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  • karen1956
    karen1956 Member Posts: 4,604
    edited June 2007

    Sneaking in at work today. It is field day. I was at the park this morning and now back at school. I was only signed up for the morning as a parent is supposed to come and help/take my place. Sure hope she shows up. I am so fried from the heat - queary - and I was able to be in the shade for little bits of time and had lots of water, but everytime I was in the sun, it got to me. It was 68 at 7:00am this morning when I left for work. Blue sky, no clouds and no air moving. Have lots of work here to keep me busy. Will check back in tonight after the PS appt. A girlfriend is going with me - she has the hots for my PS - he did her reduction surgery a few years ago. She always wants to know when I am going and last night called to see if it was really okay for her to come with me. Heck I don't care - not like she will be in the room during my exam. Have a good rest of the day. Hugs, karen in Denver

  • Madison
    Madison Member Posts: 859
    edited June 2007
    SHEL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Hello...........Missing you!!!!!
    I sure hope I know what is in that package waiting for you!!! That box has done some traveling!! Whew, okay, now I think the afghan will finally get to meet its new owner..and it will be ready to give you some great big hugs...


    Another afghan should be delivered SOMEWHERE tomorrow....
  • Sandra1957
    Sandra1957 Member Posts: 1,064
    edited June 2007

    Shel- 14yr old boys and girls??? I believe your headache will be much worse by the end of the night. Watch the dark corners. LOL!!

  • lv2cmp
    lv2cmp Member Posts: 899
    edited June 2007
    Oh my gosh Shel, get alcohol quick or you will never survive!!

    Madison-thats quiet the recap you gave of all of us. You can never claim chemo brain.

    Deb-you asked....Is Your Dog A Candidate For Braces?

    * Dental veterinarians perform orthodontic treatment only if the malocclusion causes discomfort for the patient and if the patient medically benefits.

    * Advantages of the planned treatment must outweigh the disadvantages, such as repeated administration of anesthesia.

    * Conditions that may benefit from orthodontic treatment include: over-, under- or cross-bites; trauma; retained baby teeth; hereditary conditions.
    (Dental veterinarians also explain to the client the possible hereditary nature of malocclusion. Genetic counseling may be advised since dogs that are used for breeding purposes may pass the genes for some dental conditions to their offspring. Sterilization may be recommended.)

    * Orthodontic treatment is not performed for the purpose of deceiving others or for cosmetic reasons. Owners of conformation dogs who have had orthodontics and continue to show, may be in violation of kennel club regulations and subject to penalties.

    * The main reason for orthodontic treatment of dogs is the ultimate well-being of the patient.

    Can you imagine,,a dog with braces, who would have ever thought it?!?

    Silka-couldnt help but notice the woman that made the comment was moving to Alabama,,maybe that explains it!

    Sue-I know that squeal of the dolphin and dont think I could handle much of it.

    Theresa-sorry for my chat lingo it only seems natural to type that way when on here.

  • RobinTN
    RobinTN Member Posts: 466
    edited June 2007
    Madison: honey thats ok for forgetting me.How about a belated recap? Anything anyone has nice to say about me really touches my heart,since I am still around so much negativity.Kind words are like medicine to my soul.
    Love you!!
  • SheriH
    SheriH Member Posts: 472
    edited June 2007

    Here's a kind word, and I was going to post it anyway. I like your story about the dog and the door and what's behind it. Something that really made sense to me. Thanks.

  • RobinTN
    RobinTN Member Posts: 466
    edited June 2007

    Thank you Sheri.I liked that story also.And isnt it so true?It dosent matter what is behind any door as long as it leads me to my Master!!

  • suzfive
    suzfive Member Posts: 126
    edited June 2007
    Just a quick fly by - finally caught up with my work and it is a beautiful day outside - have a few more flowers to plant so going to go and do that. Then I need to take son to camp and then go to the gym. Made my daughter drive herself to work today so I don't have to go and pick her up.

    Bubba with braces - might look more menacing although the more I see him the cuter he gets hmmm.

    Gus and Shel - all those kids - what were you thinking - passing a blue drink although you may need something stronger LOL.

    Deb - camping sounds like fun.

    Silka and Betty - what people won't say - geez.

    Karen - glad you are feeling better - know how the heat takes it out of you. Hope you have a good visit with the ps.

