horrible. I get them in the middle of the night. Sometimes they wake me up. I told my husband it's this fear and you don't know where it is coming from or how to stop it. My SIL taught me some breathing exercises that seem to help some. I don't want to go back on Lexapro again.
    That's about all my chemo brain can handle now.I am going to watch Last Comic standing w/h Kevin. I could use a few laughs.
    Love to all!!!!
    Take Care,
  • Tricia
    Tricia Member Posts: 103
    edited June 2007
    Good evening,

    Sorry I haven't posted the last 2 days, and I am behind in reading, too.
    I saw my onc today, all is good. Path came back fine from stuff removed during my my mast and lift. YAY
    He gave me a script for Arimidex, but said femera is fine, too. Told me to see if one is cheaper than the other through my ins.
    I am trying not to find about any more than I know about SE's because I don't want to start looking for problems, know what I mean?
    I was going to ask in the hormone therapy area if people had a sense of one causing fewer problems than the other. Immediately saw posts about thinning hair. Crap. My hair is already thin around my face and has already receded some.
    My biggest problem now, and the one that has kept me away is severe back pain from 3 bad discs. I started having problems again the day before my surgery. All the the lying and sitting has caused the problem to get worse every day. I even wemt to my chiropractor last Friday.
    I am taking my pain meds more for my back than my front! LOL
    And to make matters worse, I haven't been allowed to take Ibuprofen, or any other anti-inflamatories.
    I am getting an MRI Friday.
    I feel best when I stand or walk.
    Thank goodness my onc gave me permission to go back on Advil.
    Not sure I'm going to tell ps about that on Friday.
    End of whiney complaint.
    I miss you guys!
    If the Advil helps, I hope to spend more time here tomorrow.
    I really hate to do a drive by, but I am off to take 2 pain pills and try to get to la la land.

  • Odalys
    Odalys Member Posts: 929
    edited June 2007
    Hi CG's, just dropping in to say Hi and to let you know I had f/u visit with onc today and he gave me the all clear. Yeah... good news feels great. I hope everyone is having a good week. Sending lots of prayers and good vibes your way.
  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Member Posts: 1,233
    edited June 2007
    Tricia, I am soo sorry sweetie that you feel so bad. To have back problems on top of your surgery is just about too much. Maybe you can get some rest tonight. Don't worry about posting every day or even trying to keep up, you just take care of yourself and do whatever makes you feel better. Take care.

    Hey Joyce, Laura and Boo. Don't know who I'm missing on the page before. Sorry, but I think I about covered everyone earlier.

  • Odalys
    Odalys Member Posts: 929
    edited June 2007

    Tricia - Sorry your back is if you didn't have enough to deal with. Hope you feel better soon. FYI - my onc told me Femara has less side effects than Arimidex. I've been on it for 1 year already. It took my body some time to get used to the low hormones because I was pre-menopausal when I started taking femara. At first, I had a lot of stiffness and joint pain to the point I considered stopping the Femara but onc kept telling me to push through it until the body would get used to it. He was right and I am glad I did. Now, I barely have any SE's. Lately, I have noticed my hair thinning on top but I can accept that over bc any day. Worst case scenario I will get a hair piece. LOL!!! The goal is to stay cancer free!! I say, Femara is the best insurance policy we can get. Feel free to PM me any questions you may have. Take care.
  • b445
    b445 Member Posts: 980
    edited June 2007
    Evening all, I have power back ing the computer room! Yeahaw!
    It was chemo night and wan't sure they were going to give it to me. the nutraphils were at .88 and they said it would be held if it got below 12. So they had to page my Onc so she could give the Ok. Which she did! I start the nuepogen tomorrow. I will have gone to the Cancer center 6 days out of 7 this week by the time I reach Sat.

    Looks more and more like I have kidney stones again. Been having lots of blood in the urine for about 5 days now. will find out more tomorrow

    I know I haven't been on much but just want you all to know you are always in my prayers.

    JoJo, I missed you glad to hear that you try to read. Would love to hear how you are doing? I haven't heard from you in such a long time!

    Well I need to go lay down so I'm rested for work.
    I promise I wil be on more after the folks leave on Monday.

