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  • newvickie
    newvickie Member Posts: 2,941
    edited June 2007
    Good evening sweet sisters and new big brother,
    Whew...I am so glad that today is Friday...I am soo tired as usual. Way to much to do.
    Gonna do my evening sweet dream walk and make sure everyone is safely tucked in for the night.
    Think I'll stop at Peter's wagon and I'm no quite sure if I should be waking him up or tucking him in LOL. Don't know what time it is where he is. I do believe he is hiding on us!
    Cheri dear...knockin on your door...come out and let us give you a hug and some love. We miss you and we worry about you. No more of this's Friday comin up and we need a cyber party! Sweet dreams drinkin pal.
    Pam...gonna invite myself in and sit a spell. I like the idea of you giving Cheri the what for! Please don't let Marsha bring bubba over...that dog just scares the bejeezes outta me! I swear if I woke up with that thing sittin on my chest staring me in the face I'd wet the bed!! I won't light up...I just know how she likes to yell at me and I thought that would bring her running for sure. sniff sniff. Good night and sweet dreams.
    Lots of whoopin going on in Shel's wagon happy lady here. Gonna give her a hug to go with her afghan and a hug for Madison for a job well done at two are the best team! If you want me to post pictures just email them to me. (yes...I'm posting my email again...the hell with it).
    Debs wagon needs some straightening after the earthquake...I'll just tidy up a bit and blow her a kiss...hope she's having a good time.
    Sneaking into the center of our circle to hug on Puppy, Mena and you girls. Anything you need? Just say the word. We are always here for you.
    Karen's wagon looks like a happy place tonight. Wrap yourself in that afghan and feel all the love sweetie. Good night and see you tomorrow.
    Madison is crocheting as usual. You really must slow down're gonna wear your fingers to the bone.
    Iris has returned!!! It's about time missy...we were about to send out the posse. Trying to stay cool here has been a real struggle but it still beats snow! tucking you in and setting the alarms so you will be safe and sound.
    Think I may hang with Marsha for a bit...I could use a laugh or two's been one of those days. I'd dance on a barstool with her but you all know where I'd end up. Get yourself to bed girly...rads are tiring! We need to start a countdown!
    Lini is home!!! Yippee...poppin in to give her a gentle hug, some comfy pillows, a pain pill and a box of happy its done! Tucking you in very gently...give a yell if you need anything. Hugs and love to you.
    Nicki has gone off and left me early again...Yell really loud in the morning as I just can't seem to drag my ass outta bed lately. I loved your picture on the OT thread with the two dogs...too funny! See you in the morning sunshine sister.
    Betty is relaxing and I'm tucking her in too...think I may have missed you the past few nights. Sweet dreams.
    Amy is having a beer so I think I may join her for a bit. I love seeing the animals all around. hmmm...I think we need a farm update. How is DD doing?
    Shirley girl...still haven't figured out what you have to do tomorrow and I suspect you've gone to sleep so I'll tuck you in and make sure the magic carpet is ready in the morning.
    shokk is making vacation plans. I am flying to Florida but probably not till September or October. Haven't decided yet. Of course DD may still come home the way things are continuing to fall apart down there with her DH. Sweet happy dreams to you...later alligator.
    Jankay...hmmm...where are you...lookin under the bed but don't see you. Have a good night...sleep tight and don't let the bedbugs bite.
    Liz is contemplating a tattoo so I think I'll stop and see what she is thinking. I am with her...would like one but I'm a chicken. Maybe a little one heehee. Good night sweet lady.
    Susans wagon is empty...where have you gone off to? Gonna have to send out the posse.
    Z is enjoying her evening and I have to stop in and tell her again how wonderful the pictures are! Too early on your end of the wagon circle for sleep but hope you have good dreams tonight.
    MB...she's just so full of herself tonight...boy did she show us a thing or two ROFLMBO still at her escapades with the scanner...can you imagine that sight caught on tape!! MB...maybe you'd better check the office and make sure there isn't a hidden camera somewhere LOL. Your the best...I love the tattoo! Sweet dreams...can't wait to meet you!
    Pam said the P word!!! LOL
    CatherineH hasn't pulled her wagon too close yet but I sure wish she would. She sounds like she'd be a fun addition to our ever growing family here.
    Janny girl...good evening to any blue drinks over there...getting too tired to walk that far LOL. I really need a drink tonight. No cigs for me. I've come this far and Cheri would surely come after me with that cast and plant it somewhere I wouldn't want it planted!
    Robin is having quite a time in her wagon but what a grand sight it will be when she's done. Think I'll pop in and help for a bit. wait a minute...I need to clean my own first LOL. Don't you all just get so sick of the same damn chores day in and day out! It's insane.
    Gonna stop and see what Lisa has for new pictures. I so love looking at everyones pictures. I haven't been very good at posting any lately but I will soon. Sleep tight and have sweet dreams dear lady.
    ok...I've been typing for half an hour and I know I've missed some of you and I'm sorry but my brain is fried tonight. It's off to bed for me and I'll see all my sweet girls (and hopefully our new brother)in the morning.
  • neesie
    neesie Member Posts: 1,110
    edited April 2008
    Good night friends!

