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  • beth1225
    beth1225 Member Posts: 402
    edited June 2007
    BTW, Shokk, I am definitely a roller coaster person when I am not sick. DH is a little of both. And we both are still kids at heart! That helps keep us going.

    Vickie, I think the monster at the haunted house to the left, see him over there in the corner? That's my ex. I think there is a special club for them (yes that holds a double meaning) hehe !
  • newvickie
    newvickie Member Posts: 2,941
    edited June 2007

    HMMM...I like that double meaning LOL

  • newvickie
    newvickie Member Posts: 2,941
    edited June 2007

    well oh my gosh Amy has returned! What good news...we were worried about you and your DD both. Hope is up and feeling better soon.

  • suzfive
    suzfive Member Posts: 126
    edited June 2007
    Hi Everyone,

    Lots to read since I last logged on -wow. Hugs to all who have lost their Dads. I lost my Mom but still have my Dad. He lives in Michigan so I don't get to see him often. Talked to him on the phone yesterday though and will see him in a few weeks. We actually celebrated Father's Day at our house last weekend when my son Andrew was home for the weekend. Yesterday, the girls decided they wanted to take their Dad out for breakfast. We went to a little French restaurant near our house because they had outdoor seating. It was a beautiful morning and the outdoor seating was full so we ate inside. The food was really good. We spent most of the rest of the day outside putzing around.

    This morning I drove my dd to work and then went to the gym to workout. I do an aqua fit class on Monday and Wednesdays. I had a good workout - know I will feel it tomorrow.

    Amy - glad to hear that your dad is doing better.

    Shokk - Hope your dad's surgery went well and he will be as good as new. I am a merry-go-round person cuz I am scared to death of roller coasters LOL.

    Joyce - with you today for Kevin's surgery.

    Karen - sounds like you had a good visit with your onc.

    Sheri - nice pictures of the Relay.

    CY - I don' think I could do all you do and I am done with chemo. Rest up a little. I hope the bleeding was just the Coumadin and it will get better.

    Vickie - you will know when the time is right. I hate taking my car in for repairs. Your tribute to your grandfather was heartwarming.

    Beth - glad to see you feeling better.

    Tricia - was wondering what pbd stood for - now I know - how sweet.

    Odalys - would love to be on that beach - but I need to get to work. Would love to learn some Spanish. Our last name is Gomes so we get lots of phone calls from people who think we speak Spanish - get magazines in Spanish also. Only one in the family who can speak Spanish is my oldest dd who took it all through school. The last name is Portugese but dh is from Bangladesh.

    Iris - are you hiding out somewhere with a very tiny keyboard?

    Puppy - sending prayers your way.

    MB - can't wait to see the tattoo - I think.

    Okay - work is calling so gotta get going before I will need a tin cup and a street corner. LOL.

    Will try to get back here later.

    Hugs to all,
  • neesie
    neesie Member Posts: 1,110
    edited April 2008
    Wow these boards are slow today!!!! I'm going to come back shortly and post.....however wanted to share something! You know My Dear Husband who I always brag about his carpentry and building skills??? So, this man thinks that appliances don't have an expiration date and last forever. My 15 year old dryer is just begging to go to appliance heaven, and DH just won't let her go. Last night I mentioned that he might want to take a looksie cuz the door won't stay shut. So, look he does..then it won't stay shut at all. So he tells me what is wrong with it and then tells me he has fixed it good enough for me to use today.................see below!
  • neesie
    neesie Member Posts: 1,110
    edited April 2008
    Okay, I'm going to give the boards a chance to wake up......I need my CG fix and they are so sluggish right now!

  • Madison
    Madison Member Posts: 859
    edited June 2007
    The boards are slow today.....
    Only have time for a big group hug 'cause I am so busy at work...
    I do see that Amy posted good news....
    Waiting to hear from Shokk on her dad...(weather is bad here...may have to go find Shokk's closet)
    okay, gotta go - DEADLINE time...
  • jasmine
    jasmine Member Posts: 773
    edited May 2008

    Okay Denise, that's just too funny for words!

