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  • b445
    b445 Member Posts: 980
    edited June 2007
    I have not had a chance to llok back and read there have been almost ten pages I think since I was able to read.
    I have been very busy trying to finishing getting my MIL's things moved into storage. Thank the heavens above that my parents were here to help. I only have about tow more loads we'll do next weekend and then it's cleaning left to do.
    I'll be glad when it's done. Just made us relize we really need to go through our things cause I don't want anyone else to have to. I have way too much stuff here!

    Well today was the first day I didn't have to go to the cancer center all week. I've been 7 times in the last seven days!
    The CT said no kidney stone, thank goodness! but they don't know what is causing the pain. They think the bleeding was from the coumadin levels being sky high! but they are much better now! Although I still hurt.
    They may hold the Avastin if I'm still bleeding tomorrow and send me to Urology.

    What a weired feeling it was tonight when I took a shower and cleaned out a lot of hair. If my hair was a thin as my husbands, it would be gone! As it is I think it will be gone in the next few days.

    Don't know if I want to try doing the wig thing or just scarves and hats. We'll see.

    I'm getting tired now that I'm sitting still so I think I will go to bed I have a blood draw at 7am tomorrow.

    HUgs and prayers to all and I wanted you all to know you're in my prayers!
  • socallisa
    socallisa Member Posts: 10,184
    edited June 2007

    Por supuesto, Odalys...tenemos que aprender mucho..

  • AlaskaDeb
    AlaskaDeb Member Posts: 1,159
    edited June 2007
    Hey ladies…I finally got some photos of the Relay and one of Jeannie and I posted on my blog. Go check them out if ya want

    I have been reading along, but have been so busy that when I sit down…I fall asleep! I seem to have cured my insomnia by doing more physical stuff…gardening and work outside. I have been sleeping much better.

    Does anyone have a way to get in touch with Amy? I’m worried about her dad….

    So many of you shared special thoughts about dads and grandpas. My dad truly is my hero. I joke that I will never be a famous writer because I had such a great childhood that I don’t have any big traumas or angst to fuel my writing LOL. In all honesty, my dad is a rock and I am so glad we moved back home so I can be close to both him and my mom. I love that they are so close with my kids…a double blessing

    Someone asked if I had seen the baby moose lately….Yep! We actually have 3 mama’s with babies that we see almost every day. We also have a female yearling that is being a mean brat. She is hanging around the yard and stomping her feet and laying her ears back like she is wants to stomp us. I threw one of the dog’s tennis balls at it today and chased it out of the yard. My guess is that she belonged to one of the mama’s that has a new baby. That would explain why she is hanging around…and maybe why she is grumpy…Maybe she misses her mom.

    No huge news here. We are busy, but in a good way. Summers here are glorious. The sun goes below the horizon at about midnight, but we have visible light 24 hours a day if it isn’t cloudy. It gets dusky, but not dark. I love it!