    Just popping in to say "I'm here" and I've got notes......just haven't been able to post yet! Thinking of all of you and will try to stay awake to post in a bit..if not, see you in the morning! (Before I head in to Mom's!)

    Silka: Just to let you know..The Zoo is called "African Wildlife Safari" and is in Port Clinton, Ohio. DD says it is 17 Miles West of Cedar Point.

  • jankay
    jankay Member Posts: 789
    edited June 2007
    good night cgs

    hope i feel better 2morrow
  • sherloc
    sherloc Member Posts: 893
    edited June 2007
    uh Vicki sorry hon, it's not friday yet. Is it?
    To do tomorrow? nothing that I know of. Next week I'm gonna be running my ass off. Wanna join me?
  • TheShopMama
    TheShopMama Member Posts: 276
    edited June 2007
    Vikie... enjoyed you stopping by for a bit. (I didn't know I wasn't supposed to say the "p" word) Didn't Deb say we are supposed to be "politically correct?" Is it my fault I suffer from wee wee envy? Was that better? It is just that even though I have worked at this job for 25 years and can run the place.... it is more often than not assumed I cannot because of one piece of anatomy I don't have...... enough of that.
    Thanks for the tuck in.
    And Marsha, show Vickie from a distance how sweet Bubba can be......we can't have her being afraid of our mascot..
    What a day of tornadoes and earthquakes and tests and surgeries..... hoping for a calmer tomorrow.
    Susan.... are you here? Haven't seen you but once since you got back from the walk. Hope all is well.
    (((((Aunt Puppy))))) still waiting to hear.
    Special prayers to all of you in the center of the circle, and to all of you who help form the circle..
    Has Peter stuck his head out of his wagon yet?
    Sweet dreams sisters.
  • neesie
    neesie Member Posts: 1,110
    edited April 2008
    Good Day in the Circle!! Both Karen and Shel received their afghans of Hugs!! Dang Shel, About the postal service in Canada!!!!

    Mena: So nice to see you post! You sound quite Chipper! I know what you mean about feeling the love many strangers turned into loving friends! You don't owe any thanks to us......just enjoy and continue to feel better.

    Marsha: I was just about to say that we haven't been in any trouble lately...........and then I see your post and find out you managed all by yourself!! Was it something about having your Cherry Broke and Peter in the same Paragraph??

    MB: I am AMAZED! Didn't know you were such a rebel!! I don't know which is better..the pic of the tattoo or the visual of you scanning the tattoo!! You are a hoot! And I love the tattoo!

    Gina and Z: Glad to hear from both of you. Don't stay away so long.......we worry. G: Hope you get some relief soon..geesh, why won't Dr's listen.

    Liz: Quit Scratching! Reminds me of my son.......he was about 19 maybe 20. Came in one night, late and woke me up. He had tears rolling down his cheeks..........don't know if it was the pain or the embarrassment...........but he had the worse case of poison Ivy on his Male doo dad. He was mortified that he had to show me and I was mortified cuz I didn't know what the hell it was. (The poison ivy not the Male doo dad!) Took him to the Doctors the next day and it was a young PA that saw him. PA actually burst out laughing and brought in a co-worker to take a peek! Okay, TMI!

    Shirley: 3 hours for an Aredia Infusion? Don't really know what it is, but seems like they could build new bones in that amount of time. You didn't swallow your fake tooth did you? I think it was Jan that was so kind as to fill us in on the 'what happens when' a crown is swallowed! Boy got wheels! No more taking to work!! Now it'll be, 'can I borrow gas money!'

    Jan: New Dishwasher........I can't be without my Dishwasher!