    Hugs and Prayers to all my Sisters and their families!
  • MargaretB
    MargaretB Member Posts: 771
    edited June 2007
    Lots and lots to catch up on but I'll just jump in. Need someone's Cliff notes to catch up.

    Joyce, hugs to you.

    Vickie, tornado - we had 90 degree weather here today.

    Shirley, hubby cooked dinner tonight....bbq steaks and broccoli - didn't want the broccoli so I sliced up my steak and put it over a salad.

    Deb, welcome back; how exciting about your writing.

    Marsha, I read your post a few days ago and you looked fabulous.

    Cheri, I'm here. After my big fundraiser, I thought my time would be freed up. Well, stupid here is now planning the holiday party for my group at work so I've spent all my spare time working on a presentation I had to make to the committee. Made it today but have to rethink it because my budget is cut in half :-( but wanted to say hello to everyone.

    Karen, I gather you are considering cancelling a vacation? Take it.

    JoJo, come home.

    Sheri, those margaritas and blue drinks and sitting by the pool sound mighty inviting. Too bad I'm not going to be in Florida any time soon.

    Peggy, awesome pictures.

    Jan, 3 acres....I've never used our lawnmower and we've been togther 25 years!

    Amy, glad dad is doing better.

    Nicki, great job on the 15 lbs. and glad you got to go swimming.

    Beth, glad PICC line is out.

    Madison, I get panic attacks too....hate it.

    Odalys, great news on the all clear.

    Cy, G, how are you feeling?

    Caught up with today's and to everyone I missed, I'll catch up.

    Denise, I got the directions, at least I think it was from you (been so busy haven't even opened it yet)....maybe this weekend I can try squares again. If it doesn't work, one Knifty Knitter is up for grabs and I'll send the yarn back to Vickie.

    Love ya guys.

  • cmb35
    cmb35 Member Posts: 554
    edited June 2007
    OK ladies, jumping back in, so far behind that it's beyond catching up, so I'm just starting at today (Wed)

    DebC - Congrats to you, how exciting! Hope you win that contest!

    Amy - sorry about your Dad, but it sounds like he's doing a bit better? I hope so!

    Iris - Yes, it has been a crazy week, Warren's Fond Farewell ceremony was adorable, his orchestra recital was great, and his baseball team is in the playoffs! I got him a sweatshirt from his new middle school as a "graduation" present. It has a huge "W" on the back (Walsh Middle School) which is pretty funny because W is also for Warren!! Hope you are doing well - why are you going to be away for a bit? Take good care and I hope it's for a fun reason!

    Vickie - How are you? What's going on with you? How is the neck/shoulder feeling these days? Love the girl reading while drinking her tea - that's me!!

    Cheri - I have never attended a Cyber Party, and I would love to? I'm home all this weekend, no Warren, no plans, so I'd be up for anything. I'll have to check it out! Glad to hear your foot looks better, hope it continues to feel better too! I loved your "round-up recap" of all the circle girls. Do you have the world's best memory or what? (Or do you save your notes? LOL)

    Nicki - How are you? I have missed your morning posts! (I realize you still post them, I should say I have missed reading them!) Glad you got to swim in your pool! You probably don't want to hear this, but it's FREEZING here! Like get out the down comforter freezing. Cancel your dr's appt cause it's a nice day? Hello?

    Kristin - I saw something about theme songs, but I have to admit that Seasons in the Sun is one of those songs that I love to hate. Like anything by Cheap Trick - you just can't not sing to it!! Woo hoo on the job opening! Hope you get it!

    Madison - I won't tell anyone about posting from work, I go through phases, but as Ii work from home there is no one to yell at me (just have to face the music if I don't meet my deadline!)

