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  • MargaretB
    MargaretB Member Posts: 771
    edited June 2007
    Karen, your onc sounds like e really does listen. Sorry to hear about your friend losing her hubby.

    Vickie, did you feel me giving you a hug today at dad's memorial service?

    Aw Silka, image

  • Odalys
    Odalys Member Posts: 929
    edited June 2007
    ((((hugs)))) to Vickie and all the CG's who have lost their dad.

  • shokk
    shokk Member Posts: 790
    edited June 2007

    Ok guys just got a call from my brother and my dad just fell and broke his hip so the girls and I are on our way to the hospital........will check in later......for all the cg's that have lost their dads hugs to everyone.......see ya'll later alligators.....

  • Madison
    Madison Member Posts: 859
    edited June 2007
    Sending hugs to everyone

  • jasmine
    jasmine Member Posts: 773
    edited July 2008

    Oh Shokk, I'm so sorry to hear that! I hope your Dad will be okay.

  • k4katz
    k4katz Member Posts: 158
    edited June 2007
    Shokk, hope your dad is OK.

    My dad is 350 miles away. So, I am lucky he is still around but sad that I can't be with him today. My sisters will take good care of him, though!

    Got my DH a picture frame and put a picture of the boys in there. He really liked it! Plus the boys made gifts in school for him. After dinner we went out for ice cream and just got back. It was a nice relaxing day!

    *Hugs* to all the Circle Girls who have lost their father or the father of their children. I am keeping you and your loved ones in my thoughts and prayers tonight.

    See ya tomorrow!
  • newvickie
    newvickie Member Posts: 2,941
    edited June 2007
    OH my Shokk...sending prayers for your dad! I am so sorry...what a day for this to happen. Working at a retirement/assisted living facility we see this a lot and as scary as it sounds it is much better handled now than even 10 years ago. Most of our residents return as good as new (and some even better believe it or not). Sending hugs.
    Thanks to all for your support today. My dad's ashes are still on my bookshelf. I just couldn't do it. I don't truly know what to do with them. I feel it is such a huge disservice to him to not have a memorial service...a goodbye...something. I wish his brothers and sisters would participate but they are the most uncaring, insensitive bunch of people I think I've ever met. Oh well...all in good time...maybe I need him here with me a little longer. He left when I was three and didn't return till I was in my 20's...left us with a horrible stepfather and I wished for him to come back to us every night for years. Ended up angry with him for not rescuing us but found out that circumstances were much different than I was ever told. Seemed like I just got to know him and he was gone.
    Soooo hot here it's ridiculous. Not sure if I'm going to work tomorrow or not...waiting for my boss to call. I have brake and ball joint problems on my car that have to be taken care of asap! It's under warranty and I can take it to the garage in the next town and they said they should be able to have it back to me same day. A bit scared to drive it to work tomorrow but we are setting up a new deposit system and I can't for the life of me remember when...probably tomorrow...just my luck. If it's tomorrow i will just have to wait till Tuesday. I so hate to take time off. I can actually say that i am caught up finally! It felt so good to walk out of there on Friday and know that I am totally caught up and where I should be!

    Sending hugs to all those missing their daddy's today. I miss mine but miss my grandfather so much I can feel the empty spot in my heart from his absence. Just one more day with him would be so very wonderful. He was the greatest man I knew growing up. Took me to camp at Onieda Lake every summer for years. We'd leave the day after school let out and not return till the day before school started up again. It was heaven for me as a was a blessed release from a hell hole home life. Loved my mother dearly but stepfather was a monster. I remember my grandfather picking me up (he was very tall)and letting me ride on his shoulders, letting me drive the boat, teaching me to swim, saving the pink peppermints in his lunchpail when I lived with them, I remember the day he showed up at work to tell me his heart was no long squished (his words)...he told me he didn't want me to be surprised when he was gone and he didn't want me to visit him at the cemetery as he wouldn't be there, he would be with me always. Gave me two beautiful rings and a bracelet that I treasure to this day.
    ok..I'm sorry...I just had to write that little tribute to him and I knew I could write it here and it would be ok...I love you girls for that.
    Gonna go wash my face, get something for Nate to eat and come back to tuck all my sweet sisters in for the night.
    Love and hugs
  • jasmine
    jasmine Member Posts: 773
    edited July 2008

    Big hugs, Vickie. Sounds like you've had a very tough life.

  • Gus
    Gus Member Posts: 177
    edited June 2007
    Shokk, saying prayers for your Dad!

    Silka, thinking of you and sending big hugs!