    Yes Shirley, you missed the pic of my DH's idea of repairing my dryer! I'll try to find the page it is on! I totally embarrassed him cuz I told him that I posted it!! Anyhow, the board is gone and the new part is in place........God knows we don't want to buy a new one.........I've learned that "indoor" appliances are supposed to last forever!!

    Iris: Welcome home! Great re-cap.........!! Hope the folks are doing okay.

    Deb: Our human Earthquake! Never a dull moment for you! Hope you have a great time this weekend!

    Lisa: Our busy traveling Sister! Travel and Volunteer work..I think that is wonderful!

    Suz: The Son is enjoying Day Camp.......that's a good thing! How old is he?

    Madison and Shirley: I'll seriously think about PinkStock..let me do some reading on the thread and figuring in my head..(scary thought!)........I'll get back with you on that!

    Margaret: Hey to you and I have no idea what I wrote next to your name! Something about the squares????

    Beth: Catch a break kiddo........hope things look up for your Mom.

    Lisa: Forgot to tell you that those Llamas are the cutest things!

    Shirley: I'm glad your sister is doing well. The cancer has not spread and she is ornery about the Coloscopy.....2 good things! Sending her thoughts and prayers. I'll be thinking about you when you go for your "squishim girls" checkup!

    Nicki: 4 days off!!! You so deserve it........I don't want to hear of you doing anything but relaxing and pampering yourself!!

    Betty: Your friends bring llamas to city at Christmas time? Interesting, but do they get them there?

    Odalys: Good to hear from you! Geez, DH and DS were home one night and you shipped them off again! We all better take some lessons from you!! Hope the "challenges" at work got demisafied! (New word!)

    Kristen: Hope you get that position soon! You've waited long enough.......I hate the 'proper steps' companies have to go through. Hope you are still working on your CD!

    Trisha: You sound so good! I'm proud of you little "beast" is going to keep you down!

    Sheri: Leaving Tuesday, eh? You have a great and safe trip! Enjoy your time at the pool with the FL crew!

    Robin: Who are you and what have you done with our Robin?!The new attitude was a good thing, but now you are turning into a combo of Martha Stewart and Betty Crocker!!

    Shokk: Come to Michigan.......get away from the rain! We've had a surprisingly dry summer so far........hope I didn't just curse us. Whatever trip you decide to will have fun! Flying is pricey right now, but the drive sounds like a good time too!

    Pam: You most definitely are not selfish in anyway. I sometimes feel guilty with my piddly complaints many are having hard times....but then I remember that we are all important to each other and eager to share the good times and the bad! I'll have to tell you about my son's tattoo also.

    Theresa: Thank god you warned Peter about the single girls on here!!!! Don't want to scare him off!!

    Vickie: Think I can talk DH into dropping me off at Pinkstock and then he can spend the weekend at your house putting your patio in for you??????

    I've missed many, but It is way past my bedtime!!!!!!!!

    Cheri: Come out and talk to least PM me and let me know you are all right.

    Susan: MIA????

  • MargaretB
    MargaretB Member Posts: 771
    edited June 2007
    My, chatty today ladies. I love reading about everyone's day because every one of you is my sister (and now I have a brother with Peter)

    Mena, what a nice surprise you got. Glad to see you post; we miss you when you're not here.

    Shirley, Peter is our new brother, he lives in Australia.

    Oh Deb, don't you hate those earthquakes?

    Suz, I had three dishwashers - HA - I swear all of those kids threw silverware away rather than wash it. My forks are still disappearing and there is only one home now.

    Liz, are we supposed to send you our contact info for something?

    Vickie, tornado warnings? And no smoking that cigarette you've been craving.

    Nicki, thanks for the encouragement. She called me today and said her leg was all red and swollen and needed the number to the doctor's office. I was at a luncheon without a car and nowhere near a computer. I told her I'd call her when I got back to the office. So of course I've left like 6 messages and then tonight called the place where she lives - she was in the cafeteria having dinner so I guess she's feeling fine.

    Shel, send me your pics and I'll post them. I'll send you directions on posting pics too - ask Nicki and Denise and probably a few others how good my directions are.

    Lini, glad everything went well today.

    Denise, you probably asked me how the sqares were coming......all I can say isthe knifty knitter is there.

    Jankay, hope you feel better tomorrow.

    Where is Cheri?

    Night all.

  • lizws
    lizws Member Posts: 789
    edited June 2007
    Evening kids,

    Peter it’s safe to come out of your wagon. Welcome!