    Betty - Cracking up at the Cindy Brady picture! I still sometimes say lines from the Brady Bunch ("something suddenly came up","my nose!", and "groovy Greg" are particular favorites) and no one knows what I'm talking about!!! LOL

    tgirl - ummm... that would be Starland Vocal Band (I believe) "sky rockets in flight..." another one of my FAVORITE songs! (What can I tell you, I'm a geek!)

    jankay - how are you feeling?

    nicki (again!) - I don't know about that bird song, but it reminded me of "grease is the word, is the word, that you heard, it's got ???, it's got ??...." LOL

    Jan - 3 acres, yikes! working out and mowing the lawn - these are not fun activities! and laundry too! I think you need a root beer float, or maybe some lasagna (carbs, carbs, carbs, I love my carbs, and cheese too! LOL)

    lini - I was watching some Barney just today as I was babysitting my friends 2 year old, who has that yucky hand/foot/mouth virus right now - good times!

    mb - poor DH, too bad he couldn't wear ear plugs! hope you had fun at the picnic (which just reminded me of Yogi Bear, but I can't remember the song!)

    Beth - glad to hear the PICC line removal was painfree! Keeping JoJo in the middle of the circle and in my prayers.

    JoJo - big huge hugs to you, I'm so sorry about your pain, please please please post here any old time you can/want - just say, "need some lovin" and you will get it, no questions asked, and believe, nobody here "keeps score" on how much you do or don't post (if they did I would have been kicked out long ago, at my best I post once or twice a day tops) Hang in there!

    lini - oh my goodness, I was JUST thinking about Kay - I haven't seen her post anywhere in a long time, and I just checked the thread about her poor husband and she hasn't posted on it since right after he passed away. I hope she's OK, does anyone know her address or phone number to check on her?

    Liz - glad to hear you had a good dr's appt! and a manicure too! Hope you had a nice day for yourself today, and no storms!!

    Shirley - hope the wand was OK, and that your trip goes well... 4 munchkins - oh my!

    shokk - how the heck are ya? I've not really been mia, jumping on and doing the Evelyn Woods speed read when I can, but haven't had time to post much. I am so with you - I hate when people say "everything happens for a reason" Personally, I think things just flippin' happen. Now, I do believe we can choose how we REACT to what happens to us, and we can try to learn from it, grow from it, etc., but that's not the same thing. People are weird.

    Cracking up laughing at my very deep and philosophical assessment of the situation: People are Weird! (Maybe I should make a bumper sticker! Or Deb can make buttons!)

    Vicki - wait a minute, the party is today? I thought these things happened on the weekends! I need to get in the party loop!

    Anne - 2 weeks out from rads - woo hoo! I was still in that Bugs Bunny like stupor (remember the "c o m e b a c k h e r e y o u r a b b i t episode?) Congrats on the 1 year, and sorry that our anniversaries have to be so angst-ridden! I'm hoping I'll start feeling less and less stressed with each anniversary, instead of more stressed - what's up with that? Live grenade - umm... you might want to call in an expert before you start digging around in the munitions!

    z - how are you feeling today?? congrats to your son!! a 3.0 is quite an achievement! The slinky song!! I love it!

    Karen - ARRGGGHHH!! Car trouble stinks! Glad to hear your Dad may get released, will he get rehab at the nursing facility? Hope poor Miriam made it to camp!!

    marsha - glad to hear you're feeling better, and you're right, you shouldn't give them that power (to make you cry) but it's so hard, and we're so damn tired damnit!! How about my favorite, "you have such a good attitude about it" like I have a choice first of all, and like it's so minor annoyance I can just choose to be perky about. That drives me crazy too (though I realize that all of these comments are well-intentioned 90% of the time...) What a nice thing to do for your friend - will look forward to seeing the pictures. Speaking of pictures, loved the pics of you - you look beautiful!!

    Sheri - hope you are getting lots of laps and lots of relaxation too!

    puppy - loved the hump day picture!

    Jeannie - welcome back, glad you had a great time, how fun that you got to meet Deb and her family! Congrats on the anniversary and the Deck for the Cure - that sounds really cool (literally cool, and wet, and windy... tee hee)

    Suz - hope your tummy is feeling better

    Peggy - Hey there! Great pictures, and I think that's a wonderful birthday present! Lots of happy news for you - I'm so glad for you!

    Denise - How are you? OK, it's 12:46 am now, and I started this a little after 11:30 I think. I'm fizzling out in a big way, so I think I have to stop here. I hope you had some nice, interruption free time!

