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  • beth1225
    beth1225 Member Posts: 402
    edited June 2007
    Morning all! Had to get dh to work by 7 AM and had breakfast with an old friend. Came home, had an "accident" before I could get to the bathroom and had to get washed up myself. Now generally, it is not a problem. But since the PICC line came out, my right arm is still sore at the elbow and I can't reach everywhere. Then I had to guesstimate where I was wiping with the Betadyne on my drain site because I had left my glasses downstairs. The hardest part was getting on the bra with the pads over the incisions without lettign them drop and then hooking up the front and tying Ringo to the bra strap. If only my cat could talk!

    BTW, my best friend Terri got me these really comfortable bras that are front hook closure and very soft, camisole-like, stretchy material. They were 2 for $10 and as soon as I can get it from her I will give it to you. So much more comfortable than the surgical bra.

    Jeannie, isn't there a way to upload the pics to photobucket and have them availabel to view? I also use the Yahoo photos to upload to since it is unlimited and you can email it as an album to people and they can view them that way rather than clogging up the computer. So glad you amde it back in one piece and had so much fun!

    Have to tell you all a funny story:
    Talked to our dear Puppy last night while on my way to pick up dh. We talked about all kinds fo stuff then I asked her how she is doing dealing with her SIL's death. She got a little weepy until dh chimed in. He had me tell ehr about his cousin's wake. It was a good ole fashioned Irish wake. (circa 1971) His cousin was laid out at home and they had the party going. So dh and two other cousins, propped the deceased cousin up in the corner, put a beer in his hand and partied on! Well, puppy was laughing so hard on the other end! She said I should relay that story to you guys. Leave it to my dh to cheer someone right up. Of course then there are the stories about his exes and ex-inlaws that are a hoot too. She must have almost wet herself she was laughing so hard.

    So, Puppy, sweet sister of mine, get out yer kelorin' idears and get fixed fer giving me new highlights and good beehive darlin'. One of these days we will meet in between Philly and West Virginny and spend a weekend laughing, crying and generally being silly.

    Well, girls, I am off to napland. We are getting evil ss earlier than planned so I need to take out something for dinner. Larry and I were going to have a simple eggs and toast but I the kid won;t do breakfast for dinner. Oh well!

    So, you all have a great day. Z, Cheryl, jankay and Sue, have a great time on that lanai. I thought a saw I good lookin' masseur lurking and waiting with scented oils for all of you. Looks like we will have to draw numbers and get in line!

    BTW, Marsha, my other friend's daughter is in an improv comedy troupe. They recently were out in Buffalo, NY. She may have something about it on her Myspace. I will find out!
  • beth1225
    beth1225 Member Posts: 402
    edited June 2007
    Almost forgot, an oldie but a funny one still:

    >A very short story!
    >Man driving down road.
    >Woman driving up same road.
    >They pass each other.
    >The woman yells out the window, PIG!
    >Man yells out window, B I T C H!
    >Man rounds next curve.
    >Crashes into a HUGE PIG in middle of road and dies.
    >Thought For the Day: If only men would listen
  • PuppyFive
    PuppyFive Member Posts: 539
    edited June 2007
    {{{BETH}}} I am so happy you told that story!
    Larry is one funny guy! he has made me laugh so many times! I know the other girls probaly wont understand, OR maybe they will, WE Do have a great sense of Humor!
    Marsha, I am glad you like Bubba because he will be at your wagon always!!! Sorry if I scared some of ya, BUT enough is ENOUGH when it comes to hurting any of my sisters! BBL
  • silvergirl9114
    silvergirl9114 Member Posts: 310
    edited June 2007

    Beth---I've tried Photobucket but my iMac doesn't always work correctly---probably the old EBCAK error. (Error Between Chair and Keyboard) In actuality the Mac is probably doing its thing correctly but Photobucket isn't engineered for Macs.

  • Odalys
    Odalys Member Posts: 929
    edited June 2007
    Good morning CG's,
    So much going on with this group.


    Did I miss a birthday? Happy belated BD.

    Oh, rats...I was going to sit down at the computer to catch up but just got a call from DH's cousins, they are two hours away and want to stop by for a visit...what can I say? I sure hope they are not selling something.

