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  • cmb35
    cmb35 Member Posts: 554
    edited June 2007
    Hi Ladies!

    Been working like crazy, and left the house at 7:30am this morning to drive to Rhode Island to observe and all day training class and just got home. Way tired, but wanted to check in. Just read this last page, but still holding out hope that I will go back and catch up tomorrow!

    G - so sorry! what a nightmare! The woman next to me had a very similar sounding reaction to her first taxol (I did OK with it, but they put it on a super slow drip and yes, pumped me full of steroids and benadryl as I tend to be allergic to meds as well.) I hope your onc is able to work something out for you - I know they can make lots of adjustments with does, timing of drip, etc. Enough is enough, and I'm praying for you to get a break already!!!

    Everyone else - hugs to you, love you guys!

    Know what? I've only just recently been venturing out of the circle to other threads, and it seems like this is the ONLY place on this board where we are here for the same reason - to love, support, laugh and cry with each other. So, I've felt this way many times, and hopefully said it enough times, but thank you from the bottom of my heart. This really and truly is a very special place. Started by G for a sad reason - too many ladies having a rough go of it, turned into something that is clearly very unique and special, both in the cyber and physical worlds!!
  • nosurrender
    nosurrender Member Posts: 737
    edited June 2007

  • SheriH
    SheriH Member Posts: 472
    edited June 2007
    Vickie, I was curious how you might describe me? I loved you and Amy's descriptions.

    Had a nice time at the pool today. Thought and prayed for each one during my laps. You'd think I'd start looking better with all this swimming!

    The circle is cool. Last night I had a story about the circle in my head. I should have written it down, but was too lazy. Now I can't remember it. That's how all my "good" writing goes, it never leaves my head and gets into print. I'll try to think of it.
  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Member Posts: 2,728
    edited June 2007
    NS: Oh my goodness how I have missed you.

    Everyone else: Well I have just been defending my freedom to speak. Im looking for Bubba.

    Havent read any posts. Ill catch up with you in the morning. Had 3 galsses of wine and going for another swim.

    Love ya all

  • cmb35
    cmb35 Member Posts: 554
    edited June 2007
    OMG! I'm exhausted but I have about 30 minutes before Warren gets home, so I can't really go to sleep anyway, and I'm flitting around here still....

    G - BTW, I'm assuming you understood "the woman next to me" meant the woman next to me at chemo! I laughed when I read that - talk about assuming/knowing that the ladies here "get it"!! LOL

    Amy - sounds like your dad is doing a bit better, we were all worried about you and him. I hope for continued good news, and yes, cranky about being cooped up in hospital means feeling better in my book!

    Nicki - I love you, I love the pictures you find, and I love the heartfelt way in which you express yourself.

    Robin - what the heck? stay strong - I know, you're probably getting tired of that, but as I so often say (to myself!) "what other choice do we have really?" I really hate it when people play with your head/emotions though, that's messed up.

    tgirl - hey there! there was some Jersey girl reference that I missed, but just today I was observing a training class. When I met the facilitator and she asked me where I had driven in from, I said Framingham, MA. She said, "oh I grew up in Stow!" (next town over) I said, "get out!" and she looked at me like I had two heads LOL Had to translate, "get out!" or "get out of town!" means "wow, what a coincidence!" LOL

    Vicki - how was your day today? What ever happened with you tile project idea BTW?

    Sheri - love the picture! I have that very same purple t-shirt from the Watertown MA Relay (and they gave us a really pretty mug too!) Warren tried to take a picture of me doing the Survivor Lap and he cut off my head! It's a great shot of the t-shirt though!

    Karen in Denver, Madison, Cheri (baby), OK, singing that now, sorry!, lini, Sue/Gus, shokk, Adrionna, Jankay, Iris, Susanmc, oh my gosh I'm forgetting too many but used Quick Reply so can't cheat and go back a page to look at posts or I'll lose my post (finally figured that out!)

