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  • beth1225
    beth1225 Member Posts: 402
    edited June 2007

    Shokk, missed you, posting together maybe? WTH is a lot of fun. I thougth Rick Springfiled was hot back in the day but have you seen him lately? He did not age well and I will leave it at that. Hope SCott Baio did better.

  • TheShopMama
    TheShopMama Member Posts: 276
    edited June 2007
    Good Morning, CG's (this now is also a unisex abbreviation for guys... Welcome Peter!
    Vickie, congratulations on your second grade graduate!! Those sure are some great test scores. I predict trouble in your future. Just imagine... all kids know EVERYTHING when they hit puberty... yours will really know it all!
    (and I say this with love and affection)
    Mena.. so very sorry for your pain. I hate pain. Pain really sucks. I think Bubba is the only one of us who looks like he can handle pain. My prayers today include easing of your pain and good test results.
    Puppy... dear Aunt Puppy.... sister rule number 61: Thou shalt not attempt to keep secrets from thy sisters in the effort not to "worry them." You know... when you are quiet we already know SOMETHING is going on. You may as well let us be praying about it. I am praying for you and so is Miles. Don't forget you have our angel!!! I love you.
    I know I am not always real regular here and I am beginning to feel so selfish. Feel like I take more than I give. You know, I used to be quite upbeat about my cancer. I have been most fortunate. But I almost feel guilty about doing well. Especially when I hear of the loss of another of us.
    God please bless the families of the warriors gone on before.... give them strength, courage and hope. Give us hope and healing....
    When I lost Craig I said "Why did God let me live through
    breast cancer to lose my son?" I feel guilty for living. I know I have things to do, but feel so inadequate.
    When I think of how much pain so many are going through, I am ashamed of my bottle of Lortab tucked neatly in my closet. I read of you brave warriors exercising and walking daily or swimming. I sit in my recliner and wish I had a pool. (Ok... I do walk my dog and I do walk more than I used to.. )
    Anyway, I want you all to know I love and admire you. I am proud to be a part of you. Hope you all have a great day.
  • tflowers
    tflowers Member Posts: 232
    edited June 2007
    Morning circlegirls & boys.

    Peter...welcome and watchout for these girls...they like to flirt with the new young men.hehehe

    Nicki...Took awhile but I finally figured it out. duh...
    I love you as my football mate..even though you do like chicago...

    Vickie...I know what you mean about the new job. I'm going to start after my surgery next month. Need something so I can work out of house. Kids are grown so no problem there, but need to be around for my mom who lives here.

    Sheri...have a blast getting away. We'll miss you.

    Beth...I really need to give Mena a call, such a bad friend, will try tonight.

    Mena, are in my heart and we will not accept any bad news...xoxoxo

    DMDeb...80 degrees in Alaska??? Is it lighter or dark now up there.... I would just love to be you yesterday with the lama babies. I went to a baseball game last night and they had rescue greyhounds and they were so gentle and cute. But I don't like petting a dog with so many bones sticking out!! Just not used to that.

    Robin...I'll come and clean. Let's jamp to the radio and have some fun.xoxo

    Back to work..burp. Love to all.
  • sherloc
    sherloc Member Posts: 893
    edited June 2007
    going back to page 545. That should catch me up a little. Ya think?

    MB, Martha from chat had her bilat mast scars tattooed. It is a lovely piece of artwork. My BIL is a tat artist. Every time I go up there they try to talk me into getting one. So far I'm a chicken holdout.

    Vicki, read the Panny thread last night. Good for her.

    Nicki, I found out about Jen passing in an email last night. A sad homecoming. She was a beautiful lady. She will be missed.

    Puppy, praying all is well. Reading forward for an update.

    Jankay...OUCH!! But good for you.

    Denise, dryer repair? I'm beginning to think I missed a whole lot of funny.

    Karen, glad the doc gave you a med break. Hope the aromasin is kinder to you.

    Boo/Sue, PTSD sucks beans. If you need the antidepressants take them. Good for you for graduating to 6 month check ups. I was supposed to graduate to 6mth at my last follow up, but now I have to get aredia so I'm back to 3mth. That just isn't fair. Stupid bones.