    Vickie, your words about your grandfather were beautiful and really conveyed how much he meant to you. He sounds like that safe haven that we all long for, and I can understand why you miss him so much. (((hugs)))

    Well, my company is finally gone, and I was able to make it through the day without having a synthetic body part escape from my swimsuit. I think I'm gonna grab a glass of chardonnay and sit in my hot tub for a while to unwind.

    Hugs to all who are missing their dads today.

  • RobinTN
    RobinTN Member Posts: 466
    edited June 2007
    Vicki:thanks for thinking of me,you are the best.

    Nicki:it says future impengment.I take that as future nerve involvement.Does it sound like that to you? I will see the onc tomorrow when I go for Herceptin and ask him.
  • bearlysane111
    bearlysane111 Member Posts: 592
    edited June 2007
    Just got a small space to write. Vickie,so sorry that you have had so many things lately and you handle them so kindly. Thinking of you-take care.
    Shokk,so sorry abt your dad.
    Silka,thinking of you.
    Odalys,good to meet you,too. I have bn here since fall-bearlysane
    Or Iris. I help parents and travel to their appts
    Hello to everyone as my keybd is too small to write more. Have a good wk. Iris
  • Boo46
    Boo46 Member Posts: 261
    edited June 2007
    Hope everyone had a peacefull fathers day today. Special hugs and prayers for all who's dads are sick or dads have passed. I lost my dad 26 years ago.
    Have spent the last 2 days trying to clean my house. 2 days and it really wasn't all that dirty! Really! My energy level just stinks. Finished chemo in Nov. and rads in Jan and I am stronger but oh so slowly.
    Have to go to the dentist tomorrow to have the impression for my cap made. Then on tues have my BS check up. These should be easy visits. (says with fingers crossed).
    On thurs evening my DH and DS finally come back. I really miss them.
    Love and hugs to all,
  • Tricia
    Tricia Member Posts: 103
    edited June 2007
    shokk, I hope your Dad can be easily repaired. Praying he has an easy go of it and heals quickly.

    Vickie, hugs to you. So sad he wasn't more a part of your life.
    My Dad has been gone now for about a year and a half. I was lucky to have him in my life for so long; he was incredibly affectionate and supportive. I was the light of his life and he never let me forget it.
    He taught me what unconditional love was. Literally. When I was a kid I would ask him questions like what if I robbed a bank. His answer was always something like: I would feel so sad that you felt you needed to do that, but it wouldn't change how much I love you. *making myself cry now*
    He gave my user name, pbd. There are few human beings who know it stands for Precious Baby Dumpling. Don't know how he came up with that. When he died, I sobbed and said to my brothers and Jeff, I am no one's pbd anymore. They straightened me right out and now they call me that, too. So now you know - but don't tell anyone.
    His name is still on my speed dial, I just can't delete him, so I will see "Dad" every time I scroll past.
    Thank you for letting me remember him here.
    I love you all, my friends.
  • Odalys
    Odalys Member Posts: 929
    edited June 2007
    "Buenas noches vaqueras". Translation...good evening CG's in Spanish. I'm still speaking Spanish after spending the afternoon with mom and dad. My brain usually has to shift gears, not easy since I think in English. We had a nice day with dad DH and rest of the family. I ate too much and way too many sweets. I feel a little guilty now. So, I got home and took Maggie for our usual 2 mile walk. OMG the humidity is in the upper 80's and since we had rain all day there are puddles and mosquitoes every where. Boy is it hot and muggy. We had two dogs chase us. First, a stray mutt ran towards us but stopped dead on her tracks when I turned around and pointed my umbrella at her. Poor thing she was so scared and seemed lost. Second, we turned the corner and a boxer ran from between two homes and tried to hump Maggie...Geese. I poked him with my umbrella and he ran back home. I think I'm becoming a true "Dog Whisperer". LOL!

    Well, I’m signing off for the evening as I have to get ready for tomorrow. Talk with you soon…vaqueras.

    PS: Anyone interested in learning Spanish? I was thinking it would be fun if every time I log in I teach you all a new word. How about it anyone interested?
  • Tricia
    Tricia Member Posts: 103
    edited June 2007
    Odalys, Si!
    Ok, that is about it for me. I so wish I had learned Spanish.
  • CherrylH
    CherrylH Member Posts: 189
    edited June 2007
    Greetings Sisters,
    Vicki, I have a real good understanding of your relationship with your grandfather. My dad died when I was 13, and my mom's dad, Emmett, became my dad/granddad/best buddy. I could talk to him about anything and everything. After I graduated from college, I became very bold and stopped caling him "granddaddy" and started calling him Emmett. He never said a word. I felt like I was the most spescial person in the world. He's been gone now 13 years and I think about him every day. He's always with me.

