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  • neesie
    neesie Member Posts: 1,110
    edited April 2008
    Evening all!

    I haven't read up on any of you yet.........Sorry! Spent the day with Mom, now I'm home and exhausted! Wanted to say Hi before I go back and see what everyone is up to!

  • b445
    b445 Member Posts: 980
    edited June 2007
    Cheri I know that playmate song too! I have it on a record I played so many times when I was little and then again for my kids! I'll have to get it recorded afor the grandkids! Thanks for remining me!

    OK someone asked why men would take tamox??? Men have the same hormones we have but in different qtys, I believe is the answer. That's why some men look more femanine and some women look more masculin.

    Peter I'm sure Beth can relate some with you as her Dad also had BC.
    But the main thing is we all understand what BC can do to a person.

    We had another guy on here for a short time. I was thinking about him the other day. wonder what happened with him????

    Well I need to get off here looks like it's package central here today, UPS, FEDEX and USPS have all dropped off packages here today! I need to get some cleaning done before the grandbabies start showing up and then it's off to the Salon & Spa for Salsa night!
  • Sandra1957
    Sandra1957 Member Posts: 1,064
    edited June 2007

    Cracking me up, Marsha, Jankay, and Jan!! No way could Jan have that Tom Selleck look-alike in that get-up. Has to be Harley-chic attire all the way!

  • Biker54
    Biker54 Member Posts: 1,042
    edited June 2007

    Oh, Lini, it is Harley chic all the way!!!! I love it!!!

  • newvickie
    newvickie Member Posts: 2,941
    edited June 2007
    good evening sweet sisters and good morning Peter. Hmmm...14 hours behind us...If I went there could I erase all the mistakes I made today...nice thought huh. Twilight zone tonight.
    Well I was hoping for a cyber party but no one seems to be up to it cept me...don't know about my Cheri pal but she's cruisin for a bruisin if she don't get with the program so that will be my first stop tonight! Looky here Mrs Cheri...I am tired, hormone deprived, P word deprived, need a new job, want a friggin cigarette and you can't even come out and play! I'm taking my toys and going home!!! LOL...seriously...why are your legs swelling? Are you spending time on your feet that you shouldn't be? Better not!! Me and Jankay along with Jan will come kick your behind for you. wuv ya.
    Gotta stop and see Jan as you all have her dander up tonight...who cares if she wears socks with her know she is a little goofy LOL! Just teasing...don't get your underwear in a are a beautiful biker babe...I've seen pictures! Sweet dreams to you...have a drink for me.
    Gotta see Lini...she seems to be having lots of fun in the WTH thread. I kinda wanna hear the sloshing sound she has going on in her chest LOL. I know I know...not funny but at the same time it is. Kinda like putting your ear to a shell and hearing the ocean is it? Enquiring minds wanna know...personally thinking more about recon every day. Tucking you in with some extra pillows and ya!
    Karen is cuddled in her new afghan feeling the love. she sent me pictures to post but I can't open them...try again when you get a chance ok...I know you are getting ready for vacation so have a wonderful time if you don't get a chance to post before you go and I'll keep your wagon clean for ya.
    Liz is crocheting and collecting busy all the time. Take a break sweet lady and relax a bit. I'll send a maid or two over to take care of you for a few days so you can relax.
    Deb is cleaning still so I think I'll send her a couple of maids too...along with maybe Dr. Phil to figure out why Jasmine didn't put the new baby bed together for her sweet mom who is obviously doing wayyyy to much. Tucking you in early with earplugs so you can sleep in. I locked Evil in the basement for the night. Hugs and love to ya.
    Amy has been doing some like lots of promising things for are a doll.
    Denise made me cry today...sneaky girl you are! Happy tears...loved you!
    Jankay seems to have slipped off to bed...darn...just when I needed a laugh. Chilly night so I'll cover her with her afghan and whisper in her ear that all is well, we got her covered.
    Checking on our sweet Puppy, Mena and CY in the center as I throw more logs on the fire. Bringing them prayers, love, chocolate...whatever they need.
    Missed tucking Margaret in last night...hmmm...maybe she was out past curfew! Good night and sweet dreams to you.
    It's safe to sneak in and cover Marsha up as she sent bubba to kiss anything strong to drink? I could use the strongest you got! brb!
  • Sandra1957
    Sandra1957 Member Posts: 1,064
    edited June 2007

    Vickie-It's not sloshing anymore. It's boob farting.