    I am keeping you all close to my heart and in my prayers. Sleep well sisters…

    Bugs and fishes
    Deb C
  • snowmen_n_thongs
    snowmen_n_thongs Member Posts: 367
    edited June 2007
    hi ladies,
    i am so tired out... working 10 days right now... yes i took that managers job!
    i finally get a day off tomorrow....and i am going to sleep sleep sleep..... screw the housework!
    so i just poopped in for a min.... hugs to all the ladies!
  • karen1956
    karen1956 Member Posts: 4,604
    edited June 2007
    Hi CG's- I am up way to late. My girlfirend had a few of us over for dinner tonight to celebrate her 50th, the first anniversary of her DH stem-cell transplant and their wedding anniversary. It was an early dinner, but I still am miserable - must of eaten way too much.
    I talked to my dad today and boy is he grumpy. He is still in a lot of pain and has not been up "walking" as it hurts to walk with the walker. I sure hope he does not back slide alot in the mobility area with this last surgery. I figure grumpy is good - but I am stil worried about him.
    CherylHolt - how was your trip. good luck with your move - remind me where you are moving to.
    Denise - you got to meet Anne - how cool. How as the walk.
    Margaret - how was the graduation party?
    Robin - yeah - no bone mets - hope the shoulder is better soon.
    Jeannie - beautiful cruise pics
    Sherndon - story brought tears to my eyes
    Tricia - hope back is better soon - sorry you can't get the MRI. Hope you get the drains out soon.
    Joyce - hugs to you and Kevin. I will be with the two of you tomorrow for Kevin's surgery. Please post when you are up to it and let us know how he is doing.
    Puppy - the french toast was yummy - I love my carbs!!
    Vickie - your DD has a great sense of humor - love her fathers day gift!!
    Odayls - love the dads day peom. Please help us learn spanish - now I just have to remember to take notes
    Shokk- I think I go back and forth between merry-go-round and roller coaster. I guess it depends on the situation. I like your description.
    Vickie - hugs -
    Nicki- did you get in the pool today?
    Madison - happy birthday to your dad - 87
    Liz - glad you are enjoying your "new" car - enjoy your visit with your son.
    Silka - welcome - glad you feel safe with us to share
    Vickie - love the hug
    Marsha - love the pics of your NoMoChemMo party.
    Sherndon- beautiful pics of the relay
    Shokk- sorry to hear about your dad - hope he has an easy time with the surgery and recovery.
    Tricia - I love it - precious baby dumpling - I wondered what "pbd" stood for.
    Christine - how was getting together with susan?
    Deb - I love your smile - the pictures on your blog are great.
    Tracey - 10 days without a day off - hope the new job keeps going well. Enjoy your day off.
    Cy - no kidney stone. good luck tomorrow at the doc. You are one tough lady - and busy too.
    Krisitn, Z, Margaret, MB, LiniPAm, Anne, Beth, Tgirl, Shel, Jankay, Denise, Amy (how is your dad), Boo, Gus, Colleen, Shirley, Sige, Jan, Cheri (where are you, betty, Iris, Laura, Gina, sending you hugs from Denver, I love you all. Wishes for a feel good day tomorrow. Who is driving to pick everyone up to be with Joyce and Kevin for his surgery. Well, its late and I should think about going to bed. Morning comes early!! Karen in Denver
  • jankay
    jankay Member Posts: 789
    edited June 2007
    good morning sunshine sisters
    nah nah nah i beat u!!!!!!!!!!
    tweaking vicki, nicki toes
    get up
  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Member Posts: 1,233
    edited June 2007
    Good evening ladies. It is still evening here but won't be when I finish probably.I slept all day so I'm awake now but maybe not too much longer. Still tired.

    Joyce, we'll all be there with you and Kevin tomorrow. Everything is going to be fine.

    Shokk. I think we're all half roller coaster and half merry go round. Depending on the situation.

    Liz, thank you for the candles.BTW, My dd is highly allergic to poison Ivy and we've been dealing with it for years. The best thing we've found is oatmeal. If you'll put some oatmeal in the foot of a knee high stocking and tie the top of it and let the water run over it and then just drop it in the water and soak in it for awhile it does wonders for the itching. This also works for sunburn, too. (the best tthing for sunburn though, is a bath with tea bags )

    Silka, so sorry for your pain.

    Shokk, sorry about your daddy, hope the surgery goes well and he gets along well.

    PBD, You were a very blessed young lady to have had a daddy like you did. You will always have him in your heart.

    Gina, I hope you let us know tomorrow how your test results came out. I've been wondering about you.

    Amy, hope your daddy is doing ok. Spose you'll check in later today and let us know.

  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Member Posts: 1,233
    edited June 2007
    Jankay was having trouble posting this and asked me to. So this was actually posted by Jankay:

    When I think back over the years, I realize how fortunate I was to be born into the family I was. My mother was so beautiful

    and dignified looking that she could have been royalty. She gave me three of the best sisters you could

    have. There is a saying ,"Friends are for now, Sisters are forever". I can honestly say my sisters are like that.

    I was fortunate to have caring christian parents who taught me to be a good parent which I try to do for my children.

