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  • Biker54
    Biker54 Member Posts: 1,042
    edited June 2007
    Deb, have fun camping!!!! Thanks for the jokes .

    Cheri, where are you and what is going on?????
  • newvickie
    newvickie Member Posts: 2,941
    edited June 2007
    I want one now!
  • lizws
    lizws Member Posts: 789
    edited June 2007
    MB - I wanna see!!!!!!!!!! Did you ever see Martha from chat tat's? If not, let me know I have the picture I'll email it to you. Sounds like something you're going to do.

    Okay girls, Thanks for sending the PM's. I have the list already started.

    Sher - yes I have yours. If you want to include a phone number send it to me. Otherwise I have your info. What kind of car did DS get? I got a 2004 Mazda 3 on Friday. It's cute.

    Deb - have a grand time.

    Iris - yes there is always evening.

    Suz - got your info - thanks

    Cheri, Jankay, Susan where are you guys? Hmmm Jasmine is missing also. Wonder if they're all together.

    Madison - DH must bring you to OK. It will be great to get together. If there's anything I can do for your daughter just let me know.

    Okay, DH is up and I need to act like I'm doing something. LOL


  • lizws
    lizws Member Posts: 789
    edited June 2007
    Hahahahahaha! MB is great! What can we dare her to do next? Just kidding sweetie.

    OH how cool! I want one too. Am I too chicken though?
  • newvickie
    newvickie Member Posts: 2,941
    edited June 2007

    Liz..if you are coming to Pinkstock we could do it together! I'll hold your hand and you hold mine!

  • lizws
    lizws Member Posts: 789
    edited June 2007

    Vickie - yep I'll be there. Hmmmm we just might have to do that.

  • purplemb
    purplemb Member Posts: 593
    edited June 2007
    ok trying to scan it at work was not a good idea...*disclaimer..(do not try this at home)lol.....its of the ribbon up...., ok the new one coming in July...covering the scar will have to be done at

    hugs MB
  • newvickie
    newvickie Member Posts: 2,941
    edited June 2007

    sorry MB...I turned it but I think I turned it the wrong way...not sure LOL.

  • purplemb
    purplemb Member Posts: 593
    edited June 2007 problem...some day I'll figure out how to post pics/....
    ok just one more mental like I was doing a self mammo...took the top off the scanner and held it up on its
  • Biker54
    Biker54 Member Posts: 1,042
    edited June 2007

    Love the tat MB! You go girl!

  • suzfive
    suzfive Member Posts: 126
    edited June 2007
    MB - beautiful tattoo - know now not to dare you!

  • socallisa
    socallisa Member Posts: 10,184
    edited June 2007
    Hola Guapas...

    Sheri..swim well!! I taught swimming for forty years.

    Mena , Gina and Puppy..warmest hugs..

    Robin..don't you just hate cleaning house!

    Liz..sending lots of anit-scratch your way

    Shokk..not more rain...we only get about eight inches a year..please send us some..

    Lini...hugs and more hugs.. good to see you!! Glad you are home in your own little bed,.,
    With all this work you are getting could be in the movies!!

    Pam..walking the dog is counts!!

    Vickie..I wish I had half your energy! good to see you surface..

    Doris..come on in..

    MB Sherloc is right..Martha has the greatest tatooes

    DebC..I am sure with you on WD 40..they make it here!!

    I played tennis early this morning..I was a little wild..first time I have played since I started the Lyrica..dizzy, dizzy

    Have to do my volunteer work at the museum this afternoon

    I have to see my oncologist next week about the suspicious something that neither the mammo nor the ultrasound can seem to find on my remaining breast.

    Hasta la vista

  • newvickie
    newvickie Member Posts: 2,941
    edited June 2007

    tornado warnings here...I am heading for home!! Yikes...Shokk...I'm headin for your closet...what's for dinner!