    Silka (Doris) – take care of you.

    Denise – LOL I know it’s not funny about your son. I cannot imagine having poison ivy there. BUT how did he explain it got there? My dryer door is held closed with Velcro. Used Duct tape for a long time but got tired of doing that. Actually the Velcro works really well. LOL you definitely need to come to Pinkstock!

    Vickie – get your thyroid checked. I had thyroid problems pre BC – asked to have my T3-T4 levels checked and they were low also. I’m on an additional pill now and actually have some energy. Hugs! I had to look at the calendar as I thought you said it was Friday.

    Nicki – woohooo girl. 4 days off. You enjoy yourself and don’t kill DH.

    MB – I do love ya kiddo. I can just imagine what you scanning your tattoo actually looked like. Where was your boss?

    Mena!!!!!! – So good to see you. If you promise to stick around, I’ll send you a surprise. Hugs.

    Robin – I so need to clean. It’s just not a priority to me nowadays. I need to paint and the whole thing. Have had this big plan to redo a bathroom. Haven’t touched anything yet. Don’t overdo!

    Marsha – Geez I always miss the good stuff. Hope you’re taking the time to rest. I didn’t do rads but have heard how tired they make you. I so enjoy your humor and wit.

    Sher – well the Aredia does take awhile. It will be making those bones nice and strong so you won’t be as fragile. Glad your sis is doing well. You are going to be really busy next week. I need to talk to you about NYC after Pinkstock.

    Gina – let me know what the doctor said about your treatment. Come here when you can sweetie.

    Z – Sure do miss you. Those were great pics.

    Amy – I’m sure you’ll worry about your animals but I’m sure your niece will love them too. They’ll be okay and you should go and enjoy your vacation.

    Sheri – have a great relaxing time in FL.

    Trisha – wow! You are doing great girl.
    Beth – for heavens sake. Enough is enough now. I sure hope Ringo leaves soon. I’m glad your doc is being overly cautious though.

    Jan – a new dishwasher. I don’t even have one. My kitchen is too small for it and I don’t want to lose any cabinet space.

    Shokk – I know you’re sick of this weather and so am I. Jasmine and I were talking awhile back about having a get together sometime in Branson. I want to go to San Antonio also.

    Jasmine - where are you?

    Betty – hope you are well. I know you’re in Kansas but for the life of me can’t remember where. Or do I have the wrong person? I stay so confused.

    Cheri – Okay missy – I know Jen’s death has you horribly upset. You know as well as I do that she would not want you to be though. She was a wonderful caring woman and a great person. She is now an angel watching over you as well as her family. If you don’t show up, I just might have to head that direction. Please let us know you’re okay.

    Susan – guess I’ll have to head your way also. Where are you??????? Great pics of y you and Christine.

    If I’ve not mentioned you by name please know it has nothing to do with you. I think of each of you daily.

    Time for me to go slather more stuff on my leg and go to bed.

    Hugs, Prayers and Love
  • lizws
    lizws Member Posts: 789
    edited June 2007
    Oh - one more thing. I'm compiling a new CG contact list. If you want to participate, PM me your info. Once I have everyone's info - I'll send them to those participating.

  • b445
    b445 Member Posts: 980
    edited June 2007
    Liz I think you have my info and I know MB has the list I sent her from the Christmas Cards! It's in XCEL
    I hope to spend some time next week going through all my mail so I can get the addresses from the wonderful cards you all have sent me.

    I've tried to read back to see how everyone is doing and looks like we are sending up more heartfelt prayers! Please know you are all in my prayers!

    Welcome Peter and Silka I think I missed you're coming into the Wagon Circle. It's just the best place to be!

    Got some more reading to dfo but wanted to touch base in case I get to tired from sitting still!

    I did #5 of the Abraxane and #1 of the Avastin last night. Other than neuropathy, some bumbs, lots of hair loss and being tired I'm doing OK!

    HUgs and Prayers to all except Lini who gets extras gentle hugs for now
  • Primel
    Primel Member Posts: 652
    edited June 2007
    Hi, Marsha, sweet friend... I do visit here fairly regularly but I am a bit overwhelmed by the number of posts (our Feb Chemo Cruise being much smaller...). I am trying to meet my deadlines again, but I'll try to come chat around the campfire with all these wonderful ladies posting here... Karen from Denver and Gina are not unknown to me already... (Hi, ladies, hope you are doing OK...)
    Wishing everybody a nice week-end,
  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Member Posts: 1,233
    edited June 2007
    Good evening ladies and gent. Welcome Peter. I haven't seen a post from you but I've heard you're here. Just jump right on in, everyone's very nice.

