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  • MargaretB
    MargaretB Member Posts: 771
    edited June 2007
    Morning all.

    Joyce, aren't mojitos great. I like it better though when they don't totally mush the mint leaves. I make them at home all the time now and am even growing mint leaves so I always have some around. Good luck with Kevin's surgery tomorrow. I would be on the magic carpet tomorrow but have to take my mother for her surgery but I'll be thinking about you.

    Vickie, hope you left your anger at church.

    Who was making breakfast - Betty?

    Oh, time to go get some coffee. Everyone have a good day. Probably won't be back on today; DD coming over for Father's Day so I'll be making dinner; hope she brings the grandkids but they'll probably be with their father.

  • shokk
    shokk Member Posts: 790
    edited June 2007

    Good morning chicas........well ya'll are never going to believe this but it is just pouring rain here........this is just getting a little strange.........did someone post what is the plural of ya'll......its you's guys.....ha........anyway Vickie your daughter must have that very dry sense of oldest is one of these kids that can insult you and it sounds like a takes awhile to realize she has sent you a zinger.........oh and Vickie about youngest starts goes back to school on August 2 and I just don't know if I will be able to swing it.......we are still trying to work out the details of going to St. Augustine.......don't really have the funds......still owe medical bills from last year but you know what guys I think I am going to owe medical bills for the rest of my daughters so much need a vacation.....we can get very cheap airline tickets to Florida on Southwest....its really the only reason I even have the money to go for a few days......I already told them we get one t-shirt each.......if I can figure out a way to get to New York maybe for just the weekend I am going to do it............all of ya'll that are making the trip to Pinkstock I would just love to spend the time and meet everyone in person......the girls in the circle make my days fun......all of our different personalites seem to come together just is just as black as night outside.....there's the phone brb.....

  • Odalys
    Odalys Member Posts: 929
    edited June 2007
    Happy fathers day...

  • shokk
    shokk Member Posts: 790
    edited June 2007

    Ok guys I have a theory of life I want to share with ya' kinda of is from the movie Parenthood......but I think this is pretty much what life is like......there are basically two kinds of people.....there are the "merry-go-round" people and the "rollercoaster" people.....the merry-go-round people like life to be safe and predictable....the merry go round goes round and you are on your horse that goes up alittle and down alittle but is just fast enough to be fun but not the "roller coaster people are the adrenial has to be fast and exciting.......they love going up and they come down when life is correct like when two people hook-up I think most roller coaster people are attracted to merry go round people and visa versa.......merry go round people seem to keep roller coaster people grounded and roller coaster people help merry go round people live alittle bit.......the only problem is after a period of time for merry go round people is that roller coaster people makes us so tired and it becomes extremely difficult to keep roller coaster people from imploding.......oh geez brb.......I'm not done.........

  • SheriH
    SheriH Member Posts: 472
    edited June 2007
    Shokk, please send us some rain--it's dryer than anything here.

    Just saying "hi" and hope you all have a nice day today. We don't do much for Father's Day since my dh has to work anyway. Probably just the store and pool. My kind of day.

    Vickie, I love your dds sense of humor. Sounds like something my dd would do.
  • Gus
    Gus Member Posts: 177
    edited June 2007
    Hi girls,

    Just have a few minutes because my family is coming over for a BBQ.

    Joyce, I'm praying hard for Kevin. I love mojitos too, and they do help take the edge off when I'm feeling out of sorts!

    Vickie, my husband and I both loved your daughter's gift idea! In fact, DH said that it sounded like something I would do!

    Lisa, I love that lighthouse in York, and we drive up to see it nearly every time we are there. Did you go get ice cream at Browns? Their kahlua brownie is yummy!!

    Denise and Sheri, it sounds like you both had a great time at your events! Some friends and I are doing the Relay this weekend, and I know it will be very emotional to see all the survivors doing that first lap.

    Nicki, Have fun in the pool today. I'm going to try to keep my fake tata in my bathing suit while I'm swimming today. Don't want the kids who are here to end up on Dr. Phil because they saw a boob floating in the pool!

