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  • neesie
    neesie Member Posts: 1,110
    edited April 2008
    Good Morning!

    Just got a minute to say Hi and check in on all. Hope all the parents having problems are improving....Puppy, I am so sorry to hear of your SIL passing. Prayers going to {{{Pam}}} this morning.
    Thanks to all for the 'Happy Birthday' wishes! You are the best!!
    Off to drive forever to take Mom to her 9:00 hair appt. followed by 11:30 Dr. appt., followed by who knows what! I really feel guilty that I don't want to do this. I love her and would do all for her.......but some Fridays, I would like to do my own thing! That sounds just awful, I mean...I like visiting......but the 'scheduled' time and day every week MUST be kept!

  • k4katz
    k4katz Member Posts: 158
    edited June 2007
    Good morning CGs! I am late today since it is Friday and I don't have to go to work. I am lucky that I get to work Mon-Thurs, although those days are marathon days (6 AM - 5 PM). Sometimes on Monday I vow to change my schedule, but then every Friday I realize I love my schedule! LOL

    On Fridays I go to my friend's house and that is when we do our music. She has a computer in her basement with software that we use to do our recording. Once we are done (we are targeting the mid- to late-July) we will send it off to be professionally mastered and duplicated. They even have graphic artists who will work with us on the cover art!

    Anyway, I am off to take the kids to school so I only have a moment. HUGS to everyone needing one. I love this place and I love all my Circle sisters!

  • jasmine
    jasmine Member Posts: 773
    edited May 2008
    Actually, that Neiman-Marcus Cookie story is an urban legend that has been around for years. I can't imagine anyone being offended by it. But, you can check it out on

    The person who complained about it is most likely the same person that sent Vickie the profanity laced email. Get a life!
  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Member Posts: 1,233
    edited June 2007
    Good morning ladies. I'm stil having trouble with these darned keyboard. Of course if I were a good typist it wouldn't be such a problem. lol

    Jankay, the cookie recipe?? I cannot imagine it being that one.You bad, bad girl to post a recipe!! That is about the siliest thing I've ever heard. I'd give you a quarter to know who it was! lol People are jpetty. But we can stil exchange funnied if you want, i usualy get several of them. If i think one id especially good then I'l post it in the Humor forum.

    Tricia, good luck with MRI.

    Susan, be careful on your way to St. Louis but have a great time.

    Gina, surely you have test results by now??

    Praying everyone & their families are safe & healthy today.

    Marsha, I thought you handled yourself well on the other thread. I would've lost me temper and probably not shown the class part. hahahaha

    Hey to Janny, Vickie, Nicki, Iris, Gus, Boo, Jazz, Meaner, Deb, Tracey, Shel, Margaret, Karen, Kristen, Christine, Madison, Denise, MB, Brenda, Carrie, Shokk, Cheryl, and anybody I missed. My "Thinking Cap" is a little askew this morning.
    LisaE, whatever happened to you?

    Also, mornin' to all you anti-Circle girls. You say you don't like us but you can't help but read us. hahahahaha Careful, if you read us long enough you may end up one of us. lol

    To al a p;easant day. Dang keyboard.

  • marshakb
    marshakb Member Posts: 796
    edited June 2007

    hahahaha Jas, that recipe is probably in Betty Crocker Cookbook.

  • jasmine
    jasmine Member Posts: 773
    edited May 2008
    To all the anti-Circle girls....


  • newvickie
    newvickie Member Posts: 2,941
    edited June 2007

    I simply can't imagine anyone thinking we are so bad. They should hang around and see what they are missing. Cyber parties, hugs, good food, advice, love, secret pals, cards, letters, afghans, bestest of friends all the way around! They are missing so much!

  • MargaretB
    MargaretB Member Posts: 771
    edited June 2007
    Morning CG's. Just a few minutes this morning.

    Jankay, you were up late; hope you were able to sleep. Did I miss a recipe? Oops, I see it was the Nieman Marcus cookie recipe - are you kidding me - someone was offended by that?