    Cheri - so sorry about your friend Jen43. I did not know her - may have read something about her transplants when I first found these boards back in October. Prayers for all her friends and family.

    Marsha - glad the rads went well.

    Gus - that song is great.

    Amy - have they let your Dad come home yet?

    Denise - Redford is close to Livonia.

    Puppy - hope everything went well with the neurosurgeon today.

    Robin - Hello

    Shokk - you may need to start charging rent for your closet.

    Vickie - we have had storms here too - very showy with lots of wind and lightening but not much rain.

    Nicki - hope you have the same weather there that we are having up here - beautiful - warm with low humidity.

    Sheri - great pictures. Keeping Jacob in my prayers.

    Susan and Christine - how nice you two could get together and do the walk. Great pics.

    Madison - wow - you must take really good notes and be able to read them - I am impressed. Unfortunately, your recap was on the previous page so couldn't scroll - dang.

    Better get going if I am going to get the plants in before I take son to camp. My two daughters are talking about painting - better go check on that too.

    Thinking of everyone with appointments, tests today.

  • newvickie
    newvickie Member Posts: 2,941
    edited June 2007
    that just reminded me of an exercise that Sarah had to do in school where everyone put their name on the top of a sheet of paper and it was passed all around the room and everyone had to write a one word description of the person. I loved her' was so nice.
    Robin...sweet loving mom and a big hearted grandma.
    Nicki...early to bed, early to rise sunshine sister.
    Madison...our sweet crochet lady who does way too much.
    Gina...our steadfast founder.
    Jankay...our humor when we need it, hugs all the time, posse girl.
    Shokk...our brb (not burping), closet sitting lady with the cliff hanger posts...
    hmmm...supposed to be working...gotta get back...I started it...carry on ladies...lets spread some love around.
    Susan...our bright smiling pal.
    Cheri...our tough on the outside, tender hearted on the inside, blue drink serving sister.
    MB...Mrs. Do those push ups and lets have a party girl.
    ok...really have to work!
  • newvickie
    newvickie Member Posts: 2,941
    edited June 2007
    Marsha...our brave happy dancin on the barstools girl.
    Shel...our sometimes MIA lady with beautiful feet LOL.

    Bubba...our mascot...oh please! I'm sorry but he's just plain ugly LOL! If I find myself needing protection I think I'll stick with Nathaniels red rider!
  • newvickie
    newvickie Member Posts: 2,941
    edited June 2007
    Deb...our sweet, charming Alaskan sister who tells us wonderful stories and keeps us sane. (and she is not an eskimo and does not live in an igloo LOL...remember that!!)

    Sorry...having fun with this!
  • RobinTN
    RobinTN Member Posts: 466
    edited June 2007

    Thank you vickie:Kind,honest,sincere,always there,loving friend.!!

  • purplemb
    purplemb Member Posts: 593
    edited June 2007
    Vicki..looks like I need to work on my

    but you are truely a kind and dear friend....

    hugs MB
  • neesie
    neesie Member Posts: 1,110
    edited April 2008
    Hey to all!

    Puppy, Jankay, Karen and Madison............appointments today. Thinking only good for all of you!

    Liz, Vickie, Madison and Alwayshope all hiding in Shokk's closet! Oh to be a fly on the wall! Glad all are safe from the storms.

    Deb: So you finally met Bubba! Braces indeed! Hey, you have a bundle of fun on your "families" camping trip.......DH working my butt........sounds like the man knows when to bail!!

    Amy: I want to think Bubba is cute...........but he is damn scary!!!! Mazer is so sweet, he was so concerned about being on time for the magic carpet that he broke out on his own!
    I'm glad that your Dad is doing better. I bet he is more than ready to break out of that place. (Maybe Mazer can show him how!) So open heart surgery is in the works for Dad?

    Nicki: Stay away from those people. They are just jealous of the relationship we all have here. I know there are some good ladies on the other threads, I just found this one and have stayed ever since...aren't you all lucky!!!! Have to admit though, I liked the pic posted for the "lurkers!"

    Sue: Boys coming back tonight! How long before you'll be ready to ship them off again? Sorry about the meltdown at Oncs office...that's the beauty of PTSS, no reason or meaning...they just happen. I've been on anti-depressants for so long, I'm embarrassed to say. But, like Nicki, I'm to afraid to try to go it alone.

