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  • tflowers
    tflowers Member Posts: 232
    edited June 2007
    Puppy...sorry about your sil. Best wishes to her family.

    Niki...ok I sat and sat and sat for about 20 seconds waiting for your latest icon with the smile to move. I'm so lost...hehe

    Karen...I had a bad gas problem with my car on a road trip from S. Jersey to Boston. Car died almost every 2 miles and at one time I blocked the off ramp on the Cross Bronz expressway at rush hour on a Friday afternoon!!! Before that my car died on the NJ Turnpike in the left lane at the Newark airport!! It looked like a 70's chase scene with all of the cars behind me swerving out of the way. This may be what gave me cancer!!! No lie all truth. I now hate to drive long road trips.

    Jankay...morning sunshine sister. I too overslept. Big bosses away so taking my time this am.

    But now must work. Love to all xoxo
  • Madison
    Madison Member Posts: 859
    edited June 2007
    Morning all,

    Nicki, I think we all have that flight or fight syndrome when we get into situations....
    Vickie, rats, I was hoping that you were getting a WHOLE lot better… need to rest (I know-it is easier said than done)
    Puppy, so sorry about your SIL...
    Pammy, hugs for you
    Good Morning Kristin.
    Morning Margaret.
    Jankay, how are you this morning?
    Marsha, are you going to Pinkstock....oh my, you could come up with some interesting things for us to do..
    Tracey, you are working wayyyyyyy to hard....
    Shel, I am going to go to the Post Office today to see if I can track your secret delivery-I want you to know it is coming so you can accept the package...hugs, and I am so sorry you are having a bad need the afghan...I'm gonna find it!!!
    HAPPY BIRTHDAY DENISE!!! Enjoy your day…
    Peggy, just have to echo everyone when they say you look fantastic
    Amy, waiting to hear how your Dad is this morning…sitting up is good…being feisty is really good..
    CY, so happy you are going to Pinkstock…we will all be there to help…I so hope you start feeling better and they can find out if you do have kidney stones…ouch..ouch…they hurt so much.
    Karen, bad gas can get into the fuel filter and keep a car from starting…sometimes when we let the car get to almost an EMPTY tank, the trash in the bottom of the tank can cause problems….not a mechanic…but owned 5 vehicles (when DD’s were in school)…
    Jan, how is the back……take some advil or aleve…..hope it is better
    Jeannie…looking forward to seeing some pictures
    Cheri, hope you were able to sleep last night…I do love your posts…you are not a rambler…
    Boo/Sue can you call the doc to speak with him, to find out more info… is so normal to be shocked at a comment while in the doctor’s office…then think of a million questions when we leave the office…..grrrrrrr……
    Laura, still no baby…..we are waiting to be aunties….
    Joyce, keeping you and Kevin in my prayers
    Tricia, I have bad discs in my back…it sucks…..I was so afraid rads was going to make matters worse because the table is so hard…..but, I was surprised that the problem did not getter worse…..yep, bad discs do interfere with everyday activities…hugs
    Hi Odalys, you sure are busy
    Colleen, Yes bumper sticker “People are Weird”… it.

    I will be very late if I don’t leave for work NOW…
    Hugs to all……will bbl

    Oh I see Theresa posted...Good Morning....
  • marshakb
    marshakb Member Posts: 796
    edited June 2007
    Good morning CGs. Suz, glad to hear you got home before the house burned down! Chemo moments just keep coming....

    Madison, I had to laugh at the tallest in class. I was always the out first every time. LOL Hope those panic attacks subside soon.

    Jeanne, ;your Alaska trip was fun, yes? How wonderful for you and Deb to meet up. Speaking of Deb, I can't wait to read some of your poetry!

    Hi Puppy, so sorry to hear about your SIL. Hugs.

    MB you are not the only one to see the WeinerMobile. Saw it riding up and down Daytona Beach one day. Didn't actually get to touch it though! How I wish I were an Oscar Meyer Weiner, that is what I truly want to be............ LOL

    Now get t hat out of your head Lini!

    Boo/Sue, please come see Sheri when she comes to Florida. Sunday, July 1st!! What fun that would be.

    Beth glad to hear you got the picc line out.

    Madison, I put the date on my calender for Pinkstock, thinking I might could get a cheap flight out of Orlando. That was before my onc decided to add rads to the equation. So, will have to wait till next year. DANG You guys will have so much fun.

