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  • newvickie
    newvickie Member Posts: 2,941
    edited June 2007
    Oh Z...don't even know where to begin.
    Yes...welcome back to Lini was perfect.
    Golden Girls was perfect.
    Addams Family was perfect. Hmmmm...maybe with a little rewriting we can have our own perfect circle girls song.
    Loved your post...I still say "take a vacation!!!"
  • newvickie
    newvickie Member Posts: 2,941
    edited June 2007

    oh yeah...the closing went through!!!! They are overnighting my check!!! I am soooo relieved you have no idea. What a nightmare. Thanks for all your wishes, hopes and prayers...someone was listening once again.

  • sahalie
    sahalie Member Posts: 1,145
    edited September 2008


  • Biker54
    Biker54 Member Posts: 1,042
    edited June 2007
    Good afternoon!

    Vickie, Yay!!! Good for you! Closings can be such a royal pain in the arse!!!! I disagree with you about the PG13 rating here. We are all adults. I think that certain threads (such as this one) should carry a warning that they may have adult content. Sometimes I feel like a kid having to sneak around or risk getting my hand slapped. To all those lurkers out there, if you have a problem with us, don't read the posts. It's that simple. It's like watching TV or listening to the radio. You wouldn't sit and watch an hour long show that you hated. No, you would switch channels. We are a great group of women who have wonderful senses of humor. The laughter keeps us sane. The sisterhood keeps us sane. Having a safe place to come and pour out our souls keeps us sane. That said.........Did you hear the one about the priest and the rabbi? No, just kidding !

    Z, how nice to have a day off! You and DH NEED to take that vacation!

    Lini, hi there Ms. Silly Songs!! I refuse to let them get stuck in my head.

    Shokk, do we need to bail you out of jail for speeding??

    Amy, haven't heard from you. Is your Dad okay?

    Robin, what's up?

    Cheri, how's the foot coming along? I had to laugh at your haywire keyboard.

    Puppy, have you seen a neurologist yet?

    For everyone


    Not a lot going on here today. My two sons are not getting along and they are on my last nerve right about now. Nothing major, just petty squabbling. Mainly complaining to me. I'm tired, my back hurts, Waaaaaaaaaaa!!!!! I'm sorry. I feel better now that I had a little Whine. I didn't eat much for breakfast, so by the time I got home I was famished! You know the rest. I should probably just skip dinner, although I know that's not good. Maybe I'll just have a salad. Talk to you all later!
  • Biker54
    Biker54 Member Posts: 1,042
    edited June 2007
    Can I go there???????? OMG!! Too beautiful.
  • beth1225
    beth1225 Member Posts: 402
    edited June 2007
    Hi gals. Feeling better this morning so ds and I took in a movie. Even being out for the two hours like that took it out of me.

    Thought I would check in and make sure all is well. Just found out a friend on another thread is NED so I am very happy for that today.

    Z, good to see your posts again!

    Jankay, I was a little timid at posting jokes too. But I thought as long as I don't make it ethnic or racial it would be ok. Especially if we kid about the opposite sex. They leave themselves open to it anyway! Especially ex-spouses.

    Well, I have to get a nap in. Feeling a bit tired and the ps said to sleep if I feel lousy when I can fit it in. Reminds me of when I was pregnant!

    Speaking of which, I can't remember who right now, but didn't one of our sisters have a grandbaby on the way? Any news yet?

    Hope to check in over the weekend. Evil SS doesn;t come over until at elast Saturday night. God forgive me but that boy really pushes it. Last time he was here, he was on the 'puter and went on porno sites. I caught him in the act, so to speak. He denied it to his father who tok him for his word. We checked the history and found out where he was. Larry is never on the internet and Eric was not home. Besides, I clean the history and cookies every Friday night so I know it had to be him. So, 'puter is off limits. What next?

    Tracey, good to see you too and I hope we can swap stories of stepchildren when they do something good!
  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Member Posts: 1,233
    edited June 2007
    Good afternoon ladies. Guess everyone is looking forward to the week-end. I hear there's a party on the Cyber thread, but it could be a rumor.

    Colleen/warren, hope you all have a nice week-end.

    Gus, Congrats on the smart dd! You have reason to be proud.

    Shokk, driving 5 mph over the speed limit AND taking off work're liviin' on the edge girl. lol

    Liz, you enjoy that new car to the fullest. You deserve a new one. Now ya know you gotta have some cool shades when you're first driving your new car!

    Z, very nice post.

    Vickie, glad your closings over and the check is in the mail.

