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  • socallisa
    socallisa Member Posts: 10,184
    edited June 2007
    Muchas gracias, Odalys..tal vez ella es muy lista!!
    I am pooped from doing a whole day of laundry....
    But the trip was worth it!!

    I started taking Lyrica for neuropathy last week instead of neurontin..makes me a little dizzy?? I know, I know..I am a dizzy broad...
  • newvickie
    newvickie Member Posts: 2,941
    edited June 2007
    good evening sisters,
    walking the perimeter a little early to tuck everyone in...yes I's too early...tough...go to bed, Mondays are rough and we all need our there! Actually don't care what time you go to bed but I'm whupped and heading in that direction soon. Need another sister to cover the late nighters.
    Gotta get the magic carpet ready for Kevin tomorrow. We need to be there to give him a wild ride...Cheri...are you driving? save me some bubble wrap! Marsha needs a ride too and she's taking scary dog! I am not sitting next to that dog! Let get that straight right now LOL. Jankay has an appointment too so we're gonna have a busy day. Someone might want to bring the chocolate fountain along.
    Saying some extra prayers for Kevin to have sweet dreams and a wonderful day tomorrow...sending him an angel to watch over him.
    gonna sneak in and cuddle that baby that Lisa posted and peek at her little toes. I love baby toes...they look just like little peas in a pod. Love that baby smell too.
    Cheri has been mighty quiet today...wake up are needed Yup...being bossy!
    Popping in to see Odalys and see what she's cooking for dinner...still hungry as usual...
    Puppy's wagon is just too quiet. Come out and sit with us dear lady. We miss you.
    Pam should be home by now but I don't see her. Sending her a hug and hope she had a grand time at the aquarium.
    Denise...what an absolute doll. She must just be your pride and joy. Good night and sweet dreams. (oh...I fix everything with duct tape or hot glue heehee. I'd get along great with Deb's hubby!
    Silka...what a scary story. We had a death at one of the area assisted living facilities here today (or late last night...not sure of the time)...a women who lived there went outside to smoke a cigarette and caught herself on's gonna be major trouble for that facility! What an awful way to die. So sad.
    Christine is in her wagon pouting cuz Denise grounded her LOL. Oh too funny. That was a good one Denise...don't worry Christine, I'll help ya break out if you find another date..we never did hear how the last one went.
    Susan...come out come out wherever you are!
    Shel, Madison, Liz, Colleen, Amy, Shokk, Sue, Gus, Shirley, Jeannie, Odalys, Beth, Robin, MB, Anne, Betty, Theresa, Karen, Iris, Tricia, CY, oh heck...too pooped to remember it all...I loves ya!
    Wishing you all of you pleasant sweet and hugs.
    See ya in the morning
    BRSTN Member Posts: 165
    edited June 2007
    Good evening everyone,
    Hope everyone is having a good one. I knew I should just run and hide this week. It’s just Monday and we have about four crisis going on at work. Once this conference is all done, I’m going to give you all a blow by blow of as much as I’m legally able to give.
    Denise, I love the picture. My DH is handy with some things, but he’s more likely to let his fingers do the walking. In that respect, I do get repairs done. The car is another thing. It’s still hurting, we are waiting until we have an extra $400 laying around. I’ll get a mileage check for driving to the conference next month so that probably is when it gets fixed.
    Jankeyy, I loved the little old lady joke. We got cell phones so we could call Applebee’s and request they get a wait staff person over to our table after we wait past 15 minutes to even get a look our way. So I understand her calling to get some action.
    Denise, the conference is July 12-15 in St. Louis. I’m hoping maybe some MO CG gals will come over one day. DH is presenting at one of our special interest group’s pre-conference. I’m so proud of him. He uses story in business and is quite good at it. After the conference is over we are heading to Olatha, KS to visit his elderly aunt. Then down to Little Rock to visit my sister. Then home, his 60th birthday is on the 23rd of July so I want to be home by then and try (yeah right) to thrown him a surprise party. That is all if I survive the conference. If anyone is close by and wants to hear some great storytellers, come on. Our regional concert on Friday night is free and open to the public. Our Sunday National Concert is just a $10.00 ticket. And don’t let me scare you away. The trouble I’m having won’t affect the performances.
    I loved reading all the Father’s Day tributes. My dad died in 1988. I have a video of him and Mother, but I can’t bring myself to watch it. They both are buried in my hometown and we are hoping to get down there soon. I miss them both.
    My best friend told her mother (Rose) the about my diagnosis the day before my mastectomy. Rose’s reaction was she was so glad that Sadie (my mother) wasn’t alive. She didn’t say it in a mean way. Just that she was glad that my mother didn’t have to worry about me. Rose died that evening. They told me about it several days later. I’m not sure why I told you all this. Sorry.
    I think I had too much wine tonight.