    Teresa, LOL out the 70's chase scene. Sure hate "bad gas" LOL

    Margaret, I think it is OK for US to say those things just not non-BC people!!!! We at least know what we are talking about.

    Kristin, when is a CD going to be available. You are great! You and my DH would get along great.

    Nicki, 15 lbs is nothing to sneeze at. Now that the pool is open the exercise will make the rest easier. Hope your presentation went well. What ever happened with the job opening, wasn't it BC related?

    Vickie, you need to take it easy and let that back, etc heal. Your like the energizer bunny. LOL

    Colleen your Warren has sure kept you busy. He sounds like such a well rounded kid. Good for you, you get a well rounded kid when you have a well rounded parent!

    Hello to Jankay, Betty, JoJo, Shokk, Denise (bday girl), Jan, Cheri, Susan, CY, Pam, Odayls, Tricia, Lisa, Gina, Sheri, Karen, Laura, Shirley, Jas, Deb, an everyone my chemo brain missed!

    Love, Marsha
  • lizws
    lizws Member Posts: 789
    edited June 2007

    Oh my - so much to read and catch up on. I'll be back in a bit.

  • shokk
    shokk Member Posts: 790
    edited June 2007

    Good morning sweet chicas.........thank goodness its Thursday........I am so looking forward to Friday and the weekend........hey Collen I have been lurking last wk....oldest child come home form college with all her stuff and I have missed her so much but (don't you hate it when someone will say something nice but then say "but")my youngest and I have been on our own this last year and we have a routine and the oldest is such a control freak she is trying to tell us we are not living our lives correctly.....wt*.............excuse me but we are doing just fine......anyway what I am trying to say is I just didn't realize what a adjudgment this would be........but we are getting back to a "new normal" (another statement I don't like) Warren is headed to middle school.....quick story when my oldest started middle school I remember taking her the first day (of course you are not allowed to leave your car much less be seen with your mom!)and all the boys staring at their friends (girls)that they have virtually grown up with because this is the age where the girls suddenly have breast....or bras they stuff......anyway watching the boys look at the girls their eyes getting bigger and bigger.....brb......

  • shokk
    shokk Member Posts: 790
    edited June 2007

    As I was saying or going to say "priceless".........hey Nicki congrats on the the 15lbs......when you are a tiny little italian girl 15 lbs is alot of weight when your a 5'10" cowgirl I loose 15lbs my ring just fits a little looser.....ha.........Marsha...Marsha....Marsha.....that's all......ha......oh and everyone that suggested St. Augustine for a quick vacation thankyou soooooo much....looks like that is where we are going to go......hey Vickie.......Florida......that's all I'm going to say........oh if your rad dx wants to do scans in 4 months ok.....if he didn't want you to go to work today and go get scans......then I would panic.......oh hell what am I saying......we all know I would be imagining the worse case senerio.......anyway isn't this the way we will live the rest of our lives?????At least we have each other and all of us "get it"..........oh in a sec.........

  • beth1225
    beth1225 Member Posts: 402
    edited June 2007
    Morning everyone! I did way too much yesterday and paid the price of collapsing on the bed before dinner and stayed there until this morning. Still feeling worn out but maybe I will take Eric to the movies this afternoon. He will be gone to his dad's for several days until day camp starts so I want to spend alone time with him. Just wish I didn't feel so lousy this AM.

    PS said the infection is between the skin and the Alloderm (sp?) and not the implant itself. Otherwise the skin on the breast would be red and looking bad. But they look like bloobs still and we will take our time getting me infection free. He siad he is being "cautiously optomistic".

    Marsha, I am a bit of a joker too. Since the ps moved, they are short on all kinds of stuff including toilet paper. I used 2 different bathrooms yesterday and they were both almost out of t.p. So next Wednesday when I go I am putting a big ribbon on a four-pack and giving it to him as a house warming present!

    Nicki, the drug plan we have sucks big time. We pay 20% of the retail price for generics. But for name brand, it is a $100 deductible a month (if we fill it) plus 40% of the retail price. That is where they got $175. Apparently the since the ps moved his office the suppliers and drug reps have not caught up with them but they will have more in less than 2 weeks if I need it. Temp is still hovering at 99 but I am not feelign tied down with the IV twice a day.