  • karen1956
    karen1956 Member Posts: 4,604
    edited June 2007
    Good evening CG's

    Well I am officially on summer vacation - 7 weeks!!! Not as good as a traditional school calendar, but better than a year round job. Today was a waste of a day, but had to be at work. For some reason, time has escaped me and no time to read the posts today. Hope to catch up tomorrow and Sunday. Vickie I will try to send you the pics again before I leave Sunday night. Wishing everyone a good weekend. Need to go set the table and get ready to light Shabbat candles. Hugs, Karen in Denver
  • RobinTN
    RobinTN Member Posts: 466
    edited June 2007
    Ok gals,so maybe I'm not the martha stewart type.I am sort of....well I dont really know what type I am.I will have to think on that one.I know my butt is dragging tonite.I am so tired.Had to have a beer before I could finished.But I did get jasmine's/tesla's room cleaned and it looks wonderful.Does anyone know how to take stains out of a down comforter? It says dry clean only so I guess that is what I will have to do.SO thats 2 rooms down and to many to go.I think tomorrow I am going to do the bathrooms and start on my room.It will take 2 days to do my closet.
    I usually stay in a bad mood the whole time I clean.SO everyone does leave me alone.I still got the normal stuff to do also like laundry,running dishwasher etc.But,it sure does make me feel good when the whole house is clean.

    That is disturbing that y ou can type in a phone number and go right to that person's house.When I read something like that it is another Miracle from God that the EVIL didnt get us killed and he still very well could.

    Well am gonna run.Gonna have another beer and go to bed.While I can still crawl into it.
  • susanmcm
    susanmcm Member Posts: 699
    edited June 2007
    Yes, It's me and I AM looking for a job. Keep your fingers crossed. I just feel like I need to do this as part of my recovery. I need to have a life. Not that being queen of not so secret pals isn't a great life but it doesn't pay much!!

    I will try and catch up some tomorrow. I hope you all are doing well.