    BTW, I love all the pictures. Thanks, Deb and Beth and Lisa. Lisa, Kennebuck is one of my favorite palces. My sister is there now, They have a condo there.

    Bugs and fishes,

  • Biker54
    Biker54 Member Posts: 1,042
    edited June 2007
    Good evening everyone!

    SoCal, that is one cute little baby!!! Smell her head for me. I just love baby smell.

    Shokk, they were just talking about all the rain you guys got, on the news. OMG! They were saying it rained about an inch per 15 minutes. That is a lot of rain! So sad about the little girl. Her poor mother.

    Denise, how cute is she????? Great pic!

    Marsha, compared to chemo, rads is a piece of cake. Not painful at all, except for some burning on your skin. Like a sunburn. You won't get sick or anything. Probably just a little fatigued at the end. You can handle this, no problem.

    Well, I'm going to walk the perimeter. I know it's early, but like Vickie, I'm heading to bed early tonight. Still not feeling quite right. I'm watching out for Bubba! He scares the crap outta me! Night all.
  • SheriH
    SheriH Member Posts: 472
    edited June 2007
    Hi everyone. My hair is my vanity these days! I've only trimmed it once since it came in. It came back in the blond that I've always been, yes, that is my natural color.

    Vickie, I hate car trouble--one of my worst things to deal with. glad you got it fixed, sorry it cost so much.

    Amy, glad your dad is doing ok. Shokk, hope your dad does well in surgery.

    Marsha, I used to look forward to rads, ok, I'm weird, but the techs were so nice. They treated me like I was their best friend. Hope yours goes well.

    Odalys, I'd love to learn more Spanish! My dh is semi bilinguil. He's the only manager at his restaurant who can talk to the hispanics. My oldest son, Jacob, taught himself how to speak on the internet. Now he's living in Ecuador and speaks it all the time! My dd, Sarah, is taking it this year in college and I'm sure will need lots of help.

    Nicki, sometimes we just don't feel like doing anything and there is no reason. I've been like that the last couple of days, just really no energy. I do stuff only because I have to, but that's it, no extra.

    Lisa, I love the baby. I miss holding them. Babies like me, too, for some reason. When I was pregnant with Micah a few years ago I remember other babies looking at me. It was like they knew there was another one inside.

    My brain isn't working right, so I guess it's time to go. No wine, just extra tired I think. Thanks for tucking me in, Jan.
  • jankay
    jankay Member Posts: 789
    edited June 2007
    well cgs i know i have been guiet today but i had a counsler appointment that i forgot to put on calendar. how do uput pt down every t and th.
    as u all know i went to sunday school and church yesterday which i enjoyed very much, but the first thing i heard when i got there was that one of the staff members had died sat nite. this was not just any staff member, she had been friends with my family for years. my younger sister dated her son and according to jackie they should have gotten married. i also worked for the woman at the church. she has been a very important fixture in my life. this wil be hard. now for those of u who dont know i grew up in the methodist church. in the methodist church we m0ve our pastors every couple years. this year we lose our senior pastor and the associsate pastor. the associate pastor is a young woman whom this was her first congregation. she is a dear friend of mine, not just a pastor but a friend. so that is very hard on me. and then the sudden death of my friend jackie.
  • jankay
    jankay Member Posts: 789
    edited June 2007
    any way this weekend has beenn very hard on me; i dont know if u all know this but my faith and my church family are very important to me. i think with the bc and the parkinsons i would have died long ago if it hadnt been for the prayers of my cchurch and my faith.

    the reason i didnt know if u know that is because i dont think i flaunt it (sp)
    now the thing is no matter how bad i want to go to the services, it would be too difficult for me because of the crowd that will be there and i mean physically and mentally,she will be buried in the neighboring cituy next to her husband, so i cant go there. i just feel like it is not fair that i cant go.
    also there is a covered dish luncheon after her graveside
    which is not normal in tthe church she was loved that much

    should i go to the luncheon when i cant go toany thinh else and i wont be able totake a dish.
    what do u think?
  • christineK
    christineK Member Posts: 735
    edited June 2007
    Here are the pics of my weekend with susanmcm. What a great lady and a fun time!