    Jan, I still have the drain because of an infection. PS said he doesn't want to take it out until almost bone dry. He may have exagerrated a bit. But under 25 cc's for 48 hours.

    One question I have is: When can I try to sleep on my side without the drain? <<<big whine with question>>> I tried last night and it hurt so back on my back again.

    OK, I need to call back the visiting nurse to let her know what time to come and then get in a nap. Sorry I didn't mention all of you but I am too pooped to pop! You know you are always in my prayers and thoughts.
  • beth1225
    beth1225 Member Posts: 402
    edited June 2007

    Puppy, so sorry about your SIL. You know my prayers are with you and your family. Love you dearly!

  • shokk
    shokk Member Posts: 790
    edited June 2007

    Ok cowpoks.......its good to see Jeanie, Margaret, shel and Sige checking in.......Jeanie we want pics......(((((Pam and Puppy)))))ya'll take care.....Amy we need a dad update.....hope he had a restful night.......Theresa love the car story......the rumors I always hear about NJ is you don't drive anywhere without getting on a highway or tollway........ok quick story last Thursday night my youngest daughter and I had to go to Denton to pick up oldest daughter.......her and a friend were driving down from WI......anyway when you hear the pharse the "Metroplex" it refers to Ft. Worth to the west....Dallas to the east and Denton to the north right between Ft.Worth and Dallas like a triangle and then DFW airport is right in the center of the triangle.....anyway sorry....driving up to Denton at 10 at night because the girl my daughter is driving with is going to Ft. Worth and that is her cut off point so here my youngest and I are driving thru a small down just south of Denton and of course I am going the speed limit (don't speed which drives my girs insane) and all of a sudden there goes the flashing lights behind it takes me about a mile and half to find a safe place to pull over because we are on a major freeway and there is all this construction and no freaking place to pull my daughter is giggling not really sure why......I have my drivers license and proof on insurance right beside me and the cutest little red headed cop walks up and taps on my window....I jumped because I thought he would check out my license plates first but anyway roll down the window and hand him my papers and he asked where I was going and told him......I said I had know idea I was speeding and he said oh you weren't you know you have a tail light out?????? oh no I am never out at he just told me to get it fixed and I said well I'm going to Denton and then I am going to be coming back in the opposite direction in a little while.....are you going to stop me again.....he said naw we'll let you go on thru......oh phone...not done....brb.....

  • shokk
    shokk Member Posts: 790
    edited June 2007

    So anyway get back on the freeway and then my daughter looks at me and says "Mom you should have made a run for it".........and we both just started laughing......yea can so the cnn headlines flashing missing breast mom jailed for making a run for it tail light out car chase......oh yea in my car chase I am the one that is OJ going 15 miles per hour with the cop cars staying a safe 50 yards back............slow car chase...........anyway this is why I don't go out at oldest says I have driven down from WI and no problems and you drive 30 miles and get pulled over.....oh well.......ok guys I will be lurking.....going to go get some work done.......bbl.....

  • 2up
    2up Member Posts: 944
    edited June 2007

    are you guys crazy???????? lol!

    i don't deserve an afghan!

    ......... and where the hell have i been lately??????

    obviously wrapped up in my own little world lololol!

    geeze you guys ........... thank you in advance!

    madison ........... 'no worries' about the arrival ........ the border crossing of packages here is a ridiculous wait.

    well, it's official ........... i'm bawling (again) ....... an afghan for me???????? I DON'T HAVE WORDS TO CONVEY MY FEELINGS!

    off to the hell hole for me (work) ..........THANKS YOU GUYS!!!!!!! YOU'VE ALL MADE MY DAY!
  • marshakb
    marshakb Member Posts: 796
    edited June 2007
    Shokk, I never get pulled over, my bumpersticker says "I'm speeding cause I really have to poop"

    Ahhhhhhhh Shel, good for you...get us a pic posted!
  • Madison
    Madison Member Posts: 859
    edited June 2007
    Shel, can we send you cyber-hugs until you receive the afghan?.....
    I'll keep track of the shipping on this end of the border.....
  • ArmyNavyMom
    ArmyNavyMom Member Posts: 134
    edited June 2007
    Happy Lunch Hour, All!

    How are all of the Dad’s and Mom’s that are ill? Inquiring minds need to know!

