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  • tflowers
    tflowers Member Posts: 232
    edited June 2007
    Marsha...I don't know with his teeth, Bubba would be great at toes. son had poison ivy so bad on his face that people thought I hit him with a pan!! It's really uncomfortable so I know how he feels. xoxo

    Vickie...Like Liz I also take medicine for my thyroid.

    Liz...what color pill do you take. Mine is yellow.

    Nickie....with the days off maybe you can help Robin with her housework...

    Cheri...Welcome back and we're here to comfort you. Keep sending pics of the pups...

    Cy...sounds like you're doing good. Keep it up and relaxe and heal. xoxo

    CatherineH...Nice to see you and stay around, we're fun and open to all.

    Peter....I'm sorry but a really stupid question. Why do men have to take Tamoxifen? Isnt' it for estrogen repression?? clueless here.

    Kristen...great weekend for camping with the cooler weather and hopefully no bugs..Where are you going?

    Jankey...thanks for the info, I'll look into it.

    Good morning to all my sisters I missed today. xoxo

    Well must get back to work, so behind and it's all because of you!!!! Love to all
  • jankay
    jankay Member Posts: 789
    edited June 2007

  • RobinTN
    RobinTN Member Posts: 466
    edited June 2007
    Denise:Thank you for what you said it brought a big smile to my face.I guess just call me Betty Stewart,until I have boobs then I want to be called Betty anderson Stewart!!LOL No such luck but can dream anyway
    Got to go finish more houseword today.I was pooped last night and slept with my lymphedema pump on all night.I did get the baby bid set up in jasmines room.Tesla is getting to big for her bassinette.
    I have been up since 630 jasmine had to go in at 8 this morning so I just got Tesla down for a nap and I am going to join her.Then its more housework timel
    Can someone tell me where the new thread is? I got to know what is going on you know,cant miss to much,have missed most of my life and now its time to know something about everything
    Talk to you'all later nap is calling my name..
  • Sandra1957
    Sandra1957 Member Posts: 1,064
    edited June 2007

    Robin- Hi!! Are you looking for the "WTH?" thread??

  • PuppyFive
    PuppyFive Member Posts: 539
    edited June 2007

    Love Ya, Puppy
    I have to come and pray for my sisters and Brother, no phone call yet!!!!!! I Hate waiting!!!! will try to catch up wih everything soon!!!! {{MARSHA}} You make sure "BUBBA"
    Takes care of You! OH and Nicki is Beautiful, BUT she is just as mean as Bubba, when someone picks on one of her sisters!!! used to join her all the time!! {{NICKI}} who loves ya, ME!
    {{{MENA}}} You make me smile!!
    {{PAMMY}} You have fun with the Girls and Brother and DO NOT WORRY ABOUT ME! I Love You too much!! Aunt Puppy
  • PuppyFive
    PuppyFive Member Posts: 539
    edited June 2007
    ((((((((((((((((( CG'S )))))))))))))))))
    Love, Puppy
  • MargaretB
    MargaretB Member Posts: 771
    edited June 2007
    Will check back later but wanted to make sure Marsha saw this, it gives Bubba some competition. Hope it works.

  • RobinTN
    RobinTN Member Posts: 466
    edited June 2007
    Lini: Yes,thats the thread I am looking for,can you give me a boost getting to it?
  • shokk
    shokk Member Posts: 790
    edited June 2007

    Good morning chicas..........well it is raining again this morning......if this keeps up and have to put up with this kind of weather I moving to London........never been there but always wanted to go.........I am trying to keep up but in the evenings going to the hospital and sleeping too late in the mornings......Nicki why are you home today.....I'm glad you are taking a day you work too hard....who in the heck is this Bubba dog and why is Marsha taking such good care of him???? Vickie congrats on Nate doing so well in school.....I really do think reading is the key for a child to be successful.....Z I know you are under alot of stress but congrats on your son....very handsome young man.........Has Joyce checked in yet.......I've only gone back a couple of pages......I know she is at the hospital but sure wish she would give us an update on Kevin........Puppy praying for you sweetie.......Gina check in when you can.......Denise I was reading your post to the girls (they always ask about you since you sent me Dorothy) about your son and the posion ivy and they were laughing their you know what oldest is going wonder if he managed to get that just going to bathroom or maybe doing something else??? Anyway thanks for the good laugh at your son's expense.......Madison hope your doing ok......You and Vickie and all the cg's that are doing the afgans are just too wonderful.......Has Cheri checked in......she must just be heartbroken.....hate cancer.......ok girlie girls....well check in later.....ya'll are the best.....Hey Amy have a good weekend.......see ya later alligators......