    100mph winds? holy smokes!!

    Good heavens Karen, prefer cancer over tinnitis. Hmmmmm? I've had both. Gee not sure which one I would pick. NOT!!!! What a dummy.

    on to page 546, I'll be back

    another nasty thread? I so don't understand that.

    Marsha, HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAH served her right. Would love to have seen that womans face.

    Holy Moley, Dear Lord please don't let me ever make Bubba angry.

    Amy, good to read your Daddy is doing better.

    Shokk, your daddy had a hip replacement?

    Gus/Sue, you have my sympathies. Hope you survived the dolphins.

    UHOH Deb.

    Politically incorrect thread. Dang I miss all the good stuff.

    Shel, O My, you are braver than I. Have a great party.

    Dog braces?????? hahahahhahahahahhhaah

    Denise, you absolutely, positively must come to PinkStock. I insist!!

    Beth, hugs for you and mom. Sorry to hear Ringo is still around.

    On to page 548 but have to get ready for the dentist. Yippe for me, get my new tooth today. Sure hope it stays where he puts it. I'll be back later.
  • shokk
    shokk Member Posts: 790
    edited June 2007

    Hey Beth of course they have posters up all over town but I'm sure the pic of Rick is probably not what he really looks like now......has anybody gone to and see the video of the "ghost" caught on tape.....they have different headlines and just let it schroll to "caught on tape" and click on "ghost caught on tape".....this was in Sante Fe, NM......when my ex and I were living there my brother and sil came to visit one time and my sil left early because she said there was too many "ghost" there....ha.......anyway it is kinda of creepy......ok guys going to get to work.......I will be lurking though....see ya later gators.......

  • newvickie
    newvickie Member Posts: 2,941
    edited June 2007
    well we are a chatty bunch this morning. I think I may havae to go check out the new thread...sounds like fun...although I may be safer staying right here where I am.
    Pam...missed you! Nate is already my little old man. That's what everyone who meets him says...he's so grown up for being so little. Sending you a hug...still working on your little project!
    Shokk...sounds like you'd better come stay with me! Can't use my closet though since it's full of yarn LOL. We've had lots of storms but strangly very little rain!
    Liz...poison ivy sucks...I know...had a horrible case of it once and I avoid it like the plague now. I was a mess. Wish I could remember what they gave me to clear it up. don't be scarin off the new men...we are innocent flirts (well..most of the time LOL). We don't say the P word out loud and besides I'm a new virgin.
    Ok...time to behave myself and get back to work.
    Jankay...where are you dear sister?
    hugs and love all around
  • newvickie
    newvickie Member Posts: 2,941
    edited June 2007
    OH Beth...may need to rent your hubby tonight so I'll call if I get a chance before it gets too late. I don't know how to do the patio using the paving stones. I know how to frame it up for concrete but since I'm not doing the concrete..I'm lost...can't find directions anywhere either!!
  • Silka
    Silka Member Posts: 45
    edited June 2007
    Hello CG's and Peter.
    Peter, I think I have met you in the chat room...Welcome!

    New Vickie....keep counting one day at a time, you have come to far to fall back now. So hard, I bet.

    Denise, where is that zoo located in Ohio? I have been to the Cincinatti Zoo but that isn't the one you are speaking of. I am in Indianapolis, wouldn't be to far for me and my niece would love it.

    Mena, Puppy and Gina....Hope you are soon doing much better, Mena I miss you!

    Deb, I love reading your posts', you sure lead an interesting life. I don't think we can give Alaska all the credit, I believe you are a fun-loving, adventurous person and also a wonderful personality. If I were to be able to come to Pinkstock, I would be like the neighbor, have so many questions for you, I would stick to you like glue...LOL

    SilverGirl, I take Actonel, have for 2 or 3 years. I have a lot of gerd but attributed it to the taxol messing up my esophagus, maybe I need to talk to my Dr about this.

    Odaly's, I too have been following that story about the missing mother, the ex is a suspect...hmmmmmmmm

    Sheri, I always think of Liberty when I read your posts', remember that is where I grew up.

    Robin, I have heard that story before, but it is so true, wherever would we be without our master?