  • Sandra1957
    Sandra1957 Member Posts: 1,064
    edited June 2007
    Robin-Have you tried that dry cleaning spot remover fluid?
    Susan-Know exactly what you mean about the job thing. I prayed for a job from 8-2 so I could still run my youngest to practices and stuff, but it had to pay a certain $$ amount. Well, it fell into my lap. Start in a couple of weeks (year-round school, Karen) and am nervous as heck. I haven't worked five days a week since I was 25 and that was 25 years ago. Yikes, be careful what you ask for. I also feel like it's part of "moving on". Glad to see you.
  • newvickie
    newvickie Member Posts: 2,941
    edited June 2007
    OMG...Lini's boob is farting!!!!!!!!!ROFLMBO!!! Well excuse you and your new partners in crime! Love ya anyway!! Are they supposed to do THAT?!? came and I ended up with another boy...they are having fun on the playstation so all is well.
    Back to my rounds but I have no idea where i've been.
    Ahh...Beth hasn't been properly tucked in so off you go. Need to get rid of the infection and get off the antibiotics so you have more energy again. Tuckin you in...sleep tight, don't let the bedbugs bite.
    Susan is busy job hunting...oh my. Jobs seriously cut into board time you know! What ever will we do without you...make sure you have a computer at work with internet access...this could be considered therapy. Have your doctor write a prescription!
    Z my dear you need to move that wagon a little closer and come tell us what's up. You are a sister and sisters gotta talk once in a while you know! Hugs and sweet dreams to you.
    Iris has found her way home...the alarms weren't set tonight so I flattened the tires on her wagon...teehee...she won't be disappearing any time soon! Missed ya.
    Gotta stop and see Shirley and thank her for posting about her infusion today...had me scared as I had no idea what was going on and thought I'd missed something serious!
    Nicki is sleeping already and she thinks its cold so I'm throwing another blanket over her, giving her some earplugs, turning off the alarm and closing the blinds so she can get lots of sleep...then I'm gonna go for a dip in her pool...cold or flashes galore here!
    Sherdon is packing for her trip...little does she know I plan on being in one of those suitcases! Hope you have a grand time. Get some sleep!
    Betty is still awake and up to something. Haven't seen any pictures lately...sweet dreams dear lady.
    Here comes Lisa...there goes Lisa...she's a busy lady and tough to keep up with.
    Gonna check on Debs wagon even though she's gone...gotta make sure there were no more earthquakes shaking things around. Gee it's too quiet in her without our Deb. Onward I go.
    Peter...a little more background...we have tents that we visit every now and then. We have a pissy tent that I am going to hang out in for a good reason it's just the way I feel. We also have a spa tent if you need a relaxing time, a food tent (although I don't know who's cooking any more), a deliverance tent that we haven't used in a while LOL (it's where we put all the bad people...we get a few bad ones every now and then), a medic tent if you need extra attention and of course our drinking tent. We do most of our drinkin in the Cyber Party thread now and you should visit there if you need a laugh!
    Ok...I'm done wiped out...can't go any further and sorry to all I missed...I'm tucking you in and sending prayers to all for sweet and happy dreams. Sprinklin some stardust around for good measure.
    Love ya all
    see you in the morning
  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Member Posts: 1,233
    edited June 2007
    Vickie, I'm out to play! I've missed you too. i could use a few drinks. I've checked in over there on our thread and Janny bumped us.Hope she's still there. OK all you party animals lets get us a theme and have us a party.

    I haven't read anything here yet, I find it works best if I check in first cos it takes so long to read through.

    Jazz, Nicki, Iris, Gus, Boo, Denise all you party girls!

  • CherrylH
    CherrylH Member Posts: 189
    edited June 2007
    HI Vicki,
    I'm still here -- buried beneath all my boxes. Packing like crazy. The movers arrive 8:30 Thursday morning. I've scheduled my Dial-A-Husband Scott to come over right after work to set up my computer. Although I haven't posted recently, I have been reading. Have to keep the connections to the Circle Family. Wishing everyone a good night and a great day tomorrow.
  • sherloc
    sherloc Member Posts: 893
    edited June 2007
    Dial a Husband? how cool is that. So that means he leaves when you want him too?
    Wanna hear what my idiot manperson did today.....ROAD HIS MOTORCYCLE TO WORK!!!!
    I swear sometimes the man is a bonehead.

    Vicki, I'm sorry I scared you. Nothing new, just the same old crappy bones.

    Cheri how's your swelling?

    Gonna peek in the party room. See whose dancing naked.
  • CherrylH
    CherrylH Member Posts: 189
    edited June 2007
    They show up when you have work for them to do, then leave. How great is that?!!! No picking up or cleaning after them. I think it's perfect!!!!