    Karen – Somebody said it might be the fuel filter, might also be the fuel pump. I had one that choked and coughed at the bottom end of the gas tank. I hope it’s the filter or bad gas; those aren’t so expensive to remedy.

    Cheri – I think we should all come and visit you, so we can sign your cast. How does that sound?

    Sue – My med onc did the same sort of thing; said we were going to 6 month visits, but has kept me at 2 month intervals. I think sometimes they have to keep us on a short string because of all the lawsuit happy people that will try to sue if the tiniest thing unexpected happens. My CTs keep showing some (different) irregularity every time so I keep getting scanned and going to see the onc. We’ll just have to hold each other’s hands as we go to the stupid appointments.

    CY has power!! Yeah! CY has kidney stones. BOO!

    Margaret – I’ll eat the broccoli for you. Especially with cheese.

    Colleen – I have Kay’s address at home. I’ll try to remember to PM you from there after work.

    Nicki – Good luck with your class. I’ll send our social workers over to you! They are always talking about needing CEUs.

    Puppy – So sorry to hear about your SIL. Hugs to you.

    Beth – I hope Ringo dries up soon. I was able to sleep on my side very quickly after the drains came out. I figured out a trick to help – put a thinnish pillow under your hip, and a couple under your head to kind of suspend the sore area so it doesn’t push on the mattress as hard. With about 3 pillows I was even able to sleep on my tummy after my masts while they were healing.

    Shel – Of course you deserve an afghan. Enjoy anticipating it!

    Marsha – I love your ‘poop’ bumper sticker. Until very recently, I was driving a 21 year old rust-bucket. I always said that I never got pulled over because the police didn’t believe it could go that fast!

    Hugs until tomorrow.
  • AlaskaDeb
    AlaskaDeb Member Posts: 1,159
    edited June 2007
    Me oh girls go FAST...well except for shokk who goes slow, but still attracts attention where ever she goes LOL

    I have been having a great summer, but with being busy I seem to have less time to keep up here. I have been skimming here and trying to keep up on everyone’s news…saying prayers for parents who are ill, sisters who are stressed, kids having surgery or kids who are making moms nuts, test results, aches and pains….you are all in my thoughts and prayers….

    A few folks have asked to read some of my writing….I will post a poem that was published about 2 years ago in the Driftwood KPC journal. I learned at the conference I attended that I should not be posting any work that is unpublished if I am still trying to get it into print. I guess if it has been posted on the internet, many publishers consider it “used goods” and will not consider it for print….Who knew??? SO…I will post a poem that has already been printed…..

    Handmaiden of all I survey
    By Debbie Clonan

    I am in charge of piled papers like towers.
    Archaeological digs of
    mail, newspapers, circulars.
    Rearranged ad infinitum.
    Breeding in slippery stacks on the kitchen counter.

    I am in charge of molehills
    and the corpses of small dead insects
    that reside in the cracks of the kitchen floor
    rustling like paper when the wind blows.
    Of the red paint in the cupboard
    and the bowl of fruit that stands on the kitchen table
    sweating honey flavored dew.

    I am in charge of the photos
    hanging on the wall
    in the darkness of the hallway
    of dead relatives and old dogs.
    And the one of a girl child
    dressed in a white sailor suit and a pout.
    Bought from the junk man
    because I coveted the oxblood frame
    and her butter soft curls.

    I am in charge of shoes with black buttons
    and blue glass bottles
    old holders of vile medicine
    now sitting triumphantly on the window ledge
    gloating at their good fortune.

    I am in charge of the plant in the corner
    with the name I forget.
    Arrow shaped leaves
    brown and curling at the tips.
    It is slowly dying
    for reasons I can not fathom.

    Shel – I hope your big hug wrapped in a blanket gets there soon! I love mine, and I’m sure you will love yours too.

    Marsha – you always, ALWAYS make me laugh!

    Beth – hope you are kicking those little germ’s butts!

    OK girls, if my kitchen does not get cleaned, things may begin to grow. Does anyone have a good idea for a Father’s Day gift? All my hubby ever asks for is TOOLS! I hate shopping for tools….

    Bugs and Fishes
    Be Back Later
    Deb C
  • Biker54
    Biker54 Member Posts: 1,042
    edited June 2007
    Good afternoon girls!

    Checking in from work again.

    Tricia, thank goodness for the good path report! I'm sorry you are having problems with your back. My son has two herniated discs (from football) and he has a lot of pain.