    Nicki, where do you find all those cute picture's you post? You find some good ones.

    Jasmine, great news on the mole, I wasn't aware of it, hope they got everything taken care of and only good health for you in the future.

    My wagon isn't in the circle yet,could I please pull it in...pretty please with sugar on top!!!!

    CG doesn't have to stand for Circle Girl's....since Peter is here it could be Circle Gang

    And to everyone a wonderful, sun-filled, happy day.

  • Mena
    Mena Member Posts: 263
    edited June 2007
    Hey Chiquitas de la Circle...Well, I'm totally, completely, there's-no-going back, out-of-the CG loop here, but the I can still feel the love! I haven't read anything but brought my fat ass here because, once again, I'm verklempt by the kindness of a perfect stranger who took the time to brighten my day today.

    Who is Suzfive? Cause she ROCKS!! I went to put some bills in my mailbox and found GIFTS!! WOO HOO!!!!!

    Suz....I already set up the cool room freshener, put on the earrings, the mango gloss (which btw tastes really good, too, and the mango body butter -- very, very smooth..I can't wait to try on the colored lip glosses, and when I do my next pedicure I'll be sure to use the nail color you sent. And just how did you know that I needed a new makeup case? Seriously. I'm delighted. How kind, generous and loving of you to give to me, a stranger to you. Thank you. I am smiling as I type. You will be blessed in return. I promise. That's how the Universe works, honey. I've seen enough to know.

    I owe so many thanks to lots of you...Liz, Beth, Margaret. Adrionna, I adore my little angel. She's right here next to the computer. Odalys, you're survival kit was very unique. All the edible items were eaten immediately ahahahaha. I love tootsie rolls...Geez, please God I hope I haven't forgotten anyone...

    My sweet Puppy...don't think I don't know what's going on...we have a couple mutual friends and I'm on the phone with lots of sistas...and don't think I don't think about you every freaking day! Call me when you're ready. Call collect. Or ring a few times and I'll pick up, then hang up and call back with my free long distance...

    Mon Cheri Amor? I've heard you're meaner than me ahahahahaha.....

    I'm on my chemo "rest" week and next week is a huge test week. I'll know if the Tykerb is working.

    I do want you all to know that not a day goes by that I'm not under my afghan. Even if I'm not posting I'm with you in wool.

    Thank you all for being here. The real world just doesn't get it. I love all of you so.

    Healing hugs to all of you in need of them;
    high fives to those of you who have had good test results, and, well, just peace to all of you...Mena...xo

    PS Hi Jas

  • marshakb
    marshakb Member Posts: 796
    edited June 2007
    Betty, I agree with you about Bubba. He has a slight overbite but those nails can kill. Better get him registered as a "dangerous" weapon.

    Hi Peter, join the madness, just jump right in.

    Shirley, sure missed you while you were gone. Your sister doing better? I've been thinking of her.

    Beth, I've been keeping up with the WTH?? thread. Did't want to post since I seemed to be the catalyst that sets PRAmy off. Don't know why, but there you have it.

    (((((((((((((((((((PUPPY))))))))))))))))))))))))) Love you girlfriend, hang in there.

    Mena, we have not met, but I am thinking and praying about you.

    Gina, well hell. My friend CatherineH from Feb. Chemo Cruisers is right. One of our gals had taxol/taxotere reaction and they switched her to Abraxene. also Catherine is doing that as a clinical trial if you want to talk to her about it.

    Speaking of CatherineH, she is such a special lady. We call her the Earth Mother. always describing her garden, neighbors, dog, food preparations in such detail you can smell the food cooking, see the lush of her garden, LOL at her silly dog Toby. Wish she would come get to know all you better.

    I've read and kept up with everyone but haven't taken notes. Sometimes just love to hear how everyone else is doing, it is such a comfort. Have a grand day everyone. Love, Marsha
  • newvickie
    newvickie Member Posts: 2,941
    edited June 2007
    MENA...Oh I am so happy you got some surprises in the mail. You so deserve are so loved here. Glad that the mail brought you a smile.
  • purplemb
    purplemb Member Posts: 593
    edited June 2007
    wwwaaaaa I am the only without everyone's phone #, Addy' Mena...hmmpft...I'll have to work on that one...
    Mena...I am so glad you can feel the love we send your way...don't stay away so long...
  • lv2cmp
    lv2cmp Member Posts: 899
    edited June 2007
    I agree MB I need a new list of numbers and addresses.
    I can see you now laying your chest on the scanner to scan your tattoo.