    Survivior Procession, there were over 3700 pink shirts this year and almost 70,000 in attendance. Like last year, we beat Denver, until their race in Oct (I think)


    Our team, we had about 45, and close to 30 walkers, some "slept-in" where they donate and get a shirt and pillow case mailed to them. Susan and I are on the right, in pink of course!


    Susan and I enjoying a post race dinner. I am the one with the double chin and curls!

    If you get a chance to kidnap Susan for the weekend, It is recommeded, Can't wait until Pinkstock to hook up again!

    Susan, thanks for stealing the pink bag from a lil girl on the metro for me and the pink ribbon bear- You are awesome!
  • suzfive
    suzfive Member Posts: 126
    edited June 2007
    Hello everyone,

    We had some stormy weather this afternoon and some much needed rain. Also cooled things off a little. Had to pick up my dd from work and drove along Lake Michigan. I am scared of storms and the wind was blowing so hard I was afraid trees were going to come down. The waves on the lake had big white caps and there were huge streaks of lightening. It didn't last long thank goodness, stopped by the time I got to dd workplace. It was really hot and humid here. Don't have air conditioning so it was pretty uncomfortable for a while - much better now.

    Today was my youngest ds Jack's first day at Broadway Boot Camp. It is a two hour a day, one week camp. He didn't want to go - thought there would be all girls - no four other boys. Didn't think he would like it but afterwards said it was fun. He is kind of shy so I am hoping it will help him with that.

    Lisa - that is one beautiful baby. Great pics of your vacation.

    Denise - your gd is so cute. Yes, I am originally from Michigan - born and raised in the Detroit area - parents moved to Redford in the late 70s. My dad still lives there. I will be visiting July 6-9 for my oldest nieces 40th birthday. If I had realized that the Race was Father's Day weekend, I would have come. Talked to my sister yesterday and she said that next year she would like to walk so maybe I will join the Michigan team next year. Our Race here is in September. LMAO at the picture of your dryer - looks exactly like what my dh would do. Our dryer is who knows how old and he would have it duct taped and tied together until it totally broke down before he would let me get a new one. Must be a guy thing.

    Marsha - I don't know, Bubba is pretty scary looking - might frighten everyone on the carpet. Can see why you would take him to your appointments though - no one will mess with you that is for sure! Rads is so easy - you'll see - don't feel a thing while your getting the treatment. Might get a little sunburned afterwards - but usually not for a few days (weeks).

    ((((((Jankay)))))) - loved the joke - but you know before HIPPA people really used to do that. I worked in a hospital and sometimes people would call for their own results from their hospital rooms. We had caller ID so we would know and tell them they needed to ask their doctor. Then sometimes they would have a relative call back and try to impersonate the doctor. We weren't allowed to give out results unless they were from a doctor's phone number. So sorry about your friend Jackie. It is so hard to lose someone but doubly so when it is not expected. Then on top of it to lose a pastor that you like - hopefully the new one will be good too. Had to copy and paste and saw your second post. I think it would be alright to go to the luncheon - I think people would understand, but you would probably know better than I. Sending lots of prayers and hugs your way.

    Nicki - the lack of energy I think is due to the heat and humidity - even if you are only in it for a few minutes it takes it all out of you.

    Jan - hope you feel better.

    Silka - what a scary story, that poor lady. My neighbor has a friend with a chow mix - that dog is so cute and seems so docile.

    Betty - your conference sounds interesting - if I was closer by I would have stopped in. You are one busy woman for the next few weeks.

    Deb - great pics of the Relay. Wow - 12,000 dollars that is a lot of money - congrats. Never done a Relay - will have to look and see if they have one around here. Making Strides and Race for a Cure are big around here. My dd did the Relay in Michigan at school and told me about the luminaries - must be awesome to see it in person. Great pic of you and Jeannie. Your cat looks like she is saying this afghan is mine, all mine! Those are really cute pics.

    Vickie - good you got your car fixed - price tag not so good, but what are you going to do - have to have transportation. Sweet dreams.