    Well girls, gotta go throw back a few margaritas before the family gets here. It's what gets me through the day!

    Hugs and love to all!
  • PuppyFive
    PuppyFive Member Posts: 539
    edited June 2007
    Good Morning, CG'S thought I would make french toast for You today!!
    Joyce, I will pray for Our little {{{KEVIN}}}
    xoxoxo Puppy BBL

    Odalys, LOL, no Bubba is not my dog, But My sister has a little dog just like him, and when strangers come around, he looks and acts just like Bubba, which by the way is her dogs real name!
  • marshakb
    marshakb Member Posts: 796
    edited June 2007

    Can I just say how much I love my dad? He is my hero.

  • shokk
    shokk Member Posts: 790
    edited June 2007

    Ok so there are merry go round people that are very close to the line of being roller coaster people but if you are a roller coaster person you are a roller coaster person it doesn't really work in the opposite I have been for months trying to figure out which cg's are on what side......there are a few cg's that you can tell right away they are roller coaster gals.....Nicki, Tracey, Marsha, Beth, Shel, Cheri.. there are more but on the merry go round side, I think Vicki, Gina, Sheri, probably Susan not sure....Anne.....too name a if anyone has an idea or whats to take a side or tell me of full of crap (that will be the roller coaster gals....ha....) feel free......I love you's guys.....will check back in later alligators......I need to get back and finish my ark.....

  • lizws
    lizws Member Posts: 789
    edited June 2007
    Candles for all of us who have lost and miss our dads.

  • Odalys
    Odalys Member Posts: 929
    edited June 2007
    Shokk - I love your sense of humor. You are too you chica. Yeap...roller coaster person here. I'm always on the go and just love to multi task!

    Speaking of multitasking...would you believe I am now responsible for overseeing around 1/2 million patient visits a year! OMG - we just rolled out a new electronic medical record system and boy have there been glitches. Well...more like poor planning and design. I've been putting out fires for the past two weeks. Amazing how every dept only took take of their needs without realizing their role in the overall system. Of course, my main role is to make sure patients have access to their medical information. What a daunting task!!! My brain hurts just thinking about all the different system issues we have going on right now. Okay...I will not think about work until tomorrow...sure.

    Got to go now. BBL
  • betsy43
    betsy43 Member Posts: 4
    edited June 2007
    Thanks Lizws,

    I needed the candles. Lost my dad in 1980. There's never a day I don't miss him.

  • karen1956
    karen1956 Member Posts: 4,604
    edited June 2007
    Good morning CG's

    Happy Fathers Day to all the gals who are both mom and dad. Happy Father's day to all our dads, hubby's and those who are like dads. I haven't talked to my dad yet today - will wait till DS is up. He was moved to a skilled nursing facility on Friday. When I spoke to mom on friday, she said that he was still having a lot of pain. He is slated to be at the nursing home for 2 weeks. Mom said medicaid won't pay, but her secondary should pay!!!