    Vickie, thanks for the ecard it was very cute. Sorry I haven't posted but Amber has been cutting into my puter time and I just kept getting more behind and I didn't want to post until I had read all the other posts. I've been taking notes for 2 days and can't even read some of them. I've also spent alot of time lying down. Have quite a bit of swelling in my leg, the good leg, go figure. Well, it's actually both but the good one shouldn't be this way. I go back to the dr. in Iowa next thurs. so I can make sure everything is alright.So sorry that I worried you but I figured you'd know i was ok by my emails. Wow, and is that as bossy as you can get?? teehee I've missed you too and you better not have had a cigarette, I don't have any idea how I've done it but I have not even had a cheater puff since Apr.11th. This coming from a 3 pack a day, 30yr smoker. And I've had some stress. lol Vickie, you've done really well too and you hang in there.

    Shokk, Missouri is a really pretty state. It'd be great for you to go on vacation to Branson. Susan just lives about an hr. from there and I'm about an hour and a half. We'd have great fun.

    Mena, don't worry dear, I could never be meaner than you. lol So glad to see a post from you and praying your test will turn out well next week. I sure have missed your wit. hahahha

    Shirley, so good to have you back.

    Gina, hope you're feeling well.

    Shel, congrats on Mackenzie! You must've raised her right.

    Shirley, You know the Playmate song, my Mama sang it to me, I sang it to Amber, and we both sing it to the boys! Except you don't have the words quite right. But you're close. Mine doesn't mention a rainbow, "Hey little playmate come out and play with me, and bring your dolly (soldiers) three, climb up my apple tree, look down my rain barrell, slide down my cellar door and we'll be jolly friends forever more." I've never known anybody but my family that knew that song. Cool.

    Liz, you are a good cookie. BTW, I talked to Susan tonight and she's just fine.

    I want to say Hey to Janny, Jazz, Iris, Gus, Boo, Nicki, Marsha, Betty, Karen, Kristin, Suz, Silka, Denise, Madison, Cheryl, Robin, Amy, Margaret, Lini, Tricia, and anyone else that I missed. Wishing all of you a restful night and a good day tomorrow.

    One more thing, thank you all very much for the condolences on Jen. I know she and I were just Cyber friends but it's so easy to develop a strong bond on here. I appreciated all the kind words, you are truly good friends.

    Jennys Friend,
  • Peter
    Peter Member Posts: 297
    edited June 2007

    Post deleted by Peterj

  • Peter
    Peter Member Posts: 297
    edited June 2007

    Post deleted by Peterj

  • jankay
    jankay Member Posts: 789
    edited June 2007
  • jankay
    jankay Member Posts: 789
    edited June 2007
    GM CGS

    BRSTN Member Posts: 165
    edited June 2007
    Good morning all

    It's Fossilmax Friday...don't forget.

    I had my onc visit yesterday. The good news is that she took time to listen to me which I knew she would. She increased my effexor, took me off the generic that I've been trying for the neuropathy and gave me a two week break from arimidex. After the two weeks if my bones and joints are better then we'll talk about switching. She also ordered a bone scan. I've been having some weird stuff happening with my left shin. She said she's doing it so I'll feel better. And yeah I'm worried and glad she ordered it.

    And oh yeah, I was sent home with this huge orange bottle that I get to pee in for 24 hours and bring back. Can't wait. I do that Monday-Tuesday next week.

    We also discussed the lack of notes in my files when I had called twice in the last few months. I was upset that I didn't get a call back and now she's upset that I'm not the first in the last few months this is happening to. She gave me the names of the Chief of Medicine and Dean. I'll be writing a letter this weekend to both about the steep decline in service.

    Denise, we live in a small town. Bringing llamas here is no big deal. They set up a pen and the kids get to get their hair sniffed, etc.

    Peter, welcome. Glad you found your way here, but sorry for the reason.

    Today is my half day at work, but I'll be bringing a laptop home to work on this afternoon. The Conference Program Book goes to the printer on Monday. We have a few corrections to make and I need to make a new grid of our fringe tellings. We're having male nudity. (Hah, did I wake you up on that one??) Anyway, one of our tellers chosen to be in the fringe which is an edgy storytelling concept, has a nudity warning on his slot. So I have to make sure that no one in the state of MO next month can't say they weren't warned.