    Margaret - glad your Mom's surgery went well. Gee - lots of parents having surgery lately.

    Karen - I hate that "can't believe I ate the whole thing" feeling.

    Madison - think I remember you saying you were also having some stormy weather - hope everything has settled down now.

    Sheri - you are lucky you got your natural hair color. I was hoping for curls - but no, got straight hair and more gray - although it does seem to be getting more brown (my natural color) - strange but I'll take it.

    Odalys- Buenas noches amigo!

    Shokk - gee you have had more than your share of rain. Wish it were possible to send it to those who could use it. So sad about that little girl. So many people stranded and without homes - really awful.

    Okay ladies, have some work to catch up on still. I work for the Medical Examiners Office and they work seven days a week so Monday is a busy day for me if I don't work on the weekend. They have a doc who is leaving on Thursday so I have to do all his work stat.

    See you all tomorrow.
    Sweet dreams.
  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Member Posts: 1,233
    edited June 2007
    Good evening ladies. Not much going on. Amber took the boys to the movies. I'm just kinda hanging around like everyday.

    Amy, do glad you're dad is doing better.

    SoCall, beautiful baby.

    denise, adorable little girl.

    Marsha, we'll be there in the morning with the Magic Carpet. Rads is nothing like chemo. You'll breeze through it.

    Joyce, did I miss a post from you or have you not updated us on Kevin yet?

    Vickie, I'll drive the Magic Carpet for Marsha and anyone else that needs it. So Bubble-Up! It'll be alright...Marsha and I are both Roller Coaster people. hahaha I have a way w/dogs, before the trip is over I'll have won Bubba over and he'll be ridin' shotgun! I may even let him drive. (no cracks about my drivin) lol

    Gina, hmmm. You just not going to let us know what your results were? I take it they must've been alright?

    LisaElder, just where have you been little lady?Are you lurking and reading? Or just not been on here? You used to post alot now you're just gone. Whassup?

    Wishing you all a restful eveining.

  • Odalys
    Odalys Member Posts: 929
    edited June 2007
    Denise - your daughter is so pretty. She looks like a real girly girl. Glad to see you bought her a shirt so she can feel part of the team. It must be nice to have a little girl to share girl things with.

    Vickie - car troubles are always so stressful, specially when we get the bill. Glad to see they were able to fix your care soon.

    Lisa - You have very good spanish. Did I read you lived in Spain for a while? Me too, but I was a small child and don't remember much.

    Jan - I'm with you...Bubba is just too ugly and scarry. I think I will take my umbrella just in case I have to pull a "Dog Whisperer" on him. LOL!

    Betty - Putting a conference together is no easy task and sooooo stressful. I hope you have a good turnout.

    Vickie - I love how you always summarize the various posts before tucking us in...ery creative.

    Marsha - good luck tomorrow. Rads is easy compared to chemo. There are no SE to deal with and the treatments are over so soon. I hope you are receiving treatments close to home so you don't have to commute far.

    Margaret - glad to hear your mom's surgery went well.

    Silka - I know what you mean about the garage. We tend to clean ours several times a year and before long it's full of clutter again.

    Suz - hola AMIGA! Amigo is the male gender.

    Good night CG's...I'm turning in early. I'm so tired today. Hope everyone has a peaceful and restful night.

    Love and hugs,
  • RobinTN
    RobinTN Member Posts: 466
    edited June 2007
    Denise:she is a real beauty.

    Marsha:how did the rads go today? I hated everyday of mine.I was so glad when it was over.I think I dreaded getting up early and being there at 9am and the techs were both men.Yuck..

    Vickie:Thanks for the bubble bath,I just hopped in and turned the jets own and plotted until I almost turned into a prune.

    ChristineK the pictures are great.You and Susan are 2 classy ladies.Does susan still post anymore?Havent seen her here in a while.

    Cheri:I agree with you about Lisa.She is gonna have to check in or I am gonna go up the mountain and find her.
    She is probably out showing the new hootie to everyone she comes into contact with.

    Well I am pooped again.went to town early,did a little shopping went and got herceptin then back home and spent 2 hours cleaning the house again,the same house that I spend all day yesterday cleaning.

    I never had a father so didnt go anything yesterday.Well you know what I mean.My natural mom and dad left me with my grandma when i was 16months old and my grandma raised me all my life.
    My dad always said I wasnt his althoug I look just like him.
    Oh well his loss.ITs a very long boring story.
    Nite all cg's.