    Janny, funny thing about this keyboard. We took the backspace key off and cleaned it and it didn't do a bit of good so I figured I'd have to buy a new one. All it needed was to let it set for awhile turned off and now it works perfect. The whole keyboard quit once before and we plugged a different one in that didn't work either so it's internal somewhere. But after leaving it off a few min. it's fine. But it's still not comfortable on my lap. BTW, your post was nicely said.

    To everyone else, have a good day.

  • jasmine
    jasmine Member Posts: 773
    edited May 2008

    ...and here I was so sure Cheri had really 'tied one on' last night and wouldn't admit it! ROFL!

  • MargaretB
    MargaretB Member Posts: 771
    edited June 2007
    I came home for lunch and thought I'd read. I'll catch up later but I just wanted to tell you ladies that I burst out laughing a few times on my lunch hour. Thank you for making my day.

  • Madison
    Madison Member Posts: 859
    edited June 2007

    Has anyone heard from Amy? I haven't seen a post from her in a couple of days....worried about her Dad..

  • sahalie
    sahalie Member Posts: 1,145
    edited September 2008


  • jankay
    jankay Member Posts: 789
    edited June 2007
    W E A R E N O T O U T L A W S

  • jankay
    jankay Member Posts: 789
    edited June 2007


  • MargaretB
    MargaretB Member Posts: 771
    edited June 2007
    Ladies, you got me thinking so all the way back to work I was wondering if anyone has posted this one:

    Artist: Sister Sledge Lyrics
    Song: We Are Family Lyrics
    We are family
    I got all my sisters with me
    We are family
    Get up ev'rybody and sing

    Ev'ryone can see we're together
    As we walk on by
    (FLY!) and we fly just like birds of a feather
    I won't tell no lie
    (ALL!) all of the people around us they say
    Can they be that close
    Just let me state for the record
    We're giving love in a family dose

    (CHORUS x2)

    Living life is fun and we've just begun
    To get our share of the world's delights
    (HIGH!) high hopes we have for the future
    And our goal's in sight
    (WE!) no we don't get depressed
    Here's what we call our golden rule
    Have faith in you and the things you do
    You won't go wrong
    This is our family Jewel


  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Member Posts: 2,728
    edited June 2007

    Good Evening Everyone: I just love this. Its late, Ive been swimming, and I still can come on the computer and spend a little time. Have a nice glass of merlot and feeling mellow. For those of you having cold weather - man I would hate that. Here in the Chicago area its hot. In the 90's, humid and very very dry. Im having to water my flowers everyday. So weird how the weather differs across this great country.

    Betty: My dear sunshine sister. I went back to read the posts and it looks like I just ignored your good morning. I think we were posting at the same time and then I just signed off. Also look forward to your early morning posts.

    Jankay: Glad it wasnt anyone from the circle. We enjoy your jokes. Keep that humor coming.

    Marsha: Just sending you a big hello. My husband is a small time entertainer and comedian. He plays here locally. Anyways, I have lived with his humor for 32 years. You remind me so much of him.

    Amy: My dear friend. Hoping everything is ok with your dad. A little worried cause you havent posted. So sending you lots of strength and positive energy.

    Denise: I guess I consider myself lucky. I went through losing my mom and my inlaws before breast cancer. Makes a big difference. As they start aging its so hard. Then couple that with dealing with your own feelings? You should feel no guilt.

    Kristin: Bet you have lots of fun on Fridays playing and recording your songs.

    Jasmine: You always make me laugh

    Cheri: I figure most of the time, my pictures tell my emotions. Anti Circle Girls? OMG thats so funny.

    MargaretB: BBQ for a bunch of men. Throw rocks at them.

    Lini: Being a nurse for such along time, I have good intuition and I feel really good about 6/21. Its the day my friend

    Puppy: I loved your friends pic. Im gonna save that one. Got a big meeting with my best friend on Monday. I call it a meeting, cause she has alot of money, and Im gonna have to grovel and ask for a loan. Just like Vickie, my medical bills have caught up with me.

    Colleen: OMG my downfall is pistacho nuts. But hey at least with nuts your getting protein, fiber, and not bad carbs.

    Gus and Anne - abig hello

    Liz: I hope your enjoying your new car.

    Shokk: I have laugh and smiles after your name in my notes but I cant read the rest.

    Madison: Hello my friend

    Z: Good to see you post.

    OK - I havent finished reading posts, but Im tired and got to go lay down. I will catch up with the rest of you in the morning.

  • shokk
    shokk Member Posts: 790
    edited June 2007

    Good afternoon ladies......have been home for awhile.....didn't mean to call the kiddos ingrates.....little stress this morning way to much coffee and I wonder why I have high bp...........anyway thank goodness it is Friday.......youngest daughter and I are on our way to Starbucks.....for her not me.........yea I was thinking maybe Butch Cassidey and the Sundance Kid could be our fearless leaders........bc outlaw sisters and the boys.....oh yea.......daughter is ready bbl......alligators......