    OK signing off for real now as I just might sit for 15 minutes before Warren gets home!
    edited June 2007

    Post deleted by Mizsissy

  • neesie
    neesie Member Posts: 1,110
    edited April 2008
    Puppy and Mena are in the middle of the circle.......continuous hugs, love and prayers are keeping them safe.

    Just stopping in to say good night to all..

  • Primel
    Primel Member Posts: 652
    edited June 2007
    Gina, sorry to read about all your worries with allergies: can you ask for Abraxane (no need for steroids nor benadryl because it is diluted in albumin and is delivered in 30 minutes instead of 3 hours for Taxol). In the Feb Chemo cruisers, one lady could be switched to Abraxane because she could not tolerate what comes with regular Taxol...
    Hope they'll accept to switch you too this drug... Best of luck to you... CatherineH
  • Madison
    Madison Member Posts: 859
    edited June 2007
    Mena, Puppy and NS, holding you close and saying prayers....
    Thank you Mizsissy for the post
    Thank you CatherineH for posting the help for Gina
    Yes, we are praying....holding hands with everyone and putting them in the circle of love
  • Boo46
    Boo46 Member Posts: 261
    edited June 2007
    Mizsissy - Thank you for the updates on Mena and Puppy. Holding both of them close and praying for good outcomes.

    Ok G now I understand what you ment by getting your chemo fixed. Praying for a good and easy solution for you. I am so sorry you have another complication to deal with. Hugs to you.

    Well my boys were suposed to arrive at 9:19 but their flight is now delayed and they will not get in till after 11. Ohh I'm going to be hurting when I get up for work tommorrow!
    Love all,
  • Odalys
    Odalys Member Posts: 929
    edited June 2007
    Buenas noches, Amigas!!

    Glad to see the boards are available today. I tried to log in several times yesterday but the boards were not moving and the only time I was able to get in I lost my entire post. Grrrr...

    Gina - It's unfortunate they didn't listen to you. Sorry you had to go through all that. I hope you feel better and are getting some rest.