    Cheri, don't you hate when you lose a post.....grrrrrr.

    Nicki, you should hear the audio transcripts, much more impact than reading it. I have spent a lot of time in ERs over the last year with my mom and at least I can say that when she goes in by ambulance, she gets right in and we don't sit out there for hours - think the longest was 13 hours!

    Kristin, how exciting for you. My son wants to write songs. He's actually quite good, even though I don't like the content (rap music). We have a friend who is actually a musician and his group have cut albums and get airtime. Quincy Jones wants him on an album for Whitney Houston so he's got connections; he would help my son but my son needs to clean up his music more and Ryan's not sure he can do that - "he doesn't think he'd be able to feel it." Ryan actually got time in a studio recently but didn't like the way the music was so it's interesting to follow this. I've given him the poor man's copyright rule so he can at least protect the songs he's already written.

    Hubby has a bbq tonight so there are going to be a bunch of men at my house after they finish their golf tournament....good thing I have something to do tonight.

    Have a good day all.

  • Sandra1957
    Sandra1957 Member Posts: 1,064
    edited June 2007
    Jankay~ I have the Neiman-Marcus Vacuum Cleaner Bar recipe from a newspaper article years and years old. I could post it, but do you think someone would be offended. LOL!! It's a really easy recipe and yummy if you like coconut.

    Vickie~New date is next Thursday, 6/21. Not holding my breath, but really hoping this one works out.

    Cheri~I think your keyboards gone berzerk or had a little to much of those blur 'rinks you like so much.

    Happy weekend to everyone. Go out and do something just for you. You deserve it.

  • PuppyFive
    PuppyFive Member Posts: 539
    edited June 2007

    {{Jankay}} If I could not read Your jokes--- I could not feel Beautiful and Laugh!!!!! YOU GO GIRL!!!
  • jankay
    jankay Member Posts: 789
    edited June 2007

    lini we could try to post the vacuum bar recipe if u feel like it lol

  • cmb35
    cmb35 Member Posts: 554
    edited June 2007
    Late Morning All!

    Hope everyone has a good day today, and is looking forward to the weekend. Warren's last day of school was yesterday, and except for the fact that it was freezing, the end of year pool party was tons of fun!

    Christine - nice to see you! Glad you're "good busy"!

    Deb - the poem is beautiful, congrats

    cheri - sorry you lost your post - it's such a bummer isn't it!! hope you slept well... I think there is a key on the keyboard called "Insert" and if you accidently press it,it does that - look for it and try pressing it again maybe to turn it off? I agree, I am aware now that there are some folks that have a bone to pick with this thread (I still don't know who or why, and frankly I don't want to know), but I agree that if you actually read this thread, you'd be hard pressed to find fault with it. I was hesitant to post here at first, because you all seemed to know each other so well, and I (and Warren) couldn't have been made more welcome.

    pam - hugs to you

    jankay - the only planet with chocolate - tee hee!

    joyce - hope you got lots done at work today

    Nicki - I know what you mean, time is flying by! I eat until I feel sick with certain foods, I try to make myself stop, and realize I'm not even hungry, but I just keep eating. I have a terrible tendency to do it with cashews, which I buy in the huge 2lb container at BJ's!!

    Vicki - I'm super tired all the time now too it seems, I've decided it's the "change of seasons" (I'll make up a new reason next month!) Hope all gets straightened out and the closing goes smoothly for you.

    Betty - have a great day today

    Marsha - happy Friday to you too - enjoy the weekend!! I've missed some posts here and there, but see that other CGs commented on that other thread. Hope it was OK that I kind of got on my soapbox about it! It bothers me when people try to stir up controversey, and the personal attacks make me crazy! Anyway, yes, classy is exactly the right word. Mature, funny, reasonable and sane also fit quite nicely!!

    Denise - yes, a Friday all to yourself would be great - you're a good daughter! Hopefully you have a good book to read or something while you wait!