    Sorry to all I missed, I'll catch the rest of the way up tomorrow....

    sweet dreams!
  • jankay
    jankay Member Posts: 789
    edited June 2007
    a late good night sis's. this afternoon we thought my power chair had torn up- so i had no way to moved around to get to the computer. My old wheelchair was in my caregivers car since she takes me to therapy. the wheelchair is too heavy for her to lift all the time. After this it will stop. Anyway. i couldnt get anybody to look at my pchair until next week, soooooooooooo my intelligent engineering student worked with it and fixed it. He will be 19 on friday, i feel old.
    Liz i dont know if u remembered or not but tinks bday is tuesday the 19th. Hope you have a good week.
    Peggy your pictures were fantasic and it looks like u live in a beautiful area.
    Tricia sorry u feel bad. Knock on wood i have never had back problems and hope i dont ever.
    Marsha u are a hoot - i bet with your experience in theatre
    you are a practical joker.
    vicki and nicki hope to see u two in the morning. wishing the both of u feel betters.
    Madison i have had panic attacks and they STINK!!!!
    z is supposed to take alot of pics tonight. hopefully she did.
    good night all
  • snowmen_n_thongs
    snowmen_n_thongs Member Posts: 367
    edited June 2007
    good evening ladies,,
    my space bar is still spaced out!!!!! hehehehe
    ok i am working long hours in my new job but i started with no employees and as of today i have 5 plus me....
    its a good start i hope... i love the new job but am so pooped out and dont spend much time in my office i am on the floor working my butt off!!
    love you all and need to get to bed.... not expecting a day off for a least a few more weeks!
    grrrr ugh!
  • snowmen_n_thongs
    snowmen_n_thongs Member Posts: 367
    edited June 2007
    oh yeah the old boss who fired me says he had cause to fire me....... guess i am going labour board!!!
  • 2up
    2up Member Posts: 944
    edited June 2007
    howdy girls!!!!!!

    i'm laying low because work is kicking my ass, cancer clinic is kicking my ass, and "earl" is kicking my ass!!!!!!

    mackenzie's grade 8 graduation is all consuming lately, and my 'ca 125' is through the roof!!!!!

    i wish i could catch up around here, but 'life' has caught up with me and i'm barely coping lol!

    my best to everyone!!!!!!

    love and hugs to all!

  • newvickie
    newvickie Member Posts: 2,941
    edited June 2007
    Good mornng one tweaked my toes and I overslept again...geez. I am sooo tired. Oh to work I go anyways.
    Happy Birthday Denise...crummy buttons...I thought it was next week.'ll have to wait till next week and celebrate again cuz I had planned a surprise. shoot...

    Tracey...oh yes, get to the labor board. Glad you like your new job. We miss you here!

    Jankay...wake up buttercup!
    Nicki...time to make the donuts...actually donuts sound pretty good this morning.

    CY...kidney stones! That's just not fair. It shouldn't even be allowed. I'm sorry and sending you a hug. How much more chemo before you are done? How are you feeling over all?

    Tricia...welcome back and glad for the good report. Back pain is terrible, not something you should have to be dealing with right now either! Hugs to you (gentle ones)

    Joyce...have been thinking of you and Kevin. I have a pretty good idea where the email came from but I haven't gotten another and I know that the person came here and read all the wonderful responses from all of you so I decided to let it go. She was the one who lost, not me. Pretty sure its plain to her that she can't break this circle (at least I hope so).

    As for the shoulder, neck, rib crap...better but not as good as I had hoped by now. I do too much and probably shouldn't but have no choice a lot of the time. OH well...whatcha gonna do. It will heal and this too shall pass. Pretty sick of it though. Tough to get comfortable to sleep!

    Hey Margaret...didn't see any tornado's...they are rare here but we do get warnings every now and then. The last storm we had was a really strange one! The sky turned a weird yellow green color...I was ready for the closet for a while there!

    Ok...really gotta get in the shower and get to work.
    Love ya all and I'll be back if I get a break...hope hope.
  • newvickie
    newvickie Member Posts: 2,941
    edited June 2007
    Good morning Shel...missed you...sending you a huge hug. You need to fill us in!!! We worry about you when you don't check in with us.
    hope your day today is better. Tumor markers aren't always reliable...sending prayers your way.
  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Member Posts: 2,728
    edited June 2007

    Good Morning Everyone: Well it seems like my life is going topsy turvy. Going to bed later and waking up later - does cut into my computer time.

