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  • neesie
    neesie Member Posts: 1,110
    edited April 2008
    Good Morning!

    Hope all have a great day! I've got an 8:00a client today, so I have one foot out the door. Have I mentioned that I need a new job???!!!! I know, quit complaining and do something about it!!!!
    Gotta check the appt. calendar and be on my way. Was hoping for an update on Kevin.........anyone hear from Joyce yesterday?

  • jankay
    jankay Member Posts: 789
    edited June 2007
    I got this from lindseyfl from chat yday
    sorry to report that jen43
    passed on Saturday according to Silvia, her sister in law. She came in under Mike's name and told us tonite. She says Mike is going to live with them for now, and that Mike is not doing
  • tflowers
    tflowers Member Posts: 232
    edited June 2007
    Morning girls. I'm still in my pissy funk but all I need is to come here and see what funk really is when our sisters are going through such troubled times. So I'm putting on my big girl panties and will stop whining in my pity party for no reason.

    Margaret...I live in South Jersey about 5 miles outside of Philadelphia. Everyone rips New Jersey but when you think about it, we have everything.(yes even highways)
    We have the ocean and some of the best beaches in the country and maybe world, Atlantic City for gamblers and entertainment, Philadelphia and New York is only a car ride away. We have mountains to hike and beautiful rivers to kayake. We get warm summers and cold winters with snow and skiing. I guess I'm sticking up for my state, but I love it here.

    I'm on the carpet for our sisters with Mazer driving. I have a Kevin for a son, so I'm praying for yours.xoxo

    Must go but will check in later. If I sound nasty, please excuse me. xoxo Love to all.
  • marshakb
    marshakb Member Posts: 796
    edited June 2007
    Jankay, I haven't spent much time in the chats recently. Last I heard from Mike was that jen43 was doing really well! That she was recovering well from surgery. What happened?

    Geez, what a fighter, and a lovely lovely person, my heart goes out to Mike and family.

  • jasmine
    jasmine Member Posts: 773
    edited May 2008

    Jen had a major stroke, got better and then had another series of strokes. My sympathies are with her family. May she be free from pain now.

  • MargaretB
    MargaretB Member Posts: 771
    edited June 2007
    Tricia, congrats on getting the drains out.

    Karen and Nicki, mom had to have another access port put in for her dialysis. This time they put it in her groin. Hopefully, this lasts longer than the others have. She's running out of places for insertion.

    Betty, you were up early this am. And Silka too - pass the coffee please.

    Wow, I'm watching the flooding in Texas. That poor mother whose daughter was swept out of her sad.

    Cheri, don't forget to pick me up.

    Theresa, I went to Jersey for the first time this past Nov. and the weather was perfect. My husband said he could even deal with the snow. Then we found out about the property taxes so that did it for him. We're staying in CA and will just visit my sister. She has moved into her new house so I'll be going back to visit her since we helped her pick out her floors, granite, cabinets, etc., and we want to see the results.

    I'll catch up with everyone later.

  • jankay
    jankay Member Posts: 789
    edited June 2007

    thank u always because i couldnt answer the q uestion

  • newvickie
    newvickie Member Posts: 2,941
    edited June 2007
    Ahhh...back in my air conditioned office.
    Prayer to Jen's family. What a sad sad thing. I didn't know her but she is a sister just the same. Hugs to you Jankay.
    BRSTN Member Posts: 165
    edited June 2007
    Ok I just had to sneek in at work and posat this. One of my co-workers and a dear friend was telling me about one of her friendss in another state who was dxed and will be facing 18 months of chemo. I said that that was a long time and she asked how long I had chemo. I told her 4 rounds and about three months. She goes, "Oh my and look what it's done to you!" I just howled. She felt bad, but it was just so funny to me. I'm still laughing. Have to otherwise I'd just put my head down and cry.

  • karen1956
    karen1956 Member Posts: 4,604
    edited June 2007
    Just stopping by before work to wish everyone a feel good day.
    Marsha - good luck today atyour first rads. The anticipation is harder than the Tx. I was never at the clinic more than 20-30 minutes. In and out!
    Be back tonight.
    Hugs, Karen in Denver
  • shokk
    shokk Member Posts: 790
    edited June 2007