    Mena-wow hello stranger. You are never out of the loop here. We can fill you in easily.

    Silka-pull your wagon on in, I would have swore I had already saw it. Welcome!

  • Biker54
    Biker54 Member Posts: 1,042
    edited June 2007
    Hi CGs!

    It's lunch hour and I have a few minutes to check what's going on here! I see that we have picked up a new brother! Hi Peter.

    (((((Puppy))))) You are in my thoughts every day. I'm praying for your recovery.

    Mena, good to hear from you. Good luck with your scans next week.

    Cheri, where are yooooooooooooooouuuuuuuuu!?

    MB, I don't have any addys or phone #s either.

    Z, nice to hear from you!

    NS, good to hear from you too!

    I didn't take notes today (no time) so I can't remember all that's going on. Yesterday I got a new dishwasher. My old one was part of the GE recall. They offered to fix the old one or give me a $300 rebate on a new one. Hmmm, the old one is 9 yrs old. Duh, easy decision. Then I spent the afternoon mowing the freaking lawn again. No puter time for poor old me . Not much else happening here. I guess that I will be helping DH install the new dishwasher this weekend. Heaven forbid we should actually get someone to do it for us!

    A big CG hello to Nickie, Vickie, Deb, Susan, Amy, Madison, Shokk, Denise, Karen, Joyce, Robin, Marsha, Sherloc, Sheri, Betty, SoCal, Odalys, Tricia, Jeannie, Gus, Theresa, and many more who have momentarily escaped my addled brain.

    Love ya!
  • lizws
    lizws Member Posts: 789
    edited June 2007
    Hi girls, back from purchasing all kinds of things for poison ivy. LOL Thanks again for all the helpful tips.

    If you guys want to send me address/phone etc. info, I'll compile a list and get it to you. I don't work and need something to do beside cleaning house (which is not a priority to me nowdays). Let me know.

    Now I'll go back and read again. I seem to never be able to keep caught up.

    Hugs and Prayers
  • purplemb
    purplemb Member Posts: 593
    edited June 2007 have a scanner in the office...wonder if anyone would notice...
  • newvickie
    newvickie Member Posts: 2,941
    edited June 2007

    MB...double dog dare ya!

  • lv2cmp
    lv2cmp Member Posts: 899
    edited June 2007

    MB-triple dog dare ya!

  • lizws
    lizws Member Posts: 789
    edited June 2007
    Okay I have officially started a new list for us. PM me yours if you want to be included and want a copy.

  • purplemb
    purplemb Member Posts: 593
    edited June 2007
    ok vickie check your
    I never run from a dare...
  • sherloc
    sherloc Member Posts: 893
    edited June 2007
    Peter? Who is Peter? A real live guy in the Circle? Wowsers. HI PETER!!!!

    Good to see you on my screen Mena.

    Liz, did you get prednisone for your poison ivy? If it's bad you should.
    I think you have my addy already.

    MB, triple dog dare you!!!!!

    Jan, woohoo on the new dishwasher. Can I send my dishes to your house?

    Marsha, thanks for asking. sister is doing "as well as can be expected"....I hate that term. She is of course still shell shocked. Scared of what is to come. Afraid rads are going to mess up her tattoo...she has a huge back peice....happy doc said she will not lose her hair....moving slow, but better every day....pissed that she has to keep the colostomy till treatment is over....pissed that this is going to screw up her kids summer.....but moving forward and taking it moment by moment.....she is strong, she will get thru it.

    Back from the dentist. Have a lovely new crown. Next one has to wait till august, then I get my new teeth. We are gonna do veneers since I can't do braces. Which is perfectly fine with me. I didn't really want metal in my mouth for a year anyway. So by Christmas I should have a bright shiney new smile. Yippee!
  • sherloc
    sherloc Member Posts: 893
    edited June 2007
    oooo I of the day.