  • 2up
    2up Member Posts: 944
    edited June 2007

    i have a "dial-a-husband" too!

    only thing is ............ he only leaves when it's convenient for him!!!!!!

    i think i've just adopted the "idiot manperson" phrase!!!!!! how fitting!!!!!!!

    i'm completely zonked from the graduation and birthday events around here for the last 3 days .......... nonstop teenagers, giggling, crappy music and a bazillion dollars worth of groceries lol!

    but they all had a blast and mac's friends (for the most part) are pretty good kids. i'm hitting the lounge chair tomorrow and i'm not moving till the sun goes down!

    o/t ............ my right index finger and thumb are swollen all to hell and my wrist is aching something fierce (lymph side) ........... i need to start to look for an office nursing job because my "florence nightingale" days appear to be over lol! i finally had to admit today that my job is just way too physically demanding to continue much longer. but man did that revelation get to me! makes me feel less like the "superwoman" i have tried to be for all these years.

    oh well .............. i guess i've earned the right to take it a little easier ........... i just wish i was a little less "type A", then it would be easier to accept my new limitations lol!

    g'night girls (and peter) ........... going to wrap up in my spectacular afghan (which mackenzie desperately wants for her own) and crash!

  • PeanutsGirl
    PeanutsGirl Member Posts: 115
    edited June 2007
    Good evening CG's (that's girls and guy)

    Still in VA waiting on grandbaby #2. NO news yet. DH went back home on Tuesday to hold down the fort. I'm spending lots of time with number one GS. He's a trip.

    Short story coming-be warned. They were getting ready to go to church Sunday and DD decided to drive. GS was already in his car seat(He'll be 3 in October). She tells her DH that she wants to drive, because soon she won't be able to for a while. So, from the back seat comes this voice, "I never get to drive." Cracked everyone up.

    Had Father's Day dinner with DD, her DH and GS at a nice restaurant. Don't usually get to spend that day with them, as they are so far away, 11 hours by car.

    DD is 39 weeks today, and feeling kind of miserable. GS #1 was four weeks early. He weighed over 7 pounds. That wasn't a typo.

    Tomorrow is DS#1's 29th B-day. Uncle Jack insists that the baby should be born on his birthday. We'll see. They are out with friends tonight, so I've got the house to myself with the little one asleep in his bed.

    Will try to post again, soon.

    Oh, welcome Peter, Silka, and Catherine.

    Hugs, prayers, and healing to all.

  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Member Posts: 1,233
    edited June 2007
    Good evening ladies and gent. Been over at the party thread and everyone Petered-out early. hahaha I don't like sharing my computer time with Amber. But she used to share hers so I guess it's only fair. I've been lying down more anyway. I'm still having alot of swelling but it goes right down if I spend alot of time in bed. When I lie down and bend my leg at the knee it feels like it won't bend far because of the swelling. I quit smoking so I'd heal better so I'm sure not going to do anything I'm not supposed to. I haven't put an ounce of weight on the foot that I had surgery on. I sit in a wheelchair with the leg prop straight out in front of me for the bad leg and when I have to use my walker I hop on the good so there's alot of weight going down on it but I mostly sit or lay down. My foot and toes are swelled on the good leg. I go back to Iowa though this coming thursday. I'm glad because both my knees are swollen so I'm anxious to see what he thinks. But I'm doing alright.

    Janny, thank you for the funny ecard I loved it. BTW, did you say that was you wearing "those friggin white socks with sandals"? hahahahaha It was a nice standing ovation for Vickie and I and we appreciate you taking so much teasing when you did something nice. lol You're a good sport. Right? You are a good sport aren't you? lol

    You know, I jotted down some notes. But reading back over them what it all comes down to is pretty much, 'Thank You' for one thing or another. Isn't it nice to have some place to go where we feel loved and looked after?

    I'd like to say Hey to some of you. Just the ones whose names fall between (and including) Amy to Z.

    Wishing you all a restful, peaceful nights sleep.

  • Peter
    Peter Member Posts: 297
    edited June 2007

    Post deleted by Peterj

  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Member Posts: 2,728
    edited June 2007

    Good Morning Everyone: I thought I would sleep in today, but when I woke up, the birds were singing and that was my signal to get out of bed. At least today, the house is quiet. All the animals are sleeping. Its gonna be another cool day here in the Chicago end of the circle. Cool being high 70's - so Im not really complaining. Another heat wave coming our way. High 90's and humid. I will be in the pool everyday then.

