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  • Odalys
    Odalys Member Posts: 929
    edited June 2007
    Good morning CG's. Happy first day of Summer


    Deb- wow you actually let the Lama get up that close? Brave.....

    Lisa...Lama pic....Hahahahah

    BTW- do we have any CG's from Ohio? So sad about the missing pregnant mother and her 2 y/o who seems to have witnessed something very horrific! God be with them.

    DH and Steven are out of town today so I'll have this evening to myself. Weather today will be about 89 and muggy.... yuck! Well, I need to get ready for work. I'll be commuting to both facilities today...lots of problems, oops...challenges , to solve. I better get going now cause Miami traffic is not fun.

    Have a good day friends. (((((hugs)))))
  • k4katz
    k4katz Member Posts: 158
    edited June 2007
    Good morning CGs!


    Mena and Puppy, you are in my prayers. I am hoping that a week from now you will both be in a much better place.

    (((Gina))), I hope they are able to find some way for you to continue your treatment. You hate to have to miss any treatments, but hopefully your onc will have come up with a strategy for you that works!

    I slept much better last night. Went to bed early and slept through the night (well, I got up once to pee, but was able to go right back to sleep). So I am feeling better today.

    Still waiting for that position at work that I want! I have to wait for the requisition to be opened and then submit my resume. Seems kinda dumb, since the hiring manager already knows me and knows I want the job. But, I guess we all have to follow the established process in order for it to be fair!

    I hope everyone has a nice day!
  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Member Posts: 2,728
    edited June 2007
    Inquiring minds want to know. What is the "R" word? Well its Rosie - I feel the earth shudder just mentioning it! Shhhh dont tell anyone.

  • Madison
    Madison Member Posts: 859
    edited June 2007
    Morning CG's, Morning Kristin, Betty, Odalys and Nicki,

    Oh my, we have have to tweak Vickie's toes...oh, and also blow the morning trumpet for Jankay

    Mena, Puppy and Gina, still lifting you up in prayer

    The ortho injected my shoulder again....and of course, I am having a steriod will get better...because I don't want to have the darn thing scoped....

    I will post more from the office....I need to get in early to get some work completed..

    Oh, here is a whine...Denise!!!!!!!!!!!!please come to Pinkstock.....I should not be going either but dh said "Go-don't worry about anything"...

    Liz, update on DD moving to Oklahoma....moving the first weekend of July...gosh, I want to talk DH into a road trip..I'll let you know!!

  • Tricia
    Tricia Member Posts: 103
    edited June 2007
    Good Morning!

    Gina, it just breaks my heart to see you have more struggles. I hope they are able to give you the meds you need without any more problems. Hugs

    Z, I loved your pics!!!

    Deb, I wish I could have gone with you, I want to be sniffed by a cute LLama.

    SoCalLisa, thanks for the pics.

    Mena and Puppy, special prayers for you two. Hugs, too.

    Kristin, doesn't a good night's sleep feel great? Good luck with the job stuff.

    Odalys, be careful in that awful Miami traffic, and enjoy your alone time this evening.

    Theresa, good luck with the surgery, and then I hope you find the perfect job.

    Vickie, hope you feel better today. That is great that Nate is doinf so well in school. What a wonderful kid.

    Peter, welcome. This is a wonderful place.

    Karen, I hope that implant of your behaves. Hugs for you, too.
    Gotta get ready for work, I will be back later.
    I am so grateful to be a part of the circle.
  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Member Posts: 2,728
    edited June 2007

    Betty, Odalys, Kristin, Madison, and Tricia! good morning sunshine sisters.

    Vickie: Forget the trumpet - Im yelling Wake Up in your ear at this very moment.

  • neesie
    neesie Member Posts: 1,110
    edited April 2008
    Just popping in for a quick good morning and Circle Girl Fix!!
    Hope everyone has a good day!

    Thinking of all of you with a extra hug going out to Puppy and Mena. Wishing we would here from Joyce..worried about Kevin.

    Welcome to Peter!

    Deb: When my kids were little we went to the Zoo in Ohio that you drive through and the animals are loose. Can't remember the name.........we are all going there in a couple of weeks with the little ones. Anyhow, I was driving through the zoo and a Llama stuck his cute little head in the window and ATE MY HAIR! My Mom is yelling at me to roll the window up and I'm saying...Can't...this thing has ahold of my HEAD! To Funny....all of the kids still remember it and especially now that we are going back soon, it's on the "hot topic" list!

    Off to the Grind........will catch up and talk to all later!

  • MargaretB
    MargaretB Member Posts: 771
    edited June 2007
    Morning ladies (and Peter).