    There are so many memories that it is hard to decide what memories to write about. I have memories of mother feeding

    my children daddy's homemade ice cream at family get togethers. As my children got older, she would wrap their gifts in

    mysterious ways so my children would have no idea what they were getting.

    My parents had 57 beautiful years together. Something that didn't happen much then and is so rare in modern times.

    I remember the stories of how my parents met. They were on a double date. My dad's date was the other woman, my mothers

    was the other man. My dad was the one working and the one with the car. After the date, he would take my mother home and

    the other couple. After that he would go back and get my mother. Because of their work schedules, my dad never did meet my

    grandmother until they were married. My papaw Huffman said that mother was the best Suit he had seen.

    I can remember when my family was leaving their house. Mom would say "Jacob and Jessica be sure you have all

    your ducks in a row." and "Don't take any wooden nickles."

    Because of my health problems, I belong to several chat rooms, I confide in these people. A woman in one chat said,

    "Hold her hand and think of the good times. Your mum is not the woman in the bed. Your mum is a fine lady clothed in your

    memories....You will always have them."

    Couldn't have said it better myself.
  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Member Posts: 2,728
    edited June 2007

    Good Morning Everyone: So many nice things written about our fathers and mothers. Lots of emotions on this thread yesterday. It good to reminise (sp?). Good to think about times that are in our past now - but the memories stay forever.

    I actualy had a very nice day yesterday but I did way too much way to early in the day. By 2:00pm I was exhausted. My muscles hurt, I had a headache - so I just layed in bed and watched television. My husband tried to lure me into the pool but I just couldnt do it. Guess I was on the down side of my roller coaster life.

    Joyce: Thinking of you and Kevin this morning. We will all be with you.

    Amy: We are all worried about you and your dad. Hoping everything is OK and sending you a big hug.

    Vickie: Such a sad stroy about your dads ashes. Glad you decided to keep them for a while. Also hoping you get your car fixed today. We have 2 cars, but the one my husband uses - well he let the breaks get so bad its not drivable anymore. So hoping that loan from my friend goes through. Thats the first thing Im gonna get fixed after paying my medical bills.

    Liz: Poison Ivy? Yuck! My first inclination is to get some Caladryl lotion, but I think you need something that has a little prendisone in it too. Maybe your PCP will order something for you without having to make a trip to the office.

    Silka: Sorry about your DH.

    Shokk: OMG - dad borke his hip? Good luck with his surgery today. Its gonna take time, but he should do well after the surgery. Is gonna need some rehab. The orthopedic doctors that I work with say - it takes a year for a full recovery, but rehab should get him independent enough to get back home. Sending you a big hug.

    Kristin and Gus: Sounds like you both had a nice day.

    Robin: I swear I dont know what impengment means. If it is indeed the nerve being involved - that sounds awful. Must have been a pretty bad break. Did they mention putting pins or a rod in?

    Iris: Always good to see you my friend.

    Boo: Energy level! I sure understand what you were talking about. Like I said earlier, I just pooped out yesterday. No rhyme or reason to it. DH couldnt understand me saying "I just dont feel good."

    Tricia: What a nice story. Precious Baby Dumpling

    Odalys: Im just laughing at your post about walking your dog. Seems like I have a funny story to come home with everyday now.

    Cheryl: Sounds like you had a nice day too. Are you moving close to your same area, or farther away?

    Jankay: Great post on Memories of your mom.

    Cheri: Some people are just born to be night owls. Think you one of them. Man - I could never sleep soundly during the daylight hours.

    Tracey: Oh my goodness - you are busy with your new job. Hoping it gets settled down so you can have some time off. I sure do miss you around here.

    Sherloc: Missing you too and hoping your visit with your sister is going well.

    CY: It was good to hear from you. Still cant believe how many things you are doing while getting chemo. After I lost my hair from chemo, I only wore hats - or nothing. I looked silly in a wig and it was summertime and way too hot to wear anything. But then I see pictures of Ginas wig and its beautiful. So do what your heart says. Im just so gosh darn sorry you have to go through this.

    DebC: Those were great pictures.