    Today is a big day for me. Giving a CEU presentaton to 25 Social Workers at a local hospital. Gonna be wearing my power business suit - and hoping I dont stutter through the whole thing. Its a great lecture on Using Emotional Intelligence When Dealing With A Crisis. So wish me luck!

    My oh My - 3 pages of posts to read! We certainly like to talk alot.

    Kristin: Good luck with that job interview. Hoping this time something good comes your way.

    Madison: "Farm Living Is The Life For You" - and yes, work does cut into my board time.

    Betty: Once I get behind, its so hard to catch up - somtimes I just give up and start new.

    TGril: "Afternoon Delight" was one of my favorite songs. Always made me smile. I definitely have chemo brain. More like expressive aphagia. I think of what I want to say, but cant find the word for the life of me.

    Jankay: You are right. This is the best forum in town.

    LisaSoCal: Im so glad you checked in. I have been thinking about you. Hoping your having a grand time.

    Jan: Swimming in a pool is very relaxing to me. Its a natural environment - Im a Pisces.

    Lini: Barney? OMG those are killing words in this territory. I too miss Fancy, she was here from the beginning and must be overwhelmed with grief over losing her husband.

    Jasmine: Whats the theme of your party?

    PurpleMB: Ahahahaha a bikini eh? Dont think anyone wants to see this flabby old girl with her big jelly belly. I can jiggle and wiggle it just like jello.

    Beth: 2 years ago, I couldnt swim cause of my bil. mast. 1 year ago I couldnt swim because of my exchange surgery. It made me crazy. Finially my husband lowered the water level in the pool low enough so I could walk in it with out getting my upper part wet. I hated it. The first time I was allowed to swim - I was in heaven. Levaquin seems to be the antibiotic of choice nowadays. My insurance is stinky - but at least they will cover it with the highest copay which is $40.00 - smart thinking getting samples. I did the same thing with my PCP yesterday. Got samples for 3 months of Lipitor. Sounds like Levaquin is the choice cause the culture showed those buggers were sensitive to it.

    JoJo: I remember you fro the beginning. Seems like alot of sisters just sort of drifted away. Sure am hoping you will come back to the circle of friendship.


    Liz: Now thats my kind of coffee cup. Checked out August 1st - its a Wednesday - gotta try and see if I can go into work later that morning. Ashame, I was so hoping to have a bloody mary.

    Z: Congratulations on your sons graduation.

    Karen: I think the one thing that will put my emotions overboard is car trouble. I hate it, just hate it. So I have the pool measured. If I swim five times across it will equal one Olympic lap. I did 10 laps yesterday - so thats a start. Should help tighten up this jelly belly.

    Marsha: Glad the anger is gone. Get the RADs and be done with it.

    Sheri: Nice to see you pop in.

    My goodnes, My goodness - time is running out and I still have another whole page to read!!

    Puppy: Good to see you. I think I am naturally a little cracked.

    Silvergirl: Im so glad your back. Sounds like you had a wonderful time. I loved your story about walking laps on the boat.

    Shokk: Bravo on your post. It said it all. Oh and I remember the going under the desk thing. Like that would protect us from a nuclear bomb!!

    Suz: You are so right. Cant believe how wonderful the weather has been in our part of the woods.

    Jan and Vickie: The new philosophy from insurance companies is to DENY and DELAY. So keep after them.

    Peggy: Oh what a nice surprise. It was so good to see a post from you. The pictures are wonderful. You look beautiful. I could feel the positive energy coming from your post. I think I would enjoy going to a wiccan meeting. Gives me a sense of happiness just thinking about it. What the heck is this about Roza? Guess I need to check out the reoccurance thread. She has been such a strong support to many of us.

    Denise: Hop a train, you funny girl. I would love it.

    Amy: Im so glad your dad is doing well.

    Oh my goodness. This is a sad day here on - our dear Roza passed away yesterday morning. This is so sad. Another angel has gone to heaven. Roza was truelly a special person - Im am devastated to hear about this.