  • marshakb
    marshakb Member Posts: 796
    edited June 2007
    MB great tat!! What part of your body is that anyway? haha

    I always said I'd never get a tattoo but now that I've had my cherry broke, so to speak, at the Rads office maybe I should reconsider? LOL

    Peter: Come out come out wherever you are! teehee
  • RobinTN
    RobinTN Member Posts: 466
    edited June 2007
    MB:that is a great tatoo.I am going to get one soon and so is karen and jasmine.We are going to get matcing one's I cant wait.

    Iris:thank you for the compliment,I am glad i inspire you.

    SoCalLisa: I usually dont mind housework if I feel like doing it,for the past almost 3 years have not been up to it so that is lots to be done and it is gonna take more than 1 day thats for sure.Sort of like spring cleaning.
  • socallisa
    socallisa Member Posts: 10,184
    edited June 2007

    Wow Robin that is one heck of a spring cleaning...

  • newvickie
    newvickie Member Posts: 2,941
    edited June 2007
    Well the storm have past and things have calmed down a bit...had a really cool rainbow in the back yard that was actually hitting the ground...Nate went out to stand in it and it disappeared...he said he was soooo close to the gold...I have a really cute picture of him telling me about how close he was...I'll try to post it later. so push the limits and I so love it!
    Peter...where are you? Wonder what time it is in Australia (that is where he lives right?).
    Cheri...damn it...get your a$$ back here right now! Now I'm gonna get bossy (not real good at this bossy stuff so feel free to chime in ladies). If you don't come back I'll light up that cigarette I've been craving all there!
    cookin dinner...bbl
    Love and hugs all around...have we heard news on Kevin?
  • lv2cmp
    lv2cmp Member Posts: 899
    edited June 2007
    Robin, Come on over to my house when you get finsihed with yours.

    MB-I knew you couldnt resist and we would see it by the night. Looks great! Makes me want another one. Been hard to explain that position if somebody had walked in,,lmao!

    Marsha-it doesnt hurt that bad at all if you ask me,,aww just do it.

    Deb-have fun camping and doesnt earthquakes happen more than once,,oh what do I know being from alabama,,come on California gals you have to know that answer.

    Shirley-congrats on the boy getting his own wheels. Now his car will have boy smells.

    Biker-hope the grass cutting was uneventful. Its too hot here to try to do anything. I dont think I have mentioned lately how much I hate summer.

    ok about time to head out and find a nice cold beer. Now thats something that is good when its hot outside,,come to think of it,,its good anytime. Anybody tried the new miller?

  • SheriH
    SheriH Member Posts: 472
    edited June 2007
    Hey Vickie, I heard that! Don't let all your non-smoking days go to waste. You've worked too hard for them.

    Cheri, Vickie needs you--get over here quick.
  • shokk
    shokk Member Posts: 790
    edited June 2007

    Afternoon chicas and chico..........well we to just had a really bad storm come thru.....lightening, thunder and rain.......there's another cell suppose to come thru later tonight.......I am so done with the closet......hey Amy I'm coming out of the closet and staying out.......ha......Vickie step away from the ashtray......saw a pic of a beautiful tattoo......after getting tatt for radiation there is no way I could stand getting a real tattoo........well girls (and boy) I am so ready for the weekend.....DebC going camping and earthquakes (oh my)......well the girls and I are still trying to work out vacation if the 3 of us fly to FL and back its about 1200.00 and really don't have the money......we may just end of driving to the Texas Coast and stay in a nicer hotel and have more spending money that way.......go somewhere we haven't been before....maybe the power plants and oil refineries in Texas City......ha........don't know where but hell we are going somewhere.......hope most are feeling well today.....Mena you are always in my prayers.....Gina hope to see you back in the chemo wagon soon and kick some cancer butt.......Robin you sound stronger and stronger everyday........Nicki sweet, sweet Nicki......glad to see you still posting on the WTH thread........we need your input.......ok girlie girls and boy see ya later gators.....

  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Member Posts: 2,728
    edited June 2007

    Good Evening Everyone: Well Im home, have a nice glass of red wine, and Im off for 4 days. So Im feeling good tonight.

    MargaretB: I dont know that you should worry about it. It will work just fine. I was just thinking about your mom cause its in an uncomfortable spot.