    Odalys, great news! It's always nice to have a good onc visit. My favorite phrase is, "See you in 4 months."

    CY, good luck with chemo. It sounds like you are living at the cancer center. And kidney stones to boot????? Ugh!

    Colleen I also love my carbs. My doc told me no more cheese, because of my cholesterol. I say, ppppffffftttt!!!
    Everyone tells me that I have such a good attitude also. Again, I say, pppppfffftttt!! It keeps me sane .

    JanKay, Geez, I hope you get your powerchair fixed. Oh yeah, did you say that your son fixed it?

    Nicki, I'm sure that your presentation went very well. I can swim laps in my above ground pool also. It's 16X32. It's been so cold the last couple of days, that even with the solar cover, the water has gotten really cold. I hope the sun comes out tomorrow (isn't that a song?) and it warms up by the weekend.

    Puppy, I am so very sorry about your SIL. I hate cancer!

    Marsha, ROTFLMAOPIMP!!!! I want that bumper sticker!!

    Not much going on here in work today. DH gave me a nice massage last night and my back was lots better this morning, but now it is tightening up again. Phone...bbl
  • Biker54
    Biker54 Member Posts: 1,042
    edited June 2007
    Shel, why wouldn't you deserve an afgan??? Of course you do! Enjoy it!

    Deb, what a beautful poem. You really do have a gift!

  • jankay
    jankay Member Posts: 789
    edited June 2007
    well i am home after therapy. you know they worked my legs
    but my arms dont want towork. lol
    jan-my son fixed the p chair but they are oing to check it over.
    puppy-sorry bout sil
    marsha i want that bumper sticker.
    deb-loved poem
    bbl when arms work.
  • marshakb
    marshakb Member Posts: 796
    edited June 2007
    Deb, my suggestion is BarBQue tools for fathers day. That way he also does the cooking! Your poem is so full of symolic meaning, I am in charge....... Oh and BTW apparently I don't make EVERYBODY laugh. teehee Now I know what a comic feels like when they have a heckler in the audience. Hey are a sweety!!

    Sue and Anne, hate hate hate scans. Holding hands right there with you both.

    Jan, you can find that lovely bumper sticker at Spencer Gifts in most malls. Do you have a Spencers somewhere over the rainbow? LOL

    Jan and Colleen, speaking of carbs, just got home from the rad onc and thought I was having some kind of xray, turned out to be markings, tattoos and simulation! I start on Tues (glad to get this show on the road, and not waste a bunch of time!) Anyhoooooo... got a form that says for discomfort in swallowing to try milkshakes, etc. Well alrighty then! The paragraph above that, says to avoid hot/cold foods and liquids so I'll just ignore that piece of advice and am heading to Steak N Shake right now even tho I haven't had any rads yet. LOL

  • ArmyNavyMom
    ArmyNavyMom Member Posts: 134
    edited June 2007

    You'll appreciate this one; I had knee surgery a few years ago, and had to do physical therapy/torture after. They always did hot/cold therapy as a part of the treatment. Heat at the beginning and cold at the end or vice versa. So my hubby would take me for his version of hot/cold therapy when I was feeling low - Hot Fudge Sundaes!! Of course he had to keep me company eating them.

    Enjoy your shakes!!

  • TheShopMama
    TheShopMama Member Posts: 276
    edited June 2007
    Just a fly-by ladies. Boss went to take a nap and I have maybe 5 minutes. Kristen, as I told you, the music is great and thanks for being my friend on MySpace! Deb, I knew you went to a writer's workshop but you are really awesome! Thanks for sharing. Lots of new afghans... such a wonderful thing. (((((Puppy))))) I am so sorry about your sil. I am so sorry for cancer for everyone. However, I know those who have cancer of the soul and there is no cure for that!!! And by the way... did somebody put you in charge of me? Don't worry... I will be fine. Holding on to my angel. And you in my heart.
    Marsha.. love your bumper sticker.
    All of you in the circle.. I cannot tell you how much it means to be able to come to a place and not have to explain anything or answer a bunch of questions. You have
    continued to support me and lift me up and for that I am grateful.
    I am so very sad when I think of my son's last moments on earth. I am told not to let his death define his life. I try to do that. But as a mother, I cannot help but think I failed my child. All I can say is I always loved him more than anything and made sure he was taken care of.
    God bless you alll... pam
  • Biker54
    Biker54 Member Posts: 1,042
    edited June 2007

    Pam, there are no words (((((((Pam))))))) Putting you in the inner circle.