    Buenas dias sweet sisters......I didn't know Jenn in chat but I am so sorry to hear about her passing.....Jankay and Marsha sounds like ya'll knew her well.......Betty got to love it...your co-worker probably feels so bad for saying that out loud because you know she was thinking it.....saw my stepsister and stepbrother yesterday.....hadn't seen them probably in about 3 yrs and I could see the shock on their faces when I walked up to them......they had no idea it was me..........well my dad had hip replacement yesterday afternoon.....he did very well......he had a stroke about 21 yrs ago the same side so when the doc came out to tell us about the surgery he said that he had snip a tenton in his groin to give him better movement and I told my stepmom let's just tell him they decided to give him a vasectomy because my stepmom was tired of doing birthcontrol dad is 81 and stepmom is 79.......ha.........anyway guys ya'll have no idea how much I appreciate the well wishes and prayers for my's guys are the very best..........did ya'll see the news......we have had a little bit of rain.....5 people are missing from the floods so sad.........I had better get to work will try and check back in later......Amy and and son are in my prayers.......please check in when you can and let us know how everything you guys......Gina miss you so much please check in soon.......bbl.........

  • PuppyFive
    PuppyFive Member Posts: 539
    edited June 2007

    I am with you CG'S, Praying for all!
    so sorry to hear that another sister has gone before us,
    saying a prayer for her family!
    {{Marsha}} Bubba, will always protect You!
    He will protect all the CG'S!
    Yes He might look ugly, But so do the ones that want to harm you!!! Love, Puppy
    will be back later to check on every one, sending special prayers to Our little {{Kevin}} Today, and everyone having
    Hard times Today! xoxoxo Puppy
    PS, Nicki I loved Your picture!!! Who Loves Ya Sister?
    " I DO " Puppy
  • Madison
    Madison Member Posts: 859
    edited June 2007
    I am holding hands with all of you as we circle around all who need our good wishes and prayers today.
  • lizws
    lizws Member Posts: 789
    edited June 2007
    Morning girls,

    I missed the magic carpet again. I just couldn't drag my jiggly butt out of bed today. I'll be checking back for any news though.

    Got the DS home safe and sound. Today I have to call BCBS about my FIL's insurance. I so hate talking to insurance companies. If you hear a large bang - it will be me.

    Hugs and Prayers to you all.
  • lv2cmp
    lv2cmp Member Posts: 899
    edited June 2007
    Good Morning CG's

    Never made it back on yesterday as I left at 1 for the lovely herceptin/zometa treatment.

    This morning they ran the light down dads throat to look at the valve and it is calified so it will have to be replaced also if he chooses to go for open heart again. Right now they are concentrating on getting him stronger so we shall see. They will send him home to get stronger and hopefully it will work.

    Shokk-you all are having awful weather. I was watching the news as I was getting ready this morning and thought of you.

    Cheri-Mazer left me this morning so ya'll dont forget to swing back by and pick me up. She was so afraid you couldnt drive without her and she was really worried that Bubba might try to move in and take her spot.

    I didnt know Jan in chat but thats just awful.

    Betty-that could go down as one of those stupid things people say. Glad you laughed about it,,sure beats crying.

    Vickie-glad your pool is up and running.

    Beth-your pool looks very inviting.

    adrionna-the picture of the dryer was perfect. It looks like something I would do but only after the duct tape quit holding it.

    Biker-wow you turning in early? I said I was going to last night but as usual I didnt. I am going to try it tonight though and hopefully I will make it. Early meaning about 10.

    I shall return but got some paperwork to finish up. I am tired of seeing it on my desk.

    Thanks to everyone that has asked and thought of my dad.

  • socallisa
    socallisa Member Posts: 10,184
    edited June 2007

    Congratulations Tricia on having that drain removed. Good to have it out of the way, huh.... didn't make it to Bookport. Sounds like we should have!!! The Lyrica is not in our pharmacy formulary..but my PCP wrote it up so I could get it saying nothing else worked.We did make it to Perkins Cove..

    Hi are you doing?? I have been gone for two weeks.

    Good morning Doris!!

    Jas..that is funny about the rads.. back!

    Vickie and Nickie..up and at I have to get there to shoo you up??

    Denise..don't get that foot stuck in the door... must still be under Prop 13 in CA for the taxes..I am sure glad we still are...

    shokk..a 79 year old doing birth control??? wow that is a good stay safe from that weather..I saw some rescues on the news last night.

    Liz good luck on the phone today..I just hate time I had a very hoarse voice and sounded like a guy..I got sooo much more accomplished then...sorry state of affairs..