  • sherloc
    sherloc Member Posts: 893
    edited June 2007
    Good morning ladies. Stupid stupid me. Typing away and mindlessly clicked on something and lost the whole darn thing. Dumb Dumb Dumb!!! I can't believe I did that.
    So here we go again. Nothing planned except laundry for me today.

    Lini, glad all went well. Rest rest rest.

    jan, prayers for your son today. OUCH!

    robin, my house could use a good spring cleaning when your done with yours.

    Pam, politically correct? NEVER!
    wee wee envy....hahahahhahhaahhaahhahahah

    Denise, poison ivy on his doo dad? O MY! did he ever fess up on how he got it?
    Aredia is a biophosphanate drug used for building bone in folks with bone mets or bone cancer. I have advanced osteoporosis not bone mets. Have been taking fosomax for a year with no improvement so this is my oncs idea. His reasoning (which he told my bone doc, not me, cause he never tells me my cancer could come back, I love that about him) is if my cancer ever comes back and I get bone mets my poor spindly spongy little bones couldn't handle it. so I will be getting the infusions every 3 months till I get a good bone density test, then every 6 months till I get a great bone density test, then back to the pills.
    I'll go looking for the hubby pic.

    Margaret, thanks for the info. My kids always lost my spoons.

    Liz, you wanna go to NYC with me and the kid? PM me. Hope your itchies are better this morning.

    CY good to read your doing well. Bumps?

    Hhi Catherine, nice to meet you.

    Cheri, yeah I knew I had the words wrong but couldn't think of the right ones but as I used to tell my kids when I butchered their music with my sing alongs......."artistic license"

    Peter, thats quite the tale. I just have one question. Do you cook like Curtis?

    Betty, not getting a call back is such a no no. Go get em. No more fossilmax for me....yehaw!!!

    Vicki, your crying over fossilmax? hugs hon, don't cry. Just take it tomorrow.

    Good morning Odalys

    Nicki, I always wear jammies to and from the hospital too. We are so smart. Tho you are smarter. I never got new ones.
    Have a great walk and a splendid 4 whole days off.

    Holy Smokes Jankay. I just typed in my number and up I came. That is just wrong. Can't believe they can do that. It said you have to pay to have access but also to have your number blocked. I see mega lawsuits coming.

    Marsha, hahahahhahahhahahah Poor Bubba. He's just misunderstood.

    Kristin, don't forget us when your famous. And no climbing out of limos without panties.

    Wooshhhhhh there goes Madison. Have a great day girlfriend.

    Robin, I'm kinda wondering why Jasmin didn't set up Teslas bed? Hmmmm me thinks you do way to much for your girls. They are never gonna fly if momma doesn't push them out of the nest.
    The WTH thread is in the old Moving Beyond forum. It's quite the read. Wish I had not missed the original.

    Puppy, thanks for the Blessing. Praying for you as well. Waiting sucks beans.

    Yikes Margaret. That was some wake up call.

    Shokk, don't move to London, they never see the sun. Come live with me in the hills. Only rains twice a year here I promise. hahahahhah

    Hugs for Joyce, praying for Kevin.

    And for Z, congrats to your son. The pics were great.

    Off to attack the mound of laundry which I should have done yesterday. See ya
  • sherloc
    sherloc Member Posts: 893
    edited June 2007

    hmmmmm heres another thought. My number is unlisted, I wanna know how they got it? Now I'm pissed. Who do I call. No way I should have to pay to have an unlisted number deleted from their database.