    Son #1 got a for me. no more "mom can you pick me up" calls.

    and I start aredia infusions on monday. They said it's gonna take 3 freakin hours. Good grief. I so have better things to do with my time.
    Bone scan is on wednesday. New hair on friday. Think I'm gonna be busy.
  • newvickie
    newvickie Member Posts: 2,941
    edited June 2007

    Shirley girl!!! What are aredia infusions? I'm on the confused couch again...are you ok? Yup we now have a big brother! Isn't that cool. Hopefully we don't scare him away LOL. Little does he know that once he joins he can't leave or we'll send a posse after him!

  • AlaskaDeb
    AlaskaDeb Member Posts: 1,159
    edited June 2007
    OK...just hit delete on my post grrrr....

    I leave for camping in one hour and i have 3 things I can't find! Oh well....we will live without them

    I have so many folks I want to reply to, but no time....

    Liz- reason #1 to move to poison ivy or poison oak! Good luck...I hat that rash.

    MENA!!! sending hugs. Good to see you
    Puppy, NS, Mena and everyone in the center of the circle....prayers and hugs coming your way

    MB....I wanna see TOOOOOO

    I have to go. I will miss you guys....I'll leave you with a laugh my hubby just e-mailed me...

    1. If you are choking on an ice cube, don't panic. Simply pour a cup of boiling water down your throat and presto. The blockage will be almost instantly removed.

    2. Clumsy? Avoid cutting yourself while slicing vegetables by getting someone else to hold them while you chop away.

    3. Avoid arguments with the little woman about lifting the toilet seat by simply using the sink.

    4. For high blood pressure sufferers: simply cut yourself and bleed for a few minutes, thus reducing the pressure in your veins. Remember to use a timer.

    5. A mouse trap, placed on top of your alarm clock, will prevent you from rolling over and going back to sleep after you hit the snooze button.

    6. If you have a bad cough, take a large dose of laxatives, then you will be afraid to cough.

    7. Have a bad toothache? Smash your thumb with a hammer and you will forget about the toothache.

    Sometimes, we just need to remember what the rules of life really are:

    You only need two tools: WD-40 and Duct Tape.
    If it doesn't move and should, use the WD-40.
    If it shouldn't move and does, use the duct tape.

    Also, remember:

    Everyone seems normal until you get to know them.

    Never pass up an opportunity to go to the bathroom.

    If you woke up breathing, congratulations! You get another chance.

    If you shop anywhere but Wal Mart, you are just showing off!

    And finally, be really nice to your family and friends; you never know when you might need them to empty your bedpan !!!!!!!!!!
  • newvickie
    newvickie Member Posts: 2,941
    edited June 2007
    we are gonna miss you Deb...have a good time.'re so sweet we'd probably all empty your bedpan if you asked. ewwww...but oh well. LOL.

    Cheri my dear...where are you? I am missing my blue drink girl. I know you are sad but we are here to hold your hand...

    Iris...are you lost in the wilderness somewhere...missing you too...
  • bearlysane111
    bearlysane111 Member Posts: 592
    edited June 2007
    Happy Thur~sorry this is so long---been missing the group!

    It is great to be able to “visit” with all of you,finally! My BlackBerrry is a challenge to read and answer. However,it was great to read abt you even if the posts are minute! So good to be BACK HOME after helping/visiting my parents. I lose more junk each time I go and that is one scary thought! At least I came back with a better attitude than when I left-- thankfully house all in one piece this time! LOL!

    Puppy and Mena…thinking of you both and so sorry that both of you are going through these things. Will keep you in my thoughts;thanks to MizSissy for posting.
    Peter…Welcome to the wagon circle group! So glad that you are here;great to have you aboard. This is a supportive network and you will like the group;Ifor is like extended family as I have none in a large city and love the happenings here. Again,welcome!!!
    Tracey…great to see you and sorry that you are working so hard. That snow looks so cool after these
    Vickie…you are the best!!! Thank you for tucking me in and caring if I am still around the campfire! Way to go to my pal,Nate! I am so proud of him. You have had some real thunderstorms lately~yuck! Take care--stay cool!
    Tricia…glad that you went to the dinner and good you came home to rest; I think you are doing great and it is so neat that your boss is so supportive. What a gift!
    Amy…thanks for your list and glad for the news abt your dad. I have checked to see how he was while I was gone. Is he at a local hosp or farther away? I am glad that he was moved into a private rm and am glad that he is stronger than when he was admitted--know all of you are,too, Loved those ortho things for dogs! LOL! Green Acres on the phone…love it! Sending rain to you…thanks for the good thoughts!!