    A candle for our friend Roza


    OK! Ihave 5 mintues. Lets see how I do.

    Denise: Working in health care can be so hard, cause it seems like they change the rules everyday.

    Vickie: It is against the law for an ER to refuse treatment.

    Sue?Boo - I cant read my notes but it says something about mental health so Im sending you a big hug.

    Laura: Good news on the baby

    Joyce: Hi, hello my friend

    Tracey: You resigned before you were fired. End of subject. Pursue this!

    Odalys: Good news. Always good to hear NED.

    CY: My goodness. So many days at the cancer clinic. Hope you slow down while your neutrophils are low. Dont want you to get an infection.

    MargaretB: Im pretty amazed at the 15 pounds. Now I seem to be stuck there. Want to lose 20 more pounds.

    Jan: I really believe its the walking more than the South Beach diet. Im doing at least 2 miles a day.

    Colleen: OMG Im laughing at "Grease is the word" I have that CD and Im gonna play it on my way to work today.

    Cheri: Cant read my notes so saying hello.

    OK - I know I have missed many, but my time is up and I have to go. Hoping everyone has a wonderful day.

  • newvickie
    newvickie Member Posts: 2,941
    edited June 2007
    It's about time Nickster...was wonderin where you went! Was about to blow the trumpet.
    Hope your day is grand.
  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Member Posts: 2,728
    edited June 2007
    Good Moring Vickie.


    Your sunshine sister
  • k4katz
    k4katz Member Posts: 158
    edited June 2007
    Good morning!

    I have to get right to work today because I need to take 4 hours off to go for herceptin, but you are all in my thoughts! Have a great Thursday!

  • k4katz
    k4katz Member Posts: 158
    edited June 2007

    Good luck with your presentation, Nicki! You go girl!

  • newvickie
    newvickie Member Posts: 2,941
    edited June 2007

    Good luck Nicki...emotional emotions rule darn near everything I do rather than my good sense (maybe I don't have any of that LOL).

  • jankay
    jankay Member Posts: 789
    edited June 2007

    i am here sunshine sisters

  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Member Posts: 2,728
    edited June 2007
    Vickie: I talk about that in my lecture. Heart over head - its part of evolution.

    Good morning Jankay

    See ya later

  • marshakb
    marshakb Member Posts: 796
    edited June 2007
    Jankay, yes a little bit of a pratical joker here. The first time I met my BS, after exam he said get dressed and we will talk. So when he came back in I said I have a couple of questions first. I had taped 6 sheets of paper together, took that out of my purse, shook it out and it fell to the floor like an ancient scroll. The look on his face was priceless.

    At port surgery, I left a note on my chest that said "Beer tap goes here" with an arrow pointing up. Last thing I remember is BS rolling his eyes. LOL

  • PuppyFive
    PuppyFive Member Posts: 539
    edited June 2007

    Hey CGS, need to read up on you!
    had a bad week (imagine that-me a bad week LOL)
    Sister in Law died of lung cancer monday!
    Has anyone talked to our Pammy?? tomorrow is a hard day for her, just wanted to know if she has been in the circle
    getting much needed Love! see ya later girls, Love Puppy
  • MargaretB
    MargaretB Member Posts: 771
    edited June 2007
    Morning ladies, first, I have to tell you that I'm one of those who say that "everything happens for a reason" and I never thought anything about it. Thanks for the different perspective; I'll be more aware of using that. Oh, all those old songs before bed, I was lucky I wasn't up all night with the songs going through my head.

    Colleen, you should be so proud of Warren. He sounds like a great kid.

    Tracey, good luck with the new job. I think the old boss may be biting off more than he can choose.

    Shel, hugs to you. We're here for you.

    Nicki, it may be against the law for an ER to refuse treatment but did you hear about the lady who died on the floor of the emergency room while waiting for treatment. There were even tapes on TV of people calling 911 to tell them!

    Good morning Jankay.

    Marsha, I love your sense of humor.

    Puppy, so sorry to hear about your SIL.

    Ok, I hear the shower calling me. Time to get ready for work. Have a great day.