    Mizsissy - thanks for the update on Mena and Puppy. Such sweet and kind ladies they deserve a brake. So sad they have to go through all that. We will place them in the center of the circle and will pray for good results.
  • newvickie
    newvickie Member Posts: 2,941
    edited June 2007
    Good evening sweet ladies. Well I got home at 5:15, Nate wanted leftovers for dinner which we popped in the microwave, I layed down on the couch and fell asleep till 7:30...geez. I am so sick of being soooo tired! I woke up and took him for ice cream that we missed last night due to the weather. He's pretty happy tonight as tomorrow is his first day of summer vacation. His report card was great and he will be a big 3rd grader next year! Scored very high on the state tests...reading at a 5th grade 8 month level and vocabulary at a 6th grade 4th month level...can't remember the rest without looking but scored high on everything. had to brag a bit heehee.
    Time for my evening walk...there is a definite chill in the air on this side of the circle so I'll throw some logs on the fire and start some hot chocolate for all (or something stronger if you like).
    Mizsissy has stopped by today to give us the sad news about Mena and Puppy. Oh I am so sick of this disease and what it does to those we love so. Thank you for letting us know about them...into the center of the circle they go until all is well again. Praying that it will be so.
    Gina...oh how we have missed you. I can't believe the day you have had! Did you enjoy your visit with your mom? Tucking you in and hope they get things straightened out soon.
    Shokks wagon is quiet and I am sneaking in to straighten out her closet since we seem to have made a bit of a mess last night. Sweet dreams and guiet weather tonight for you!
    Robins wagon is hoppin and she's got her dander up again LOL. Poor DH doesn't stand a chance! He's got it coming and it sounds like he is well aware of the fact. I do believe he's starting to see what he's losing. HEHEHE
    Stoppin in to see Marsha but that darn dog just scares the crap outta me...somebody come get him for a minute or two...geez. Never mind...I'll tuck her in and put a cap on her pretty head for the night as it's supposed to be much cooler than the past week or so. Can't have her getting sick...the dog is droolin in my shoes...ewwww.
    Good evening Colleen...I am still going to do the patio...just haven't had time to research how LOL. I did decide I am going to do the whole thing with the paving stones so the tiles will be perfect for the outside edges. Gotta rent Beth's hubby on the phone to get directions! I know I need to have a base for the paving stones, I just don't know what. Someone told me gravel then sand then the stones. Happy dreams to you.
    Joyce's wagon is empty and I'm worried about Kevin...saying a prayer as I pass by. Hope that all went well and he is recovering nicely.
    Theresa is off to the staying out past curfew! Christine did that and got herself grounded!
    Sue is waiting for a plane to come in so I'm gonna cover her with a blanket and set the alarm so she can get a little rest as she is waiting. Hugs to you.
    Simply have to stop and see Amy. I need a Mazer fix after the puppy scare. Shokk is comin out of the closet you say!!! Hmmm...sounds like we got some good gossip here so I'm gonna sit a spell.
    Odalys...good night sweet lady. I hate it when the boards are slow.
    Madison is asleep...she's working way to hard on the afghans and I'm feeling a bit guilty. I have one almost done and two more started (don't ask LOL). I just can't seem to get a minute to sit down and finish them! It's driving me crazy, the minute I go to bed I fall asleep...literally with crochet hook in hand. Tucking you in and telling you to take a and hugs to you.
    Cheri's wagon is pretty quiet...tucking in the boys and giving Cheri a hug that I do believe she needs right now...even though she would never admit it.
    I see Catherine! What a lovely picture. I need to change my avatar at some point in time but really need a haircut at the moment. I have a mess of wild and crazy curls that are going every which way and totally out of control.
    Iris has been a bit quiet lately so I'm sneaking in to see what she's up too. If the alarms go off it's just me. It's ok...I'm safe. Iris...where are you...checking under the the where did she head off to? Sweet dreams my friend.
    Jankay is sleeping so I'm tucking her in with her afghan so she can wake me up in the morning. Almost Friday...whew.
    Deb has a couple of baby moose outside her wagon...I'm givin a yell so she knows it me and not a bear...wouldn't wanna be at the wrong end of that gun!! Hoping maybe if I look pathetic enough she'll tell me a funny bedtime story LOL. Need some cheering today for some unknown reason. Too much to do all the time and no time to get it all done. Think I may take a couple days off if I can work it out at work.
    Alwayshope is not in her wagon either and I haven't seen her today...where are you? Can't be out past curfew you know!
    Z's wagon is far to quiet and she's getting us worried. You had better check in soon missy or the posse will be on the trail. Hugs to you.
    Have to stop in and tell MB that her description was totally wonderful in my opinion...don't change a thing. Love your image!
    Shel's wagon is hoppin with giggling girls...oh my. Would love to know if she made it to the post office to get her surprise today! Hope it brings warmth and love to you.
    I think I've only made it about a third of the way around the circle...still many girls who need tucking in...Margaret, Denise, CY, and on and on....too tired to keep going so I'm gonna sit in the center and give our girls in the center a few hugs and prayers...that would be you CY, Puppy, Mena and anyone else who is there at the moment.
    what a wonderful world we have in our circle. A whole community of loving caring women. I am wondering when our newly invited man is going to show up. I saw him on the welcome to the wagon circle thread but no here yet. Hope we aren't scaring him off. If you are lurking, just pop in and don't need to catch will soon enough. A man's perspective just might be nice for a change.
    Sorry to all I missed tonight...I am determined to finish the afghan without falling asleep!!!!
    love and hugs to you all...each and every one.
  • lizws
    lizws Member Posts: 789
    edited June 2007
    Evening everyone,

    Mena and Puppy - you are in my thoughts and prayers. Know we're here for you.

    Gina - please let us know what the onc says after your visit tomorrow. As I've always said, anything - anytime.

    Vickie - you do such a fantastic job every evening. I'm very impressed.