    Marsha: Once upon a time here in Chicago Rush street and Old town were the places to go. Lots of open mikes - it was fun, but Im glad those days are over.

    Jan: I loved your thought for the day. And I sure had fun picturing a harley girl riding on a motorcycle with those shoes and socks. Pretty good visual.

    Pam: Thanks for the update on Susan.

    Liz: Commercials? Now what is it that you do? Sounds like fun.

    Amy: Hot in the South. Sometimes a wind comes across Lake Michigan and cools things down a bit. But the heat is returning tomorrow. So I wil have lots of time to go swimming.

    Jankay: Good news on Parkinsons treatment. They are sure doing alot of research and hoping for a cure soon.

    CY: Salsa night at a Spa? Man oh man that does sound like fun. Just remember hats and scarves are stylish now.

    Beth: Glad you slowed down, you were making me tired.

    Denise: Im looking all over for you and cant seem to find you.

    Vickie: Yes indeed, when you made your nightly rounds I was sound asleep. Geez - Im going to bed while it still light out now.

    Susan: I think the one thing that keeps me sane is going to work everyday. Im enjoying my time off, but if I had to do this everyday I would be bonkers. We sure do miss you around here.

    Cheryl: Well I cant read what I wrote next to your name, but I do hate packing and moving. Wishing you good luck and nice weather the day of the move.

    Sherloc: Well you DH needs a knock on his boggin for riding a motorcycle so soon after surgery. What the heck was he thinking.

    Shel: You definitely need to find a new job. Staff nursing is so hard. And on a dialysis unit yet? I stopped doing bedside nursing when I turned 42. Never turned back. So good luck with finding a nice office position. Time to be nice to yourself.

    Cheri: Sure dont like the sound of your good leg swelling. Could be dependent edema, or something else. Keep the leg elevated. Also wondering if you should be wearing a compression stocking to help with the blood flow. The last thing you need now is a blood clot. Good to hear from you.

    Peter: It seems so weird for me saying good morning and good night at the same time.

    Hope you all have a wonderful day.

    BRSTN Member Posts: 165
    edited June 2007
    Good morning and evening (for Peter),

    Hope everyone has a good Saturday. I have as few errands to run this morning and then it's back to work (real work) for me. It will be that way all weekend, but This should be the end of long hours until conference week.

    I guess my little tidbit yesterday about my having to deal with the nude storyteller isn't as unusual for the rest of ya'll. No post at all to it. Believe me, it's not an everyday occurrence for me. LOL

    I doubled up on my effexor yesterday and could tell the diff. I also stopped the neuropathy meds and had a rotten night's sleep. Guess it will take my body a few days. I'm worried about what will happen when I restart arimidex in 2 weeks.

    DH is up, so I better get dressed. He has a Kiwanis meeting today. It's his first as the Lt. Gov. for the KY/TN district. He's a little nervous.

    I'll swing by later to check up on you all.


  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Member Posts: 2,728
    edited June 2007
    Good Morning Betty: Somehow the nude storyteller went right over my head! Why did you stop the neuropathy meds? Anyways, hoping you have a great day.

  • jankay
    jankay Member Posts: 789
    edited June 2007

    gm jusf up bbl meds 1st

  • beth1225
    beth1225 Member Posts: 402
    edited June 2007
    OMG, I beat Vickie and Jankay today?

    Morning Nicki and Betty and good evening Peter. I will never get the time difference straight!

    Anyway, dh started work at 7 AM today so we were up with the sun for a change. Evil ss comes over again this weekend but ds is staying home so at least they will hang out together.

    Just doing a short drop in and then going back to bed. Had terrible hot flashes that kept me up all night and I am exhausted. Wishing everyone a great day and will try to check in later!