    Well, I need to be off early today. So I hope everyone has a great day. Probably wont be back on til tomorrow morning.

  • newvickie
    newvickie Member Posts: 2,941
    edited June 2007
    and a cup of sunshine for you all.
    Jankay and Cheri both beat me this morning!!! Good morning sunshine sisters. Cheri pal...we shoulda been partying yesterday...where were you hiding? Jankay...I love the story about your just warms my heart.
    Nicki...yoohoo sunshine sister...time to rise and shine.
    We usually see our Betty too and I could really use some french toast this morning! Geez...hungry all the time! glad that dad is "ok" know what I mean. Will be thinking of you both today.
    Lisa is talking gibberish up there! LOL...just teasin ya! Thought maybe you'd been in Jasmines moonshine!
    CY...I was worried about you and happy to see your post. You really need to take it easy! My goodness you aren't! Sending hugs from me and Nate.
    Deb...oh I love the pictures! Thank your post about the moose to Nate and he is ready to come to Alaska LOL. (he thinks he's a great white hunter with his red rider bb gun.)
    Tracey...oh my...we miss you. Hope you get caught up soon and come fill us in. Don't overdue it! Life is too short to kill yourself working!
    Speaking of working...don't know if I'm going in or not yet. Shouldn't drive my car the way it is just worried that I won't be able to get it into the garage today. I hate going to the garage...was hoping I could get my sister to pick me up and bring me home while they work on it but she has an appointment this morning so I'll be stuck there. I'll take my crocheting along. I hate missing work and it's gonna be really hot today! Not only will I miss work but I'll really miss the air conditioning!!
    I may be able to take my car to a garage that's only about a mile away in which case I can walk home but it depends on whether or not he is busy and will take my warranty.
    Gonna shower and make some calls...figure out if I'm working or sittin in a garage LOL.
    Wishing everyone a grand and wonderful day today...
    love and hugs all around
  • newvickie
    newvickie Member Posts: 2,941
    edited June 2007

    Yup...I knew Nicki was out there just waitin to sneak up on me LOL! love ya sunshine sister...have a great day!

  • k4katz
    k4katz Member Posts: 158
    edited June 2007
    Good morning ladies!

    Just a quick pop-in...I try to read every morning but I don't always have a lot of time to post! Have a follow-up with my rad onc this morning. Not a stressful visit by any means, since my skin has healed up so well. You would hardly even know that 4 weeks ago I was a crispy critter! LOL

    My muga came back last week and was holding steady at 70%. Yeah! I have been so lucky that I haven't yet sprouted any additional problems as a result of chemo, rads, or herceptin.

    As I read through the posts, one thing that occurs to me is that you are all such a strong, vibrant set of women. I am honored each and every day to be a part of the Circle and to be able to draw upon your strength when needed! Each one of you is a unique and important piece of the Circle and, with everyone contributing in her own way, together you have created something truly awesome!

  • Odalys
    Odalys Member Posts: 929
    edited June 2007
    Good morning CG's,

    Wishing everyone a great day. I sure wish we could all be here.

    BRSTN Member Posts: 165
    edited June 2007
    Good morning,

    Had a bunch of pages to read to catch up.

    No french toast today. Have to get to work.

    Hey, I could use the Spanish lessons. It was the only course I flunked in my life!!

    Long, rough week ahead of me. I will sooo be glad when this conference is over. There is so much stuff that I'm worried about. I'm having dreams (nightmares) about what could happen. And this is a bunch of storytellers. You wouldn't think therre would be this much chaos.

    We had a bunch of soldiers leave from here yesterday. I know they can be deployed any time, but Father's Day? That's just not right. They just showed some pictures on the news. So sad..

    Better run get ready.

    I love you all!!!

  • newvickie
    newvickie Member Posts: 2,941
    edited June 2007

    oh Odalys...I would so love to be there walking in the sand! I so love the ocean...yes I know I've said that a thousand times LOL!

  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Member Posts: 2,728
    edited June 2007
    Good Morning Vickie, Betty, Kristin, Jankay, and Odalys. Hoping your day is filled with sunshine.