  • beth1225
    beth1225 Member Posts: 402
    edited June 2007
    Jeannie, you got me on anything with a Mac. But Yahoo is a free service. Sign up and use their phots link. I have a lot of pics I uploaded so fmaily and friends could see the pics. Our weekend in Cape May last year produced over 60 pics and this way they could take a look. Give it a try? It will take a while to upload 200 but at least they will be saved elsewhere in case you lose your 'puter. That happened to us before so I store them on CD as well as Yahoo!

    OK, looks like Puppy didn't go camping this weekend.

    Odalys, family is family no getting around it. I just heard from an old friend who wanted to know "how I am feeling after my surgery. Can he come for a visit?" I almost said yes but wasn't up to company. Got a call today from a mutual friend and sure enough he is hooked up with a pyramid scheme.

    Hey, MIA sisters...Amy, Gina, Robin? What is up with you guys? Please take a quick minute and check in. Miss you!
  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Member Posts: 2,728
    edited June 2007

    Well its been a busy morning. Went for my morning walk with my dog, came back sweating - its very hot here in the Chicago area. And yes, for the first time this summer I got to go swimming right after my walk. Felt so good. Came back into the house with breakfast being servied by my husband.

    Got lucky - he is too tired to go to that party. So we are just going to spend a relaxing day here at home.

    Maybe some of you will remember me being upset early this past week. Well I was so angry that the first week-end my husband has off and we can spend it together - we had to go to this party and then he wanted to go to some bar and play a game that is like trivial pursuit. Well first of all Im not good at trivial pursuit, and I was upset that he was blowing off a nice week-end together. I had to force myself not to say anything, but I was so angry. Well Im glad I didnt say anything cause now we are not doing either. Just staying home and enjoying a nice summer day.

    Jeannie: Truth is, before my bc - people always told me I didnt look my age. I dressed quite stylish. Now you can see the wear and tear on my face. Gained so much weight so its hard to find something stylish when you are wearing a big mama size. Hair looks dorky. Refuse to wear high heels as comfort motivates me now. But ah yes, very young at heart.

    Colleen: Scary, scary, scary. And what the heck about someone from Verizon coming at 7pm?

    Odalys: I would hate it if someone called me and said they would be here in 2 hours. I would have to do some serious cleaning.

    Beth: Yes - men dont listen. Thats why we throw rocks at them.

    Marsha: Thanks for that site. I sure did enjoy reading the article written by Gina.

    NS: Dont know whats going on, but we miss you and we are worried about you. So please let us know what is going on.

    That other thread - its not a group of people, its one person who seems to have a big chip on her shoulder. I will not back down. I enjoy being a catty kind of gal.

  • jankay
    jankay Member Posts: 789
    edited June 2007
    ladies i ha ve read posts but will post later
    i am eating lunch and cant do 2 thiings at once
  • newvickie
    newvickie Member Posts: 2,941
    edited June 2007
    ok...survived grocery shopping...gotta get to the museum and drop off my nephew (phew...two kids...don't think so!)...running late still with no hope of catching up so I'm not even gonna hell with the floors that need waxing I wanna crochet!
    Jeannie...I'll grab the pics and post them when I get back...promise. Personally all 100 would have been fine with me LOL.
    love ya all
  • shokk
    shokk Member Posts: 790
    edited June 2007

    Hola sweet sisters.......well it is a very wet morning in North Texas.......I mowed yesterday evening and was going to do it this morning so I dodge a bullet by not sweet daughters are both still sound is 11 in the morning but very dark because of the rain so I have managed to get two loads of clothes washed.....getting ready to go clean the kitchen......not sure why but when they hear me in the kitchen they always wake up for some crazy reason they usually want something to eat.....go figure...........Odayls it is so good to see you checking in........I always think about your son and his dimple when I see you youngest has a dimple just like that on her left mil always said that God only had time to kiss her on one side of her face......Marsha are you causing trouble on another thread.....why do I get a feeling that you are enjoying yourself???????? I do so wish that Gina would check in......I'm sure that last chemo probably really kicked her backside........maybe we will hear from her soon..........Nicki do you ever get to take vacation......I mean just sometime off to recoup or does that just drive you crazy???????? I think you work to rad doc said that water excercise is the very best type of excercise for us bc survivors because we can get our heart rates up and it is very good for our joints because of the chemo se's.......hope you are having a good day by the pool......Beth you sound like you are getting stronger by the day........I am always suspect when I hear from someone that haven't heard from for a long time........good luck with ss.......I can just imagine how hard that is ......I think Tracey is going thru the same thing......when my oldest was about 3 she went over to spend the night with my dad and stepmom and my stepmom told her she had eyes in the back of her head and my daughter spent the whole wk looking at the back of my stepmom's head trying to see her eyes.....brb........