    One word descriptions of each person. Hmmmm I'll have to think on that one.

    I broke down and called the doc today about the poison ivy. She tells me to use Tecnu soap and calls in Zyrtec for the itching. Guess I'll wait and see if I can get rid of it on my own.

    Such a small matter when it comes to everyone else. I so hate this disease and what it's doing to all my friends here.

    Hugs and Prayers
  • Peter
    Peter Member Posts: 297
    edited June 2007

    Post deleted by Peterj

  • jankay
    jankay Member Posts: 789
    edited June 2007
  • Odalys
    Odalys Member Posts: 929
    edited June 2007

    Jankay - I had no idea you are an 8 year survivor. God Bless you.

  • Tricia
    Tricia Member Posts: 103
    edited June 2007
    Good evening my friends,

    I didn't get quite all the way caught up reading, but less than a page to go. I worked too long today - I won't make that mistake tomorrow, I am exhasuted.
    Jeff is captain of the local volunteer fire dept and tonight was a farewell dinner for one of the crew. I made an appearance, ate a burger and came right back home.

    For anyone with lower back pain due to disc problems:
    I went back to my accupuncturist today, and my back feels so much better than it normally does this time of day. She told me when you lie down, you have about 20 pounds of pressure on your back (less if on your back with knees bent and lower legs propped up on pillows).
    If you stand, about 60 lbs of pressure, 120 if sitting. She said never sit more than 20 minutes at a time.
    Those stats really drove it home to me. So I went back to work, and I was upset about a situation, I called my boss to vent, and went outside paced up and down in the parking lot venting away to him on the phone. Would have normally been sitting at my desk.
    It felt great! He offered to turn around, drive back to the Key West office and kick her ass. I love him.

    Sending hugs and prayers to my sisters who need them.
    Love to you all,
  • lizws
    lizws Member Posts: 789
    edited June 2007
    Hi Peter - welcome and nice to meet you.

    Tricia - wow, I didn't realize all that. I think I may have a disc problem with my neck. Glad you shared that with us. Take your time recovering. Rest!

    Hi to all I've missed. Think I'll head for bed.

  • cmb35
    cmb35 Member Posts: 554
    edited June 2007
    Misizzy - thanks for the update

    Mena and Puppy - peace, love and positive energy to you

    Peter - Welcome to the thread - sounds like you've already met our Vickie, who is as sweet and kind as can be. Lots of fun, friendship and support here, and we're glad to have you.

    Vickie - nice job on the round-up, you go girl!

    Odalys - how are you? I'm a little bit out of the loop - are you OK? I feel like I may have read you were down? But I could be confused!!

    Denise, Madison, Sue/Boo, Liz, Tricia, Jankay - hey there!

    Who has poison ivy? Liz? I have used that Technu stuff very successfully, but only immediately after being exposed (no sign of any rash or anything.) I'm not so sure it will work if you ALREADY have poison ivy. I did have this awesome stuff to put on poison ivy, I feel like it had a little pain reliever in it, I'll try to remember the name of it and let you know. (Might even have been by the same company that makes the Technu stuff?)
  • karen1956
    karen1956 Member Posts: 4,604
    edited June 2007
    Good evening CG's