  • neesie
    neesie Member Posts: 1,110
    edited April 2008
    Hi Ladies!

    Just a fly by tonight...I'll go back and check up on all of you though!

    Thinking of all of you and the ill parents. I haven't seen an update from Amy........Hope Dad is okay.

    Tomorrow is the Komen Race For A Cure!!!! Anne and I, along with 40 something more will be in the team...."Wings of Hope!" Lordy, my alarm clock is set for 4:20a!!!! It will be alot of fun though!

    I'll be back tomorrow!!

  • silvergirl9114
    silvergirl9114 Member Posts: 310
    edited June 2007

    Underoos---geez, haven't thought about those in years. Couldn't peel my son out of his Superman underoos---he's 35 now. Why do I suddenly feel so OLD?

  • CherrylH
    CherrylH Member Posts: 189
    edited June 2007
    Hi Everyone,
    Just got back home. Have a blue drink in hand. Too much to catch up on, so I'll just go over to party thread and start drinking!!
  • marshakb
    marshakb Member Posts: 796
    edited June 2007
    Shokk, I am laughing my butt off at 5 miles over the speed limit. My oh my you do live on the edge. You need to head on over to swamp land and I'll loosen you up a bit. I say Themla and Louisa! Let's jump in the back of that convertible and raise h***! (especially if Brad Pitt comes along, isn't that who was in that?) Outlaws hahahaha....

    Vickie so glad to hear "checks in the mail" best 4 words in the English language.

    Z, now that the reveal is done, I say you and hubby DO need a vacation to celebrate life and freedom.

    Madison... I never knew it was "my cycle hums" on the theme song to Happy Days! Never know when you might need that useful information. LOL

    Anne, that scout event smells like a bunch of sweaty boys to me. So glad you and Denise will walk together! Soooooo special. Hugs to you both.

    Gus/Sue. academic awards huh? wow all a's that is impressive. You must be so proud of her.

    Speaking of the kiddies, Margaret your son obviously has a talent and good for you for encouraging that! Performance art should always be encouraged as it is such a self expression as much as artwork is to a artist. My hubby has always been a huge music person and finally picked up and guitar and is now self taught. And very good.

    You know what asked about the "other" thread and I would like you to know that I realized I was actually a Circle Girl when you guys came in and said such lovely, supportive things. I may have made fun of a celebrety (sp?) but would never hurt a fellow sister, regardless of their opinion on a subject. So thanks for having my back.

    Cheryl, hey, I'll look for you in a minute.

    Silver, you think your 35 year old still wears those roos?

    Jankay, well just as long as we are not in-laws. LOL Thank God, we are sisters.........

    Jan, your biker friends with my theatre friends? Sounds like a great combo! Anytime baby.

    Hugs all around....... Oh NoMoCheMo Party pics are on the picture thread!! Good time had by all......... Marsha
  • marshakb
    marshakb Member Posts: 796
    edited June 2007

    Nicki, ROTFLMAOPIMP, "small time entertainer" was that meant to be a compliment? OK, OK OK I AM an entertainer so I'll take whatever I can get...... hahahahahah toooo funnnnny Love ya girlfriend...... Marsha

  • Biker54
    Biker54 Member Posts: 1,042
    edited June 2007
    My post just disappeared, so here goes again.

    JanKay, I wanna be an outlaw! Please!!!!!! Keep the jokes coming.

    Margaret, Kathy Sledge, one of Sister Sledge, was one of our aerobics teachers. She was the best!!!! They are from the Philly area.

    Nicki, I lost my parents before BC. Now I am the matriarch of the family. How scary is that????

    Denise, good luck with the race tomorrow!!

    Jeannie, my son is 33 and I feel very old sometimes. Like right now!

    I'm going to check out the party thread. I need it tonight. Everyone come join us!!

    Bugs and fishes Deb!
  • Biker54
    Biker54 Member Posts: 1,042
    edited June 2007
    Marsha, I read some of those posts on the other thread and you handled yourself with grace and dignity. You go girlfriend!!! I think our friends would blend beautifully .
  • PuppyFive
    PuppyFive Member Posts: 539
    edited June 2007
    My "OUTLAWS"