    Nicki or Shel - my mom had an access port put into her groin for dialysis. Her old ones keep clogging. She's concerned because her current port keeps clogging, making dialysis take longer - apparently they take out the same amount of liquid, it just takes longer. Is this something to worry about?

    Betty, good luck with the onc today.

    Kristin, hope you hear about that job soon.

    Nicki, you gave me my first laugh this morning - I couldn't figure out what the "R" word was - thanks for the clarification.

    Shirley, I got to schedule my colonoscopy for July 25 - can't wait.

    Morning Vickie, - where are you? - Madison, Denise, Tricia, and Odalys, hope your day goes well.

  • cmb35
    cmb35 Member Posts: 554
    edited June 2007

    liz - I think is was Caladryl, it was a clear gel - is that it?

  • newvickie
    newvickie Member Posts: 2,941
    edited June 2007
    I am popping in with a quick good morning!!! YIKES I sooo overslept!
    Woohoo...we have a big brother to look over us! Welcome Peter and glad you found your way. Pull up a wagon and tell us about yourself. dear sunshine sister...I heard ya yelling...just sooo tired lately. Need to have my thyroid checked or something...can't sit down without falling asleep and can't get up!
    Morning Margaret...a port in the groin...ouch! I hated my port!
    Z...oh my goodness...what beautiful pictures! Thank you for sharing.
    Deb...oh you gave me a smile this morning. Thanks for the early morning bedtime was great and I love ya!
    Morning are you feeling?
    Denise...laughing at the llama story...have a grand day.
    Kristin...good luck on the job...I'm doing the same thing...just waiting for all the legal loopholes...
    Betty...I love doing the nightly rounds here. Love tucking you all in...hope Peter doesn't mind LOL.
    Beth...sending you some hugs and love...
    Puppy and Mena...sending prayers and good wishes. Always in my thoughts.
    Missing a bunch of you and I'll try to post at lunchtime but I'm supposed to be working...I will be on the street corner with my tin cup begging if I don't behave myself!
    Love ya all and hope you all have a grand day today!
  • newvickie
    newvickie Member Posts: 2,941
    edited June 2007

    Holy cow...39 days without a cigarette!!! Had to count cuz I really want one this morning for some reason.

  • newvickie
    newvickie Member Posts: 2,941
    edited June 2007

    NICKI...I can't believe you said the "R" word here...shame on you LOL! Meow

  • newvickie
    newvickie Member Posts: 2,941
    edited June 2007
    Oh my goodness is Lini's day!! Fire up the magic carpet...quick..we can't be late.
    Lini dear...hope all goes well and you are home recovering and just fine and dandy soon. Love ya sweet sister!
  • sherloc
    sherloc Member Posts: 893
    edited June 2007
    I just want to know what is up with the "R" word? and who the heck is Bubba?

    I'll be back.
  • PuppyFive
    PuppyFive Member Posts: 539
    edited June 2007


    I can't stay on long(dial up) But as soon as the surgeon sets things up i will let you know!
    "THANK YOU" MizSissy--and Susan!!!!
    MizSissy please stay with us, You are a Beautiful Sister, and we would Love to have You park a wagon in Our Circle!

  • purplemb
    purplemb Member Posts: 593
    edited June 2007
    wow, you guys kill me every morning...I need to quit my job just so I can check

    Welcome peter...ok first you must exercise..and start with push ups of course...hehehhe...sorry

    Lini...prayers for you today...

    Gina, Mena, Puppy...waht more can we say...enough already....hugs and lighting green healing candles by the pond tonight for you...praying for you all

    Z, don't worry till we send the posse out looking for you...hugs

    Nicki...sounds like you are in need of some hugs ....and a ticket to pinkstock...let me know if there is something I can do...

    Kristin...remember to take some time for you...relax...was practicing katas at work and thinking of the boys....hehehe...

    Ok we haven't had food in I'll be cooking fav...
    taco salad....corn bread and of course ice cream sandwiches for dessert....(that way if you all eat them I won'

    hugs to all...must get back to work...

    PS shel one told me tattoos itch worse after the I didn't have to wear a bra to
    take care
  • lv2cmp
    lv2cmp Member Posts: 899
    edited June 2007
    Morning CG's and Peter!

    Mizsissy thanks for the mena and puppy update and dropping in. Pull up a wagon and stay a while.

    Catherine-Great advice to Gina. There has to be something out there that will work for her.

    Shirley-I was doing xeloda but am on a break now since I am stable mable. Be sure to tell your sister to keep the lotion on her hands and feet and get some immodium. TMI probably but better safe than sorry on that one. Dosage can be varied so if they start her out on too much they will adjust it down. Research shows when it causes too many side effects it is doing more harm to your body than good. Thinking of her.