  • AlaskaDeb
    AlaskaDeb Member Posts: 1,159
    edited June 2007

    At my house we fixed the same problem for about 3 or 4 months with duct tape! LOL Denise...our hubbys must be related!!!

  • Gus
    Gus Member Posts: 177
    edited June 2007
    I'm laughing my head off, Denise! I can't even begin to tell you how many half-finished projects I have in my house. Your hubby, Deb's hubby and my hubby might just be triplets who were separated at birth!

  • ArmyNavyMom
    ArmyNavyMom Member Posts: 134
    edited June 2007
    I quick fly by for me today. My boss is back from vacation, so the joint is jumpin'.

    I had a wonderful time at the walk with Denise and the sea of other 'pink' people. I have pictures, but I haven't even had time to download them. I'll post any special ones.

    We went to see my MIL and FIL yesterday. It's sad, he's going to need a nursing home and my MIL is having guilty feelings about both that and the DNR order. We spent all afternoon talking. It's so hard for her, and there is just so darn little we can do other than listen.

    I'll try and get back later for pics, and personal posts, if tonights meeting doesn't run too late.

    Hugs to all.
  • Biker54
    Biker54 Member Posts: 1,042
    edited June 2007
    Hi CGs!

    I had a very busy weekend, so I've been trying to catch up here. We went to a friend's son's graduation party on Sat. They made a potato gun out of PVC pipe, acetelyn gas and oxygen. Our friend put this whole this together, put the potato in the end of the pipe, and lit it while his son was holding it. BOOM!!!!! The thing blew up in his kid's hand! It dented the hood and broke the windshield of the kid's car next to them. DH's truck got sprayed with potato. Thank God the kid's hand wasn't too damaged. He was cut up and swollen, but he still has his fingers. Another exciting party with our friends .
    Yesterday the boys, their wives and the grandkids came up for the day. I still think I'm going to need a little nap tihs afternoon from that. The noise level is beyond belief! But, a good time was had by all.
    I was sorry to read about everyone who have lost their dads. I lost mine in 2002. Both parents are gone. My mom died a couple of years before dad. I still find myself wanting to pick up the phone a tell them a funny joke I heard.

    Vickie, that was a sad story about your dad. I'm sorry your stepfather was a monster. That must have been very hard for you.

    Tricia, PBD!! I love it!

    JanKay, that was a great tribute to your mother.

    Shokk, that's a whole lotta rain!!!!! What a terrible story about the little girl. How's your dad doing?

    Amy, I'm glad your dad is doing better today! I know how tough it is when a parent is in the hospital. Very draining!

    Cheri, what's happening? Are you still sleeping?

    Puppy, what's going on with you?

    Gonna go right now, but will try to come back later.

    Bugs and fishes, Deb!
  • jankay
    jankay Member Posts: 789
    edited June 2007
    The Hospital

    A sweet grandmother telephoned St. Joseph's Hospital. She timidly asked, 'Is it possible to speak to someone who can tell me how a patient is doing?'

    The operator said 'I'll be glad to help, dear. What's the name and room number?'

    The grandmother in her weak tremulous voice said, 'Norma Johnson, Room 302.'

    The Operator replied, 'Let me place you on hold while I check with her nurse.' After a few minutes the Operator returned to the phone, 'Oh, Good news. Her nurse has told me that Norma is doing very well. Her blood pressure is fine; her blood work just came back as normal and her Physician, Dr. Cohen, has scheduled her to be discharged Tuesday.'

    The Grandmother said, 'Thank you. That's wonderful! I was so worried! God bless you for the good news.'

    The operator replied, 'You're more than welcome. Is Norma your daughter?'

    The Grandmother said, 'No, I'm Norma Johnson in 302. No one tells me shit
  • Biker54
    Biker54 Member Posts: 1,042
    edited June 2007

    Pfffffffttttt!!!! Bwaaaaaaahhhhhhaaaaahhhhhhaaaaa!!!