  • lizws
    lizws Member Posts: 789
    edited June 2007

    I'll be gone today but will be thinking of everyone. Sure wish Amy would check in.

    Hugs and Prayers to you all.
  • shokk
    shokk Member Posts: 790
    edited June 2007

    Good morning sweet sisters.......well don't know if our weather is making the national news but Tarrant County (Ft. Worth area) had a bad storm last night and got between 4 and 5 inches of rain in less than a hour.......a mobile home park was flooded......several homes were washed down a street and a mom lost grip of her 4 yr old daughter and now they can't find the little girl......just breaks my the last 2 months DFW has received more then 27 inches of rain.........for anyone that needs rain I am so ready to share.....the storm this morning is now headed into southeastern OK and southwest Arkansas so Liz and Alwayshope watch out if that is were you are.......this storm cell also included two tornadoes..........ok girls because of these storms work is going to be very busy......I am only staying until about 11 and then will be going to the hospital......not sure when dad's surgery is scheduled but it will be today.........will be thinking of everyone today.......Vickie be careful with your car......Nicki be careful out there on the highways of Chicago......Betty it is so hard seeing our troops leave but I as an American am so proud of our armed forces.....I know you are too......its interesting because we talk of being brave facing the beast and sometimes I even amaze myself at things I have faced but it is nothing compared to volenteering to protect our freedom in this country......ok guys I love each and everyone.....going to check on Amy before I go to hospital...see ya later gators.......

  • Silka
    Silka Member Posts: 45
    edited June 2007
    I didn't have to work today, so I am quite happy to sleep in and let someone else start the coffee. I am waiting on dish network to show up and complete their job. You always get a 4 hour span for your appointment, so I just sit and wait. Not really, always have plenty to do.

    It is going to be another schorcher here today, wish we could get some of your Texas rain, everything is dying here. I have been watering my garden, but letting the lawn go dormant.

    Hope everyone has a wonderful day....since my cancer dx, I appreciate every day, they are all lovely!
  • Boo46
    Boo46 Member Posts: 261
    edited June 2007
    morning all,
    I'm off to the dentist to have the impression made for my cap. Then a little retail therapy!
    Silka - Yes the days are lovely!!!
    Love to all,
  • newvickie
    newvickie Member Posts: 2,941
    edited June 2007
    I'll start the coffee as I can't go to work with my car the way it is. Crummy buttons (I have a much better expression for this but it isn't appropriate.)
    Took my car to our local repair shop (only about a mile away) with high hopes that he could do the work and get paid from the warranty company or that it would be a cheap and easy fix. No such luck. Told me upwards of 800.00!! Said I would be better off taking it to the local Chevy dealer and having it fixed under the warranty after all...wise idea huh! Little sarcasm there. I hate cars and car issues. Called the local dealer and they said to bring it in and they'd get to it ASAP and would take the warranty coverage.
    grrr...I can think of such better way to use vacation time than sitting in a garage!
    whine whine whine...tell me to shut up and pass me some cheese.
    Supposed to be a scorcher here today too but I must agree with Silka...every day is lovely!
    bbl...maybe on horseback LOL!
    love and hugs all around....

    Amy...please check in and give us an update on you and DD...we are worried and Jankay has her scooter ready to go!!!

  • cmb35
    cmb35 Member Posts: 554
    edited June 2007
    Happy Monday Morning Girls!

    Lots of thoughts about about our father's yesterday, the ones that are still here, the ones we have lost.

    CY - good to see you post, take care of yourself

    Iris - why do you have a small keyboard?

    vicki - you will know when the time is right for your dad's ashes, hugs to you

    nicki - hope you're feeling better today, and that the rest yesterday did you good

    Karen - lots of things to celebrate for your girlfriend! hope your tummy is feeling better today

    amy - hope your dad is doing OK, thinking about you

    I'm behind with work, so have to run, sorry I can't say hello to each and every one of you - odalys, betty, sue/gus, shokk, liz, kristin, cheri, jankay, christine (good to see you!), just all of you!
  • jasmine
    jasmine Member Posts: 773
    edited May 2008

    Colleen -- whatever happened with that supposed Verizon lady? Did you call and check?