  • newvickie
    newvickie Member Posts: 2,941
    edited June 2007
    I have returned again...with dear nephew in tow LOL. He refused to stay with mom at the museum (they are having a craft fair there today and she is selling her soaps and candles). Gives Nate someone to play with and me some time to crochet! Had lots of cool things at the craft fair and I got lots of good ideas...a really good one for Deb!!! Can't wait to try some of them out. I bought two antique mirrors for 20 bucks!!! One mounts on a dresser and I have an antique dresser that is missing it's mirror and one hangs on the wall. The wall one I am going to cover with seashells from our trips to Florida and etch an ocean scene's not valuable so it doesn't matter what I do to it and I soo love the ocean.
    Worried about Gina...can someone call her?
    Worried about Susan too...where are you? Has she gone on vacation or something?
    Jeannie...I don't have the pics yet!?! did you use my address? Would you mind sending them again. Can't wait to see them and get them posted!
    Colleen...have you found out if the person that was at your house was truly from Verizon or not? Got me worried now. ya doin! Not wet here...bone dry and hot as all getout. Gonna hang out on the porch swing and be a bum for a while. Still have to shock the pool, add the clorine, put in a new filter and get it up and running but it can wait. (along with my floors that could use a coat of wax). In a hundred years no one will know.
    Marsha...Gina has a book? Gotta check out your link...that's really cool. You know Catinflorida? Have a question for her if you do.
    Beth...a pyramid scheme...oh no not again. I remember several years ago when one of them went around. I know several people that made out big and several that lost big and a few who were actually arrested...not a gamble I would dare take! Hugs to you...hope your having a great day.
    Nickster...enjoy your day...
    love ya all
  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Member Posts: 2,728
    edited June 2007

    Shokk: Relax? I dont know the definition of that word. Swam the equivalent of 4 Olypmic laps and then washed down the inside of the pool. Hmmmm - now what should I do? Maybe go pull some weeds?

    They is a wedding going on here in my neighborhood. A chinese wedding. House is all decorated in red. Asked my husband why the color red. He told me its for fertility. OMG! Its sort of neat though - seeing everyone dressed up.

    Hoping everyone is having a nice day.

  • newvickie
    newvickie Member Posts: 2,941
    edited June 2007

    oh shoot...had more to say but looks like the boys are having a water fight...which is fine but I should probably referee just in case...sigh.

  • marshakb
    marshakb Member Posts: 796
    edited June 2007

    Yes Vickie, I know Cat from Fl very well. We met in the chat room and realized we live about 15 miles from each other. Invited her to Wed night BNO with my broads and she's become a regular! Did you see her pic on the picture thread here? I posted them from the party last week. Marsha

  • newvickie
    newvickie Member Posts: 2,941
    edited June 2007

    I much too young to be this damn old!

  • newvickie
    newvickie Member Posts: 2,941
    edited June 2007

    hmm...seem to have lost the boys again...and I was thinking of adopting more! Kick me ladies LOL.

  • newvickie
    newvickie Member Posts: 2,941
    edited June 2007
    that treatcancer nl a@@hole is back again...that does it...I'm going to that website and raising hell. Wonder if they are brave enough to have contact information there...if they do I will post their phone number here so anyone who is so inclined can give them a call!
  • marshakb
    marshakb Member Posts: 796
    edited June 2007

    Better yet, let's take a bunch of surveys or signup for free stuff and use that e-mail addy.... the spam will kill you!

  • newvickie
    newvickie Member Posts: 2,941
    edited June 2007

    I posted a treatcancer nl time to get even thread...I am soo bad and I am sooo lovin it. Lets get em girls! HEEHEE. Melissa and Tami won't have to delete this guy again when we get done with him.