    Deb-love the llama story. They are the cutest things. I cant believe you didnt bring home any goats to your daughters. What kind of mother are you? lol!

    Nicki-I have you know I can name everyone of my animals and never hesitate, lol. I am totally stressed about going to Maine where we should be enjoying ourselves but I am worried about my animals being taken care of. My neice will be staying there but still....

    Vickie-wow you really did oversleep. Dont you hate the way you feel when you have to get up running and never slow down. hmm, I think I do it every morning.

    Karen-hope the boob stays ok. You have had a tough time with that. Man its hot in Denver also isnt it?

    Robin-Sounds like DH sees it coming. Hope the home gym is working out and you arent all tangled up in one big mess.

    Z-excellent pictures. Thats a cute boy you have. Psychologist huh? We can keep him plenty busy just around the circle.

    Colleen-ivyrest seems to work for me on the poison ivy. He really helps on the itching. Some things suggested to me that I have tried cause I was itching so bad I would have tried anything so here goes. A banana peel layed on the infected area, vinager, baking soda paste and my mom thinks egg whites helps hers. Just a thought and sometimes we get desperate and those are things you normally have. Makes me itch just thinking about it. My son has it now and he is doing the ivyrest thing. Sometimes I think if I look at it, I get it.

    Gina-stupid nurse huh? Hopefully the doc will help you today.

    Sherndon-got anymore pics of equador? those were great!

    Iris-gonna have to send the posse after you if you dont show up.

    ok gotta run for a bit but I shall return.

  • newvickie
    newvickie Member Posts: 2,941
    edited June 2007
    Shirley...bubba is supposed to be our new protector...he's on page prepared to be shocked LOL.
    The R's Rosie...another thread...another story LOL.
  • lv2cmp
    lv2cmp Member Posts: 899
    edited June 2007
    MB we need a picture of the new tattoo and yes they do itch.

    Shirley scroll back a bit and you will see the cutest lil pup named Bubba. Can't help you with the R word cause Nicki is trying to drag us all into the cats meow.

  • purplemb
    purplemb Member Posts: 593
    edited June 2007
    lol...AMy...can't figure out how to get it to the you scan your need a camera...and then I have to send it to Vicki cuz, I can't get pictures to load...but FYI it kinds looks like my avatar...but pinkstock is out side the ribbon...he did a nice job...
    ok now back to workk I am soooo addicted to all of you
  • 2up
    2up Member Posts: 944
    edited June 2007
    margaret.......... i work on a dialysis floor lol!

    sounds like mom has a central line, if so they do clog easily. ask the nurses if they can put some "TPA" through it ...... it'll unclog instantly.

    can your mom have an AV fistula created? or is her dialysis only temporary? it is not unusual for hemodialysis to take longer through a line as opposed to a fistula, but it should never take longer than 4 hours each session (canadian standards) .......... hope that helps.
  • Gus
    Gus Member Posts: 177
    edited June 2007
    Just checking in quickly! Gotta keep the kids entertained, you know!

    Puppy, Mena, Gina -- You are always in my thoughts and prayers. You all have had enough to deal with, and I wish that it would get better for you.

    Lini - Good luck with your surgery!

    Nicki - I'm tempted to visit threads at random and casually drop in the "R word". I always have been a troublemaker....and it takes A LOT to offend me.

    Betty - Thinking of you! Good luck at the onc.

    Vickie -- 39 days! Good for you!!!

    Deb -- I laughed so hard reading your llama story. I kinda pictured a romance novel-- "He leaned in as if to kiss me, and I became captivated by his liquid brown eyes..." Either my brain is more screwed up than I had originally thought, or I really need to get some action soon!

    MB-I'm getting so excited for Pinkstock. I sat here the other day and thought about meeting all of you, and I just burst into tears. I better remember to bring tissues.

    Peter- Welcome! You are among a very loving and fiercely loyal group!

    Ok, kids are "bored," so I must go! Only 71 days until school starts again...but who's counting?

    Love you all!!!
  • jankay
    jankay Member Posts: 789
    edited June 2007
    yes cgs it is me
    overdid it this week so had trouble
    getting to kb
    love jf
  • SheriH
    SheriH Member Posts: 472
    edited June 2007
    Actually Jacob sent a few more pics. I'll try to post them on the picture thread.

    Mena and Puppy, I'll say some extra prayers for you when I'm swimming today.

    We are leaving early Tues am for our trip to Florida. We are going to paint a bedroom today and need to start working on our yard again. I'm so lazy these days! My dh will be home, so I do more with him around.