  • neesie
    neesie Member Posts: 1,110
    edited April 2008
    Hi to all!

    Gonna try to post before the boards take another nap!

    Alwayshope: A picture says a thousand words!!!!

    Madison: Heading to Shokk's careful out there. A group hug right back at ya!

    Joyce: It is exactly 1:30p here. My prayers are with you and Kevin as he undergoes this surgery.

    Vickie: Sitting in a dealership is no fun......hopefully they loaned you a car or some handsome hunk from the fix it place brought you home! Loved your 'portrait of a friend.' I just don't know what to say about your Dad and the Memorial. So sad. I think having your Pastor go would be very nice and a comfort for you. {{{Vickie}}}

    Puppy: Of course you are nervous. But we are all here to help you through this. Remember: Friend Forever..Cherished for life. You've got all the love and hugs you need! Love ya!

    Nicki: You are doing great on the weight loss! You must have over done yesterday if you didn't get in your pool. Hope you are feeling better today. I agree with both you and Sue......I don't know why it takes me so long to clean anymore. No energy or don't care! It doesn't take much to keep the place clean, thank god!

    Beth: You are so right. All of us with older parents are sometimes put through the ropes. I try to tell myself that it is just as hard on my Mom as it is on us........but there are days!

    Betty: Good luck with work this week. When is the conference?

    Shirley, Gina and Susan: Either gone away or have family visiting. Thinking of all of you!

    Margaret: Hope your Mom's surgery went well. I'll check back in for a 'good' update! How's the Knifty Knitter going?

    Shokk: Oh My, I'm glad your Dad is okay. As okay as he can be with a broken hip. Prayers for him as he goes through surgery today.
    Enough rain already! Do you get any summer at all? I heard about the flooding but I didn't hear about the little girl. I can't imagine what that Mother is going through.
    Have to tell you, your roller coaster, merry go round made me dizzy!! I have to group myself with the Merry go round group!

    Sheri: Glad you went to the Relay and that you had a good time. Isn't it great to see all the survivors together and feel the support!

    Gus: I like your style! Margaritas before the family arrives!!!! And I think it was Chardonay after they left?
    And no "thingys" floating in the pool!

    Liz: Thank you for the Candles for all of us who have lost our Dads. By now your Son is probably home!! Is that a good thing with hime moving to Minneapolis?

    Karen: Grumpy is sometimes a good thing! Sorry they can't control the pain. Hopefully after a couple of weeks he will be strong enough to come home........Skilled Nursing Facilities can do some good things!!
    Have to say that it sounds like your ONC really listened to you. I'm glad that you have found someone to take the time to 'care' about your problems.

    JanKay: Hey to you! Your Memories of Mother was very good!
    Sounds like you have the scooter all geared up and ready to hit the highway!!

    Madison: Deadlines and Bad Weather! Do we hope the storm knocks power out at work, or do we hope it stays on????

    Silka: I'm sure yesterday was a tough one for you. Blessings.

    Kristen: No more Crispy Critter!!! Good luck at the Onc today! And a big Congrats on the Muga Scan!
    (waiting impatiently for the CD to come out!)

    Iris: Glad all is well with you! Curious as to what and why your Keyboard is so small???? Curious minds are learning minds!!

    Sue/Boo: Wouldn't you think they would come up with a better way to take impressions? I've got a mouth full of crowns.........and gag everytime they put that cold, goopy crap in my mouth! Good luck! Come pick me up, I'm quite good at 'retail therapy!' Glad your guys will be back Thursday........I know you missed them, but did you enjoy yourself a 'little' bit?!

    Trisha: Pbd...........precious baby dumpling! That is so neat! I was always a Daddys Girl......the youngest of 3 and loved my Daddy.
    Dad died 27 years ago. Ironically, he always said he was going to die with a golf club in his hand, and that is just what he did. Golfing with his league from work and had a massive heart attack and literally died with a golf club in his hand.