    Amy..missed you yesterday..
  • marshakb
    marshakb Member Posts: 796
    edited June 2007

    Amy, Mazur has no need to worry about Bubba trying to take over his seat. Bubba is happy to ride "shotgun" as he is the one that will take on the front desk b*t**es and any others giving the CG's a hard time. Ahhhhh our own little attack dog, isn't that sweet? LOL

  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Member Posts: 1,233
    edited June 2007
    Morning ladies. I'm just devasted that Jen lost her fight. I've got such a lump in my throat I can hardly type.She was my only real 'friend' in chat. I mean all the girls are fine but Jenny and I clicked. She'd sometimes PM me in the middle of the night and we'd meet in chat. We started going into the chat room nobody used. We called it the Cabana Room complete with Cabana Boys, we could lay outside of it and listen to the ocean while we drank our Cyber drinks and Jen always got her toenails painted. We joked and laughed at life in general. She was wonderful. Intelligent, charming, kind and had a great sense of humor.

    She and her husband, Mike, had only been married 5 years and they were truly crazy about each other. They were like newlyweds. She'd been through so many health issues and he'd stood right by her. She loved him so.

    After they went to Amsterdam for her transplants, Mike would sometimes PM me. At times he'd be up and excited about her progress and other times he'd need cheering up.

    I always thought she'd beat it, that she'd pull through. She was such a fighter and had to go through so many health issues before she passed. It just wasn't fair. She was 44 yrs old with 2 kids still at home.

    I never met her in person. But I'm just as devastated as any friend would be, we make some strong ties on here. I know people thought we were crazy that came in to our Cabana Room. But it was our way of forgetting.

    Jenny will be sadly missed.
  • newvickie
    newvickie Member Posts: 2,941
    edited June 2007

    ((((Cheri))))...I'm sorry and wish I had known her. So very sad, too young for such a thing to happen.

  • AlaskaDeb
    AlaskaDeb Member Posts: 1,159
    edited June 2007
    OK…I don’t know how I missed it..But I didn’t get to see Bubba! Can someone repost the photo??? I get the feeling I’m missing a good one

    SoCalLisa – I loved your photos of Maine. It is somewhere I really want to visit.

    Marsha – I am handing you some magical sunscreen…Just be careful letting Bubba or Mazer rub it in….

    Amy – Sounds like Dad IS getting stronger. Hope you are taking care of YOU too….hugs

    Hi Madison, Liz, Karen, Margaret and Puppy…love ya

    Shokk – Your birth control joke cracked me up. Sounds like things are looking up…sending you hugs. Pass one on to Dad

    Betty – I’m glad you could laugh at the silly comment. It’s funny…sometimes things like that made me laugh, sometime I got mad. Laughing is better. Just remember YOU’RE BEAUTIFUL DAMN IT!! Especially when you laugh.

    Vickie – glad the car is working and you are back in the cool air at work.

    Sorry to hear about Jan from chat. I didn’t know her, but it still makes me sad….prayers for her family. Thanks for passing on the news though JanKay

    Theresa – I am sending you a big old sloppy kiss and a huge hug. I have spent many of days in “pissy land”. I get it. Here is the good news…It always manages to get better. Don’t beat yourself up over it. All any of us can do is deal with where we are right now, and try and move forward from there. By the way, I have never visited Jersey, but your description makes me want to

    Still praying for Joyce and Kevin.

    I need to go refresh the coffee. I actually pulled an all-nighter last night…only in Alaska in June, that is a little different…LOL The sun set at about 11:30 while I was cleaning the kitchen and it got semi-dark. By the time I finally go my butt up to bed at 1:30, the sun was peeking back up. So, really all I did was go to bed really late…but pulling an all-nighter sounds way cooler I am such a dork

    OK…out of time this morning. I have to get ready for a big camping trip starting Thursday morning. I swear getting ready is such a pain!

    Hugs to everyone I missed
    Bugs and Fishes
    Deb C
  • tflowers
    tflowers Member Posts: 232
    edited June 2007
    DMDeb...I would never be able to figure out Alaska...

    So very sorry about losing another one of our sisters. This war against cancer is taking too many fine soldiers....

    Marsha...I have Ted if we need more help. He just doesn't play well with others on 4 legs. But he's a great kisser and tails always wagging for anyone who'll pay attention to him.

    Amy... sounds good that Dad is doing alittle better.

    Sending hugs to Kevin and our other health problems this beautiful but HOT day.xoxoxo Love to all.
  • SheriH
    SheriH Member Posts: 472
    edited June 2007
    I am so sorry to hear when someone from the boards passes. I didn't know her, but I know some of you did.

    Tried on swimsuits today. I forget how middle heavy I am until I look in that mirror, very depressing. My 15 year old kept calling me to hurry home so I had to make a quick decision. Probably just as well.