    Shokk, hope your dad will be okay. Sending prayers.

    Odalys, I would love to learn , actually, re-learn, Spanish. Bring it on!!!

    Best wishes for a good night for all of you.

  • newvickie
    newvickie Member Posts: 2,941
    edited June 2007
    good evening sweet sisters,
    well its been a quiet day in the circle with lots of dad's getting lots of love (and granddads too). A little sad, a little glad...all kinds of emotions that in the end we are very luck to be able to feel.
    Going to do a quick perimeter walk tonight and tuck everyone in. Haven't seen quite a few girls the past couple of days but I'm sure they are safe and sound and will turn up soon.
    smelling smoke...brb
  • Silka
    Silka Member Posts: 45
    edited June 2007
    PBD, thank you for sharing that. That is so sweet, if you were here I would give you a big hug. That sharing came from your soul.

    The very last words my Daddy (he was still Daddy, I was 5), said to me were, "You be a good little girl and I will see you one of these days", and then he kept hugging me, I thought he would never turn me loose and I wanted to go play with my cousins. I never saw him again. My uncle was taking him to the hospital and he died on the way.

    Again I will say, knowing most of you are so caring and compassionate allows us to share our innermost feelings. Each of us have buried hurts that we need to share and talk about. That helps with the healing. Big Hugs to all of you.
  • newvickie
    newvickie Member Posts: 2,941
    edited June 2007
    well that was strange. sitting here next to the window in the living room that is open...started smelling smoke...dogs starting growling so I grabbed my trusty baseball bat and went outside to investigate...don't see anyone but know that someone was there. Doors are locked, windows are closed...all is well.
    Don't know if I am working tomorrow or not...have to call the garage in the morning and see if I can get my car fixed and when. They should be able to do it tomorrow, if not then I will schedule it for Tuesday and go into work...very carefully. Losing my voice today for some weird reason...glands are a little swollen too. Airborne to the rescue...I refuse to get sick. I hate missing work.
    Ok...back to tucking you all in.
    Precious Baby Dumpling I am gonna sneak right in with some tissues and give you a big old hug. What a wonderful are precious...always know that. Have a peaceful night.
    Shokks wagon is empty as they are off to check on DD...leaving a note and saying a prayer that all is well. Let us know sweet girl...we will be worried till we hear from you. Hugs.
    Popping in on Boo as she seems a bit lonesome without DH and DS. Bringing her some chocolate and a hug, some wishes for sweet dreams and Thursday to arrive quickly.
    Robins wagon has returned and we are so very relieved. Sounds quiet there tonight. Tucking in the babies and drawing a much needed bubble bath for Robin before I sneak back out.
    Hee hee...starting to feel like the goodnight fairy! Kinda like the tooth fairy...never see me but you know I've been there!
    Gina's wagon is much to quiet for my taste. Gonna leave a note for her to check in with her sisters before I have to drive five hours to see if she's ok. I'll do it too! May have to camp out at the post office till she picks up her mail to catch her since I don't know exactly where she lives but I've been known to do stranger things.
    Cherryl is on her way to bed with sweet thoughts of grandpa Emmett tonight. Tucking you in and hoping for pleasant memory dreams for you. Love ya.
    Odalys has the umbrella handy at her house LOL. Think I'll pop in for a quick spanish lesson. I need to learn to say "love ya" in spanish. Probably the most important two words I can think of along with God bless you.
    Nicki has gone to bed and I'm gonna tuck her in. I love you sweet sister. I miss you in the evenings but you are in my thoughts.
    Z's had a busy day today and I'm hoping that it was a good one.
    Pam's wagon is quiet...maybe still away at the aquarium. Hope that you had a peaceful, joyful day. You and Miles deserve it so very much. Love and hugs your way as I'm tucking you in wherever you are.
    Tucking Susan in and whispering in her ear that she needs to come home soon and check in with her sisters...she is missed.
    Gotta tuck in my Iris...I think I may need your alarm system LOL. Not really worried about it...may have been my imagination or someone burning something in the neighborhood. What would I do without you sweet sister...sending love and hugs.
    Gus is still in the hot tub...may join her for a bit with some drink of choice LOL. Sweet dreams dear girl.