    Here is a cute email I got from my oldest ss:
    An elderly couple, Margaret and Bert, moved to Texas. Bert always wanted a pair of authentic cowboy boots, so, seeing some on sale,he buys them and wears them home. Walking proudly, he goes into the kitchen and says to his wife, "Notice anything different about me?" Margaret
    looks him over, "Nope." Frustrated, Bert storms off into
    the bathroom, undresses, and walks back into the kitchen completely naked except for the boots. Again he asks, a little louder this time, "Notice anything different NOW?" Margaret looks up and says, "Bert, what's different?
    It's hanging down today, it was hanging down yesterday,it'll be hanging down again tomorrow." Furious, Bert yells, "AND DO YOU KNOW WHY IT'S HANGING DOWN, MARGARET?" "Nope," she replies. "IT'S HANGING DOWN BECAUSE
    Margaret replies... "Shoulda bought a hat, Bert. Ya shoulda bought a hat."
  • beth1225
    beth1225 Member Posts: 402
    edited June 2007

    Jankay, yuou snuck in while i was posting! Morning sweetie!

  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Member Posts: 2,728
    edited June 2007
    Ok - I have been playing with the internet this morning and came across this list. You must check it out. The number of men and women who have had breast cancer boggles my mind.

  • jankay
    jankay Member Posts: 789
    edited June 2007

    i hate my life

  • newvickie
    newvickie Member Posts: 2,941
    edited June 2007
    Good morning sunshine sisters! Look how many sunshine sister I have this morning...overslept just a bit and don't even care LOL! Thought I'd post our funny guy to see if I can bring Jankay a smile.
    Jankay...what's up sweethearted lady? I understand exactly what you are saying because I don't know how you do it. What can we do? Name it and it will be...sending you a hug and a prayer for the day to get brighter and happier.
    Good morning Nicki! I think I need to go to bed when you do! Going to get my thyroid checked this week and I do believe I am going to go off the Tamoxifen. I am spotting here and there, off and on and reading all the side effects and possible side effects is a bit scary. I want to switch to the Lupron shots and Arimidex. I know that my radiation oncologist (from Roswell Park Cancer Center)said that he considers Tamoxifen a dirty drug and Arimidex a clean drug...who knows.
    Good morning Beth...back to bed with you! Hot flashes all night suck! Love the joke...heehee.
    Cheryyl...well well...wondered where you had been! Have a grand weekend.
    ok...Nate wants the computer (he's been using the computer since he was three and he's actually better at it then I am), I need to fix breakfast and get a shower and start my day.
    Love ya all and I'll be back in a bit
  • jankay
    jankay Member Posts: 789
    edited June 2007
    u made me smile. then i cried.
  • marshakb
    marshakb Member Posts: 796
    edited June 2007
    Hey Betty, to be honest, nude story telling just isn't that strange in my world. Just kidding. I deal with entertainers and personalities all the time as that is what the majority of my friends are. Do you know how many times I have been mooned while on stage? Man there are some friends who just shouldn't show their butts! Lt Gov of the Kawainas (sp?) for TN/KY? I'm impressed. A bunch of us joined the Elks Lodge but only because they have a great bar. Never want to be the Exalted Ruler, too much responsibility although they do get their own parking space at the Lodge. LOL

    Jankay, sweetheart, what's going on? I am putting a funny in the snail mail to you today. I think you will like it and will bring a smile to your sweet face.

    Jan, OK OK obviously that couldn't have been you in that fashion mistake! Not with that hot hubby you've got. It's just that we Floridians are very sensitive to the "tourist look" hahahahaha. We always want to say "Aren't your feet hot in those socks?" LOL

    Good morning all, hope you have a great weekend. I am on a 2 day break from Rads, Yippee.

    Oh Beth, we always did the Atlanta Market, 4X a year. The company we worked for did Highpoint, NY and Tupelo, MS. We mainly just did Atlanta as our customer base was the south.

    Hugs all around.... Karen and Shel....enjoy your afghans!

    Puppy, where are you, how are you? Do you need Bubba back?