    Hugs to all.
  • jankay
    jankay Member Posts: 789
    edited June 2007
    W A K E
  • jankay
    jankay Member Posts: 789
    edited June 2007

    i am not partial
  • newvickie
    newvickie Member Posts: 2,941
    edited June 2007
    Thanks for the yell as I sit here bawling like a fool. Crap...TODAY IS FRIDAY!!! BOARD MEETING DAY!!! FOSAMAX FRIDAY AND I FORGOT TO FILL MY PRESCRIPTION!!! Damn it I need a babysitter...or a new friggin brain.
    Gotta shower and run...thanks all for lettin me know what day of the week it is...
    I'll be back in a bit...
    Morning sunshine sisters Jankay and Betty...good night and sweet dreams Peter. Hey thats pretty good, I get to tuck people in at both ends of the day now.
    I love ya all!!! Just to pieces!!!
    BRSTN Member Posts: 165
    edited June 2007
    National Storytelling Network (NSN) co-owns the festival with the other group in town. We are the member organization and they provide a place for the members to perform. That's the easiest way I can explain it. There was a split about 8 years ago and NSN was created. We have a conference for our members each year. We rotate it around the country. This year next month it will be in St Louis. I'm the events coordinator, so the conference is my main job.

  • newvickie
    newvickie Member Posts: 2,941
    edited June 2007

    that would be me today LOL
  • Odalys
    Odalys Member Posts: 929
    edited June 2007
    Good morning all,


    Have a great day! BBL......
  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Member Posts: 2,728
    edited June 2007

    Yes, I woke up late today. Its nice waking up and knowing ya dont have to go to work. Normally when I get up the house is quiet and I enjoy that quiet time. Not this morning. All the animals are awake including my husband. Its not fair I say!

    Lini: I laughed when I read your post about the jammies. By time my exchange surgery came - I learned to be an expert at having surgery. So I got new jammies and wore them to and from the hospital. Aha - didnt have to change when I got home. They were mint green - by that time I had enough of pink already.

    Jan: I really get physically ill from high humidity. My SIL is throwing a july 4th bash and Im hoping we have warm, but dry weather that day. Otherwise I will be in her house all day in air conditioning. Usually this is an all nighter! Hoping all goes well with your sons surgery today.

    Lisa: Ummm! that nice scent that was in the was a nice, dry merlot. I have definitely switched to red wine.

    Robin: OMG - you remindme when I was a little girl. My mom did house cleaning like that and boy was she crabby until it was done.

    Iris: Welcome home. I didnt understand why your posts were so small and at first I though you were talking about the fruit when you mentioned blackberry.

    Sherloc: That sister story was too funny.

    Vickie: Sure dont like the sounds of you being so tired. Some days I feel so great, and other days I cant get out of bed. Dont know if its related to treatment - but all my tests are normal. Wish I had something to blame it on.

    Denise: Ahahahaha "got notes." And Im picturing a doo dah with poison ivy.

    Silka: I love posting pictures. Feel they tell everyone a little bit about my personality.

    Pam: Like Wally's station. Oh that cracked me up.

    MargaretB: That was a cute story about your mom. They certainly know how to push our buttons.

    Liz: Hoping that poison ivy is getting better. Someone mentioned predinisone and if its still bad, maybe you could get your doctor to order a medral dose pak.

    CY: Wow - 5 down! Its seems like only yesterday you had your first chemo.

    CatherineH: This thread can be overwhelming at times cause we are just so chatty. So just hop right in and dont worry about reading all the posts.


    Cheri: Glad to know everything is going ok.

    Peter: Wow, that was an amazing story. Glad you found us. I was first diagnosed in April 2005! So hey, being from Australia - are you having your winter now?

    Well - my dog knows the difference between me getting ready for work and getting ready for a walk. Time to sneak in my first mile. Hope everyone has a beautiful day.

  • jankay
    jankay Member Posts: 789
    edited June 2007
    i thought u guys would be interested in this. i tried it and it does work

    Google has implemented a new feature which enables you to type a telephone number into the search bar and hit enter and you will be given the person's name and address. If you then hit MapQuest, you will get a map to the person's house. Everyone should be aware of this! It's a nationwide reverse telephone book.