    Marsha: Day 2 of rads............they do wipe you out, don't know why buy they do. 4 squares, YEAH!!!! People do say dumb things....I loved your comeback! You were going to sick Bubba on the "lurkers!" So what if he is "politically incorrect".......they deserve it!

    Theresa: Glad you are feeling better about things. You know, I just figured out 'brb' myself........Shokk always uses it, and I thought, "what the heck is that!" Yup, no computer genius here!

    Sheri: Bravo for doing the Swim Suit thing........I don't have the guts (no pun intended) for that! Loved the pics that your DS sent you.......He's doing such a good thing. I know you worry and especially about his meds....understandably so. My son is in AZ and he makes me crazy all the time.

    Shokk: I am LMAO over the self-description you gave!!!! So nice of you to share your closet with so many! How is your Dad doing?

    Madison: Great Re-Cap! You must have taken your 'Focus Factor' today! (ever seen that info-mercial?)
    I don't think I'll be going to Pinkstock........I'd love to meet everyone and spend time with all. At first I was definitely going, then reality set in. I don't know why I'm apprehensive....I know I'd be in the best of hands....part of me says "yes" and the other part says "stay home." Hard to explain. The second thing is that my Son is getting Married in November in Arizona. Big cost there..just flying and the wedding stuff. I know DH would tell me to go, but I have a bit of guilt cuz I don't make the Money around here............just spend it!

    Robin: You still sound like a new woman! Haven't heard an update on your new love he still dragging it around on the ground?????????????????

    Gus: That song is to Funny! You should get ahold of Kristen and have her put the lyrics and melody together! A houseful of 12 year old girls.............ahhhhhh, I remember those days well! Good Luck!

    Shel: 30+ 14 year olds...............Margaritaville for sure!

    Karen: Good luck with the PS. And good luck to your Girlfriend in her Quest!! Hope you survived the School Field Day!

    So, I woke up today feeling dumpy....No reason. Don't you hate it when your mind wonders into a direction and you have no idea how it got there in the first place! For some reason, everything this morning..............without any connection (to my knowledge) kept bringing back the accident when I lost my Son.......That Wonderful PTSS at it's best.
    So I did the next best Depressing thing and took off to go Bra Shopping!

    My DD was telling me today that my GD is such a trip! That is an under statement for sure! Anyhow, last night out of the clear blue she pops up with........."Can you show me some affection!" She is only 3...........Me thinks she is going to be a handful when that 3 turns into 13!!

    Hugs to all!
  • neesie
    neesie Member Posts: 1,110
    edited April 2008
    Vickie, to does remind me of the ole school assignment!

    Suz: Don't know the South part of the area to well, but I do know I'm not far from Livonia! I grew up in Flint and raised my Kids in Flushing.....been here for almost 6 years now. MapQuest, here I come!

  • susanmcm
    susanmcm Member Posts: 699
    edited June 2007
    Hi all,
    I just heard from Debbie (Puppy). She is back from the neurosurgeon and will post after they call her (pc/dialup) and set up the next appointment. She has to have a neurogram? She's not out of the woods yet. Please keep her in your thoughts and prayers.

  • neesie
    neesie Member Posts: 1,110
    edited April 2008
    Hey Suz:

    MapQuest tells me it's 32 Miles and 33 Minutes! Think you will have any free time?

    Susan: Just saw your post.........thanks for letting us know about Debby. Prayers Puppy.

  • beth1225
    beth1225 Member Posts: 402
    edited June 2007
    Hi guys. Sorry to have been MIA for a short bit. But, I am a little down lately. The nurse called from the assisted living where mom is and they want to have her evaluated for alzheimers. She is getting a bit off from her usual self. She saw the psychologist that comes there once every 2 months and I spoke to him today. He just feels she is unhappy about my situation with the post-surgical problems and figured she woud be coming home by now. Howver, she still gets unsteady at night when she needs to go to the bathroom and has fallen 3 times in the past month. He does NOT think it is the other and if it is alzheimers they would move her to the 3rd floor with the others in the same boat. My brother, the doc and I all believe it would devestate her. Her gp has to evaluate her first so we will see after her appt on Friday. All I have done for 2 days is cry over her failing health. Her diabetes is getting out of control but they feel it needs adjustment in her insulin, especially at night which would also make her confused if her sugar is too low a that time. So many things to consider.
    Thanks for letting me vent. Unfortunately, so many of us have aging parents and I am having trouble dealing with it lately.