  • TheShopMama
    TheShopMama Member Posts: 276
    edited June 2007
    Wow... busy morning already.
    Denise... I, too, laughed at your son's poison ivy story. My boss' son had that problem at about age 6. Mama took him to the pediatrician who looked at him, smiled and said "You tee tee'd on the wrong tree this time didn't you?" It makes me laugh more now remembering how my boys used to love to pee outside. tmi
    Margaret! Those dogs are in a way different class from our Bubba. Oh my... some looked ill, but I think it was
    Victoria that gave me the biggest creeps!
    (((((Puppy))))) as my sister used to say "You ain't the boss of me" I am telling myself what the Bible says "Don't worry about anything, instead pray about everything, especially sisters who think you shouldn't worry" (that would be the NPT version of course (new Pammy translation).

    Marsha... I am in LaGrange, GA. Right off I85 in Georgia after it comes in from Alabama. Bet you come up 75?

    gotta get payroll finished and my check in the bank before two. Love you ladies!

    By the way....Vickie... I guess you have seen Cheri by now?
  • socallisa
    socallisa Member Posts: 10,184
    edited June 2007
    TGIF everyone..
    My son had that problem too when he was away in college, only it was poison oak..too far away for Dr. Mom
  • SheriH
    SheriH Member Posts: 472
    edited June 2007
    Wow, getting ready to go on vacation is work! My dh is trying to get the yard cleaned up a little. I need to clean the bathrooms and do the floors and laundry. We painted one of the bedrooms yesterday, so that looks really nice. My MIL is coming right after we get back.

    Marsha and Boo, I'll be around until Monday, but after that I'm not sure if I'll have internet access, so make sure I get your numbers or you get mine or something. I can't wait to meet you!

    Lots of work, but will keep checking in until we leave.
  • beth1225
    beth1225 Member Posts: 402
    edited June 2007
    Not much time to write this afternoon. I realized how late in the afternoon it is and I need to get laundry in and water the grass seed dh put down and get dinner in the oven. Does not sound like much but I still get tired to fast.

    Hugs to all our Circle Gang and cyber kisses too!
  • Biker54
    Biker54 Member Posts: 1,042
    edited June 2007
    Good afternoon!

    My son just called and his surgery went well. The damage to his knee was more extensive than they thought, so they took some grafts from his hamstrings (ouch!). He is a phys ed teacher who can't resist getting into it with the kids. This is not the first time he has gotten hurt. This time he was playing Ultimate Frisbee.

    TGIF!!! It is just a gorgeous day today! It is a little windy and my allergies are saying hello. But, the sun is shining and everyone is smiling .

    Lini, how are the new boobies? Still sloshing?

    Nicki, I hope you are getting some things done that YOU want to do on your day off. I'm going to have a glass or two (or three) of a nice Cabernet tonight. Cheers sister!

    Peter, welcome and thanks for the background info. My boss's father had BC twice and he had no nipples. I think that you will find that it a condition shared by many here. Oops! TMI ! It's nice to have a brother among us. Australia is very high up on my list of place to see before I die. Hubby and I would like to take a month to visit someday.

    Vickie and Cheri are still non-smokers!!!! Yay!!! I am very impressed with both of you and I'm giving you a standing ovation.


    Puppy, (((Hugs))) to you, my friend. I hope you hear some good news soon.

    Shel, enjoy your afgan!

    Amy, have a great weekend. Your trip to Maine is coming up, isn't it? We are planning ours right now.

    Gonna go for now. bbl
  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Member Posts: 2,728
    edited June 2007

    Good Afternoon Everyone: Well my first day off has been enjoyable. Too cold to go swimming but walked my dog, watched a movie, pulled some weeds, and then it started to drizzle. Hope you all are having a great day.

    This is the beginning of me slowing down a bit from work. Dont go back to work until Tuesday, then work 4 days, then off until July 11th. Just gonna relax and enjoy life a bit.

    Marsha: Dont forget to bring Bubba!


    Kristin: Oh the night life. When I was younger I worked the PM shift. Husband ran an open stage and after work I would just go and hang out with all those musicians. It was fun.

    Tgirl: It doesnt matter what the sex is. What matters is if the bc was er/pr positive or not. Men can have er/pr+ breast cancer.

    Puppy: Now those were the days werent they? No dont you go tellin everyone my secrets.

    Sherloc: I will jump at any excuse to buy something new to wear, even if they are jammies.

    Sheri: Vacation is fun.

    Beth: Hmmmm sounds like your doing too much if you ask me.

    Jan: Cheers!