    Yes, this is the most wonderful place. Wonderful, caring, sweet, funny, caring, helpful, caring women!!! I am so glad that I have found you all. I guess thats what keeps us coming back.
    Gina - HUGS!!! I am so sorry that you are having such a hard time. Its abouttime that you get a break!! Hope things go well with the onc tomorrow.
    Mena and Puppy - HUGS to both of you. So sorry to hear that things are so hard medically. I hope you both get some good news.
    Vickie - congrats to you and Nate for his great scores.
    Colleen - long day
    Z - how was the meeting with the onc
    Kristin - lack of sleep is the pitts. I think many of us don't sleep well - I know I don't without help.
    Nicki - you are safe with us.
    Boo - hope your boys are too late.I know what you mean about crying at the doctor even with good results. Maybe its the anticipation and worry about what if?
    Marsha - great comeback to that gal. You are quite witty. I could never think that fast on my feet.
    Shokk- good luck to your dad on his rehab. My dad is back in a "nursing home" till he recovers from his bowel surgery. Poor guy has only been home for 2 weeks since his back surgery in mid January.
    Amy - sending you and your dad hugs.
    Liz - has the weather calmed down any?
    Sherndon - hugs to you - your DS sounds like quite a young man. Is he okay without his meds?
    Betty - how are the fingers - any bettter?
    Gus - brave woman - a house full of 12 year olds!!!
    Deb - camping with all those kids - could be fun or could be not so fun. When will you know if DH is coming or not.
    Shel - enjoy your package.
    Beth - Hugs to you and your mom. You are so right, so many of us have parents who are aging and starting to not do so well. It just hit me yesterday that I am part of the sandwich generation and neither my folks or MIL live near me.
    We had quite a scare today. BIL called DH to say that their mother had collapsed and was rushed to the ER with a very low heart beat. They are admitting her to the hospital and monitoring her for an irregular heartbeat. Cardiologist will decide tomorrow if she needs a pacemaker or can treat her with meds. MIL is 79. BIL lives near MIL in Columbus, Ohio. If they are going to do the pacemeaker the doc will do it tomorrow. When DH called to give me the update on his mom I just started to cry - I was so worried about MIL, but also worried that if something happened we would have to cancel our trip. Isn't that awful of me to think about my trip instead of just her health. Between my MIL and my dad being sick, it is taking its toll. My dad is only 76. It just seems that our parents are healthy one day and then all of a sudden they are doing poorly.
    I saw the PS today. He doesn't think the implant has moved anymore since I saw him last month, but when I showed him the pics he said it did in the pics. But he said it didn't matter as he wanted to do the surgery sooner than later. It is on the calendar for bright and early July 23rd. PS says I will have to baby that side for some time, especially because of the permenant stitches. First week no lifting or driving. After one week, light lifting and then after 3 weeks can resume normal activities. Said need to wear a supportive bra 24/7 for 3 months (ugh). PS said nurse would say only one month for the bra, but he is recommending 3 months. I asked him about his nurse saying the only thing that defies gravity is radiated skin and he said it could move up, but was hoping it wouldn't. I asked PS what we do if it moves up - take out the implants and he said "NO" just live with the assymetry. He said that I would need to think long and hard about having the implant taken out as if I changed my mind down the road, I could not put the implants back in as radiated skin can't be expanded. He said, lets worry about that if it happens. So heres hoping that this is the end of the recon process. I guess I have to go into this being positive. Blood work from onc on friday was good except potassium was elevated just out of normal limts. Onc was not worried and said that it could just be due to the blood being hemolized (whatever that means). The nurse who left the message gave me my numbers as well as normal limits. I like when she calls. Not everyone does that - some just leave a message saying WNL. Still enjoying my break from the Tamox and AI's.
    Lastly, I left a message for my PCP the other week, but she was on vacation. I wanted to know if I really need to get a physical since I have blood work done with onc and get checked by him every 3 months. PCP said yes, that I needed fasting labs, EKG (not sure why - and I had one before chemo), colonoscopy and shots (what shots besides tetanus). PCP said just because I was seeing other docs, didn't mean that I didn't need to see her. So I am going to make and appt to chat with her- hopefully in the early am so i won't have eaten breakfast and talk about these tests as well as the blue hands. My insurance only covers 500 preventative a year, and I think it was used up with labs at the exchange surgery. Really don't want to get stuck with a large bill. When I schedule the colonoscopy, need to make sure that it is diagnostic not preventative. Oh yeah - PCP said all this because I am past 50!!
    It was way too hot today - 95 or so. I think the heat got to me as I couldn't eat dinner - was queasy. It is supposed to stay in the mid 90's for several days. Two more days and I am on summer vacation for 7 weeks.
    Hugs to all our sisters who are having a hard time, having medical tests, have ill parents or any challenges in their lives. Like I said at the start - the CG's are the most caring group of ladies on this planet. Z, Tgirl, Liz, Robin, Silka, Suz, Denise, The shopmama, Jankay, Sherndon, CatherineH, Odayls and all the other CG's Hugs and love from Denver, KAren
  • lizws
    lizws Member Posts: 789
    edited June 2007