    Cy: Good to hear from you! Slow down please.........busy is good, but running yourself ragged is not. Losing the hair, eh? Look at how beautiful Marsha is going all natural! You can do it too!

    Deb: Loved the pics! How nice that you and Jeannie got to spend a bit of time together! And I want a Baby Moose! How neat to have them hanging around! Light 24 hours a day? Is that good or bad? Thank you for having a Luminary for the CG' are so thoughtful. Sister looks pretty happy and cozy in her new rocking chair..........that is a nice chair!

    Christine: YOU'RE GROUNDED!! Give you an inch and you take a mile! We've all been worried sick that you were still on your date and maybe eloped to Las Vegas! And here you had Kidnapped Susan for the weekend! Glad you guys had a good time! And the lyrics to the song were wonderful!

    Odalys: Such a Multitasker!! 1/2 million patient records to keep tabs on, going to teach all of us spanish and now a "dog whisperer!" Actually, my son's finance is half mexican and doesn't know lessons would be good for me.............Amigo!

    Lisa: I think she said something bad in Spanish! funny...........just remembered about the Spanish/English dictionary I bought my son when he moved to AZ!!!! I'll be back with that one!

    Amy: Was getting worried about you and your Dad. Of course you Love your Daddy!! It shows everytime you write about him! I'm glad he is out of CCU and doing better. Did you say a Surgeon is going to do a Consult on options for him?
    Keep us posted!

    Tracey: New job with killer hours!!!!!!!!!!Hopefully it will so slow down a bit for you.

    Theresa: Sorry to hear you've been biten by the 'depression demon' hug.........{{{{{{{{Theresa}}}}}}}}}.

    I'll be back in a bit to finish up!

  • beth1225
    beth1225 Member Posts: 402
    edited June 2007
    Just wanted to post a couple of pics from yesterday (sorry the page looks so big!):

    The two dads, Larry Sr. and Larry Jr.

    John shooting hoops

    All the boys in the pool, (l to r) Luke, Larry Jr., JJ (stepson #3), John and Larry Sr.
  • shokk
    shokk Member Posts: 790
    edited June 2007

    Denise......ha........I must admit that is probably something I would try first before replacing a dryer even though they are alot cheaper than having to replace the got to love them........ok guys still at is undergoing test to see if he can withstand surgery.....he will be 82 in August.....I love him to pieces but he is the worse patient ever.....has morphine pump and is still crying out in pain......I told my stepmom its a good thing he wasn't born a woman and had to go thru does look like surgery could well be in the morning....if that is the case will work the rest of the day and just take tomorrow said it sister....Beth geez that pool looks good...are you the only woman in the household?.......DebC wonderful pics of the relay for life.....looks like someone has hair this year and also looks like it was alot cooler.......Sheri great pic of you.....your hair is so long........brb phone......

  • newvickie
    newvickie Member Posts: 2,941
    edited June 2007
    well howdy ladies...not sittin at the dealership and they just called with my estimate...after warranty cost...just under 500.00...oh I so hate cars. Oh well...don't sweat the small stuff huh. Actually 500.00 is pretty big stuff LOL.
    Jankay...that was a good one! brought back memories!!! We used to make those cannons out of empty beer cans with my grandfather! About six beer cans, stacked and duct taped together (after removing the top and bottom of each can.), put a small hole in the bottom can to put lighter fluid in...drop in a potato, add some lighter fluid and you could shoot potatoes a loooong ways! So sorry the kids got hurt! What in the world possessed them to use acetelyn gas and oxygen!!! Thats a bomb not a toy...geez. We'll have to make a safer on for Pinkstock LOL.
    Denise...thanks for your address...I searched all over for a leftover box with your address from the squares and couldn't find it...
    ok...back to crocheting...its way to hot here...reading 100 degrees on my front porch that is in the sun right now...going out back to sit in the shade!
    love and hugs all around
    Shokk...please let us know if DD is ok when you can. Keeping you and him in my prayers.
  • newvickie
    newvickie Member Posts: 2,941
    edited June 2007
    well howdy Shokk...good to see you and glad DD is sort of ok...
    Beth...great pictures! Wish I were in the pool...think I'll go check the water temp and see...
  • neesie
    neesie Member Posts: 1,110
    edited April 2008
    Beth did it not me!!!! I'm not the one who made the page BIG!! Nice pics Beth......Makes me wish we had a pool, but to much work now........we hardly used the Hot Tub last winter.