    I saw my onc on friday and he is wonderful. He has heard what I have been saying, but he still feels that if at all possible he wants me on some kind of hormone Tx - he kept bringing up the positive nodes. I've been off everything for a week. Onc did say that I could take a couple more weeks to feel better - actually, I am starting to feel better off the Tamox. He then wants me to try again, either the Tamox or AI's - this time Aromasin since I haven't tried it yet. I don't want to go back on the Tamox as being nauseated and having the "shits" and reflux all the time is too much. Imagine being quesy like morning sickness on and off all day and not being pregnant!!! So I may try Aromasin when we come back from vacation which will mean 4 weeks off any treatment. I asked onc how long I could stay off and he said that there are no numbers regarding that. We talked about pain meds and he said that the NSAIDS dont seem to work and neither does Celebrex (as it is not arthritis pain). I asked about opiates as a doctor I heard speak at the Day of Caring says she Rx them and he gave me a Rx for Dilauded to try when I go back on the AI's if the pain is bad (but don't drive and take so means take at night). He does really listen. Onc told me the benefit for me on Tamox or AI's is 20-23+% and that is high. So if I stay off, then my risk of reoccurance or mets goes down to 50 or 55%. That is way to high. He said that he would rather keep me "cured" than try to treat mets. He also said that these are the same drugs used for mets. He then said that it is easy for him to say take the meds, but quality of life is important and if it is miserable, he will consider that no meds could be an option (albeit no his choice). So I guess, its time to suck it up, and get a positive attitude and give the AI's a chance again and see what happens. DH was with me at the onc and asked questions as well. Before the visit, he didn't want me going back on anything, but he too is scared of mets, so he is supportive of whatever I decide. He told me, he doesn't want to loose me. So I told him he just better get used to me complaining!!! then he joked about no sex life for the next 4 years!!! I do love him. He still finds me sexy even with "dented head lamps" - I forget whose DH used that term. I guess, positive self-talk will be what will have to get me through this all. Its funny, I tell my kids at work to use self-talk all the time, but then do I follow my own advice!!! Onc drew blood, so I don't have to go back for 3 months - was due for 3 month check up next month, but he said keep it incase I am having problems, but cancel if all is well. It was almost 5:30 when we were done and almost all the staff was gone. I went to the front test and the gal went to find a tech to draw blood - tech said I am clocked out and front desk gal said "so clock back in". Got the blood drawn, but could not schedule next appt. I felt upbeat when we left oncs office as he really listened to me and I felt like what I had to say mattered (but boy was I stressed about going).
    A little sad new - my GF - her DH passed away on Wednesday from colon cancer after 1 1/2 year battle (I just afound out yesterday - service is on Tuesday). I felt so sad.
    Need to go help DD give our Berners a bath - two hard for one person. will be back later today. Wishing everyone a good day. I love you all. You all are the best. Thanks for listening to my long post. Hugs from Denver KAren
  • newvickie
    newvickie Member Posts: 2,941
    edited June 2007
    Candles for daddy's that have gone home...
    one for mine and my dear wonderful grandfather who was my daddy substitute all my life...
  • newvickie
    newvickie Member Posts: 2,941
    edited June 2007
    Liz...thank you for posting the candles...just saw them.
    Betsy...having a memorial service and scattering my fathers ashes today. Sadly I'm doing it all by myself. No one else seems to care enough to come and say goodbye. Felt that this was a fitting day to do it. Hugs to you...I know how you feel.
    Hugs to all who are missing fathers today. Hugs to all the good fathers that are still here. got it...I'm a merry go round person LOL. Haven't found my roller coaster person yet though.
    Love ya all
  • lizws
    lizws Member Posts: 789
    edited June 2007
    Vickie - we'll all be with you during your dad's memorial service. You'll be surrounded with love and hugs as he will.

    Shokk - I'm on the merry go round with Vickie right now.

  • jankay
    jankay Member Posts: 789
    edited June 2007

  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Member Posts: 2,728
    edited June 2007

    Ya know, Fathers Day is a weird day for me. I lost my dad in 1968 at the age of 52. Thats almost 40 years ago. I was old enough to remember out of 3 girls I was his baby and his favorite.

    Me and my DH dont have children so this is just a plain old day for us. DH's dad is gone too. So here is a candle for my dad, and for everyone else who is missing their dad today.


    Odalys: I wanted to tell you earlier and then I forgot. I believe the wt. loss started with South Beach, but now Im in Phase 3 so Im eating certain carbs. For example Im having water melon today! I really believe that a bigger part of the wt loss the walking Im doing. And now Im hoping all the stuff Im doing in the pool with help me lose more. I need some toning really bad.

    Shokk: Gosh I cant believe its raining by you again. Its another hot and sunny day here. We are seriously starting to pray for rain. In fact I did a rain dance in the pool. I loved your idea. Im definitely a roller coaster kind of person. Worked most of my career in ICU - love to be busy, love the challenge. Funny though - I hate real roller coasters.