    Colleen - I don't think the Technu stuff will work after the rash and blisters appear either. If you think of what that was please let me know. I did read where the OTC cortisone creams etc. won't work. I'm going to go get some Caladryl tomorrow and give it a try.

  • zazette15
    zazette15 Member Posts: 223
    edited June 2007

    Hello sisters and now I see a brother, wow, welcome Peter!

    I have been MIA due to some unfortunate happenings at work. I think you all know that I work for the UFCW, the grocery store union, we are negotiating our contract for 70,000 workers in So Cal and things are not good - Tomorrow is the Deadline...and we're still waiting for the employers to offer us a contract proposal. The employers have had six months to offer us a fair contract, but they continue to drag their feet. Stater Bros. and Gelsons markets offered us a fair deal months ago and Ralphs, Vons and Albertsons could have done the same thing.
    We have been waiting at the bargaining table for days now for the employers to offer us a fair contract proposal that we can take to our membership on Sunday for a vote.
    But we're still waiting...
    The employers refuse to meet us in negotiations, a strike could happen. So this has been my life for a while now and it may get worse. Wish us a good contract.

    I went to my onc today, I like her, she's thorough, but she felt something suspicious and I am going for an ultrasound Friday, not going to worry till I have to because I may not have to. Otherwise, all seems well and I feel fine.

    Father's Day was great, I am including pictures, we went to the aquarium. Also including pictures from sons graduation, the pretty red medal on his neck is for Peer Counselor of the Year, he wants to be a psychiatrist, go figure, probably cause his mom is nuts, LOL!!

    I read that one of our sisters passed on, that made me very sad, I pray for her family.

    To all you: I may be more out than in, but please know I am out here thinking of you all and wishing all the time that sitting here on this board talking to you all was my real job (at least you all would never have to strike).

    My prayers to the goddess everynight are for all of you to be safe, well, happy, pain free and courageous. Be good, beauties and handsome!!

    Anne and Kevin
    Cahterine H
    Cherly Holt
    Colleen and Kevin
    Deb C
    Hope I've not missed anyone, it's not on purpose, I’m trying to post before I read back 15 pages to catch up, so I apologize if I omitted anyone.
  • silvergirl9114
    silvergirl9114 Member Posts: 310
    edited June 2007

    Anybody here taking Actonel? If so, is it giving you barn burner heart burn? Took it yesterday morning and the inside of my chest has been on fire ever since----Pepcid and Tums don't even touch it. I could always hire myself out as a fire breathing dragon for kid's parties, I suppose.

  • AlaskaDeb
    AlaskaDeb Member Posts: 1,159
    edited June 2007
    OK…Vicky is most likely sound asleep by now, so this funny bedtime story she requested might end up being a funny good-morning story….different time zones and all that jazz…

    I went to do an interview with a neighbor of mine for an article I’m writing for the paper. She has a farm with TONS of animals…goats, horses, dogs, chickens, cats…and lamas! I have not spent a lot of time around lamas…I have always found them a bit intimidating…the whole spitting thing they do. I was just not sure I wanted to get near them…but the owner is so nice and all her animals are her babies, so we went over to pet the lamas. The first one had teeth that looked like BUBBA!!!! I kid you not…kind of this bucky-the-beaver, protruding tooth thing…so I asked if I should give him a handful of grass to make friends and she said “No, you need to lean down and let him sniff your face.”