    Kristin - have a great time with your music today, can't wait to hear your CD

    MargaretB - how are you my friend? Have I ever told you that my mom's name was Margaret Bresnahan? I think of her every time I see your screen name. That's pretty exciting about your son. And good for him that he has muscial integrity! I'm not a ran of rap either, but it seems like everyone under the age of 18 sure is!!

    lini - Hi there, how are you doing? You have a wonderful weekend too!

    puppy - good morning

    OK, I'm back to work now, amazing how much time you can manage to spend here!
  • PuppyFive
    PuppyFive Member Posts: 539
    edited June 2007
    xoxo Puppy
  • Gus
    Gus Member Posts: 177
    edited June 2007
    Hi girls,

    It has been crazy busy here for the past week, and I just got back on here late last night. I have missed so much, but I'm trying to catch up! Just wanted to let you know that I'm thinking about all of you and that I miss having time to check in every day!

    Gotta run to an Academic Awards ceremony for my daughter. It will be a proud Mom moment since she got all A's for the entire year. Only 2 more days of school and all of these end-of-year activities, so I should get some more computer time next week!

    Much love to all,
  • ArmyNavyMom
    ArmyNavyMom Member Posts: 134
    edited June 2007
    Good morning all. It’s a sunny day here in Michigan. I love June. I hosted a fairly large (40 people) Scout picnic last night and everyone had a great time. Me too. We got a really pretty sunset to watch, too.

    Jankay – I can’t think of why someone would be upset by the cookie story. I’ve always thought that one looked like a good one. I have read on another sight that it isn’t a true story, but who cares? I think the world was happier place before so many people lost the ability to laugh.

    Sheri – I will cross my fingers and say a prayer for your counts. I hope they don’t need to do the marrow test. My onc told me just last week that it can take a long time for the counts to normalize again. Hopefully that’s it.

    Liz – New (for us) cars are always fun. Is it a stick or automatic? What color? My DS got his Driver’s License Wednesday, and had one of his sergeants toss him the keys to his new H3 so DS could run an errand for him. What fun for a new driver! A brave sergeant in my opinion!

    Vickie – Thanks for tucking me in last night! I thought I felt something loving as I drifted off. I’ll cross my fingers for your closing to go through!!

    Sue – I can’t say I exactly know what it’s like to have the guys gone, because I was always with them. (I always say I have 2 sons and a couple of hundred boys.) I have been thinking of you, and you know they are up in the mountains having a wonderful time. You’ll get to hear tons of stories with they get home.

    Karen – Good luck at the onc today.

    Margaret – I do understand about watching the diet. I try to be good to help hubby with his cholesterol, but I so love cheese. Asparagus (with cheese) sounds good, too!

    Tricia – I’m hiding under the table holding your hand for your MRI. Think the techs will notice me?

    Cheri – I’m sure the keyboard-in-the-lap is a pain in the bottom of your lap. You know we understand. As long as we see your smiling avatar, we’re happy. Keep healing!

    AlwaysHope – Resistance is futile! (Are you a Treker, too?)

    Colleen – You are SO right – the time always flies when I’m here.

    Denise – You are a good daughter. Just look forward to tomorrow and the race.

    I had a pseudo sad moment yesterday. Charity Motors towed away my old car. (I’m driving my Dad’s car now.) Anyway the old one was a 1986 (not a typo; it was 21) and served me well for 10 years. I sort of felt disloyal giving it away. I know – I’m weird.

    Here’s a good excuse to treat yourself to a Frosty on Sunday: “All weekend, participating Wendy's restaurants across North America will donate a minimum of 50 cents from every Frosty product sold to the Dave Thomas Foundation for Adoption.”

    I have busy weekend coming up with the Detroit Komen Walk Saturday, followed either by a run down to my dad’s house or my brother coming up for pizza with me and DH, then a trip to visit the in-laws Sunday.

    Back to work now.