    Sherloc: Look at all the fun you missed while you were gone!

    Puppy: So what is the plan gonna be? Sending lots of hugs your way.

    Mena: Had great conversations with you last year at this time. Have you covered and in the circle. And I have a double chocolate cheesecake just for you.

    PurpleMB: Im a roller coaster. What can I say? Lunch sounded divine. Now how about this for dinner. A good old fashioned BBQ. Just hot dogs and hamburgers. Fresh fruit salad. Corn on the cob. Just sit around the campfire and roast marshmellows. Im pretty upset I wont be at Pinkstock. But its just not in the stars for me.


    Amy: Oh I know what you mean. I havent been on vacation since I brought home my half black lab/half border collie - all monster - and name is mister. Dont know anyone who could watch or keep up with him. Dragging people into the cats meow?


    Gus: Really! I thought "R" stood for reading, righting and rithmatic!!

    Robin: Oh you have inspired me. Maybe I will clean out my dresser tomorrow.

    Liz: 4 days off and I will be exercising alot. Walking and swimming. Lots of ideas for poison ivy. Caladryl is calamine combined with benadryl. Then there is benadryl lotion which is clear. They both work pretty good - but maybe ask for some Atarax?



    Marsha: I sorta feel like your WTF partner. Miss you posting there. We need your wit and comedy!!

    Mena: Its so wonderful to hear from you.

    Suz: Your one special lady.

    My goodness. I just went from earthquakes to tornados in 2 minutes. I still have so many posts to read. You all are just so funny. I have missed many. Ill catch up with you later.

  • TheShopMama
    TheShopMama Member Posts: 276
    edited June 2007
    Ok Vickie... the ShopMama is taking control.... I manage a shop that has 24 hour towing and garage (kinda like Wally's Garage in Mayberry). I know lots of words and how to boss although I am not as respected as I feel I should be because (no offense Peter), I don't have a penis. However...... CHERI you MUST get back here! And Vickie, you cannot and will not use it as an excuse to light up!!!!
    Marsha.... you better get Bubba over near Vickie..or take him to round up Cheri!!!
    Amy, where in AL are you? A cold one would be nice after work.

    Also..... the closet probably needs airing out after last night.......
    Love you all... Pam
  • 2up
    2up Member Posts: 944
    edited June 2007
    OMG ......... my parcel was an afghan!


    thank you girls ........... i felt the warmth from around the world as soon as i opened the box!!!!!! i am truly overwhelmed!

    i would like to post some "proud mom" pics of mackenzie's graduation ............ but i just suck at computer things lol! ANY HELPFUL TAKERS OUT THERE?

    MAC won honour student of the year (90+ grade point average), outstanding geography student, outstanding creative writing student, outstanding language arts student and outstanding french student. she ALSO collected the leadership award, the fellowship award and the stewardship award ............ mackenzie rocks!!!!!!! i'm so proud of that kid!!!!!!!

    thank you for the afghan you guys!!!!!!! (and the note that came with it) ............ ya'll sure made my day (and weeks to come)

  • Sandra1957
    Sandra1957 Member Posts: 1,064
    edited June 2007
    Vickie-"best friend to all" You are so sweet. Thanks for thinking about me.

    Shel-Mac Rocks because her mom does!! She's awesome!!

    Deb-You're rocking, too, I see. Earthquakes sure know how to rattle one.

    Everything went well today. In at 7am out by Noon. Napping off and on. Feel some sloshing in my chest when I bend down and come up, but can tell that they are softer. Hope they look okay at the unveiling next Wednesday.

    I've been hanging out over at the Paris/WTH? thread. Need a diversion. It's been a month from you know where over here on the homefront and just trying to get through one drama at a time.

    Prayers, softer hug??, and love to all. You are best!!

  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Member Posts: 2,728
    edited June 2007
    Lini: Oh my goodness its so good to hear from you. Glad its finially over - now dont you over due it.

  • Sandra1957
    Sandra1957 Member Posts: 1,064
    edited June 2007

    Thanks Nicki!! I've been lying around in my new jammies all day.