    I kid you not…here is this critter leaning toward me like he wants a kiss… and I am NOT going to let that happen…I was worried he was going to take a chink out of my neck like vampire-lama. But then I took another look and he had the biggest, most liquid brown eyes…so I figured what the hell and leaned down. He sniffed my whole face and then smiled! I swear he pulled his little lips back and smiled at me! The lady said he will always remember someone he has sniffed like that and now he knows I am a friend and will not be alarmed if I come around. He kept coming up and resting his head on my chest and sniffing my hair…he was totally charming. I guess looks aren’t everything LOL…

    So there it is…I made friends with a buck-toothed, liquid eyed lama tonight…oh, and She has goats for sale! They are WAY too cute. It is a good thing I didn’t take the girls with me or I bet I would have had goats in the back seat.

    My hubby will be able to join the crew camping this weekend. We are only going to be 20 miles from home, and he may have to run in to the office for a few minutes on Saturday evening, but that’s all….I guess I will let him live

    This group of people is a blast to do things with and I am sure the camping will be a blast. I bought 6 big super-soaker water guns and we will be right on the lake, so some wet fun will be had. I also have our marshmallow guns packed. Have you guys seen them? They are made of PVC pipe and you basically blow tiny marshmallows at one another like they are dart guns. It is tons of fun….we just have to pick up the marshmallows when we are done so we don’t attract bears.

    Our weather has been HOT…80 degrees here today which I s WAY higher than normal. We have a wildfire about 25 miles from here, but it is burning south, so we should not have a problem. Even though we are camping, I hope we get a bit of rain. It is too dry and the fires freak me out a bit.

    I am sending hugs and prayers to all our circle girls (and their loved ones) in need of prayer. I would appreciate you keeping my friend Connie in your prayers. Her chemo is almost done, but she is having a rough ride. Also, keep Jacob in your prayers. He is healing well after the liver transplant and MANY complications, but it looks like he may be out of the hospital and into Ronald McDonald house by this weekend. They are ready for a break.

    Hugs and more hugs special friends…
    Deb C
  • socallisa
    socallisa Member Posts: 10,184
    edited June 2007
    I found your llama!!

  • socallisa
    socallisa Member Posts: 10,184
    edited June 2007
    These were the cute ones..

  • MargaretB
    MargaretB Member Posts: 771
    edited June 2007
    Evening ladies.

    Beth, I think I just threw away the magazine but there was an article in there about a woman whose mother had suddenly declined and they thought it was Alzheimer's but it wasn't; there was a medical condition for it - now I can't think of the condition or which woman's magazine it was in. I'll see if I can find it.

    G, I'm with Colleen - you need a break.

    MizSissy, Mena and Puppy are in the middle of the circle.

    Hi Peter, I see you made it over to this thread. This is where I hang out most of the time.

    Z, hope things go well with the contract. Thinking positive results with your US. Great pics.

    Deb, Connie and Jacob are in the middle.

    Lisa, loved the llamas.

    Making sure veryone is tucked in and I'm going to bed.

    Night all.

  • sherloc
    sherloc Member Posts: 893
    edited June 2007
    howdy do girls. I'm home and o so tired. But just had to check in with my buds before I go to bed. IN MY OWN BED!!! Sister is doing well. Healing nicely from surgery so say the docs. Has had all her scans. Cancer has not spread past the nodes so she is still at stage 3. Thank you Lord!!! She starts chemo and rads next week. She will be doing xeloda while she is getting rads then will switch to avastin and another one that I can't remember the name of. She will have 5 treatments. So if all goes well she should be done by Christmas.
    Update for me. I had onc appt day that I left. All is well. Start aredia infusion sometime soon. Haven't checked my machine yet. Message is probably on there. Will get that every 3 months till I get a good bone density test. So for at least a year since I just had one last month. Also get to have a colonoscopy. Yippee for me and a bone scan to document the broken rib. And lets not forget the annual squishing. Stupid fake crown fell out a few days ago. Hope my tooth didn't shift any. Getting permanent crown tomorrow.
    So thats it for me for the moment. Off to bed I go. See you all tomorrow.
  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Member Posts: 2,728
    edited June 2007

    Good Morning Everyone: Im so lost this morning. Lost a whole day of reading posts - and will try to catch up. Once I get through today, I have 4 days off - Im so excited as I really need the time to just relax and enjoy life a little.