    Oh I almost forgot.Call me The Roller Coaster Of Love.
  • CherrylH
    CherrylH Member Posts: 189
    edited June 2007
    Looks like everyone has gone to bed. Been packing all night and as soon as the load in the dryer is done, I'm joining them.
    Nicki, I'm staying in Oak Park. Moving just a few blocks to a slightly larger and much nicer place. I really do hate packing though.
    Wising everyone a good night and a great day tomorrow.

  • cmb35
    cmb35 Member Posts: 554
    edited June 2007
    Evening Girls -

    Off to bed, but a quick update. The Verizon lady was on the up and up, just didn't have the typical demeanor or protocol of a service person. Still a lesson, I should have never let her into my home, regardless.

    Need to drop into bed so can't catch up on the posts, but will read, read, read tomorrow...
  • socallisa
    socallisa Member Posts: 10,184
    edited June 2007
    Odalys..yes I lived in Madrid for four years, but it was over thirty years ago so I have forgotten most of the Spanish I learned there. My oldest two boys went to Spanish schools and learned it in about six months..que suerte, verdad? I wish I had the accent marks and upside down exclamation points and question marks on my keyboard..We had a wonderful time there.

    Betty..I loved Kennebunkport..your sister is so lucky to have a condo there..luckily we were there before the big tourist rush so had no problem finding a nice room..we ate at Mabels and had a shore dinner with Maine lobster and steamers..yummy!!

    Christine..what great sure looks like you had a wonderful time..

    Jan and Sheri ..I did get that newborn baby smell implanted in my is so much fun to have such a little baby around again.

    Jankay sorry to hear about your friend..hugs

    Suz..don't work too hard..make everyone pull their fair share!!

    Cherryl..I spent all day unpacking and doing six loads of is either one or the other!! scared all those black flies out of NH for me..not one bite!!! We had a great time in Hanover and Moussalauk..

    Margaret..glad your Mom's surgery went well..

    Denise love the pic and the shirt!!
  • Tricia
    Tricia Member Posts: 103
    edited June 2007
    Good evening,

    Theresa, I am sorry to hear you are feeling depressed. Not being able to sleep from the heat just makes everything worse. I hope you feel better soon.

    CY, I hope your pain goes away. Hugs to you.

    Karen, I hope your Dad is healing well.

    Amy, it sounds like your Dad is making good progress. Glad to hear it.

    Denise, love DH's dryer repair. LOL

    Jan, OMG that potato gun thing sounds like a really stipid idea! Lucky yhat kid has fingers.

    Jankay, another good one!

    Beth, loved the pics!

    shokk, saw that on the news about the little girl. So sad.

    Vickie, spending money on cars is no fun at all, but necessary, I guess.

    SoCalLisa, your granddaughter is beautiful! Love your trip pics!

    Marsha, I all set to go in the morning. Love those rides, the support and companionship.

    Odalys, buenas noches

    Christine, what great pics!

    Thank you for the sweet comments about my Dad. Never had a very good relationship with my Mom, but I figured I was so lucky to get such a wonderful father, it more than made up for that. I do feel his presence every day.
    Saturday, I had to have my wedding ring cut off. It had been very tight for months - gained some weight last holiday season and never lost it. Married 29 years, it was a little sad but we are going to wait a few monthe to get it re-sized. I think I should probably wait to see if AI's cause me to gain weight or retain water.

    and LOOK! No drain. Saw the onc surgeon today and even though yesterday was 35cc he said it was ready. Wasn't his drain, ps put it in, but he had no prob sliding it right out. The 2 of them work together a lot. I just love him, don't see him for 6 months, but he told me to let him know when I go in for the exchange surgery so he can come by to see me.
    I know I missed many of you but is was a long day and I need to get to bed.