  • Biker54
    Biker54 Member Posts: 1,042
    edited June 2007
    Good evening CGs!

    Lini, I second that!!! Don't overdue it. I had that sloshing also. It gets better. I promise.

    Amy, I can't even imagine living in Alabama. I HATE humidity. And heat. But the humidity really gets to me.

    Vickie, this is your conscience speaking, "Step away from the smoke!" Glad you didn't get hit by a tornado.

    Shokk, what, no tattoo??? My rads tats were nothing! I have 4 real tattoos. One is on my BC breast. My surgeons were so proud that they saved it. I'll have DH take pics and I will post them sometime. Come on girl, what are you waiting for?????

    Nicki, uhhhh, can I come for dinner??? I love a good old BBQ! I love ribs, burgers, dogs, the works!! I'm having our family July 4th picnic and I have all of that stuff

    Pam, oooooohhhhh, you said penis ! Heehee!

    Shel, you should be so proud of Mac! Enjoy the afgan.

    Just checking in tonight. Now that I'm home from work, life is very quiet. Yay! My son is having knee surgery tomorrow. He tore his ACL completely, and he has to have his knee reconstructed. He'll be home the same day, though. Everyone have a good night. I'll walk the perimeter before I turn in for the night. Tucking in those who need it too.

    Love you all!
  • socallisa
    socallisa Member Posts: 10,184
    edited June 2007
    Good for you lini...glad to hear from you!!

    Nicki..I bet you will have a good four days off..I can smell that wine over here!! are doing soooooooo well..
  • RobinTN
    RobinTN Member Posts: 466
    edited June 2007
    HELP!! I've sit down in my chair and I cant get up.The house looks worse than when I started.But I know how its gonna look when I finish so thats the important thing.
    Now I am getting so sleepy.It is going to take me at least a week to get what I want done.Then this fall I am going thru stuff upstairs.That is where my christmas stuff is.And pack and repack and all that kinda stuff.
    Gotta go finish at least one room for tonite..
  • sherloc
    sherloc Member Posts: 893
    edited June 2007
    so now I'm gonna have to keep up with two threads. Crap I'm never gonna get anything done.

    And yippee the afghan finally reached you. I hear it had quite the journey.

    Holy Smokes Deb, at least your life is never dull.

    Iris it is good to be home isn't it? No pics coming from me. Silly me felt sorry for daughter dear cause she forgot her camera so let her take it to Seattle with her. Did get a pic of me and my sis and her older sister. Who is not my sister. Must say it was an absolute hoot seeing the odd looks on peoples faces whenever little sis introduced us to others. This is my sister and this is my sister. No they don't look alike cause they aren't sisters, tho they were sisters once a very long time ago. I have concluded that my family is warped.

    Suz, I think I gave up with catch up on page 547 or somewhere around there.

    Liz, giving you a good scratch cause you were so good to me when I was all bumpy and itchy.
    What kind of car? hmmmmm very good question. Its white, with two doors, and all the appropriate equipment inside. Best part....I didn't pay for it

    I wanna get a tattoo but I'm to chicken too.

    MB remind where on your anatomy is this lovely piece of artwork. Looks grand. I so can't believe you scanned yourself.

    Socal, good to see you too. Loved your vacation pics. Add another destination to my list.

    Marsha said cherry....I'm telling!!!!!

    Vicki, don't you dare.
    Cheeeeeeerrrrrrrriiiiiiiii Cheri baby, Cheeerrrrrrrie babbbbbyyyyyy
    O little playmate won't you come play with me, climb up the apple tree, slide down the rainbow and thru the cellar door, and we'll be jolly friends forever moreeeeeeee!!!!!

    Amy, ewwwwwww boy smell. Enjoy your beer.

    Nicki, 4 whole days. yehaw for you. What ya gonna do with all that time? I tell you I'm never going anywhere again. I hate missing the good stuff. I did however get to go to the gap outlet in Redding which was totally cool cause they were having a huge sale.

    probably gonna be another two pages when I hit the button but I'm going for the gusto. See you all tomorrow.