    If a child gives out his/her phone number, someone can now look it up to find out where he/she lives. The safety issues are obvious, and alarming.

    Note that you can have your phone number removed or blocked. I tried my number and it came up along with the mapquest and directions straight to our house. I did fill out the removal form for myself, and encourage all of you to do the same. Quite scary!

    Please look up your own number.

    In order to test whether your phone number is mapped, go to: google ( Type your phone number in the search bar (I.e. 555-555-1212) and hit enter. If you want to BLOCK Google from divulging your private information, simply click on your telephone number and then click on the Removal Form. Removal takes 48-hours.

    Check your own number and although this may not apply to you if you have an unlisted number or cell phone as primary contact, but you may know someone who needs to know this.

    Please share this information with friends and family.
  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Member Posts: 2,728
    edited June 2007

    Jankey: Aha, I purposed put in ear plugs so I could sleep a little later. Didnt hear your wake up call.

    Good Morning Sunshine sisters. (brother) is sleeping.

    Jankay, Betty, Odalys, and Vickie: Hope you have a wonderful day.

  • marshakb
    marshakb Member Posts: 796
    edited June 2007
    Good morning all, wow have to get up early to catch up with everyone!

    Nicki, enjoy your days off. You deserve it and we expect to hear from you alot this weekend since you are laying around. Partner in Crime more like it. LOL

    Shel! What a couple of days you have had. An afghan (enjoy!) and then Mac oh so many achievements. You must be so proud of that girl.

    Denise, oops, I didn't mention Peter and Cherry in the same paragraph! It was two completely different thought processes. Was in the same post tho.

    And speaking of Peter, WOW that is quite the story you got there. I can't imagine how you have felt thru all this, we sisters here have each other, but the male BC is alot more rare. Get you wagon all set up, male/female, don't matter to us, we are related by experience! G'Day to you too. (I love that accent)

    Iris, welcome back, I've missed your funny posts!

    Hey Pam, where in Georgia are you? We come thru everytime we go to Tenn or Ky to visit family.

    Amy, your weather right now is alot like ours here in Central Florida, hot and humid. Nothing like a cold beer or 3. Have you tried the new Anheiser product called LandShark beer? The Jimmy Buffet beer, not bad at all, very smooth.

    Liz, I've been meaning to tell you, the knifty knitter has been conquered and I am "knitting' away. got 6 squares done already and not bad if I say so myself. Thanks girl.

    OK Vickie/Bubba story. My house is always open to my friends. they don't even knock, just walk right in. My wagon is the same way to all CG girls. Now I forgot to tell Bubba and the first night he came to live with me Vickie stopped by to tuck me in, Bubba heard her come in the door and after the Paris/Rosie stuff he was on "alert". Once he smelled the campfire from Vickie he realized it was OK and stoopped howling at her and started licking her toes. Now for some reason, Vickie does NOT like to have her toes licked. (?) So Bubba has been told to take it easy on our sweet Vickie doing her nightly rounds.

  • k4katz
    k4katz Member Posts: 158
    edited June 2007
    Geesh, you miss one day and there are too many posts to catch up on! I have not read all of them yet, but hopefully will get a chance to catch up later.

    I am closing my eyes right now and praying for any sisters having tests, procedures, or appointments toay, or anyone who is anxiously awaiting results. And sending hugs to everyone!

    This week has been a whirlwind for me, but I am enjoying being so busy! However, I do NOT like that it is cutting into my board time! I hope that next week is a little less crazy so I can keep up with everyone!

    Went to the coffeehouse last night and performed 2 songs. I think they went well! We were asked to do a show or split a show (it seems to be a common practice to split a 2 hour show slot with another performer) so we are going to try to get a date lined up! It is very exciting!

    This weekend DH and I are taking the boys camping. So I won't be checking in until Monday! Have a great weekend, everyone!
  • Madison
    Madison Member Posts: 859
    edited June 2007
    Good Morning, running running to work
    hugs to all
  • MargaretB
    MargaretB Member Posts: 771
    edited June 2007
    Hi Catherine, don't worry about keeping up, sometimes it's really hard, especially when you've been gone a few days. Just jum in when you can.

    Cheri, glad you checked in. And I am so proud of you for not smoking - that is awesome.

    Nicki, enjoy your time off.

    Peter, thanks for the background.

    Ok, it takes me an hour to read so I never have time to exercise (good excuse huh) but it's now time to get up and shower. Everyone have a good day.