  • marshakb
    marshakb Member Posts: 796
    edited June 2007
    Jan, please tell me that is not you with the sandals and white socks! I mean the cats are cute and all but that dress, sandals and socks have got to go! The fashion police is after somebody I'm sure. LOL

    Robin, Martha Stewart, LOL. Somehow I just don't picture you as the MS type.

    Pam, we do go up I75. My DH and I were sales reps for years and called on Florida and S. Georgia furniture stores, interior dec. shops, gift shops, etc. You are just in what was considered our territory.

    Sheri, sending you a PM with my phone number. I got your number but did you tell me where you are staying? Should I get the drink supplies? We could always do blue margaritas and cheer all the circle girls (and Peter). As Cheri would say "blew rinks all around"

    Boo/Sue please, please meet us on Sunday July 1. OH and Bubba needs his nails clipped. Didn't you say you were a vet?? LOL


    Nicki, open mike night as well as Karoke can be very dangerous!
  • Biker54
    Biker54 Member Posts: 1,042
    edited June 2007
    Just thought this was funny.


    Not in my house

    Marsha, Hell no!!!!!! That is not me, girl!!!
  • TheShopMama
    TheShopMama Member Posts: 276
    edited June 2007
    Jan... That is perfect! I needed that laugh this afternoon.

    FYI: I found Susan.
    I am happy to say she is not ill. At least as far as most people define illness. Of all things, she is job hunting!!
    I say all the more reason to be in the circle. Hopefully she will come around this evening and say hello.
    (((((Puppy))))) I am getting lonesome for Aunt Puppy hugs.

    Keeping you in the center of the circle and the center of my heart. Miles says he loves you (so proud to have an Aunt Puppy.. he says none of his friends do)

    Nicki... you have the coolest graphics and pics. PIC... Marsha and Bubba... too funny. Too cold to swim? can't imagine that right now in this Georgia sun.
    Signing off again so I don't blow up......Pam
  • lizws
    lizws Member Posts: 789
    edited June 2007
    Afternoon girls, it's been a busy day for me. DH came home with a toothache. Couldn't get him into any dentist as they're all closed on Fridays so took him to a friend who is an oral surgeon. He pulled the tooth as it was severly abcessed. So now I'm taking care of him. I gave him 2 Lortab and he's still awake! He worked all night too. Maybe it has the opposite affect on him.

    After all that, I went out and recorded some commercials for the radio/tv station I worked at. It's fun to go out and do them occassionally.

    Now I'm going to go back and read. Thanks to everyone who has responded with their info. As I get it, I add it to the main information page. I'll keep collecting for awhile.

    Hugs and Prayers
  • lv2cmp
    lv2cmp Member Posts: 899
    edited June 2007
    Marsha I am glad I am not the only one that noticed what "Jan" had on in that picture. Now she tried to pretend that its not her,,lmao!

    Jan-nice shoes and just what medical catalog did you find those?

    Robin-I am about as far from martha stewart and you can be and I kinda think you are too.

    Nicki-too cold to swim?!?! Never heard of such in June but then again this is the hot south.

    Shopmama-I am in north east alabama in a little town called Jacksonville. Not too far from you. My sister lived in LaGrange for a while and I have made many drives down that road toward you.

    Cheri-You meaner than Mena? Hmmm, let me think on that one. I think you have it in you if somebody pushed the wrong buttons. Hope the leg swelling has gone down.

    Susan-job hunting? I would have thought by now you would be in t-shirt design after the cool pinkstock shirts you made.

    Shirley-how long will it be before the boy says, mom got gas money?

    Adrionna-had something profound to type to you and went blank,,go figure.

    Iris-glad to see you back to a full screen. I must say I got a laugh when Nicki thought you were referring to the fruit. lol.

    Sherndon-Have fun in florida and drink one or two or three for me.

    So many I have not had time to respond to but its almost 5 and time for me to get outta here. Some things I am never late for!

  • jankay
    jankay Member Posts: 789
    edited June 2007
    marsha i have a feeling that it wasnt jan wearing the sandals and white socks. i thougt she was goinig to come after you suggested it.
    i am starting to miss puppy is she doing ok. she missed my jokes now i miss her pictures, i collect angels and those were beautiful.-
    i also am worried about z. i am assumiing that since she hasnt posted that they are on strike.
    bac k later
  • lv2cmp
    lv2cmp Member Posts: 899
    edited June 2007
    Jankay saw this today and thought of you...