    Puppy, I will call you later tonight and thank you to Susan for letting us know what was going on today.

    My visit went well with the ps. He is still saying he is being "cautiously optomistic". He said if it was the implant the skin would be all red and getting progressively worse. I said I am tired all the time and he said it is because of the infection.
    Fevers are not above 99.7 for a few days but it always goes up at night. Still have good old Ringo! He has not been below 30 cc's yet, yesterday he was 40 cc's. PS would like it to stay in as long as needed so I don't get more complications.

    I forget who gave me the advice, Betty? maybe, but last night, dh helped prop me up under a bloob and behind me and I slept for several hours on my left side. I got up so stiff and sore but it was a relief getting off the same position.

    I have to go and see how ds did on his report card that just came. Sorry I didn't get to all of you but it has been a lousy day with my mom's stuff going on. I will try to make sure I check in.
  • RobinTN
    RobinTN Member Posts: 466
    edited June 2007
    Denise:Max is doing just fine and growing like a weed.He is in no way a minature anything he is a long haired dashund.Everytime I start the vacuum he hides under the couch.He is such a wuss.

    I do have an update on jasmine's mole situration.They just got the report back and there was some ca cells left but the sugeron got everything and the margins are clear.Thank you God again!!..
  • TheShopMama
    TheShopMama Member Posts: 276
    edited June 2007
    (((Denise))) know that dumpy feeling. Just want you to know I understand and am here for you!

    Susan, Thanks for posting about Puppy. I have been praying all day. It is odd, but our accountant at work had surgery yesterday for a brain aneurysm. They said he did as well as could be expected and we will pray for excellent results with our dear Debby!

    A lot of us had storms last night! We really needed the rain here so I tried not to complain, but the wind and lightning does tend to make me a bit nervy. But it was girls night at my house. My friend Gail is teaching us how to crochet. Maybe before long I can send in some
    squares!! Such a wonderful, special thing.

    I just can't keep up in posting, especially while at work. Just want you all to know that I love you and am thinking about and praying for you.

    Marsha... I am sure you will take excellent care of Bubba... or he will take care of you. Your wagon is a great place for him to be. You know who to sick him on!

    Shokk... I have heard of people coming "out" of closets before, but you are the only one I know who has crowds waiting to get in!!
  • RobinTN
    RobinTN Member Posts: 466
    edited June 2007

    Ok,gals I am trying to add some new ringtones to my cell and there is a song i want to add that I cant remember who sings it.I think the name of it is "Everyday is a winding road"? Can anyone help me out? it would be greatly appreciated.

  • suzfive
    suzfive Member Posts: 126
    edited June 2007
    Robin - it is Sheryl Crow.

  • RobinTN
    RobinTN Member Posts: 466
    edited June 2007

    Thank you Suz!

  • lv2cmp
    lv2cmp Member Posts: 899
    edited June 2007
    Robin-thanks for the max update. I was just thinking of him today so funny that you mention it. Great news about jasmine also.

    Puppy-keeping you in our thoughts and in the inner circle.

    susan-As usual you come flying in with an update. What would we do without you?

    Vickie-hmm, you said one word and I see more than one word in your descriptions but thats ok I can go with it.

    Cheri-love the attitude
    MB-homebuilder and not yet finished.
    Madison-thoughtful and Bad Jake
    Robin-stupid husband and stage IV survivor
    Deb-Alaska and I want to go there. Always has helpful information and appreciates nature.
    Nicki-early riser and one day we will be related when our donkey and horse gets together.
    Beth-complicated surgery but handling it like a trooper.
    Shokk-shhh dont tell anybody,,shes in the closet and now we find out she might be a cross dresser. The story just gets better and better.
    Vickie-always caring and early morning riser also.
    Cy-stage iv survivor!
    Adrionna-great attitude and really up on her geography, lol.
    Marsha-dancing on tables, always having fun.
    Betty-home of where I want to go to the story telling festival. Lives in log cabin.
    Iris-was away then came back and once lived in Bama.
    Sheri-parents in bama and got to meet her.
    Gus-future songwriter.

    oops gotta go deal with a customer.