    Madison…Hi! Thanks for asking as typing on the little keypad w/these bifocals …LOL! That lightning to ground ratio was frightening and the pics from your area look bad on the news. The house shaking must have been scary! Glad you were not hurt;hope the shoulder feels better soon--hate those cortisone shots in my toes---did yours sting?
    Shirley…glad your trip went well and the news abt your sister! I am glad abt your tests,too. Bn there w/the crown and the perm is much better! I think my dentist uses the strongest glue(Gorilla glue…kidding!) as that stuff smells fiercely! Welcome back and can’t wait to see the beautiful pics!
    Marsha…funny dog! I think he should be a volunteer for braces just because of those eyes--or a toothpaste commercial.. Hope the rads get less tiring. Didn’t like “Wit” as I saw it before the bc diagnosis;you had an excellent reply to the question. What dopes some people can be!
    Colleen…hi to you and glad that the tel salesperson was OK. I have done that same thing myself and later worried abt it. I had to smile abt the alarm--I know it is not funny;just could see me there as that has happened twice with the new alarm system( loud blaring sound--heart falling out of chest) LOL! Hi to Warren,w/ a“W” on the back of his shirt! Loved it! The new schl is meant to be! We say: “Get out of here! “or “Get out of town!” here,too.

    Robin…glad that Jasmine had a good biopsy rept;good to hear from you. You need to be here as I sure need someone to inspire me--house work is so not what I want(but so need)to do today.
    Cheri…how are you ;the lovely grandchildren and Amber? So sorry abt Jen;44 is so young;thinking of her family today.
    Denise…loved the dryer photo and precious little gd! That is too funny w/the comment from you little granddaughter. So young to talk adult-like…where do they learn that? She is so cute!
    Karen…glad the visit w/the ps went well;good that your schl is abt finished. Hope that your dad is better soon.
    Beth…Glad that you are not running as high a temp. Take care of yourself and neat pics of the Father’s Day picnic.
    Sheri…great pics of you at the race and Jacob in Ecuador.

    Liz…your car sounds very neat! Glad that the storms did not flood your or your little dog away from home. I loved the comment abt your dog last night…too funny.
    Z…beautiful photos and thanks for sharing! Your family looks so great! Super on your son’s award! Congrats to him!!! All the young ones look so proud! Will be thinking of you this wk at the dr’s off. Sorry that it is another appt. Hope work issues are soon settled.
    Jankay…glad that your exercise is going well. Thinking of you;enjoy your writing.
    Shokk…hope your dad continues to improve and thinking of you. Those pics of the flooding are so sad.
    Betty…enjoyed reading abt the conference and hope it all went well.
    Boo/Sue…maybe your husb and son have returned by the time this is posted. Hope that their flight went well.
    Margaret…hope your mom is feeling better.
    Suz..hope that you got your flowers planted and that the weather is not as hot as here. We did finally get rain which helped. Hope your son had a good time at camp and that your daughter is enjoying her summer job:what does she do?
    Deb…loved your poem ;good luck w/all those campers.
    Anne…good to see you and sorry abt your husband’s parents. I know how hard it is with aging parents. Loved your ring tones on your
    Nicki…funny pics as always…loved the bear hug! I love all those animated ones;you have some neat ones! Got rid of 4 lbs while gone--walked every day ;got that pedometer strapped on and made myself do it.
    Sue/Gus…funny verse abt the closet! Hope that you survived all the young ones. Maybe the sauna after the gang left?
    Pam…sounds like you had fun at your “girls’” night w/the crocheting. dryer sounds good;hope the mowing wasn't so hot.