  • tflowers
    tflowers Member Posts: 232
    edited June 2007
    Morning girls...way too busy weekend so jumping in for a minute. Didn't get enought time to read, sorry.

    Funny story, My dad's buried on the opposite side of town and I really never get there, but yesterday I went to a store I never go to and was driving by his cemetary. Just weird that I was there on Father's day. Yelled out of the window "Happy fathers day, I love and miss you". You should have seen the guys face in the car next to me...totally confused..

    Really depressed today, not much sleep with the heat. The air never gets enough to my room and I put a fan next to the register to help. Up and sweating all night.

    check in later today.
  • newvickie
    newvickie Member Posts: 2,941
    edited June 2007
    Well my car is at the garage with the promise that they would do there very best to get it in and out today.
    Sending Theresa a's really hot here and I am having a terrible time dealing with it. Sweating all day and didn't sleep last night either...yuck. I love summer but summer with hot flashes is a whole new experience!
    Caught a weird sore throat, scratchy voice, stuffy head thing...don't feel sick just strange...haha..that's probably normal. Got some Claritin and Benedryl from sis and think I just might take a nap.
    Wake up Cheri...time to make the donuts.
    I do believe Miss Susan is home again...where are you smiling lady...we've missed you.
    Amy...still worrying here...where are you?
  • purplemb
    purplemb Member Posts: 593
    edited June 2007
    ok quick fly by work is so busy....

    hugs & everyone you know I think about you and pray for all of you and your families...

    PS got my new pinkstock tattoo...maybe send vicki the pic cuz I don't do that well...anyway,,,
    hugs and prayers to all...
  • lv2cmp
    lv2cmp Member Posts: 899
    edited June 2007
    Good Morning CG's!

    Just a quick update as work is busy and I leave today at 1 for my herceptin and zometa.

    Dad is in a regular room now. They moved him from CCU on Saturday. He had a great nights sleep on Saturday and last night wasnt bad either. The doctor this morning said his lungs sound better than they have the entire time so thats great news. The surgeon is supposed to come by and discuss options. He has been up and is weak but mentally doing better just getting out of CCU. Thanks to all of you for asking about him. As you call can tell, I love my dad and he is the most easy going person I know.

    Be back later.

  • jasmine
    jasmine Member Posts: 773
    edited May 2008
    I'm glad your dad is doing better, Amy.
  • PuppyFive
    PuppyFive Member Posts: 539
    edited June 2007

    I am glad I have All of You!
    been a little nervous, so frogive me for not posting much!
    I have been praying for you all and will try to become my regular self soon, what ever that is! Love, Puppy
  • beth1225
    beth1225 Member Posts: 402
    edited June 2007
    Hi everyone. Jeez, miss one day and so many posts! So, I cried my way through. I lost my dad to bc in 1989 and really miss him too. I look at my brother and see so much of my dad in him. We had a family business for 20 years and dad and I worked togetehr every day and I was still single and living at home too. One thing I have found is I hear some of his favorite expressions in my head at times but after all these years I think I have forgotten what his voice sounds like. That really got to me yesterday.

    Well, we spent the day at oldest stepson's and dh had a grand time with two of his boys and 2 of the grandsons. I just kind of relaxed and sat under the big tree at the picnic table. DIL never lets me lift a finger when I come over anyway so I took pics and got to spend time with family. I will try to post some of them later. Especially of the kids.

    I visited with my mom at her assisted living this morning. She has a dress that needed to go to the cleaners and I know she misses seeing me. I was there almost every day before surgery. While I am there she is telling that the PT dept wants her to get her hip evaluated because she is not moving about as well since she fell a couple weeks ago. I do hope it is not broken.

    To Shokk, Amy, Karen, Liz and everyone else who has and older parent with problems, I am sending my best to you all. It is so hard to all of a sudden see them like this. I came home and cried even before I read yesterday's posts!

    Hi to you all and lots of cyberhugs.