    Hugs all,
  • shokk
    shokk Member Posts: 790
    edited June 2007

    Good morning sweet chicas......oh my goodness is someone being mean to Jankay......just so you know I loveeeeeeee your postings.....don't you dare stop......they were upset by the NM cookie receipe??????You know what circle girls I think we all just need to become Outlaws.........I am so sick and tired of being good all the freaking time......I think my ex was right about me being boring.......I always wanted to set a good example for my girls......well hell they are just about grown......even the 14 yr old....she looks and acts twenty..........I'm not sure how long my life will be but I am just about ready to start living alittle bit........I think starting today I am going to drive 5 miles over the speed ya'll better just watch out!!!!!!!!!!Geez some people.........couldn't be a "southern girl"......ha...........did Amy check in yesterday??????I sure hope her dad is ok.........Sue congrats on the child with all a's.......its so cute that you think you are going to have more time next week with the kids out of school.....oh geez in a sec....

  • lizws
    lizws Member Posts: 789
    edited June 2007

    A quick "Hello" to you all. I'm off to pick up my car.

    Hugs and Prayers - BBL
  • ArmyNavyMom
    ArmyNavyMom Member Posts: 134
    edited June 2007

    Shokk - You are going to drive 5 over the limit and my son has a new TX driver's license... Texas may never be the same again!

  • Sandra1957
    Sandra1957 Member Posts: 1,064
    edited June 2007
    Couldn't figure out how to upload and post the newspaper article, but here's the recipe. It is from the "Mom's the Word" newspaper dated December 15, 1990.

    1 stick margarine, melted (not butter) *
    1 box Duncan-Heinz yellow cake mix (no pudding in mix)
    1 - 8 oz. pkg. cream cheese, softened
    1/2 cup each flaked coconut and walnuts or pecans, chopped
    1 lb. box powdered sugar
    Combine margarine, cake mix and 1 egg, until moistened; pack into well-greased jelly roll pan. Beat 2 eggs lightly, add cream cheese and powdered sugar - stir in coconut-nut mixture and pour over mix in jelly-roll pan.
    Bake at 325 degrees for 45 to 50 minutes or until golden brown. Cool pan on wire until room temperature and then cut.
    *Do not used whipped margarine.

    submitted by Virginia Shaefer
  • shokk
    shokk Member Posts: 790
    edited June 2007

    Hey co-worker and I have agreed......I am taking 1/2 day so I'm leaving in about an hour.......will post again when I get daughters are just going to have to deal with it......little them but get tired of both of them trying to tell me what to do.....and I am going to drive 5 miles over the posted speed.....ha.......see ya'll in a bit.......

  • newvickie
    newvickie Member Posts: 2,941
    edited June 2007
    oh lovely....shokk is going to drive over the speed limit, get pulled over, being hormone deprived she will probably get herself in more trouble, end up in jail and we'll all have to go break out our outlaw. LOL.

    I kinda like the outlaw idea. Maybe I need to start a website that we can post on and do and say whatever we want...wouldn't that be a hoot! No more PG13...(note to Melissa and Tami...I totally understand the PG13 thing...but darn...PG13 is tough on some days!!)
    Love ya all...almost lunch time and I'll try to check back in then.
  • Madison
    Madison Member Posts: 859
    edited June 2007
    Just a quick hello (it is afternoon for many of you)....just so darn busy at work....
    bbl tonight to catch up with the news
  • zazette15
    zazette15 Member Posts: 223
    edited June 2007

    I'm off today and I'm not doing a damn thing!!!! I mean nothing, it's a wonder I'm even up now, that's doing something and I'm not supposed to do anything! I am going to be a slug, I may shower, so I'm not a stinky slug, but we will see.

    I miss being here. I've tried to stay caught up by lurking, man there is a lot going on with you beauties.

    I went to the doc for my shoulder, got another injection, feeling good. DH went too, he insisted because he wanted to get the dr to side with him that I am burning my candle on both ends. Dr agreed and said dude, take her on vacation, DH says well I have school and work and dr said sounds like you both have same candle.


    Jankay: You are forever in my heart, you make me laugh when I need it the most, keep em coming. Happy bday to your boy!

    Karen: good luck at the onc.
    Puppy: So sorry about your SIL.