  • RobinTN
    RobinTN Member Posts: 466
    edited June 2007
    Thanks Amy.Yes I am a survivor sometimes I have to say it to myself or I cant believe its real.I am so afraid the phone will ring and someone will say oops we made a mistake.But then I have written reports.Silly huh? But this darn disease has been a part of my life for so long.It just feels weird.But a good weird.
    Speaking of stupid DH.I finally told him I am ca free and all he said was "well good"...Then the other morning I got up early just at dawn and he was standing in the living room cause he had heard something and he hugged me and said"no matter what happens just remember I love you"..
    I just went back to bed.If he loves me he has a poor way of showing it.ITs a little to late for anything now.Whats done is done and there just aint gonna be a second chance.
    We have well water and something is wrong with our well pump so we are trying to figure out where the money will come from to fix it,and I need a new freezer bad,well a new used freezer will be just fine for now.So I told him he is gonna have to get the money somehow.I said boy that 1000.00 for cell phone bills sure would come in handy.He said alot of money that has been spent here would come in handy.I said alot has been spent over the years but there is always something to show for it and its not been spent talking to other men.Boy he shut up fast.
    Anyway I think he has a feeling what is coming.If he had cared he would have treated me like a human when I was so sick I couldnt get out of the recliner.Yea right he loves me all right.Makes me mad to think about it.Now he leaves the phone off the hook at night to keep her from calling.She is a real whacko.I told him he is going to get messed up with someone who will come kill all of us.
    Oh,well.I told myself I wasnt going to talk about him anymore but I just had to get this off my chest.
    Its time for me to let the good times roll.Hop on the total gym and get as buffed as I can.Long as I dont get tangled up on the thing I will be ok..Dont know what I would do without karen.She trys to get me anything that I want.
  • jankay
    jankay Member Posts: 789
    edited June 2007
    well cgs appointment went well. i knew there was something about puppy a nd i couldnt figure what it was. she has started the fad of going into the closet. i too would also like to have been a fly on the wall.
    talked to z and she was going to the onco. she is supposed to post tonigt. if she doesnt, she needs bubba and the support of her sisters.
    i may be back later
  • tflowers
    tflowers Member Posts: 232
    edited June 2007 strong and so beautiful. You go girl and kick some ass. You should tell him you're taking kick boxing classes and see his face!! That will shut him up.

    Having problems with the vice president at work this week and I think it may be time to start looking. I just need to get through next month and my last (I hope) surgery for stage 2 plastic surgery on the uniboob. Then I'll hit the streets looking for maybe a sales job so I can work out of the house. I know I'm repeating myself, sorry. With my mother living here, I have to think about the future and taking care of her. Big joke because she takes care of me.xoxo

    One of my vendors has a super box suite at the minor league ball field and invited customers so my dh and I are going. Love to all. xoxo
  • jankay
    jankay Member Posts: 789
    edited June 2007

    i loved your story. how true
    my kind word for robin is - a true friend
  • nosurrender
    nosurrender Member Posts: 737
    edited June 2007
    Hello girls,
    I am back to report.
    I was away from the computer while my mother was in town.

    The lump info:
    The scans did not find anything conclusive. But everyone can FEEL it. So my bs wants to do an MRI. Only he can't because I have tissue expanders with metal in them. Then he said we could wait until they come out. THAT MAY NOT BE UNTIL FEBRUARY! After what just happened with the delay finding this new cancer that does not sound like a good option.

    Then today I went for my first taxol. I was so afraid I would be allergic to it because I am allergic to so many drugs. Well, we never got there. I WAS ALLERGIC TO THE BENADRYL! I told them that I was once told never to take it by an ER doc after I was stung by a bunch of bees because i had a reaction when they gave it to me. The nurses don't really listen there or care, she just gave it to me anyway.

    My heartbeat went from 60 to 112.
    I was sweating and freezing at the same time.
    My face went numb.
    I was getting bad vertigo and seeing two of everything. and I got really nauseous.
    The nurse kept insisting we continue on with the taxol- which meant she would be giving me MORE Benadryl! I asked for the onc to come and he came into the room and tried to ask me what my symptoms were and I was so incoherent my dad said I wasn't making any sense. The doc told the nurse to immediately disconnect me and send me home.

    I made an appointment for tomorrow to talk to him about what I can do next. I do not want to miss a chemo. This whole thing sucks.

    I have to try to answer my pms now and then I am going back to bed.

    There is no way i can catch up- I am behind almost 2000 posts!

    I TRIED to come here last night but I couldn't log in.

    Love to all of you.
  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Member Posts: 2,728
    edited June 2007