  • karen1956
    karen1956 Member Posts: 4,604
    edited June 2007
    Good evening CG's
    Joyce - I know you are at the hospital with Kevin but sendinig hugs your way. Hope Kevin has an easy recovery.
    Marsha - we will be with you at your first rads.
    Tricia - glad the drains are gone. sorry you had to have your wedding ring cut off - when is your anniversary - Craig and I are also 29years, but soon to be 30.
    Jankay - beautiful - memories of a mom
    Vickie - I had to get new brakes a couple weeks ago to the tune of 600+ - not so easy come and so easy go money!!!
    Nicki - hope you are feeling better today
    Kristin - glad you ahd a good doc visit. What does 70% mean on a MUGA scan?
    Betty - hope things slow down a little for you with work
    Shokk- how did your dad's surgery go - wishing him and easy recovery
    Boo - hope mouth isn't sore
    Amy - glad to hear your dad is out of CCU
    Puppy - hugs!
    Denise - love the dryer pic!
    SolCalLisa- what a beautiful baby
    Margaret - how is your mom - what type of surgery
    Denise - grand daughter is too cute
    Christine - love the pics of you and Susan. Last year, Denver did have the largest turnout for the Race for the Cure. Wonder if we will beat St. Louis again this year. It is Oct 7th this year. It will be my first race as a survivor. Wasn't up to it last year, so did the sleep in for the cure so I could raise money.
    MB. Liz, Z, Tgirl, Colleen, Silka, Beth, Suz, Gus, Jan, Anne, Deb, Tracey, Odalys, Cy,Robin, Sheri, Lisa, Pam, Shel,Jeannie,Madison, Gina and all the other sisters, sending hugs for a good night and good day tomorrow. I love you all. Hugs from Denver, Karen
  • jasmine
    jasmine Member Posts: 773
    edited May 2008
    Colleen -- I'm relieved to hear the lady was legitimate. Its scary when you live alone and have to wonder who some of these people are but now you can relax on that score.

    Tricia -- yippee on getting your drain out! I was so happy to be rid of mine. It was like getting a new lease on life.

    Lisa -- you take the most spectacular pictures! I always love to see your work.

    Marsha -- good luck with rads tomorrow. Is tomorrow for mapping the fields are will you actually be starting them? The first visit for me was to do the 3D imaging to set up where the fields would be and they drew a roadmap to disney land on my chest.

    Suze -- you work for the Medical Examiner's office? Is it really like what you see on Crossing Jordan? I love that show.

    Vickie -- did you get your car fixed? And, any news on the job front yet?

    Christine, Susan -- great pictures!
  • b445
    b445 Member Posts: 980
    edited June 2007

    Just popping in quickly to say good night and I'm thinking of you all!

    BRSTN Member Posts: 165
    edited June 2007
    Good morning CGs,

    Looks like I'm the first Sunshine Sister today. Yippee!! Oh wait a minute. That means I'm up way too early.

    Colleen, I'm so glad she was legit. Still scary.

    Lisa, I'm going to ask my onc about Lyrica. I'm taking some generic that my PCP prescribed. I've been on it about three months and so far it doesn't seem to work. I have two more dead toes.

    Did you go to the Bookport while you were in Kennebunkport? That's one of my favorites. I'm thinking about getting a GC for one of the restaurants my sister and BIL like there. Sunday will be their 40th anniversary. He's flying up and taking her to NYC for the weekend. They will both be there in August for a while and can use the GF then.

    Sheri, I loved all your pictures.

    Christine, loved seeing yours too. That one of you and Susan are great. I've been saving the pictures and going to make a CG photo album. Thanks for sharing.

    Cheri is driving the carpet today? Hang on everyone!

    Robin and jankey, good to see my TN sisters checking in.

    Tricia, no drains!! Yippee

    Well, better get some more coffee and see if anyone else is stirring this morning.

    Hugs to all,

  • Silka
    Silka Member Posts: 45
    edited June 2007
    Looks like it is up to me to get the fire started and the coffee going, Jankay, you sleeping in this morning?
    Hope everyone had a restful night and lots of sweet dreams.

    Denise, you should have videoed your husband's conversation and repair job and sent it to America's funniest video's.
    SoCal....the baby is adorable
    Tricia, glad the drain is out, those things always seem to hurt at the insertion site, was always happy to be rid of mine.
    Vickie, they should have provided a car for you so you didn't have to miss work since your car was still under warranty. Why are you having to pay so many $$$ on something that is still warranted?
    Colleen...Last Thursday morning at 6:00am, someone was laying on my doorbell and knocking on the door repeatedly, I grabbed my robe and rushed to the door fully expecting to see my 19 year old grandson on the other side, (he always does that). Some young man was standing there looking for "Courtney", told him I didn't know who she was, he was walking. Makes one wonder about the young people.