    NEW YORK - An experimental treatment for Parkinson's disease seemed to improve symptoms _ dramatically so, for one 59-year-old man _ without causing side effects in an early study of a dozen patients.

    The gene therapy treatment involved slipping billions of copies of a gene into the brain to calm overactive brain circuitry.

    The small study focused on testing the safety of the procedure rather than its effectiveness, and experts cautioned it's too soon to draw conclusions about how well it works. But they called the results promising and said the approach merits further studies.

    "We still have quite a bit more testing to do," said Dr. Michael Kaplitt of Weill Cornell Medical College in New York, an author of the study. Still, "the initial results are extremely encouraging."

    Kaplitt and collaborators report their results in this week's issue of the British medical journal, The Lancet.

    They're not alone in trying gene therapy for Parkinson's. In April, another team told a medical meeting that its experiments, which delivered a different kind of gene to a different part of the brain, also appeared safe and gave a preliminary hint of benefit.

    More than half a million Americans have Parkinson's. They endure symptoms that include tremors, rigidity in their limbs, slowness of movement and impaired balance and coordination. Eventually they can become severely disabled.

    Nathan Klein, a 59-year-old freelance television producer in Port Washington, N.Y., said the disease left him "pretty messed up." It weakened his voice, impaired his walking and made his hand tremble so badly he couldn't hold a glass of wine without spilling it all.

    Klein was the first patient to be treated with Kaplitt's gene therapy procedure in 2003, and he said his symptoms gradually subsided afterward. Nowadays, he said, apart from freezing now and then when he wants to walk, the symptoms are basically gone.

    "I'm elated," said Klein, who continues to take his regular pills for the disease. "It's unbelievable."

    Kaplitt, who has a financial interest in Neurologix Inc., which paid for the research, noted that the 12 patients in the study still have Parkinson's symptoms. The amount of medication they were already taking for their symptoms didn't change significantly in the year after the surgery.

    Current medicines can control symptoms, but can't stop the disease from getting worse over time, and they can produce troublesome side effects like uncontrollable movement.

    Some patients gain relief from a surgical treatment called deep brain stimulation, in which electrodes are placed in the brain and connected to a programmable stimulator.

    Kaplitt's procedure was aimed at achieving the same goal as that surgery, calming overactive circuitry in the brain. It gets overactive because it loses the normal supply of a chemical called GABA. The gene therapy was designed to make the brain produce more GABA.

    For the gene therapy surgery, a tube about the width of a hair was threaded through a hole about the size of a quarter at the top of the skull. The tube delivered a dose of a virus engineered to ferry copies of a gene into cells of a brain region called the subthalamic nucleus. The gene copies enable the cells to pump out more GABA.

    The Lancet paper reports that over a year, patients showed no side effects from the procedure. What's more, they showed improvements in an overall assessment of symptoms like tremors, stiffness and walking problems.

    The improvements were evident at a checkup three months after the procedure and persisted to the end of the study, one year after the surgery, researchers reported. By that time, the overall amount of improvement from before surgery was about 24 percent when measured at times that patients were off their normal medication, and 27 percent at times when they were on medication.

    Most of the effect appeared on just one side of the body. Because of concerns about safety with the untested procedure, the researchers treated only the brain circuitry controlling one side of the body.

    Dr. Karl Kieburtz of the University of Rochester Medical Center, who didn't participate in Kaplitt's work, said the lack of any apparent side effects is itself significant.

    But he urged caution in interpreting the evidence of benefits in symptoms. Other experimental therapies that looked good at such a preliminary stage have failed to pan out in more rigorous studies, he said, so more research is needed.

    Future studies could include a head-to-head test against deep brain stimulation to see which relieves symptoms better, said neurosurgeon Dr. Guy M. McKhann of the Columbia University Medical Center in New York.