    Theresa…good luck on the job! I so well know that feeling of working where it is not that fun. Thinking of you . Hope NJ is cooler and you are right abt NJ and the beaches,etc.
    The boardwalk at AC was awesome…never will forget that fun.
    Kristin…have a good day off…Friday,right? I know you work long hrs from M-Th and can enjoy Fri time.
    Lisa…beautiful pics of Maine-reminded me of my trip there years ago. Beautiful grandchild,too~ congrats!!! Could you tell me where in NC those lovely photos were in Mtns or Piedmont? (CG thread)
    Purplemb…tattoo sounds real interesting.
    Silka…good to see you,Doris. Glad that you are posting here.

    Still catching-up from week away;happy Thursday! Anyone that I missed…sorry! This is long;thanks for caring!

  • AlaskaDeb
    AlaskaDeb Member Posts: 1,159
    edited June 2007
    OMG...just getting ready to walk out the door and we had a damn earthquake! It was only a 3.5, but it was RIGHT by here...less than 20 miles away. In fact, it was almost directly underneath a 4,000 acre wildfire that has been burning fro 2 days. Do you think we have angered someone "upstairs"?

    No damage from the quake, just made things shimmy for a minute....

    OK...I really AM going. One last trip to the ladies room...boy I miss flush potties...LOL

    Deb C
  • suzfive
    suzfive Member Posts: 126
    edited June 2007
    Good afternoon CGs,

    Welcome Peter.

    Mena - so happy that the little package brought you a smile. You are in my prayers for good test results next week.

    Gina - just hate it when people don't listen - think they know more about our bodies than we do. Sure hope they can figure out something so you can keep on your chemo schedule. Maybe abraxane is the way to go. Anyways - you are in my prayers so that all of this gets straightened out. Hugs to you.

    Deb - loved your llama story. They are so cute - don't know if I would want one kissing me either though.

    SoCal - those llama pictures were too cute. Does look like they kinda smile.

    MB - quadruple dog dare ya!!

    Liz - never had poison ivy but does not sound like fun. Hope something that you got for it will work. Will PM you my address, etc.

    Jan - now that is something I could use - a dishwasher - my dh says we have five of them - the kids! Somehow I think the kind from Maytag would be a little more reliable.

    Silka - I don't get a chance to check in too often but I thought your wagon was already here. Most certainly park your wagon here - no better place on the boards.

    Shirley - welcome back. Continuing to keep your sis in my prayers. You are doing good at catching up - better than I can and I haven't even gone anywhere LOL.

    ((((((Puppy)))))) keeping you in my prayers and sending you big cyberhugs.

    Shokk - more rain - geez. Rained here last night had to get up at 3 to close the windows - by morning all was dry and you would never know it rained. Too afraid to look at the ghost thingy - they scare me.

    Vickie - congrats on Nate's great test scores. We put in a patio about 10 years ago using the patio blocks - has survived harsh winters here without as much as a crack. We put gravel and sand underneath - just have to make sure all is level.

    Cheri - are we gonna have to send a posse out after you? If you don't show up soon we will have no other choice.

    Z - good luck on those negotiations - hope you can settle without a strike. Handsome son.

    Odalys - enjoy your evening and hope you get everything under control at work.

    Well it is time again to take ds to his day camp. He didn't think he would like it but now is begging me to take him early! A big Hi to all the CGs that I missed - sorry - just ran out of time.

  • purplemb
    purplemb Member Posts: 593
    edited June 2007
    ok just to let you know I take dog dares seriously...

    good thing I'm the only one in the office, not much walk in traffic and blinds on the window, sinc eI'm righ toput
    hope it works...
    MB...careful what you dare me..or I'll invite you all over to my
  • bearlysane111
    bearlysane111 Member Posts: 592
    edited June 2007
    Odalys...did not mean to skip your post;stay cool in Miami!

    Lini...thinking of you with your surgery and hope you feel us there wishing you all the best.

    Catherine...hi to you and hope you join in the "gang around the campfire!" Glad to see you here.

    Gina...thinking of you and so sorry for more stuff to endure. I read the excerpt posted and it was excellent!

    Sorry for the long,rambling hellos as I deleted it three times to shorten and still long-winded!!!

    Cool afternoon to repairmen/painters coming tomorr and here I sit...guess there is always the evening,right?