    I know you are all busy with your lives and dealing with appointments and waiting on results, working, dealing with daily ailments and the blues, enjoying your families, basically living life for better and worse. I want you to know that I am right there with you.

    Being a part of this group means taking time to listen, lurk, acknowledge and sometimes just justify the gripes, moans and groans because we’ve all been down that path, differently surely, but still we walk it daily. Oh, and how blessed we are that we don’t have to walk alone, ever.

    The most enjoyable part of my day sometimes comes from hearing a good old funny or laughing at the Green Acres song! There is so much offered here that we can surely say we have a cure for whatever ails ya! For me, you all mean that there is hope and promise in this sometimes backasswards world and you all make the impossible happen so often – the loveghans always reach those who need it – you gently urge us to get to the dr to checked out when we all know we hate going to the dr – you hold sisters in the middle and in your arms as they remember and deal with their sadness and memories.

    You keep looking for those that go missing and you welcome those who come anew to the circle. This to me is hope and promise for a good future, because as we grow, we pass along this kindness and others will follow and take up the gauntlet.
    So to all of you:
    Anne and Kevin
    Cahterine H
    Cherly Holt
    Colleen and Kevin
    Deb C

    I apologize if I ommitted anyone, not intentional at all, you all mean the world to me.

  • Madison
    Madison Member Posts: 859
    edited June 2007
    Oh my goodness Z, your post is beautiful....

    Okay, here is a song:

    Sunday, Monday, Happy Days,
    Tuesday, Wednesday, Happy Days,
    Thursday, Friday, Happy Days,
    The weekend comes, my cycle hums,
    Ready to race to you.

    These days are ours...., happy and free. (Oh happy days)
    These days are ours...., share them with me. (Those days)

    I wonder if shokk did go over the speed limit?
  • zazette15
    zazette15 Member Posts: 223
    edited June 2007
    Mad - Here's one for you:

    The Golden Girls
    Thank you for being a friend
    Traveled down the road and back again
    Your heart is true your a pal and a confidant.
    And if you through a party
    Invited everyone you ever knew
    You would see the biggest gift would be from me
    And the card attached would say thank you for being a friend.

    If we change the title to The Circle Girls, would there be copyright issues? I think this song is us, the CG's!!!
  • Sandra1957
    Sandra1957 Member Posts: 1,064
    edited June 2007

    That's perfect, Z!!

  • zazette15
    zazette15 Member Posts: 223
    edited June 2007
    Ok,ok, I promise this is it, no more, I don't want folks coming after me in my wagon, keeping me up, because they cannot get these silly songs out of their heads, but this was probably on my top ten of faves:

    The Addams Family
    They're creepy and they're kooky,
    Mysterious and spooky,
    They're all together ooky,
    The Addams Family.
    Their house is a museum
    Where people come to see 'em
    They really are a scream
    The Addams Family.
    So get a witches shawl on
    A broomstick you can crawl on
    We're gonna pay a call on
    The Addams Family - and don't forget the finger snaps, LOL.
  • zazette15
    zazette15 Member Posts: 223
    edited June 2007
    Hi lini - so great to see you here!! Ok, I lied, I have one more just for you lini

    Welcome Back, Kotter (Lini)
    Welcome back,
    Your dreams were your ticket out.
    Welcome back,
    To that same old place that you laughed about.
    Well the names have all changed since you hung around,
    But those dreams have remained and they're turned around.
    Who'd have thought they'd lead ya (Who'd have thought they'd lead ya)
    Here where we need ya (Here where we need ya)
    Yeah we tease him a lot cause we've hot him on the spot, welcome back,
    Welcome back, welcome back, welcome back.

    I promise that's it - It really is great to see you here, Welcome back!
  • Sandra1957
    Sandra1957 Member Posts: 1,064
    edited June 2007

    Ah, John Travolta. Love him!! Fever night.

  • Sandra1957
    Sandra1957 Member Posts: 1,064
    edited June 2007

    thanks for the welcome, z