    Dr. J. Timothy Greenamyre of the University of Pittsburgh, who was also familiar with the results, said the new study and prior research in animals leave him "very optimistic" about Kaplitt's approach.
  • SheriH
    SheriH Member Posts: 472
    edited June 2007
    Go ahead and bring the drink stuff, that would be great. We are doing this trip on the cheap, it's really more fun that way, even though the kids may not agree. We are staying at the Summer Bay Resort in Clermont on the 192. I'll pm the address later (I'll have to look it up). It's pretty easy to find.

    Still went to the pool today, it was a lot cooler today, but fun anyway.

    By 15 year old is with his friends' parents who are doing the Relay for Life in another county tonight. I told him I should go and he was sooooo embarrassed. Kids.

    BTW, check out my dh's picture on the WTH thread--his friends all said he looked like John Travolta. What do you think?

    Love you all, have a good night.
  • TheShopMama
    TheShopMama Member Posts: 276
    edited June 2007
    One more post... (this must be addictive... I used to have a hard time staying here now I can't stay away)

    I am heading back up to my sister's tonight. We are going to my mama's house tomorrow morning to finish packing up and cleaning up so the house can be sold. I lived in that house my whole life til I went off to college. It is still what I call "home" except that since Mama died it doesn't smell like home anymore.
    At any rate... Miles will be meeting us there in the morning and my oldest brother. We will do it together. I like together.
    So Vickie... I will be out late tonight.. stop by my wagon just in case. I kinda like it when you check in.
    Puppy...Miles and I will pray together for you tomorrow at the same time (2 or more)
    Susan.. I hope you do check in tonight.
    All my sisters..... have a good night.
  • marshakb
    marshakb Member Posts: 796
    edited June 2007
    Sheri, I think I am looking forward to meeting your John Travolta next weekend! LOL Poor guy is probably scared silly thinking of these bc sisters descending on him. hehehe

    Jankay, that Jan got quite defensive didn't she? About the shoes and socks and dress? hahahaha My luck would be that it is her dear mother or favorite aunt and I have now stuck my foot in my mouth yet again by making fun of someone she knows. Geez.........

    Bubba? BUBBA! get over there and give Aunt Jan a big smooch!

    Amy sounds like you are closer to the middle Tennessee line. My brother is in Sparta, Tn probably just a little north of you.

    Liz, are you doing voice overs or shooting commercials? What fun to dabble (?) in that!

    Cheri? Cheri? Where the heck are you funny lady?? We miss you.....

  • b445
    b445 Member Posts: 980
    edited June 2007
    Suz Thank you for the little beach spa package! And I will make sure I have a Blu Rink and toast you for the special surprise! Thank you again. Me thinks some thinks I need a little pampering????
    My hubby too! He signed me up for a Salsa Girl Night at the Salon and Spa that he works at for tonight! This should be fun!

    We buzzed my hair pretty short but not gone. It still looks good except one area in the back so as long as I have scarves or hats on no one knows but my husband and me if I use a double mirror to see it!

    Wow did I over sleep today! by 3.5 hours! had to call and reschedule my nuepogen shot for this afternoon!

    Well I'm going to stop and see if I can back track and read what's happened since last night.

    hugs and prayers to all
  • beth1225
    beth1225 Member Posts: 402
    edited June 2007
    Marsha, do tell about being a rep! We had a family business selling furniture and accessories for 20 years. We closed up 1994 due to the economy. Maybe we crossed paths in High Point or NYC? PM when you get a chance or email me.

    Loved the cats but yeah, the white socks?

    Got to rouse my guys for dinner. We eat so late since Larry started the last shift and he gets home after 6:30. Last I saw ds and dh were watching some DVD. Probably both asleep.

    Nicki, I slowed down from earlier. I am goign to show ds how to operate the "white blob" in the basement!

    See you all tomorrow unless I get hold of Puppy and I will post an update.
  • Biker54
    Biker54 Member Posts: 1,042
    edited June 2007
    Okay, y'all!!! IT IS NOT ME WEARING THE FRIGGIN' WHITE SOCKS WITH SANDALS!!! For Christ sake, I found it on Photobucket. Geez, I think I have better fashion sense than that . No, I'm the stupid idiot wearing all the Harley crap,lol. I am a bad ass MFer! Teehee!

    Pam, sorry about your mom's house. I know all about the "smell". My parents are gone and I still smell it sometimes.

    CY, girlfriend, you are still beautiful, damnit!!! Hair or no hair.