  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Member Posts: 2,728
    edited June 2007
    Hey! I cant send a nasty email - I get AOL sign up first. Oh well. I like Marsha's idea. Sign up for a bunch a freebies and use that email addy. That would be grand.

    Vickie: How in the world are you handling 2 littles ones. I would be absolutely bonkers.

    Wonder if the Race in Michigan is over. I cant wait to se pictures of Denise.

    Just loving this day.

  • newvickie
    newvickie Member Posts: 2,941
    edited June 2007

    ummm...FYI...fudgsicles don't do well in the refrigerator. Guess who's gonna have a clean fridge...BIG SIGH!

  • TheShopMama
    TheShopMama Member Posts: 276
    edited June 2007
    I swear I posted here an hour ago, but it seems not to be here. I am with you. Marsha's idea is great. Sign him up for everything!
    Miles and I are going to my sister's house tonight for a cookout and tomorrow we go to the Georgia Aquarium. Miles has a season pass and has been often, but Kim and I haven't been yet. It will be a treat to go with them.
    So no one will have to tuck me in tonight. I will take my afghan with me though. My security blanket if you will.
    I feel like I have been lost for a couple of days... kind of out of touch. I will be back soon. Please keep me a fire burning.
    I am going to check out Vickie's thread. I think it may be just what I need to revive me (did I mention I am at work? tee hee)

  • suzfive
    suzfive Member Posts: 126
    edited June 2007
    Hi ladies,

    I have read back a couple of pages and no one has come to use the computer - now that is something.

    Vickie _ icky-sticky mess - hope they didn't melt too much. It is really hot here today. I too went grocery shopping and was afraid things would melt before I got them home. A thought just came to me - if you send that annoying site e-mail - won't they then get your e-mail addy? I wouldn't want them sending stuff to me. Using their addy to get free stuff might be better.

    Nicki - glad you are enjoying your pool. I thought I would "sleep in" this morning too and was awake at 6. Have that internal alarm clock. Oh well, made breakfast and ate outside before the temp started climbing. We got a brief shower and now it is hotter and more humid than it was before. Supposed to get storms later.

    Beth - sounds like you are feeling better. The Levaquin must be doing its job. Your dh story was a hoot. Irish wakes can be something. Liked the pig story too and so true.

    Puppy - Bubba is one scary looking dog. Glad he is hanging out at Marsha's wagon.

    Marsha - how did you get so lucky to get Bubba? Good luck with your rads this week - takes longer to get dressed and set up than the actual treatment.

    Denise - how did the Race for a Cure go?

    Odalys - yikes, I would be in panic mode if someone called to say they were coming in two hours. Hope you had a good visit.

    Z- beautiful post. Where are you going to go for vacation?

    I have got to go - dh wants to go and buy some flowers and other stuff. Been waiting for him all day - now he decides to do it.

    Hello and happy weekend to Cheri, Sheri, Gus/Sue, Boo/Sue, Gina, Mena, Cherryl, CY, Jaz, Robin, Madison, Kristen, Margaret, Liz, Tricia, Ishop1, Iris, Jan, Silvergirl,Pam , MB and everyone else.