    To all the rest of you, even though your hair is tousled and you still have sleep in your eyes, you are still beautiful and hope you have a beautiful and peaceful day.

    The coffee is ready and smelling good, I am going to get a cup, wouldn't surprise me if the smell wafting into the wagon's doesn't stir up some company for me in a bit.

  • Silka
    Silka Member Posts: 45
    edited June 2007

    BRSTN, I was typing and you slipped in.

    BRSTN Member Posts: 165
    edited June 2007

    Silka, good morning. Looks like we need to start tweaking some toes. LOL

  • newvickie
    newvickie Member Posts: 2,941
    edited June 2007
    Good thing I had Betty and Silka to tweak my toes or I'd still be sleeping. Just can't seem to drag my butt out of bed lately! Geez. Good morning sunshine where is Nicki and Jankay...probably sneaking in behind us.

    Firing up the magic carpet for Kevin, Marsha and Jankay today. Cheri is driving (oh boy)and all will be well.

    Sending prayers for a sucessful surgery for Kevin and hugs for the whole family.

    Christine and pictures and glad you had such a good time (swiping things from little girls...oh my). You both look simply beautiful.

    gotta get running...late as usual. darn...I'll catch up later
    Love and hugs to all
  • jankay
    jankay Member Posts: 789
    edited June 2007


  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Member Posts: 2,728
    edited June 2007

    Good Morning Everyone: Yes indeed, I did over sleep. I dont know if it was tweaking, felt more like someone was ticklingmy feet. Actually I woke up at 4am and thought this is insane to get up. I fell back to sleep and now Im more tired.

    Silka: Now that was one scary story. Wonder what possessed that dog to attack his owner?

    MargaretB: I dont know how I missed it, or maybe chemo brain is sinking in, but I didnt remember about your moms surgery. Hope she is doing well.

    Denise: You always crack me up. Some husbands make lots of money, other husbands are really handy around the house and fix things - my husband? Lets just say he is none of the above. But he has been by my side and support. Come August it will be 29 year anniversay. Will have know him for 34 years! WOW!

    Vickie: Cant believe a lady went outside to smoke and caught herself on fire. Thats gonna be big trouble for the owners of the ALF. Also gonna bring down more regulations for other ALF's.

    Marsha: So today is the big day. Bet you are nervous as all get out. I would be. And oh - bubba doesnt scare me too much. Ill just bring along a steak bone to keep him occupied.

    OK! Now ya see this is why I hate waking up late. I have so much to say and now very little time to say it all. So this is gonna be quick.

    Odalys - Im waving at you and hoping you have a nice day.

    Lisa: Great pictures. I have heard alot of good things about Lyrica.

    Betty: Cant wait to hear about the conference.

    Jan: Hiya girlfriend. Have missed talking to ya.

    Sheri: Hoping you have a good day today.

    Jankay: Very sorry to hear about your friend.

    Christine: Those were great pictures. You both look awesome.

    Suz: HIPPA - Man I hate it. Seems like people now use it way too often and not what it was originally intended for. Hair - my hair grew back the same too. I wanted curls, but didnt get any. I have cut my hair 5 times and finially I am letting it grow. So its really at that painful stage where it never looks cute.

    Cheri: Top of the morning to ya

    Robin: Hope you get to rest today.

    Cheryl: Whew, I thought you might be moving far away. Hoping we can get together soon.

    Colleen: No more strangers in the house.

    Tricia: Glad that drain is out.

    Karen: Blowing happy bubbles your way.

    OK - gotta go.

  • k4katz
    k4katz Member Posts: 158
    edited June 2007
    I am running so late this morning!

    No time to read, so I have no idea what is going on with everyone! Hopefully later I can catch up.

    I hope everyone has a great day!
  • marshakb
    marshakb Member Posts: 796
    edited June 2007

    No, Nicki, that was Bubba licking your toes to wake you up. He may be scary looking but he sure loves all the Circle gals!

  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Member Posts: 2,728
    edited June 2007

    Good Morning to Betty, Vickie, Silka, Kristin, and Marsha. Oh and Marsha bubba was licking my toes?


  • jasmine
    jasmine Member Posts: 773
    edited May 2008
    Good morning happy campers! Rise and shine! Where is Cheri with that magic carpet?