    Giving Joyce a Xanex lollipop so she can get some sleep and tucking Kevin in for her. All will be well and we will be right there with you on Tuesday.
    Margaret has gone off to bed but I have to stop and return her hug. I appreciated all the hugs today even though I blew the whole memorial service. Just not ready I guess. It feels wrong though. I think I will have our Pastor come and do it with me. Sweet dreams to you.
    Slipping into Silka's wagon and giving her a hug as she seems a bit lonesome too. Praying for you to have sweet, happy dreams.
    Madison is sound asleep so I'm just gonna move the crochet hook and yarn to the nightstand and cover her up with her new afghan...good night sweet sister. See you in the morning.
    Shel's wagon is quiet...wonder when her afghan will arrive. I am so happy that it is making her happy even though she hasn't received it yet.
  • newvickie
    newvickie Member Posts: 2,941
    edited June 2007
    oops...wasn't quite done yet
    Cheri my dear drinkin pal...where are you? I do believe the moonshine got the best of you. Hugs and sweet dreams...wuv ya!
    CY...hope you are feeling ok...haven't seen you in a few days and sending you prayers along with hugs from Nathaniel.
    Debs wagon is bustling as usual. You are one busy lady. Nate has his box of box's next to his bed and is working his way through them one by one. He is loving it. He has read so much the past couple of weeks...the heat really gets to him so he tends to stay in front of the fan and read till evening when it cools down. Thank you once again...he is working on a surprise for you that isn't coming out exactly as planned will bring a laugh if nothing else!
    Puppy...we'll whats up buttercup...sending you a hug and wondering how you are holding up. Love ya. Nate sends you a hug too.
    Lini is still up pacing around in her flip flops. Hope your surgery stays as scheduled and sending you a hug sweet friend.
    Karen is sleeping but not soundly so I'm covering her and saying a prayer she gets feeling better and soon. Hugs to you sweet lady.
    Denise is sleeping already...I need your address dear me tomorrow ok. Sweet dreams to you.
    Liz and me are on the merry go round and thats just fine with us. Sweet dreams and thank you dear lady. Your always here with just the right words.
    Stopping to see Sheri who is tired from her marathon walk...good for you and I loved the picture! Glad to see it's your new avitar. I like it. Hugs and sweet dreams.
    Marsha's wagon is mighty she's having a good time whatever it is she is up too! Good night dear girl...can't wait to meet you when I come to Florida. It should be interesting.
    Tucking Beth in as she is pretty tired from all the antiboiotics, infection and uncomfortable sleep lately. Saying a prayer for continued healing.
    Jankays wagon is dark but I'm sneaking in anyway and covering her up. thanks for being with me today. I'll check the scooter and make sure it's up and running so we can round up anyone that is missing before i leave. Hugs to you and sweet, pleasant dreams.
    well...I do believe I've lost my wagon. I think I'll join some of our ladies in the center by the fire and sleep under the stars and watch the lightning bugs tonight. Gonna need some bug spay though!
    Sorry to anyone I are all my sisters and all in my thoughts and prayers all the time.
    I am working on the's going to be still have time to submit if you want. It's gonna take me a bit to put it all together to my satisfaction LOL. I promise not to take too long though.
    See you in the morning
  • CherrylH
    CherrylH Member Posts: 189
    edited June 2007
    HeeHee Vicki,
    You're in your bed and Nathan is all tucked in and I'm passing through to sprinkle some Pixie dust on you and hope you have wonderful dreams and your car will be taken care of tomorrow and the new payroll system will be up and running with no problems. Sweet Dreams, dear friend!!!!!!!

  • christineK
    christineK Member Posts: 735
    edited June 2007
    Hi CG's-
    Well, I successfully kidnapped susanmcm for the weekend...I will return her tomorrow and you can see our pics of sisterhood and dining enjoyment on the CG pic thread, maybe later tonight.

    Thanks for all of those posting candles, for those of us missing our dads. My dad passed away right after my dx and was buried the day before my first surgery. I pinned a pink ribbon on his suit, before he was buried, he will always be with me. I was the only daughter and proud to say, "daddy's girl"

    You were all posting lyrics, I think on Friday... My 11 yo niece turned me on to this song, I think so appropiate for the CG's