  • newvickie
    newvickie Member Posts: 2,941
    edited June 2007
    Oh Suz...they were melted all right and they don't stay in their little plastic wrappers or box when they melt. Put them in at noon and found them there at 4...not a pretty sight LOL.
    Hey Pam...goofing off at work are we...good for you. I will still tuck you in tonight no matter where you are. Have a wonderful time tomorrow. Sending you and Miles a big hug. I haven't forgotten your surprise either.
    Marsha...good idea...we'll just go to every site we can think of and leave that email address. I'll be happy to start.
    Still have two boys if mom forgot where she left my extra one...sure hope not. Way to much energy for this girl! Actually they have been really good and it's been nice for Nate to have someone to play with...early bedtime though LOL.
    aauuughghhh...that's what you would have heard if we had sound on our site...stinkin spider right across my screen...BIG...BLACK...UGLY spider...wonder I didn't go ass over teacups. I hate spider...they scare the bejeezes outta me. geez.
    love ya all
  • CherrylH
    CherrylH Member Posts: 189
    edited June 2007
    I'm Back!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
    Had a great time in Galveston. We had a house just five miniutes from the Gulf. The beach house also had great decks to watch sunrise/sunsets. Did a lot of touristy type stuff - Moody Gardens, the Strand (the historic district) and all day at Schlitterbahn (a water park) on Tuesday.
    I ate more in the five days that I would normally do in two weeks!!! My friend Katy is from Galveston, so she knew all the good places to go and lots of her family is still there so there were cookouts or a meal at her mom's place every night.
    I managed to get in some knitting and actually found some cool hand painted Italian wool on one of my shopping expeditions.
    I got back last night, had a blue drink and went to bed to rest up from my vacation. There were four children (2-10) in the mix, so lots of activity and up before God on most mornings!!!!!!
    There's far too much to try to catch up on, so I'll probably pm a few people with questions about their week.
    Now back to packing -- I'm moving at the end of the month.
    Hey Denise, when is Pinky coming to help me with this move?

    Love to all,
  • neesie
    neesie Member Posts: 1,110
    edited April 2008
    Hi Ladies!

    I Survived!!!! The walk turned out really nice!! Such a warm and fuzzy feeling to see so many survivors all in one place! I think there was somewhere around 1500! Total of 30,000 walkers! Somehow, we ended up at the end of the "pack" for starting the walk...........S L O W !! Squirmed our way through so we could actually walk! I lost most of the MI girls during the race, but we were all together at the Beginning! Had a great time, but am tired now.......we added another 2 miles or so to the walk by parking a bit away and walking to the site, then we walked over to Greektown and ate, then back to the car!!
    Yes, Nicki.......Mary was with us! She made all of us these darling little 'head boppers' with butterflys on them and a wonderful sign for our team, "Wings of Hope." Her two GD's were dressed with Wings!!

    I hate missing a couple days........miss you guys and miss what it going on. I'm pooped and we are going to DD's tomorrow for Birthday/Father Day picnic!

    I'll post a couple of pics of today, probably tomorrow. By the way, our little 'armynamymom' (Anne) looks GREAT!!

    Hugs to all of you!
  • newvickie
    newvickie Member Posts: 2,941
    edited June 2007
    Welcome home to Cherryl and way to go usual today I only have a minute but I just talked to DD and had to share this story.
    Her and her father have never gotten along. He is and was a mean, abusive, nasty, lousy rotten human being. He never called her on her wedding (didn't even go and it was all expenses paid by Sarah's FIL), never sent a card, letter...nothing. Never calls her unless he wants something, never remembers her on Christmas or her get the picture. He is a monster that we were 20 years getting away from. Well...being the sweet dutiful daughter that she is and the fact that tomorrow is fathers day she is calling him in the morning. She has to let him know that she couldn't figure out what to get him for fathers day so she settled for a card and cash. He will be thrilled to know he's getting's his only's the kicker

    she's sending him Johnny Cash sings Gospel!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
    He's gonna be sooooo pi$$ed and won't be able to say a word. I love it!!!!
  • zazette15
    zazette15 Member Posts: 223
    edited June 2007
    Good Afternoon Sisters! Off and running, it's DH's weekend so I have to do whatever says and whatever wants - how's that for turnabout is fairplay, he does it for me on Mom's day, so I get to be wonderful wife and treat him like the king he is - I do love him so. Anyway, he wants to go get clothes and underwear, yipeee - you know men and their underwear, they will wear them til there is no fruit left on the loom. And I am cooking his favorite dinner, stir fry veggies and shrimp and cheese cake and tomorrow we are taking him to the Aquarim of the Pacific for their dad's day shindig. So , needless to say, I wom't be on much.

    Have a great weekend and to all the DH's - HAPPY DAD'S DAY!!!
  • silvergirl9114
    silvergirl9114 Member Posts: 310
    edited June 2007

    Vickie---sent pics to AOL address, which is the only one I have. PM me.

  • lizws
    lizws Member Posts: 789
    edited June 2007
    Hi girls, a quick fly by. Wanted you all to know Gina has company. That could be why she hasn't posted. I am worried about Amy's dad. She hasn't posted in a few days. I'll BBL.