    Hope to see you all later, son has been letting me on computer more than usual.
  • RobinTN
    RobinTN Member Posts: 466
    edited June 2007
    Good morning all.I am up and raring to go t his morning.Got lots more house to clean.Karen is so terrified I will get to her room next when I got up at 8 she had already been up and has all her things off her dresser with everything polished and shining.

    About half way thru my chemo treatment my onc switched me to abraxene and avastin and it was as different as night n day with the taxol.I had both taxol and taxetere and they just about killed me.

    Vickie:I am with you I think he does see it coming and there aint nothing he can do to stop it.He started this mud slide and I am going to stop it.

    Peter:Nice to meet you and welcome.You wont find a better place to be this side of Heaven.

    Love you gals hang in there,its always darkest before the dawn.

    Well gotta run,got carpet cleaner and vacuum sitting in the living room with my name all over them!!!
  • lizws
    lizws Member Posts: 789
    edited June 2007
    Morning kids,

    I'm off to exercise (thanks MB was going to skip it today) and buy a variety of things for this poison ivy. Thanks to all who have helped me out.

    Welcome home Sher.

    Thinking of you all -

  • RobinTN
    RobinTN Member Posts: 466
    edited June 2007

    Liz:wanna come and help me clean thats supposed to be good exercise.I know one thing I sweat like,like.well like something that hasnt been discovered yet.

  • shokk
    shokk Member Posts: 790
    edited June 2007

    Good morning chicas and el chico (Peter) guys are not going to believe this but it is freaking raining again.......the meterologists kept saying that we would clear up by Thursday and would start our "summer" weather which is hot and they are saying we will have rain thru Satuarday and possibly Sunday.......about 5 yrs ago in June it rained for 28 straight days......I think we might end up breaking that record.......Colleen on the WTH thread I posted that this weekend is our 4th of July Festival (we have to have it before Dallas does) and Rick Springfield is scheduled to preform Saturday will probably be rained out though........Mena, Puppy, Gina, and Lini in my prayers big time today.......I have been trying to keep up......has Joyce checked in or has anyone heard from her......Gus/Sue my my my aren't we clever........sherloc glad your home.......sounds like sister is on her way to survivorship.........did Cheri check in yesterday.....she must be so sad......she needs to come sit by the fire and rest...........Pam you are very funny as well.......I am so sick of my closet when ever this weather is over I think I am going to move my clothes into the hall closet.....No Amy in my real life I am not a guy dressed in drag.......since cancer I just look like one and one of those guys that cross dress and don't make a very attractive girl.....ha........Hey Vickie phone brb (burb)Denise too funny................

  • beth1225
    beth1225 Member Posts: 402
    edited June 2007
    Peter, Welcome! Just dive right in!
    {{{MENA}}}, {{{PUPPY}}}, {{{NS}}} sending lots of cyberhugs your way.

    Sue, all I can say is 5 days until camp starts! I have to take ds for a hair cut. Although his hair looks gorgeous with all the curls, he will be way too hot with it this long. Then off to my dil's with ds in tow so he can go swimming in their pool. He missed out on Father's Day and he likes visiting there too.

    Margaret, I think I read that article in the magazine that neither one of us can remember! It is hanging around here too.

    Nicki, I think mom's amjor problem is her insulin and sugar levels. She needs to have it all reviewed.

    Shirley, Puppy gave Marsha "Bubba" to be the cg's protector. Puppy told me that her sister (or maybe sil?) actually has a Chihuahua that looks just like that! Whoa!

    Lini, good luck today! Holding your hand in cyberspace and sending good thoughts and wishes!

    I talked to Puppy last night and she said she needs to keep her phone line open so she doesn't miss the doc's calls. I will try keep an eye on what's going on and she promised to call or send an email so we know what's up.

    I have not tried calling Joyce's house yet. last time when Kevin was in, Joyce's dh had no clue who was calling. She checked in when they got home from CHOP.

    Deb, have fun camping. All those kids? You are one brave lady. But like you said, it will be fun.

    Hi Jankay! Have a great day, sweetie!

    Karen, crossing our fingers for you and your family too. Give that implant a good talking to and tell it to stay in one place!

    Marsha, we are having fun in the WTH thread in Moving Beyond. It is just light current events. And nobody is allowed to say the "R" word. Bring Bubba just in case!

    I know missed a lot of you guys but it has been a little hectic here this morning. See you later. Love to all!
  • beth1225
    beth1225 Member Posts: 402
    edited June 2007
    OOPS, talked in acronyms up there!

    CHOP is Children's Hospital of Philadelphia. I think Kevin went in to University of Pennsylvania this time known as HUP. Chop is a branch of HUP and also has a Ronald McDonald house attached to it. Great facility all around.