    Missed some of you when I was posting before!

    My Hubby, Debs and Gus'.........Triplets...What a thought!

    Deb: Duct Tape..that was my suggestion! Could they be related? Your DH is from MI right??!!

    Suz: Where in Michigan does your Dad live? Are you originally from here?

    Anne: Saturday was fun wasn't it! Just wish I didn't have so many people with me.........didn't get to spend much time with all of you. Sorry about FIL. The DNR talk is never fun. There are different levels of Advanced Directives, I'd have to look them up......but make sure that he understands that if he is injured (broken bone or bleeding) no one is going to just leave him lay.
    I have to post some pics of the walk to!

    Jan: Ah......Potato Gun gone wrong. Glad no one was hurt badly. I remember those from my Aunt and Uncles house on the lake..every 4th of July!

    Marsha, Colleen, Cheri, Jule, Pam, Z and any I missed...Where are you???????

  • beth1225
    beth1225 Member Posts: 402
    edited June 2007
    shokk, I was the only one with a camera. My dil hates me to take pics of her. I downloaded the rest of the pics on my website below and there are two of her. For a while there were 3 of us but her mom left early.

    Vickie, I have ceased worrying bout bills! They will get paid...eventually!

    Have to take ds to a meeting for CIT's (counselors in training) at his camp. Still plenty tired and will see you all tomorrow.
  • socallisa
    socallisa Member Posts: 10,184
    edited June 2007 nothing naughty in Spanish..

    Love the Fathers' Day pics..

    Vickie..that is steep for the car..but unfortuneatly you gotta do what you gotta do!!

    Amy good to see you and sending good thoughts your way!!

    I haven't had time to read up..we returned home late Saturday night and yesterday two of my sons, grandkids wives and girlfriends came over for Dads' Day..of course, you know who did all the work!!

    Today I am in the middle of six loads of laundry from the trip and towels from yesterday..

    Here is my three week old granddaughter..don't you just love newborns!!

  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Member Posts: 2,728
    edited June 2007

    Good Evening Everyone: Well the meeting with my friend got rescheduled to this coming Friday. Which is good, cause Im off that day. So I have a little time to pop in and say hello.

    Liz: Loved the pic and hope your having a good day.

    Shokk: I heard about the flooding on the radio on my way home from work. They said the little girl didnt make it. Thats so sad. Said they were still in the process of rescuing people. Was it really 4-5 inches of rain in 1 hour? Oh - and driving in Chicago rush hour is the pits. One more thing, your dad is gonna be in alot of pain until they fix the hip. He will be in pain after surgery, but it will be easier to tolerate.

    Vickie: Your car sounds like my DH car. He says the breaks are so bad, it is not drivable. Getting it fixed next week.

    Colleen: Still feeling crumby today. I decided I really have an intolerance to heat with high humidity. Maybe its from one of the many drugs I take.

    Tgirl: You just put a new meaning to Hot Hot Hot!

    PurlpeMB, Silka, and Boo: Im waving at you.

    Amy: Glad your dad is out of CCU and doing better.

    Beth: I had to stop and think about it. Its been so long now, I dont remember my dads voice. 2 years ago I was pretty much where you are now. Had an area of necrosis and needed more surgery. We went to a family party and everyone was in the pool. It just about made e insane. Great pictures though.

    Suz: Now that sounded like a nice breakfast.

    Denise: Laughing my head off at the dryer. Your husband and mine would get along just fine.