    Sue/Gus: OMG boob floating in the pool is a funny visual. Enjoy your marguietas. Im having a glass of wine right now myself.


    Karen: That vist with you onc sounds like it was really good. Got alot of questions answered. With those statistics, I dont see how you cannot take something. My sister is on Aromasin. Watch out for that Dilaudid - it can knock you on your butt. Since Im allergic to all NSAIDS and Aspirin I take DarvocetN for my pain - but Im not on any AI's.

    OK! This day is too nice to stay inside. DH and I are gonna have our own BBQ later. Hope everyone is enjoying their day.

  • shokk
    shokk Member Posts: 790
    edited June 2007

    Oh sweet Vickie Sarah's dad is not a roller coaster or is he just a soiciopath (sp) or both???????????

  • Madison
    Madison Member Posts: 859
    edited June 2007
    The candles in remembrance of our fathers, grandfathers is so very touching. My sweet dad will be 87 in August…..his strength fading, his voice weaker, his walk aided by a cane…BUT age has not taken away the love he feels for his children….
    May God bless all who have touched our hearts, those still with us, and those who have gone before us…..
  • lizws
    lizws Member Posts: 789
    edited June 2007
    Hi girls!

    I got my "new" car on Friday and have been out and about. It's so cute if I say so myself. I'll have to post a pic of it later.

    I pick up my son tomorrow morning. I've missed him but it's sure been quiet around here. I have a huge feeling that he will be moving to Minneapolis soon. He said he loves it there. Whatever he does, I hope he's happy, healthy and safe.

    I went and put flowers on my dads grave and it has really made me miss him more today. As I was driving down the road earlier, I saw his truck that we sold after his death. I know he's with me daily though and at times just shaking his head and things I'm doing. LOL

    I haven't had a chance to catch up but always know you're all in my thoughts and prayers.

    Have a great day - I may BBL.


    PS - what's good for poison ivy except going to the doc? It's not bad right now. Grrrrrrrr
  • Silka
    Silka Member Posts: 45
    edited June 2007
    I lost my Dad when I was only five years old. I can still remember him making me feel so special.

    Today I am thinking of Bob. I wore jewelry he had bought me to church today, even my wedding rings. When I see the husband's put their arm around the shoulder of their wife, I have heart pangs. Bob always had his arm around me in chruch. On the 20th, it will have been 18 month's since he died. Still hard to accept that he is gone.

    You guys are the only ones I share my hurts with.....thanks for ALWAYS being there.
  • newvickie
    newvickie Member Posts: 2,941
    edited June 2007
    OH can always share your hurts with us.
    Here's a hug for you....
  • newvickie
    newvickie Member Posts: 2,941
    edited June 2007
    and here's a hug for everyone

  • newvickie
    newvickie Member Posts: 2,941
    edited June 2007
    shokk..Sarah's father wouldn't have been allowed on either the merry go round or the roller coaster! Maybe a monster in the haunted house...which I never go in cuz they scare the daylights outta me!! So I'm a chicken..what can I say.

    Jankay...thank you...that was a sweet thought. I feel you here with me. I haven't done the service yet. Working myself up to it and waiting for someone to sit with Nathaniel when I go. He loved to fish so I am taking him out back to the creek and some of his ashes will be in my flower gardens around my home. Trying to find a good verse from Simon Peter to read and get my mind set so I don't bawl all the way through it. geez.

    Love ya all
  • PuppyFive
    PuppyFive Member Posts: 539
    edited June 2007


    {{{SILKA_-- Hugs sweetie}}}
  • PuppyFive
    PuppyFive Member Posts: 539
    edited June 2007

    All My Love, Puppy
  • Silka
    Silka Member Posts: 45
    edited June 2007

    Sweet Vickie, This will be such an emotional time for you. Please know that people who love and care about you are praying and thinking of you through this time.

  • Silka
    Silka Member Posts: 45
    edited June 2007

    Thank you for the terrific and wonderful friends.

  • jankay
    jankay Member Posts: 789
    edited June 2007