    Cheetah Sisters- The Cheetah Girls

    Theres a time when we all choose
    To either quit or follow through
    To just loose faith
    Or trust your heart
    To somehow lead you through the dark
    You're not the only one who's dreamin'
    And who needs help to carry on
    We might get lonely but we're not alone
    Cause we are sisters
    We stand together
    We make up one big family though we don't look the same
    Our spots are different
    Different colors
    We make each other stronger
    That ain't ever gonna change
    We're cheetah girls cheetah sisters
    [Verse 2:]
    Gotta do what we gotta do
    Got the brains, got the power and we speak the truth
    We're from everywhere all around the world
    So ya best respect the cheetah girls
    Dancing, singing from our birth
    Working hard for what we deserve
    Trying hard not to break the rules
    Cause mama didn't raise no fools
    It may seem we're only dreaming
    And we need help to carry on
    Its good to know we're not alone
    Cause we are sisters
    We stand together
    We make up one big family though we don't look the same
    Our spots are different
    Different colors
    We make each other stronger
    That ain't ever gonna change
    Believe it mister
    We're cheetah girls cheetah sisters
    Someone's always there behind
    To catch us if we fall
    Cause we are sisters
    We stand together
    We make up one big family though we don't look the same
    Our spots are different
    Different colors
    We make each other stronger
    That ain't ever gonna change
    Believe it mister
    We're cheetah girls cheetah sisters

    Love to ya'll my Cheetah, I mean "Circle Sisters"
  • newvickie
    newvickie Member Posts: 2,941
    edited June 2007
    "Portrait of a Friend"

    I can't give solutions to all of life's problems, doubts,
    or fears. But I can listen to you, and together we will
    search for answers.

    I can't change your past with all it's heartache and pain,
    nor the future with its untold stories.
    But I can be there now when you need me to care.

    I can't keep your feet from stumbling.
    I can only offer my hand that you may grasp it and not fall.

    Your joys, triumphs, successes, and happiness are not mine;
    Yet I can share in your laughter.

    Your decisions in life are not mine to make, nor to judge;
    I can only support you, encourage you,
    and help you when you ask.

    I can't prevent you from falling away from friendship,
    from your values, from me.
    I can only pray for you, talk to you and wait for you.

    I can't give you boundaries which I have determined for you,
    But I can give you the room to change, room to grow,
    room to be yourself.

    I can't keep your heart from breaking and hurting,
    But I can cry with you and help you pick up the pieces
    and put them back in place.

    I can't tell you who you are.
    I can only love you and be your friend.
  • jasmine
    jasmine Member Posts: 773
    edited July 2008
    Vickie -- keeping my fingers and toes crossed that you hear some good job news tomorrow!
  • newvickie
    newvickie Member Posts: 2,941
    edited June 2007

    thank you sweet, hugs and sweet dreams to you.

  • newvickie
    newvickie Member Posts: 2,941
    edited June 2007
    Well Miss Christine has reappeared...we missed you! Great song and thank you. No more staying out past curfew!
    Cherryl...get to bed...I already tucked you in LOL. thanks for the pixie dust and wish for sweet dreams. Could use some.
    I am really going to bed now!
  • Odalys
    Odalys Member Posts: 929
    edited June 2007
    God Bless you= Dios Te Bendiga (D os T Bn-dee-ga) and Love ya = Te Quiero (T Ki-e-ro).

    Good night = Buenas noche (Boo-e-nas no-che).
  • jankay
    jankay Member Posts: 789
    edited June 2007
    i had to stop reading and post. i know and now know whyi feel at home here. you guys made me cry and trhe fac6 u felt closee enough to us to bear your soul is heartwarming.
    My dad died in 1999 right before my fight wsith my heslth
    started. He wass litterally here one day and gone the next, the things said about him made me proud. ladies at church that cooked thed mens dinners wouldnt look at him in rhw CASKET BECAUSE SHE SAIFD SHE SHE WANKTED TO REMEMBE HIM THE WAY HE WAS. SHE SAID, "JANICE YOUR DADDY WAS THE ONLY MAN WHO WOULD COME IN AND SAMILE AND TALK TO US, SHE GOES HE NEVER COMPLAINED OR GOT MAD
  • jankay
    jankay Member Posts: 789
    edited June 2007
    i also werote a tribute to my mother to put in her funer4al
  • shokk
    shokk Member Posts: 790
    edited June 2007

    (((((Vickie)))))(((((Jankay))))))Hey Odalys buenos nachos (Texan for buenos noches to you to.......back from is stable......thank goodness for morphine drips........I love my dad but he has got to be one of the worst patients ever........I told the night nurse by the time her shift is over she's gonna need the drip......anyway surgery tomorrow not sure when but am going to work first and then on to the hosptial......will try and keep you guys's guys are gonna miss me tomorrow....ha....Amy sure hope we hear from you sweetie.....good night everyone........don't let the bedbugs bite.....see ya later ya'll..........