    HEHEHE Puppy (the good lookin one)
  • newvickie
    newvickie Member Posts: 2,941
    edited June 2007
    well here I am and whooptee doo and la te da what a friggin week it has been. All I can say is that it's been a rough one and I'm glad it's Friday night. Couldn't have possibly stood another day at work.
    Do you all want me to walk the perimeter and tuck your butts in or are you getting sick of that...I can always use my binoculars. Don't know what anyone is really doing anyway so I have to make things up as I go. If I'm boring the hell outta you all just say the word.
    Need to walk off some serious anger issues before me and Nate watch "Dreamer" and I crochet.
    Let's see...where to start. I think I'll start with Nicki who already has her butt to bed...geez...what the heck are we ever gonna have a cyber party with you if you go to bed with the chickens every night! Sweet
    dreams dear pal. your outlaws! Do you have an appointment yet?
    Stoppin to see my pal Jeannie...haven't seen any pictures of her great vacation yet! Under roos...too funny! Nate just outgrew them LOL.
    Iris...where the heck are you...don't make me come lookin. I think Gina will let me borrow her red rider bb gun and I have lots of duct tape for wandering sisters.
    Speaking of wandering...where is Robin? She's quite the escape artist unless I missed her post...which is possible...wouldn't find my friggin head if it weren't screwed on tight.
    Need to see Jankay...need some laughs tonight and I don't care what kind they are! The only parts of our posts that I miss are all our half dressed men...geez...can't even have any fantasy men here anymore LOL. That's ok..I know where to find them and they won't do me a damn bit of good anyways.
    Glad that Shokk made it home ok and isn't strangling her ingrate children LOL. Boy you really know how to live on the edge...are you coming to Pinkstock? Oh what a time we could have.
    ahhh...Madisons comfy here. Think I'll sit a spell and we'll rant and cry together before I move along. Hugs to you and sweet dreams too. a pair of flip flops I can borrow...puppy chewed up my shoes...almost ruined my prosthesis would you's a bit lopsided now but I stitched it back up and decided to heck with it...not just one, the little snot got em and boobs! Damn's a good thing I love him so much or off to the pound he'd go for a lethal injection! just kidding ladies...he's my buddy. Magic carpet ride for you on the day of your will happen and all will be well. Thanks for your notecards and I really needed the fairy are a doll. love ya!
    Karen is still up...oh my what shall we do. Hmmm...only a week left till your vacation? Where are you going? Hope your DD is better.
    Amy's wagon is far to quiet and I'm getting a bit worried...hope DD is ok.
    Gina's wagon is pretty quiet too and I'm worried about what the doc had to say...Gina...please check in and let us know you are ok...sending prayers, love and hugs.
    Jan...are we partying tonight...I won't last long but will do better tomorrow night. Loving the party at Jasmines.
    Speaking of should see her wagon LOL. Are you hiding from us party girls Jazzy?
    Popping into Marsha's wagon for some entertainment. Missed the party but pretty sure theres some booze left over and that just what I need along with her outlaw humor. Bring it on. I loved your pictures by the look wonderful. Rads countdown!
    Denise has gone to bed early...tucking her in and whispering a good luck for tomorrow.
    Cherryl is at the party so I'd better hurry up or I'll miss all the excitement over there. Save me a blue one dear lady...that Cheri will take em all if she can get away with it.
    Just gonna tuck in the little ones at Cheri's wagon...they are so sweet. Gotta love little boys.
    Z's wagon is quiet and I'm thinking maybe her and DH are discussing a much need's healthy for you! Have the doc write a prescription for one!
    lookin through the binoculars now and saying good night and sweet dreams to Margaret, Colleen, Liz, Susan (where are you ?),Shel, Mena (please check in with us), Beth...need to send you an email...thanks for the great ecard!, Tracey (hmmm...have you strangled the new kid yet LOL), Christine, CherylnC, Odalys (are you doing ok)...oh and everyone else...hate to leave anyone out but gotta get to the movie!
    love, hugs and sweet dreams to all
  • Biker54
    Biker54 Member Posts: 1,042
    edited June 2007
    Puppy, you found my Arkansas dogs!!!!
  • Biker54
    Biker54 Member Posts: 1,042
    edited June 2007

    Hey Vickster, we are at the party thread!! Everyone is welcome! You sound like you could use a little party time, girlfriend!

  • PuppyFive
    PuppyFive Member Posts: 539
    edited June 2007
    "BUBBA" Taking care of Marsha!! OK I'M done!! just don't like anyone messin with my "GIRLS" Love Ya, Puppy who is out of here!!
  • Boo46
    Boo46 Member Posts: 261
    edited June 2007
    Ok finally figured out what (other thread) you all were refering to!! hehehehehe meow
    Never seem to make it here before Vickie tucks everyone in. Takes me forever to read the posts after getting home.
    Oh well love and hugs to all.
    Have a good evening everyone.
  • newvickie
    newvickie Member Posts: 2,941
    edited June 2007
    I forgot Deb...gonna sit with her and read for a while. I loved your poem. Bugs and fishes and lotsa love to you.
    nighty night.