  • beth1225
    beth1225 Member Posts: 402
    edited June 2007
    {{{{PAM}}}} You know you can always come here to us for a shoulder to lean on, cry on, vent to and borrow to help hold up a 12-guage. We are all very well-rounded, sometimes I think I can use that phrase for real for my hips and butt, and we all right there with you. I know how I was when Eric was having serious surgery when he was 4 and I cannot imagine what you must be going through. Please keep coming here when you need us and even when you think you don't.
  • newvickie
    newvickie Member Posts: 2,941
    edited June 2007
    (((hugs Pam)))
    I am so sorry and no words can make you feel any better but know did not fail your child! Don't ever think that way. We love are under our protection and care for the next few days.
  • marshakb
    marshakb Member Posts: 796
    edited June 2007

    ((((((Pam))))) Sending you love and support. Hang in there sweetie.. Love Marsha

  • neesie
    neesie Member Posts: 1,110
    edited April 2008
    Good afternoon from a VERY OLD SISTER!!!! Thank you all for the sweet Birthday Wishes!!!! Love you all! We're actually doing something we never do.......(no, not that!)....we're going out to dinner! Got to go peel the 'old people' smell off of me from a day at work and find something for this body to wear!
    I'll do some serious reading tonight and catch up with all of you. Gotta leave at 7:30 in the morning to go to Mom's..One of those...feel guilty if I don't moments!

    Pam: I'll pm you...I truly know what you are going through today........I can tell you right down to the minute the last time I saw my Son. What he was wearing and what he was will get through this. Shed your tears, shout at the top of your lungs, do what you have to, but do remember the good memories also. Love you and I'm here if you need a shoulder.

  • PuppyFive
    PuppyFive Member Posts: 539
    edited June 2007

    I have been Blessed with Your Gift!!!!!!!!
  • SheriH
    SheriH Member Posts: 472
    edited June 2007
    Hi all. Just visiting. I had an onc appt. today. I already knew all my test results, but it was the time to go over them, so I was very optimistic. He was pleased with the tests, but then said, "We need to figure out this other problem". I'm speechless, what are you talking about? Well, my hemoglobin dropped from 12.1 to 10.8 in only 3 weeks. I had been getting monthly aranesp shots this past year. The last 2 months were over 12, so no shot. Now it dropped drastically! He's going to do a huge work up on my blood to see if they can find out why it keeps going down. Then, he said we'll check it again in 4 weeks. If they can't figure out what is wrong the next step would be a bone marrow biopsy! He really doesn't think it's luekemia, but may have to check if they can't get some other answers. Just when I thought I was safe. I finished chemo 2 years ago this week and still see my onc every 4 weeks! What a pain.

    I also asked him about my hormone status. I am er/pr positive, but the percent is really low (35%). He said it doesn't matter what percent, positive is positvie, but it would have been better if the percent had been higher. That may be why I'm still considered such a high risk, kind of in that in-between thing.

    So, more retail therapy! Lowe's was having a great deal if you buy on credit, so we bought a new dishwasher. We needed a new one anyway, so dh and I decided to splurge. At least now our dishes will be clean. We also bought some paint for Micah's room. MIL will be here right after we get back from Florida, so need to do some sprucing up.

    Boo, please come and join us on July 1st! It will be a small Pinkstock in the South. I'd love to have any CGs that could make it. Amy, I still remember our meeting with Vera (Evilelf). It was so fun to meet in person.

    Not stressing yet, but I'm sure it will come later. I get so tired of these things that just won't go away! Just when I think I'm finally putting some of this behind me.

    I think I'll take Micah for an after dinner swim. Love you all, have a great evening.
  • lizws
    lizws Member Posts: 789
    edited June 2007
    Okay - been out all day car shopping and now I'm hyperventilating. I bought a car! It's not brand new but new to me. A 2004 Mazda 3. Fun little thing if I say so myself.

    I'm going to go back and read and will catch up with everyone.

    Hugs to all
  • PuppyFive
    PuppyFive Member Posts: 539
    edited June 2007

    You bet I got the Job to take care of You!!!
    and a {{{BIG BONUS WITH IT}}}xoxoxoxoxo Puppy