    Don't really have much to say, but that my thoughts and prayers are with all of you, especially those of you facing new challenges. Even some of the every day challenges need prayers, too. Some have said that they don't think their problems are as big as what others go through. I feel that way sometimes, too, but that's what it's all about, sharing good, bad, big and little things. I love hearing stories about your lives, and hope I don't bore too many of you with mine! We are a sisterhood, one that means more to me every day.
  • SheriH
    SheriH Member Posts: 472
    edited June 2007

    BTW, as far a merry-go-round vs roller-coaster people: my merry-go-round slips out of its circle once in awhile and finds the roller coaster track! I agree with Cheri that we are all probably both, but I think we tend to identify with one more than the other most of the time.

  • newvickie
    newvickie Member Posts: 2,941
    edited June 2007
    what has happened to our Gina
  • MargaretB
    MargaretB Member Posts: 771
    edited June 2007
    Just popped in at lunch time - Vickie, Gina's mom is visiting. I sent her an email last night or this morning so hopefully she will respond.

  • purplemb
    purplemb Member Posts: 593
    edited June 2007
    wow I have missed so much..
    prayers for Jen's family...
    Silka...heheheh finally figured out who you were...hey Doris...long time.... the dryer my DH has been that's how he fixes stuff too...

    Susan & thought I read about two drop dead gorgeous women stopping I know who it was...cana't wait to meet you both...

    bought some more fish for my pond, the japenese garden is almost ready for everyone...lillies finally taking hold...trying to make lots of room around the pond for all the chairs and pool boys bringing us drinks......DS got DH a new grill fo rfathers day, a big one just for pinkstock so he can cook for all my DH proceeded to burn the dinner..( hmm all this time it wasn't the old grill) to love him...

    off to finish the pond tonight, then to sort out my house...need lots of room...

    I have scheduled my appt to have my Mast scar my pinkstock purple roses it is...with lots of green leaves to cover the huge area lady in the magazine had her whole side done, covering her scar and was just beautiful...

    prayers and gentle hugs to all...
  • newvickie
    newvickie Member Posts: 2,941
    edited June 2007
    good afternoon ladies...just popping in quick. We are under severe thunderstorm alerts here so if I should disappear check Shokk's closet. Seriously though, they are talking 60 mile per hour winds, nickle sized hail, dangerous lightning...the works. Usually in such cases we lose power.
    MB...I would love to tattoo my scars...I's something I can't seem to make up my mind about. I go back and forth!
    Margaret...thank you for the Gina update...just wondering about the new lump and worrying as usual.
    Well...remember Panny...she went today and got her breast cancer found...THANK GOD! I was really worried about her, she told her husband and he went with her, they did an ultrasound too as her doctor said he thought it was fibrous tissue and they wanted to make sure. She sounds like a different women this afternoon.

    Have a sinus headache...too much heat and humidity...yeech...better than snow though LOL. Gonna take some excedrine and fix dinner and be back in a while.
    Love and hugs all around.
  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Member Posts: 2,728
    edited June 2007

    Good Evening Everyone: For some reason getting onto this site tonight was hard. Everything is taking along time. OH well. Storms yesterday, beautiful day today at 80 degrees and low humidity. It felt good after that long, no rain, high humidity heat spell.

    I dont have much time to post. Im sorry to hear about Jen. I dont go on the chat very much anymore, but I was on the chat the day after she had her transplants and everyone was so relieved. Sad Sad Sad!

    I will try to catch up in the morning - that is if I dont wake up late again.

  • PuppyFive
    PuppyFive Member Posts: 539
    edited June 2007
    Goodnight CG'S I need you to bring the carpet to my house tomorrow i need to be there at 10am.
    I am scared about this anurysum, don't know what to expect!
    tried sending cards to a friend that knows somthing about it, but nothing came back!! his(the neurosurgeons name)is Doctor Bail, He heads the WVU Neuroligy (sp) center!
    has been very active with the NFL and is going around the country teaching a new procedure on concushions! I'm told He is the best, so i feel good about that!!
    mine is at the base of my brain stem,back part of mouth above the throat, no one has said anything about the part that has a bump on it on top which hurts more than the other!! guess i'll find out! talk to you when i get home!
    Love you, and hope {{{MARSHA}}} did well with her rads. and little {{{KEVIN}}} DID well with his surgery!!! Puppy
  • jankay
    jankay Member Posts: 789
    edited June 2007
    hey sisters
    u may not see me anymore today ther killed me. I walked 94 feet w/o stopping and then walked 40 more. then i did 20 mins in what is cAlled a standing table it stretchs miy hamstring muscles and they are stretched!!!!!!!!
    try to make a possee run thurs if i can moooove