    Jan: What a scary story about that potato gun! Geesh men!

    LisaSoCal: Cute picture of your new grandbaby.

    If I missed anyone, I still love ya, just ran out of time and have to go.

  • Silka
    Silka Member Posts: 45
    edited June 2007
    Just checking in for a few. Been busy out in the garage today, moved everything out in the middle and cleaned behind everything, seems if you don't do that occasionly, you track more into the house. I am pooped, took a shower and have my feet up for a bit.

    A 63 year old lady was killed by her own dog here in Indiana today, a chow mix. She was giving him a treat and he attacked her. By the time aid got to her, it was to late.

    Off to Bible Study, more later.
  • MargaretB
    MargaretB Member Posts: 771
    edited June 2007
    Boy, are we a chatty group. Back from mom's surgery and all went well. She's staying with my sister tonight so thought I would check and see how everyone is doing.

    CY, hugs to you. Please let me know if I can do anything.

    Deb, wonderful pictures; thanks for sharing. I get choked up when I see the luminaries.

    Tracey, hope you are loving the new job. 10 days straight is a long time.

    Karen, I hope you are feeling better after eating too much!

    PBD, thanks for the explanation - love it.

    Kristin, I feel the same way.

    Silka, I say a little prayer every day for another day of being here, especially on days like today when the weather is awesome.

    Theresa, my sister lives in Wantage, NJ - where are you?

    Amy, thanks for checking in and letting us know dad is doing better.

    Denise, loved the pic. I have a washer that seems to put holes only in my clothes - hubby and son aren't complaining, and my washer is only a few years old - I hate to buy a new one. Oh, Knifty's there :-)

    Beth, great pics. I should do a website like yours. As technical as I am, haven't even checked out doing one.

    Lisa, beautiful granddaughter.

    Be back later.

  • neesie
    neesie Member Posts: 1,110
    edited April 2008
    Don't know what I'm doing..........hard to believe it's me and not Cyberspace! I just posted to Margaret and Lisa and then posted a couple pics of the walk and they aren't here.I'll try again.........
  • neesie
    neesie Member Posts: 1,110
    edited April 2008
    Anyhow, That's my little one at her house after the walk! She is to little to go with us, but I buy her a shirt each year so she is still celebrating the day!!

  • newvickie
    newvickie Member Posts: 2,941
    edited June 2007
    Oh Lisa what a beautiful baby!!
    Nicki..hang on so I can come tuck you in before I start dinner. I am starving tonight...wanna come over...having hamburger helper and corn on the cob...yup, I'm still being lazy! Hugs and sweet dreams to you.
    Just got out of the pool...ahhhhh...can you say wonderful!!! Got my car back 540.00 later...easy come, easy go. At least i got my closing check so the car repair check won't bounce.
    Off to cook dinner...bbl
    hugs to all and where is Z, Susan, Liz, Shel, Madison, hmmm...
  • marshakb
    marshakb Member Posts: 796
    edited June 2007
    Well I am caught up with everyone but have only had time to do just that, read!

    Bubba and I spent yesterday layed up on the couch resting from the social calender. This roller coaster ride just came to a screeching halt! LOL

    Puppy, thanks so much for Bubba. He heard Vickie out tucking everyone in last night and gave a little growl but realized it was just Vick doing her nightly tuck in and settled right down. Sure love that guard dog!

    Start Rads tomorrow so if someone will send the magic carpet, and/or Mazur around 11 am that would be great. Bubba and I will be ready to git r done! Decided to take him with me to all the docs appt to make sure no one gives me any more sh**!

    Have a great night everyone.......Marsha
  • Odalys
    Odalys Member Posts: 929
    edited June 2007
    Good evenning friends....(buenas noches amigas). Hope everyone had a good day. I'm in the process of cooking dinner but had to drop in to tell Lisa the baby is absolutely beautiful!!! Oh babies smell so good and feel so soft. She looks very alert for being three weeks old.