    My goodness! There are 4 pages to read just since yesterday morning. I tried to take notes and have everyones name written down - but alas - nothing written after their names so I have no clue as to what I wanted to say. I sure did like Vickie's one word idea.

    Lini: First of all you are on my mind today. Good luck with the exchange surgery. Its been along time coming.

    Shokk: I would never back down. If I am attacked, I will speak up, no ifs ands or buts. Guess I learned that from being a nurse for so many years and going nose to nose with some pompous ass doctors.

    Madison - When I see you post, I think of Mardi Gras Cake!

    Gus - Loved the rhyming

    Marsha - Not fair, I want a little piece of Bubba for myself. The thought of setting him lose gave me so much pleasure.

    Tgirl - Whenever I see you I think of Football

    Shel - Glad you got the package

    Karen - Hot and humid in Denver, doesnt sound like too much fun.

    Suz: Having the best weather here in Chicago. Low humidty makes a world of difference.

    Vickie: My sunshine sister buddy

    PurpleMB - Kind and generous.

    Denise: Sorry about the dumpy day. Hoping today is better.

    Susan: You have a contagious smile.

    Puppy: Sending hugs your way

    Beth: Well I think a medical physical is in order for your mom. Depression, UTI, and medications can cause people to have symptoms of Alzheimers. Hoping your mom is ok.

    Robin - your a fighter

    Amy - Has so many animals this girl has lost count. Glad your dad is doing better.

    NS: A good friend who I miss alot

    Whew! Still have 2 pages to read!!

    Sheri: I like the picture from the relay too.

    Colleen: I just feel connected to you. Whatelse can I say?

    NS: Oh that stupid nurse. An allergy is an allergy and should never be ignored.

    Liz: Dang that poison Ivy sounds awful. I would at least fill the Zyrtec.

    Peter: Welcome to the wagon circle.


    OK - my time has run out. I know I missed many. Hate it when Im so behind, but I figure I will be able to catch up this week-end. Hope everyone has a wonderful day.


    BRSTN Member Posts: 165
    edited June 2007
    Good morning,

    Nicki, you beat me up. Well, you beat me posting. I was up about 4. Have onc appt today and am a little uneasy. I have slme stuff to talk with her about and hope she listens.

    Well, I took the plunge (no pun intended) and ordered a swimsuit from Land's End. I have to do something about my creaky joints and weight. Nicki, I looked at the South Beach site, but just don't think it's for me. MY DH is diabetic and has had some trouble being on byette (sp). We are trying to figure out just what he can eat now. He's having some major reactions to our normal diet. So we have some changes in our future., but SB is so drastic.

    Fingers are a litttle better. I think I just over did it at work.

    NS, it's so good to see you post. Oh how I wish I could give you a big ole hug in person.

    Prayers for our dear Mena and Puppy.

    Peter, welcome. This is a wonderful place.

    Beth, it's so tough seeing our dear parents having to go through what they do. Both my parents are dead, but I do know what you are feeling. Well, I probably don't because I didn't have bc or all the stuff we all deal with on top of caring for my mom and dad. It's heartbreaking at times and my prayers are with you and all who are in the same situation.

    Silka, oh my. your "friend's" comment wins the stupid things people say award in my book.

    I took a good look at Bubba. He's really cute, but know what scares me...those toenails. The overbite, if that's what you could call it is kinda endearing in a scary way. But that and those nails just scare the crap out of me.

    Z, good luck with the negogiates. I loved seeing your pictures.

    Vicki, it's so nice reading your tuck ins. I can almost fell the angel kisses and gentle hugs you give. Keep it up, please.

    Deb, we have friends who have llamas and I love them. They are so gentle. Ours frinds bring them to town at Christmas and let the kids meet them.
